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TRunge Class Reference

A class to represent a track in tracking. More...

#include <TRunge.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRunge:

TTrackBase TTrackBase List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const Vectora (const Vector &)
 set helix parameter
const Vectora (void) const
 returns helix parameter
const Vectora (const Vector &)
 set helix parameter
const Vectora (void) const
 returns helix parameter
void append (const AList< TMLink > &)
 appends TMLinks.
void append (TMLink &)
 appends a TMLink.
void append (const AList< TMLink > &)
 appends TMLinks.
void append (TMLink &)
 appends a TMLink.
void appendByApproach (AList< TMLink > &list, double maxSigma)
 appends TMLinks by approach. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.
void appendByApproach (AList< TMLink > &list, double maxSigma)
 appends TMLinks by approach. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.
void appendByDistance (AList< TMLink > &list, double maxDistance)
 appends TMLinks by distance. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.
void appendByDistance (AList< TMLink > &list, double maxDistance)
 appends TMLinks by distance. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.
virtual int approach (TMLink &) const
 calculates the closest approach to a wire in real space. Results are stored in TMLink. Return value is negative if error happened.
int approach (TMLink &, float &tof, HepVector3D &p, bool sagCorrection=true) const
int approach (TMLink &, bool sagCorrection=true) const
int approach (TMLink &, float &tof, HepVector3D &p, bool sagCorrection=true) const
int approach (TMLink &, bool sagCorrection=true) const
int approach_line (const HepPoint3D &, const HepVector3D &, HepPoint3D &onLine, HepPoint3D &onTrack, float &tof, HepVector3D &p, unsigned &stepNum) const
int approach_line (const HepPoint3D &, const HepVector3D &, HepPoint3D &onLine, HepPoint3D &onTrack, float &tof, HepVector3D &p) const
int approach_line (const HepPoint3D &, const HepVector3D &, HepPoint3D &onLine, HepPoint3D &onTrack) const
 caluculate closest points between a line and this track
int approach_line (const HepPoint3D &, const HepVector3D &, HepPoint3D &onLine, HepPoint3D &onTrack, float &tof, HepVector3D &p, unsigned &stepNum) const
int approach_line (const HepPoint3D &, const HepVector3D &, HepPoint3D &onLine, HepPoint3D &onTrack, float &tof, HepVector3D &p) const
int approach_line (const HepPoint3D &, const HepVector3D &, HepPoint3D &onLine, HepPoint3D &onTrack) const
 caluculate closest points between a line and this track
int approach_point (const HepPoint3D &, HepPoint3D &onTrack) const
 caluculate closest point between a point and this track
int approach_point (const HepPoint3D &, HepPoint3D &onTrack) const
 caluculate closest point between a point and this track
int BfieldID (int)
 set B field map ID
int BfieldID (void) const
 returns B field ID
int BfieldID (int)
 set B field map ID
int BfieldID (void) const
 returns B field ID
double chi2 (void) const
 returns chi2.
double chi2 (void) const
 returns chi2.
const AList< TMLink > & cores (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns a list of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.
const AList< TMLink > & cores (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns a list of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.
virtual double distance (const TMLink &) const
 returns distance to a position of TMLink in TMLink space.
virtual double distance (const TMLink &) const
 returns distance to a position of TMLink in TMLink space.
double dr (void) const
 Track parameters (at pivot).
double dr (void) const
 Track parameters (at pivot).
virtual void dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const
 dumps debug information.
virtual void dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const
 dumps debug information.
double dz (void) const
double dz (void) const
const SymMatrixEa (const SymMatrix &)
 set helix error matrix
const SymMatrixEa (void) const
 returns error matrix
const SymMatrixEa (const SymMatrix &)
 set helix error matrix
const SymMatrixEa (void) const
 returns error matrix
double Eps (double)
double Eps (void) const
double Eps (double)
double Eps (void) const
void falseFit ()
 false Fit
void falseFit ()
 false Fit
virtual int fit (void)
 fits itself by a default fitter. Error was happened if return value is not zero.
virtual int fit (void)
 fits itself by a default fitter. Error was happened if return value is not zero.
bool fitted (void) const
 returns true if fitted.
bool fitted (void) const
 returns true if fitted.
bool fittedWithCathode (void) const
 returns true if fitted with cathode hits(TEMPORARY).
bool fittedWithCathode (void) const
 returns true if fitted with cathode hits(TEMPORARY).
const TMFitter *const fitter (const TMFitter *)
 sets a default fitter.
const TMFitter *const fitter (void) const
 returns a pointer to a default fitter.
const TMFitter *const fitter (const TMFitter *)
 sets a default fitter.
const TMFitter *const fitter (void) const
 returns a pointer to a default fitter.
unsigned Fly (void) const
 make the trajectory in cache, return the number of step
unsigned Fly (void) const
 make the trajectory in cache, return the number of step
unsigned Fly_SC (void) const
unsigned Fly_SC (void) const
void Function (const double y[6], double f[6]) const
void Function (const double y[6], double f[6]) const
int GetStep (unsigned stepNum, double &step) const
int GetStep (unsigned stepNum, double &step) const
int GetXP (unsigned stepNum, double y[6]) const
int GetXP (unsigned stepNum, double y[6]) const
Helix helix (void) const
 returns helix class
Helix helix (void) const
 returns helix class
const TTrackHEP *const hep (void) const
 returns TTrackHEP.
const TTrackHEP *const hep (void) const
 returns TTrackHEP.
double kappa (void) const
double kappa (void) const
const AList< TMLink > & links (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns a list of masked TMLinks assigned to this track. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.
const AList< TMLink > & links (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns a list of masked TMLinks assigned to this track. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.
float Mass (float)
 set mass for tof calc.
float Mass (void) const
 return mass
float Mass (float)
 set mass for tof calc.
float Mass (void) const
 return mass
double MaxFlightLength (double)
double MaxFlightLength (void) const
 return max flight length
double MaxFlightLength (double)
double MaxFlightLength (void) const
 return max flight length
const TTrackMC *const mc (void) const
 returns a pointer to TTrackMC.
const TTrackMC *const mc (void) const
 returns a pointer to TTrackMC.
unsigned nCores (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns # of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.
unsigned nCores (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns # of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.
unsigned ndf (void) const
 returns NDF
unsigned ndf (void) const
 returns NDF
unsigned nHeps (void) const
 returns # of contributed TTrackHEP tracks.
unsigned nHeps (void) const
 returns # of contributed TTrackHEP tracks.
unsigned nLinks (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns # of masked TMLinks assigned to this track object.
unsigned nLinks (unsigned mask=0) const
 returns # of masked TMLinks assigned to this track object.
unsigned Nstep (void) const
 access to trajectory cache
unsigned Nstep (void) const
 access to trajectory cache
unsigned objectType (void) const
 returns object type
unsigned objectType (void) const
 returns object type
TMLinkoperator[] (unsigned i) const
TMLinkoperator[] (unsigned i) const
double phi0 (void) const
double phi0 (void) const
const HepPoint3Dpivot (const HepPoint3D &)
 set new pivot
const HepPoint3Dpivot (void) const
 pivot position
const HepPoint3Dpivot (const HepPoint3D &)
 set new pivot
const HepPoint3Dpivot (void) const
 pivot position
void Propagate (double y[6], const double &step) const
 propagate the track using 4th-order Runge-Kutta method
void Propagate (double y[6], const double &step) const
 propagate the track using 4th-order Runge-Kutta method
void Propagate1 (const double y[6], const double dydx[6], const double &step, double yout[6]) const
void Propagate1 (const double y[6], const double dydx[6], const double &step, double yout[6]) const
void Propagate_QC (double y[6], double dydx[6], const double &steptry, const double &eps, const double yscal[6], double &stepdid, double &stepnext) const
void Propagate_QC (double y[6], double dydx[6], const double &steptry, const double &eps, const double yscal[6], double &stepdid, double &stepnext) const
double reducedchi2 (void) const
 returns reduced-chi2
double reducedchi2 (void) const
 returns reduced-chi2
virtual void refine (double maxSigma)
 removes bad points by pull. The bad points are masked not to be used in fit.
virtual void refine (AList< TMLink > &list, double maxSigma)
 removes bad points by pull. The bad points are removed from the track, and are returned in 'list'.
virtual void refine (double maxSigma)
 removes bad points by pull. The bad points are masked not to be used in fit.
virtual void refine (AList< TMLink > &list, double maxSigma)
 removes bad points by pull. The bad points are removed from the track, and are returned in 'list'.
void remove (const AList< TMLink > &)
 removes TMLinks.
void remove (TMLink &a)
 removes a TMLink.
void remove (const AList< TMLink > &)
 removes TMLinks.
void remove (TMLink &a)
 removes a TMLink.
virtual void removeLinks (void)
virtual void removeLinks (void)
void SetFirst (double y[6]) const
 set first point (position, momentum) s=0, phi=0
void SetFirst (double y[6]) const
 set first point (position, momentum) s=0, phi=0
double SetFlightLength (void)
 set flight length using wire hits
double SetFlightLength (void)
 set flight length using wire hits
double StepSize (double)
 set step size to calc. trajectory
double StepSize (void) const
 returns step size
double StepSize (double)
 set step size to calc. trajectory
double StepSize (void) const
 returns step size
double StepSizeMax (double)
double StepSizeMax (void) const
double StepSizeMax (double)
double StepSizeMax (void) const
double StepSizeMin (double)
double StepSizeMin (void) const
double StepSizeMin (double)
double StepSizeMin (void) const
double tanl (void) const
double tanl (void) const
unsigned testByApproach (const AList< TMLink > &list, double sigma) const
unsigned testByApproach (const TMLink &list, double sigma) const
 returns # of good hits to be appended.
unsigned testByApproach (const AList< TMLink > &list, double sigma) const
unsigned testByApproach (const TMLink &list, double sigma) const
 returns # of good hits to be appended.
 TRunge (const TRunge &)
 TRunge (const Helix &)
 TRunge (const TTrack &)
 TRunge ()
 TRunge (const TRunge &)
 TRunge (const Helix &)
 TRunge (const TTrack &)
 TRunge ()
virtual unsigned type (void) const
 returns type. Definition is depending on an object class.
virtual unsigned type (void) const
 returns type. Definition is depending on an object class.
void update (void) const
 update cache.
void update (void) const
 update cache.
const double * Yscal (const double *)
 set error parameters for fitting with step size control
const double * Yscal (void) const
 return error parameters for fitting with step size control
const double * Yscal (const double *)
 set error parameters for fitting with step size control
const double * Yscal (void) const
 return error parameters for fitting with step size control
 ~TRunge ()
 ~TRunge ()

