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OfflineEventLoopMgr Class Reference

#include <OfflineEventLoopMgr.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode executeEvent (void *par)
 implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void* par)
virtual StatusCode executeEvent (void *par)
 implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void* par)
virtual StatusCode executeRun (int maxevt)
 implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun()
virtual StatusCode executeRun (int maxevt)
 implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 implementation of IService::finalize
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
 implementation of IService::finalize
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 implementation of IService::initalize
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 implementation of IService::initalize
virtual StatusCode nextEvent (int maxevt)
 implementation of IService::nextEvent
virtual StatusCode nextEvent (int maxevt)
 implementation of IService::nextEvent
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
 implementation of IService::reinitalize
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
 implementation of IService::reinitalize

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode getEventRoot (IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddr)
 Create event address using event selector.
StatusCode getEventRoot (IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddr)
 Create event address using event selector.
 OfflineEventLoopMgr (const std::string &nam, ISvcLocator *svcLoc)
 Standard Constructor.
 OfflineEventLoopMgr (const std::string &nam, ISvcLocator *svcLoc)
 Standard Constructor.
virtual ~OfflineEventLoopMgr ()
 Standard Destructor.
virtual ~OfflineEventLoopMgr ()
 Standard Destructor.

Protected Attributes

IProperty * m_appMgrProperty
 Property interface of ApplicationMgr.
IProperty * m_appMgrProperty
 Property interface of ApplicationMgr.
IEvtSelector::Context * m_evtContext
 Event Iterator.
IEvtSelector::Context * m_evtContext
 Event Iterator.
IDataManagerSvc * m_evtDataMgrSvc
 Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataManagerSvc interface.
IDataManagerSvc * m_evtDataMgrSvc
 Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataManagerSvc interface.
IDataProviderSvc * m_evtDataSvc
 Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataProviderSvc interface.
IDataProviderSvc * m_evtDataSvc
 Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataProviderSvc interface.
std::string m_evtsel
 Event selector.
IEvtSelector * m_evtSelector
 Reference to the Event Selector.
IEvtSelector * m_evtSelector
 Reference to the Event Selector.
IDataManagerSvc * m_histoDataMgrSvc
 Reference to the Histogram Data Service.
IDataManagerSvc * m_histoDataMgrSvc
 Reference to the Histogram Data Service.
IConversionSvc * m_histoPersSvc
 Reference to the Histogram Persistency Service.
IConversionSvc * m_histoPersSvc
 Reference to the Histogram Persistency Service.
std::string m_histPersName
 Name of the Hist Pers type.
IIncidentSvc * m_incidentSvc
 Reference to the indicent service.
IIncidentSvc * m_incidentSvc
 Reference to the indicent service.

Private Attributes

double m_runNo


class SvcFactory<OfflineEventLoopMgr>
 Creator friend class.

Detailed Description

Class definition of OfflineEventLoopMgr. This is the default processing manager of the application manager. This object handles the minimal requirements needed by the application manager. It also handles the default user configuration setup for standard event processing.


    |    Date |                 Comment                      | Who     |
    |13/12/00 | Initial version                              | M.Frank |
Markus Frank

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OfflineEventLoopMgr::OfflineEventLoopMgr const std::string &  nam,
ISvcLocator *  svcLoc

Standard Constructor.

00031 : MinimalEventLoopMgr(nam, svcLoc)
00032 {
00033   m_histoDataMgrSvc   = 0;
00034   m_histoPersSvc      = 0;
00035   m_incidentSvc       = 0;
00036   m_evtDataMgrSvc     = 0;
00037   m_evtDataSvc        = 0;
00038   m_evtSelector       = 0;
00039   m_evtContext       = 0;
00040   m_runNo            = -1.1;   
00041   // Declare properties
00042   declareProperty("HistogramPersistency", m_histPersName = "");
00043   declareProperty( "EvtSel", m_evtsel );
00044 }

OfflineEventLoopMgr::~OfflineEventLoopMgr  )  [protected, virtual]

Standard Destructor.

00049                                             {
00050   if( m_histoDataMgrSvc ) m_histoDataMgrSvc->release();
00051   if( m_histoPersSvc ) m_histoPersSvc->release();
00052   if( m_incidentSvc ) m_incidentSvc->release();
00053   if( m_evtDataMgrSvc ) m_evtDataMgrSvc->release();
00054   if( m_evtDataSvc ) m_evtDataSvc->release();
00055   if( m_evtSelector ) m_evtSelector->release();
00056   if( m_evtContext ) delete m_evtContext;
00057 }

OfflineEventLoopMgr::OfflineEventLoopMgr const std::string &  nam,
ISvcLocator *  svcLoc

Standard Constructor.

virtual OfflineEventLoopMgr::~OfflineEventLoopMgr  )  [protected, virtual]

Standard Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::executeEvent void *  par  )  [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void* par)

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::executeEvent void *  par  )  [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::executeEvent(void* par)

00279                                                          {
00280    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00281   // Fire BeginEvent "Incident"
00282   m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(),IncidentType::BeginEvent));
00283   int runNo;
00284    SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> evt(m_evtDataSvc,"/Event/EventHeader");
00285   if( evt ){
00286     runNo = evt -> runNumber();
00287     log << MSG::INFO <<"The runNumber of current event is  "<<runNo<<endreq;
00288   }
00290     else{
00291       log << MSG::ERROR << "Error accessing Event" <<endreq;
00292        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00293      }
00294    if(runNo!=m_runNo) {
00295      log << MSG::INFO <<"fireIncident of begin run"<<endreq;
00296      m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(),"NewRun"));
00297      if(m_runNo==-1.1){
00298       ListAlg::iterator it_topAlg =  m_topAlgList.begin();
00299       for (;it_topAlg!=m_topAlgList.end();it_topAlg++){
00300        (*it_topAlg)->beginRun();}
00301       }
00302     m_runNo = runNo;    
00303    }
00305   // Execute Algorithms
00306   StatusCode sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::executeEvent(par);
00307   // Fire EndEvent "Incident"
00308   m_incidentSvc->fireIncident(Incident(name(),IncidentType::EndEvent));
00310   // Check if there was an error processing current event
00311   if( !sc.isSuccess() ){
00312     MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00313     log << MSG::ERROR << "Terminating event processing loop due to errors" << endreq;
00314   }
00316   return sc;
00317 }

virtual StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::executeRun int  maxevt  )  [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun()

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::executeRun int  maxevt  )  [virtual]

implementation of IEventProcessor::executeRun()

00322                                                           {
00323   StatusCode  sc;
00324   // initialize the base class
00325   sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::executeRun(maxevt);
00326   return sc;
00327 }

virtual StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::finalize  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::finalize

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::finalize  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::finalize

00211                                             {
00212   StatusCode sc;
00213   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00215   // Finalize base class
00216   MinimalEventLoopMgr::finalize();
00218   // Save Histograms Now
00219   if ( 0 != m_histoPersSvc )    {
00220     HistogramAgent agent;
00221     sc = m_histoDataMgrSvc->traverseTree( &agent );
00222     if( sc.isSuccess() )   {
00223       IDataSelector* objects = agent.selectedObjects();
00224       // skip /stat entry!
00225       if ( objects->size() > 0 )    {
00226         IDataSelector::iterator i;
00227         for ( i = objects->begin(); i != objects->end(); i++ )    {
00228           IOpaqueAddress* pAddr = 0;
00229           StatusCode iret = m_histoPersSvc->createRep(*i, pAddr);
00230           if ( iret.isSuccess() )     {
00231             (*i)->registry()->setAddress(pAddr);
00232           }
00233           else  {
00234             sc = iret;
00235           }
00236         }
00237         for ( i = objects->begin(); i != objects->end(); i++ )    {
00238           IRegistry* reg = (*i)->registry();
00239           StatusCode iret = m_histoPersSvc->fillRepRefs(reg->address(), *i);
00240           if ( !iret.isSuccess() )    {
00241             sc = iret;
00242           }
00243         }
00244       }
00245       if ( sc.isSuccess() )    {
00246         log << MSG::INFO << "Histograms converted successfully according to request." << endreq;
00247       }
00248       else  {
00249         log << MSG::ERROR << "Error while saving Histograms." << endreq;
00250       }
00251     }
00252     else {
00253       log << MSG::ERROR << "Error while traversing Histogram data store" << endreq;
00254     }
00255   }
00257   // Release evemt selector context
00258   if ( m_evtSelector && m_evtContext )   {
00259     m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtContext);
00260     m_evtContext = 0;
00261   }
00263   // Release all interfaces...
00264   m_histoDataMgrSvc = releaseInterface(m_histoDataMgrSvc);
00265   m_histoPersSvc    = releaseInterface(m_histoPersSvc);
00267   m_evtSelector     = releaseInterface(m_evtSelector);
00268   m_incidentSvc     = releaseInterface(m_incidentSvc);
00269   m_evtDataSvc      = releaseInterface(m_evtDataSvc);
00270   m_evtDataMgrSvc   = releaseInterface(m_evtDataMgrSvc);
00272   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00273 }

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::getEventRoot IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddr  )  [protected]

Create event address using event selector.

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::getEventRoot IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddr  )  [protected]

Create event address using event selector.

00418                                                                        {
00419   refpAddr = 0;
00420   StatusCode sc = m_evtSelector->next(*m_evtContext);
00421   if ( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00422     return sc;
00423   }
00424   // Create root address and assign address to data service
00425   sc = m_evtSelector->createAddress(*m_evtContext,refpAddr);
00426   if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00427     sc = m_evtSelector->next(*m_evtContext);
00428     if ( sc.isSuccess() )  {
00429       sc = m_evtSelector->createAddress(*m_evtContext,refpAddr);
00430       if ( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00431         MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00432         log << MSG::WARNING << "Error creating IOpaqueAddress." << endreq;
00433       }
00434     }
00435   }
00436   return sc;
00437 }

virtual StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::initialize  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::initalize

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::initialize  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::initalize

00062                                               {
00063   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00065   // initilaize the base class
00066   StatusCode sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::initialize();
00067   if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00068     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Error Initializing base class MinimalEventLoopMgr." << endreq;
00069     return sc;
00070   }
00072   // Setup access to event data services
00073   sc = serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc", m_evtDataMgrSvc, true);
00074   if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00075     log << MSG::FATAL << "Error retrieving EventDataSvc interface IDataManagerSvc." << endreq;
00076     return sc;
00077   }
00078   sc = serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc", m_evtDataSvc, true);
00079   if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00080     log << MSG::FATAL << "Error retrieving EventDataSvc interface IDataProviderSvc." << endreq;
00081     return sc;
00082   }
00084   // Get the references to the services that are needed by the ApplicationMgr itself
00085   sc = serviceLocator()->service("IncidentSvc", m_incidentSvc, true);
00086   if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00087     log << MSG::FATAL << "Error retrieving IncidentSvc." << endreq;
00088     return sc;
00089   }
00091   // Obtain the IProperty of the ApplicationMgr
00092   SmartIF<IProperty> prpMgr(IID_IProperty, serviceLocator());
00093   if ( ! prpMgr.isValid() )   {
00094     log << MSG::FATAL << "IProperty interface not found in ApplicationMgr." << endreq;
00095     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00096   }
00097   else {
00098     m_appMgrProperty = prpMgr;
00099   }
00101   // We do not expect a Event Selector necessarily being declared
00102   setProperty(m_appMgrProperty->getProperty("EvtSel"));
00104   if( m_evtsel != "NONE" || m_evtsel.length() == 0) {
00105     sc = serviceLocator()->service( "EventSelector", m_evtSelector, true );
00106     if( sc.isSuccess() )     {
00107       // Setup Event Selector
00108       sc=m_evtSelector->createContext(m_evtContext);
00109       if( !sc.isSuccess() )   {
00110         log << MSG::FATAL << "Can not create the event selector Context." << endreq;
00111         return sc;
00112       }
00113     }
00114     else {
00115       log << MSG::FATAL << "EventSelector not found." << endreq;
00116       return sc;
00117     }
00118   }
00119   else {
00120     m_evtSelector = 0;
00121     m_evtContext = 0;
00122     log << MSG::WARNING << "Unable to locate service \"EventSelector\" " << endreq;    
00123     log << MSG::WARNING << "No events will be processed from external input." << endreq;    
00124   }
00126   // Setup access to histogramming services
00127   sc = serviceLocator()->service("HistogramDataSvc", m_histoDataMgrSvc, true);
00128   if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00129     log << MSG::FATAL << "Error retrieving HistogramDataSvc." << endreq;
00130     return sc;
00131   }
00132   // Setup histogram persistency
00133   sc = serviceLocator()->service("HistogramPersistencySvc", m_histoPersSvc, true );
00134   if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00135     log << MSG::WARNING << "Histograms cannot not be saved - though required." << endreq;
00136     return sc;
00137   }
00139   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00140 }

virtual StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::nextEvent int  maxevt  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::nextEvent

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::nextEvent int  maxevt  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::nextEvent

00332                                                       {
00333   static int        total_nevt = 0;
00334   DataObject*       pObject = 0;
00335   StatusCode        sc;
00336   MsgStream         log( msgSvc(), name() );
00338   //yzhang add
00339   //begin run
00340 /*  ListAlg::iterator it_topAlg =  m_topAlgList.begin();
00341   for (;it_topAlg!=m_topAlgList.end();it_topAlg++){
00342     (*it_topAlg)->beginRun();
00343   }*/
00344   //zhangy add
00345   // loop over events if the maxevt (received as input) if different from -1. 
00346   // if evtmax is -1 it means infinite loop
00347   for( int nevt = 0; (maxevt == -1 ? true : nevt < maxevt);  nevt++, total_nevt++) {
00348     // Check if there is a scheduled stop issued by some algorithm/sevice
00349     if ( m_scheduledStop ) {
00350       m_scheduledStop = false;
00351       log << MSG::ALWAYS << "Terminating event processing loop due to scheduled stop" << endreq;
00352       break;
00353     }
00354     // Clear the event store, if used in the event loop
00355     if( 0 != total_nevt ) {
00356       sc = m_evtDataMgrSvc->clearStore();
00357       if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00358         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Clear of Event data store failed" << endreq;
00359       }
00360     }
00362     // Setup event in the event store
00363     if( m_evtContext ) {
00364       IOpaqueAddress* addr = 0;
00365       // Only if there is a EventSelector
00366       sc = getEventRoot(addr);
00367       if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00368         log << MSG::INFO << "No more events in event selection " << endreq;
00369         break;
00370       }
00371       // Set root clears the event data store first
00372       sc = m_evtDataMgrSvc->setRoot ("/Event", addr);
00373       if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00374         log << MSG::WARNING << "Error declaring event root address." << endreq;
00375         continue;
00376       }
00377       // register event header for mc
00378       SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> evt(m_evtDataSvc,"/Event/EventHeader");
00379       if(!evt) {
00380         sc = m_evtDataMgrSvc->registerAddress ("/Event/EventHeader", addr);
00381         if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00382           log << MSG::WARNING << "Error register EventHeader address." << endreq;
00383         }
00384       }
00385       sc = m_evtDataSvc->retrieveObject("/Event", pObject);
00386       if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00387         log << MSG::WARNING << "Unable to retrieve Event root object" << endreq;
00388         break;
00389       }
00390     }
00391     else {
00392       sc = m_evtDataMgrSvc->setRoot ("/Event", new DataObject());
00393       if( !sc.isSuccess() )  {
00394         log << MSG::WARNING << "Error declaring event root DataObject" << endreq;
00395       } 
00396     }
00400     // Execute event for all required algorithms
00401     sc = executeEvent(NULL);
00402     if( !sc.isSuccess() ){
00403       log << MSG::ERROR << "Terminating event processing loop due to errors" << endreq;
00404       break;
00405     }
00406   }
00407   //yzhang add
00408   //end run
00409   ListAlg::iterator it_topAlg =  m_topAlgList.begin();
00410   for (;it_topAlg!=m_topAlgList.end();it_topAlg++){
00411     (*it_topAlg)->endRun();
00412   }
00413   //zhangy add
00414   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00415 }

virtual StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::reinitialize  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::reinitalize

StatusCode OfflineEventLoopMgr::reinitialize  )  [virtual]

implementation of IService::reinitalize

00144                                              {
00145   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00147   // initilaize the base class
00148   StatusCode sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::reinitialize();
00149   if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00150     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Error Initializing base class MinimalEventLoopMgr." << endreq;
00151     return sc;
00152   }
00154   // Check to see whether a new Event Selector has been specified
00155   setProperty(m_appMgrProperty->getProperty("EvtSel"));
00156   if( m_evtsel != "NONE" || m_evtsel.length() == 0) {
00157     IEvtSelector* theEvtSel;
00158     IService*     theSvc;
00159     sc = serviceLocator()->service( "EventSelector", theEvtSel );
00160     sc = serviceLocator()->service( "EventSelector", theSvc );
00161     if( sc.isSuccess() && ( theEvtSel != m_evtSelector ) ) {
00162       // Setup Event Selector
00163       m_evtSelector = theEvtSel;
00164       if (theSvc->state() == IService::INITIALIZED) {
00165         sc = theSvc->reinitialize();
00166         if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00167           log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure Reinitializing EventSelector "
00168               << theSvc->name( ) << endreq;
00169           return sc;
00170         }
00171       } 
00172       else {
00173         sc = theSvc->initialize();
00174         if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00175           log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure Initializing EventSelector "
00176               << theSvc->name( ) << endreq;
00177           return sc;
00178         }
00179       }
00180       sc = m_evtSelector->createContext(m_evtContext);
00181       if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00182         log << MSG::ERROR << "Can not create Context "
00183             << theSvc->name( ) << endreq;
00184         return sc;
00185       }
00186       log << MSG::INFO << "EventSelector service changed to "
00187           << theSvc->name( ) << endreq;
00188     }
00189     else if ( m_evtSelector && m_evtContext )   {
00190       m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtContext);
00191       m_evtContext = 0;
00192       sc = m_evtSelector->createContext(m_evtContext);
00193       if( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00194         log << MSG::ERROR << "Can not create Context "
00195             << theSvc->name( ) << endreq;
00196         return sc;
00197       }
00198     }
00199   }
00200   else if ( m_evtSelector && m_evtContext )   {
00201     m_evtSelector->releaseContext(m_evtContext);
00202     m_evtSelector = 0;
00203     m_evtContext = 0;
00204   }
00205   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00206 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

SvcFactory<OfflineEventLoopMgr> [friend]

Creator friend class.

Member Data Documentation

IProperty* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_appMgrProperty [protected]

Property interface of ApplicationMgr.

IProperty* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_appMgrProperty [protected]

Property interface of ApplicationMgr.

IEvtSelector::Context* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtContext [protected]

Event Iterator.

IEvtSelector::Context* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtContext [protected]

Event Iterator.

IDataManagerSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtDataMgrSvc [protected]

Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataManagerSvc interface.

IDataManagerSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtDataMgrSvc [protected]

Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataManagerSvc interface.

IDataProviderSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtDataSvc [protected]

Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataProviderSvc interface.

IDataProviderSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtDataSvc [protected]

Reference to the Event Data Service's IDataProviderSvc interface.

std::string OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtsel [protected]

Event selector.

IEvtSelector* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtSelector [protected]

Reference to the Event Selector.

IEvtSelector* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_evtSelector [protected]

Reference to the Event Selector.

IDataManagerSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_histoDataMgrSvc [protected]

Reference to the Histogram Data Service.

IDataManagerSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_histoDataMgrSvc [protected]

Reference to the Histogram Data Service.

IConversionSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_histoPersSvc [protected]

Reference to the Histogram Persistency Service.

IConversionSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_histoPersSvc [protected]

Reference to the Histogram Persistency Service.

std::string OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_histPersName [protected]

Name of the Hist Pers type.

IIncidentSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_incidentSvc [protected]

Reference to the indicent service.

IIncidentSvc* OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_incidentSvc [protected]

Reference to the indicent service.

double OfflineEventLoopMgr::m_runNo [private]

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Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:38:11 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen