
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxFindSegs.h"
00002 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxHit.h"
00003 #include "MdcGeom/MdcDetector.h"
00004 #include "MdcTrkRecon/mdcWrapWire.h"
00005 #include "MdcGeom/BesAngle.h"
00006 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxParameters.h"
00008 using std::cout;
00009 using std::endl;
00010 using std::ostream;
00011 #include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
00012 #include "AIDA/IHistogram2D.h"
00013 extern AIDA::IHistogram1D*  g_csmax4;
00014 extern AIDA::IHistogram1D*  g_csmax3;
00016 int MdcxFindSegs::wireGroups[11][288][16] = { { {0} } };
00018 MdcxFindSegs::MdcxFindSegs(MdcDetector* g, const HepAList<MdcxHit> &hitlist, int debug){
00019   m_debug = debug;
00020   gm = g;
00021   dchitlist = hitlist;
00022   initWireGroups();
00023   process();
00024 }
00026 MdcxFindSegs::MdcxFindSegs(const HepAList<MdcxHit> &hitlist, int debug){
00027   m_debug = debug;
00028   gm = MdcDetector::instance();
00029   dchitlist = hitlist;
00030   initWireGroups();
00031   process();
00032 }
00034 MdcxFindSegs::~MdcxFindSegs() { KillList(); }
00036 void MdcxFindSegs::initWireGroups(void) {
00037   //Assure initWireGroups run only once
00038   static bool alreadyInit = false;
00039   if (alreadyInit) return;
00041   //Make wire groups
00042   int lastsl= gm->nSuper();
00043   for (int sl = 0; sl < lastsl; sl++) { // loop over superLayers
00044     const MdcLayer *layArray[4];
00045     const MdcSuperLayer* slayer = gm->SuperLayer(sl);
00046     int nslay = slayer->nLayers();
00047     for (int i = 0; i < nslay; i++) layArray[i] = slayer->layer(i);
00048     int cellMax = layArray[1]->nWires();
00049     // loop over cells
00050     for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cellMax ; cellIndex++) {
00051       int wireIndex[4]; 
00052       if (slayer->slayNum() > 4) {
00053         wireIndex[0]= cellIndex;
00054         wireIndex[1]= cellIndex+1;
00055         wireIndex[2]= cellIndex;
00056         wireIndex[3]= cellIndex+1;
00058         wireIndex[1] = mdcWrapWire(wireIndex[1], layArray[1]->nWires());
00059         wireIndex[3] = mdcWrapWire(wireIndex[3], layArray[3]->nWires());
00060       } else {
00061         wireIndex[1]= cellIndex+1; 
00062         //take No.2 wire as referenc wire
00063         double phi = layArray[1]->getWire(wireIndex[1])->phiE();
00064         for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
00065           if ( i == 1 ) continue;
00066           //change reference wire
00067           if ( i == 3 ) phi = layArray[2]->getWire(wireIndex[2])->phiE();
00068           BesAngle tmp(phi - layArray[i]->phiEPOffset());//yzhang temp
00069           if ( i==3 ) {
00070             wireIndex[i]=(tmp==0)?1:(int)ceil(layArray[i]->nWires()*tmp.rad()/twopi);
00071           }else{
00072             wireIndex[i]=(tmp==0)?-1:(int)floor(layArray[i]->nWires()*tmp.rad()/twopi);
00073           }
00074           wireIndex[i] = mdcWrapWire(wireIndex[i], layArray[i]->nWires());
00075         }
00076       }
00077       // set wireGroups
00078       int* w = wireGroups[sl][cellIndex];
00079       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
00080         for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00081           //wireGroups[sl][cellIndex][4*i+j] = wireIndex[i] + (j - 1);
