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ParticleID Class Reference

#include <ParticleID.h>

Inheritance diagram for ParticleID:

ParticleIDBase ParticleIDBase List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int all () const
int all () const
void calculate ()
void calculate ()
double charge ()
double charge ()
double chi (int n) const
double chi (int n) const
double chiDedx (int n) const
double chiDedx (int n) const
double chiEmc (int n) const
double chiEmc (int n) const
double chiMinCut () const
double chiMinCut () const
double chiMuc (int n) const
double chiMuc (int n) const
double chiTof (int n) const
double chiTof (int n) const
double chiTof1 (int n) const
double chiTof1 (int n) const
double chiTof2 (int n) const
double chiTof2 (int n) const
double chiTofC (int n) const
double chiTofC (int n) const
double chiTofE (int n) const
double chiTofE (int n) const
double chiTofQ (int n) const
double chiTofQ (int n) const
int dedxValid () const
int dedxValid () const
int discard () const
int discard () const
int emcValid () const
int emcValid () const
int getNhitCut () const
int getNhitCut () const
double getRunNo () const
double getRunNo () const
void identify (const int pidcase)
void identify (const int pidcase)
void init ()
void init ()
double interpolation (double *x, double *y, double x1)
double interpolation (double *x, double *y, double x1)
bool IsDedxInfoValid () const
bool IsDedxInfoValid () const
bool IsEmcInfoValid () const
bool IsEmcInfoValid () const
bool IsMucInfoValid () const
bool IsMucInfoValid () const
bool IsPidInfoValid () const
bool IsPidInfoValid () const
bool IsTofCInfoValid () const
bool IsTofCInfoValid () const
bool IsTofEInfoValid () const
bool IsTofEInfoValid () const
bool IsTofInfoValid () const
bool IsTofInfoValid () const
bool IsTofQInfoValid () const
bool IsTofQInfoValid () const
double lhf (int n) const
double lhf (int n) const
int methodLikelihood () const
int methodLikelihood () const
int methodNeuronNetwork () const
int methodNeuronNetwork () const
int methodProbability () const
int methodProbability () const
int mucValid () const
int mucValid () const
int ndof () const
int ndof () const
int neuronStat () const
int neuronStat () const
double neuronVal () const
double neuronVal () const
int onlyElectron () const
int onlyElectron () const
int onlyKaon () const
int onlyKaon () const
int onlyMuon () const
int onlyMuon () const
int onlyPion () const
int onlyPion () const
int onlyPionKaon () const
int onlyPionKaon () const
int onlyPionKaonElectron () const
int onlyPionKaonElectron () const
int onlyPionKaonProton () const
int onlyPionKaonProton () const
int onlyProton () const
int onlyProton () const
double p ()
double p ()
double pdf (int n) const
double pdf (int n) const
double pdfCalculate (double offset, double sigma)
double pdfCalculate (double offset, double sigma)
double pdfDedx (int n)
double pdfDedx (int n)
double pdfElectron () const
double pdfElectron () const
double pdfEmc (int n)
double pdfEmc (int n)
double pdfKaon () const
double pdfKaon () const
double pdfMinSigmaCut () const
double pdfMinSigmaCut () const
double pdfMuc (int n)
double pdfMuc (int n)
double pdfMuon () const
double pdfMuon () const
double pdfPion () const
double pdfPion () const
double pdfProton () const
double pdfProton () const
double pdfTof (int n)
double pdfTof (int n)
double pdfTofC (int n)
double pdfTofC (int n)
double pdfTofE (int n)
double pdfTofE (int n)
double pdfTofQ (int n)
double pdfTofQ (int n)
EvtRecTrackPidTrk () const
EvtRecTrackPidTrk () const
double pol2 (double x, double *par)
double pol2 (double x, double *par)
double pol3 (double x, double *par)
double pol3 (double x, double *par)
double pol4 (double x, double *par)
double pol4 (double x, double *par)
double prob (int n) const
double prob (int n) const
double probCalculate (double chi2, int n)
double probCalculate (double chi2, int n)
double probDedx (int n) const
double probDedx (int n) const
double probElectron () const
double probElectron () const
double probEmc (int n) const
double probEmc (int n) const
double probKaon () const
double probKaon () const
double probMuc (int n) const
double probMuc (int n) const
double probMuon () const
double probMuon () const
double probPion () const
double probPion () const
double probProton () const
double probProton () const
double probTof (int n) const
double probTof (int n) const
double probTofC (int n) const
double probTofC (int n) const
double probTofE (int n) const
double probTofE (int n) const
double probTofQ (int n) const
double probTofQ (int n) const
double pt ()
double pt ()
void setChiMinCut (const double chi=4)
void setChiMinCut (const double chi=4)
void setMethod (const int method)
void setMethod (const int method)
void setNhitCut (const int nhitcuth=5)
void setNhitCut (const int nhitcuth=5)
void setPdfMinSigmaCut (const double pdf=4)
void setPdfMinSigmaCut (const double pdf=4)
void setRecTrack (EvtRecTrack *trk)
void setRecTrack (EvtRecTrack *trk)
void setRunNo (const double runh=8093)
void setRunNo (const double runh=8093)
int tofcValid () const
int tofcValid () const
int tofeValid () const
int tofeValid () const
int tofqValid () const
int tofqValid () const
int tofValid () const
int tofValid () const
int useDedx () const
int useDedx () const
int useEmc () const
int useEmc () const
int useMuc () const
int useMuc () const
void usePidSys (const int pidsys)
void usePidSys (const int pidsys)
int useTof () const
int useTof () const
int useTof1 () const
int useTof1 () const
int useTof2 () const
int useTof2 () const
int useTofC () const
int useTofC () const
int useTofE () const
int useTofE () const
int useTofQ () const
int useTofQ () const
double velc ()
double velc ()
double xmass (int n)
double xmass (int n)
 ~ParticleID ()
 ~ParticleID ()

