
Go to the documentation of this file.
00025 #include "calibUtil/Metadata.h"
00026 #include "Coverage.h"
00027 #include <iostream>
00028 #include <cstdio>
00030 #include "string.h"
00034 void printHelp() {
00035   std::cout << "Invoke as follows: " << std::endl;
00036   std::cout << "calibCoverage  calibtype instrument flavor level start db" 
00037             << std::endl;
00038   std::cout << "All arguments but the first are optional.  Defaults are: " << std::endl;
00039   std::cout << "instrument = 'LAT'" << std::endl;
00040   std::cout << "flavor = 'vanilla'" << std::endl;
00041   std::cout << "level = 'PROD'" << std::endl;
00042   std::cout << "start = '1970-1-1 00:00'" << std::endl;
00043   std::cout << "db = 'calib'" << std::endl;
00044 }
00047 namespace rdbModel {
00048   class Rdb;
00049   class Connection;
00050 }
00052 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
00054   using calibUtil::Metadata;
00055   using facilities::Timestamp;
00057   if (argc < 2) {
00058     printHelp();
00059     exit(0);
00060   }
00063   //  rdbModel::MysqlConnection* conn = new rdbModel::MysqlConnection();
00064   // First do read connection to db, see if xml schema is compatible with db
00065   // Then use it to check other arguments
00066   std::string dbname = "calib";   // the default
00067   // Gives us whatever is in requirements for host and table
00068   std::string defValue = "*"; 
00070   if (argc > 6) {
00071     if ((argv[6]) != "*") dbname = std::string(argv[6]);
00072   }
00073   Metadata*  meta = new Metadata(defValue, defValue, dbname);
00075   if (!meta) {
00076     std::cerr << "Unable to construct calibUtil::Metadata object "<< std::endl;
00077     std::cerr.flush();
00078     exit(1);
00079   }
00080   Metadata::eRet  ret;
00081   bool ok = meta->connectRead(ret);
00083   if (!ok) {
00084     std::cerr << "Connection to metadata dbs failed with return code "
00085               << ret << std::endl;
00086     std::cerr.flush();
00087     exit(1);
00088   }
00089   rdbModel::Rdb* rdb = meta->getRdb();
00091   std::string instr("LAT");
00092   std::string flavor("vanilla");
00093   std::string level("PROD");
00095   Timestamp ts;
00096   // Sort out instr, flavor, level, ts arguments.  Update local
00097   // variables if values other than defaults supplied
00098   if (argc > 2) {
00099     if (!strcmp(argv[2], "*")) instr = std::string(argv[2]);
00100     if (argc > 3) {
00101       if (!strcmp(argv[3], "*")) flavor = std::string(argv[3]);
00102       if (argc > 4) {
00103         if (!strcmp(argv[4], "*")) level = std::string(argv[4]);
00104       }
00105     }
00106   }
00107   if (argc > 5) {
00108     try {
00109       ts = Timestamp(std::string(argv[5]));
00110     }
00111     catch (facilities::BadTimeInput  ex) {
00112       std::cerr << "Caught facilities::BadTimeInput exception with complaint "
00113                 << ex.complaint << std::endl << "Exiting..." << std::endl;
00114       std::cerr.flush();
00115       exit(1);
00116     }
00117   }
00118   else ts = Timestamp(0,0); 
00120   // Check instrument, level against standard list;
00121   //  put out warning (but don't exit) if not found
00122   if (rdb) {
00123     rdbModel::StringVector cols;
00124     rdbModel::StringVector vals;
00125     cols.reserve(2);
00126     vals.reserve(2);
00128     cols.push_back(std::string("instrument"));
00129     vals.push_back(instr);
00130     cols.push_back(std::string("proc_level"));
00131     vals.push_back(level);
00132     if (!(meta->checkValues(cols, vals))) {
00133       std::cout << "Non-standard value for instrument or level. " << std::endl;
00134       std::cout << "Supplied values were " << instr <<", " << level 
00135                 << ", respectively." << std::endl;
00136     }
00137   }
00139   Coverage cov(meta, instr, flavor, level, ts);
00140   // If calibtype arg is a class, generate list
00142   std::vector<std::string> calibTypes;
00144   // Following fails only if arg was a calibration class (TKR, CAL or *  
00145   // meaning "all" and we don't have a schema.
00146   // ..except for now we haven't implemented classes at all.
00147   std::string arg1(argv[1]);
00148   bool expanded = cov.expandTypes(arg1, calibTypes);
00149   if (!expanded) {
00150     exit(1);
00151   }
00152   // For each calibtype, do the work
00153   for (unsigned i = 0; i < calibTypes.size(); i++) {
00154     unsigned ret = cov.checkType(calibTypes[i]);
00155     if (ret > 0) {
00156       std::cerr << "Type " << calibTypes[i] << " failed with return code "
00157                 << ret << std::endl;
00158     }
00159     else {
00160       std::cout << "Type " << calibTypes[i] << " ok in metadata database "
00161                 << std::endl;
00162     }
00163   }
00164   return 0;
00165 }

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