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xmlBase::Dom Class Reference

#include <Dom.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, const char *const value)
 Add an attribute of type char* to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, std::string value)
 Add an attribute of type string to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, unsigned int value)
 Add attribute of type unsigned int to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, int value)
 Add attribute of type int to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, double value)
 Add attribute of type double to a DOM element, std::string att name.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, const char *const value)
 Add an attribute of type char* to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, std::string value)
 Add an attribute of type string to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, unsigned int value)
 Add attribute of type unsigned int to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, int value)
 Add attribute of type int to a DOM element.
void addAttribute (DOMElement *elt, std::string name, double value)
 Add attribute of type double to a DOM element, std::string att name.
bool checkTagName (const DOMElement *element, const std::string &tagName)
bool checkTagName (const DOMElement *element, const std::string &tagName)
DOMElement * findFirstChildByName (const DOMElement *parent, const std::string name)
DOMElement * findFirstChildByName (const DOMElement *parent, const char *const name)
DOMElement * findFirstChildByName (const DOMElement *parent, const std::string name)
DOMElement * findFirstChildByName (const DOMElement *parent, const char *const name)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, const char *attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMElement *elt, std::string attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMElement *elt, const char *attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, const char *attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMElement *elt, std::string attName)
std::string getAttribute (const DOMElement *elt, const char *attName)
void getAttributeNodeMap (const DOMNode *elt, std::map< std::string, DOMNode * > &atts, bool clear=true)
void getAttributeNodeMap (const DOMNode *elt, std::map< std::string, DOMNode * > &atts, bool clear=true)
void getChildrenByTagName (const DOMElement *parent, const std::string &tagName, std::vector< DOMElement * > &children, bool clear=true)
void getChildrenByTagName (const DOMElement *parent, const std::string &tagName, std::vector< DOMElement * > &children, bool clear=true)
void getDescendantsByTagName (const DOMElement *parent, const std::string &tagName, std::vector< DOMElement * > &children, bool clear=true)
void getDescendantsByTagName (const DOMElement *parent, const std::string &tagName, std::vector< DOMElement * > &children, bool clear=true)
double getDoubleAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName)
double getDoubleAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName)
unsigned getDoublesAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName, std::vector< double > &values, bool clear=true)
unsigned getDoublesAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName, std::vector< double > &values, bool clear=true)
DOMElement * getElementById (const DOMDocument *doc, const std::string &id)
DOMElement * getElementById (const DOMDocument *doc, const std::string &id)
DOMElement * getFirstChildElement (const DOMNode *parent)
 Get first child which is an element node, if any.
DOMElement * getFirstChildElement (const DOMNode *parent)
 Get first child which is an element node, if any.
unsigned getFloatsAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName, std::vector< float > &values, bool clear=true)
unsigned getFloatsAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName, std::vector< float > &values, bool clear=true)
int getIntAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName)
int getIntAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName)
unsigned getIntsAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName, std::vector< int > &values, bool clear=true)
unsigned getIntsAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, std::string attName, std::vector< int > &values, bool clear=true)
std::string getNodeName (const DOMNode *elt)
std::string getNodeName (const DOMNode *elt)
DOMElement * getSiblingElement (const DOMNode *child)
 Return next element sibling, if any.
DOMElement * getSiblingElement (const DOMNode *child)
 Return next element sibling, if any.
std::string getTagName (const DOMElement *node)
std::string getTagName (const DOMElement *node)
std::string getText (const DOMNode *textNode)
std::string getText (const DOMNode *textNode)
std::string getTextContent (const DOMElement *elt)
std::string getTextContent (const DOMElement *elt)
bool hasAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, const char *attName)
bool hasAttribute (const DOMNode *elt, const char *attName)
void prettyPrintElement (DOMNode *elt, std::ostream &out, std::string prefix)
void prettyPrintElement (DOMNode *elt, std::ostream &out, std::string prefix)
void printElement (DOMNode *elt, std::ostream &out)
void printElement (DOMNode *elt, std::ostream &out)
void prune (DOMElement *elt)
void prune (DOMElement *elt)

Static Private Member Functions

int initTrans ()
int initTrans ()
char * transToChar (const XMLCh *const str, unsigned int len)
char * transToChar (const XMLCh *const str)
 Return pointer to transcoded XMLCh string.
char * transToChar (const XMLCh *const str, unsigned int len)
char * transToChar (const XMLCh *const str)
 Return pointer to transcoded XMLCh string.
XMLCh * transToXMLCh (const char *const src)
 Transcode from character string to XMLCh string.
XMLCh * transToXMLCh (const char *const src)
 Transcode from character string to XMLCh string.

Static Private Attributes

char * transBuf
char * transBuf = 0
unsigned int transBufSize = 1000
XMLLCPTranscoder * 
XMLLCPTranscoder * 
transcoder = 0
XMLCh * xmlchBuf
XMLCh * xmlchBuf = 0
unsigned int xmlchBufSize = 200
XMLCh * xmlchStar
XMLCh * xmlchStar = 0

Detailed Description

This class is just a convenient place for some static functions and a static buffer to be used as temp space for transcoding which beef up the DOM interface a bit

Member Function Documentation

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
const char *const   value

Add an attribute of type char* to a DOM element.

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
std::string  value

Add an attribute of type string to a DOM element.

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
unsigned int  value

Add attribute of type unsigned int to a DOM element.

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
int  value

Add attribute of type int to a DOM element.

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
double  value

Add attribute of type double to a DOM element, std::string att name.

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
const char *const   value

Add an attribute of type char* to a DOM element.

00501                                                     {
00503     if (elt == 0) {
00504       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute.  Null argument");
00505     }
00507     XMLCh* xmlchValue = XMLString::transcode(value);
00508     XMLCh* xmlchName = XMLString::transcode(name.c_str());
00510     try {
00511       elt->setAttribute(xmlchName, xmlchValue);
00512     }
00513     catch (DOMException ex) {
00514       char* msg = XMLString::transcode(ex.msg);
00515       std::cerr << "DOMException in xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute(char*)" 
00516                 << std::endl;
00517       std::cerr << "Msg: " << std::string(msg) << "Code: " 
00518                 << ex.code << std::endl;
00519       std::cerr.flush();
00520       XMLString::release(&msg);
00521       throw ex;
00522     }
00524     XMLString::release(&xmlchName);
00525     XMLString::release(&xmlchValue);
00527   }

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
std::string  value

Add an attribute of type string to a DOM element.

00530                                                   {
00532     if (elt == 0)
00533       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute. Null argument");
00535     addAttribute(elt, name, value.c_str());
00536   }

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
unsigned int  value

Add attribute of type unsigned int to a DOM element.

00465                                                      {
00466     if (elt == 0) {
00467       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute.  Null argument");
00468     }
00470     //#ifdef DEFECT_NO_STRINGSTREAM
00471     //    std::strstream s;
00472     //    s << value << '\0';
00473     //#else
00474     std::ostringstream s;
00475     s << value;
00476     //#endif
00478     std::string str = s.str();
00480     XMLCh* xmlchValue = XMLString::transcode(str.c_str());
00481     XMLCh* xmlchName = XMLString::transcode(name.c_str());
00483     try {
00484       elt->setAttribute(xmlchName, xmlchValue);
00485     }
00486     catch (DOMException ex) {
00487       char* msg = XMLString::transcode(ex.msg);
00488       std::cerr << "DOMException in xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute(unsigned int)" 
00489                 << std::endl;
00490       std::cerr << "Msg: " << std::string(msg) 
00491                 << "Code: " << ex.code << std::endl;
00492       XMLString::release(&msg);
00493       throw ex;
00494     }
00495     XMLString::release(&xmlchName);
00496     XMLString::release(&xmlchValue);
00498   }

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
int  value

Add attribute of type int to a DOM element.

00427                                             {
00428     if (elt == 0) {
00429       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute.  Null argument");
00430     }
00433     //#ifdef DEFECT_NO_STRINGSTREAM
00434     //    std::strstream s;
00435     //    s << value << '\0';
00436     //#else
00437     std::ostringstream s;
00438     s << value;
00439     //#endif
00441     std::string str = s.str();
00443     XMLCh* xmlchValue = XMLString::transcode(str.c_str());
00444     XMLCh* xmlchName = XMLString::transcode(name.c_str());
00446     try {
00447       elt->setAttribute(xmlchName, xmlchValue);
00448     }
00449     catch (DOMException ex) {
00450       char* msg = XMLString::transcode(ex.msg);
00451       std::cerr << "DOMException in xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute(int)" 
00452                 << std::endl;
00453       std::cerr << "Msg: " << std::string(msg) 
00454                 << "Code: " << ex.code << std::endl;
00455       XMLString::release(&msg);
00456       throw ex;
00457     }
00459     XMLString::release(&xmlchName);
00460     XMLString::release(&xmlchValue);
00462   }

void xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  name,
double  value

Add attribute of type double to a DOM element, std::string att name.

00393                                         {
00394     if (elt == 0) {
00395       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute.  null argument");
00396     }
00398     //#ifdef DEFECT_NO_STRINGSTREAM
00399     //    std::strstream s;
00400     //    s << value << '\0';
00401     //#else
00402     std::ostringstream s;
00403     s << value;
00404     //#endif
00406     std::string str = s.str();
00407     XMLCh* xmlchValue = XMLString::transcode(str.c_str());
00408     XMLCh* xmlchName = XMLString::transcode(name.c_str());
00410     try {
00411       elt->setAttribute(xmlchName, xmlchValue);
00412     }
00413     catch (DOMException ex) {
00414       char* msg = XMLString::transcode(ex.msg);
00415       std::cerr << "DOMException in xmlBase::Dom::addAttribute(double)" << std::endl;
00416       std::cerr << "Msg: " << std::string(msg) 
00417                 << "Code: " << ex.code << std::endl;
00418       XMLString::release(&msg);
00419       throw ex;
00420     }
00421     XMLString::release(&xmlchName);
00422     XMLString::release(&xmlchValue);
00423   }

bool xmlBase::Dom::checkTagName const DOMElement *  element,
const std::string &  tagName

See if element has expected tag name or not. Throws NullNode exception if argument is null

bool xmlBase::Dom::checkTagName const DOMElement *  element,
const std::string &  tagName

See if element has expected tag name or not. Throws NullNode exception if argument is null

00147                                                    {
00148    if (!element) {
00149      throw NullNode("Null dom element argument to xmlBase::Dom::checkTagName");
00150    }
00151    if (tagName == std::string("*")) return true;
00152    XMLCh* xmlchTagName = XMLString::transcode(tagName.c_str());
00153    bool ret = XMLString::equals(xmlchTagName, element->getTagName());
00154    XMLString::release(&xmlchTagName);
00155    return ret;
00156   }

DOMElement* xmlBase::Dom::findFirstChildByName const DOMElement *  parent,
const std::string  name

DOMElement* xmlBase::Dom::findFirstChildByName const DOMElement *  parent,
const char *const   name

Find first child with given tagname. Only immediate children qualify.

parent Element whose child is to be found
name name to look for (may be *, in which case first child, whatever its tagname, will be returned)

DOMElement * xmlBase::Dom::findFirstChildByName const DOMElement *  parent,
const std::string  name

00089                                                               {
00090     return findFirstChildByName(parent, name.c_str());
00091   }

DOMElement * xmlBase::Dom::findFirstChildByName const DOMElement *  parent,
const char *const   name

Find first child with given tagname. Only immediate children qualify.

parent Element whose child is to be found
name name to look for (may be *, in which case first child, whatever its tagname, will be returned)
00061                                                                 {
00063     if (!xmlchStar) xmlchStar = XMLString::transcode("*");    
00064     if (!(parent)) {
00065       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::findFirstChildByName. Null parent arg.");
00066     }
00068     XMLCh* xmlchName = XMLString::transcode(name);
00070     DOMTreeWalker* walk = makeWalker(parent);
00071     DOMElement* child = static_cast<DOMElement*>(walk->firstChild());
00072     if (XMLString::equals(xmlchName, xmlchStar)) return child;
00074     if (!child) return 0;
00075     // otherwise cycle through children, looking for first with right tag name
00076     while (! XMLString::equals(child->getNodeName(), xmlchName)) {
00077       child = static_cast<DOMElement*>(walk->nextSibling());
00078       if (!child) return 0;
00079     }
00082     XMLString::release(&xmlchName);
00084     walk->release();
00085     return child;
00086   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type) or null if elt is not a DOM_Element or attribute isn't found

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
const char *  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type) or null if elt is not a DOM_Element or attribute is not found.

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type). Return null string if attribute isn't found.

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMElement *  elt,
const char *  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type). Return null string if attribute isn't found.

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type) or null if elt is not a DOM_Element or attribute isn't found

00258                                                {
00259     return getAttribute(elt, attName.c_str());
00260   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
const char *  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type) or null if elt is not a DOM_Element or attribute is not found.

00246                                                                       {
00247     if (elt == 0) {
00248       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute. Null argument");
00249     }
00251     if (elt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
00252       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute. Non-element argument");
00253     }
00254     return getAttribute(static_cast<const DOMElement*>(elt), attName);
00255   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMElement *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type). Return null string if attribute isn't found.

00241                                                      {
00243     return getAttribute(elt, attName.c_str());
00244   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute const DOMElement *  elt,
const char *  attName

Return std::string form of attribute value (standard DOM interface deals only in DOMString type). Return null string if attribute isn't found.

00222                                                                           {
00223     if (elt == 0) {
00224       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getAttribute. Null argument");
00225     }
00227     XMLCh* xmlchAttName = XMLString::transcode(attName);
00228     const XMLCh*  attValue = elt->getAttribute(xmlchAttName);
00229     XMLString::release(&xmlchAttName);
00231     if (attValue == 0) return std::string("");
00233     char* chrAttValue = XMLString::transcode(attValue);
00234     std::string strValue = std::string(chrAttValue);
00235     XMLString::release(&chrAttValue);
00236     return strValue;
00237   }

void xmlBase::Dom::getAttributeNodeMap const DOMNode *  elt,
std::map< std::string, DOMNode * > &  atts,
bool  clear = true

Fill supplied map with all attribute nodes, where key is attribute name. By default clear map first.

void xmlBase::Dom::getAttributeNodeMap const DOMNode *  elt,
std::map< std::string, DOMNode * > &  atts,
bool  clear = true

Fill supplied map with all attribute nodes, where key is attribute name. By default clear map first.