Static Public Member Functions

ParticleIDinstance ()
ParticleIDinstance ()

Protected Member Functions

int LikelihoodCalculation ()
int LikelihoodCalculation ()
int neuronPIDCalculation ()
int neuronPIDCalculation ()
int particleIDCalculation ()
int particleIDCalculation ()

Private Member Functions

bool IsDedxInfoUsed () const
bool IsDedxInfoUsed () const
bool IsEmcInfoUsed () const
bool IsEmcInfoUsed () const
bool IsMucInfoUsed () const
bool IsMucInfoUsed () const
bool IsTof1InfoUsed () const
bool IsTof1InfoUsed () const
bool IsTof2InfoUsed () const
bool IsTof2InfoUsed () const
bool IsTofCInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofCInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofEInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofEInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofQInfoUsed () const
bool IsTofQInfoUsed () const
 ParticleID ()
 ParticleID ()

Private Attributes

double m_chicut
double m_chisq [5]
int m_discard
double m_likelihoodfraction [5]
int m_method
int m_ndof
int m_nhitcut
double m_pdf [5]
int m_pidcase
int m_pidsys
double m_prob [5]
double m_TotalLikelihood

Static Private Attributes

ParticleIDm_pointer = 0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ParticleID::~ParticleID  ) 

00072                         {
00073   //  if(m_dedxpid) delete m_dedxpid;
00074   //  if(m_tof1pid) delete m_tof1pid;
00075   //  if(m_tof2pid) delete m_tof2pid;
00076   //  if(m_tofepid) delete m_tofepid;
00077   //  if(m_tofqpid) delete m_tofqpid;
00078   //  if(m_emcpid) delete m_emcpid;
00079 }

ParticleID::ParticleID  )  [private]

00058                        : ParticleIDBase(){
00059   m_dedxpid = 0;
00060   m_tofpid = 0;
00061   m_tofepid = 0;
00062   m_tofqpid = 0;
00063   m_tofcpid = 0;
00064   m_emcpid = 0;
00065   m_mucpid = 0;
00069 }

ParticleID::~ParticleID  ) 

ParticleID::ParticleID  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

int ParticleIDBase::all  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::all  )  const [inline, inherited]


void ParticleID::calculate  )  [virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

void ParticleID::calculate  )  [virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00081                            {
00082    int nhitcutpid=getNhitCut();
00083    IDataProviderSvc* m_eventSvc;
00084     Gaudi::svcLocator()->service("EventDataSvc", m_eventSvc, true);
00086  SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeaderpid(m_eventSvc,"/Event/EventHeader");
00087    int runpid=eventHeaderpid->runNumber();
00088      int eventpid=eventHeaderpid->eventNumber();
00089 //   cout<<"runpid="<<runpid<<endl;
00090 //   cout<<"eventpid="<<eventpid<<endl;
00092   EvtRecTrack* recTrk = PidTrk();
00093 //  int runnum=getRunNo();
00094 //  cout<<"runnum="<<runnum<<endl;
00095   // if user did not specify sub sys, sepcify the default value
00096   if(m_pidsys == 0) {
00097 m_pidsys = useDedx() | useTof() | useTofE() | useEmc() | useMuc() | useTofQ() | useTofC();
00098   }
00099   // if user did not set the seperate case, set the default value
00101   if(m_pidcase == 0 ) {
00102     m_pidcase = all();
00103   }
00104   //dedx sys
00105   if(IsDedxInfoUsed()){
00106     if(!m_dedxpid) m_dedxpid = DedxPID::instance(); 
00107     m_dedxpid->init();
00108     m_dedxpid->setRunNo(runpid);
00109     m_dedxpid->setNhitCutDx(nhitcutpid);
00110     m_dedxpid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00111     m_dedxpid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00112     m_dedxpid->setPdfMinSigmaCut(pdfMinSigmaCut());
00113     m_dedxpid->calculate();
00114   }
00116   // tof1 and tof2 sys
00117   if(IsTofInfoUsed()|IsTof1InfoUsed()|IsTof2InfoUsed()|IsTofCInfoUsed())
00118   {
00119      if(IsTofCInfoUsed())
00120      {
00121       if(!m_tofcpid) m_tofcpid = TofCPID::instance(); 
00122       m_tofcpid->init();
00123       m_tofcpid->setRunNo(runpid);
00124       m_tofcpid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00125       m_tofcpid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00126       m_tofcpid->setPdfMinSigmaCut(pdfMinSigmaCut());
00127       m_tofcpid->calculate();
00128      }
00129      else
00130      {
00131       if(!m_tofpid) m_tofpid = TofPID::instance();
00132       m_tofpid->init();
00133       m_tofpid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00134       m_tofpid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00135       m_tofpid->setPdfMinSigmaCut(pdfMinSigmaCut());
00136       m_tofpid->calculate();
00137      }
00139   }
00140 /*
00141   // tof1 sys
00142   if(IsTof1InfoUsed()){
00143     if(!m_tof1pid) m_tof1pid = Tof1PID::instance(); 
00144     m_tof1pid->init();
00145     m_tof1pid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00146     m_tof1pid->setChiMinCut(4);
00147     m_tof1pid->setPdfMinSigmaCut(4);
00148     m_tof1pid->calculate();
00149   }
00151   // tof2 sys
00152   if(IsTof2InfoUsed()){
00153     if(!m_tof2pid) m_tof2pid = Tof2PID::instance(); 
00154     m_tof2pid->init();
00155     m_tof2pid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00156     m_tof2pid->setChiMinCut(4);
00157     m_tof2pid->setPdfMinSigmaCut(4);
00158     m_tof2pid->calculate();
00159   }
00161 */
00162   // tofq sys
00163   if(IsTofQInfoUsed()){
00164     if(!m_tofqpid) m_tofqpid = TofQPID::instance(); 
00165     m_tofqpid->init();
00166     m_tofqpid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00167     m_tofqpid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00168     m_tofqpid->calculate();
00169   }
00171   // endcap tof sys
00172   if(IsTofEInfoUsed()){
00173     if(!m_tofepid) m_tofepid = TofEPID::instance(); 
00174     m_tofepid->init();
00175     m_tofepid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00176     m_tofepid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00177     m_tofepid->setPdfMinSigmaCut(pdfMinSigmaCut());
00178     m_tofepid->calculate();
00179   }
00180   // emc sys
00181   if(IsEmcInfoUsed()){
00182     if(!m_emcpid) m_emcpid = EmcPID::instance(); 
00183     m_emcpid->init();
00184     m_emcpid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00185     m_emcpid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00186     m_emcpid->calculate();
00187   }
00189   // muc sys
00190   if(IsMucInfoUsed()){
00191     if(!m_mucpid) m_mucpid = MucPID::instance(); 
00192     m_mucpid->init();
00193     m_mucpid->setRecTrack(recTrk);
00194     m_mucpid->setChiMinCut(chiMinCut());
00195     m_mucpid->calculate();
00196   }
00197   // probability method
00198   if(m_method & methodProbability() == methodProbability()) 
00199     if(particleIDCalculation() < 0) m_ndof = 0;
00200 //    std::cout<<"m_ndof="<<m_ndof<<std::endl;
00202    //likelihood method
00203    if((m_method & methodLikelihood()) == methodLikelihood())
00204    if(LikelihoodCalculation() < 0) m_discard =0;
00205    // neuron network
00206   if((m_method & methodNeuronNetwork()) == methodNeuronNetwork())
00207 //    m_neuronPid = neuronPIDCalculation();
00208    if(LikelihoodCalculation() < 0) m_discard =0;
00210 }

