
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //$id$
00002 //
00003 //$log$
00005 /*
00006  *    2003/08/30   Zhengyun You     Peking University
00007  * 
00008  *    2004/09/09   Zhengyun You     Peking University
00009  *                 transplanted to Gaudi framework
00010  */
00012 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <vector>
00014 #include "TGeoBBox.h"
00016 #include "MucGeomSvc/MucGeoGap.h"
00017 #include "MucGeomSvc/MucGeoStrip.h"
00018 #include "MucGeomSvc/MucGeometron.h"
00019 #include "MucGeomSvc/MucConstant.h"
00020 #include "Identifier/MucID.h"
00022 using namespace std;
00024 MucGeoGap::MucGeoGap()
00025   : m_Part(-1),
00026     m_Seg(-1),
00027     m_Gap(-1),
00028     m_StripNum(-1),
00029     m_XSize(-1.0),
00030     m_YSize(-1.0),
00031     m_ZSize(-1.0)
00032 {
00033   // Default constructor.
00034 }
00036 MucGeoGap::MucGeoGap(const int part,
00037                      const int seg,
00038                      const int gap,
00039                      const int orient,
00040                      const int stripNum,
00041                      const float xSize,
00042                      const float ySize,
00043                      const float zSize,
00044                      const float xTarget1Global,
00045                      const float yTarget1Global,
00046                      const float zTarget1Global,
00047                      const float xTarget2Global,
00048                      const float yTarget2Global,
00049                      const float zTarget2Global,
00050                      const float xTarget3Global,
00051                      const float yTarget3Global,
00052                      const float zTarget3Global,
00053                      const float dzHighEdge,
00054                      const float dzFarFrontGas,
00055                      const float dzNearFrontGas,
00056                      const float dzNearBackGas,
00057                      const float dzFarBackGas,
00058                      const float dxTarget1ToFiducial,
00059                      const float dyTarget1ToFiducial,
00060                      const float dxFiducialToCenter,
00061                      const float dyFiducialToCenter)
00062   : m_Part(part),
00063     m_Seg(seg),
00064     m_Gap(gap),
00065     m_StripNum(stripNum),
00066     m_Orient(orient),
00067     m_XSize(xSize),
00068     m_YSize(ySize),
00069     m_ZSize(zSize),
00070     m_dzHighEdge(dzHighEdge),
00071     m_dzFarFrontGas(dzFarFrontGas),
00072     m_dzNearFrontGas(dzNearFrontGas),
00073     m_dzNearBackGas(dzNearBackGas),
00074     m_dzFarBackGas(dzFarBackGas),
00075     m_pMucGeoStrip(MucID::getStripNum(part, seg, gap))
00076 {
00077   // Real constructor (construct strips externally).
00079   // v1Global, v2Global, v3Global are position vectors of the three survey targets in the
00080   // Bes global coordinate system.
00081   //cout << m_dzHighEdge << " " << m_dzFarFrontGas << " " << m_dzNearFrontGas << " " << dzNearBackGas << " " << dzFarBackGas << endl;
00082   Hep3Vector v1Global(xTarget1Global, yTarget1Global, zTarget1Global);
00083   Hep3Vector v2Global(xTarget2Global, yTarget2Global, zTarget2Global);
00084   Hep3Vector v3Global(xTarget3Global, yTarget3Global, zTarget3Global);
00086   Hep3Vector v2To1Global = v1Global - v2Global;
00087   Hep3Vector v3To1Global = v1Global - v3Global;
00089   // v1Gap is the position vector of target1 in the gap coordinate system. 
00090   Hep3Vector v1Gap(dxTarget1ToFiducial + dxFiducialToCenter,
00091                    dyTarget1ToFiducial + dyFiducialToCenter,
00092                    0.0);
00094   // Make rotaiton and translation matrix.
00095   Hep3Vector newX(1,0,0), newY(0,1,0), newZ(0,0,1);
00096   HepRotation rotateGap(newX, newY, newZ);
00098   if(part == 1) {
00099     newX = v2To1Global;
00100     newX.setMag(1.0);
00101     newY = v3To1Global;
00102     newY.setMag(1.0);
00103     newZ = newX.cross(newY);
00104   }
00105   if(part != 1) { 
00106     newY = -1.0*v2To1Global;
00107     newY.setMag(1.0);
00108     newZ = v3To1Global.cross(newY);
00109     newZ.setMag(1.0);
00110     newX = newY.cross(newZ);
00111   }
00113   HepRotation rotateGlobal(newX, newY, newZ);
00114   HepRotation rotateGapToGlobal(rotateGlobal * rotateGap);
00116   Hep3Vector  translateGapToGlobal(v1Global - rotateGapToGlobal * v1Gap);
00118   m_Rotation    = rotateGapToGlobal;
00119   m_Translation = translateGapToGlobal;
00120   m_Center      = m_Translation;
00122   //cout << " Rotation : " << endl << m_Rotation.xx() << "  " << m_Rotation.xy() << "  " << m_Rotation.xz() << endl << m_Rotation.yx() << "  " << m_Rotation.yy() << "  " << m_Rotation.yz() << endl << m_Rotation.zx() << "  " << m_Rotation.zy() << "  " << m_Rotation.zz() << endl;
00123   //cout << " Center   : " << m_Center   << endl;
00125   HepMatrix rM(3,3), rMT(3,3);
00126   for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
00127     for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
00128       rM[i][j] = m_Rotation(i,j);
00129     }
00130   }
00131   rMT = rM.T();
00133   Hep3Vector newXT(rMT(1,1),rMT(2,1),rMT(3,1));
00134   Hep3Vector newYT(rMT(1,2),rMT(2,2),rMT(3,2));
00135   Hep3Vector newZT(rMT(1,3),rMT(2,3),rMT(3,3));
00136   HepRotation rotateGlobalToGap(newXT,newYT,newZT);
00138   m_RotationT = rotateGlobalToGap;
00139 }
00142 MucGeoGap::MucGeoGap(const int part,
00143                      const int seg,
00144                      const int gap,
00145                      const int orient,
00146                      const int stripNum,
00147                      const TGeoPhysicalNode *gapPhysicalNode,
00148                      const float ironThickness)
00149   : m_Part(part),
00150     m_Seg(seg),
00151     m_Gap(gap),
00152     m_StripNum(stripNum),
00153     m_Orient(orient),
00154     m_pMucGeoStrip(MucID::getStripNum(part, seg, gap)),
00155     m_IronThickness(ironThickness)
00157 {
00158   TGeoBBox *gapBox = (TGeoBBox*)gapPhysicalNode->GetShape();
00160   m_XSize = gapBox->GetDX() * 2.0;
00161   m_YSize = gapBox->GetDY() * 2.0;
00162   m_ZSize = gapBox->GetDZ() * 2.0;
00164   m_dzHighEdge     = 20.0;
00165   m_dzFarFrontGas  = -4.5;
00166   m_dzNearFrontGas = -2.5;
00167   m_dzNearBackGas  =  2.5;
00168   m_dzFarBackGas   =  4.5;  
00170   double eRot[9], *pRot;
00171   pRot = eRot;
00172   pRot = gapPhysicalNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix();
00174   //cout << "part " << part << " seg " << seg << " gap " << gap << endl; 
00175   //cout << pRot[0] << " " << pRot[1] << " " << pRot[2] << endl
00176   //     << pRot[3] << " " << pRot[4] << " " << pRot[5] << endl
00177   //     << pRot[6] << " " << pRot[7] << " " << pRot[8] << endl;
00178   Hep3Vector rotX(pRot[0], pRot[3], pRot[6]);
00179   Hep3Vector rotY(pRot[1], pRot[4], pRot[7]);
00180   Hep3Vector rotZ(pRot[2], pRot[5], pRot[8]);
00181   HepRotation rotateGapToGlobal(rotX, rotY, rotZ);
00182   m_Rotation = rotateGapToGlobal;
00184   Hep3Vector rotTX(pRot[0], pRot[1], pRot[2]);
00185   Hep3Vector rotTY(pRot[3], pRot[4], pRot[5]);
00186   Hep3Vector rotTZ(pRot[6], pRot[7], pRot[8]);
00187   HepRotation rotateGlobalToGap(rotTX, rotTY, rotTZ);
00188   m_RotationT = rotateGlobalToGap;
00190   double eTrans[3], *pTrans;
00191   pTrans = eTrans;
00192   pTrans = gapPhysicalNode->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation();
00194   Hep3Vector translateGapToGlobal(pTrans[0], pTrans[1], pTrans[2]);
00195   m_Translation = translateGapToGlobal;
00196   m_Center      = m_Translation;
00199   double eTrans_gap[3], *pTrans_gap;  //pTran is for box now!!!
00200   pTrans_gap = eTrans_gap;
00201   pTrans_gap = gapPhysicalNode->GetMatrix(2)->GetTranslation();
00202   //std::cout <<"gap position: "<<pTrans_gap[0]<< " " << pTrans_gap[1] << " " << pTrans_gap[2] << std::endl;
00204   Hep3Vector GapSurface1, GapSurface2;
00205   Hep3Vector GapCenter(pTrans_gap[0], pTrans_gap[1], pTrans_gap[2]);
00206   GapSurface1 = GapCenter - rotZ * 20; //Gap thickness/2= 20
00207   GapSurface2 = GapCenter + rotZ * 20; //Gap thickness/2= 20
00209   m_SurfaceInner = GapSurface1;
00210   m_SurfaceOuter = GapSurface2;
00211   if(GapSurface1.mag()>GapSurface2.mag())//keep Inner be the little one
00212     {
00213       m_SurfaceInner = GapSurface2;
00214       m_SurfaceOuter = GapSurface1;
00215     }
00217  //  std::cout <<"sur1 position: "<<GapSurface1[0]<<" "<<GapSurface1[1]<<" "<<GapSurface1[2]<<std::endl;
00218 //   std::cout <<"sur2 position: "<<GapSurface2[0]<<" "<<GapSurface2[1]<<" "<<GapSurface2[2]<<std::endl; 
00219 //   std::cout <<"box position: "<< pTrans[0] << " " << pTrans[1] << " " << pTrans[2] << std::endl;
00220 }
00222 MucGeoGap& 
00223 MucGeoGap::operator=(const MucGeoGap &orig)
00224 {
00225   // Assignment operator.
00226   if (this != &orig) {             // Watch out for self-assignment!
00227     m_Part       = orig.m_Part;
00228     m_Seg        = orig.m_Seg;
00229     m_Gap        = orig.m_Gap;
00230     m_StripNum    = orig.m_StripNum;
00231     m_Orient      = orig.m_Orient;
00232     m_HitStatus   = orig.m_HitStatus;
00234     m_XSize      = orig.m_XSize;
00235     m_YSize      = orig.m_YSize;
00236     m_ZSize      = orig.m_ZSize;
00238     m_dzHighEdge     = orig.m_dzHighEdge;
00239     m_dzFarFrontGas  = orig.m_dzFarFrontGas;
00240     m_dzNearFrontGas = orig.m_dzNearFrontGas;
00241     m_dzNearBackGas  = orig.m_dzNearBackGas;
00242     m_dzFarBackGas   = orig.m_dzFarBackGas;
00245     m_Center      = orig.m_Center;
00246     m_Rotation    = orig.m_Rotation;
00247     m_RotationT   = orig.m_RotationT;
00248     m_Translation = orig.m_Translation;
00250     m_IronThickness = orig.m_IronThickness;
00252     m_pMucGeoStrip = orig.m_pMucGeoStrip;
00253   }
00254   return *this;
00255 }
00257 MucGeoGap::MucGeoGap(const MucGeoGap &orig)
00258   : m_Part(orig.m_Part),
00259     m_Seg(m_Seg),
00260     m_Gap(m_Gap),
00261     m_StripNum(orig.m_StripNum),
00262     m_Orient(orig.m_Orient),
00263     m_HitStatus(orig.m_HitStatus),
00264     m_XSize(orig.m_XSize),
00265     m_YSize(orig.m_YSize),
00266     m_ZSize(orig.m_ZSize),
00267     m_dzHighEdge(orig.m_dzHighEdge),
00268     m_dzFarFrontGas(orig.m_dzFarFrontGas),
00269     m_dzNearFrontGas(orig.m_dzNearFrontGas),
00270     m_dzNearBackGas(orig.m_dzNearBackGas),
00271     m_dzFarBackGas(orig.m_dzFarBackGas),
00272     m_Center(orig.m_Center),
00273     m_Rotation(orig.m_Rotation),
00274     m_RotationT(orig.m_RotationT),
00275     m_Translation(orig.m_Translation),
00276     m_IronThickness(orig.m_IronThickness)
00277 { 
00278   // Copy constructor.
00279   m_pMucGeoStrip = orig.m_pMucGeoStrip;
00280 }
00282 MucGeoGap::~MucGeoGap()
00283 { 
00284   // Destructor.
00285   MucGeoStrip* pStrip = 0;
00286   while(m_pMucGeoStrip.size() > 0){
00287     pStrip = m_pMucGeoStrip.back();
00288     delete pStrip;
00289     m_pMucGeoStrip.pop_back();
00290   }
00291 }
00293 MucGeoStrip* 
00294 MucGeoGap::GetStrip(const int strip) const
00295 {
00296   // Point to a strip within this gap.
00297   if ( strip < 0 || strip >= int(m_pMucGeoStrip.size()) ) {
00298     std::cout << "Error: MucGeoGap::GetStrip() strip " << strip << " exceed strip range" << endl;
00299     return 0;
00300   }
00301   if ( !m_pMucGeoStrip[strip] ) {
00302     std::cout << "Error: MucGeoGap::GetStrip() strip " << strip << " not found" << endl;
00303     return 0;
00304   }
00306   return m_pMucGeoStrip[strip];
00307 }
00309 void
00310 MucGeoGap::GetSize(float &xSize, float &ySize, float &zSize) const
00311 {
00312   // Get size of this gap.
00313   xSize = m_XSize;
00314   ySize = m_YSize;
00315   zSize = m_ZSize;
00317   return;
00318 }
00320 void 
00321 MucGeoGap::GetRotationMatrix(float &thetaX, float &phiX,
00322                              float &thetaY, float &phiY,
00323                              float &thetaZ, float &phiZ) const
00324 {
00325   // Get the rotation angles (in degrees) of the gap in the global coordinate system.
00326   Hep3Vector x(m_Rotation.colX());
00327   Hep3Vector y(m_Rotation.colY());
00328   Hep3Vector z(m_Rotation.colZ());
00330   thetaX = kRad * x.theta();
00331   phiX   = kRad * x.phi();
00332   thetaY = kRad * y.theta();
00333   phiY   = kRad * y.phi();
00334   thetaZ = kRad * z.theta();
00335   phiZ   = kRad * z.phi();
00337   // cout << "Gap rotation matrix : " << endl
00338   //      << "X:  theta = " << thetaX << "  phi = " << phiX << endl
00339   //      << "Y:  theta = " << thetaY << "  phi = " << phiY << endl
00340   //      << "Z:  theta = " << thetaZ << "  phi = " << phiZ << endl;
00342   return;
00343 }
00345 int
00346 MucGeoGap::GuessStrip(const float x,
00347                       const float y,
00348                       const float ) const
00349 {
00350   // Given a position (gap coordinate), find the approximate strip containing the position, as there are intervals between the strips.
00351   float x0, y0, z0;  // XYZ position of the strip NO min.
00352   float xn, yn, zn;  // XYZ position of the strip NO max.
00353   float dx;          // Approximate width of a strip and a interval.
00354   int n, iGuess;           
00356   n = m_StripNum - 1;
00358   GetStrip(0)->GetCenterPos(x0, y0, z0);
00359   GetStrip(n)->GetCenterPos(xn, yn, zn);
00361   //cout << n << endl;
00362   //cout << "x0 " << x0 << " xn " << xn << " x " << x << endl;
00363   //cout << "y0 " << y0 << " yn " << yn << " y " << y << endl;
00364   //cout << "orient " << m_Orient << endl;
00366   if(m_Orient == 0){
00367     dx = (yn-y0)/n;
00368     iGuess = int ((y-y0)/dx+0.5);
00369     return iGuess;
00370   } 
00371   else{
00372     dx = (xn-x0)/n;
00373     iGuess = int ((x-x0)/dx+0.5);
00374     return iGuess;
00375   }
00376 }
00378 HepPoint3D
00379 MucGeoGap::ProjectToGap(const HepPoint3D gPoint,
00380                         const Hep3Vector gDirection) const
00381 {
00382   // Given a line by basepoint gPoint and direction gDirection,
00383   // find the intersection with the gap (in global coordinate).
00384   Hep3Vector gapVect  = m_Rotation.colZ();
00385   HepPoint3D gCross(0,0,0);
00387   HepPlane3D plane(gapVect, m_Center);
00388   MucGeometron geometron;
00389   //bool getPoint = 
00390   geometron.GetIntersectionLinePlane(gPoint, gDirection, plane, gCross);
00392   return gCross;
00393 }
00395 HepPoint3D
00396 MucGeoGap::ProjectToGapWithSigma(const HepPoint3D gPoint,
00397     const Hep3Vector gDirection,
00398     const HepPoint3D gPointSigma,
00399     const Hep3Vector gDirectionSigma,
00400     HepPoint3D &gCross,
00401     HepPoint3D &gCrossSigma) const
00402 {
00403   Hep3Vector gapVect  = m_Rotation.colZ();
00405   HepPlane3D plane(gapVect, m_Center);
00406   MucGeometron geometron;
00407   geometron.GetIntersectionLinePlaneWithSigma(gPoint, gDirection, gPointSigma, gDirectionSigma, plane, gCross, gCrossSigma);
00410   return gCross;
00411 } 
00414 void
00415 MucGeoGap::ProjectToGapSurface(const HepPoint3D gPoint,
00416                                const Hep3Vector gDirection,
00417                                HepPoint3D& gCross1,
00418                                HepPoint3D& gCross2 ) const
00419 {
00420   // Given a line by basepoint gPoint and direction gDirection,
00421   // find the intersection with the gap (in global coordinate).
00422   Hep3Vector gapVect  = m_Rotation.colZ();
00424   HepPlane3D planeInner(gapVect, m_SurfaceInner);
00425   HepPlane3D planeOuter(gapVect, m_SurfaceOuter);
00426   MucGeometron geometron;
00427   //bool getPoint = 
00429   geometron.GetIntersectionLinePlane(gPoint, gDirection, planeInner, gCross1);
00430   geometron.GetIntersectionLinePlane(gPoint, gDirection, planeOuter, gCross2);
00432 }
00434 HepPoint3D
00435 MucGeoGap::ProjectToGapQuadLocal(const int part,      //liangyt 2009.3.12 
00436                         const int orient,
00437                         const float a,    //y = ax*x + b*x +c;
00438                         const float b,
00439                         const float c,
00440                         const int whichhalf,
00441                         HepPoint3D& gCross1,
00442                         HepPoint3D& gCross2) const
00443 {
00444   Hep3Vector gapVect, center_local;
00445   if(part == 1 && orient == 1)  {gapVect  = m_Rotation.colZ(); center_local = m_Center;}
00446   else if(part == 1 && orient == 0)  {//in this orientation, the fitting is done in local coordinate.
00447      gapVect.setX(0); gapVect.setY(1); gapVect.setZ(0);
00448      center_local.setX(0); center_local.setY(m_Center.mag()); center_local.setZ(0);
00449   }
00450   else  {//in this orientation, the fitting is done in local coordinate. 
00451      gapVect.setX(1); gapVect.setY(0); gapVect.setZ(0);
00452      center_local.setX(m_Center.z()); center_local.setY(0); center_local.setZ(0);       
00453   }
00455   //cout<<"in mucgeogap: part = "<<part<<" o: "<<orient<<" gapvect: "<<gapVect<<"  center = "<<m_Center<<endl;
00456   //cout<<"in mucgeogap: center local = "<<center_local<<endl;
00458   HepPlane3D plane(gapVect, center_local);
00460   MucGeometron geometron;
00461   geometron.GetIntersectionQuadPlaneLocal(part,orient, a, b, c, plane, gCross1, gCross2);
00464 }
00467 HepPoint3D
00468 MucGeoGap::ProjectToGap(const HepPoint3D gPoint,      //liangyt 2007.4.9 
00469                         const float vy,
00470                         const float y0,
00471                         const float a,    //y = ax*x + b*x +c;
00472                         const float b,
00473                         const float c,
00474                         const int whichhalf,
00475                         HepPoint3D& gCross1,
00476                         HepPoint3D& gCross2) const
00477 {
00478   // Given a line by basepoint gPoint and direction gDirection,
00479   // find the intersection with the gap (in global coordinate).
00480   Hep3Vector gapVect  = m_Rotation.colZ();
00482   HepPlane3D plane(gapVect, m_Center);
00483   MucGeometron geometron;
00484   //bool getPoint = 
00485   geometron.GetIntersectionQuadPlane(gPoint, vy, y0, a, b, c, plane, gCross1, gCross2);
00487   HepPoint3D localCross = TransformToGap(gCross1);
00489   bool found = false;
00490   bool found1 = false;
00491   bool found2 = false;
00492   HepPoint3D temp;
00493   int good = 0;
00495   if ( IsInGap(localCross.x(),
00496                localCross.y(),
00497                localCross.z()) ) {
00498     good = 1;
00499     found1 = true;
00500   }
00502   localCross = TransformToGap(gCross2);
00503   if ( IsInGap(localCross.x(),
00504                localCross.y(),
00505                localCross.z()) ) {
00506     good = 2;
00507     found2 = true;
00508   }
00509   if(found1&&found2) {
00510     float center = b/(-2*a);
00511     if(whichhalf==2){
00512       if(gCross1.x()>center) good = 1;
00513       if(gCross2.x()>center) good = 2;
00514     }
00515     if(whichhalf==1){
00516       if(gCross1.x()<center) good = 1;
00517       if(gCross2.x()<center) good = 2;
00518     }
00519   }
00520   if(good == 2) {temp = gCross1; gCross1 = gCross2; gCross2 = temp;}  //keep gCross1 be the good one!
00521   //cout<<"detail: "<<whichhalf<<" "<<gCross1<<" & "<<gCross2<<" "<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<c<<endl;
00523   return gCross1;
00524 }
00527 void
00528 MucGeoGap::ProjectToGapSurface(const HepPoint3D gPoint,      //liangyt 2007.4.9 
00529                                const float vy,
00530                                const float y0,
00531                                const float a,    //y = ax*x + b*x +c;
00532                                const float b,
00533                                const float c,
00534                                const int whichhalf,
00535                                HepPoint3D& gCross1,
00536                                HepPoint3D& gCross2) const
00537 {
00538   // Given a line by basepoint gPoint and direction gDirection,
00539   // find the intersection with the gap (in global coordinate).
00541   HepPoint3D cross1, cross2, cross3, cross4;
00543   Hep3Vector gapVect  = m_Rotation.colZ();
00545   HepPlane3D planeInner(gapVect, m_SurfaceInner);
00546   HepPlane3D planeOuter(gapVect, m_SurfaceOuter);
00548   MucGeometron geometron;
00549   //bool getPoint = 
00550   geometron.GetIntersectionQuadPlane(gPoint, vy, y0, a, b, c, planeInner, cross1, cross2);
00551   geometron.GetIntersectionQuadPlane(gPoint, vy, y0, a, b, c, planeOuter, cross3, cross4);
00553   gCross1 = CompareIntersection(whichhalf, cross1, cross2, a, b, c);
00554   gCross2 = CompareIntersection(whichhalf, cross3, cross4, a, b, c);
00556 }
00558 HepPoint3D
00559 MucGeoGap::CompareIntersection(const int whichhalf, const HepPoint3D gCross1,
00560                                const HepPoint3D gCross2, const float a, 
00561                                const float b, const float c )const
00562 {
00563   bool found = false;
00564   bool found1 = false;
00565   bool found2 = false;
00566   int good = 0;
00568   HepPoint3D localCross = TransformToGap(gCross1);
00569   if ( IsInGap(localCross.x(),
00570                localCross.y(),
00571                0.0) ) {
00572     good = 1;
00573     found1 = true;
00574   }
00576   localCross = TransformToGap(gCross2);
00577   if ( IsInGap(localCross.x(),
00578                localCross.y(),
00579                0.0) ) {
00580     good = 2;
00581     found2 = true;
00582   }
00583   if(found1&&found2) {
00584     float center = b/(-2*a);
00585     if(whichhalf==2){
00586       if(gCross1.x()>center) good = 1;
00587       if(gCross2.x()>center) good = 2;
00588     }
00589     if(whichhalf==1){
00590       if(gCross1.x()<center) good = 1;
00591       if(gCross2.x()<center) good = 2;
00592     }
00593   }
00595   if(good == 1) return gCross1;
00596   else if(good == 2) return gCross2;
00597   else {
00598     HepPoint3D Empty(-9999,-9999,-9999);
00599     cout<<"in MucGeoGap:: both intersection position are bad!!!"<<endl; return Empty;
00600   }
00602 }
00605 Hep3Vector 
00606 MucGeoGap::RotateToGlobal(const Hep3Vector pVect) const
00607 {
00608   // Rotate a vector from gap coordinate to Bes global coordinate.
00609   return m_Rotation * pVect;
00610 }
00612 Hep3Vector
00613 MucGeoGap:: RotateToGap(const Hep3Vector gVect) const 
00614 {
00615   // Rotate a vector from Bes global coordinate to gap coordinate.
00616   return m_RotationT * gVect;
00617 }
00619 HepPoint3D 
00620 MucGeoGap::TransformToGlobal(const HepPoint3D pPoint) const
00621 {
00622   // Transform a point from gap coordinate to Bes global coordinate.
00623   return m_Rotation * pPoint + m_Translation;
00624 }
00626 HepPoint3D
00627 MucGeoGap::TransformToGap(const HepPoint3D gPoint) const
00628 {
00629   // Transform a point from Bes global coordinate to gap coordinate.
00630   return m_RotationT * (gPoint - m_Translation);
00631 }
00633 bool 
00634 MucGeoGap::IsInGap(const float x,
00635                    const float y,
00636                    const float z) const
00637 {
00638   // Check if the point (given in gap coordinate) is within the gap boundary.
00639   return ( ( x > -0.5*m_XSize - kGapEdge ) && ( x < 0.5*m_XSize + kGapEdge ) &&
00640            ( y > -0.5*m_YSize - kGapEdge ) && ( y < 0.5*m_YSize + kGapEdge ) &&
00641            ( z > ( m_dzHighEdge - m_ZSize ) ) && ( z < m_dzHighEdge ) );
00642 }
00644 MucGeoStrip* 
00645 MucGeoGap::AddStrip(const int strip)
00646 { 
00647   // Add a strip to the gap.
00648   MucGeoStrip *pStrip;
00649   MucGeoStrip *neighbor;
00651   if( strip >= int(m_pMucGeoStrip.size()) ) {
00652     cout << " MucGeoGap::AddStrip  strip number "
00653          << strip << " outside of expected range " 
00654          << m_pMucGeoStrip.size() 
00655          << endl;
00656     return 0;
00657   }
00659   if( (strip + 1) > m_StripNum ) m_StripNum = strip + 1;
00661   if(m_pMucGeoStrip[strip]) {
00662     // The strip object has already been created; don't create a new one.
00663     return m_pMucGeoStrip[strip];
00664   }
00666   pStrip = new MucGeoStrip(strip,  this);
00668   m_pMucGeoStrip[strip] = pStrip;
00669   pStrip->SetLeftNeighbor(0L);
00670   pStrip->SetRightNeighbor(0L);
00672   // Make this strip and the previous one neighbors.
00673   if ( strip > 0 ) {
00674     neighbor = m_pMucGeoStrip[strip-1];
00675     if(neighbor) {
00676       neighbor->SetRightNeighbor(pStrip);
00677       pStrip->SetLeftNeighbor(neighbor);
00678     }
00679   }
00681   return pStrip;
00682 }
00684 ostream&
00685 operator << (ostream& s, const MucGeoGap& gap)
00686 {
00687   //float x0, y0, z0;
00688   float dx, dy, dz;
00689   HepPoint3D center;
00690   center = gap.GetCenter();
00691   gap.GetSize(dx,dy,dz);
00693   s << " Identifier : " << gap.Part() << " " << gap.Seg() << " " << gap.Gap() << endl;
00694   s << " Strip number " << gap.GetStripNum() << endl;
00695   s << " Center position ("  << center.x() << "," << center.y() << "," << center.z() << ")" << endl;
00696   s << " Size (" << dx << "," << dy << "," << dz << ")" << endl;
00698   return s;
00699 }

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