00198                                             {
00200     if (clear) atts.clear();
00201     DOMNamedNodeMap* nodeMap = node->getAttributes();
00202     unsigned int nAtts = nodeMap->getLength();
00204     for (unsigned iAtt = 0; iAtt < nAtts; iAtt++) {
00205       DOMNode* attNode = nodeMap->item(iAtt);
00206       atts[xmlBase::Dom::getNodeName(attNode)] = attNode;
00207     }
00208   }

void xmlBase::Dom::getChildrenByTagName const DOMElement *  parent,
const std::string &  tagName,
std::vector< DOMElement * > &  children,
bool  clear = true

Fill supplied vector with all (immediate) child elements matching requested tagname. If tagName == "*" returns all immediate children. By default clear vector first.

void xmlBase::Dom::getChildrenByTagName const DOMElement *  parent,
const std::string &  tagName,
std::vector< DOMElement * > &  children,
bool  clear = true

Fill supplied vector with all (immediate) child elements matching requested tagname. If tagName == "*" returns all immediate children. By default clear vector first.

00163                                              {
00164     if (!parent) {
00165       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getChildrenByTagName. Null parent arg");
00166     }
00167     if (clear) children.clear();
00168     DOMElement* child = getFirstChildElement(parent);
00169     while (child != 0) {
00170       if (checkTagName(child, tagName)) {
00171         children.push_back(child);
00172       }
00173       child = getSiblingElement(child);
00174     }
00175   }

void xmlBase::Dom::getDescendantsByTagName const DOMElement *  parent,
const std::string &  tagName,
std::vector< DOMElement * > &  children,
bool  clear = true

Fill supplied vector with all descendant elements matching requested tagname. if tagNmae = "*" returns all descendant elements. By default clear vector first.

void xmlBase::Dom::getDescendantsByTagName const DOMElement *  parent,
const std::string &  tagName,
std::vector< DOMElement * > &  children,
bool  clear = true

Fill supplied vector with all descendant elements matching requested tagname. if tagNmae = "*" returns all descendant elements. By default clear vector first.

00181                                                 {
00182     if (parent == 0) {
00183       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getChildrenByTagName. Null parent arg");
00184     }
00185     if (clear) children.clear();
00186     XMLCh* xmlchTagName = XMLString::transcode(tagName.c_str());;
00187     DOMNodeList* list = 
00188       parent->getElementsByTagName(xmlchTagName);
00189     XMLString::release(&xmlchTagName);
00190     unsigned int nItem = list->getLength();
00191     for (unsigned int iItem = 0; iItem < nItem; iItem++) {
00192       children.push_back(static_cast<DOMElement *>(list->item(iItem)));
00193     }
00194   }

double xmlBase::Dom::getDoubleAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return double attribute value. Throw exception if 1) not element node 2) attribute doesn't exist 3) value isn't really a double

double xmlBase::Dom::getDoubleAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return double attribute value. Throw exception if 1) not element node 2) attribute doesn't exist 3) value isn't really a double

00263                                                                       {
00264     std::string stringValue = getAttribute(elt, attName);
00266     if (stringValue == std::string("") ) {
00267       throw
00268         NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getDoubleAttribute.  non-existent attribute");
00269     }
00270     try {
00271       return facilities::Util::stringToDouble(stringValue);
00272     }
00273     catch (facilities::WrongType ex) {
00274       std::cerr << ex.getMsg();
00275       throw WrongAttributeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getDoubleAttribute");
00276     }
00277   }

unsigned xmlBase::Dom::getDoublesAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName,
std::vector< double > &  values,
bool  clear = true

Return doubles in user-supplied vector. Attribute value should be a string consisting of valid ascii representation of floating point numbers, separated by blanks; else the method will throw an exception (xml::WrongAttributeType)

Number of good values found

unsigned xmlBase::Dom::getDoublesAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName,
std::vector< double > &  values,
bool  clear = true

Return doubles in user-supplied vector. Attribute value should be a string consisting of valid ascii representation of floating point numbers, separated by blanks; else the method will throw an exception (xml::WrongAttributeType)

Number of good values found
00280                                                                        {
00281     unsigned nVals = 0;
00282     std::vector<std::string> tokens;
00283     if (clear) values.clear();
00284     std::string stringValue = getAttribute(elt, attName);
00285     if (stringValue.size() == 0) return nVals;
00287     facilities::Util::stringTokenize(stringValue, std::string(" "), tokens);
00289     try {
00290       unsigned nToken = tokens.size();
00291       for (unsigned iToken = 0;  iToken < nToken; iToken++) {
00292         values.push_back(facilities::Util::stringToDouble(tokens[iToken]));
00293         nVals++;
00294       }
00295     }
00296     catch (facilities::WrongType ex) {
00297       std::cerr << ex.getMsg();
00298       throw WrongAttributeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getDoublesAttribute");
00299     }
00300     return nVals;
00301   }

DOMElement* xmlBase::Dom::getElementById const DOMDocument *  doc,
const std::string &  id

DOMElement * xmlBase::Dom::getElementById const DOMDocument *  doc,
const std::string &  id

00121                                                        {
00122     XMLCh* idChars = XMLString::transcode(id.c_str());
00123     DOMElement* elt = doc->getElementById(idChars);
00124     XMLString::release(&idChars);
00125     return elt;
00126   }

DOMElement* xmlBase::Dom::getFirstChildElement const DOMNode *  parent  )  [static]

Get first child which is an element node, if any.

DOMElement * xmlBase::Dom::getFirstChildElement const DOMNode *  parent  )  [static]

Get first child which is an element node, if any.

00115                                                              {
00116     const DOMElement* elt = static_cast<const DOMElement*>(parent);
00117     return findFirstChildByName(elt, "*");
00118   }

unsigned xmlBase::Dom::getFloatsAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName,
std::vector< float > &  values,
bool  clear = true

Return doubles in user-supplied vector. Attribute value should be a string consisting of valid ascii representation of floating point numbers, separated by blanks; else the method will throw an exception (xml::WrongAttributeType)

Number of good values found

unsigned xmlBase::Dom::getFloatsAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName,
std::vector< float > &  values,
bool  clear = true

Return doubles in user-supplied vector. Attribute value should be a string consisting of valid ascii representation of floating point numbers, separated by blanks; else the method will throw an exception (xml::WrongAttributeType)

Number of good values found
00303                                                                          {
00304     unsigned nVals = 0;
00305     std::vector<std::string> tokens;
00306     if (clear) values.clear();
00307     std::string stringValue = getAttribute(elt, attName);
00308     if (stringValue.size() == 0) return nVals;
00310     facilities::Util::stringTokenize(stringValue, std::string(" "), tokens);
00312     try {
00313       unsigned nToken = tokens.size();
00314       for (unsigned iToken = 0;  iToken < nToken; iToken++) {
00315         values.push_back(facilities::Util::stringToDouble(tokens[iToken]));
00316         nVals++;
00317       }
00318     }
00319     catch (facilities::WrongType ex) {
00320       std::cerr << ex.getMsg();
00321       throw WrongAttributeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getDoublesAttribute");
00322     }
00323     return nVals;
00324   }

int xmlBase::Dom::getIntAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return int attribute value. Throw exception if 1) not element node 2) attribute doesn't exist 3) value isn't really an int

int xmlBase::Dom::getIntAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName

Return int attribute value. Throw exception if 1) not element node 2) attribute doesn't exist 3) value isn't really an int

00326                                                                 {
00327     std::string stringValue = getAttribute(elt, attName);
00329     if (stringValue == std::string("") ) {
00330       throw
00331         NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getIntAttribute.  non-existent attribute");
00332     }
00333     try {
00334       return facilities::Util::stringToInt(stringValue);
00335     }
00336     catch (facilities::WrongType ex) {
00337       std::cerr << ex.getMsg();
00338       throw WrongAttributeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getIntAttribute");
00339     }
00340   }

unsigned xmlBase::Dom::getIntsAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName,
std::vector< int > &  values,
bool  clear = true

Return ints in user-supplied vector. Attribute value should be a string consisting of valid ascii representation of floating point numbers, separated by blanks; else the method will throw an exception (xml::WrongAttributeType)

Number of good values found

unsigned xmlBase::Dom::getIntsAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
std::string  attName,
std::vector< int > &  values,
bool  clear = true

Return ints in user-supplied vector. Attribute value should be a string consisting of valid ascii representation of floating point numbers, separated by blanks; else the method will throw an exception (xml::WrongAttributeType)

Number of good values found
00343                                                                      {
00344     unsigned nVals = 0;
00345     std::vector<std::string> tokens;
00346     if (clear) values.clear();
00347     std::string stringValue = getAttribute(elt, attName);
00348     if (stringValue.size() == 0) return nVals;
00350     facilities::Util::stringTokenize(stringValue, std::string(" "), tokens);
00352     try {
00353       unsigned nToken = tokens.size();
00354       for (unsigned iToken = 0;  iToken < nToken; iToken++) {
00355         values.push_back(facilities::Util::stringToInt(tokens[iToken]));
00356         nVals++;
00357       }
00358     }
00359     catch (facilities::WrongType ex) {
00360       std::cerr << ex.getMsg();
00361       throw WrongAttributeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getIntsAttribute");
00362     }
00363     return nVals;
00364   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getNodeName const DOMNode *  elt  )  [static]

Create std::string holding node name (if that makes sense for this node). Throws NullNode exception if argument is null

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getNodeName const DOMNode *  elt  )  [static]

Create std::string holding node name (if that makes sense for this node). Throws NullNode exception if argument is null

00128                                                 {
00129     if (!node) {
00130       throw NullNode("Null node argument supplied to xmlBase::Dom::getNodeName");
00131     }
00132     const XMLCh* name = node->getNodeName();
00133     if (!name) return std::string("");
00135     char* chrName = XMLString::transcode(name);
00137     std::string strName = std::string(chrName);
00138     XMLString::release(&chrName);
00139     return strName;
00140   }

DOMElement* xmlBase::Dom::getSiblingElement const DOMNode *  child  )  [static]

Return next element sibling, if any.

DOM api doesn't provide a direct way to get next sibling which is also an element.

DOMElement * xmlBase::Dom::getSiblingElement const DOMNode *  child  )  [static]

Return next element sibling, if any.

DOM api doesn't provide a direct way to get next sibling which is also an element.

00096                                                          {
00097     if (!child) {
00098       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::getSiblingElement. Null argument");
00099     }
00101     DOMNode* sib = child->getNextSibling();
00103     while (sib) {
00104       if (sib->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
00105         DOMElement* eltSib = static_cast<DOMElement*> (sib);
00107         return eltSib;
00108       }
00109       sib = sib->getNextSibling();
00110     }
00112     return 0;
00113   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getTagName const DOMElement *  node  )  [static]

Create std::string holding tag name (= node name for the base DomNode). Throws NullNode exception if argument is null.

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getTagName const DOMElement *  node  )  [static]

Create std::string holding tag name (= node name for the base DomNode). Throws NullNode exception if argument is null.

00142                                                  {
00143     return Dom::getNodeName(elt);
00144   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getText const DOMNode *  textNode  )  [static]

Return value of a text node (the text) as a standard string; throw an exception if it's not a text-type node (TEXT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, COMMENT_NODE are ok)

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getText const DOMNode *  textNode  )  [static]

Return value of a text node (the text) as a standard string; throw an exception if it's not a text-type node (TEXT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, COMMENT_NODE are ok)

00366                                                 {
00367     short int nType = textNode->getNodeType();
00369     if ( (nType != DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) &&
00370          (nType != DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE) &&
00371          (nType != DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE))
00372     {
00373       throw WrongNodeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getText, argument not text node");
00374     }
00375     const XMLCh* t = textNode->getNodeValue();
00376     if (t == 0 ) return std::string("");
00377     char* chrText = XMLString::transcode(t);
00378     std::string text = std::string(chrText);
00379     XMLString::release(&chrText);
00381     return text;
00382   }

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getTextContent const DOMElement *  elt  )  [static]

Return value of text node (the text) for text node which is child of the supplied element argument. Element should have only text content, not mixed content.

std::string xmlBase::Dom::getTextContent const DOMElement *  elt  )  [static]

Return value of text node (the text) for text node which is child of the supplied element argument. Element should have only text content, not mixed content.

00385                                                      {
00386     if (elt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
00387       throw WrongNodeType("from xmlBase::Dom::getTextContent, argument not element node");
00388     }
00389     return (getText(elt->getFirstChild()));
00390   }

bool xmlBase::Dom::hasAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
const char *  attName

Return true if arg is valid element and has specified attribute, else false

bool xmlBase::Dom::hasAttribute const DOMNode *  elt,
const char *  attName

Return true if arg is valid element and has specified attribute, else false

00210                                                                  {
00211     bool ret = false;
00212     if (node == 0) return ret;
00213     if (node->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ) return ret;
00215     const DOMElement* elt = static_cast<const DOMElement*>(node);
00216     XMLCh* xmlchAttName = XMLString::transcode(attName);
00217     ret = (elt->getAttributeNode(xmlchAttName) != 0);
00218     XMLString::release(&xmlchAttName);
00219     return ret;
00220   }

int xmlBase::Dom::initTrans  )  [static, private]

int xmlBase::Dom::initTrans  )  [static, private]

00802                      {
00803     transcoder = XMLPlatformUtils::fgTransService->makeNewLCPTranscoder();
00804     if (!transcoder) return 0;   // and complain?!? Shouldn't ever happen
00805     transBuf = new char[transBufSize];
00806     if (!transBuf) {
00807       delete transcoder;
00808       return 0;
00809     }
00810     xmlchBuf = new XMLCh[xmlchBufSize];
00811     if (!xmlchBuf) {
00812       delete [] transBuf;
00813       delete transcoder;
00814       return 0;
00815     }
00816     return 1;
00817   }

void xmlBase::Dom::prettyPrintElement DOMNode *  elt,
std::ostream out,
std::string  prefix

To output an entire document, invoke this routine with the document element as first argument.

This routine works best for DOM representations which do not already include formatting (end-of-lines and indentation).

void xmlBase::Dom::prettyPrintElement DOMNode *  elt,
std::ostream out,
std::string  prefix

To output an entire document, invoke this routine with the document element as first argument.

This routine works best for DOM representations which do not already include formatting (end-of-lines and indentation).

00645                                                  {
00648     if (node == 0) {
00649       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::prettyPrintElement. Null argument");
00650     }
00652     out << prefix;
00653     switch(node->getNodeType()) {
00655     case DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE:
00656       {
00657         // output start tag
00658         std::string tagName = getNodeName(node);
00659         out << '<' << tagName;
00661         // ...with attributes
00662         typedef std::map<std::string, DOMNode*> AttMap;
00663         AttMap atts;
00664         AttMap::const_iterator it;
00666         getAttributeNodeMap(node, atts);
00668         for (it = atts.begin();
00669              it != atts.end(); it++) {
00670           std::string attName = (*it).first;
00671           out << ' ' << attName << '=';
00672           out << '"' << getAttribute(node,attName) << '"';
00673         }
00675         // iterate through children
00676         DOMNode* child = node->getFirstChild();
00677         if (child != 0) {  // there are children
00678           out << '>' << std::endl;
00679           while (child != 0) {
00680             // new indent level
00681             Dom::prettyPrintElement(child, out, prefix + "  ");
00682             child = child->getNextSibling();
00683           }
00684           // output end tag, long form
00685           {
00686             std::string endName = getNodeName(node);
00687             out << prefix << "</" << endName << ">" << std::endl;
00688           }
00689         }
00690         else {  // no children; use short form for the empty tag
00691           out << " />" << std::endl;
00692         } 
00693       }
00694       break;
00695     case DOMNode::TEXT_NODE:
00696       // just put it out as is
00697       // Note this won't indent correctly if the text node
00698       // contains multiple lines.
00699       // Similarly, it's too much work to avoid sometimes putting out
00700       // an "extra" blank line in the vicinity of text.
00701       // Current code puts the extra <cr> before
00702       // the text node.
00703       {
00704         out << getText(node);
00705       }
00707       break;
00709     case DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
00710       {
00711         // Probably need to put opening and closing sequences in by hand..
00712         out << "<![CDATA[" << getText(node) << "]]>";
00713       }
00714       break;
00716     case DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE :
00717       // glast.prs doesn't have any comments (but should!)
00718       // Note this won't indent correctly if the text node
00719       // contains multiple lines.  Could have utility routine
00720       // to do this, to be called for comments and text nodes
00721       {
00722         out << "<!-- " << getText(node) << "-->" << std::endl;
00723       }
00725       break;
00726     default:
00727       // ignore anything else
00728       break;
00729     }
00730   }

void xmlBase::Dom::printElement DOMNode *  elt,
std::ostream out

To output an entire document, invoke this routine with the document element as first argument.

This routine works best for DOM representations which already include formatting (end-of-lines and indentation).

void xmlBase::Dom::printElement DOMNode *  elt,
std::ostream out

To output an entire document, invoke this routine with the document element as first argument.

This routine works best for DOM representations which already include formatting (end-of-lines and indentation).

00570                                                        {
00572     if (node == 0) {
00573       throw NullNode("from xmlBase::Dom::printElement. Null argument");
00574     }
00576     switch(node->getNodeType()) {
00577     case DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE:
00578       {
00579         // output start tag
00580         {
00581           std::string tagName = getNodeName(node);
00582           out << '<' << tagName;
00583         }
00584         // ...with attributes  
00586         typedef std::map<std::string, DOMNode*> AttMap;
00587         AttMap atts;
00588         AttMap::const_iterator it;
00589         getAttributeNodeMap(node, atts);
00591         for (it = atts.begin();
00592              it != atts.end(); it++) {
00593           std::string attName = (*it).first;
00594           out << ' ' << attName << '=';
00595           out << '"' << getAttribute(node,attName) << '"';
00596         }
00598         // iterate through children
00599         DOMNode* child = node->getFirstChild();
00600         if (child != 0) {  // there are children
00601           out << '>';
00602           while (child != 0) {
00603             Dom::printElement(child, out);
00604             child = child->getNextSibling();
00605           }
00606           // output end tag, long form
00607           {
00608             std::string endName = getNodeName(node);
00609             out << "</" << endName << ">";
00610           }
00611         }
00612         else {  // no children; use short form for the empty tag
00613           out << " />";
00614         } 
00615       }
00616       break;
00617     case DOMNode::TEXT_NODE:
00618       // just put it out as is
00619       {
00620         out << getText(node);
00621       }
00622       break;
00624     case DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
00625       {
00626         out << "<![CDATA[" << getText(node) << "]]>";
00627       }
00628       break;
00631     case DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE :
00632       // glast.prs doesn't have any comments (but should!)
00633       {
00634         out << "<!-- " << getText(node) << "-->";
00635       }
00636       break;
00637     default:
00638       // ignore anything else
00639       break;
00640     }
00641   }

void xmlBase::Dom::prune DOMElement *  elt  )  [static]

Utility to remove all children of elt (but not elt itself).

void xmlBase::Dom::prune DOMElement *  elt  )  [static]

Utility to remove all children of elt (but not elt itself).

00732                                  {
00733     DOMElement* child = findFirstChildByName(elt, "*");
00734     while (child != 0) {
00735       DOMElement* sib = getSiblingElement(child);
00736       prune(child);
00737       elt->removeChild(child);
00738       child = sib;
00739     }
00740   }

char* xmlBase::Dom::transToChar const XMLCh *const   str,
unsigned int  len
[static, private]

char* xmlBase::Dom::transToChar const XMLCh *const   str  )  [static, private]

Return pointer to transcoded XMLCh string.

For temporary use only, such as immediately writing to some output. Applications needing permanence should copy the char array. Passing in a null argument is a fatal error

char * xmlBase::Dom::transToChar const XMLCh *const   str,
unsigned int  len
[static, private]

00745                                                                  {
00746     // Passing null argument is a fatal error.
00747     // No, it's not
00748     //    assert(str != 0);
00749     if (str == 0) return 0;
00751     if (!transcoder) {
00752       int status = initTrans();
00753       if (!status) return 0;
00754     }
00756     // Find length of str to pass to transcode(..) rather than
00757     // just passing output buffer size.  This is important because 
00758     // (for Xerces 1.3 anyway) the transcode routine will try to read 
00759     // this many bytes from the input buffer, conceivably causing
00760     // an access violation if it's more than the actual input
00761     // buffer length
00763     if (len + 1 > transBufSize) { // return old buffer; allocate a bigger one
00764       char * tBuf = new char[len + 1];
00765       if (!tBuf) return 0;
00766       transBufSize = len + 1;
00767       delete [] transBuf;
00768       transBuf = tBuf;
00769     }
00771     bool ok;
00772     ok = Dom::transcoder->transcode(str, transBuf, len);
00773     return ( ok ? transBuf : 0);
00774   }

char * xmlBase::Dom::transToChar const XMLCh *const   str  )  [static, private]

Return pointer to transcoded XMLCh string.

For temporary use only, such as immediately writing to some output. Applications needing permanence should copy the char array. Passing in a null argument is a fatal error

00741                                                {
00742     return transToChar(str, XMLString::stringLen(str) );
00743   }

XMLCh* xmlBase::Dom::transToXMLCh const char *const   src  )  [static, private]

Transcode from character string to XMLCh string.

Passing in a null argument is a fatal error.

XMLCh * xmlBase::Dom::transToXMLCh const char *const   src  )  [static, private]

Transcode from character string to XMLCh string.

Passing in a null argument is a fatal error.

00777                                                 {
00778     // Passing null string is a fatal error
00779     // No, it's not
00780     if (src == 0) return 0;
00781     if (!transcoder) {
00782       int status = initTrans();
00783       if (!status) return 0;
00784     }
00785     // as with transToChar above, find actual length of char*
00786     // and pass that to Xerces utility for 3rd (maxChars) argument.
00787     unsigned int len = strlen(src) + 1;
00788     if (len  > xmlchBufSize) {
00789       XMLCh * tBuf = new XMLCh[len];
00790       if (!tBuf) return 0;
00791       xmlchBufSize = len;
00792       delete [] xmlchBuf;
00793       xmlchBuf = tBuf;
00794     }
00796     bool ok;
00798     ok = transcoder->transcode(src, xmlchBuf, len);
00799     return (ok ? xmlchBuf : 0);
00800   }

Member Data Documentation

char* xmlBase::Dom::transBuf [static, private]

char * xmlBase::Dom::transBuf = 0 [static, private]

unsigned int xmlBase::Dom::transBufSize = 1000 [static, private]

XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLLCPTranscoder* xmlBase::Dom::transcoder [static, private]

XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE XMLLCPTranscoder * xmlBase::Dom::transcoder = 0 [static, private]

XMLCh* xmlBase::Dom::xmlchBuf [static, private]

XMLCh * xmlBase::Dom::xmlchBuf = 0 [static, private]

unsigned int xmlBase::Dom::xmlchBufSize = 200 [static, private]

XMLCh* xmlBase::Dom::xmlchStar [static, private]

XMLCh * xmlBase::Dom::xmlchStar = 0 [static, private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 19:24:48 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen