Ekhara Class Reference

#include <Ekhara.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Ekhara (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()

Private Attributes

int m_ngUpperBound
int m_initSeed
int m_channel_id
int m_sw_2pi
int m_sw_1pi
int m_sw_silent
int m_sw
int m_piggFFsw
double m_E
double m_Es
double cut_th1min
double cut_th1max
double cut_E1min
double cut_E1max
double cut_th2min
double cut_th2max
double cut_E2min
double cut_E2max
double cut_Epionmin
double cut_Epionmax
double cut_thpionmin
double cut_thpionmax
IHistogram1D * hMCPosiMom
IHistogram1D * hMCPosiThe
IHistogram1D * hMCPosiPhi
IHistogram1D * hMCElecMom
IHistogram1D * hMCElecThe
IHistogram1D * hMCElecPhi
IHistogram1D * hMCEtaPMom
IHistogram1D * hMCEtaPThe
IHistogram1D * hMCEtaPPhi

Detailed Description

Definition at line 19 of file Ekhara.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ekhara::Ekhara ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator 

Definition at line 83 of file Ekhara.cxx.

References cut_E1max, cut_E1min, cut_E2max, cut_E2min, cut_Epionmax, cut_Epionmin, cut_th1max, cut_th1min, cut_th2max, cut_th2min, cut_thpionmax, cut_thpionmin, m_channel_id, m_E, m_initSeed, m_ngUpperBound, m_piggFFsw, m_sw, m_sw_1pi, m_sw_2pi, and m_sw_silent.

00083                                                               : Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
00084 {
00085         declareProperty( "Ecm",                 m_E = 1.02 );               // CMS-energy (GeV) 
00086         declareProperty( "InitialSeed",         m_initSeed = 100);
00087         declareProperty( "InitialEvents",       m_ngUpperBound = 50000 );  // # of events to determine the maximum           
00088         declareProperty( "Channel",             m_channel_id = 2 );         // pi+pi-(1),pi0(2),, eta(3), eta' (4)
00089         declareProperty( "Thetaminpositron",    cut_th1min = 0.00 );   //minimum angle e+
00090         declareProperty( "Thetamaxpositron",    cut_th1max = 180.00 ); //maximum angle e+
00091         declareProperty( "Energyminpositron",   cut_E1min = 0.00 );   //minimum Energy e+
00092         declareProperty( "Energymaxpositron",   cut_E1max = 110.00 ); //maximum Energy e+
00093         declareProperty( "Thetaminelectron",    cut_th2min = 0.00 );   //minimum angle e-
00094         declareProperty( "Thetamaxelectron",    cut_th2max = 180.00 ); //maximum angle e-
00095         declareProperty( "Energyminelectron",   cut_E2min = 0.00 );   //minimum Energy e-
00096         declareProperty( "Energymaxelectron",   cut_E2max = 110.00 ); //maximum Energy e-
00097         declareProperty( "Thetaminpion",        cut_thpionmin = 0.00 );   //minimum angle pi0
00098         declareProperty( "Thetamaxpion",        cut_thpionmax = 180.00 ); //maximum angle pi0
00099         declareProperty( "Eminpion",            cut_Epionmin = 0.00 );   //minimum Energy pi0
00100         declareProperty( "Emaxpion",            cut_Epionmax = 100.00 ); //maximum Energy pi0
00101         declareProperty( "sw_silent",           m_sw_silent = 1 ); //suppress output to stdout
00102         declareProperty( "sw_2pi",                 m_sw_2pi = 2 );           // s (1); t (2); s+t (3); s = signal
00103         declareProperty( "sw_1pi",                 m_sw_1pi = 2 );           // s (1); t (2); s+t (3); s = signal
00104         declareProperty( "sw",                 m_sw = 2 ); 
00105         declareProperty( "Formfactor",             m_piggFFsw = 5 );
00106         //
00107 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode Ekhara::execute (  ) 

Definition at line 199 of file Ekhara.cxx.

References EKHARA, calibUtil::ERROR, GET_MOMENTUM, hMCElecMom, hMCElecPhi, hMCElecThe, hMCEtaPMom, hMCEtaPPhi, hMCEtaPThe, hMCPosiMom, hMCPosiPhi, hMCPosiThe, genRecEmupikp::i, Bes_Common::INFO, m_channel_id, and msgSvc().

00199                            {
00200         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00201         log << MSG::INFO << "Ekhara in execute()" << endreq;
00203         EKHARA(0);
00205         //std::ofstream file1;
00206         //file1.open("file1.txt");
00209         double p1[4],p2[4],q1[4],q2[4];
00210         double pi1[4],pi2[4],qpion[4];
00212         for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
00213                 p1[i]=0.0;
00214                 p2[i]=0.0;
00215                 q1[i]=0.0;
00216                 q2[i]=0.0;
00217                 pi1[i]=0.0;
00218                 pi2[i]=0.0;
00219                 qpion[i]=0.0;
00220         }
00222         GET_MOMENTUM(p1,p2,q1,q2,pi1,pi2,qpion);
00224         double PosiMom = sqrt(q1[1]*q1[1]+q1[2]*q1[2]+q1[3]*q1[3]);
00225         double PosiThe = acos(q1[3]/PosiMom);
00226         double PosiPhi = atan2(q1[2],q1[1]);
00228         double ElecMom = sqrt(q2[1]*q2[1]+q2[2]*q2[2]+q2[3]*q2[3]);
00229         double ElecThe = acos(q2[3]/ElecMom);
00230         double ElecPhi = atan2(q2[2],q2[1]);
00232         double EtaPMom = sqrt(qpion[1]*qpion[1]+qpion[2]*qpion[2]+qpion[3]*qpion[3]);
00233         double EtaPThe = acos(qpion[3]/EtaPMom);
00234         double EtaPPhi = atan2(qpion[2],qpion[1]);
00236         hMCPosiMom->fill(PosiMom);
00237         hMCElecMom->fill(ElecMom);
00238         hMCEtaPMom->fill(EtaPMom);
00240         hMCPosiPhi->fill(PosiPhi*TMath::RadToDeg());
00241         hMCElecPhi->fill(ElecPhi*TMath::RadToDeg());
00242         hMCEtaPPhi->fill(EtaPPhi*TMath::RadToDeg());
00244         hMCPosiThe->fill(PosiThe*TMath::RadToDeg());
00245         hMCElecThe->fill(ElecThe*TMath::RadToDeg());
00246         hMCEtaPThe->fill(EtaPThe*TMath::RadToDeg());
00250         // Fill event information
00251         GenEvent* evt = new GenEvent(1,1);
00253         GenVertex* prod_vtx = new GenVertex();
00254         evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx );
00256         // incoming beam e+
00257         GenParticle* p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector(p1[1],p1[2],p1[3],p1[0]), -11, 3); 
00258         p->suggest_barcode(1 );
00259         prod_vtx->add_particle_in(p);
00261         // incoming beam e-
00262         p = new GenParticle(HepLorentzVector(p2[1],p2[2],p2[3],p2[0]), 11, 3); 
00263         p->suggest_barcode( 2 );
00264         prod_vtx->add_particle_in(p);
00267         // outcoming beam e+
00268         p = new GenParticle(HepLorentzVector(q1[1],q1[2],q1[3],q1[0]), -11, 1); 
00269         p->suggest_barcode(3 );
00270         prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00272         // outcoming beam e-
00273         p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector(q2[1],q2[2],q2[3],q2[0] ), 11, 1); 
00274         p->suggest_barcode( 4 );
00275         prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00277         if (m_channel_id == 2){ //e+e- pi0
00278                 p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( qpion[1],qpion[2],qpion[3],qpion[0]), 111, 1); 
00279                 p->suggest_barcode( 5 );
00280                 prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00281         }
00282         else if (m_channel_id == 3){ //e+e- eta
00283                 p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( qpion[1],qpion[2],qpion[3],qpion[0]), 221, 1); 
00284                 p->suggest_barcode( 5 );
00285                 prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00286         }
00287         else if (m_channel_id == 4){ //e+e- eta'
00288                 p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( qpion[1],qpion[2],qpion[3],qpion[0]), 331, 1); 
00289                 p->suggest_barcode( 5 );
00290                 prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00291         }
00292         else if (m_channel_id == 1) { // e+e-pi+ pi-
00293                 // pi+
00294                 p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( pi1[1],pi1[2],pi1[3],pi1[0]),211, 1); 
00295                 p->suggest_barcode( 5 );
00296                 prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00297                 // pi-
00298                 p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector(pi2[1],pi2[2],pi2[3],pi2[0]), -211, 1); 
00299                 p->suggest_barcode( 6 );
00300                 prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00301         } 
00303         if( log.level() <= MSG::INFO )
00304         {
00306           evt->print();
00308           //  file1<<qpion[1]<<endl;
00310         }
00312         // Check if the McCollection already exists
00313         SmartDataPtr<McGenEventCol> anMcCol(eventSvc(), "/Event/Gen");
00314         if (anMcCol!=0) 
00315         {
00316                 // Add event to existing collection
00317                 MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00318                 log << MSG::INFO << "Add McGenEvent to existing collection" << endreq;
00319                 McGenEvent* mcEvent = new McGenEvent(evt);
00320                 anMcCol->push_back(mcEvent);
00321         }
00322         else 
00323         {
00324                 // Create Collection and add  to the transient store
00325                 McGenEventCol *mcColl = new McGenEventCol;
00326                 McGenEvent* mcEvent = new McGenEvent(evt);
00327                 mcColl->push_back(mcEvent);
00328                 StatusCode sc = eventSvc()->registerObject("/Event/Gen",mcColl);
00329                 if (sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) 
00330                 {
00331                         log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not register McGenEvent" << endreq;
00332                         delete mcColl;
00333                         delete evt;
00334                         delete mcEvent;
00335                         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00336                 }
00337                 else 
00338                 {
00339                         log << MSG::INFO << "McGenEventCol created " << endreq;
00340                 }
00341                 //file1.close();
00342         }
00344         log<<MSG::INFO<< "before execute() return"<<endreq;
00345         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00347 }

StatusCode Ekhara::finalize (  ) 

Definition at line 349 of file Ekhara.cxx.

References DIAGNOSE, EKHARA, Bes_Common::INFO, and msgSvc().

00349                             {
00350         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00351         log << MSG::INFO << "Ekhara in finalize()" << endreq;
00352         log << MSG::INFO << "Ekhara is terminated now successfully" << endreq;
00353         DIAGNOSE();
00354         EKHARA(1);
00355         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00356 }

StatusCode Ekhara::initialize (  ) 

Definition at line 109 of file Ekhara.cxx.

References BOSS_INIT_READ, CHANNELSEL, cut_E1max, cut_E1min, cut_E2max, cut_E2min, cut_Epionmax, cut_Epionmin, cut_th1max, cut_th1min, cut_th2max, cut_th2min, cut_thpionmax, cut_thpionmin, Bes_Common::DEBUG, DIAGNOSE, EKHARA, calibUtil::ERROR, IBesRndmGenSvc::GetEngine(), histoSvc(), hMCElecMom, hMCElecPhi, hMCElecThe, hMCEtaPMom, hMCEtaPPhi, hMCEtaPThe, hMCPosiMom, hMCPosiPhi, hMCPosiThe, Bes_Common::INFO, m_channel_id, m_E, m_ngUpperBound, m_piggFFsw, m_sw_1pi, m_sw_2pi, msgSvc(), p_BesRndmGenSvc, PIONFFSW, EkharaRandom::setRandomEngine(), and SWDIAG.

00109                               {
00110         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00111         log << MSG::INFO << "Ekhara in initialize()" << endreq;
00114         hMCPosiMom   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",1,"PosiMom",250,0.,5.);
00115         hMCPosiThe   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",2,"PosiThe",45,0.,180.);
00116         hMCPosiPhi   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",3,"PosiPhi",90,-180.,180.);
00117         hMCElecMom   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",4,"ElecMom",250,0.,5.);
00118         hMCElecThe   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",5,"ElecThe",45,0.,180.);
00119         hMCElecPhi   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",6,"ElecPhi",90,-180.,180.);
00120         hMCEtaPMom   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",7,"EtaPMom",250,0.,5.);
00121         hMCEtaPThe   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",8,"EtaPThe",45,0.,180.);
00122         hMCEtaPPhi   = histoSvc()->book("MonteCarlo",9,"EtaPPhi",90,-180.,180.);
00125         //set Bes unified random engine
00126         static const bool CREATEIFNOTTHERE(true);
00127         StatusCode RndmStatus = service("BesRndmGenSvc", p_BesRndmGenSvc, CREATEIFNOTTHERE);
00128         if (!RndmStatus.isSuccess() || 0 == p_BesRndmGenSvc)
00129         {
00130                 log << MSG::ERROR << " Could not initialize Random Number Service" << endreq;
00131                 return RndmStatus;
00132         }
00133         HepRandomEngine* engine  = p_BesRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("Ekhara");
00134         EkharaRandom::setRandomEngine(engine);
00136         CHANNELSEL.channel_id = m_channel_id;
00137         SWDIAG.sw_2pi=m_sw_2pi;
00138         SWDIAG.sw_1pi=m_sw_1pi;
00139         PIONFFSW.piggFFsw=m_piggFFsw;
00140         /*
00141         if(m_channel_id==1){
00142           m_sw=m_sw_2pi;}
00143         else if(m_channel_id==2||m_channel_id==3||m_channel_id==4){
00144           m_sw=m_sw_1pi;}
00145         */
00147 // --- print run data ------------------------------
00148         cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00149         if (CHANNELSEL.channel_id == 2) 
00150           cout << "     EKHARA 2.1 : e^+ e^- -> e^+ e^- pi^0" << endl;
00151         else if (CHANNELSEL.channel_id == 1) 
00152           cout << "     EKHARA 2.1: e^+ e^- -> e^+ e^- pi^+ pi^-" << endl;
00153         else if (CHANNELSEL.channel_id == 3) 
00154           cout << "     EKHARA 2.1: e^+ e^- -> e^+ e^- eta" << endl;
00155         else if (CHANNELSEL.channel_id == 4) 
00156           cout << "     EKHARA 2.1: e^+ e^- -> e^+ e^- eta'" << endl;
00159         if(m_channel_id ==2||m_channel_id ==3||m_channel_id ==4)
00160           printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on e+                 = ",cut_th1min,cut_th1max);
00161           printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on e-                 = ",cut_th2min,cut_th2max);
00162           printf(" %s %f,%f\n","Energy  cuts on e+                 = ",cut_E1min,cut_E1max);
00163           printf(" %s %f,%f\n","Energy  cuts on e-                 = ",cut_E2min,cut_E2max);
00164         //---------------------------------
00166         double xpar[100];
00167         xpar[0]=m_E;
00169         xpar[1]=m_ngUpperBound;
00170         xpar[2]=m_channel_id;
00171         xpar[3]=cut_th1min;
00172         xpar[4]=cut_th1max;
00173         xpar[5]=cut_E1min;
00174         xpar[6]=cut_E1max;
00175         xpar[7]=cut_th2min;
00176         xpar[8]=cut_th2max;
00177         xpar[9]=cut_E2min;
00178         xpar[10]=cut_E2max;
00179         xpar[11]=cut_thpionmin;
00180         xpar[12]=cut_thpionmax;
00181         xpar[13]=cut_Epionmin;
00182         xpar[14]=cut_Epionmax;
00184         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Options filled in array" << endreq;
00185         BOSS_INIT_READ(xpar);
00186         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Options read by FORTRAN routine" << endreq;
00187         DIAGNOSE();
00188         log << MSG::DEBUG << "FORTRAN diagnose passed" << endreq;
00189         EKHARA(-1);
00190         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Ekhara Fortran routines initialized" << endreq;
00191         //EKHARA_SET_ONE_EVENT_MODE();
00192         //log << MSG::DEBUG << "Ekhara set to single event mode" << endreq;
00193         //      EKHARA_SET_SILENT();
00194         //log << MSG::DEBUG << "Ekhara set to silent operation" << endreq;
00196         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00197 }

Member Data Documentation

double Ekhara::cut_E1max [private]

Definition at line 41 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_E1min [private]

Definition at line 40 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_E2max [private]

Definition at line 45 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_E2min [private]

Definition at line 44 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_Epionmax [private]

Definition at line 47 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_Epionmin [private]

Definition at line 46 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_th1max [private]

Definition at line 39 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_th1min [private]

Definition at line 38 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_th2max [private]

Definition at line 43 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_th2min [private]

Definition at line 42 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_thpionmax [private]

Definition at line 49 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::cut_thpionmin [private]

Definition at line 48 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCElecMom [private]

Definition at line 55 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCElecPhi [private]

Definition at line 57 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCElecThe [private]

Definition at line 56 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCEtaPMom [private]

Definition at line 58 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCEtaPPhi [private]

Definition at line 60 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCEtaPThe [private]

Definition at line 59 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCPosiMom [private]

Definition at line 52 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCPosiPhi [private]

Definition at line 54 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

IHistogram1D* Ekhara::hMCPosiThe [private]

Definition at line 53 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

int Ekhara::m_channel_id [private]

Definition at line 31 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), execute(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::m_E [private]

Definition at line 37 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

double Ekhara::m_Es [private]

Definition at line 37 of file Ekhara.h.

int Ekhara::m_initSeed [private]

Definition at line 30 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara().

int Ekhara::m_ngUpperBound [private]

Definition at line 29 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

int Ekhara::m_piggFFsw [private]

Definition at line 36 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

int Ekhara::m_sw [private]

Definition at line 35 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara().

int Ekhara::m_sw_1pi [private]

Definition at line 33 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

int Ekhara::m_sw_2pi [private]

Definition at line 32 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara(), and initialize().

int Ekhara::m_sw_silent [private]

Definition at line 34 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by Ekhara().

IBesRndmGenSvc* Ekhara::p_BesRndmGenSvc [private]

Definition at line 28 of file Ekhara.h.

Referenced by initialize().

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:18:37 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7