Protected Attributes

bool _fitted
bool _fittedWithCathode
AList< TMLink_links
AList< TMLink_links

Private Attributes

Vector _a
int _bfieldID
int _charge
double _chi2
SymMatrix _Ea
double _eps
double _h [TRunge_MAXstep]
float _mass
float _mass2
double _maxflightlength
unsigned _ndf
unsigned _Nstep
HepPoint3D _pivot
double _stepSize
double _stepSizeMax
double _stepSizeMin
double _y [TRunge_MAXstep][6]
double _yscal [6]

Static Private Attributes

const TRungeFitter _fitter = TRungeFitter("TRunge Default fitter")


class TRungeFitter

Detailed Description

A class to represent a track in tracking.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TRunge::TRunge  ) 


00049   : TTrackBase(),
00050     _pivot(ORIGIN),_a(Vector(5,0)),_Ea(SymMatrix(5,0)), 
00051     _chi2(0),_ndf(0),_charge(1),_bfieldID(21),_Nstep(0),
00052     _stepSize(default_stepSize),_mass(0.140),_eps(EPS),
00053     _stepSizeMax(default_stepSizeMax),_stepSizeMin(default_stepSizeMin),
00054     _maxflightlength(default_maxflightlength) {
00056   //...Set a default fitter...
00057   fitter(& TRunge::_fitter);
00059   _fitted = false;
00060   _fittedWithCathode = false;
00062   _bfield = Bfield::getBfield(_bfieldID);
00064   _mass2=_mass*_mass;
00066   _yscal[0]=0.1; //1mm  -> error = 1mm*EPS
00067   _yscal[1]=0.1; //1mm
00068   _yscal[2]=0.1; //1mm
00069   _yscal[3]=0.001; //1MeV
00070   _yscal[4]=0.001; //1MeV
00071   _yscal[5]=0.001; //1MeV
00072   //jialk
00073   StatusCode scmgn = Gaudi::svcLocator()->service("MagneticFieldSvc",m_pmgnIMF); 
00074   if(scmgn!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) { 
00075     std::cout<< "Unable to open Magnetic field service"<<std::endl;
00076   }
00078 }

TRunge::TRunge const TTrack  ) 

00081   : TTrackBase((TTrackBase &) a),
00082     _pivot(a.helix().pivot()),_a(a.helix().a()),_Ea(a.helix().Ea()),
00083     _chi2(0),_ndf(0),_bfieldID(21),_Nstep(0),
00084     _stepSize(default_stepSize),_mass(0.140),_eps(EPS),
00085     _stepSizeMax(default_stepSizeMax),_stepSizeMin(default_stepSizeMin),
00086     _maxflightlength(default_maxflightlength) {
00088   //...Set a default fitter...
00089   fitter(& TRunge::_fitter);
00091   _fitted = false;
00092   _fittedWithCathode = false;
00094   if(_a[2]<0) _charge=-1;
00095   else        _charge=1;
00097   _bfield = Bfield::getBfield(_bfieldID);
00099   _mass2=_mass*_mass;
00101   _yscal[0]=0.1; //1mm  -> error = 1mm*EPS
00102   _yscal[1]=0.1; //1mm
00103   _yscal[2]=0.1; //1mm
00104   _yscal[3]=0.001; //1MeV
00105   _yscal[4]=0.001; //1MeV
00106   _yscal[5]=0.001; //1MeV
00108   //SetFlightLength();
00109   //cout<<"TR:: _maxflightlength="<<_maxflightlength<<endl;
00110 }

TRunge::TRunge const Helix  ) 

00113   : TTrackBase(),
00114     _pivot(h.pivot()),_a(h.a()),_Ea(h.Ea()),
00115     _chi2(0),_ndf(0),_bfieldID(21),_Nstep(0),
00116     _stepSize(default_stepSize),_mass(0.140),_eps(EPS),
00117     _stepSizeMax(default_stepSizeMax),_stepSizeMin(default_stepSizeMin),
00118     _maxflightlength(default_maxflightlength) {
00120   //...Set a default fitter...
00121   fitter(& TRunge::_fitter);
00123   _fitted = false;
00124   _fittedWithCathode = false;
00126   if(_a[2]<0) _charge=-1;
00127   else        _charge=1;
00129   _bfield = Bfield::getBfield(_bfieldID);
00131   _mass2=_mass*_mass;
00133   _yscal[0]=0.1; //1mm  -> error = 1mm*EPS
00134   _yscal[1]=0.1; //1mm
00135   _yscal[2]=0.1; //1mm
00136   _yscal[3]=0.001; //1MeV
00137   _yscal[4]=0.001; //1MeV
00138   _yscal[5]=0.001; //1MeV
00139 }

TRunge::TRunge const TRunge  ) 

00142   : TTrackBase((TTrackBase &) a),
00143     _pivot(a.pivot()),_a(a.a()),_Ea(a.Ea()),
00144     _chi2(a.chi2()),_ndf(a.ndf()),_bfieldID(a.BfieldID()),_Nstep(0),
00145     _stepSize(a.StepSize()),_mass(a.Mass()),_eps(a.Eps()),
00146     _stepSizeMax(a.StepSizeMax()),_stepSizeMin(a.StepSizeMin()),
00147     _maxflightlength(a.MaxFlightLength()) {
00149   //...Set a default fitter...
00150   fitter(& TRunge::_fitter);
00152   _fitted = false;
00153   _fittedWithCathode = false;
00155   if(_a[2]<0) _charge=-1;
00156   else        _charge=1;
00158   _bfield = Bfield::getBfield(_bfieldID);
00160   _mass2=_mass*_mass;
00162   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) _yscal[i]=a.Yscal()[i];
00163 }

TRunge::~TRunge  ) 


00166                 {
00167 }

TRunge::TRunge  ) 


TRunge::TRunge const TTrack  ) 

TRunge::TRunge const Helix  ) 

TRunge::TRunge const TRunge  ) 

TRunge::~TRunge  ) 


Member Function Documentation

const Vector& TRunge::a const Vector  ) 

set helix parameter

const Vector& TRunge::a void   )  const

returns helix parameter

const Vector & TRunge::a const Vector  ) 

set helix parameter

00262                                        {
00263   _a=ta;
00264   if(_a[2]<0) _charge=-1;
00265   else        _charge=1;
00266   _Nstep=0;
00267   return(_a);
00268 }

const Vector & TRunge::a void   )  const

returns helix parameter

00193                                  {
00194   return(_a);
00195 }

void TTrackBase::append const AList< TMLink > &   )  [inherited]

appends TMLinks.

void TTrackBase::append TMLink  )  [inherited]

appends a TMLink.

void TTrackBase::append const AList< TMLink > &   )  [inherited]

appends TMLinks.

00357                                           {
00358     AList<TMLink> tmp;
00359     for (unsigned i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
00360         if ((_links.hasMember(a[i])) || (a[i]->hit()->state() & WireHitUsed)) {
00362             std::cout << "    TTrackBase::append(list) !!! ";
00363             std::cout << a[i]->wire()->name();
00364             std::cout << " Hey!, this is already used! Don't mess with me.";
00365             std::cout << std::endl;
00366 #endif
00367             continue;
00368         }
00369         else {
00370             tmp.append(a[i]);
00371         }
00372     }
00373     _links.append(tmp);
00374     _updated = false;
00375     _fitted = false;
00376     _fittedWithCathode = false; // added by matsu ( 1999/05/24 )
00377 }

void TTrackBase::append TMLink  )  [inherited]

appends a TMLink.

00335                              {
00336     if ((a.hit()->state() & WireHitUsed)) {
00338         std::cout << "TTrackBase::append !!! " << a.wire()->name()
00339                   << " this is already used by another track!" << std::endl;
00340 #endif
00341         return;
00342     }
00343     if (_links.hasMember(a)) {
00345         std::cout << "TTrackBase::append !!! " << a.wire()->name()
00346                   << " this is already included in this track!" << std::endl;
00347 #endif
00348         return;
00349     }
00350     _links.append(a);
00351     _updated = false;
00352     _fitted = false;
00353     _fittedWithCathode = false; // added by matsu ( 1999/05/24 )
00354 }

void TTrackBase::appendByApproach AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  maxSigma

appends TMLinks by approach. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.

void TTrackBase::appendByApproach AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  maxSigma

appends TMLinks by approach. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.

00101                                                                   {
00103     std::cout << "    TTrackBase::appendByApproach ... sigma=" << maxSigma << std::endl;
00104 #endif
00106     AList<TMLink> unused;
00107     unsigned n = list.length();
00108     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00109         TMLink & l = * list[i];
00111         if ((_links.hasMember(l)) || (l.hit()->state() & WireHitUsed))
00112             continue;
00114         //...Calculate closest approach...
00115         int err = approach(l);
00116         if (err < 0) {
00117             unused.append(l);
00118             continue;
00119         }
00121         //...Calculate sigma...
00122         float distance = (l.positionOnWire() - l.positionOnTrack()).mag();
00123         float diff = fabs(distance - l.drift());
00124         float sigma = diff / l.dDrift();
00126         //...For debug...
00128         std::cout << "    sigma=" << sigma;
00129         std::cout << ",dist=" << distance;
00130         std::cout << ",diff=" << diff;
00131         std::cout << ",err=" << l.hit()->dDrift() << ",";
00132         if (sigma < maxSigma) std::cout << "ok,";
00133         else                  std::cout << "X,";
00134         l.dump("mc");
00135 #endif
00137         //...Make sigma cut...
00138         if (sigma > maxSigma) {
00139             unused.append(l);
00140             continue;
00141         }
00143         //...OK...
00144         _links.append(l);
00145         _updated = false;
00146         _fitted = false;
00147     }
00148     list.remove(unused);
00149 }

void TTrackBase::appendByDistance AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  maxDistance

appends TMLinks by distance. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.

void TTrackBase::appendByDistance AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  maxDistance

appends TMLinks by distance. 'list' is an input. Unappended TMLinks will be removed from 'list' when returned.

00152                                                                {
00153     std::cout << "TTrackBase::appendByDistance !!! not implemented" << std::endl;
00154     list.removeAll();
00155 }

int TTrackBase::approach TMLink  )  const [virtual, inherited]

calculates the closest approach to a wire in real space. Results are stored in TMLink. Return value is negative if error happened.

Reimplemented in TTrack, and TTrack.

00095                                    {
00096     std::cout << "TTrackBase::approach !!! not implemented" << std::endl;
00097     return -1;
00098 }

int TRunge::approach TMLink ,
float &  tof,
HepVector3D p,
bool  sagCorrection = true

int TRunge::approach TMLink ,
bool  sagCorrection = true

calculates the closest approach to a wire in real space. Results are stored in TMLink. Return value is negative if error happened.

int TRunge::approach TMLink ,
float &  tof,
HepVector3D p,
bool  sagCorrection = true

00330                                                 {
00331   HepPoint3D xw;
00332   HepPoint3D wireBackwardPosition;
00333   HepVector3D v;
00334   HepPoint3D onWire,onTrack;
00335   double onWire_y, onWire_z, zwf, zwb;
00337   const TMDCWire& w=*l.wire();
00338   xw = w.xyPosition();
00339   wireBackwardPosition = w.backwardPosition();
00340   v = w.direction();
00342   unsigned stepNum=0;
00343   if(approach_line(wireBackwardPosition,v,onWire,onTrack,tof,p,stepNum)<0){
00344     //cout<<"TR::error approach_line"<<endl;
00345     return(-1);
00346   }
00348   zwf = w.forwardPosition().z();
00349   zwb = w.backwardPosition().z();
00350   // protection for strange wire hit info. (Only 'onWire' is corrected)
00351   if(onWire.z() > zwf) 
00352     w.wirePosition(zwf,onWire,wireBackwardPosition,(HepVector3D&)v);
00353   else if(onWire.z() < zwb) 
00354     w.wirePosition(zwb,onWire,wireBackwardPosition,(HepVector3D&)v);
00356   // onWire,onTrack filled
00358   if(!doSagCorrection){
00359     l.positionOnWire(onWire);
00360     l.positionOnTrack(onTrack);
00361     return(0);                          // no sag correction
00362   }
00363   // Sag correction
00364   //   loop for sag correction
00365   onWire_y = onWire.y();
00366   onWire_z = onWire.z();
00368   unsigned nTrial = 1;
00369   while(nTrial<100){
00370     //cout<<"TR: nTrial "<<nTrial<<endl;
00371     w.wirePosition(onWire_z,xw,wireBackwardPosition,(HepVector3D&)v);
00372     if(approach_line(wireBackwardPosition,v,onWire,onTrack,tof,p,stepNum)<0)
00373       return(-1);
00374     if(fabs(onWire_y - onWire.y())<0.0001) break;       // |dy|< 1 micron
00375     onWire_y = onWire.y();
00376     onWire_z += (onWire.z()-onWire_z)/2;
00377     // protection for strange wire hit info.
00378     if(onWire_z > zwf)      onWire_z=zwf;
00379     else if(onWire_z < zwb) onWire_z=zwb;
00381     nTrial++;
00382   }
00383   //  cout<<"TR  nTrial="<<nTrial<<endl;
00385   l.positionOnWire(onWire);
00386   l.positionOnTrack(onTrack);
00387   return(nTrial);
00388 }

int TRunge::approach TMLink ,
bool  sagCorrection = true

calculates the closest approach to a wire in real space. Results are stored in TMLink. Return value is negative if error happened.

00323                                                         {
00324   float tof;
00325   HepVector3D p;
00326   return(approach(l,tof,p,doSagCorrection));
00327 }

int TRunge::approach_line const HepPoint3D ,
const HepVector3D ,
HepPoint3D onLine,
HepPoint3D onTrack,
float &  tof,
HepVector3D p,
unsigned &  stepNum

int TRunge::approach_line const HepPoint3D ,
const HepVector3D ,
HepPoint3D onLine,
HepPoint3D onTrack,
float &  tof,
HepVector3D p

int TRunge::approach_line const HepPoint3D ,
const HepVector3D ,
HepPoint3D onLine,
HepPoint3D onTrack

caluculate closest points between a line and this track

int TRunge::approach_line const HepPoint3D ,
const HepVector3D ,
HepPoint3D onLine,
HepPoint3D onTrack,
float &  tof,
HepVector3D p,
unsigned &  stepNum

00406                                                                             {
00407   //  line = [w0] + t * [v]    -> [onLine]
00408   if(_Nstep==0){
00409     if(_stepSize==0) Fly_SC();
00410     else Fly();
00411   }
00413   //cout<<"TR::approach_line stepNum="<<stepNum<<endl;
00415   const double w0x = w0.x();
00416   const double w0y = w0.y();
00417   const double w0z = w0.z();
00418   //cout<<"TR::line w0="<<w0x<<","<<w0y<<","<<w0z<<endl;
00419   const double vx = v.x();
00420   const double vy = v.y();
00421   const double vz = v.z();
00422   const double v_2 = vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz;
00424   const float clight=29.9792458; //[cm/ns]   
00425   //const float M2=_mass*_mass;
00426   //const float& M2=_mass2;
00427   const float p2 = _y[0][3]*_y[0][3]+_y[0][4]*_y[0][4]+_y[0][5]*_y[0][5];
00428   const float tof_factor=1./clight*sqrt(1+_mass2/p2);
00430   // search for the closest point in cache   (point - line)
00431   //  unsigned stepNum;
00432   double l2_old= DBL_MAX;
00433   if(stepNum>_Nstep) stepNum=0;
00434   unsigned stepNumLo;
00435   unsigned stepNumHi;
00436   if(stepNum==0 && _stepSize!=0){ // skip
00437     const double dx = _y[0][0]-w0x;
00438     const double dy = _y[0][1]-w0y;
00439     stepNum=(unsigned)
00440       (sqrt( (dx*dx+dy*dy)*(1+_a[4]*_a[4]) )/_stepSize);
00441   }
00442   unsigned mergin;
00443   if(_stepSize==0){
00444     mergin=10;  //10 step back
00445   }else{
00446     mergin=(unsigned)(1.0/_stepSize);   //1mm back
00447   }
00448   if(stepNum>mergin) stepNum-=mergin;
00449   else           stepNum=0;
00450   if(stepNum>=_Nstep) stepNum=_Nstep-1;
00451   // hunt
00452   //  unsigned inc=1;
00453   unsigned inc=(mergin>>1)+1;
00454   stepNumLo=stepNum;
00455   stepNumHi=stepNum;
00456   for(;;){
00457     const double dx = _y[stepNumHi][0]-w0x;
00458     const double dy = _y[stepNumHi][1]-w0y;
00459     const double dz = _y[stepNumHi][2]-w0z;
00460     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00461     const double l2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2;
00462     if(l2 > l2_old) break;
00463     l2_old=l2;
00464     stepNumLo=stepNumHi;
00465     //    inc+=inc;
00466     stepNumHi+=inc;
00467     if(stepNumHi>=_Nstep){
00468       stepNumHi=_Nstep;
00469       break;
00470     }
00471   }
00472   // locate (2-bun-hou, bisection method)
00473   while(stepNumHi-stepNumLo>1){
00474     unsigned j=(stepNumHi+stepNumLo)>>1;
00475     const double dx = _y[j][0]-w0x;
00476     const double dy = _y[j][1]-w0y;
00477     const double dz = _y[j][2]-w0z;
00478     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00479     const double l2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2;
00480     if(l2 > l2_old){
00481       stepNumHi=j;
00482     }else{
00483       l2_old=l2;
00484       stepNumLo=j;
00485     }
00486   }
00487   //stepNum=stepNumHi;
00488   stepNum=stepNumLo;
00489   /*
00490   for(;stepNum<_Nstep;stepNum++){
00491     const double dx = _y[stepNum][0]-w0x;
00492     const double dy = _y[stepNum][1]-w0y;
00493     const double dz = _y[stepNum][2]-w0z;
00494     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00495     const double l2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2;
00496     if(l2 > l2_old) break;
00497     l2_old=l2;
00498     //    const float p2 = _y[stepNum][3]*_y[stepNum][3]+
00499     //                      _y[stepNum][4]*_y[stepNum][4]+
00500     //                      _y[stepNum][5]*_y[stepNum][5];
00501     //    tof+=_stepSize/clight*sqrt(1+M2/p2);
00502   }
00503   */
00504   //  cout<<"TR  stepNum="<<stepNum<<endl;
00505   //if(stepNum>=_Nstep) return(-1);     // not found
00506   //stepNum--;
00507   if(_stepSize==0){
00508     double dstep=0;
00509     for(unsigned i=0;i<stepNum;i++) dstep+=_h[i];
00510     tof=dstep*tof_factor;
00511   }else{
00512     tof=stepNum*_stepSize*tof_factor;
00513   }
00515   // propagate the track and search for the closest point
00516   //2-bun-hou (bisection method)
00517   /*
00518   double y[6],y_old[6];
00519   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=_y[stepNum][i];
00520   double step=_stepSize;
00521   double step2=0;
00522   for(;;){
00523     for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y_old[i]=y[i];
00524     Propagate(y,step);
00525     const double dx = y[0]-w0x;
00526     const double dy = y[1]-w0y;
00527     const double dz = y[2]-w0z;
00528     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00529     const double l2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2;
00530     if(l2 > l2_old){  // back
00531       for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=y_old[i];
00532     }else{            // propagate
00533       l2_old=l2;
00534       //      const float p2=y[3]*y[3]+y[4]*y[4]+y[5]*y[5];
00535       //      tof+=step/clight*sqrt(1+M2/p2);
00536       step2+=step;
00537     }
00538     step/=2;
00539     if(step < 0.0001) break;    // step < 1 [um]
00540   }
00541   */
00542   // Hasamiuchi-Hou (false position method)
00543   /*
00544   double y[6],y1[6],y2[6];
00545   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y1[i]=_y[stepNum][i];
00546   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y2[i]=_y[stepNum+2][i];
00547   double minStep=0;
00548   double maxStep=_stepSize*2;
00549   double step2=0;
00550   const double A[3][3]={{1-vx*vx/v_2, -vx*vy/v_2, -vx*vz/v_2},
00551                         { -vy*vx/v_2,1-vy*vy/v_2, -vy*vz/v_2},
00552                         { -vz*vx/v_2, -vz*vy/v_2,1-vz*vz/v_2}};
00554   double Y1=0;
00555   {
00556     const double dx = y1[0]-w0x;
00557     const double dy = y1[1]-w0y;
00558     const double dz = y1[2]-w0z;
00559     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00560     const double d[3]={dx-t*vx,dy-t*vy,dz-t*vz};
00561     const double l = sqrt( (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2 );
00562     const double pmag=sqrt(y1[3]*y1[3]+y1[4]*y1[4]+y1[5]*y1[5]);
00563     for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
00564       double g=0;
00565       for(int k=0;k<3;k++) g+=A[j][k]*d[k];
00566       Y1+=y1[j+3]*g;
00567     }
00568     Y1=Y1/pmag/l;
00569   }
00570   double Y2=0;
00571   {
00572     const double dx = y2[0]-w0x;
00573     const double dy = y2[1]-w0y;
00574     const double dz = y2[2]-w0z;
00575     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00576     const double d[3]={dx-t*vx,dy-t*vy,dz-t*vz};
00577     const double l = sqrt( (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2 );
00578     const double pmag=sqrt(y2[3]*y2[3]+y2[4]*y2[4]+y2[5]*y2[5]);
00579     for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
00580       double g=0;
00581       for(int k=0;k<3;k++) g+=A[j][k]*d[k];
00582       Y2+=y2[j+3]*g;
00583     }
00584     Y2=Y2/pmag/l;
00585   }
00586   if(Y1*Y2>=0) cout<<"TR  fatal error!"<<endl;
00587   double step_old= DBL_MAX;
00588   for(;;){
00589     const double step=(minStep*Y2-maxStep*Y1)/(Y2-Y1);
00590     if(fabs(step-step_old)<0.0001) break;
00591     step_old=step;
00592     for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=y1[i];
00593     Propagate(y,step-minStep);
00594     double Y=0;
00595     {
00596       const double dx = y[0]-w0x;
00597       const double dy = y[1]-w0y;
00598       const double dz = y[2]-w0z;
00599       const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00600       const double d[3]={dx-t*vx,dy-t*vy,dz-t*vz};
00601       const double l = sqrt( (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2 );
00602       const double pmag=sqrt(y[3]*y[3]+y[4]*y[4]+y[5]*y[5]);
00603       for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
00604         double g=0;
00605         for(int k=0;k<3;k++) g+=A[j][k]*d[k];
00606         Y+=y[j+3]*g;
00607       }
00608       Y=Y/pmag/l;
00609     }
00610     if(Y1*Y<0){ //Y->Y2
00611       Y2=Y;
00612       for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y2[i]=y[i];
00613       maxStep=step;
00614     }else{      //Y->Y1
00615       Y1=Y;
00616       for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y1[i]=y[i];
00617       minStep=step;
00618     }
00619     if(Y1==Y2) break;
00620   }
00621   step2=step_old;
00622   */
00623   // Newton method
00624   double y[6];
00625   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=_y[stepNum][i];
00626   //memcpy(y,_y[stepNum],sizeof(double)*6);
00627   double step2=0;
00628   const double A[3][3]={{1-vx*vx/v_2, -vx*vy/v_2, -vx*vz/v_2},
00629                         { -vy*vx/v_2,1-vy*vy/v_2, -vy*vz/v_2},
00630                         { -vz*vx/v_2, -vz*vy/v_2,1-vz*vz/v_2}};
00631   double factor=1;
00632   double g[3];
00633   double f[6];
00634   double Af[3],Af2[3];
00635   unsigned i,j,k;
00636   for(i=0;i<10;i++){
00637     //cout<<"TR::line "<<y[0]<<","<<y[1]<<","<<y[2]<<","<<y[3]<<","<<y[4]<<","<<y[5]<<endl;
00638     const double dx = y[0]-w0x;
00639     const double dy = y[1]-w0y;
00640     const double dz = y[2]-w0z;
00641     const double t = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00642     const double d[3]={dx-t*vx,dy-t*vy,dz-t*vz};
00643     const double l2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)-(t*t)/v_2;
00644     for(j=0;j<3;j++){
00645       g[j]=0;
00646       for(k=0;k<3;k++) g[j]+=A[j][k]*d[k];
00647     }
00648     //cout<<"g="<<g[0]<<","<<g[1]<<","<<g[2]<<endl;
00649     Function(y,f);
00650     //cout<<"f="<<f[0]<<","<<f[1]<<","<<f[2]<<","<<f[3]<<","<<f[4]<<","<<f[5]<<endl;
00651     //cout<<"A="<<A[0][0]<<","<<A[0][1]<<","<<A[0][2]<<endl;
00652     //cout<<"A="<<A[1][0]<<","<<A[1][1]<<","<<A[1][2]<<endl;
00653     //cout<<"A="<<A[2][0]<<","<<A[2][1]<<","<<A[2][2]<<endl;
00654     double Y=0;
00655     for(j=0;j<3;j++) Y+=y[j+3]*g[j];
00656     double dYds=0;
00657     for(j=0;j<3;j++) dYds+=f[j+3]*g[j];
00658     //cout<<"dYds="<<dYds<<endl;
00659     for(j=0;j<3;j++){
00660       Af[j]=0;
00661       Af2[j]=0;
00662     }
00663     for(j=0;j<3;j++){
00664       //Af[j]=0;
00665       //Af2[j]=0;
00666       for(k=0;k<3;k++) Af[j]+=(A[j][k]*f[k]);
00667       for(k=0;k<3;k++) Af2[j]+=(A[j][k]*Af[k]);
00668       dYds+=y[j+3]*Af2[j];
00669       //cout<<j<<" dYds="<<dYds<<endl;
00670     }
00671     //cout<<"dYds="<<dYds<<endl;
00672     const double step=-Y/dYds*factor;
00673     //cout<<"TR  step="<<step<<" i="<<i<<endl;
00674     if(fabs(step) < 0.0001) break;      // step < 1 [um]
00675     if(l2 > l2_old) factor/=2;
00676     l2_old=l2;
00677     Propagate(y,step);
00678     step2+=step;
00679   }
00681   tof+=step2*tof_factor;
00683   onTrack.setX(y[0]);
00684   onTrack.setY(y[1]);
00685   onTrack.setZ(y[2]);
00686   p.setX(y[3]);
00687   p.setY(y[4]);
00688   p.setZ(y[5]);
00690   const double dx = y[0]-w0x;
00691   const double dy = y[1]-w0y;
00692   const double dz = y[2]-w0z;
00693   const double s = (dx*vx+dy*vy+dz*vz)/v_2;
00694   onLine.setX(w0x+s*vx);
00695   onLine.setY(w0y+s*vy);
00696   onLine.setZ(w0z+s*vz);
00698   return(0);
00699 }

int TRunge::approach_line const HepPoint3D ,
const HepVector3D ,
HepPoint3D onLine,
HepPoint3D onTrack,
float &  tof,
HepVector3D p

00399                                                           {
00400   unsigned stepNum=0;
00401   return(approach_line(w0,v,onLine,onTrack,tof,p,stepNum));
00402 }

int TRunge::approach_line const HepPoint3D ,
const HepVector3D ,
HepPoint3D onLine,
HepPoint3D onTrack

caluculate closest points between a line and this track

00391                                                                        {
00392   float tof;
00393   HepVector3D p;
00394   return(approach_line(w0,v,onLine,onTrack,tof,p));
00395 }

int TRunge::approach_point const HepPoint3D ,
HepPoint3D onTrack

caluculate closest point between a point and this track

int TRunge::approach_point const HepPoint3D ,
HepPoint3D onTrack

caluculate closest point between a point and this track

00701                                                                         {
00702   if(_Nstep==0){
00703     if(_stepSize==0) Fly_SC();
00704     else Fly();
00705   }
00707   double x0=p0.x();
00708   double y0=p0.y();
00709   double z0=p0.z();
00711   //tof=0;
00712   //const float clight=29.9792458; //[cm/ns]   
00713   //const float M2=_mass*_mass;
00715   // search for the closest point in cache
00716   unsigned stepNum;
00717   double l2_old= DBL_MAX;
00718   for(stepNum=0;stepNum<_Nstep;stepNum++){
00719     double l2=(_y[stepNum][0]-x0)*(_y[stepNum][0]-x0)+
00720              (_y[stepNum][1]-y0)*(_y[stepNum][1]-y0)+
00721              (_y[stepNum][2]-z0)*(_y[stepNum][2]-z0);
00722     if(l2 > l2_old) break;
00723     l2_old=l2;
00724     //const double p2 = _y[stepNum][3]*_y[stepNum][3]+
00725     //                  _y[stepNum][4]*_y[stepNum][4]+
00726     //                  _y[stepNum][5]*_y[stepNum][5];
00727     //tof+=_stepSize/clight*sqrt(1+M2/p2);
00728   }
00729   if(stepNum>=_Nstep) return(-1);       // not found
00730   stepNum--;
00732   // propagate the track and search for the closest point
00733   double y[6],y_old[6];
00734   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=_y[stepNum][i];
00735   double step=_stepSize;
00736   for(;;){
00737     for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y_old[i]=y[i];
00738     Propagate(y,step);
00739     double l2=(y[0]-x0)*(y[0]-x0)+(y[1]-y0)*(y[1]-y0)+(y[2]-z0)*(y[2]-z0);
00740     if(l2 > l2_old){  // back
00741       for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=y_old[i];
00742     }else{            // propagate
00743       l2_old=l2;
00744       //const double p2=y[3]*y[3]+y[4]*y[4]+y[5]*y[5];
00745       //tof+=step/clight*sqrt(1+M2/p2);
00746     }
00747     step/=2;
00748     if(step < 0.0001) break;    // step < 1 [um]
00749   }
00751   onTrack.setX(y[0]);
00752   onTrack.setY(y[1]);
00753   onTrack.setZ(y[2]);
00754   //p.setX(y[3]);
00755   //p.setY(y[4]);
00756   //p.setZ(y[5]);
00757   return(0);
00758 }

int TRunge::BfieldID int   ) 

set B field map ID

int TRunge::BfieldID void   )  const

returns B field ID

int TRunge::BfieldID int   ) 

set B field map ID

00276                           {
00277   _bfieldID=id;
00278   _bfield = Bfield::getBfield(_bfieldID);
00279   _Nstep=0;
00280   return(_bfieldID);
00281 }

int TRunge::BfieldID void   )  const

returns B field ID

00221                               {
00222   return(_bfieldID);
00223 }

double TRunge::chi2 void   )  const

returns chi2.

double TRunge::chi2 void   )  const

returns chi2.

00209                              {
00210   return _chi2;
00211 }

const AList<TMLink>& TTrackBase::cores unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns a list of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.

const AList< TMLink > & TTrackBase::cores unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns a list of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.

00290                                      {
00291     if (mask)
00292         std::cout << "TTrackBase::cores !!! mask is not supported" << std::endl;
00293     if (! _updated) update();
00294     return _cores;
00295 }

virtual double TTrackBase::distance const TMLink  )  const [virtual, inherited]

returns distance to a position of TMLink in TMLink space.

Reimplemented in TLine0, TMLine, TLine0, and TMLine.

double TTrackBase::distance const TMLink  )  const [virtual, inherited]

returns distance to a position of TMLink in TMLink space.

Reimplemented in TLine0, TMLine, TLine0, and TMLine.

00089                                          {
00090     std::cout << "TTrackBase::distance !!! not implemented" << std::endl;
00091     return 0.;
00092 }

double TRunge::dr void   )  const

Track parameters (at pivot).

double TRunge::dr void   )  const

Track parameters (at pivot).

00169                            {
00170   return(_a[0]);
00171 }

virtual void TTrackBase::dump const std::string &  message = std::string(""),
const std::string &  prefix = std::string("")
const [virtual, inherited]

dumps debug information.

Reimplemented in TCircle, TLine0, TMLine, TSegment, TSegment0, TTrack, TCircle, TLine0, TMLine, TSegment, TSegment0, and TTrack.

void TTrackBase::dump const std::string &  message = std::string(""),
const std::string &  prefix = std::string("")
const [virtual, inherited]

dumps debug information.

Reimplemented in TCircle, TLine0, TMLine, TSegment, TSegment0, TTrack, TCircle, TLine0, TMLine, TSegment, TSegment0, and TTrack.

00058                                                                    {
00059     bool mc = (msg.find("mc") != std::string::npos);
00060     bool pull = (msg.find("pull") != std::string::npos);
00061     bool flag = (msg.find("flag") != std::string::npos);
00062     bool detail = (msg.find("detail") != std::string::npos);
00063     if (detail)
00064         mc = pull = flag = true;
00066     if (detail || (msg.find("layer") != std::string::npos)) {
00067         if (! _updated) update();
00068     }
00069     if (detail || (msg.find("hits") != std::string::npos)) {
00070         Dump(_links, msg, pre);
00071     }
00072 }

double TRunge::dz void   )  const

double TRunge::dz void   )  const

00181                            {
00182   return(_a[3]);
00183 }

const SymMatrix& TRunge::Ea const SymMatrix  ) 

set helix error matrix

const SymMatrix& TRunge::Ea void   )  const

returns error matrix

const SymMatrix & TRunge::Ea const SymMatrix  ) 

set helix error matrix

00270                                                {
00271   _Ea=tEa;
00272   _Nstep=0;
00273   return(_Ea);
00274 }

const SymMatrix & TRunge::Ea void   )  const

returns error matrix

00197                                      {
00198   return(_Ea);
00199 }

double TRunge::Eps double   ) 

double TRunge::Eps void   )  const

double TRunge::Eps double   ) 

00294                             {
00295   _eps=eps;
00296   _Nstep=0;
00297   return(_eps);
00298 }

double TRunge::Eps void   )  const

00232                             {
00233   return(_eps);
00234 }

void TTrackBase::falseFit  )  [inherited]

false Fit

void TTrackBase::falseFit  )  [inline, inherited]

false Fit

00227                     {
00228     _fitted = false;
00229     _fittedWithCathode = false;
00230 }

virtual int TTrackBase::fit void   )  [virtual, inherited]

fits itself by a default fitter. Error was happened if return value is not zero.

int TTrackBase::fit void   )  [virtual, inherited]

fits itself by a default fitter. Error was happened if return value is not zero.

00330                     {
00331     return _fitter->fit(* this);
00332 }

bool TTrackBase::fitted void   )  const [inherited]

returns true if fitted.

bool TTrackBase::fitted void   )  const [inline, inherited]

returns true if fitted.

00220                              {
00221     return _fitted;
00222 }

bool TTrackBase::fittedWithCathode void   )  const [inherited]

returns true if fitted with cathode hits(TEMPORARY).

bool TTrackBase::fittedWithCathode void   )  const [inline, inherited]

returns true if fitted with cathode hits(TEMPORARY).

00241                                         {
00242     return _fittedWithCathode;
00243 }

const TMFitter* const TTrackBase::fitter const TMFitter  )  [inherited]

sets a default fitter.

const TMFitter* const TTrackBase::fitter void   )  const [inherited]

returns a pointer to a default fitter.

const TMFitter *const TTrackBase::fitter const TMFitter  )  [inline, inherited]

sets a default fitter.

00259                                      {
00260     _fitted = false;
00261     return _fitter = a;
00262 }

const TMFitter *const TTrackBase::fitter void   )  const [inline, inherited]

returns a pointer to a default fitter.

00253                              {
00254     return _fitter;
00255 }

unsigned TRunge::Fly void   )  const

make the trajectory in cache, return the number of step

unsigned TRunge::Fly void   )  const

make the trajectory in cache, return the number of step

00760                               {
00761   double y[6];
00762   unsigned Nstep;
00763   double flightlength;
00765   flightlength=0;
00766   SetFirst(y);
00767   for(Nstep=0;Nstep<TRunge_MAXstep;Nstep++){
00768     for(unsigned j=0;j<6;j++) _y[Nstep][j]=y[j];
00769     //memcpy(_y[Nstep],y,sizeof(double)*6);
00771     Propagate(y,_stepSize);
00773     if( y[2]>160 || y[2]<-80 || (y[0]*y[0]+y[1]*y[1])>8100 ) break;
00774     //if position is out side of MDC, stop to fly
00775     //  R>90cm, z<-80cm,160cm<z
00777     flightlength += _stepSize;
00778     if(flightlength>_maxflightlength) break;
00780     _h[Nstep]=_stepSize;
00781   }
00782   _Nstep=Nstep+1;
00783   return(_Nstep);
00784 }

unsigned TRunge::Fly_SC void   )  const

unsigned TRunge::Fly_SC void   )  const

01017                                  {//fly the particle track with stepsize control
01018   double y[6],dydx[6],yscal[6];
01019   unsigned Nstep;
01020   double step,stepdid,stepnext;
01021   unsigned i;
01022   double flightlength;
01024   //yscal[0]=0.1; //1mm  -> error = 1mm*EPS
01025   //yscal[1]=0.1; //1mm
01026   //yscal[2]=0.1; //1mm
01027   //yscal[3]=0.001; //1MeV
01028   //yscal[4]=0.001; //1MeV
01029   //yscal[5]=0.001; //1MeV
01031   step=default_stepSize0;
01032   flightlength=0;
01033   SetFirst(y);
01034   for(Nstep=0;Nstep<TRunge_MAXstep;Nstep++){
01035     for(i=0;i<6;i++) _y[Nstep][i]=y[i]; // save each step
01036     //memcpy(_y[Nstep],y,sizeof(double)*6);
01038     Function(y,dydx);
01039     //for(i=0;i<6;i++) yscal[i]=abs(y[i])+abs(dydx[i]*step)+TINY;
01041     Propagate_QC(y,dydx,step,_eps,_yscal,stepdid,stepnext);
01043     if( y[2]>160 || y[2]<-80 || (y[0]*y[0]+y[1]*y[1])>8100 ) break;
01044     //if position is out side of MDC, stop to fly
01045     //  R>90cm, z<-80cm,160cm<z
01047     flightlength += stepdid;
01048     if(flightlength>_maxflightlength) break;
01050     _h[Nstep]=stepdid;
01051     //cout<<"TR:"<<Nstep<<":step="<<stepdid<<endl;
01052     if(stepnext<_stepSizeMin)      step=_stepSizeMin;
01053     else if(stepnext>_stepSizeMax) step=_stepSizeMax;
01054     else step=stepnext;
01055   }
01056   _Nstep=Nstep+1;
01057   //cout<<"TR: Nstep="<<_Nstep<<endl;
01058   return(_Nstep);
01059 }

void TRunge::Function const double  y[6],
double  f[6]

void TRunge::Function const double  y[6],
double  f[6]

00838                                                         {
00839   // return the value of formula
00840   //  y[6] = (x,y,z,px,py,pz)
00841   //  f[6] = ( dx[3]/ds, dp[3]/ds )
00842   //  dx/ds = p/|p|
00843   //  dp/ds = e/|e| 1/alpha (p x B)/|p||B|
00844   //    alpha = 1/cB = 333.5640952/B[Tesla]  [cm/(GeV/c)]
00845   //  const float Bx = _bfield->bx(y[0],y[1],y[2]);
00846   //  const float By = _bfield->by(y[0],y[1],y[2]);
00847   //  const float Bz = _bfield->bz(y[0],y[1],y[2]);  //[kGauss]
00848   float B[3];
00849   //const float B[3]={0,0,15.0};
00850   float pos[3];
00851   double pmag;
00852   double factor;
00854   pos[0]=(float)y[0];
00855   pos[1]=(float)y[1];
00856   pos[2]=(float)y[2];
00857   //cout<<"TR::pos="<<pos[0]<<","<<pos[1]<<","<<pos[2]<<endl;
00858   _bfield->fieldMap(pos,B);
00859   //cout<<"TR::B="<<B[0]<<","<<B[1]<<","<<B[2]<<endl;
00860   //  const double Bmag = sqrt(Bx*Bx+By*By+Bz*Bz);
00862   pmag = sqrt(y[3]*y[3]+y[4]*y[4]+y[5]*y[5]);
00863   f[0] = y[3]/pmag;     // p/|p|
00864   f[1] = y[4]/pmag;
00865   f[2] = y[5]/pmag;
00867   //  const factor = _charge/(alpha2/Bmag)/pmag/Bmag;
00868  // factor = ((double)_charge)/alpha2/10.; //[(GeV/c)/(cm kG)]
00869   factor = ((double)_charge)/(333.564095/(-1000*(m_pmgnIMF->getReferField())))/10.; //[(GeV/c)/(cm kG)]
00870   //  f[3] = factor*(f[1]*Bz-f[2]*By);
00871   //  f[4] = factor*(f[2]*Bx-f[0]*Bz);
00872   //  f[5] = factor*(f[0]*By-f[1]*Bx);
00873   f[3] = factor*(f[1]*B[2]-f[2]*B[1]);
00874   f[4] = factor*(f[2]*B[0]-f[0]*B[2]);
00875   f[5] = factor*(f[0]*B[1]-f[1]*B[0]);
00876 }

int TRunge::GetStep unsigned  stepNum,
double &  step

int TRunge::GetStep unsigned  stepNum,
double &  step

00905                                                       {
00906   if(stepNum>=_Nstep || stepNum>=TRunge_MAXstep) return(-1);
00907   step=_h[stepNum];
00908   return(0);
00909 }

int TRunge::GetXP unsigned  stepNum,
double  y[6]

int TRunge::GetXP unsigned  stepNum,
double  y[6]

00899                                                    {
00900   if(stepNum>=_Nstep || stepNum>=TRunge_MAXstep) return(-1);
00902   for(unsigned i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]=_y[stepNum][i];
00903   return(0);
00904 }

Helix TRunge::helix void   )  const

returns helix class

Helix TRunge::helix void   )  const

returns helix class

00201                              {
00202   return(Helix(_pivot,_a,_Ea));
00203 }

const TTrackHEP* const TTrackBase::hep void   )  const [inherited]

returns TTrackHEP.

const TTrackHEP *const TTrackBase::hep void   )  const [inherited]

returns TTrackHEP.

00380                           {
00381     unsigned n = _links.length();
00382     CAList<TTrackHEP> hepList;
00383     CList<unsigned> hepCounter;
00384     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00385         const TTrackHEP * hep = _links[i]->hit()->mc()->hep();
00386         unsigned nH = hepList.length();
00387         bool found = false;
00388         for (unsigned j = 0; j < nH; j++) {
00389             if (hepList[j] == hep) {
00390                 found = true;
00391                 ++(* hepCounter[j]);
00392             }
00393         }
00395         if (! found) {
00396             hepList.append(hep);
00397             unsigned c = 0;
00398             hepCounter.append(c);
00399         }
00400     }
00402     _nHeps = hepList.length();
00403     _hep = 0;
00404     unsigned max = 0;
00405     for (unsigned i = 0; i < _nHeps; i++) {
00406         if ((* hepCounter[i]) > max) {
00407             max = (* hepCounter[i]);
00408             _hep = hepList[i];
00409         }
00410     }
00412     return _hep;
00413 }

double TRunge::kappa void   )  const

double TRunge::kappa void   )  const

00177                               {
00178   return(_a[2]);
00179 }

const AList<TMLink>& TTrackBase::links unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns a list of masked TMLinks assigned to this track. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.

const AList< TMLink > & TTrackBase::links unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns a list of masked TMLinks assigned to this track. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.

00270                                      {
00271     if (mask == 0) return _links;
00273     std::cout << "TTrackBase::links !!! mask is not supportted yet" << std::endl;
00274     return _links;
00275 }

float TRunge::Mass float   ) 

set mass for tof calc.

float TRunge::Mass void   )  const

return mass

float TRunge::Mass float   ) 

set mass for tof calc.

00310                             {
00311   _mass=mass;
00312   _mass2=_mass*_mass;
00313   return(_mass);
00314 }

float TRunge::Mass void   )  const

return mass

00242                             {
00243   return(_mass);
00244 }

double TRunge::MaxFlightLength double   ) 

double TRunge::MaxFlightLength void   )  const

return max flight length

double TRunge::MaxFlightLength double   ) 

00316                                            {
00317   if(length>0) _maxflightlength=length;
00318   else _maxflightlength=default_maxflightlength;
00319   _Nstep=0;
00320   return(_maxflightlength);
00321 }

double TRunge::MaxFlightLength void   )  const

return max flight length

00246                                         {
00247   return(_maxflightlength);
00248 }

const TTrackMC* const TTrackBase::mc void   )  const [inherited]

returns a pointer to TTrackMC.

const TTrackMC *const TTrackBase::mc void   )  const [inline, inherited]

returns a pointer to TTrackMC.

00247                          {
00248     return _mc;
00249 }

unsigned TTrackBase::nCores unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns # of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.

unsigned TTrackBase::nCores unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns # of masked TMLinks for fit. 'mask' will be applied if mask is not 0.

00298                                       {
00299     if (mask)
00300         std::cout << "TTrackBase::nCores !!! mask is not supported" << std::endl;
00301     if (! _updated) update();
00302     return _cores.length();
00303 }

unsigned TRunge::ndf void   )  const

returns NDF

unsigned TRunge::ndf void   )  const

returns NDF

00205                               {
00206   return _ndf;
00207 }

unsigned TTrackBase::nHeps void   )  const [inherited]

returns # of contributed TTrackHEP tracks.

unsigned TTrackBase::nHeps void   )  const [inherited]

returns # of contributed TTrackHEP tracks.

00416                             {
00417     hep();
00418     return _nHeps;
00419 }

unsigned TTrackBase::nLinks unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns # of masked TMLinks assigned to this track object.

unsigned TTrackBase::nLinks unsigned  mask = 0  )  const [inherited]

returns # of masked TMLinks assigned to this track object.

00278                                       {
00279     unsigned n = _links.length();
00280     if (mask == 0) return n;
00281     unsigned nn = 0;
00282     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00283         const TMDCWireHit & h = * _links[i]->hit();
00284         if (h.state() & mask) ++nn;
00285     }
00286     return nn;
00287 }

unsigned TRunge::Nstep void   )  const

access to trajectory cache

unsigned TRunge::Nstep void   )  const

access to trajectory cache

00895                                 {
00896   return(_Nstep);
00897 }

unsigned TRunge::objectType void   )  const [virtual]

returns object type

Reimplemented from TTrackBase.

unsigned TRunge::objectType void   )  const [inline, virtual]

returns object type

Reimplemented from TTrackBase.

00247                                             {
00248   return Runge;
00249 }

TMLink* TTrackBase::operator[] unsigned  i  )  const [inherited]

TMLink * TTrackBase::operator[] unsigned  i  )  const [inline, inherited]

00235                                        {
00236     return _links[i];
00237 }

double TRunge::phi0 void   )  const

double TRunge::phi0 void   )  const

00173                              {
00174   return(_a[1]);
00175 }

const HepPoint3D& TRunge::pivot const HepPoint3D  ) 

set new pivot

const HepPoint3D& TRunge::pivot void   )  const

pivot position

const HepPoint3D & TRunge::pivot const HepPoint3D newpivot  ) 

set new pivot

!!!!! under construction !!!!! track parameter should be extracted after track propagation.

00250                                                          {
00253   Helix tHelix(helix());
00254   tHelix.pivot(newpivot);
00255   _pivot=newpivot;
00256   _a=tHelix.a();
00257   _Ea=tHelix.Ea();
00258   _Nstep=0;
00259   return(_pivot);
00260 }

const HepPoint3D & TRunge::pivot void   )  const

pivot position

00189                                          {
00190   return(_pivot);
00191 }

void TRunge::Propagate double  y[6],
const double &  step

propagate the track using 4th-order Runge-Kutta method

void TRunge::Propagate double  y[6],
const double &  step

propagate the track using 4th-order Runge-Kutta method

00786                                                           {
00787   //  y[6] = (x,y,z,px,py,pz)
00788   double f1[6],f2[6],f3[6],f4[6],yt[6];
00789   double hh;
00790   double h6;
00791   unsigned i;
00793   hh = step*0.5;
00794   //cout<<"TR:Pro hh="<<hh<<endl;
00795   Function(y,f1);
00796   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+hh*f1[i];
00797   //{
00798   //  register double *a=y;
00799   //  register double *b=f1;
00800   //  register double *t=yt;
00801   //  register double *e=y+6;
00802   //  for(;a<e;a++,b++,t++) (*t)=(*a)+hh*(*b);
00803   //}
00804   Function(yt,f2);
00805   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+hh*f2[i];
00806   //{
00807   //  register double *a=y;
00808   //  register double *b=f2;
00809   //  register double *t=yt;
00810   //  register double *e=y+6;
00811   //  for(;a<e;a++,b++,t++) (*t)=(*a)+hh*(*b);
00812   //}
00813   Function(yt,f3);
00814   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+step*f3[i];
00815   //{
00816   //  register double *a=y;
00817   //  register double *b=f3;
00818   //  register double *t=yt;
00819   //  register double *e=y+6;
00820   //  for(;a<e;a++,b++,t++) (*t)=(*a)+step*(*b);
00821   //}
00822   Function(yt,f4);
00824   h6 = step/6;
00825   for(i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]+=h6*(f1[i]+2*f2[i]+2*f3[i]+f4[i]);
00826   //{
00827   //  register double *a=f1;
00828   //  register double *b=f2;
00829   //  register double *c=f3;
00830   //  register double *d=f4;
00831   //  register double *t=y;
00832   //  register double *e=y+6;
00833   //  for(;t<e;a++,b++,c++,d++,t++)
00834   //    (*t)+=h6*((*a)+2*(*b)+2*(*c)+(*d));
00835   //}
00836 }

void TRunge::Propagate1 const double  y[6],
const double  dydx[6],
const double &  step,
double  yout[6]

void TRunge::Propagate1 const double  y[6],
const double  dydx[6],
const double &  step,
double  yout[6]

00912                                                                  {
00913   //  y[6] = (x,y,z,px,py,pz)
00914   double f2[6],f3[6],f4[6],yt[6];
00915   double hh;
00916   double h6;
00917   unsigned i;
00919   hh = step*0.5;
00920   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+hh*dydx[i];       // 1st step
00921   //{
00922   //  const register double *a=y;
00923   //  const register double *b=dydx;
00924   //  register double *t=yt;
00925   //  const register double *e=y+6;
00926   //  for(;a<e;a++,b++,t++) (*t)=(*a)+hh*(*b);
00927   //}
00928   Function(yt,f2);                              // 2nd step
00929   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+hh*f2[i];
00930   //{
00931   //  const register double *a=y;
00932   //  const register double *b=f2;
00933   //  register double *t=yt;
00934   //  const register double *e=y+6;
00935   //  for(;a<e;a++,b++,t++) (*t)=(*a)+hh*(*b);
00936   //}
00937   Function(yt,f3);                              // 3rd step
00938   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+step*f3[i];
00939   //{
00940   //  const register double *a=y;
00941   //  const register double *b=f3;
00942   //  register double *t=yt;
00943   //  const register double *e=y+6;
00944   //  for(;a<e;a++,b++,t++) (*t)=(*a)+step*(*b);
00945   //}
00946   Function(yt,f4);                              // 4th step
00948   h6 = step/6;
00949   for(i=0;i<6;i++) yout[i]=y[i]+h6*(dydx[i]+2*f2[i]+2*f3[i]+f4[i]);
00950   //{
00951   //  const register double *a=dydx;
00952   //  const register double *b=f2;
00953   //  const register double *c=f3;
00954   //  const register double *d=f4;
00955   //  const register double *e=y;
00956   //  register double *t=yout;
00957   //  const register double *s=yout+6;
00958   //  for(;t<s;a++,b++,c++,d++,e++,t++)
00959   //    (*t)=(*e)+h6*((*a)+2*(*b)+2*(*c)+(*d));
00960   //}
00961 }

void TRunge::Propagate_QC double  y[6],
double  dydx[6],
const double &  steptry,
const double &  eps,
const double  yscal[6],
double &  stepdid,
double &  stepnext

void TRunge::Propagate_QC double  y[6],
double  dydx[6],
const double &  steptry,
const double &  eps,
const double  yscal[6],
double &  stepdid,
double &  stepnext

00970                                                                   {
00971   //propagate with quality check, step will be scaled automatically
00972   double ysav[6],dysav[6],ytemp[6];
00973   double h,hh,errmax,temp;
00974   unsigned i;
00976   for(i=0;i<6;i++) ysav[i]=y[i];
00977   //memcpy(ysav,y,sizeof(double)*6);
00978   for(i=0;i<6;i++) dysav[i]=dydx[i];
00979   //memcpy(dysav,dydx,sizeof(double)*6);
00981   h=steptry;
00982   for(;;){
00983     hh=h*0.5;                           // 2 half step
00984     Propagate1(ysav,dysav,hh,ytemp);
00985     Function(ytemp,dydx);
00986     Propagate1(ytemp,dydx,hh,y);
00987     //if  check step size
00988     Propagate1(ysav,dysav,h,ytemp);     // 1 full step
00989     // error calculation
00990     errmax=0.0;
00991     for(i=0;i<6;i++){
00992       ytemp[i]=y[i]-ytemp[i];
00993       temp=fabs(ytemp[i]/yscal[i]);
00994       if(errmax < temp) errmax=temp;
00995     }
00996     //cout<<"TR: errmax="<<errmax<<endl;
00997     errmax/=eps;
00998     if(errmax <= 1.0){                  // step O.K.  calc. for next step
00999       stepdid=h;
01000       stepnext=(errmax>ERRCON ? SAFETY*h*exp(PGROW*log(errmax)) : 4.0*h);
01001       break;
01002     }
01003     h=SAFETY*h*exp(PSHRNK*log(errmax));
01004   }
01005   for(i=0;i<6;i++) y[i]+=ytemp[i]*FCOR;
01006   //{
01007   //  register double *a=ytemp;
01008   //  register double *t=y;
01009   //  register double *e=y+6;
01010   //  for(;t<e;a++,t++) (*t)+=(*a)*FCOR;
01011   //}
01013 }

double TRunge::reducedchi2 void   )  const

returns reduced-chi2

double TRunge::reducedchi2 void   )  const

returns reduced-chi2

00213                                     {
00214   if(_ndf==0){
00215     std::cout<<"error at TRunge::reducedchi2  ndf=0"<<std::endl;
00216     return 0;
00217   }
00218   return (_chi2/_ndf);
00219 }

virtual void TTrackBase::refine double  maxSigma  )  [virtual, inherited]

removes bad points by pull. The bad points are masked not to be used in fit.

virtual void TTrackBase::refine AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  maxSigma
[virtual, inherited]

removes bad points by pull. The bad points are removed from the track, and are returned in 'list'.

void TTrackBase::refine double  maxSigma  )  [virtual, inherited]

removes bad points by pull. The bad points are masked not to be used in fit.

00194                                {
00195     AList<TMLink> bad = refineMain(sigma);
00196 //      for (unsigned i = 0; i < bad.length(); i++) {
00197 //      const TMDCWireHit * hit = bad[i]->hit();
00198 //      hit->state(hit->state() | WireHitInvalidForFit);
00199 //      }
00202     std::cout << "    refine ... sigma=" << sigma << std::endl;
00203     Dump(bad, "detail sort", "        ");
00204 #endif
00206     if (bad.length()) {
00207         _fitted = false;
00208         _updated = false;
00209     }
00210 }

void TTrackBase::refine AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  maxSigma
[virtual, inherited]

removes bad points by pull. The bad points are removed from the track, and are returned in 'list'.

00170                                                      {
00171     AList<TMLink> bad = refineMain(sigma);
00172 #ifdef TRKRECO_DEBUG
00173     std::cout << "    refine ... sigma=" << sigma << ", # of rejected hits=";
00174     std::cout << bad.length() << std::endl;
00175 #endif
00176 #ifdef TRKRECO_DEBUG
00177     Dump(bad, "sort pull mc", "        ");
00178 #endif
00180     if (bad.length()) {
00181         _links.remove(bad);
00182         list.append(bad);
00183         _fitted = false;
00184         _updated = false;
00185     }
00186 }

void TTrackBase::remove const AList< TMLink > &   )  [inherited]

removes TMLinks.

void TTrackBase::remove TMLink a  )  [inherited]

removes a TMLink.

void TTrackBase::remove const AList< TMLink > &   )  [inline, inherited]

removes TMLinks.

00211                                           {
00212     _links.remove(a);
00213     _updated = false;
00214     _fitted = false;
00215     _fittedWithCathode = false; // mod. by matsu ( 1999/05/24 )
00216 }

void TTrackBase::remove TMLink a  )  [inline, inherited]

removes a TMLink.

00202                              {
00203     _links.remove(a);
00204     _updated = false;
00205     _fitted = false;
00206     _fittedWithCathode = false; // mod. by matsu ( 1999/05/24 )
00207 }

virtual void TTrackBase::removeLinks void   )  [virtual, inherited]

void TTrackBase::removeLinks void   )  [virtual, inherited]

00189                            {
00190   _links.removeAll();
00191 }

void TRunge::SetFirst double  y[6]  )  const

set first point (position, momentum) s=0, phi=0

void TRunge::SetFirst double  y[6]  )  const

set first point (position, momentum) s=0, phi=0

00878                                       {
00879   //  y[6] = (x,y,z,px,py,pz)
00880   const double cosPhi0=cos(_a[1]);
00881   const double sinPhi0=sin(_a[1]);
00882   const double invKappa=1/abs(_a[2]);
00884   y[0]= _pivot.x()+_a[0]*cosPhi0;       //x
00885   y[1]= _pivot.y()+_a[0]*sinPhi0;       //y
00886   y[2]= _pivot.z()+_a[3];               //z
00887   y[3]= -sinPhi0*invKappa;              //px
00888   y[4]=  cosPhi0*invKappa;              //py
00889   y[5]= _a[4]*invKappa;                 //pz
00890 }

double TRunge::SetFlightLength void   ) 

set flight length using wire hits

double TRunge::SetFlightLength void   ) 

set flight length using wire hits

01061                                   {
01063   // get a list of links to a wire hit
01064   const AList<TMLink>& cores=this->cores();
01065   //cout<<"TR:: cores.length="<<cores.length()<<endl;
01067   const Helix hel(this->helix());
01068   double tanl=hel.tanl();
01069   //double curv=hel.curv();
01070   //double rho = Helix::ConstantAlpha / hel.kappa();
01071  // double rho = 333.564095 / hel.kappa();  
01072   double rho = 333.564095/(-1000*(m_pmgnIMF->getReferField())) / hel.kappa();  
01074   // search max phi
01075   double phi_max=- DBL_MAX;
01076   double phi_min= DBL_MAX;
01077   // loop over link
01078   for(int j=0;j<cores.length();j++){
01079     TMLink& l=*cores[j];
01080     // fitting valid?
01081     const TMDCWire& wire=*l.wire();
01082     double Wz=0;
01083     //double mindist;
01084     HepPoint3D onWire;
01085     HepPoint3D dummy_bP;
01086     HepVector3D dummy_dir;
01087     Helix th(hel);
01088     for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
01089       wire.wirePosition(Wz,onWire,dummy_bP,dummy_dir);
01090       th.pivot(onWire);
01091       if(abs(<0.1){     //<1mm
01092         //mindist=abs(hel.dr());
01093         break;
01094       }
01096     }
01097     //onWire is closest point , th.x() is closest point on trk
01098     //Wz is z position of closest point
01099     //Z->dphi
01100     /*
01101     // Calculate position (x,y,z) along helix.
01102     // x = x0 + dr * cos(phi0) + (alpha / kappa) * (cos(phi0) - cos(phi0+phi))
01103     // y = y0 + dr * sin(phi0) + (alpha / kappa) * (sin(phi0) - sin(phi0+phi))
01104     // z = z0 + dz             - (alpha / kappa) * tan(lambda) * phi
01105     cout<<"TR:: Wz="<<Wz<<" tanl="<<tanl<<endl;
01106     double phi=( hel.pivot().z() )/( curv*tanl );
01107     */
01108     //...Cal. dPhi to rotate...
01109     const HepPoint3D & xc =;
01110     const HepPoint3D & xt = hel.x();
01111     HepVector3D v0, v1;
01112     v0 = xt - xc;
01113     v1 = th.x() - xc;
01114     const double vCrs = v0.x() * v1.y() - v0.y() * v1.x();
01115     const double vDot = v0.x() * v1.x() + v0.y() * v1.y();
01116     double phi = atan2(vCrs, vDot);
01118     double tz=hel.x(phi).z();
01119     //cout<<"TR::  Wz="<<Wz<<" tz="<<tz<<endl;
01121     if(phi>phi_max) phi_max=phi;
01122     if(phi<phi_min) phi_min=phi;
01123     //cout<<"TR:: phi="<<phi<<endl;
01124   }
01125   //cout<<"TR:: phi_max="<<phi_max<<" phi_min="<<phi_min
01126   //    <<" rho="<<rho<<" tanl="<<tanl<<endl;
01127   //phi->length, set max filght length
01128   //tanl*=1.2; // for mergin
01129   _maxflightlength=
01130     abs( rho*(phi_max-phi_min)*sqrt(1+tanl*tanl) )*1.2; //x1.1 mergin
01132   return(_maxflightlength);
01133 }

double TRunge::StepSize double   ) 

set step size to calc. trajectory

double TRunge::StepSize void   )  const

returns step size

double TRunge::StepSize double   ) 

set step size to calc. trajectory

00283                                   {
00284   _stepSize=step;
00285   _Nstep=0;
00286   return(_stepSize);
00287 }

double TRunge::StepSize void   )  const

returns step size

00225                                  {
00226   return(_stepSize);
00227 }

double TRunge::StepSizeMax double   ) 

double TRunge::StepSizeMax void   )  const

double TRunge::StepSizeMax double   ) 

00299                                      {
00300   _stepSizeMax=step;
00301   _Nstep=0;
00302   return(_stepSizeMax);
00303 }

double TRunge::StepSizeMax void   )  const

00235                                     {
00236   return(_stepSizeMax);
00237 }

double TRunge::StepSizeMin double   ) 

double TRunge::StepSizeMin void   )  const

double TRunge::StepSizeMin double   ) 

00304                                      {
00305   _stepSizeMin=step;
00306   _Nstep=0;
00307   return(_stepSizeMin);
00308 }

double TRunge::StepSizeMin void   )  const

00238                                     {
00239   return(_stepSizeMin);
00240 }

double TRunge::tanl void   )  const

double TRunge::tanl void   )  const

00185                              {
00186   return(_a[4]);
00187 }

unsigned TTrackBase::testByApproach const AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  sigma
const [inherited]

unsigned TTrackBase::testByApproach const TMLink list,
double  sigma
const [inherited]

returns # of good hits to be appended.

unsigned TTrackBase::testByApproach const AList< TMLink > &  list,
double  sigma
const [inherited]

00213                                                                             {
00215     std::cout << "    TTrackBase::testByApproach ... sigma=" << maxSigma << std::endl;
00216 #endif
00218     unsigned nOK = 0;
00219     unsigned n = list.length();
00220     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00221         TMLink & l = * list[i];
00222         nOK += testByApproach(l, maxSigma);
00223     }
00224     return nOK;
00225 }

unsigned TTrackBase::testByApproach const TMLink list,
double  sigma
const [inherited]

returns # of good hits to be appended.

00228                                                                      {
00230     std::cout << "    TTrackBase::testByApproach ... sigma=" << maxSigma << std::endl;
00231 #endif
00232     TMLink l = link;
00234     //...Calculate closest approach...
00235     int err = approach(l);
00236     if (err < 0) return 0;
00237     //...Calculate sigma...
00238     float distance = l.distance();
00239     float diff = fabs(distance - l.hit()->drift());
00240     float sigma = diff / l.hit()->dDrift();
00241     l.pull(sigma * sigma);
00243     //...For debug...
00245     std::cout << "    sigma=" << sigma;
00246     std::cout << ",dist=" << distance;
00247     std::cout << ",diff=" << diff << ",";
00248     if (sigma < maxSigma) std::cout << "ok,";
00249     else                  std::cout << "X,";
00250     l.dump("mc");
00251 #endif
00253     //...Make sigma cut...
00254     if (sigma < maxSigma) return 1;
00256     return 0;
00257 }

virtual unsigned TTrackBase::type void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

returns type. Definition is depending on an object class.

Reimplemented in TTrack, and TTrack.

unsigned TTrackBase::type void   )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

returns type. Definition is depending on an object class.

Reimplemented in TTrack, and TTrack.

00272                            {
00273     return 0;
00274 }

void TTrackBase::update void   )  const [inherited]

update cache.

Reimplemented in TSegment, TSegment0, TSegment, and TSegment0.

void TTrackBase::update void   )  const [inherited]

update cache.

Reimplemented in TSegment, TSegment0, TSegment, and TSegment0.

00075                              {
00076     _cores.removeAll();
00077     unsigned n = _links.length();
00078     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00079         TMLink * l = _links[i];
00080         const TMDCWireHit & h = * l->hit();
00081         if (h.state() & WireHitInvalidForFit) continue;
00082         if (! (h.state() & WireHitFittingValid)) continue;
00083         _cores.append(l);
00084     }
00085     _updated = true;
00086 }

const double* TRunge::Yscal const double *   ) 

set error parameters for fitting with step size control

const double* TRunge::Yscal void   )  const

return error parameters for fitting with step size control

const double* TRunge::Yscal const double *   ) 

set error parameters for fitting with step size control

const double * TRunge::Yscal void   )  const

return error parameters for fitting with step size control

00229                                      {
00230   return(_yscal);
00231 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

TRungeFitter [friend]

Member Data Documentation

Vector TRunge::_a [private]

Bfield* TRunge::_bfield [private]

Bfield* TRunge::_bfield [private]

int TRunge::_bfieldID [private]

int TRunge::_charge [private]

double TRunge::_chi2 [private]

SymMatrix TRunge::_Ea [private]

double TRunge::_eps [private]

bool TTrackBase::_fitted [mutable, protected, inherited]

bool TTrackBase::_fittedWithCathode [mutable, protected, inherited]

const TRungeFitter TRunge::_fitter = TRungeFitter("TRunge Default fitter") [static, private]

Reimplemented from TTrackBase.

double TRunge::_h [mutable, private]

AList<TMLink> TTrackBase::_links [protected, inherited]

AList<TMLink> TTrackBase::_links [protected, inherited]

float TRunge::_mass [private]

float TRunge::_mass2 [private]

double TRunge::_maxflightlength [private]

TTrackMC* TTrackBase::_mc [protected, inherited]

TTrackMC* TTrackBase::_mc [protected, inherited]

unsigned TRunge::_ndf [private]

unsigned TRunge::_Nstep [mutable, private]

HepPoint3D TRunge::_pivot [private]

double TRunge::_stepSize [private]

double TRunge::_stepSizeMax [private]

double TRunge::_stepSizeMin [private]

double TRunge::_y [mutable, private]

double TRunge::_yscal [private]

IMagneticFieldSvc* TRunge::m_pmgnIMF [private]

IMagneticFieldSvc* TRunge::m_pmgnIMF [private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 19:10:46 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen