
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Header: /bes/bes/BossCvs/Calibration/calibUtil/src/dbIntegrity/Coverage.cxx,v 2005/10/17 06:12:26 maqm Exp $
00009 #include <iostream>
00010 #include <cstdio>
00011 #include "Coverage.h"
00012 #include "facilities/Util.h"
00013 #include "calibUtil/Metadata.h"
00014 #include "rdbModel/Management/Manager.h"
00015 #include "rdbModel/Management/XercesBuilder.h"
00017 #include "rdbModel/Db/MysqlConnection.h"
00018 #include "rdbModel/Db/MysqlResults.h"
00019 #include "rdbModel/Rdb.h"
00020 #include "rdbModel/RdbException.h"
00021 #include "rdbModel/Tables/Assertion.h"
00022 #include "rdbModel/Tables/Table.h"
00023 #include "rdbModel/Tables/Column.h"
00025 class SelectInfo {
00026 public:
00027   SelectInfo(int ser, const facilities::Timestamp& start, 
00028              const facilities::Timestamp& end) : m_ser(ser)
00029   {
00030     using facilities::Timestamp;
00031     m_vstart = Timestamp(start.getClibTime());
00032     m_vend = Timestamp(end.getClibTime());
00033   }
00034   int m_ser;
00035   facilities::Timestamp m_vstart;
00036   facilities::Timestamp m_vend;
00037 };
00039 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SelectInfo& info) {
00040   out << "Serial #" << info.m_ser << " validitiy interval [" 
00041       << info.m_vstart.getString() << ", " << info.m_vend.getString() << "]" 
00042       << std::endl;
00043   return out;
00044 }
00046 Coverage::Coverage(calibUtil::Metadata* meta,
00047                    const std::string& instr, const std::string& flavor, 
00048                    const std::string& level, const facilities::Timestamp& ts) 
00049   : m_instr(instr), m_flavor(flavor), m_level(level), m_overlap(300) {
00050   m_ts = facilities::Timestamp(ts.getClibTime());
00051   m_selects.reserve(3);
00052   m_selects.push_back("ser_no");
00053   m_selects.push_back("vstart");
00054   m_selects.push_back("vend");
00056   m_orderBy.reserve(1);
00057   m_orderBy.push_back("vstart asc");
00059   m_rdb = meta->getRdb();
00060   m_conn = meta->getReadConnection();
00061   m_table = meta->getTable();
00062 }
00066 // Implement wildcards later
00067 bool Coverage::expandTypes(std::string& nickname, 
00068                            std::vector<std::string>& types) {
00069   if ((nickname == "CAL") ||
00070       (nickname == "TKR") ||
00071       (nickname == "*")  ) {
00072     if (!m_rdb) {
00073     std::cerr << "Unable to expand wildcard argument " << nickname 
00074               << " without schema for metadata dbs " << std::endl;
00075     }
00076     else {
00077       std::cerr << 
00078         "Wildcard expansion of calib_type argument not yet supported";
00079       std::cerr << std::endl << "Have a nice day" << std::endl;
00080     }
00081     std::cerr.flush();
00082     exit(1);
00083   }
00084   types.push_back(nickname);
00085   return true;
00086 }
00088  unsigned Coverage::checkType(std::string calibtype) {
00089    using namespace rdbModel;
00090    using facilities::Timestamp;
00091    // Make a query to find all rows matching criteria, ordered ascending
00092    // by vstart
00093    //    match calib_type, flavor, instrument, proc_level
00094    //    completion = "OK"
00095    //    vstart >= ts
00096    // Ask for return of ser_no, vstart, vend
00098    std::vector<Assertion::Operator *> conditions;
00099    conditions.reserve(6);
00101    Assertion::Operator completeOp(OPTYPEequal, "completion", "OK",
00102                                   FIELDTYPEold, FIELDTYPElit);
00103    //                                  false, true);
00104    Assertion::Operator instOp(OPTYPEequal, "instrument", m_instr, 
00105                               FIELDTYPEold, FIELDTYPElit);
00106                               // false, true);
00107    Assertion::Operator calibTypeOp(OPTYPEequal, "calib_type", calibtype,
00108                                   FIELDTYPEold, FIELDTYPElit);
00109                                    //                  false, true);
00110    Assertion::Operator flavorOp(OPTYPEequal, "flavor", m_flavor, 
00111                                   FIELDTYPEold, FIELDTYPElit);
00112    //    false, true);
00113    Assertion::Operator levelOp(OPTYPEequal, "proc_level", m_level, 
00114                                   FIELDTYPEold, FIELDTYPElit);
00115    //                        false, true);
00116    Assertion::Operator vstartOp(OPTYPElessThan, m_ts.getString(), 
00117                                 "vstart", 
00118                                 FIELDTYPElit, FIELDTYPEold);
00119                                 //  true, false);
00120    conditions.push_back(&calibTypeOp);
00121    conditions.push_back(&instOp);
00122    conditions.push_back(&flavorOp);
00123    conditions.push_back(&levelOp);
00124    conditions.push_back(&vstartOp);
00125    conditions.push_back(&completeOp);
00126    Assertion::Operator* andOp = new Assertion::Operator(OPTYPEand, conditions);
00127    Assertion* whereClause = new Assertion(andOp);
00129    ResultHandle* results = 0;
00131    try {               // make the query
00132      results = m_conn->select(m_table, m_selects, m_orderBy, whereClause);
00133    }
00134    catch (RdbException ex) {
00135      std::cerr << ex.getMsg() << std::endl;
00136      std::cerr.flush();            // exit(1);
00137      return false;
00138    }
00140    if (!results) {   // Error. Should have ResultHandle even if 0 rows.
00141      std::cerr << "Error making query " << std::endl;
00142      std::cerr.flush();
00143      exit(1);
00144    }
00146    // Save returned values
00147    std::vector<SelectInfo> info;
00148    unsigned nFound = results->getNRows();
00150    if (!nFound) {
00151      std::cout << "No calibrations found for calib_type '" << calibtype
00152                << "'" << std::endl;
00153      return true;
00154    }
00156    info.reserve(results->getNRows() );
00158    unsigned iRow = 0;
00159    std::vector<std::string> fields;
00160    fields.reserve(3);
00162    bool ok = true;
00163    unsigned retCode = 0;
00165    // 1. For each row store columnes; check if vstart <  vend
00166    std::cout << std::endl 
00167              << "Checking for valid timestamps, vstart < vend .. " 
00168              << std::endl;
00169    for (iRow = 0; iRow < nFound; iRow++) {
00170      results->getRow(fields, iRow);
00171      int ser = facilities::Util::stringToInt(fields[0]);
00172      try {
00173        Timestamp vstart = Timestamp(fields[1]);
00174        Timestamp vend = Timestamp(fields[2]);
00175        info.push_back(SelectInfo(ser, vstart, vend));
00177        if (vend.getClibTime() < vstart.getClibTime() ) {
00178          std::cerr << "vend < vstart for " << info.back();
00179          ok = false;  // or could discard the row and try to continue
00180          retCode = 1;
00181        }
00182      }
00183      catch (facilities::BadTimeInput    ex) {
00184        std::cerr << "Bad vstart or vend in row " << ser << std::endl;
00185        ok = false;
00186        retCode = 1;
00187      }
00189    }
00190    if (!ok) return retCode;
00192    // 2. Check if vend's also increase monotonically
00193    std::cout << std::endl << "Checking for vends monotonic.. " << std::endl;
00194    for (iRow = 0; iRow < nFound - 1; iRow++) {
00195      if (info[iRow].m_vend.getClibTime() > info[iRow+1].m_vend.getClibTime()) {
00196        std::cerr << "Validity interval for row with serial #" 
00197                  << info[iRow+1].m_ser 
00198                  << " completely contained in interval for row with serial #" 
00199                  << info[iRow].m_ser << std::endl;
00200        std::cerr << info[iRow];
00201        std::cerr << info[iRow+1] << std::endl;
00202        ok = false;
00203        retCode = 2;
00204      }
00205    }
00206    if (!ok) return retCode;
00208    // 3. Look for gaps
00209    std::cout << std::endl << "Checking for gaps.. " << std::endl;
00210    for (iRow = 0; iRow < nFound - 1; iRow++) {
00211      if (info[iRow].m_vend < info[iRow+1].m_vstart) {
00212        std::cerr << "Validity interval gap between calibrations with serial #" 
00213                  << info[iRow].m_ser << " and #" << info[iRow+1].m_ser 
00214                  << std::endl;
00215        std::cerr << info[iRow];
00216        std::cerr << info[iRow+1] << std::endl;
00217        ok = false;
00218        retCode = 3;
00219      }
00220    }
00221    // 4. Look for overlaps
00222    std::cout << std::endl << "Checking for overlaps.. " << std::endl;
00223    for (iRow = 0; iRow < nFound - 1; iRow++) {
00224      if ((info[iRow].m_vend).getClibTime() > 
00225          (info[iRow+1].m_vstart).getClibTime() + m_overlap) {
00226        std::cerr << "Unacceptable overlap between serial #" << info[iRow].m_ser
00227                  << " and #" << info[iRow+1].m_ser << std::endl;
00228        std::cerr << info[iRow];
00229        std::cerr << info[iRow+1] << std::endl;
00230        ok = false;
00231        if (!retCode) retCode = 4;
00232      }
00233    }
00234    return retCode;
00236  }

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