00082           w[4*i+j] = mdcWrapWire((wireIndex[i]+j-1), layArray[i]->nWires());
00083         }
00084       }
00085     } //end loop cells
00086   } //end loop superLayers
00088   //Set alreadyInit flag
00089   alreadyInit = true;
00090   return;
00091 }
00093 void MdcxFindSegs::process() {
00094   //if(3 == m_debug) cout <<" Event contains "<<dchitlist.length()<<" MdcxHit "<<endl;
00095   // for last super layer use 44
00096   int lflag[44][288] = { {0} };
00097   int pflag[44][288] = { {0} };
00098   int ix,iy,iyp,iyn,cellMax;
00100   //yzhang 2009-10-20 do not use poison
00101   int ipoison=0;
00102   //number of last layer
00103   int lastlay= gm->nLayer();
00105   // tag hit's lfalg
00106   int k=0; 
00107   while(dchitlist[k]){
00108     MdcxHit* temp = dchitlist[k]; 
00109     k++; 
00110     lflag[temp->Layer()][temp->WireNo()]=k;
00111   }
00113   // try poisoning
00114   if (ipoison){
00115     for (ix=0; ix<lastlay; ix++){
00116       cellMax = gm->Layer(ix)->nWires();
00117       // if have hits in left and right , poison this cell
00118       for (iy=0; iy<cellMax; iy++){
00119         iyp=iy+1; if (iyp == cellMax)iyp=0; 
00120         iyn=iy-1; if (iyn == -1)iyn=cellMax-1;
00121         if ((lflag[ix][iyp] != 0) && (lflag[ix][iyn] != 0)) {
00122           pflag[ix][iy] = 1;
00123           lflag[ix][iy] = 0;
00124           //g_poison->fill(ix,iy);
00125         }
00126       }
00127       //for (iy=0; iy<cellMax; iy++) {if (pflag[ix][iy] != 0) lflag[ix][iy] = 0;}
00128     }
00129   }  //FIXME (optimize ???)
00131   float csmax_4 = MdcxParameters::csmax4;
00132   float csmax_3 = MdcxParameters::csmax3;
00133   int lastsl= gm->nSuper();//lastSLayNum;
00135   // loop superlayer
00136   for (sl = 0; sl < lastsl; sl++) {
00137     int fsl=4*sl;
00138     int l0=fsl, l1=fsl+1, l2=fsl+2, l3=fsl+3; 
00139     int iprt = 0; 
00140     //initialize superlayer pointer in layArray[]
00141     const MdcLayer *layArray[4];
00142     const MdcSuperLayer* slayer = gm->SuperLayer(sl);
00143     int nslay = slayer->nLayers();
00144     for (int i = 0; i < nslay; i++) layArray[i] = slayer->layer(i);
00145     if(3 == m_debug){
00146       cout<<"slayer No.  "<<slayer->index()<<endl;//yzhang debug
00147     }
00148     //reference point (2,1)
00149     cellMax = layArray[1]->nWires();
00151     // loop over cells
00152     for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<cellMax ; cellIndex++) {
00153       int* w = wireGroups[sl][cellIndex];
00154       unsigned int sig_mark = 0;
00155       for (int ilayer = l0; ilayer <= l3; ilayer++) {
00156         for (int iwire = 3; iwire >= 0; iwire--) {
00157           if (lflag[ilayer][w[4*(ilayer-l0)+iwire]]) {
00158             sig_mark |= 0x1;
00159           }
00160           sig_mark <<= 1;
00161         }
00162       }
00163       sig_mark >>= 1;
00165       int goodSegNo = 0;
00166       int nPat = m_segPat.patt4_size;
00167       int iPat = (sig_mark & 0x0200) ? 0 : 11;
00168       for ( ; iPat < nPat; iPat++) {
00169         int pat = m_segPat.patt4[iPat];
00170         if ((pat & sig_mark) == pat) {
00171           if(3 == m_debug) {
00172             cout<< "pat " << std::hex << pat << std::dec << "  with wire";
00173             for (int tmpi = 0; tmpi < 4; tmpi++) {
00174               cout<<"("<<l0+tmpi<<","<<w[4*tmpi+m_segPat.wirePat4[iPat][tmpi]-1]<<")";
00175             }
00176             cout << endl;
00177           }
00178           int w0 = lflag[l0][w[0 +m_segPat.wirePat4[iPat][0]-1]] - 1;
00179           int w1 = lflag[l1][w[4 +m_segPat.wirePat4[iPat][1]-1]] - 1;
00180           int w2 = lflag[l2][w[8 +m_segPat.wirePat4[iPat][2]-1]] - 1;
00181           int w3 = lflag[l3][w[12+m_segPat.wirePat4[iPat][3]-1]] - 1;
00182           int tw[4] = {w0, w1, w2, w3};
00184           int namb = m_segPat.ambPat4_size[iPat];
00185           for (int iamb = 0; iamb < namb; iamb++) {
00186             int amb = m_segPat.ambigPatt4[iPat][iamb];
00187             fithel = trial(w0, w1, w2, w3, amb);
00188             if(3 == m_debug){
00189               cout<<"chisq "<<fithel.Chisq()
00190                 <<" <? csmax4 "<<csmax_4<<  endl;
00191               if (fithel.Chisq() < csmax_4) {
00192                 cout<<"Accept this seg"<<endl;
00193               }else{
00194                 cout<<"DROP this seg"<<endl;
00195               }
00196             }
00197             if(g_csmax4) g_csmax4->fill(fithel.Chisq());
00198             if (fithel.Chisq() < csmax_4) {
00199               if (iprt) printseg(fithel, pat,amb);
00200               appendseg(fithel, pat, amb);
00201               goodSegNo++;
00202             }
00203           }
00204         }
00205       }
00206       if (goodSegNo != 0) continue;
00207       nPat = m_segPat.patt3_size;
00208       iPat = (sig_mark & 0x0200) ? 0 : 14;
00209       for ( ; iPat < nPat; iPat++) {
00210         if (iPat > nPat-3) {
00211           if ((iPat == nPat-2) && (sig_mark&0x2121 == 0x2121)) continue;
00212           if ((iPat == nPat-1) && (sig_mark&0x2122 == 0x2122)) continue;
00213         }
00214         int pat = m_segPat.patt3[iPat];
00215         if ((pat & sig_mark) == pat) {
00216           if(3 == m_debug) {
00217             cout<<"MdcxFindSegs: in pat "<<std::hex<<pat<<std::dec<<" with wire";
00218             for (int tmpi = 0; tmpi < 4; tmpi++) {
00219               if (m_segPat.wirePat3[iPat][tmpi] == 0) continue;
00220               cout<< " (" << l0+tmpi << "," << w[4*tmpi+m_segPat.wirePat3[iPat][tmpi]-1] << ")";
00221             }
00222             cout<< endl;
00223           }
00224           int wn[3];
00225           for (int iw = 0, iwp = 0; iwp < 4; iwp++) {
00226             int wireNo = m_segPat.wirePat3[iPat][iwp];
00227             if( wireNo == 0 ) continue;
00228             wn[iw++] = lflag[l0+iwp][w[4*iwp+wireNo-1]] - 1;
00229           }
00231           int namb = m_segPat.ambPat3_size[iPat];
00232           for (int iamb = 0; iamb < namb; iamb++) {
00233             int amb = m_segPat.ambigPatt3[iPat][iamb];
00234             fithel = trial(wn[0], wn[1], wn[2], amb);//FIXME
00235             if(3 == m_debug){
00236               cout<<"chisq "<<fithel.Chisq()
00237                 <<" <? csmax3 "<<csmax_3<<  endl;
00238               if (fithel.Chisq() < csmax_3) {
00239                 cout<<"Accept this seg"<<endl;
00240               }else{
00241                 cout<<"DROP this seg"<<endl;
00242               }
00243             }
00244             if(g_csmax3) g_csmax3->fill(fithel.Chisq());
00245             if (fithel.Chisq() < csmax_3) {
00246               if (iprt) printseg(fithel, pat, amb);
00247               appendseg(fithel, pat ,amb);
00248             }
00249           }
00250         }
00251       }//end of nPat3
00252     }
00253   }
00255   if(3 == m_debug){
00256     cout << "MdcxFindSegs found " << MdcxSeglist.length() << " segs" << endl;
00257   }
00258   return;
00259 }
00261 void MdcxFindSegs::print(ostream &o, int pmax)const {
00262   int mcheck=pmax; if (MdcxSeglist.length() < pmax)mcheck=MdcxSeglist.length();
00263   o << " First " << mcheck << " Drift Chamber Segs:" << endl;
00264   for(int i=0; i<mcheck; i++){
00265     o << " Superlayer # " << MdcxSeglist[i]->SuperLayer();
00266     o << " # of hits " << MdcxSeglist[i]->Nhits() << endl;
00267   } 
00268 } // end of print
00270 MdcxFittedHel MdcxFindSegs::trial(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int amb) {
00271   HepAList<MdcxHit> seg;
00272   MdcxHit* t1 = dchitlist[i1]; MdcxHit* t2 = dchitlist[i2];  
00273   MdcxHit* t3 = dchitlist[i3]; MdcxHit* t4 = dchitlist[i4];  
00274   seg.append(t1); seg.append(t2); seg.append(t3); seg.append(t4); 
00275   double dx, dy, d0; 
00276   if (amb==0){dx=t4->xneg()-t1->xneg(); dy=t4->yneg()-t1->yneg(); d0=-t1->d();}
00277   if (amb==1){dx=t4->xneg()-t1->xpos(); dy=t4->yneg()-t1->ypos(); d0= t1->d();}
00278   if (amb==2){dx=t4->xpos()-t1->xneg(); dy=t4->ypos()-t1->yneg(); d0=-t1->d();}
00279   if (amb==3){dx=t4->xpos()-t1->xpos(); dy=t4->ypos()-t1->ypos(); d0= t1->d();}
00280   double phi0 = atan2(dy,dx); dx=t1->x(); dy=t1->y(); 
00281   MdcxHel hel(d0,phi0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,111,0,dx,dy);
00282   hel.SetTurnFlag(1);
00283   MdcxFittedHel temp(seg, hel, 1.0);
00284   if (3 == m_debug) {
00285     cout<<"trial4 amb "<<amb
00286       << ": phi0 " << phi0 << " d0 " << d0 
00287       << " dx " << dx << " dy " << dy << endl;
00288     //temp.FitPrint();
00289   }
00290   return temp;
00291 }
00293 MdcxFittedHel MdcxFindSegs::trial(int i1, int i2, int i3, int amb) {
00294   HepAList<MdcxHit> seg;
00295   MdcxHit* t1 = dchitlist[i1];
00296   MdcxHit* t2 = dchitlist[i2];
00297   MdcxHit* t3 = dchitlist[i3];
00298   seg.append(t1); seg.append(t2); seg.append(t3);
00299   double dx,dy,d0; 
00300   if (amb==0){dx=t3->xneg()-t1->xneg(); dy=t3->yneg()-t1->yneg(); d0=-t1->d();}
00301   if (amb==1){dx=t3->xneg()-t1->xpos(); dy=t3->yneg()-t1->ypos(); d0= t1->d();}
00302   if (amb==2){dx=t3->xpos()-t1->xneg(); dy=t3->ypos()-t1->yneg(); d0=-t1->d();}
00303   if (amb==3){dx=t3->xpos()-t1->xpos(); dy=t3->ypos()-t1->ypos(); d0= t1->d();}
00305   double phi0 = atan2(dy,dx); dx=t1->x(); dy=t1->y(); 
00306   MdcxHel hel(d0,phi0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,111,0,dx,dy);
00307   hel.SetTurnFlag(1);
00308   MdcxFittedHel temp(seg,hel,1.0);
00310   if (3 == m_debug) {
00311     cout<<"trial3 amb "<<amb
00312       << ": phi0 " << phi0 << " d0 " << d0 
00313       << " dx " << dx << " dy " << dy << endl;
00314   }
00315   return temp;
00316 }
00318 void MdcxFindSegs::appendseg(MdcxFittedHel& fithel,int pat,int amb){
00319   MdcxSeg *tempseg = new MdcxSeg(fithel, pat, amb);
00320   MdcxSeglist.append(tempseg);
00321 }
00323 void MdcxFindSegs::printseg(MdcxFittedHel& fithel, int pat, int amb, int subtry){
00324   cout << "Seg: pat " << pat << " amb " << amb << " subtry " << subtry 
00325     << " sl " << sl  << " fail "
00326     << fithel.Fail() << " chi2 " << fithel.Chisq() << endl;
00327 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:13:37 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7