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tofcalgsec Class Reference

#include <tofcalgsec.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

StatusCode beginRun ()
StatusCode beginRun ()
StatusCode endRun ()
StatusCode endRun ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode initialize ()
 tofcalgsec (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 tofcalgsec (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 ~tofcalgsec ()
 ~tofcalgsec ()

Protected Member Functions

bool testbit (unsigned int n)
bool testbit (unsigned int n)

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::string > m_barrelfile
std::vector< std::string > m_barrelfile
unsigned int m_barrelzbin
std::string m_calibItem
bool m_calibration
std::vector< std::string > m_datafile_barrel
std::vector< std::string > m_datafile_barrel
std::string m_datafile_dir
std::vector< std::string > m_datafile_endcap
std::vector< std::string > m_datafile_endcap
std::vector< std::string > m_endcapfile
std::vector< std::string > m_endcapfile
unsigned int m_endcapQrbin
unsigned int m_endcaprbin
bool m_online
unsigned int m_tcorrzbin
std::string m_workdir
NTuple::Tuple * mtuple_barrel
NTuple::Tuple * mtuple_barrel
NTuple::Tuple * mtuple_endcap
NTuple::Tuple * mtuple_endcap

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tofcalgsec::tofcalgsec const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

00035                                                                      :Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
00036   //set default values
00037   m_calibItem="11111111";
00038   //declares
00039   declareProperty("Online",                m_online                );
00040   declareProperty("Calibration",           m_calibration           );
00041   declareProperty("WorkDir",               m_workdir               );
00042   declareProperty("InputDataDir",          m_datafile_dir          );
00043   declareProperty("InputDataFiles_Barrel", m_datafile_barrel       );
00044   declareProperty("InputDataFiles_Endcap", m_datafile_endcap       );
00045   declareProperty("CalibItem",             m_calibItem             );
00046   declareProperty("TimeCorrelationZBin",   m_tcorrzbin = 23        );
00047   declareProperty("BarrelSigmaZBin",       m_barrelzbin = 5        );
00048   declareProperty("EndcapSigmaRBin",       m_endcaprbin = 5        );
00049   declareProperty("EndcapQRBin",           m_endcapQrbin = 5       );
00050 }

tofcalgsec::~tofcalgsec  ) 

00299 {}

tofcalgsec::tofcalgsec const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

tofcalgsec::~tofcalgsec  ) 

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode tofcalgsec::beginRun  ) 

StatusCode tofcalgsec::beginRun  ) 

00170                                {
00171   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00172   log << MSG::INFO << "tofcalgsec::beginRun()" << endreq;
00173   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00174 }

StatusCode tofcalgsec::endRun  ) 

StatusCode tofcalgsec::endRun  ) 

00213                              {
00214   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00215   log << MSG::INFO << "tofcalgsec::endRun()" << endreq;
00216   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00217 }

StatusCode tofcalgsec::execute  ) 

StatusCode tofcalgsec::execute  ) 

00177                               {
00178   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00179   log << MSG::INFO << "start "<<"tofcalgsec::execute()" << endreq;
00181   if( m_online ) {
00182     SmartDataPtr<RecBTofCalHitCol> bhitcol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecBTofCalHitCol");
00183     if( bhitcol ) {
00184       m_checkbarrel->FillCol( bhitcol );
00185       if( m_calibration ) {
00186         TofCalibManager* manager = TofCalibManager::getManager();
00187         manager->dataSet()->setBarrelData( bhitcol );
00188       }
00189     }
00190     else{
00191       //      log << MSG::ERROR << " Can't get /Event/Recon/RecBTofCalHitCol in TDS!" << endreq;
00192       //      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00193     }
00195     SmartDataPtr<RecETofCalHitCol> ehitcol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecETofCalHitCol");
00196     if( ehitcol ) {
00197       m_checkendcap->FillCol( ehitcol );
00198       if( m_calibration ) {
00199         TofCalibManager::getManager()->dataSet()->setEndcapData( ehitcol );
00200       }
00201     }
00202     else{
00203       //      log << MSG::ERROR << " Can't get /Event/Recon/RecETofCalHitCol in TDS!" <<endreq;
00204       //      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00205     }
00206   }
00208   log << MSG::INFO << "end "<<"tofcalgsec::execute()" << endreq;
00209   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00210 }

StatusCode tofcalgsec::finalize  ) 

StatusCode tofcalgsec::finalize  ) 

00220                                {
00222   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00223   log << MSG::INFO << "tofcalgsec::finalize()" << endreq;
00225   if( m_online && !m_calibration ) {
00226     if( m_checkbarrel ) { delete m_checkbarrel; }
00227     if( m_checkendcap ) { delete m_checkendcap; }
00228     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00229   }
00231   TofCalibManager* manager = TofCalibManager::getManager();
00232   if( !m_online ) {
00233     if( m_barrelfile.empty() ) {
00234       std::cout << " No barrle data files are valid, exit " << std::endl;
00235       exit(0);
00236     }
00237     else {
00238       manager->dataSet()->setBarrelDataFiles( m_barrelfile );
00239     }
00240     if( m_endcapfile.empty() ) {
00241       std::cout << " No endcap data files are valid, exit " << std::endl;
00242       exit(0);
00243     }
00244     else {
00245       manager->dataSet()->setEndcapDataFiles( m_endcapfile );
00246     }
00247   }
00249   // barrel attenuation length calibration
00250   if( testbit(5) ) {
00251     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_atten(), true  );
00252     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_q0(),    true  );
00253   }
00254   // barrel effective velocity calibration
00255   if( testbit(4) ) {
00256     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_veff(),  true  );
00257   }
00258   // barrel time calibration
00259   if( testbit(7) ) {
00260     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left(),  true  );
00261     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1(), true );
00262     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2(), true );
00263     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right(), true  );
00264     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1(), true );
00265     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2(), true );
00266   }
00267   // barrel sigma calibration
00268   if( testbit(6) ) {
00269     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_common(m_tcorrzbin), true  );
00270     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_sigma(m_barrelzbin), true  );
00271   }
00273   // endcap attenuation length calibration
00274   if( testbit(1) ) {
00275     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_atten(m_endcapQrbin),false );
00276   }
00277   // endcap effective velocity calibration
00278   if( testbit(0) ) {
00279     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_veff(),false );
00280   }
00281   // endcap time calibration
00282   if( testbit(3) ) {
00283     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_left(),  false );
00284   }
00285   // endcap sigma calibration
00286   if( testbit(2) ) {
00287     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_sigma(m_endcaprbin), false );
00288   }
00290   manager->doCalibration();
00292   manager->fillTxt( m_workdir );
00293   manager->fillRoot( m_workdir );
00295   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00296 }

StatusCode tofcalgsec::initialize  ) 

StatusCode tofcalgsec::initialize  ) 

00053                                  {
00055   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00056   log<<MSG::INFO<< "tofcalgsec::initialize()!" <<endreq;
00058   if( m_online ) {
00059     NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(),"TofCalib/btrk");
00060     NTuplePtr nt2(ntupleSvc(),"TofCalib/etrk");
00061     if ( nt1 || nt2 ) {
00062       mtuple_barrel = nt1;
00063       mtuple_endcap = nt2;
00064     }
00065     else {
00066       mtuple_barrel = ntupleSvc()->book("TofCalib/btrk",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"TofCalib");
00067       mtuple_endcap = ntupleSvc()->book("TofCalib/etrk",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"TofCalib");
00069       if( mtuple_barrel ) {
00070         m_checkbarrel = new TofCalibCheck( mtuple_barrel );
00071       }
00072       else{
00073         log << MSG::ERROR <<"Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(mtuple_barrel) <<endmsg;
00074         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00075       }
00076       if( mtuple_endcap ) {
00077         m_checkendcap = new TofCalibCheck( mtuple_endcap );
00078       }
00079       else{
00080         log << MSG::ERROR <<"Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(mtuple_endcap) <<endmsg;
00081         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00082       }
00083     }
00084   }
00085   else {
00086     m_calibration = true; // offline
00087   }
00089   if( !m_online || m_calibration ) {
00090     // check workdir
00091     std::cout<<" tofcalgsec checks your configurations ..."<<std::endl;
00092     void *pdir=0;
00093     if((pdir=gSystem->OpenDirectory(m_workdir.c_str()))==0){//dir exists?
00094       std::cerr<<"WorkDir "<<m_workdir<<" doesn't exist "<<std::endl;
00095       if(gSystem->MakeDirectory(m_workdir.c_str())==-1){//mkdir,fail to create?
00096         std::cerr<<" Fail to create directory : "<<m_workdir
00097                  <<" Specify  ./ as current work directory"<<std::endl;
00098         m_workdir="./";
00099       }
00100     }
00101     else{
00102       gSystem->FreeDirectory(pdir);
00103       pdir=0;
00104     }
00105   }
00107   if( !m_online ) {
00108     void *pdir=0;
00109     if( (pdir=gSystem->OpenDirectory(m_datafile_dir.c_str())) ) {
00110       FileStat_t fs;
00111       std::vector<string>::iterator it = m_datafile_barrel.begin();
00112       for( ; it!=m_datafile_barrel.end(); it++ ) {
00113         if( (*it).size()>0 ) {
00114           std::string thefile = (m_datafile_dir+"/"+(*it));
00115           if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(thefile.c_str(),fs)==0 ) {
00116             m_barrelfile.push_back(thefile);
00117           }
00118           else{
00119             std::cerr<<" File "<<thefile<<" doesn't exist! "<<std::endl;
00120           }
00121         }
00122       }
00123       it = m_datafile_endcap.begin();
00124       for( ; it!=m_datafile_endcap.end(); it++ ) {
00125         if( (*it).size()>0 ) {
00126           std::string thefile=(m_datafile_dir+"/"+(*it));
00127           if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(thefile.c_str(),fs)==0 ) {
00128             m_endcapfile.push_back(thefile);
00129           }
00130           else{
00131             std::cerr<<" File "<<thefile<<" doesn't exist! "<<std::endl;
00132           }
00133         }
00134       }
00135       gSystem->FreeDirectory(pdir);
00136       pdir=0;
00137     }
00138     else {
00139       std::cerr<<" Error : Please specify the InputDataDir which contains input data files for calibration "<<std::endl;
00140       exit(0);
00141     }
00142   }
00144   if( !m_online || m_calibration ) {
00145     std::cout<<"******************* Report of before Calibration ********************"<<std::endl
00146              <<"* WorkDir   = "<<m_workdir<<" [ results are save in this directory ]   "<<std::endl
00147              <<"* WorkMode  = "<<(m_online?"OnLine":"OffLine")<<" [ run alone or with other algorithms ] "<<std::endl
00148              <<"* CalibItem = "<<m_calibItem<<" [ which calibraions you perform ]"<<std::endl;
00149   }
00151   if( !m_online ) {
00152     std::cout <<"* ==> InputDataDir : "<<m_datafile_dir<<std::endl
00153               <<"*   ===>Files of Barrel : ";
00154     for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=m_barrelfile.begin(); it!=m_barrelfile.end(); it++ ) {
00155       std::cout << "'" << (*it) << "' ";
00156     }
00157     std::cout << std::endl
00158               <<"*   ===>Files of Endcap : ";
00159     for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=m_endcapfile.begin(); it!=m_endcapfile.end(); it++ ) {
00160       std::cout << "'" << (*it) << "' ";
00161     }
00162     std::cout << std::endl;
00163   }  
00164   std::cout<<"*********************************************************************"<<std::endl;
00166   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00167 }

bool tofcalgsec::testbit unsigned int  n  )  [inline, protected]

00021                                    {
00022       if( n>m_calibItem.size() ) return false;
00023       return m_calibItem[n]=='0'?false:true;
00024     }

bool tofcalgsec::testbit unsigned int  n  )  [inline, protected]

00021                                    {
00022       if( n>m_calibItem.size() ) return false;
00023       return m_calibItem[n]=='0'?false:true;
00024     }

Member Data Documentation

bool tofcalgsec::FILE_HAS_BEEN_READ [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_barrelfile [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_barrelfile [private]

unsigned int tofcalgsec::m_barrelzbin [private]

std::string tofcalgsec::m_calibItem [private]

bool tofcalgsec::m_calibration [private]

TofCalibCheck* tofcalgsec::m_checkbarrel [private]

TofCalibCheck* tofcalgsec::m_checkbarrel [private]

TofCalibCheck* tofcalgsec::m_checkendcap [private]

TofCalibCheck* tofcalgsec::m_checkendcap [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_datafile_barrel [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_datafile_barrel [private]

std::string tofcalgsec::m_datafile_dir [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_datafile_endcap [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_datafile_endcap [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_endcapfile [private]

std::vector<std::string> tofcalgsec::m_endcapfile [private]

unsigned int tofcalgsec::m_endcapQrbin [private]

unsigned int tofcalgsec::m_endcaprbin [private]

bool tofcalgsec::m_online [private]

unsigned int tofcalgsec::m_tcorrzbin [private]

std::string tofcalgsec::m_workdir [private]

NTuple::Tuple* tofcalgsec::mtuple_barrel [private]

NTuple::Tuple* tofcalgsec::mtuple_barrel [private]

NTuple::Tuple* tofcalgsec::mtuple_endcap [private]

NTuple::Tuple* tofcalgsec::mtuple_endcap [private]

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Generated on Wed Feb 2 18:56:24 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen