DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg Class Reference

#include <DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()

Private Attributes

double m_vr0cut
double m_vz0cut
double m_vr1cut
double m_vz1cut
double m_cthcut
bool m_useKalTrk
double m_energyThreshold
double m_gammaPhiCut
double m_gammaThetaCut
double m_gammaAngCut
int m_test4C
int m_test5C
int m_checkDedx
int m_checkTof
ITHistSvc * m_thsvc
NTuple::Tuple * m_tuple
NTuple::Item< long > m_runNo
NTuple::Item< long > m_event
NTuple::Item< long > m_nchrg
NTuple::Item< long > m_nneu
NTuple::Item< long > m_ngch
NTuple::Array< long > m_charge
NTuple::Array< double > m_vx0
NTuple::Array< double > m_vy0
NTuple::Array< double > m_vz0
NTuple::Array< double > m_vr0
NTuple::Array< double > m_vx
NTuple::Array< double > m_vy
NTuple::Array< double > m_vz
NTuple::Array< double > m_vr
NTuple::Array< double > m_px
NTuple::Array< double > m_py
NTuple::Array< double > m_pz
NTuple::Array< double > m_p
NTuple::Array< double > m_cos
NTuple::Array< double > m_bst_px
NTuple::Array< double > m_bst_py
NTuple::Array< double > m_bst_pz
NTuple::Array< double > m_bst_p
NTuple::Array< double > m_bst_cos
NTuple::Array< double > m_vtx_px
NTuple::Array< double > m_vtx_py
NTuple::Array< double > m_vtx_pz
NTuple::Array< double > m_vtx_p
NTuple::Array< double > m_vtx_cos
NTuple::Array< double > m_probPH
NTuple::Array< double > m_normPH
NTuple::Array< double > m_chie
NTuple::Array< double > m_chimu
NTuple::Array< double > m_chipi
NTuple::Array< double > m_chik
NTuple::Array< double > m_chip
NTuple::Array< double > m_ghit
NTuple::Array< double > m_thit
NTuple::Array< double > m_e_emc
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof_b1
NTuple::Array< double > m_beta_b1
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof_b2
NTuple::Array< double > m_beta_b2
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof_e
NTuple::Array< double > m_beta_e
NTuple::Array< double > m_cntr_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_ptot_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_ph_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_rhit_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_qual_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_te_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_tmu_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_tpi_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_tk_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_tp_etof
NTuple::Array< double > m_cntr_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_ptot_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_ph_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_zhit_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_qual_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_te_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_tmu_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_tpi_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_tk_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_tp_btof1
NTuple::Array< double > m_cntr_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_ptot_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_ph_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_zhit_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_qual_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_te_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_tmu_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_tpi_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_tk_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_tp_btof2
NTuple::Array< double > m_ptrk_pid
NTuple::Array< double > m_cost_pid
NTuple::Array< double > m_dedx_pid
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof1_pid
NTuple::Array< double > m_tof2_pid
NTuple::Array< double > m_prob_pi
NTuple::Array< double > m_prob_k
NTuple::Array< double > m_prob_p
NTuple::Item< long > m_np
NTuple::Item< long > m_npb
NTuple::Item< double > m_m2p
NTuple::Item< double > m_angle
NTuple::Item< double > m_deltatof
NTuple::Item< double > m_vtx_m2p
NTuple::Item< double > m_vtx_angle
NTuple::Item< double > m_chi2_4c
NTuple::Item< double > m_m2p_4c
NTuple::Item< double > m_angle_4c

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator 

Definition at line 70 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.cxx.

References m_checkDedx, m_checkTof, m_cthcut, m_energyThreshold, m_gammaAngCut, m_gammaPhiCut, m_gammaThetaCut, m_test4C, m_test5C, m_vr0cut, m_vr1cut, m_vz0cut, and m_vz1cut.

00070                                                                                   :
00071   Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator) {
00073   //Declare the properties  
00074   declareProperty("Vr0cut", m_vr0cut=5.0);
00075   declareProperty("Vz0cut", m_vz0cut=20.0);
00076   declareProperty("Vr1cut", m_vr1cut=1.0);
00077   declareProperty("Vz1cut", m_vz1cut=10.0);
00078   declareProperty("Vctcut", m_cthcut=0.93);
00079   declareProperty("EnergyThreshold", m_energyThreshold=0.04);
00080   declareProperty("GammaPhiCut", m_gammaPhiCut=20.0);
00081   declareProperty("GammaThetaCut", m_gammaThetaCut=20.0);
00082   declareProperty("Test4C", m_test4C = 1);
00083   declareProperty("Test5C", m_test5C = 1);
00084   declareProperty("CheckDedx", m_checkDedx = 1);
00085   declareProperty("CheckTof",  m_checkTof = 1);
00086   declareProperty("GammaAngCut", m_gammaAngCut=20.0);
00087 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::execute (  ) 

Definition at line 255 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.cxx.

References DstMdcTrack::charge(), cos(), calibUtil::ERROR, EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecEvent, EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecTrackCol, DstMdcTrack::helix(), genRecEmupikp::i, Bes_Common::INFO, ParticleID::instance(), IVertexDbSvc::isVertexValid(), ganga-rec::j, m_angle, m_bst_cos, m_bst_p, m_bst_px, m_bst_py, m_bst_pz, m_charge, m_chie, m_chik, m_chimu, m_chip, m_chipi, m_cos, m_dedx_pid, m_deltatof, m_e_emc, m_event, m_ghit, m_m2p, m_nchrg, m_ngch, m_nneu, m_normPH, m_np, m_npb, m_p, m_prob_k, m_prob_p, m_prob_pi, m_probPH, m_px, m_py, m_pz, m_qual_btof1, m_qual_btof2, m_qual_etof, m_runNo, m_te_btof1, m_te_btof2, m_te_etof, m_thit, m_thsvc, m_tk_btof1, m_tk_btof2, m_tk_etof, m_tmu_btof1, m_tmu_btof2, m_tmu_etof, m_tof1_pid, m_tof2_pid, m_tof_btof1, m_tof_btof2, m_tof_etof, m_tp_btof1, m_tp_btof2, m_tp_etof, m_tpi_btof1, m_tpi_btof2, m_tpi_etof, m_tuple, m_vr, m_vr0, m_vr1cut, m_vx, m_vx0, m_vy, m_vy0, m_vz, m_vz0, m_vz1cut, msgSvc(), DstMdcKalTrack::p(), phi0, pi, pid, IVertexDbSvc::PrimaryVertex(), DstMdcKalTrack::proton, DstMdcKalTrack::px(), DstMdcKalTrack::py(), DstMdcKalTrack::pz(), DstMdcKalTrack::setPidType(), IVertexDbSvc::SigmaPrimaryVertex(), sin(), DstMdcTrack::theta(), u_cms, velc, DstMdcKalTrack::x(), DstMdcTrack::x(), xmass, DstMdcKalTrack::y(), DstMdcTrack::y(), DstMdcKalTrack::z(), and DstMdcTrack::z().

00255                                      {
00258   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00259   log << MSG::INFO << "in execute()" << endreq;
00261   setFilterPassed(false);
00263   counter[0]++;
00264   log << MSG::INFO << "counter[0]=" << counter[0]<< endreq;
00266   SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");   
00267   SmartDataPtr<EvtRecEvent> evtRecEvent(eventSvc(), EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecEvent);
00268   m_runNo   = eventHeader->runNumber();
00269   m_event = eventHeader->eventNumber();
00270   m_nchrg = evtRecEvent->totalCharged();
00271   m_nneu  = evtRecEvent->totalNeutral(); 
00273     log << MSG::INFO <<"ncharg, nneu, tottks = " 
00274       << evtRecEvent->totalCharged() << " , "
00275       << evtRecEvent->totalNeutral() << " , "
00276       << evtRecEvent->totalTracks() <<endreq;
00278   SmartDataPtr<EvtRecTrackCol> evtRecTrkCol(eventSvc(),  EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecTrackCol);
00279   //
00280   // check x0, y0, z0, r0
00281   // suggest cut: |z0|<10 && r0<1
00282   //
00284   Vint iGood, iptrk, imtrk;
00285   iGood.clear();
00286   iptrk.clear();
00287   imtrk.clear();
00288   int nCharge = 0;
00289   Hep3Vector xorigin(0,0,0);
00291   //if (m_reader.isRunNumberValid(runNo)) {
00292   IVertexDbSvc*  vtxsvc;
00293   Gaudi::svcLocator()->service("VertexDbSvc", vtxsvc);
00294   if  (vtxsvc->isVertexValid()){
00295       double* dbv = vtxsvc->PrimaryVertex(); 
00296       double*  vv = vtxsvc->SigmaPrimaryVertex();  
00297       //    HepVector dbv = m_reader.PrimaryVertex(runNo);
00298       //    HepVector vv = m_reader.SigmaPrimaryVertex(runNo);
00299       xorigin.setX(dbv[0]);
00300       xorigin.setY(dbv[1]);
00301       xorigin.setZ(dbv[2]);
00302       log << MSG::INFO 
00303           <<"xorigin.x="<<xorigin.x()<<", "
00304           <<"xorigin.y="<<xorigin.y()<<", "
00305           <<"xorigin.z="<<xorigin.z()<<", "
00306           <<endreq  ;
00307   }
00309   for (int i = 0; i < evtRecEvent->totalCharged(); i++){
00310       EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk=evtRecTrkCol->begin() + i;
00311       if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcTrackValid()) continue;
00312       if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcKalTrackValid()) continue;
00313       RecMdcTrack *mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcTrack();
00314       double x0=mdcTrk->x();
00315       double y0=mdcTrk->y();
00316       double z0=mdcTrk->z();
00317       double phi0=mdcTrk->helix(1);
00318       double xv=xorigin.x();
00319       double yv=xorigin.y();
00320       double zv=xorigin.z();
00321       double rv=(x0-xv)*cos(phi0)+(y0-yv)*sin(phi0);
00322       double cost = cos(mdcTrk->theta());
00323       if(fabs(z0-zv) >= m_vz1cut) continue;
00324       if(fabs(rv) >= m_vr1cut) continue;
00325       //if(fabs(cost) >= m_cthcut ) continue; 
00327       iGood.push_back(i);
00328       nCharge += mdcTrk->charge();
00330     if (mdcTrk->charge() > 0) {
00331         iptrk.push_back(i);
00332     } else {
00333         imtrk.push_back(i);
00334     }  
00335   }
00336   //
00337   // Finish Good Charged Track Selection
00338   //
00339   int nGood = iGood.size();
00340   m_ngch = iGood.size(); 
00341   log << MSG::INFO << "ngood, totcharge = " << nGood << " , " << nCharge << endreq;
00342   if((nGood != 2) || (nCharge!=0) ){
00343     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00344   }
00345   counter[1]++;
00346   log << MSG::INFO << "counter[1]=" << counter[1]<< endreq;
00349   //   PID 
00352   Vint ipp, ipm;   
00353   ipp.clear();  
00354   ipm.clear();
00356   Vp4  p_pp, p_pm;   
00357   p_pp.clear();  
00358   p_pm.clear();
00360   int ii=-1 ; 
00362   ParticleID *pid = ParticleID::instance();
00363   for(int i = 0; i < nGood; i++) {
00365     EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk = evtRecTrkCol->begin() + iGood[i]; 
00366     if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcTrackValid()) continue; 
00367     RecMdcTrack* mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcTrack(); 
00368     if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcKalTrackValid()) continue; 
00369     RecMdcKalTrack* mdcKalTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcKalTrack(); 
00371     //    if(pid) delete pid;
00372     pid->init();
00373     pid->setMethod(pid->methodProbability());
00374     pid->setChiMinCut(4);
00375     pid->setRecTrack(*itTrk);
00376     //    pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx() | pid->useTof1() | pid->useTof2() | pid->useTofE() | pid->useTofQ()); 
00377                                                                       // use PID sub-system
00378     pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx() | pid->useTof1() | pid->useTof2()); // use PID sub-system
00379     //    pid->identify(pid->onlyProton());
00380     pid->identify(pid->onlyPionKaonProton());    // seperater Pion/Kaon/Proton
00381     //    pid->identify(pid->onlyPion() | pid->onlyKaon());    // seperater Pion/Kaon
00382     //    pid->identify(pid->onlyPion());
00383     //    pid->identify(pid->onlyKaon());
00384     pid->calculate();
00385     if(!(pid->IsPidInfoValid())) continue;
00387     double prob_pi = pid->probPion();
00388     double prob_k  = pid->probKaon();
00389     double prob_p  = pid->probProton();
00391     //    if(pid->probPion() < 0.001 || (pid->probPion() < pid->probKaon())) continue;
00392     //    if(pid->probPion() < 0.001) continue;
00393     if (prob_p > prob_pi && prob_p > prob_k) {
00395       HepLorentzVector pkaltrk;
00397       mdcKalTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::proton);
00398       pkaltrk.setPx(mdcKalTrk->px());
00399       pkaltrk.setPy(mdcKalTrk->py());
00400       pkaltrk.setPz(mdcKalTrk->pz());
00401       double p3 = pkaltrk.mag();
00402       pkaltrk.setE(sqrt(p3*p3+xmass[4]*xmass[4]));
00404       if(mdcTrk->charge() >0) {
00405         ii = 0; 
00406         ipp.push_back(iGood[i]);
00407         p_pp.push_back(pkaltrk);
00408       } else {
00409         ii = 1 ; 
00410         ipm.push_back(iGood[i]);
00411         p_pm.push_back(pkaltrk);
00412       }
00414       m_dedx_pid[ii] = pid->chiDedx(2);
00415       m_tof1_pid[ii] = pid->chiTof1(2);
00416       m_tof2_pid[ii] = pid->chiTof2(2);
00417       m_prob_pi[ii] = pid->probPion();
00418       m_prob_k[ii]  = pid->probKaon();
00419       m_prob_p[ii]  = pid->probProton();
00421     }
00422   } // with PID 
00424   m_np  = ipp.size();
00425   m_npb = ipm.size();
00427   //if(m_np*m_npb != 1) return SUCCESS;
00429   counter[2]++;
00430   log << MSG::INFO << "counter[2]=" << counter[2]<< endreq;
00433   // read information for good charged tracks   
00435   Vp4 p_ptrk, p_mtrk;
00436   p_ptrk.clear(), p_mtrk.clear();
00437   RecMdcKalTrack *ppKalTrk = 0 , *pmKalTrk = 0 ; 
00439    ii = -1 ; 
00440   for(int i = 0; i < m_ngch; i++ ){
00441     EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk=evtRecTrkCol->begin() + iGood[i];
00442     if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcTrackValid()) continue; 
00443     RecMdcTrack* mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcTrack(); 
00444     if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcKalTrackValid()) continue;
00445     RecMdcKalTrack *mdcKalTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcKalTrack();
00447     mdcKalTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::proton);
00449     if (mdcTrk->charge() > 0 ) {
00450       ii = 0 ; 
00451       ppKalTrk = mdcKalTrk ;
00452     }else{
00453       ii = 1 ; 
00454       pmKalTrk = mdcKalTrk ;
00455     }
00457     m_charge[ii] = mdcTrk->charge(); 
00459     double x0=mdcKalTrk->x();
00460     double y0=mdcKalTrk->y();
00461     double z0=mdcKalTrk->z();
00462     double phi0=mdcTrk->helix(1);
00463     double xv=xorigin.x();
00464     double yv=xorigin.y();
00465     double zv=xorigin.z();
00466     double rv=(x0-xv)*cos(phi0)+(y0-yv)*sin(phi0);
00468     m_vx0[ii]    = x0 ;
00469     m_vy0[ii]    = y0 ;
00470     m_vz0[ii]    = z0 ;
00471     m_vr0[ii]    = sqrt((x0*x0)+(y0*y0)) ;
00473     m_vx[ii]    = x0-xv ;
00474     m_vy[ii]    = y0-yv ;
00475     m_vz[ii]    = fabs(z0-zv) ;
00476     m_vr[ii]    = fabs(rv) ;
00478     mdcKalTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::proton);
00479     m_px[ii]   = mdcKalTrk->px();
00480     m_py[ii]   = mdcKalTrk->py();
00481     m_pz[ii]   = mdcKalTrk->pz();
00482     m_p[ii]    = mdcKalTrk->p();
00483     m_cos[ii]  = mdcKalTrk->pz()/mdcKalTrk->p();
00484     double temp_e = sqrt(m_p[ii]*m_p[ii] + xmass[4]*xmass[4]); 
00485     HepLorentzVector temp_p(m_px[ii],m_py[ii],m_pz[ii],temp_e); 
00486     if (i==0){
00487       p_ptrk.push_back(temp_p); 
00488     }else{
00489       p_mtrk.push_back(temp_p); 
00490     }
00493     double ptrk = mdcKalTrk->p() ; 
00494     if ((*itTrk)->isMdcDedxValid()) { //Dedx information 
00495       RecMdcDedx* dedxTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcDedx();
00496       m_chie[ii]  = dedxTrk->chiE();
00497       m_chimu[ii] = dedxTrk->chiMu();
00498       m_chipi[ii] = dedxTrk->chiPi();
00499       m_chik[ii]  = dedxTrk->chiK();
00500       m_chip[ii]  = dedxTrk->chiP();
00501       m_ghit[ii]  = dedxTrk->numGoodHits();
00502       m_thit[ii]  = dedxTrk->numTotalHits();
00503       m_probPH[ii]= dedxTrk->probPH();
00504       m_normPH[ii]= dedxTrk->normPH();
00506     }
00508     if((*itTrk)->isEmcShowerValid()) {
00509       RecEmcShower *emcTrk = (*itTrk)->emcShower();
00510       m_e_emc[ii] = emcTrk->energy();
00511     }
00514     if((*itTrk)->isTofTrackValid()) {
00516       SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack> tofTrkCol = (*itTrk)->tofTrack();
00518       SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack>::iterator iter_tof = tofTrkCol.begin();
00519       for(;iter_tof != tofTrkCol.end(); iter_tof++ ) { 
00520         TofHitStatus *status = new TofHitStatus; 
00521         status->setStatus((*iter_tof)->status());
00523         if(!(status->is_barrel())){//endcap
00524           if( !(status->is_counter()) ) continue; // ? 
00525           if( status->layer()!=0 ) continue;//layer1
00526           double path=(*iter_tof)->path(); // ? 
00527           double tof  = (*iter_tof)->tof();
00528           double ph   = (*iter_tof)->ph();
00529           double rhit = (*iter_tof)->zrhit();
00530           double qual = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->quality();
00531           double cntr = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->tofID();
00532           double texp[5];
00533           for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
00534             double gb = ptrk/xmass[j];
00535             double beta = gb/sqrt(1+gb*gb);
00536             texp[j] = path /beta/velc;
00537           }
00539           m_qual_etof[ii]  = qual;
00540           m_tof_etof[ii]   = tof ; 
00541           m_te_etof[ii]    = tof - texp[0];
00542           m_tmu_etof[ii]   = tof - texp[1];
00543           m_tpi_etof[ii]   = tof - texp[2];
00544           m_tk_etof[ii]    = tof - texp[3];
00545           m_tp_etof[ii]    = tof - texp[4];
00546         }
00547         else {//barrel
00548           if( !(status->is_counter()) ) continue; // ? 
00549           if(status->layer()==1){ //layer1
00550             double path=(*iter_tof)->path(); // ? 
00551             double tof  = (*iter_tof)->tof();
00552             double ph   = (*iter_tof)->ph();
00553             double rhit = (*iter_tof)->zrhit();
00554             double qual = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->quality();
00555             double cntr = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->tofID();
00556             double texp[5];
00557             for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
00558               double gb = ptrk/xmass[j];
00559               double beta = gb/sqrt(1+gb*gb);
00560               texp[j] = path /beta/velc;
00561             }
00563             m_qual_btof1[ii]  = qual;
00564             m_tof_btof1[ii]   = tof ; 
00565             m_te_btof1[ii]    = tof - texp[0];
00566             m_tmu_btof1[ii]   = tof - texp[1];
00567             m_tpi_btof1[ii]   = tof - texp[2];
00568             m_tk_btof1[ii]    = tof - texp[3];
00569             m_tp_btof1[ii]    = tof - texp[4];
00571           }
00573           if(status->layer()==2){//layer2
00574             double path=(*iter_tof)->path(); // ? 
00575             double tof  = (*iter_tof)->tof();
00576             double ph   = (*iter_tof)->ph();
00577             double rhit = (*iter_tof)->zrhit();
00578             double qual = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->quality();
00579             double cntr = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->tofID();
00580             double texp[5];
00581             for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
00582               double gb = ptrk/xmass[j];
00583               double beta = gb/sqrt(1+gb*gb);
00584               texp[j] = path /beta/velc;
00585             }
00587             m_qual_btof2[ii]  = qual;
00588             m_tof_btof2[ii]   = tof ; 
00589             m_te_btof2[ii]    = tof - texp[0];
00590             m_tmu_btof2[ii]   = tof - texp[1];
00591             m_tpi_btof2[ii]   = tof - texp[2];
00592             m_tk_btof2[ii]    = tof - texp[3];
00593             m_tp_btof2[ii]    = tof - texp[4];
00594           } 
00595         }
00596         delete status; 
00597       } 
00598     }
00599   }
00600   counter[3]++;
00601   log << MSG::INFO << "counter[3]=" << counter[3]<< endreq;
00604   //boosted   mdcKalTrk
00605   //cout <<"before p_ptrk[0]="<<p_ptrk[0]<<endl;
00606   //cout <<"before p_mtrk[0]="<<p_mtrk[0]<<endl;
00607   //cout <<"_m2p = "<<(p_ptrk[0] + p_mtrk[0]).m()<<endl ;
00608   p_ptrk[0].boost(u_cms);
00609   p_mtrk[0].boost(u_cms);
00610   for (int i=0; i<=1; i++ ) {
00611     HepLorentzVector p; 
00612     if (i==0) p = p_ptrk[0]; 
00613     if (i==1) p = p_mtrk[0]; 
00615     m_bst_px[i] = p.px(); 
00616     m_bst_py[i] = p.py(); 
00617     m_bst_pz[i] = p.pz(); 
00618     m_bst_p[i]  = p.rho(); 
00619     m_bst_cos[i]= p.cosTheta(); 
00620   }
00622   m_m2p = (p_ptrk[0] + p_mtrk[0]).m();
00623   //cout <<"after p_ptrk[0]="<<p_ptrk[0]<<endl;
00624   //cout <<"after p_mtrk[0]="<<p_mtrk[0]<<endl;
00625   //cout <<"_m2p = "<<(p_ptrk[0] + p_mtrk[0]).m()<<endl ;
00626   m_angle = (p_ptrk[0].vect()).angle((p_mtrk[0]).vect()) * 180.0/(CLHEP::pi) ;
00628   //cout <<"m_angle="<<m_angle<<endl; 
00629   //cout <<"m_e_emc="<<m_e_emc[0]<<endl; 
00631   double deltatof = 0.0 ; 
00632   if(m_tof_btof1[0]*m_tof_btof1[1] != 0.0) deltatof+=m_tof_btof1[0]-m_tof_btof1[1];
00633   if(m_tof_btof2[0]*m_tof_btof2[1] != 0.0) deltatof+=m_tof_btof2[0]-m_tof_btof2[1];
00634   m_deltatof = deltatof ;  
00638   // Vertex Fit
00640   // Kinamatic Fit
00642   // finale selection
00643   if (fabs(m_bst_p[0]-1.232)>0.02 ) {return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }
00644   if (fabs(m_bst_p[1]-1.232)>0.02 ) {return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }
00645   if (fabs(m_deltatof)>4.0) {return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }
00646   if (m_angle<178.0)    {return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }
00647   if (m_e_emc[0]>0.7) {return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }       
00649   counter[4]++;
00650   log << MSG::INFO << "counter[4]=" << counter[4]<< endreq;
00652   // DQA
00654   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+iptrk[0]))->tagProton();      
00655   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+imtrk[0]))->tagProton();
00657   // Quality: defined by whether dE/dx or TOF is used to identify particle       
00658   // 0 - no dE/dx, no TOF (can be used for dE/dx and TOF calibration)    
00659   // 1 - only dE/dx (can be used for TOF calibration)    
00660   // 2 - only TOF (can be used for dE/dx calibration)    
00661   // 3 - Both dE/dx and TOF      
00662   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+iptrk[0]))->setQuality(0);    
00663   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+imtrk[0]))->setQuality(0);
00665   setFilterPassed(true);
00667   TH1 *h(0);
00668   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hbst_p", h).isSuccess()) {
00669       h->Fill(m_bst_p[0]);
00670   } else {
00671       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve hbst_p" << endreq;
00672   }
00674   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hbst_cos", h).isSuccess()) {
00675       h->Fill(m_bst_cos[0]);
00676   } else {
00677       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve hbst_cos" << endreq;
00678   }
00680   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hmpp", h).isSuccess()) {
00681       h->Fill(m_m2p);
00682   } else {
00683       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve hmpp" << endreq;
00684   }
00686   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hangle", h).isSuccess()) {
00687       h->Fill(m_angle);
00688   } else {
00689       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve hangle" << endreq;
00690   }
00692   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hdeltatof", h).isSuccess()) {
00693       h->Fill(m_deltatof);
00694   } else {
00695       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve hdeltatof" << endreq;
00696   }
00698   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/he_emc1", h).isSuccess()) {
00699       h->Fill(m_e_emc[0]);
00700   } else {
00701       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve he_emc1" << endreq;
00702   }
00704   if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/he_emc2", h).isSuccess()) {
00705       h->Fill(m_e_emc[1]);
00706   } else {
00707       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve he_emc2" << endreq;
00708   }
00714   m_tuple -> write();
00716   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00717 }

StatusCode DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::finalize (  ) 

Definition at line 721 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.cxx.

References Bes_Common::INFO, and msgSvc().

00721                                       {
00723   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00724   log << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
00726   std::cout << "*********** Singal.cxx *****************" << std::endl;
00727   std::cout << "the totale events is      " << counter[0] << std::endl;
00728   std::cout << "select good charged track " << counter[1] << std::endl;
00729   std::cout << "PID                       " << counter[2] << std::endl;
00730   std::cout << "inform. for charged track " << counter[3] << std::endl;
00731   std::cout << "after all selections      " << counter[4] << std::endl;
00732   std::cout << "****************************************" << std::endl;
00734   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00735 }

StatusCode DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::initialize (  ) 

Definition at line 90 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.cxx.

References calibUtil::ERROR, Bes_Common::INFO, m_angle, m_angle_4c, m_bst_cos, m_bst_p, m_bst_px, m_bst_py, m_bst_pz, m_charge, m_chi2_4c, m_chie, m_chik, m_chimu, m_chip, m_chipi, m_cos, m_dedx_pid, m_deltatof, m_e_emc, m_event, m_ghit, m_m2p, m_m2p_4c, m_nchrg, m_ngch, m_nneu, m_normPH, m_np, m_npb, m_p, m_prob_k, m_prob_p, m_prob_pi, m_probPH, m_px, m_py, m_pz, m_qual_btof1, m_qual_btof2, m_qual_etof, m_runNo, m_te_btof1, m_te_btof2, m_te_etof, m_thit, m_thsvc, m_tk_btof1, m_tk_btof2, m_tk_etof, m_tmu_btof1, m_tmu_btof2, m_tmu_etof, m_tof1_pid, m_tof2_pid, m_tof_btof1, m_tof_btof2, m_tof_etof, m_tp_btof1, m_tp_btof2, m_tp_etof, m_tpi_btof1, m_tpi_btof2, m_tpi_etof, m_tuple, m_vr, m_vr0, m_vtx_angle, m_vtx_m2p, m_vx, m_vx0, m_vy, m_vy0, m_vz, m_vz0, msgSvc(), and ntupleSvc().

00090                                        {
00091   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00093   log << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endmsg;
00095   StatusCode status;
00099   if(service("THistSvc", m_thsvc).isFailure()) {
00100     log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't get THistSvc" << endreq;
00101     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00102   }
00104   // "DQAHist" is fixed
00105   // "DQAJpsi2PPbar" is control sample name, just as ntuple case.
00106   TH1F* hbst_p = new TH1F("bst_p", "bst_p", 80, 1.15, 1.31);
00107   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hbst_p", hbst_p).isFailure()) {
00108       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register bst_p" << endreq;
00109   }
00111   TH1F* hbst_cos = new TH1F("bst_cos", "bst_cos", 20, -1.0, 1.0);
00112   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hbst_cos", hbst_cos).isFailure()) {
00113       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register bst_cos" << endreq;
00114   }
00116   TH1F* hmpp = new TH1F("mpp", "mpp", 100, 3.05, 3.15);
00117   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hmpp", hmpp).isFailure()) {
00118       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register mpp" << endreq;
00119   }
00121   TH1F* hangle = new TH1F("angle", "angle", 50, 175.0, 180.);
00122   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hangle", hangle).isFailure()) {
00123       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register angle" << endreq;
00124   }
00126   TH1F* hdeltatof = new TH1F("deltatof", "deltatof", 50, -10., 10.);
00127   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/hdeltatof", hdeltatof).isFailure()) {
00128       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register deltatof" << endreq;
00129   }
00131   TH1F* he_emc1 = new TH1F("e_emc1", "e_emc1", 100, 0.0, 2.0);
00132   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/he_emc1", he_emc1).isFailure()) {
00133       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register e_emc1" << endreq;
00134   }
00136   TH1F* he_emc2 = new TH1F("e_emc2", "e_emc2", 100, 0.0, 2.0);
00137   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/DQAJpsi2PPbar/he_emc2", he_emc2).isFailure()) {
00138       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register e_emc2" << endreq;
00139   }
00141   // DQA
00142   // The first directory specifier must be "DQAFILE"
00143   // The second is the control sample name, the first letter is in upper format. eg. "DQAJpsi2PPbar"
00145   NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(), "DQAFILE/DQAJpsi2PPbar");
00146   if ( nt1 ) m_tuple = nt1;
00147   else {
00148     m_tuple = ntupleSvc()->book ("DQAFILE/DQAJpsi2PPbar", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "N-Tuple");
00149     if ( m_tuple )    {
00150       status = m_tuple->addItem ("runNo",  m_runNo);
00151       status = m_tuple->addItem ("event",  m_event);
00152       status = m_tuple->addItem ("Nchrg",  m_nchrg);
00153       status = m_tuple->addItem ("Nneu",   m_nneu);
00154       status = m_tuple->addItem ("ngch",   m_ngch, 0, 10);
00156       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("charge",m_ngch, m_charge);
00157       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vx0",    m_ngch, m_vx0);
00158       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vy0",    m_ngch, m_vy0);
00159       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vz0",    m_ngch, m_vz0);
00160       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vr0",    m_ngch, m_vr0);
00162       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vx",    m_ngch, m_vx);
00163       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vy",    m_ngch, m_vy);
00164       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vz",    m_ngch, m_vz);
00165       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("vr",    m_ngch, m_vr);
00167       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("px",    m_ngch, m_px);
00168       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("py",    m_ngch, m_py);
00169       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("pz",    m_ngch, m_pz);
00170       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("p",     m_ngch, m_p );
00171       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("cos",   m_ngch, m_cos);
00173       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("bst_px",    m_ngch, m_bst_px) ;
00174       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("bst_py",    m_ngch, m_bst_py) ;
00175       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("bst_pz",    m_ngch, m_bst_pz) ;
00176       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("bst_p",     m_ngch, m_bst_p)  ;
00177       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("bst_cos",   m_ngch, m_bst_cos);
00180       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("chie"   , m_ngch, m_chie)   ;
00181       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("chimu"  , m_ngch, m_chimu)  ;
00182       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("chipi"  , m_ngch, m_chipi)  ;
00183       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("chik"   , m_ngch, m_chik)   ;
00184       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("chip"   , m_ngch, m_chip)   ;
00185       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("ghit"   , m_ngch, m_ghit)   ;
00186       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("thit"   , m_ngch, m_thit)   ;
00187       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("probPH" , m_ngch, m_probPH) ;
00188       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("normPH" , m_ngch, m_normPH) ;
00190       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("e_emc"   , m_ngch, m_e_emc) ;
00193       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("qual_etof" , m_ngch,   m_qual_etof  );
00194       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tof_etof"  , m_ngch,   m_tof_etof   );
00195       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("te_etof"   , m_ngch,   m_te_etof    );
00196       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tmu_etof"  , m_ngch,   m_tmu_etof   );
00197       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tpi_etof"  , m_ngch,   m_tpi_etof   );
00198       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tk_etof"   , m_ngch,   m_tk_etof    );
00199       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tp_etof"   , m_ngch,   m_tp_etof    );
00201       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("qual_btof1", m_ngch,   m_qual_btof1 );
00202       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tof_btof1" , m_ngch,   m_tof_btof1  );
00203       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("te_btof1"  , m_ngch,   m_te_btof1   );
00204       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tmu_btof1" , m_ngch,   m_tmu_btof1  );
00205       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tpi_btof1" , m_ngch,   m_tpi_btof1  );
00206       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tk_btof1"  , m_ngch,   m_tk_btof1   );
00207       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tp_btof1"  , m_ngch,   m_tp_btof1   );
00209       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("qual_btof2", m_ngch,   m_qual_btof2 );
00210       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tof_btof2" , m_ngch,   m_tof_btof2  );
00211       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("te_btof2"  , m_ngch,   m_te_btof2   );
00212       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tmu_btof2" , m_ngch,   m_tmu_btof2  );
00213       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tpi_btof2" , m_ngch,   m_tpi_btof2  );
00214       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tk_btof2"  , m_ngch,   m_tk_btof2   );
00215       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tp_btof2"  , m_ngch,   m_tp_btof2   );
00217       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("dedx_pid", m_ngch,   m_dedx_pid);
00218       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tof1_pid", m_ngch,   m_tof1_pid);
00219       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("tof2_pid", m_ngch,   m_tof2_pid);
00220       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("prob_pi", m_ngch,   m_prob_pi  );
00221       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("prob_k",  m_ngch,   m_prob_k   );
00222       status = m_tuple->addIndexedItem ("prob_p",  m_ngch,   m_prob_p   );
00224       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "np",   m_np        );
00225       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "npb",  m_npb       );
00227       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "m2p",    m_m2p   );
00228       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "angle",  m_angle );
00229       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "deltatof", m_deltatof );
00231       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "vtx_m2p",    m_vtx_m2p   );
00232       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "vtx_angle",  m_vtx_angle );
00234       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "m_chi2_4c",   m_chi2_4c  );
00235       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "m_m2p_4c",    m_m2p_4c   );
00236       status = m_tuple->addItem ( "m_angle_4c",  m_angle_4c );
00238     }
00239     else    { 
00240       log << MSG::ERROR << "    Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple) << endmsg;
00241       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00242     }
00243   }
00245   //
00246   //--------end of book--------
00247   //
00249   log << MSG::INFO << "successfully return from initialize()" <<endmsg;
00250   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00252 }

Member Data Documentation

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_angle [private]

Definition at line 165 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_angle_4c [private]

Definition at line 173 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_beta_b1 [private]

Definition at line 110 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_beta_b2 [private]

Definition at line 112 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_beta_e [private]

Definition at line 114 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_bst_cos [private]

Definition at line 89 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_bst_p [private]

Definition at line 88 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_bst_px [private]

Definition at line 85 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_bst_py [private]

Definition at line 86 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_bst_pz [private]

Definition at line 87 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_charge [private]

Definition at line 68 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

int DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_checkDedx [private]

Definition at line 53 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

int DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_checkTof [private]

Definition at line 54 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_chi2_4c [private]

Definition at line 171 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_chie [private]

Definition at line 99 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_chik [private]

Definition at line 102 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_chimu [private]

Definition at line 100 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_chip [private]

Definition at line 103 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_chipi [private]

Definition at line 101 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_cntr_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 128 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_cntr_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 140 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_cntr_etof [private]

Definition at line 116 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_cos [private]

Definition at line 83 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_cost_pid [private]

Definition at line 153 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_cthcut [private]

Definition at line 38 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_dedx_pid [private]

Definition at line 154 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_deltatof [private]

Definition at line 166 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_e_emc [private]

Definition at line 107 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_energyThreshold [private]

Definition at line 43 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_event [private]

Definition at line 63 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_gammaAngCut [private]

Definition at line 46 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_gammaPhiCut [private]

Definition at line 44 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_gammaThetaCut [private]

Definition at line 45 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ghit [private]

Definition at line 104 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_m2p [private]

Definition at line 164 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_m2p_4c [private]

Definition at line 172 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by initialize().

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_nchrg [private]

Definition at line 64 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ngch [private]

Definition at line 66 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_nneu [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_normPH [private]

Definition at line 98 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_np [private]

Definition at line 161 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_npb [private]

Definition at line 162 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_p [private]

Definition at line 82 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ph_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 130 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ph_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 142 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ph_etof [private]

Definition at line 118 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_prob_k [private]

Definition at line 158 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_prob_p [private]

Definition at line 159 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_prob_pi [private]

Definition at line 157 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_probPH [private]

Definition at line 97 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ptot_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 129 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ptot_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 141 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ptot_etof [private]

Definition at line 117 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_ptrk_pid [private]

Definition at line 152 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_px [private]

Definition at line 79 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_py [private]

Definition at line 80 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_pz [private]

Definition at line 81 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_qual_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 132 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_qual_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 144 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_qual_etof [private]

Definition at line 120 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_rhit_etof [private]

Definition at line 119 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Item<long> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_runNo [private]

Definition at line 62 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_te_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 134 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_te_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 146 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_te_etof [private]

Definition at line 122 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

int DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_test4C [private]

Definition at line 49 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

int DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_test5C [private]

Definition at line 50 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_thit [private]

Definition at line 105 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

ITHistSvc* DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_thsvc [private]

Definition at line 56 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tk_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 137 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tk_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 149 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tk_etof [private]

Definition at line 125 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tmu_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 135 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tmu_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 147 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tmu_etof [private]

Definition at line 123 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof1_pid [private]

Definition at line 155 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof2_pid [private]

Definition at line 156 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof_b1 [private]

Definition at line 109 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof_b2 [private]

Definition at line 111 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 133 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 145 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof_e [private]

Definition at line 113 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tof_etof [private]

Definition at line 121 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tp_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 138 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tp_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 150 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tp_etof [private]

Definition at line 126 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tpi_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 136 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tpi_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 148 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tpi_etof [private]

Definition at line 124 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Tuple* DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_tuple [private]

Definition at line 60 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

bool DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_useKalTrk [private]

Definition at line 40 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vr [private]

Definition at line 77 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vr0 [private]

Definition at line 72 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vr0cut [private]

Definition at line 34 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vr1cut [private]

Definition at line 36 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg(), and execute().

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_angle [private]

Definition at line 169 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_cos [private]

Definition at line 95 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Item<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_m2p [private]

Definition at line 168 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_p [private]

Definition at line 94 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_px [private]

Definition at line 91 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_py [private]

Definition at line 92 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vtx_pz [private]

Definition at line 93 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vx [private]

Definition at line 74 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vx0 [private]

Definition at line 69 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vy [private]

Definition at line 75 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vy0 [private]

Definition at line 70 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vz [private]

Definition at line 76 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vz0 [private]

Definition at line 71 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vz0cut [private]

Definition at line 35 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg().

double DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_vz1cut [private]

Definition at line 37 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Referenced by DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg(), and execute().

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_zhit_btof1 [private]

Definition at line 131 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

NTuple::Array<double> DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg::m_zhit_btof2 [private]

Definition at line 143 of file DQAJpsi2PPbarAlg.h.

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:18:22 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7