/home/bes3soft/bes3soft/Boss/7.0.2/dist/7.0.2/Muc/MucCalibAlg/MucCalibAlg-00-02-16/MucCalibAlg/MucStructConst.h File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

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static const int CALIB_LV_MAX = 4
static const int EFF_WINDOW = 4
static const int TRACK_SEG_MAX = 8
static const int TRACK_THRESHOLD = 100
static const int DEFAULT_BUILD_MODE = 1
static const double DEFAULT_EFF_VALUE = 0.95
static const double DEFAULT_EFF_ERR = 0.0
static const double DEFAULT_INC_VALUE = 0.0
static const double DEFAULT_NOS_VALUE = 0.0
static const double LIMIT_CUT = 0.0001
static const double TRIGGER_RATE = 4000.0
static const double TRIGGER_WINDOW = 800e-9
static const double PI = 3.141593
static const double VALUE = tan(PI/8.0)
static const int PART_MAX = 3
static const int SEGMENT_MAX = 8
static const int LAYER_MAX = 9
static const int BOX_MAX = 136
static const int STRIP_MAX = 9152
static const int STRIP_INBOX_MAX = 112
static const int SL_NUM = 2
static const int CLUSTER_CUT = 0
static const int CLUSTER_ALARM = 20
static const int BOX_PER_PART [PART_MAX] = {32, 72, 32}
static const int BOX_PER_SEG [PART_MAX] = {8, 9, 8}
static const int BOX_SUM [PART_MAX] = {32, 104, 136}
static const int STR_PER_PART [3] = { 2048, 5056, 2048 }
static const int B_STR_PER_SEG [2] = { 624, 688 }
static const int STR_SUM [3] = { 2048, 7104, 9152 }
static const int EEID = 0
static const int BRID = 1
static const int EWID = 2
static const int SL_UP = 0
static const int SL_DOWN = 1
static const int XSTR = 0
static const int YSTR = 1
static const int ZSTR = 2
static const int PHISTR = 3
static const double STR_GAP = 2.0
static const double STR_TH = 1.0
static const double BOX_TH = 28.0
static const double AS_GAP = 40.0
static const int E_SEG_NUM = 4
static const int E_LAY_NUM = 8
static const int E_STR_NUM = 64
static const int E_ASLAY_NUM = 9
static const int E_PANEL_NUM = 3
static const double E_STR_DST = 35
static const int E_RPC_NUM [SL_NUM] = {3,5}
static const double E_STR_WT = 33
static const double E_AS_RMAX = 2500.0
static const double E_GP_RMIN [E_LAY_NUM] = {1067,1100,1133,1167,1203,1241,1302,1362}
static const double E_GP_DX = 40.0
static const double E_GP_DY = 50.0
static const double E_BOX_DR = 130.0
static const double E_XSTR_OFFSET = 97.5
static const double E_YSTR_OFFSET = 87.5
static const double E_STRPLN_DA = 16.0
static const double E_STRPLN_DB [2] = { 53.0,41.0 }
static const double E_STRPLN_DR = 26.0
static const int B_SEG_NUM = 8
static const int B_LAY_NUM = 9
static const int B_TOP = 2
static const int B_ZSTR_NUM = 48
static const int B_PHISTR_NUM = 96
static const int B_TOPSTR_NUM = 112
static const int B_PHISTR_CUT_NUM = 80
static const double B_PHISTR_CUT = 642
static const double B_ZSTR_CUT [2] = {540,610}
static const double B_STR_DST [B_LAY_NUM] = {20,39,27,39,30,39,33,39,37}
static const double B_PHI [B_SEG_NUM] = { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 1 }
static const int B_ZSTR_CUT_NUM [B_LAY_NUM] = {16, 0, 12, 0, 11, 0, 10, 0, 9}
static const double B_AS_LMAX = 3940.0
static const double B_GP_DZ = 70.0
static const double B_GP_LT = 3940.0
static const double B_GP_WT [B_LAY_NUM] = {1266,1314,1372,1430,1496,1562,1652,1762,1860}
static const double B_GP_SLOT_WT = 422
static const double B_GP_SLOT_LT = 542
static const double B_BOX_LT = 3800.0
static const double B_BOX_SLOT_WT = 560
static const double B_BOX_DT [SL_NUM] = {31,26}
static const double B_BOX_DZ [SL_NUM] = {46,41}
static const double B_BOX_WT [B_LAY_NUM] = {1050,1300,1360,1416,1484,1548,1640,1748,1848}
static const double B_AS_RMIN [B_LAY_NUM] = {1740,1810,1880,1950,2030,2110,2230,2350,2470}
static const double B_TOPRPC_LTS [2] = {540,610}
static const double OVERLAP_WIDTH = 4.0

Variable Documentation

const double AS_GAP = 40.0 [static]

Definition at line 65 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucStrip::SetEndcapStripInBes(), MucGap::SetH(), MucGapCal::SetH(), MucGap::SetL(), MucGapCal::SetL(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucAbsorber::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetRc(), MucGap::SetRc(), MucBoxCover::SetRc(), MucBox::SetRc(), MucGapCal::SetRc(), MucBoxCal::SetRc(), MucStripPlane::SetRin(), MucRpc::SetRin(), MucGas::SetRin(), MucGap::SetRin(), MucBoxCover::SetRin(), MucBox::SetRin(), MucBakelite::SetRin(), MucGapCal::SetRin(), MucBoxCal::SetRin(), MucStripPlane::SetRout(), MucRpc::SetRout(), MucGas::SetRout(), MucBoxCover::SetRout(), MucBox::SetRout(), MucBakelite::SetRout(), MucBoxCal::SetRout(), MucGap::SetThin(), and MucGapCal::SetThin().

const double B_AS_LMAX = 3940.0 [static]

Definition at line 107 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGap::SetL(), MucAbsorber::SetL(), and MucGap::SetObjOrgInBes().

const double B_AS_RMIN[B_LAY_NUM] = {1740,1810,1880,1950,2030,2110,2230,2350,2470} [static]

Definition at line 118 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetRc(), MucGap::SetRc(), MucBoxCover::SetRc(), MucBox::SetRc(), MucAbsorber::SetRc(), MucGapCal::SetRc(), MucBoxCal::SetRc(), MucStripPlane::SetRin(), MucRpc::SetRin(), MucGas::SetRin(), MucGap::SetRin(), MucBoxCover::SetRin(), MucBox::SetRin(), MucBakelite::SetRin(), MucAbsorber::SetRin(), MucGapCal::SetRin(), MucBoxCal::SetRin(), MucStripPlane::SetRout(), MucRpc::SetRout(), MucGas::SetRout(), MucGap::SetRout(), MucBoxCover::SetRout(), MucBox::SetRout(), MucBakelite::SetRout(), MucAbsorber::SetRout(), MucGapCal::SetRout(), and MucBoxCal::SetRout().

const double B_BOX_DT[SL_NUM] = {31,26} [static]

Definition at line 115 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucStrip::SetW(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const double B_BOX_DZ[SL_NUM] = {46,41} [static]

Definition at line 116 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStripPlane::SetL(), MucStrip::SetL(), MucRpc::SetL(), MucGas::SetL(), MucBakelite::SetL(), MucStripCal::SetL(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucStrip::SetW(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const double B_BOX_LT = 3800.0 [static]

Definition at line 113 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStripPlane::SetL(), MucStrip::SetL(), MucRpc::SetL(), MucGas::SetL(), MucBoxCover::SetL(), MucBox::SetL(), MucBakelite::SetL(), MucStripCal::SetL(), MucBoxCal::SetL(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucStrip::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const double B_BOX_SLOT_WT = 560 [static]

Definition at line 114 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucBoxCal::SetArea(), MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBoxCover::SetW(), MucBox::SetW(), and MucBakelite::SetW().

const double B_BOX_WT[B_LAY_NUM] = {1050,1300,1360,1416,1484,1548,1640,1748,1848} [static]

Definition at line 117 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::Init2DEffHisto(), MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStrip::SetL(), MucStripCal::SetL(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucStrip::SetW(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBoxCover::SetW(), MucBox::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), MucStripCal::SetW(), and MucBoxCal::SetW().

const double B_GP_DZ = 70.0 [static]

Definition at line 108 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double B_GP_LT = 3940.0 [static]

Definition at line 109 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGapCal::SetL().

const double B_GP_SLOT_LT = 542 [static]

Definition at line 112 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGap::SetL(), and MucGap::SetObjOrgInBes().

const double B_GP_SLOT_WT = 422 [static]

Definition at line 111 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGap::SetObjOrgInBes(), and MucGap::SetW().

const double B_GP_WT[B_LAY_NUM] = {1266,1314,1372,1430,1496,1562,1652,1762,1860} [static]

Definition at line 110 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGap::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetW(), and MucGapCal::SetW().

const int B_LAY_NUM = 9 [static]

Definition at line 93 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double B_PHI[B_SEG_NUM] = { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 1 } [static]

Definition at line 104 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetPhi(), MucRpc::SetPhi(), MucGas::SetPhi(), MucBakelite::SetPhi(), and MucStripCal::SetPhi().

const double B_PHISTR_CUT = 642 [static]

Definition at line 101 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStrip::SetL(), MucStripCal::SetL(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInLoc(), and MucStripPlane::SetW().

const int B_PHISTR_CUT_NUM = 80 [static]

Definition at line 100 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStrip::SetL(), and MucStripCal::SetL().

const int B_PHISTR_NUM = 96 [static]

Definition at line 97 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int B_SEG_NUM = 8 [static]

Definition at line 92 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double B_STR_DST[B_LAY_NUM] = {20,39,27,39,30,39,33,39,37} [static]

Definition at line 103 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::Init2DEffHisto(), MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStrip::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const int B_STR_PER_SEG[2] = { 624, 688 } [static]

Definition at line 49 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int B_TOP = 2 [static]

Definition at line 94 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double B_TOPRPC_LTS[2] = {540,610} [static]

Definition at line 120 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucBoxCal::SetArea(), MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucRpc::SetL(), MucGas::SetL(), MucBoxCover::SetL(), MucBox::SetL(), MucBakelite::SetL(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), and MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInLoc().

const int B_TOPSTR_NUM = 112 [static]

Definition at line 98 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double B_ZSTR_CUT[2] = {540,610} [static]

Definition at line 102 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStripPlane::SetL(), MucStrip::SetL(), MucStripCal::SetL(), and MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInLoc().

const int B_ZSTR_CUT_NUM[B_LAY_NUM] = {16, 0, 12, 0, 11, 0, 10, 0, 9} [static]

Definition at line 105 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStrip::SetL(), and MucStripCal::SetL().

const int B_ZSTR_NUM = 48 [static]

Definition at line 96 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int BOX_MAX = 136 [static]

Definition at line 36 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int BOX_PER_PART[PART_MAX] = {32, 72, 32} [static]

Definition at line 44 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int BOX_PER_SEG[PART_MAX] = {8, 9, 8} [static]

Definition at line 45 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int BOX_SUM[PART_MAX] = {32, 104, 136} [static]

Definition at line 46 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double BOX_TH = 28.0 [static]

Definition at line 64 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucBox::SetH(), MucBoxCal::SetH(), MucBox::SetL(), MucBoxCal::SetL(), MucBoxCover::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucBoxCover::SetRin(), MucBox::SetRin(), MucBoxCal::SetRin(), MucBoxCover::SetRout(), MucBox::SetRout(), MucBoxCal::SetRout(), MucBox::SetThin(), and MucBoxCal::SetThin().

const int BRID = 1 [static]

Definition at line 53 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int CALIB_LV_MAX = 4 [static]

Definition at line 16 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int CLUSTER_ALARM = 20 [static]

Definition at line 41 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::ReadEvent().

const int CLUSTER_CUT = 0 [static]

Definition at line 40 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::FillEvent().

const int CLUSTER_RANGE = STRIP_INBOX_MAX [static]

Definition at line 42 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::InitClusterHisto().

const int DEFAULT_BUILD_MODE = 1 [static]

Definition at line 20 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::MucCalibMgr().

const double DEFAULT_EFF_ERR = 0.0 [static]

Definition at line 22 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double DEFAULT_EFF_VALUE = 0.95 [static]

Definition at line 21 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double DEFAULT_INC_VALUE = 0.0 [static]

Definition at line 23 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV0(), MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV1(), and MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV2().

const double DEFAULT_NOS_VALUE = 0.0 [static]

Definition at line 24 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV0(), MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV1(), and MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV2().

const double E_AS_RMAX = 2500.0 [static]

Definition at line 78 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucGap::SetH(), MucBoxCover::SetH(), MucBox::SetH(), MucAbsorber::SetH(), MucGapCal::SetH(), MucBoxCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucAbsorber::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetRc(), MucGap::SetRc(), MucBoxCover::SetRc(), MucBox::SetRc(), MucAbsorber::SetRc(), MucGapCal::SetRc(), MucStripPlane::SetRout(), MucRpc::SetRout(), MucGas::SetRout(), MucGap::SetRout(), MucBoxCover::SetRout(), MucBox::SetRout(), MucBakelite::SetRout(), MucAbsorber::SetRout(), MucGapCal::SetRout(), MucBoxCal::SetRout(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucGap::SetW(), MucBoxCover::SetW(), MucBox::SetW(), MucAbsorber::SetW(), MucGapCal::SetW(), MucBoxCal::SetW(), and MucAbsorber::SetWd().

const int E_ASLAY_NUM = 9 [static]

Definition at line 72 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGeoMgr::CreateAbsorber().

const double E_BOX_DR = 130.0 [static]

Definition at line 83 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucBoxCover::SetH(), MucBox::SetH(), MucBoxCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetRc(), MucBoxCover::SetRc(), MucBox::SetRc(), MucStripPlane::SetRout(), MucRpc::SetRout(), MucGas::SetRout(), MucBoxCover::SetRout(), MucBox::SetRout(), MucBakelite::SetRout(), MucBoxCal::SetRout(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucBoxCover::SetW(), MucBox::SetW(), and MucBoxCal::SetW().

const double E_GP_DX = 40.0 [static]

Definition at line 81 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucBoxCal::SetArea(), MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucGap::SetW(), MucBoxCover::SetW(), MucBox::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), MucGapCal::SetW(), MucBoxCal::SetW(), MucStripPlane::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWd(), MucGas::SetWd(), MucGap::SetWd(), MucBoxCover::SetWd(), MucBox::SetWd(), MucBakelite::SetWd(), MucStripPlane::SetWu(), MucRpc::SetWu(), MucGas::SetWu(), MucGap::SetWu(), MucBoxCover::SetWu(), MucBox::SetWu(), and MucBakelite::SetWu().

const double E_GP_DY = 50.0 [static]

Definition at line 82 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucBoxCal::SetArea(), MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucGap::SetH(), MucBoxCover::SetH(), MucBox::SetH(), MucGapCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucGap::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBoxCover::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucBox::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), MucStripPlane::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWd(), MucGas::SetWd(), MucGap::SetWd(), MucBoxCover::SetWd(), MucBox::SetWd(), MucBakelite::SetWd(), MucStripPlane::SetWu(), MucRpc::SetWu(), MucGas::SetWu(), MucGap::SetWu(), MucBoxCover::SetWu(), MucBox::SetWu(), and MucBakelite::SetWu().

const double E_GP_RMIN[E_LAY_NUM] = {1067,1100,1133,1167,1203,1241,1302,1362} [static]

Definition at line 80 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucGap::SetH(), MucBoxCover::SetH(), MucBox::SetH(), MucBoxCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetRin(), MucRpc::SetRin(), MucGas::SetRin(), MucGap::SetRin(), MucBoxCover::SetRin(), MucBox::SetRin(), MucBakelite::SetRin(), and MucBoxCal::SetRin().

const int E_LAY_NUM = 8 [static]

Definition at line 69 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int E_PANEL_NUM = 3 [static]

Definition at line 73 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGeoMgr::CreateAbsorber(), MucGeoMgr::CreateBox(), MucGeoMgr::CreateBoxCover(), MucGeoMgr::CreateGap(), and MucGeoMgr::CreateStripPlane().

const int E_RPC_NUM[SL_NUM] = {3,5} [static]

Definition at line 75 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGeoMgr::CreateBakelite(), MucGeoMgr::CreateGas(), and MucGeoMgr::CreateRpc().

const int E_SEG_NUM = 4 [static]

Definition at line 68 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double E_STR_DST = 35 [static]

Definition at line 74 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::Init2DEffHisto(), MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), MucStripCal::SetCenterLine(), MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucStrip::SetHead(), MucStripCal::SetHead(), MucStrip::SetTail(), MucStripCal::SetTail(), MucStripPlane::SetWd(), and MucStripPlane::SetWu().

const int E_STR_NUM = 64 [static]

Definition at line 70 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double E_STR_WT = 33 [static]

Definition at line 77 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const double E_STRPLN_DA = 16.0 [static]

Definition at line 87 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucBoxCal::SetArea(), MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetW(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), MucStripPlane::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWd(), MucGas::SetWd(), MucBakelite::SetWd(), MucStripPlane::SetWu(), MucRpc::SetWu(), MucGas::SetWu(), and MucBakelite::SetWu().

const double E_STRPLN_DB[2] = { 53.0,41.0 } [static]

Definition at line 88 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucBoxCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStrip::SetLocOrgInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetRc(), MucStripPlane::SetRout(), MucRpc::SetRout(), MucGas::SetRout(), MucBakelite::SetRout(), MucBoxCal::SetRout(), and MucStripPlane::SetW().

const double E_STRPLN_DR = 26.0 [static]

Definition at line 89 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucBoxCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetRin(), MucRpc::SetRin(), MucGas::SetRin(), MucBakelite::SetRin(), and MucBoxCal::SetRin().

const double E_XSTR_OFFSET = 97.5 [static]

Definition at line 85 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), and MucStripCal::SetCenterLine().

const double E_YSTR_OFFSET = 87.5 [static]

Definition at line 86 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), and MucStripCal::SetCenterLine().

const int EEID = 0 [static]

Definition at line 52 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int EFF_WINDOW = 4 [static]

Definition at line 17 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::MucCalibMgr().

const int EWID = 2 [static]

Definition at line 54 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int LAYER_MAX = 9 [static]

Definition at line 35 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double LIMIT_CUT = 0.0001 [static]

Definition at line 25 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double OVERLAP_WIDTH = 4.0 [static]

Definition at line 122 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucGap::SetH(), MucBox::SetH(), MucRpc::SetL(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucStripPlane::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWd(), MucGap::SetWd(), MucBox::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWu(), MucGap::SetWu(), and MucBox::SetWu().

const int PART_MAX = 3 [static]

Definition at line 33 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int PHISTR = 3 [static]

Definition at line 60 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double PI = 3.141593 [static]

Definition at line 29 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int SEGMENT_MAX = 8 [static]

Definition at line 34 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int SL_DOWN = 1 [static]

Definition at line 56 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucGas::SetH(), MucBakelite::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetL(), MucStrip::SetL(), MucRpc::SetL(), MucGas::SetL(), MucBakelite::SetL(), MucStripCal::SetL(), MucStripPlane::SetObjOrgInLoc(), MucStrip::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const int SL_NUM = 2 [static]

Definition at line 39 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGeoMgr::CreateBakelite(), MucGeoMgr::CreateBoxCover(), MucGeoMgr::CreateGas(), and MucGeoMgr::CreateRpc().

const int SL_UP = 0 [static]

Definition at line 55 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetL(), MucGas::SetL(), MucBakelite::SetL(), MucRpc::SetTheta(), MucGas::SetTheta(), MucBakelite::SetTheta(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), MucRpc::SetWd(), MucGas::SetWd(), MucBakelite::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWu(), MucGas::SetWu(), and MucBakelite::SetWu().

const double STR_GAP = 2.0 [static]

Definition at line 62 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucStrip::SetBarrelStripInLoc(), MucStrip::SetCenterLine(), MucStripCal::SetCenterLine(), MucStrip::SetTail(), MucStripCal::SetTail(), MucStrip::SetW(), and MucStripCal::SetW().

const int STR_PER_PART[3] = { 2048, 5056, 2048 } [static]

Definition at line 48 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int STR_SUM[3] = { 2048, 7104, 9152 } [static]

Definition at line 50 of file MucStructConst.h.

const double STR_TH = 1.0 [static]

Definition at line 63 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucGas::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetBarrelRpcInBes(), MucRpc::SetBarrelRpcInLoc(), MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucStripPlane::SetH(), MucStrip::SetH(), MucStripCal::SetH(), MucStripPlane::SetL(), MucStripPlane::SetRin(), MucRpc::SetRin(), MucGas::SetRin(), MucBakelite::SetRin(), MucStripPlane::SetRout(), MucRpc::SetRout(), MucGas::SetRout(), MucBakelite::SetRout(), MucStripPlane::SetThin(), MucStrip::SetThin(), and MucStripCal::SetThin().

const int STRIP_INBOX_MAX = 112 [static]

Definition at line 38 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int STRIP_MAX = 9152 [static]

Definition at line 37 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int TRACK_SEG_MAX = 8 [static]

Definition at line 18 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by DQA_MUC::execute(), and MucCalibMgr::ReadEvent().

const int TRACK_THRESHOLD = 100 [static]

Definition at line 19 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::SaveConst().

const double TRIGGER_RATE = 4000.0 [static]

Definition at line 26 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::MucCalibMgr().

const double TRIGGER_WINDOW = 800e-9 [static]

Definition at line 27 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV0(), MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV1(), and MucCalibMgr::EffAndNoiseLV2().

const double VALUE = tan(PI/8.0) [static]

Definition at line 30 of file MucStructConst.h.

Referenced by MucRpc::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucBakelite::SetEndcapRpcInBes(), MucGas::SetH(), MucBakelite::SetH(), MucRpc::SetW(), MucGas::SetW(), MucBakelite::SetW(), MucAbsorber::SetW(), MucStripPlane::SetWd(), MucRpc::SetWd(), MucGas::SetWd(), MucGap::SetWd(), MucBoxCover::SetWd(), MucBox::SetWd(), MucBakelite::SetWd(), MucAbsorber::SetWd(), MucBoxCal::SetWd(), MucStripPlane::SetWu(), MucRpc::SetWu(), MucGas::SetWu(), MucGap::SetWu(), MucBoxCover::SetWu(), MucBox::SetWu(), MucBakelite::SetWu(), MucAbsorber::SetWu(), and MucBoxCal::SetWu().

const int XSTR = 0 [static]

Definition at line 57 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int YSTR = 1 [static]

Definition at line 58 of file MucStructConst.h.

const int ZSTR = 2 [static]

Definition at line 59 of file MucStructConst.h.

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:16:48 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7