/home/bes3soft/bes3soft/Boss/7.0.2/dist/7.0.2/Generator/BesEvtGen/BesEvtGen-00-03-58/user/etaphi.C File Reference

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 if ()


EvtVector4R vgamst
EvtVector4R veta
EvtVector4R vphi
EvtVector4R vkaon
 vgamst = part->getDaug(1)->getP4()
 vphi = part->getDaug(1)->getDaug(1)->getP4()
 veta = part->getDaug(1)->getDaug(0)->getP4()
 vkaon = part->getDaug(1)->getDaug(1)->getDaug(0)->getP4()
double mphi = vphi.mass()
double meta = veta.mass()
EvtComplex camps = 0

Function Documentation

if (  ) 

Definition at line 31 of file etaphi.C.

Referenced by BesGMenuBar::AddFrameBefore(), TrkMomCalculator::calcCurvAllCovsOLD(), TrkMomCalculator::calcCurvAllWeightsOLD(), ZddReconAlg::calFragEandT(), TofConverter::convert(), MdcConverter::convert(), RootCnvSvc::createAddress(), TTrackManager::determineIP(), EvtPycont::init(), KalFitAlg::kalman_fitting_csmalign(), TrkReco::mcInformation(), XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::operator==(), MdcTrackList::pickHits(), PR_scan_dir(), MdcxFindSegs::process(), ers::HumanStream::send(), MdcSegFinder::tryPatterns(), RootCnvSvc::updateServiceState(), RawDataCnvSvc::updateServiceState(), and XmlInitUnknownEncoding().

00044             {-1,0,1};

Variable Documentation


Initial value:

 (6 + 2*cos(2*(phi0 - phi1)) + 2*cos(2*theta0) - cos(2*(phi0 - phi1 + theta0)) - cos(2*(-phi0 + phi1 + theta0)))*

Definition at line 57 of file etaphi.C.

Referenced by EvtDecay::CalAmpsMax(), EvtDecay::CalAmpsMDIY(), EvtDecay::callBesEvtGen(), EvtDecay::callEvtGen(), EvtRhoPi::decay(), EvtDIY::decay(), if(), EvtMTree::parseAmps(), EvtMTree::parsenode(), and EvtXsection::setBW().

EvtComplex camps = 0

Definition at line 45 of file etaphi.C.

double meta = veta.mass()

Definition at line 30 of file etaphi.C.

Referenced by Coverage::Coverage(), EvtDalitzReso::Fvector(), lookup(), main(), soonest(), T3piEtaCrossPart::T3piEtaCrossPart(), TKKEtaCrossPart::TKKEtaCrossPart(), and TRhoEtaCrossPart::TRhoEtaCrossPart().

double mphi = vphi.mass()

Definition at line 29 of file etaphi.C.

veta = part->getDaug(1)->getDaug(0)->getP4()

Definition at line 26 of file etaphi.C.

EvtVector4R veta

Definition at line 23 of file etaphi.C.

vgamst = part->getDaug(1)->getP4()

Definition at line 24 of file etaphi.C.

EvtVector4R vgamst

Definition at line 23 of file etaphi.C.

vkaon = part->getDaug(1)->getDaug(1)->getDaug(0)->getP4()

Definition at line 27 of file etaphi.C.

EvtVector4R vkaon

Definition at line 23 of file etaphi.C.

vphi = part->getDaug(1)->getDaug(1)->getP4()

Definition at line 25 of file etaphi.C.

EvtVector4R vphi

Definition at line 23 of file etaphi.C.

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:16:03 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7