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Record Class Reference

#include <TofDataSet.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool cutBarrel ()
bool cutBarrel ()
bool cutEndcap ()
bool cutEndcap ()
int event () const
int event () const
int hitcase () const
int hitcase () const
void initial ()
void initial ()
double p () const
double p () const
double path () const
double path () const
double phi () const
double phi () const
double q0 () const
double q0 () const
double qleft () const
double qleft () const
double qright () const
double qright () const
 Record (const rootRecord &one)
 Record (RecETofCalHit *hit)
 Record (RecBTofCalHit *hit)
 Record ()
 Record (const rootRecord &one)
 Record (RecETofCalHit *hit)
 Record (RecBTofCalHit *hit)
 Record ()
int run () const
int run () const
void setQ0 (double q0)
void setQ0 (double q0)
void setT0 (double t0)
void setT0 (double t0)
void settleft (double tleft)
void settleft (double tleft)
void settright (double tright)
void settright (double tright)
double t0 () const
double t0 () const
double texp () const
double texp () const
double theta () const
double theta () const
double tleft () const
double tleft () const
int tofid () const
int tofid () const
double tright () const
double tright () const
double zrhit () const
double zrhit () const
 ~Record ()
 ~Record ()

Private Attributes

int m_event
int m_hitcase
double m_p
double m_path
double m_phi
double m_q0
double m_qleft
double m_qright
int m_run
double m_t0
double m_texp
double m_theta
double m_tleft
int m_tofid
double m_tright
double m_zrhit

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Record::Record  ) 

00003                {
00004   initial();
00005   return;
00006 }

Record::~Record  ) 

00009 {}

Record::Record RecBTofCalHit hit  ) 

00033                                    {
00034   initial();
00035   if( hit ) {
00036     m_run     = hit->run();
00037     m_event   = hit->event();
00038     m_tofid   = hit->mod();
00039     m_qleft   = hit->adc1();
00040     m_qright  = hit->adc2();
00041     m_tleft   = hit->tdc1();
00042     m_tright  = hit->tdc2();
00043     m_zrhit   = hit->zHit();
00044     m_texp    = hit->tpred();
00045     m_path    = hit->path();
00046     m_phi     = hit->deltaPhi();
00047     m_theta   = hit->sinTheta();
00048     m_p       = hit->p();
00049     m_hitcase = hit->qual();
00050   }
00051   return;
00052 }

Record::Record RecETofCalHit hit  ) 

00055                                    {
00056   initial();
00057   if( hit ) {
00058     m_run     = hit->run();
00059     m_event   = hit->event();
00060     m_tofid   = hit->mod();
00061     m_qleft   = hit->adc();
00062     m_tleft   = hit->tdc();
00063     m_zrhit   = hit->rHit();
00064     m_texp    = hit->tpred();
00065     m_path    = hit->path();
00066     m_phi     = hit->deltaPhi();
00067     m_theta   = hit->cosTheta();
00068     m_p       = hit->p();
00069     m_hitcase = hit->qual();
00070   }
00071   return;
00072 }

Record::Record const rootRecord one  ) 

00075                                       {
00076   initial();
00077   if( &one ) {
00078     m_run     =;
00079     m_event   = one.event;
00080     m_tofid   = one.tofid;
00081     m_qleft   = one.qleft;
00082     m_tleft   = one.tleft;
00083     if( one.hitcase >= 0 && one.hitcase <=2 ) {
00084       m_qright  = one.qright;
00085       m_tright  = one.tright;
00086     }
00087     m_zrhit   = one.zrhit;
00088     m_texp    = one.texp;
00089     m_path    = one.path;
00090     m_phi     = one.phi;
00091     m_theta   = one.theta;
00092     m_p       = one.p;
00093     m_hitcase = one.hitcase;
00094   }
00095   return;
00096 }

Record::Record  ) 

Record::~Record  ) 

Record::Record RecBTofCalHit hit  ) 

Record::Record RecETofCalHit hit  ) 

Record::Record const rootRecord one  ) 

Member Function Documentation

bool Record::cutBarrel  ) 

bool Record::cutBarrel  ) 

00003                        {
00004   if( m_run>0 ) {
00005     if( m_texp<2.7 || m_texp>4.9 ) return false;
00006     if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_qleft<200.|| m_qleft>20000. ) ) return false;
00007     if( m_qright<200.|| m_qright>20000. ) return false;
00008     if( fabs(m_zrhit)>115.0 ) return false;
00009     // 090308-090413 psip
00010     if( m_run>=8107 && m_run<9671 ) {
00011       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_qleft<200.|| m_qleft>20000. ) ) return false;
00012       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_tleft<17.5 || m_tleft>39.0 ) ) return false;
00013       if( m_tright<17.5 || m_tright>39.0 ) return false;
00014       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( fabs(m_tleft-27.4+0.07*m_zrhit ) > 4.0 ) ) return false;
00015       if( fabs(m_tright-27.6-0.07*m_zrhit) > 4.0 ) return false;
00016     }
00017     // 090528-090603 continue
00018     else if( m_run>=9671 && m_run<9947 ) {
00019       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_qleft<200.|| m_qleft>20000. ) ) return false;
00020       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_tleft<13.5 || m_tleft>35.0 ) ) return false;
00021       if( m_tright<13.5 || m_tright>35.0 ) return false;
00022       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( fabs(m_tleft-23.7+0.07*m_zrhit ) > 4.0 ) ) return false;
00023       if( fabs(m_tright-23.7-0.07*m_zrhit) > 4.0 ) return false;
00024     }
00025     // 090612-090727 jpsi
00026     else if( m_run>=9947 && m_run<=10878 ) {
00027       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_qleft<200.|| m_qleft>20000. ) ) return false;
00028       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( m_tleft<14.0 || m_tleft>35.0 ) ) return false;
00029       if( m_tright<14.0 || m_tright>35.0 ) return false;
00030       if( ( m_tofid != 141 ) && ( fabs(m_tleft-23.6+0.07*m_zrhit ) > 4.0 ) ) return false;
00031       if( fabs(m_tright-23.6-0.07*m_zrhit) > 4.0 ) return false;
00032     }
00033     // 100116- psipp
00034     else if( m_run>=11397 && m_run<80000 ) {
00035       if( m_qleft<200.|| m_qleft>20000.  ) return false;
00036       if(  m_tleft<13.5 ||  m_tleft>34.5 ) return false;
00037       if( m_tright<13.5 || m_tright>34.5 ) return false;
00038       if( fabs(m_tleft-23.5+0.07*m_zrhit ) > 4.0 ) return false;
00039       if( fabs(m_tright-23.5-0.07*m_zrhit) > 4.0 ) return false;
00040     }
00041   }
00042   else {
00043     if( m_texp>4.8 || m_texp<2.6) return false;
00044     if( m_tleft<15.  || m_tleft>33.  ) return false;
00045     if( m_tright<15. || m_tright>33. ) return false;
00046     if( m_qleft<50. || m_qleft>2400. ) return false;
00047     if( m_qright<50.|| m_qright>2400.) return false;
00048     if( fabs(m_zrhit)>115.0 ) return false;
00049   }
00050   return true;
00051 }

bool Record::cutEndcap  ) 

bool Record::cutEndcap  ) 

00054                        {
00055   if( m_run>0 ) {
00056     if( m_texp<4.6 || m_texp>5.4 ) return false;
00057     if( m_qleft<50.|| m_qleft>20000.) return false;
00058     //    if( m_path<130. || m_path>170.) return false;
00059     if( m_zrhit<50. || m_zrhit>83.) return false;
00060     // 090308-090413 psip
00061     if( m_run>=8107 && m_run<9671 ) {
00062       if( m_tleft<24.0 || m_tleft>32.0 ) return false;
00063       if( fabs(m_tleft-21.4-0.1*m_zrhit)>4.0 ) return false;
00064     }
00065     // 090528-090603 continue
00066     else if( m_run>=9671 && m_run<9947 ) {
00067       if( m_tleft<20.0 || m_tleft>28.0 ) return false;
00068       if( fabs(m_tleft-17.3-0.1*m_zrhit)>4.0 ) return false;
00069     }
00070     // 090612-090727 jpsi
00071     else if( m_run>=9947 && m_run<=10878 ) {
00072       if( m_tleft<20.5 || m_tleft>28.5 ) return false;
00073       if( fabs(m_tleft-17.6-0.1*m_zrhit)>4.0 ) return false;
00074     }
00075     // 100116- psipp
00076     else if( m_run>=11397 && m_run<80000 ) {
00077       if( m_tleft<20.5 || m_tleft>28.5 ) return false;
00078       if( fabs(m_tleft-17.8-0.1*m_zrhit)>4.0 ) return false;
00079     }
00080   }
00081   else {
00082     if( m_tleft<22.|| m_tleft>30.) return false;
00083     if( m_texp<4. ||  m_texp>6.) return false;
00084     if( m_qleft<10.|| m_qleft>2400.) return false;
00085     if( m_path<120. || m_path>180.) return false;
00086     if( m_zrhit<55. || m_zrhit>83.) return false;
00087   }
00088   return true;
00089 }

int Record::event  )  const [inline]

00049 { return  m_event;   }

int Record::event  )  const [inline]

00049 { return  m_event;   }

int Record::hitcase  )  const [inline]

00063 { return  m_hitcase; }

int Record::hitcase  )  const [inline]

00063 { return  m_hitcase; }

void Record::initial  ) 

void Record::initial  ) 

00012                      {
00013   m_run     = 0;
00014   m_event   = -1;
00015   m_tofid   = -1;
00016   m_qleft   = -99.0;
00017   m_qright  = -99.0;
00018   m_tleft   = -99.0;
00019   m_tright  = -99.0;
00020   m_zrhit   = -999.0;
00021   m_texp    = -99.0;
00022   m_path    = -99.0;
00023   m_phi     = -99.0;
00024   m_theta   = -99.0;
00025   m_p       = -9.0;
00026   m_t0      = -99.0;
00027   m_q0      = -99.0;
00028   m_hitcase = -1;
00029   return;
00030 }

double Record::p void   )  const [inline]

00060 { return  m_p;       }

double Record::p  )  const [inline]

00060 { return  m_p;       }

double Record::path  )  const [inline]

00057 { return  m_path;    }

double Record::path  )  const [inline]

00057 { return  m_path;    }

double Record::phi void   )  const [inline]

00058 { return  m_phi;     }

double Record::phi void   )  const [inline]

00058 { return  m_phi;     }

double Record::q0  )  const [inline]

00062 { return  m_q0;      }

double Record::q0  )  const [inline]

00062 { return  m_q0;      }

double Record::qleft  )  const [inline]

00051 { return  m_qleft;   }

double Record::qleft  )  const [inline]

00051 { return  m_qleft;   }

double Record::qright  )  const [inline]

00052 { return  m_qright;  }

double Record::qright  )  const [inline]

00052 { return  m_qright;  }

int Record::run  )  const [inline]

00048 { return  m_run;     }

int Record::run  )  const [inline]

00048 { return  m_run;     }

void Record::setQ0 double  q0  )  [inline]

00069 { m_q0   = q0;       }

void Record::setQ0 double  q0  )  [inline]

00069 { m_q0   = q0;       }

void Record::setT0 double  t0  )  [inline]

00068 { m_t0   = t0;       }

void Record::setT0 double  t0  )  [inline]

00068 { m_t0   = t0;       }

void Record::settleft double  tleft  )  [inline]

00066 { m_tleft  = tleft;  }

void Record::settleft double  tleft  )  [inline]

00066 { m_tleft  = tleft;  }

void Record::settright double  tright  )  [inline]

00067 { m_tright = tright; }

void Record::settright double  tright  )  [inline]

00067 { m_tright = tright; }

double Record::t0 void   )  const [inline]

00061 { return  m_t0;      }

double Record::t0 void   )  const [inline]

00061 { return  m_t0;      }

double Record::texp  )  const [inline]

00056 { return  m_texp;    }

double Record::texp  )  const [inline]

00056 { return  m_texp;    }

double Record::theta  )  const [inline]

00059 { return  m_theta;   }

double Record::theta  )  const [inline]

00059 { return  m_theta;   }

double Record::tleft  )  const [inline]

00053 { return  m_tleft;   }

double Record::tleft  )  const [inline]

00053 { return  m_tleft;   }

int Record::tofid  )  const [inline]

00050 { return  m_tofid;   }

int Record::tofid  )  const [inline]

00050 { return  m_tofid;   }

double Record::tright  )  const [inline]

00054 { return  m_tright;  }

double Record::tright  )  const [inline]

00054 { return  m_tright;  }

double Record::zrhit  )  const [inline]

00055 { return  m_zrhit;   }

double Record::zrhit  )  const [inline]

00055 { return  m_zrhit;   }

Member Data Documentation

int Record::m_event [private]

int Record::m_hitcase [private]

double Record::m_p [private]

double Record::m_path [private]

double Record::m_phi [private]

double Record::m_q0 [private]

double Record::m_qleft [private]

double Record::m_qright [private]

int Record::m_run [private]

double Record::m_t0 [private]

double Record::m_texp [private]

double Record::m_theta [private]

double Record::m_tleft [private]

int Record::m_tofid [private]

double Record::m_tright [private]

double Record::m_zrhit [private]

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Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:47:54 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen