dbupdate Namespace Reference


def hexify
def md5sum
def CheckDirectory
def IsLocked
def GetTimestamp
def SelectDbForUpdate
def DownloadDb
def main


string HOST = "http://docbes3.ihep.ac.cn/db/"
int BLOCKSIZE = 1024
string gzsuffix = ".gz"
string tmpsuffix = ".tmp"

Function Documentation

def dbupdate::hexify (   s  ) 

Definition at line 16 of file dbupdate.py.

00016              :
00017     return ("%02x"*len(s)) % tuple(map(ord, s))
def md5sum(path):

def dbupdate::md5sum (   path  ) 

Definition at line 19 of file dbupdate.py.

00019                 :
00020         sumstring = ''
00021         try:
00022                 f = open(path,'rb')
00023                 try:
00024                         import hashlib
00025                         sum = hashlib.md5()
00026                 except ImportError:
00027                         # for Python << 2.5
00028                         import md5
00029                         sum = md5.new()
00031                 while 1:
00032                         block = f.read(BLOCKSIZE)
00033                         if not block:
00034                                 break
00035                         sum.update(block)
00036                 sumstring = hexify(sum.digest())
00037                 f.close()
00038         except:
00039                 print "Error computing md5checksum of ["+path+"]."
00041         return sumstring
def CheckDirectory(destdir):

def dbupdate::CheckDirectory (   destdir  ) 

Definition at line 44 of file dbupdate.py.

00044                            :
00045     if(not os.path.exists(destdir)):
00046         os.mkdir(destdir)
00048     if (os.path.exists(destdir) and not os.path.isdir(destdir)):
00049         print destdir+" exists, and it is not a directory!"
00050         return False
00052     if (not os.access(destdir,os.F_OK and os.W_OK and os.X_OK)):
00053         print destdir + " is not writeable"
00055     os.chdir(destdir)
00056     return True
def IsLocked():

def dbupdate::IsLocked (  ) 

Definition at line 58 of file dbupdate.py.

00058               :
00059     try:
00060      urllib2.urlopen(HOST+"/LOCK")
00061      return True
00062     except urllib2.URLError,e:
00063      msg = "Can't access server "+HOST
00064      if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
00065      #some common e.reason values:
00066      #       (-2, 'Name or service not known')
00067      #       (113, 'No route to host')
00068         try: msg += ": [%s]" % e.reason[1]
00069         except IndexError: pass
00070      if hasattr(e, 'code') and hasattr(e, 'msg'):
00071      #in this case e is HTTPError, a subclass of URLError)
00072      #some common *e.code, e.msg) values:
00073      #       (404, 'Not Found')
00074      #       (403, 'Forbidden')
00075      #       (500, 'Internal Server Error')
00076         if(e.code==404): return False;
00077         msg += ": HTTP error [%s, %s]" % (e.code, e.msg)
00078         msg += "."
00079      print msg
00080      exit(-1)
def GetTimestamp():

def dbupdate::GetTimestamp (  ) 

Definition at line 82 of file dbupdate.py.

00082                   :
00083     Files={}
00084     try:
00085      opener = urllib2.build_opener()
00086      sock = opener.open(HOST+"/db.timestamp")
00087      text = sock.read()
00088      sock.close()
00089      lines=text.splitlines()
00090     except urllib2.URLError,e:
00091      msg = "Can't access server "+HOST
00092      if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
00093      #some common e.reason values:
00094      #       (-2, 'Name or service not known')
00095      #       (113, 'No route to host')
00096         try: msg += ": [%s]" % e.reason[1]
00097         except IndexError: pass
00098      if hasattr(e, 'code') and hasattr(e, 'msg'):
00099      #in this case e is HTTPError, a subclass of URLError)
00100      #some common *e.code, e.msg) values:
00101      #       (404, 'Not Found')
00102      #       (403, 'Forbidden')
00103      #       (500, 'Internal Server Error')
00104         msg += ": HTTP error [%s, %s]" % (e.code, e.msg)
00105      print msg
00106      exit(-1)
00107     except:
00108      print "Could not retrieve timestamp"
00109      exit(-1)
00110     timestamp=int(lines[0])
00111     for line in lines[1:]:
00112       temp1,temp2 = line.split()
00113       Files[temp2]=temp1
00114     return timestamp,Files
def SelectDbForUpdate(timestamp,Files):

def dbupdate::SelectDbForUpdate (   timestamp,

Definition at line 116 of file dbupdate.py.

00116                                       :
00117     LoadList = []
00119     if(os.path.exists("db.timestamp")):
00120       ts = open("db.timestamp")
00121       lines = ts.readlines();
00122       ts.close()
00124       if(not lines[0].strip().isdigit()):
00125         print "File db.timestamp is broken. Re-installing everything from scratch."
00126         try: os.unlink("db.timestamp")
00127         except: pass
00128         for fname in Files.keys():
00129          LoadList.append(fname)
00130         return LoadList
00132       cur_timestamp = int(lines[0])
00134       if( cur_timestamp == timestamp ):
00135        print "Warning: current database is up-to-date. Do nothing."
00136        return LoadList
00137       elif( cur_timestamp >= timestamp ):
00138        print "Warning! Please check: current database is NEWER than the remote replica. Do nothing."
00139        return LoadList
00141       for fname in Files.keys():
00142         if(not os.path.exists(fname)):
00143           print "Warning: " + fname + " is lost"
00144           LoadList.append(fname)
00145         else:
00146           chksum = md5sum(fname)
00147           if(not Files[fname] == chksum):
00148              print "Checksum of "+fname+" is different"
00149              LoadList.append(fname)
00150     else:
00151       print "No db.timestamp is present. Considering fresh installation."
00152       for fname in Files.keys():
00153          LoadList.append(fname)
00154     return LoadList
def DownloadDb(dbname):

def dbupdate::DownloadDb (   dbname  ) 

Definition at line 157 of file dbupdate.py.

00157                       :
00158     tmpdbname = dbname+tmpsuffix+gzsuffix
00159     remotedbname = dbname+gzsuffix
00160     if( os.path.exists(tmpdbname)):
00161       os.unlink(tmpdbname)
00163     try:
00164        # check lock
00165        for i in range(10):
00166         if(IsLocked()):
00167           var=""
00168           if(i>0): var="\r"
00169           sys.stdout.write(var+"Lock file found. It looks like server replica is being updated. Sleeping for "+str(i+1)+" min")
00170           sys.stdout.flush()
00171           time.sleep(1)
00172         elif (i>0):
00173           print "\nThe lock was removed"
00174           break
00175         else:
00176           break
00177        if(i==9):
00178           print "\nTimeout: 10 min waiting to unlock the server. Please try again later, or complain."
00179           exit(-1)
00181        ret = os.system("wget "+HOST+"/"+remotedbname+" -O "+tmpdbname)
00182     except os.error,e:
00183        print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
00184        try:os.unlink(tmpdbname)
00185        except: pass
00186        return ""
00187     except:
00188        print "Unable download file "+remotedbname
00189        try: os.unlink(tmpdbname)
00190        except: pass
00191        exit(-1)
00193     if(ret != 0 or not os.path.exists(tmpdbname) or os.path.getsize(tmpdbname)==0):
00194        print "Unable download database "+tmpdbname
00195        if(os.path.exists(tmpdbname)):
00196          os.unlink(tmpdbname)
00197        return ""
00199     ret = os.system("gunzip -f "+tmpdbname)
00200     if(not ret == 0):
00201        print "Unable to uncompress file "+tmpdbname
00202        return ""
00204     return dbname+tmpsuffix
def main(argv):

def dbupdate::main (   argv  ) 

Definition at line 206 of file dbupdate.py.

00206               :
00207     argc=len(argv)
00208     destdir=""
00209     if(argc==2):
00210        destdir=argv[1]
00211     elif(argc>2):
00212        print "Usage: dbupdate.py [LOCAL_DB_DIR]"
00213        exit(0)
00215     if(destdir==""):
00216       var = os.getenv("SITEROOT")
00217       if(var <> None):
00218         destdir=os.path.join(var,"database")
00220     if(destdir==""):
00221       print "Destination directory neither given explicitly, nor can be derived from $BesArea. Use local directory."
00222       destdir="./"
00224     print "Install/update databases in the directory "+destdir
00226 # Check wget is in the PATH
00227     if(os.system("wget &> /dev/null")==32512):
00228       print "Unable to find wget. Please install it first"
00229       exit(-1);
00231 # Change directory to destdir and check if it is writable
00232     if(not CheckDirectory(destdir)):
00233       exit(-1)
00235 # Get timestamp and checksums
00236     timestamp,Files = GetTimestamp()
00238 # Check if db files are already loaded, and if they should be updated
00239     ListToLoad = SelectDbForUpdate(timestamp,Files)
00241     if(len(ListToLoad)>0):
00242        print "Going to download files: ", ListToLoad
00244        # Download databases to temporary files
00245        ListDone = []
00246        for db in ListToLoad:
00247          fname=DownloadDb(db)
00248          if(not fname == ""):
00249            ListDone.append(fname)
00251        # Check size and md5sum and rename temporary db to production db
00252        for tmpdbname in ListDone:
00253           chksum = md5sum(tmpdbname)
00254           dbname = tmpdbname.replace(tmpsuffix,"")
00255           if(chksum == Files[dbname]):
00256              os.rename(tmpdbname,dbname)
00257              print "Update database "+dbname
00258           else:
00259              print "Error: MD5 checksum is wrong for file "+tmpdbname
00261        # Update timestamp
00262        f=open("db.timestamp","w")
00263        f.truncate()
00264        f.write(str(timestamp)+"\n")
00265        for db in Files.keys():
00266          f.write(Files[db]+" "+db+"\n")
00267        f.close()
00269 # Exit
00270 #    exit(0)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Variable Documentation

string dbupdate::HOST = "http://docbes3.ihep.ac.cn/db/" [static]

Definition at line 11 of file dbupdate.py.

int dbupdate::BLOCKSIZE = 1024 [static]

Definition at line 12 of file dbupdate.py.

string dbupdate::gzsuffix = ".gz" [static]

Definition at line 13 of file dbupdate.py.

string dbupdate::tmpsuffix = ".tmp" [static]

Definition at line 14 of file dbupdate.py.

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:36:25 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7