double ParticleIDBase::charge  )  [inherited]

double ParticleIDBase::charge  )  [inherited]

00077                               {
00078   double val = 999;
00079   if(!m_trk) return val;
00080   if(!m_trk->isMdcTrackValid()) return val;
00081   RecMdcTrack *mdcTrk = m_trk->mdcTrack();
00082   val = mdcTrk->charge() + 0.0;
00083 }

double ParticleID::chi int  n  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00106 {return m_chisq[n];}

double ParticleID::chi int  n  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00106 {return m_chisq[n];}

double ParticleID::chiDedx int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiDedx int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiEmc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiEmc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleIDBase::chiMinCut  )  const [inline, inherited]

00052 {return m_chimin_cut;}

double ParticleIDBase::chiMinCut  )  const [inline, inherited]

00052 {return m_chimin_cut;}

double ParticleID::chiMuc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiMuc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTof int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTof int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTof1 int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTof1 int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTof2 int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTof2 int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTofC int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTofC int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTofE int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTofE int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTofQ int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::chiTofQ int  n  )  const [inline]

int ParticleIDBase::dedxValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00103 {return DEDX_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::dedxValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00103 {return DEDX_VALID;}

int ParticleID::discard  )  const [inline]

00119 {return m_discard;}

int ParticleID::discard  )  const [inline]

00119 {return m_discard;}

int ParticleIDBase::emcValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00108 {return EMC_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::emcValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00108 {return EMC_VALID;}

int ParticleID::getNhitCut  )  const [inline]

00084 {return m_nhitcut;}

int ParticleID::getNhitCut  )  const [inline]

00084 {return m_nhitcut;}

double ParticleIDBase::getRunNo  )  const [inline, inherited]

00056 {return m_runno;}

double ParticleIDBase::getRunNo  )  const [inline, inherited]

00056 {return m_runno;}

void ParticleID::identify const int  pidcase  )  [inline]

00099 {m_pidcase = (m_pidcase | pidcase);}

void ParticleID::identify const int  pidcase  )  [inline]

00099 {m_pidcase = (m_pidcase | pidcase);}

void ParticleID::init  )  [virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

void ParticleID::init  )  [virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00020                       {
00022    if(IsDedxInfoUsed()){
00023     if(!m_dedxpid) m_dedxpid = DedxPID::instance();
00024     m_dedxpid->init();
00025    }
00027   if(IsTofInfoUsed()|IsTof1InfoUsed()|IsTof2InfoUsed()){
00028    if(!m_tofpid) m_tofpid = TofPID::instance();
00029       m_tofpid->init();
00030    }
00032   if(IsEmcInfoUsed()){
00033     if(!m_emcpid) m_emcpid = EmcPID::instance();
00034     m_emcpid->init();
00035   }
00037   if(IsMucInfoUsed()){
00038     if(!m_mucpid) m_mucpid = MucPID::instance();
00039     m_mucpid->init();
00040   }
00042   // global info.
00043   m_pidsys = 0;
00044   m_pidcase = 0;
00045   m_method = 0;
00046   m_TotalLikelihood =0;
00047   m_discard =1;
00048   // probability 
00049   m_ndof = 0;
00050   m_nhitcut=5;
00051   for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
00052     m_chisq[i] = 9999.;
00053     m_prob[i] = -1.0;
00054   }
00055 }

ParticleID* ParticleID::instance  )  [static]

ParticleID * ParticleID::instance  )  [static]

00015                                   {
00016   if(!m_pointer) m_pointer = new ParticleID();
00017   return m_pointer;
00018 }

double ParticleIDBase::interpolation double *  x,
double *  y,
double  x1

double ParticleIDBase::interpolation double *  x,
double *  y,
double  x1

00085                                                                   {
00086   double c1 = (y[0]-y[1])*(x[1]-x[2])-(x[0]-x[1])*(y[1]-y[2]);
00087   double c2 = (x[0]*x[0]-x[1]*x[1])*(x[1]-x[2])-(x[1]*x[1]-x[2]*x[2])*(x[0]-x[1]);
00088   double c = c1/c2;
00089   double b1 = (y[0]-y[1])*(x[1]*x[1]-x[2]*x[2])-(x[0]*x[0]-x[1]*x[1])*(y[1]-y[2]);
00090   double b2 = (x[0]-x[1])*(x[1]*x[1]-x[2]*x[2])-(x[1]-x[2])*(x[0]*x[0]-x[1]*x[1]);
00091   double b = b1/b2;
00092   double a = y[0] - b*x[0]-c*x[0]*x[0];
00093   double y1 = a + b*x1 +c*x1*x1;
00094   return y1;
00095 }

bool ParticleID::IsDedxInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00155 {return ((m_pidsys & useDedx()) == useDedx());}

bool ParticleID::IsDedxInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00155 {return ((m_pidsys & useDedx()) == useDedx());}

bool ParticleID::IsDedxInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsDedxInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsEmcInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00162 {return ((m_pidsys & useEmc()) == useEmc());}

bool ParticleID::IsEmcInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00162 {return ((m_pidsys & useEmc()) == useEmc());}

bool ParticleID::IsEmcInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsEmcInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsMucInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00163 {return ((m_pidsys & useMuc()) == useMuc());}

bool ParticleID::IsMucInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00163 {return ((m_pidsys & useMuc()) == useMuc());}

bool ParticleID::IsMucInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsMucInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsPidInfoValid  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

bool ParticleID::IsPidInfoValid  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

bool ParticleID::IsTof1InfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00157 {return ((m_pidsys & useTof1()) == useTof1());}

bool ParticleID::IsTof1InfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00157 {return ((m_pidsys & useTof1()) == useTof1());}

bool ParticleID::IsTof2InfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00158 {return ((m_pidsys & useTof2()) == useTof2());}

bool ParticleID::IsTof2InfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00158 {return ((m_pidsys & useTof2()) == useTof2());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofCInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00161 {return ((m_pidsys & useTofC()) == useTofC());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofCInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00161 {return ((m_pidsys & useTofC()) == useTofC());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofCInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofCInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofEInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00159 {return ((m_pidsys & useTofE()) == useTofE());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofEInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00159 {return ((m_pidsys & useTofE()) == useTofE());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofEInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofEInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00156 {return ((m_pidsys & useTof()) == useTof());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00156 {return ((m_pidsys & useTof()) == useTof());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofQInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00160 {return ((m_pidsys & useTofQ()) == useTofQ());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofQInfoUsed  )  const [inline, private]

00160 {return ((m_pidsys & useTofQ()) == useTofQ());}

bool ParticleID::IsTofQInfoValid  )  const [inline]

bool ParticleID::IsTofQInfoValid  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::lhf int  n  )  const [inline]

00112 {return m_likelihoodfraction[n];}

double ParticleID::lhf int  n  )  const [inline]

00112 {return m_likelihoodfraction[n];}

int ParticleID::LikelihoodCalculation  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

int ParticleID::LikelihoodCalculation  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00371                                       {
00372   int irc = -1;
00374   bool valid = IsDedxInfoValid() || IsTofInfoValid() || IsTofEInfoValid() || IsTofQInfoValid() || IsTofCInfoValid() || IsEmcInfoValid()||IsMucInfoValid();
00375   if(!valid) return irc;
00376   double pdf[5];
00377   bool pidcase[5];
00378   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00379     pdf[i] = 1;
00380     pidcase[i] = false;
00381   }
00383   if((m_pidcase & onlyElectron()) == onlyElectron()) pidcase[0] = true;
00384   if((m_pidcase & onlyMuon()) == onlyMuon()) pidcase[1] = true;
00385   if((m_pidcase & onlyPion()) == onlyPion()) pidcase[2] = true;
00386   if((m_pidcase & onlyKaon()) == onlyKaon()) pidcase[3] = true;
00387   if((m_pidcase & onlyProton()) == onlyProton()) pidcase[4] = true;
00389   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00390     if(pidcase[i]==0)
00391       pdf[i]=0;
00392   }
00394   //
00395   //  dEdx PID
00396   //
00397   if(IsDedxInfoUsed()){
00398   if(IsDedxInfoValid()) {
00399     bool okpid = false;
00400     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00401       if(pidcase[i] && pdfCalculate(chiDedx(i),1) > pdfCalculate(m_dedxpid->pdfMinSigmaCut(),1.5)) 
00402         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00403     }
00404     if(okpid) {
00405        m_ndof++;
00406       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){  pdf[i] *= pdfDedx(i);
00407    }   
00408  } 
00409   } // dE/dx
00410 }
00413   //
00414   //  Barrel TOF 
00415   //
00416  if(IsTofInfoUsed()|IsTof1InfoUsed()|IsTof2InfoUsed()|IsTofCInfoUsed())
00417     {if(IsTofCInfoUsed())
00418        {       
00420   if(IsTofCInfoValid()) {
00421     bool okpid = false;
00422     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00423       if(pidcase[i] && pdfCalculate(chiTof(i),1) > pdfCalculate(m_tofcpid->pdfMinSigmaCut(),1.5))
00424         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00425     }
00426     if(okpid) {
00427       m_ndof++;
00428       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
00429         pdf[i] *= pdfTofC(i);
00430        } 
00431  } 
00432   }  // TOF
00433 }
00435 else{
00436   if(IsTofInfoValid()) {
00437          bool okpid = false;
00438              for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00439                       if(pidcase[i] && pdfCalculate(chiTof(i),1) > pdfCalculate(m_tofpid->pdfMinSigmaCut(),1.5))
00440                                  if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00441                           }
00442                  if(okpid) {      m_ndof++;
00443                           for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
00444                                      pdf[i] *= pdfTof(i);
00445                                             } 
00446                            }     
00447                    }  // TOF
00451   //
00452   //  EndCap Tof
00453   //
00455 if(IsTofEInfoUsed()){  
00456   if(IsTofEInfoValid()) {
00457     bool okpid = false;
00458     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00459       if(pidcase[i]&& pdfCalculate(chiTofE(i),1) > pdfCalculate(m_tofepid->pdfMinSigmaCut(),1.5))
00460         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00461     }
00462     if(okpid) {
00463 //      m_ndof++;
00464 //      for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) pdf[i] *= pdfTofE(i);
00465     } 
00466   } // EndCap TOF
00467   }
00468 }
00470 }
00472   //
00473   //  Barrel TOF Q
00474   //
00476   if(IsTofQInfoValid()) {
00477     bool okpid = false;
00478     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00479       if(pidcase[i])
00480         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00481     }
00482     if(okpid) {
00483       //    m_ndof++;
00484       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) pdf[i] *= pdfTofQ(i);
00485     } 
00486   } // TofQ
00488   //
00489   //  Emc PID
00490   //
00491    if(IsEmcInfoUsed()){
00492   if(IsEmcInfoValid()) {
00493     bool okpid = false;
00494     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00495       if(pidcase[i]&&pdfEmc(i)>0)
00496         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00497     }
00498     if(okpid) {
00499           m_ndof++;
00500       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00501         pdf[i] *= pdfEmc(i);
00502     } 
00503   } // Emc Pid
00504 }
00505 }
00506  if(IsMucInfoUsed()){
00507   if(IsMucInfoValid()) {
00508     bool okpid = false;
00509     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00510       if(pidcase[i]&&pdfMuc(i)>0)
00511         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00512     }
00513     if(okpid) { 
00514           m_ndof++;
00515       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00516         pdf[i] *= pdfMuc(i);
00517    }
00518     }
00519   } // Emc Pid
00520 }
00524   if(m_ndof <= 0) return irc;
00525   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00526        m_pdf[i] = pdf[i];
00527        m_TotalLikelihood += pdf[i];
00528       }
00529   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00530     m_likelihoodfraction[i] = pdf[i]/m_TotalLikelihood;
00531   }
00534   irc = 0;
00535   return irc;
00536 }

int ParticleIDBase::methodLikelihood  )  const [inline, inherited]

00099 {return LIKELIHOOD_PID;}

int ParticleIDBase::methodLikelihood  )  const [inline, inherited]

00099 {return LIKELIHOOD_PID;}

int ParticleIDBase::methodNeuronNetwork  )  const [inline, inherited]

00101 {return NEURONNETWORK_PID;}

int ParticleIDBase::methodNeuronNetwork  )  const [inline, inherited]

00101 {return NEURONNETWORK_PID;}

int ParticleIDBase::methodProbability  )  const [inline, inherited]

00100 {return PROBABILITY_PID;}

int ParticleIDBase::methodProbability  )  const [inline, inherited]

00100 {return PROBABILITY_PID;}

int ParticleIDBase::mucValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00109 {return MUC_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::mucValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00109 {return MUC_VALID;}

int ParticleID::ndof  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00108 {return m_ndof;}

int ParticleID::ndof  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00108 {return m_ndof;}

int ParticleID::neuronPIDCalculation  )  [protected]

int ParticleID::neuronPIDCalculation  )  [protected]

int ParticleID::neuronStat  )  const [inline]

00137 {return IsPidInfoValid();}

int ParticleID::neuronStat  )  const [inline]

00137 {return IsPidInfoValid();}

double ParticleID::neuronVal  )  const [inline]

00138                            {
00139     if(lhf(0)>0.02) return 1.0;
00140     if(lhf(1)>0.02) return 8.5;
00141     if(lhf(2)>0.02) return 2.0;
00142     if(lhf(3)>0.02) return 4.0;
00143     if(lhf(4)>0.02) return 5.0;
00144     }

double ParticleID::neuronVal  )  const [inline]

00138                            {
00139     if(lhf(0)>0.02) return 1.0;
00140     if(lhf(1)>0.02) return 8.5;
00141     if(lhf(2)>0.02) return 2.0;
00142     if(lhf(3)>0.02) return 4.0;
00143     if(lhf(4)>0.02) return 5.0;
00144     }

int ParticleIDBase::onlyElectron  )  const [inline, inherited]

00092 {return IDENTIFY_ELECTRON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyElectron  )  const [inline, inherited]

00092 {return IDENTIFY_ELECTRON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyKaon  )  const [inline, inherited]

00095 {return IDENTIFY_KAON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyKaon  )  const [inline, inherited]

00095 {return IDENTIFY_KAON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyMuon  )  const [inline, inherited]

00093 {return IDENTIFY_MUON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyMuon  )  const [inline, inherited]

00093 {return IDENTIFY_MUON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyPion  )  const [inline, inherited]

00094 {return IDENTIFY_PION;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyPion  )  const [inline, inherited]

00094 {return IDENTIFY_PION;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyPionKaon  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::onlyPionKaon  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::onlyPionKaonElectron  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::onlyPionKaonElectron  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::onlyPionKaonProton  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::onlyPionKaonProton  )  const [inline, inherited]


int ParticleIDBase::onlyProton  )  const [inline, inherited]

00096 {return IDENTIFY_PROTON;}

int ParticleIDBase::onlyProton  )  const [inline, inherited]

00096 {return IDENTIFY_PROTON;}

double ParticleIDBase::p  )  [inherited]

double ParticleIDBase::p  )  [inherited]

00063                          {
00064   double val = 999;
00065   if(!m_trk) return val;
00066   if(!m_trk->isMdcTrackValid()) return val;
00067   RecMdcTrack *mdcTrk = m_trk->mdcTrack();
00068   val = mdcTrk->p();
00069 }

int ParticleID::particleIDCalculation  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

int ParticleID::particleIDCalculation  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00212                                        {
00213   int irc = -1;
00214   bool valid = IsDedxInfoValid() || IsTofInfoValid()||IsTofEInfoValid() 
00215     || IsTofQInfoValid() || IsEmcInfoValid() || IsMucInfoValid() || IsTofCInfoValid();
00217   if(!valid) return irc;
00219   double chisq[5];
00220   bool pidcase[5];
00221   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00222     chisq[i] = 0;
00223     pidcase[i] = false;
00224   }
00226   if((m_pidcase & onlyElectron()) == onlyElectron()) pidcase[0] = true;
00227   if((m_pidcase & onlyMuon()) == onlyMuon()) pidcase[1] = true;
00228   if((m_pidcase & onlyPion()) == onlyPion()) pidcase[2] = true;
00229   if((m_pidcase & onlyKaon()) == onlyKaon()) pidcase[3] = true;
00230   if((m_pidcase & onlyProton()) == onlyProton()) pidcase[4] = true;
00232   //
00233   //  dEdx PID
00234   //
00235  if(IsDedxInfoUsed()){ 
00236   if(IsDedxInfoValid()) {
00237     bool okpid = false; 
00238     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00239       if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiDedx(i)) < m_dedxpid->chiMinCut()))
00240         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00241     }
00242     if(okpid) {
00243       m_ndof++;
00244       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiDedx(i)*chiDedx(i);
00247     }
00248   } // dE/dx
00249 }
00250   //
00251   //  Barrel TOF
00252   //
00254 if(IsTofInfoUsed()|IsTof1InfoUsed()|IsTof2InfoUsed() | IsTofCInfoUsed())
00255 {if(IsTofCInfoUsed())
00256  {
00257   if(IsTofCInfoValid()) {
00258     bool okpid = false;
00259     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00260       if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiTofC(i)) < m_tofcpid->chiMinCut()))
00261         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00262     }
00263     if(okpid) {
00264       m_ndof++;
00265       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiTofC(i)*chiTofC(i);
00266     }
00267   }  // TOF1
00268 }
00269 else{
00270    if(IsTofInfoValid()) {
00271       bool okpid = false;
00272       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00273          if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiTof(i)) < m_tofpid->chiMinCut()))
00274             if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00275       }
00276       if(okpid) {
00277          m_ndof++;
00278          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiTof(i)*chiTof(i);
00279       }
00280    }  // TOF1
00283 //
00284   //  EndCap Tof
00285   //
00287 if(IsTofEInfoUsed()){
00288   if(IsTofEInfoValid()) {
00289     bool okpid = false;
00290     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00291       if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiTofE(i)) < m_tofepid->chiMinCut()))
00292         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00293     }
00294     if(okpid) {
00295       m_ndof++;
00296       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiTofE(i)*chiTofE(i);
00297     }
00298   } // EndCap TOF
00299 }
00301 }
00302 }
00304   //
00305   //  Barrel TOF Q
00306   //
00308 if(IsTofQInfoUsed()){
00309   if(IsTofQInfoValid()) {
00310     bool okpid = false;
00311     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00312       if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiTofQ(i)) < m_tofqpid->chiMinCut()))
00313         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00314     }
00315     if(okpid) {
00316       m_ndof++;
00317       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiTofQ(i)*chiTofQ(i);
00318     }
00319   } // TofQ
00320 }
00322 // Muc Pid
00323 if(IsMucInfoUsed()){
00324   if(IsMucInfoValid()) {
00325     bool okpid = false;
00326     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00327       if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiMuc(i)) < m_mucpid->chiMinCut())) 
00328         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00329     }
00330     if(okpid) {
00331       m_ndof++;
00332       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiMuc(i)*chiMuc(i);
00333     } 
00334   } // Muc Pid
00335 }
00338   //  Emc PID
00339   if(IsEmcInfoUsed()){
00340   if(IsEmcInfoValid()) {
00341     bool okpid = false;
00342     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00343       if(pidcase[i] && (fabs(chiEmc(i)) < m_emcpid->chiMinCut()))
00344         if(!okpid) okpid = true;
00345     }
00346     if(okpid) {
00347       m_ndof++;
00348       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) chisq[i] += chiEmc(i)*chiEmc(i);
00349     }
00350   } // Emc Pid
00351 }
00354   if(m_ndof <= 0) return irc;
00357   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00358     m_chisq[i] = chisq[i];
00359     m_prob[i] = probCalculate(chisq[i], m_ndof);
00360   }
00363   irc = 0;
00364   return irc;
00365 }

double ParticleID::pdf int  n  )  const [inline]

00111 { return m_pdf[n];}

double ParticleID::pdf int  n  )  const [inline]

00111 { return m_pdf[n];}

double ParticleIDBase::pdfCalculate double  offset,
double  sigma

double ParticleIDBase::pdfCalculate double  offset,
double  sigma

00055                                                               {
00056  const double pi =  3.141592653589793238;
00057  const double twoPi = 2*pi;
00058  double chi2 = -0.5*offset*offset/(sigma*sigma);
00059  double pdf = exp(chi2)/(sigma*sqrt(twoPi));
00060   return pdf;
00061 }

double ParticleID::pdfDedx int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfDedx int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfElectron  )  const [inline]

00122 {return m_pdf[0];}

double ParticleID::pdfElectron  )  const [inline]

00122 {return m_pdf[0];}

double ParticleID::pdfEmc int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfEmc int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfKaon  )  const [inline]

00125 {return m_pdf[3];}

double ParticleID::pdfKaon  )  const [inline]

00125 {return m_pdf[3];}

double ParticleIDBase::pdfMinSigmaCut  )  const [inline, inherited]

00054 {return m_pdfsigmamin_cut;} 

double ParticleIDBase::pdfMinSigmaCut  )  const [inline, inherited]

00054 {return m_pdfsigmamin_cut;} 

double ParticleID::pdfMuc int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfMuc int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfMuon  )  const [inline]

00123 {return m_pdf[1];}

double ParticleID::pdfMuon  )  const [inline]

00123 {return m_pdf[1];}

double ParticleID::pdfPion  )  const [inline]

00124 {return m_pdf[2];}

double ParticleID::pdfPion  )  const [inline]

00124 {return m_pdf[2];}

double ParticleID::pdfProton  )  const [inline]

00126 {return m_pdf[4];}

double ParticleID::pdfProton  )  const [inline]

00126 {return m_pdf[4];}

double ParticleID::pdfTof int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTof int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTofC int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTofC int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTofE int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTofE int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTofQ int  n  )  [inline]

double ParticleID::pdfTofQ int  n  )  [inline]

EvtRecTrack* ParticleIDBase::PidTrk  )  const [inline, inherited]

00050 {return m_trk;}

EvtRecTrack* ParticleIDBase::PidTrk  )  const [inline, inherited]

00050 {return m_trk;}

double ParticleIDBase::pol2 double  x,
double *  par

double ParticleIDBase::pol2 double  x,
double *  par

00097                                                 {
00098    double y=x;
00099    return par[0] + (par[1] * y) +(par[2] * y * y);
00100 }

double ParticleIDBase::pol3 double  x,
double *  par

double ParticleIDBase::pol3 double  x,
double *  par

00102                                                 {
00103    double y=x;
00104    return par[0] + (par[1] * y) +(par[2] * y * y)+(par[3] * y * y*y);
00105 }

double ParticleIDBase::pol4 double  x,
double *  par

double ParticleIDBase::pol4 double  x,
double *  par

00107                                                 {
00108    double y=x;
00109    return par[0] + (par[1] * y) +(par[2] * y * y)+(par[3] * y * y*y) + (par[4] * y * y*y*y);
00110 }

double ParticleID::prob int  n  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00107 { return m_prob[n];}

double ParticleID::prob int  n  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements ParticleIDBase.

00107 { return m_prob[n];}

double ParticleIDBase::probCalculate double  chi2,
int  n

double ParticleIDBase::probCalculate double  chi2,
int  n

00047                                                           {
00048   double p = -1.0;
00049   if(chi2 < 0) return p;
00050   p = TMath::Prob(chi2, ndof);
00051   return p;
00052 }

double ParticleID::probDedx int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probDedx int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probElectron  )  const [inline]

00114 {return m_prob[0];}

double ParticleID::probElectron  )  const [inline]

00114 {return m_prob[0];}

double ParticleID::probEmc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probEmc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probKaon  )  const [inline]

00117 {return m_prob[3];}

double ParticleID::probKaon  )  const [inline]

00117 {return m_prob[3];}

double ParticleID::probMuc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probMuc int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probMuon  )  const [inline]

00115 {return m_prob[1];}

double ParticleID::probMuon  )  const [inline]

00115 {return m_prob[1];}

double ParticleID::probPion  )  const [inline]

00116 {return m_prob[2];}

double ParticleID::probPion  )  const [inline]

00116 {return m_prob[2];}

double ParticleID::probProton  )  const [inline]

00118 {return m_prob[4];}

double ParticleID::probProton  )  const [inline]

00118 {return m_prob[4];}

double ParticleID::probTof int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTof int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTofC int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTofC int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTofE int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTofE int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTofQ int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleID::probTofQ int  n  )  const [inline]

double ParticleIDBase::pt  )  [inherited]

double ParticleIDBase::pt  )  [inherited]

00070                           {
00071   double val = 999;
00072   if(!m_trk) return val;
00073   if(!m_trk->isMdcTrackValid()) return val;
00074   RecMdcTrack *mdcTrk = m_trk->mdcTrack();
00075   val = mdcTrk->pxy();
00076 }

void ParticleIDBase::setChiMinCut const double  chi = 4  )  [inline, inherited]

00053 {m_chimin_cut = chi;}

void ParticleIDBase::setChiMinCut const double  chi = 4  )  [inline, inherited]

00053 {m_chimin_cut = chi;}

void ParticleID::setMethod const int  method  )  [inline]

00090 {m_method = (m_method | method);}

void ParticleID::setMethod const int  method  )  [inline]

00090 {m_method = (m_method | method);}

void ParticleID::setNhitCut const int  nhitcuth = 5  )  [inline]

00085 {m_nhitcut = nhitcuth;}

void ParticleID::setNhitCut const int  nhitcuth = 5  )  [inline]

00085 {m_nhitcut = nhitcuth;}

void ParticleIDBase::setPdfMinSigmaCut const double  pdf = 4  )  [inline, inherited]

00055 {m_pdfsigmamin_cut= pdf;}  

void ParticleIDBase::setPdfMinSigmaCut const double  pdf = 4  )  [inline, inherited]

00055 {m_pdfsigmamin_cut= pdf;}  

void ParticleIDBase::setRecTrack EvtRecTrack trk  )  [inline, inherited]

00051 {m_trk = trk;} 

void ParticleIDBase::setRecTrack EvtRecTrack trk  )  [inline, inherited]

00051 {m_trk = trk;} 

void ParticleIDBase::setRunNo const double  runh = 8093  )  [inline, inherited]

00057 {m_runno = runh;}

void ParticleIDBase::setRunNo const double  runh = 8093  )  [inline, inherited]

00057 {m_runno = runh;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofcValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00107 {return TOFC_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofcValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00107 {return TOFC_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofeValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00105 {return TOFE_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofeValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00105 {return TOFE_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofqValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00106 {return TOFQ_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofqValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00106 {return TOFQ_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00104 {return TOF_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::tofValid  )  const [inline, inherited]

00104 {return TOF_VALID;}

int ParticleIDBase::useDedx  )  const [inline, inherited]

00077 {return USE_DEDX;}

int ParticleIDBase::useDedx  )  const [inline, inherited]

00077 {return USE_DEDX;}

int ParticleIDBase::useEmc  )  const [inline, inherited]

00084 {return USE_EMC;}

int ParticleIDBase::useEmc  )  const [inline, inherited]

00084 {return USE_EMC;}

int ParticleIDBase::useMuc  )  const [inline, inherited]

00085 {return USE_MUC;}

int ParticleIDBase::useMuc  )  const [inline, inherited]

00085 {return USE_MUC;}

void ParticleID::usePidSys const int  pidsys  )  [inline]

00093 {m_pidsys = (m_pidsys | pidsys);}

void ParticleID::usePidSys const int  pidsys  )  [inline]

00093 {m_pidsys = (m_pidsys | pidsys);}

int ParticleIDBase::useTof  )  const [inline, inherited]

00078 {return USE_TOF;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTof  )  const [inline, inherited]

00078 {return USE_TOF;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTof1  )  const [inline, inherited]

00079 {return USE_TOF1;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTof1  )  const [inline, inherited]

00079 {return USE_TOF1;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTof2  )  const [inline, inherited]

00080 {return USE_TOF2;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTof2  )  const [inline, inherited]

00080 {return USE_TOF2;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTofC  )  const [inline, inherited]

00083 {return USE_TOFC;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTofC  )  const [inline, inherited]

00083 {return USE_TOFC;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTofE  )  const [inline, inherited]

00081 {return USE_TOFE;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTofE  )  const [inline, inherited]

00081 {return USE_TOFE;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTofQ  )  const [inline, inherited]

00082 {return USE_TOFQ;}

int ParticleIDBase::useTofQ  )  const [inline, inherited]

00082 {return USE_TOFQ;}

double ParticleIDBase::velc  )  [inherited]

double ParticleIDBase::velc  )  [inherited]

00041                             {
00042   //  double vel = 29.9792458;  // tof_path unit in cm.
00043   double vel = 299.792458;   // tof path unit in mm
00044   return vel;
00045 }

double ParticleIDBase::xmass int  n  )  [inherited]

double ParticleIDBase::xmass int  n  )  [inherited]

00035                                   {
00036   double mass[5] = {0.000511, 0.105658, 0.139570,0.493677, 0.938272};
00037   if(n < 0 || n >=5) return 0.0;
00038   return mass[n];
00039 }

Member Data Documentation

double ParticleID::m_chicut [private]

double ParticleID::m_chisq [private]

DedxPID* ParticleID::m_dedxpid [private]

DedxPID* ParticleID::m_dedxpid [private]

int ParticleID::m_discard [private]

EmcPID* ParticleID::m_emcpid [private]

EmcPID* ParticleID::m_emcpid [private]

double ParticleID::m_likelihoodfraction [private]

int ParticleID::m_method [private]

MucPID* ParticleID::m_mucpid [private]

MucPID* ParticleID::m_mucpid [private]

int ParticleID::m_ndof [private]

int ParticleID::m_nhitcut [private]

double ParticleID::m_pdf [private]

int ParticleID::m_pidcase [private]

int ParticleID::m_pidsys [private]

ParticleID* ParticleID::m_pointer [static, private]

ParticleID * ParticleID::m_pointer = 0 [static, private]

double ParticleID::m_prob [private]

TofCPID* ParticleID::m_tofcpid [private]

TofCPID* ParticleID::m_tofcpid [private]

TofEPID* ParticleID::m_tofepid [private]

TofEPID* ParticleID::m_tofepid [private]

TofPID* ParticleID::m_tofpid [private]

TofPID* ParticleID::m_tofpid [private]

TofQPID* ParticleID::m_tofqpid [private]

TofQPID* ParticleID::m_tofqpid [private]

double ParticleID::m_TotalLikelihood [private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:38:30 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen