/home/bes3soft/bes3soft/Boss/7.0.2/dist/7.0.2/Tof/TofSimSvc/TofSimSvc-00-00-04/test/convert2simroot.cxx File Reference

#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

Go to the source code of this file.


bool sim_conv2root ()
bool barrel_conv2root ()
bool endcap_conv2root ()
bool join ()
int main ()

Function Documentation

bool barrel_conv2root (  ) 

Definition at line 59 of file convert2simroot.cxx.

References genRecEmupikp::i, and t().

00059                        {
00060   double gain=0.0, ratio=0.0, length=1.0;
00061   TTree* t=new TTree("BTofSim","barrel attenuation length and gain");
00062   t->Branch("Gain",        &gain,   "Gain/D");
00063   t->Branch("Ratio",       &ratio,  "Ratio/D");
00064   t->Branch("AttenLength", &length, "AttenLength/D");
00066   double a1overa2 = 1.0, a2 = 1.0;
00067   double qmean = 0.0, qsigma = 0.0;
00068   ifstream inf1, inf2;
00069   bool is_open1=false, is_open2=false;
00070   const char* file1="calib_barrel_atten.txt";
00071   const char* file2="calib_barrel_q0.txt";
00072   inf1.open(file1,ios::in);
00073   inf2.open(file2,ios::in);
00074   if( inf1.good() ) {
00075     is_open1=true;
00076   }
00077   else {
00078     std::cerr<<"file: "<<file1 <<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00079   }
00080   if( inf2.good() ) {
00081     is_open2=true;
00082   }
00083   else {
00084     std::cerr<<"file: "<<file2 <<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00085   }
00087   try{
00088     if( is_open1 && is_open2 ) {
00089       for( unsigned int i=0; i<176; i++ ) {
00090         inf1 >> length >> ratio;
00091         if( fabs(length)<1.0e-6 ) { length = 1.0; }
00092         length = 1.0/length;
00094         inf2 >> gain >> qmean >> qsigma;
00096         t->Fill();
00097       }
00098     }
00099   } catch(...) {
00100     return false;
00101   }
00103   inf1.close();
00104   inf2.close();
00106   TFile f("BarTofSim.root","RECREATE");
00107   t->Write();
00108   f.Close();
00109   delete t;
00110   t=NULL;
00112   return true;
00113 }

bool endcap_conv2root (  ) 

Definition at line 115 of file convert2simroot.cxx.

References genRecEmupikp::i, and t().

00115                        {
00116   double gain=0.0, length=1.0, noisesmear=0.;
00117   double scin, mean, errmean, sigma, errsigma;
00118   double mc_sigma;
00119   TTree* t=new TTree("ETofSim","endcap attenuation length and gain");
00120   t->Branch("Gain",        &gain,      "Gain/D"       );
00121   t->Branch("AttenLength", &length,    "AttenLength/D");
00122   t->Branch("NoiseSmear",  &noisesmear,"NoiseSmear/D" );
00124   double length2=1.0;
00125   ifstream inf1, inf2, inf3;
00126   bool is_open1=false, is_open2=false, is_open3=false;
00127   const char* file1="calib_endcap_atten.txt";
00128   const char* file2="tEndRes.txt";
00129   const char* file3="Endcap_mc_tEndRes.txt";
00130   inf1.open(file1,ios::in);
00131   inf2.open(file2,ios::in);
00132   inf3.open(file3,ios::in);
00133   if(inf1.good())
00134     is_open1=true;
00135   else{
00136     std::cerr<<"File: "<<file1<<" can't be opened"<<std::endl;
00137   }
00138   if(inf2.good())
00139     is_open2=true;
00140   else{
00141     std::cerr<<"File: "<<file2<<" can't be opened"<<std::endl;
00142   }
00143   if(inf3.good())
00144     is_open3=true;
00145   else{
00146     std::cerr<<"File: "<<file3<<" can't be opened"<<std::endl;
00147   }
00148   try{
00149     if( is_open1 && is_open2 && is_open3) {
00150       for(int i=0;i<96;i++) {
00151         inf1 >> gain >> length >> length2;
00152         inf2 >> scin >> mean >> errmean >> sigma >> errsigma; 
00153         inf3 >> mc_sigma; 
00154         if ( mc_sigma > sigma ) {noisesmear = 0.;}
00155         else { noisesmear = sqrt(sigma*sigma - mc_sigma*mc_sigma);}
00156         t->Fill();
00157       }
00158     }
00159   } catch(...){
00160     return false;
00161   }
00163   inf1.close();
00164   inf2.close();
00165   inf3.close();
00167   TFile f("EndTofSim.root","RECREATE");
00168   t->Write();
00169   f.Close();
00170   delete t;
00171   t=NULL;
00173   return true;
00174 }

bool join (  ) 

Definition at line 176 of file convert2simroot.cxx.

References f1, and f2.

00176            {
00178   TFile f1("TofSimConst.root");
00179   TTree* t1=(TTree*)f1.Get("SimConstants");
00180   if(0==t1) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :SimConstants in file TofSimConst.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00181   TFile f2("BarTofSim.root");
00182   TTree* t2=(TTree*)f2.Get("BTofSim");
00183   if(0==t2) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :BTofSim in file BarTofSim.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00184   TFile f3("EndTofSim.root");
00185   TTree* t3=(TTree*)f3.Get("ETofSim");
00186   if(0==t3) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :ETofSim in file EndTofSim.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00188   TFile fnew("TofSimConst.root","RECREATE");
00189   t1->Write();
00190   t2->Write();
00191   t3->Write();
00192   f1.Close();
00193   f2.Close();
00194   f3.Close();
00195   fnew.Close();
00196   t1=NULL;
00197   t2=NULL;
00198   t3=NULL;
00200   return true;
00201 }

int main (  ) 

Definition at line 203 of file convert2simroot.cxx.

References barrel_conv2root(), endcap_conv2root(), join(), and sim_conv2root().

00203           {
00204   sim_conv2root();
00205   barrel_conv2root();
00206   endcap_conv2root();
00207   join();
00208 }

bool sim_conv2root (  ) 

Definition at line 11 of file convert2simroot.cxx.

References file, and t().

Referenced by main().

00011                     {
00012   TTree* t=new TTree("SimConstants","threshold and gain constants");
00013   double blth=50., bhth=50., elth=50., ehth=50.;
00014   double bgain=5.E5, egain=2.5E5;
00015   double bconst=1.0, econst=1.0;
00016   double eswitch=0;//swtich for endcap noise sim: 0-no sigma smear ; 1-only add smear in east endcap sim; 2-add smear in both east and west endcap sim;
00017   t->Branch("BarLowThres",  &blth,   "BarLowThres/D" );
00018   t->Branch("BarHighThres", &bhth,   "BarHighThres/D");
00019   t->Branch("EndLowThres",  &elth,   "EndLowThres/D" );
00020   t->Branch("EndHighThres", &ehth,   "EndHighThres/D");
00021   t->Branch("BarPMTGain",   &bgain,  "BarPMTGain/D"  );
00022   t->Branch("EndPMTGain",   &egain,  "EndPMTGain/D"  );
00023   t->Branch("BarConstant",  &bconst, "BarConst/D"    );
00024   t->Branch("EndConstant",  &econst, "EndConst/D"    );
00025   t->Branch("EndNoiseSwitch",&eswitch, "EndNoiseSwitch/D"    );
00027   ifstream inf;
00028   bool is_open=false;
00029   const char* file="SimConstants.txt";
00030   inf.open(file,ios::in);
00031   if( inf.good() ) {
00032     is_open=true;
00033   }
00034   else {
00035     std::cerr<<"file: "<<file <<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00036   }
00037   try{
00038     if( is_open ){
00039       inf >> blth >> bhth;
00040       inf >> elth >> ehth;
00041       inf >> bgain;
00042       inf >> egain;
00043       inf >> bconst;
00044       inf >> econst;
00045       inf >> eswitch;
00046       t->Fill();
00047     }
00048   }
00050   TFile f("TofSimConst.root","RECREATE");
00051   t->Write();
00052   f.Close();
00053   delete t;
00054   t=NULL;
00056   return true;
00057 }

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