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MucRecRoadFinder Class Reference

#include <MucRecRoadFinder.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode initialize ()
 MucRecRoadFinder (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 MucRecRoadFinder (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
void TrackFinding (RecMucTrack *aTrack)
void TrackFinding (RecMucTrack *aTrack)
 ~MucRecRoadFinder ()
 ~MucRecRoadFinder ()

Private Attributes

NTuple::Item< double > m_angle_cosmic
NTuple::Item< double > m_angle_cosmic
NTuple::Item< double > m_angle_updown
NTuple::Item< double > m_angle_updown
std::string m_configFile
NTuple::Item< double > m_diff
NTuple::Item< double > m_diff
NTuple::Item< double > m_dist
NTuple::Item< double > m_dist
NTuple::Item< double > m_emcDown
NTuple::Item< double > m_emcDown
NTuple::Item< double > m_emcUp
NTuple::Item< double > m_emcUp
NTuple::Item< double > m_event
NTuple::Item< double > m_event
int m_fittingMethod
NTuple::Item< double > m_gap
NTuple::Item< double > m_gap
NTuple::Item< double > m_maxhit
NTuple::Item< double > m_maxhit
int m_maxHitsRec
int m_mccosmic
bool m_MsOutput
NTuple::Item< double > m_mucDown
NTuple::Item< double > m_mucDown
NTuple::Item< double > m_mucUp
NTuple::Item< double > m_mucUp
NTuple::Item< double > m_multihit
NTuple::Item< double > m_multihit
int m_NEvent
int m_NEventReco
int m_NEventWithHit
NTuple::Item< double > m_ngapwithhits
NTuple::Item< double > m_ngapwithhits
NTuple::Item< double > m_nhit
NTuple::Item< double > m_nhit
std::vector< int > m_NHitsLost
std::vector< int > m_NHitsLost
std::vector< int > m_NHitsLostInGap
std::vector< int > m_NHitsLostInGap
int m_NHitsLostTotal
int m_NHitsTotal
int m_NtOutput
int m_onlyseedfit
NTuple::Item< double > m_part
NTuple::Item< double > m_part
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi_mc_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi_mc_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_phi_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_projx
NTuple::Item< double > m_projx
NTuple::Item< double > m_projz
NTuple::Item< double > m_projz
NTuple::Item< double > m_px
NTuple::Item< double > m_px
NTuple::Item< double > m_px_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_px_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_py
NTuple::Item< double > m_py
NTuple::Item< double > m_py_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_py_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_pz
NTuple::Item< double > m_pz
NTuple::Item< double > m_pz_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_pz_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_run
NTuple::Item< double > m_run
int m_seedtype
NTuple::Item< double > m_seg
NTuple::Item< double > m_seg
NTuple::Item< double > m_strip
NTuple::Item< double > m_strip
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta_mc
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta_mc_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta_mc_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta_pipe
NTuple::Item< double > m_theta_pipe
NTuple::Tuple * m_tuple
NTuple::Tuple * m_tuple
int m_united

Detailed Description

Reconstruction of Muon Chamber tracks by combining two 2DRoads to form a 3DRoad.

Zhengyun You {}

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MucRecRoadFinder::MucRecRoadFinder const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

00049                                                                                   :
00050   Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
00051 {
00052   // Declare the properties  
00053   declareProperty("FittingMethod", m_fittingMethod = 2);
00054   declareProperty("ConfigFile",  m_configFile = "MucConfig.xml");
00055   declareProperty("McCosmic",    m_mccosmic = 0);
00056   declareProperty("OnlySeedFit",    m_onlyseedfit = 0);
00057   declareProperty("NtOutput",      m_NtOutput = 0);
00058   declareProperty("MaxHitsRec",      m_maxHitsRec = 200);
00059   declareProperty("United", m_united = 0);
00060   declareProperty("SeedType", m_seedtype = 0);
00061   declareProperty("MsOutput", m_MsOutput = false);
00062 }

MucRecRoadFinder::~MucRecRoadFinder  )  [inline]

00032 {};

MucRecRoadFinder::MucRecRoadFinder const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

MucRecRoadFinder::~MucRecRoadFinder  )  [inline]

00032 {};

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode MucRecRoadFinder::execute  ) 

StatusCode MucRecRoadFinder::execute  ) 

00147                                      {
00149   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00150   log << MSG::INFO << "in execute()" << endreq;
00152   // Part 1: Get the event header, print out event and run number
00153   int event, run;
00155   SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");
00156   if (!eventHeader) {
00157     log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find Event Header" << endreq;
00158     return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00159   }
00160   log << MSG::INFO << "Run: " << eventHeader->runNumber()  << "  Event: " <<  eventHeader->eventNumber() << endreq;
00162   int digiId;
00164   //Part 2: Retrieve MC truth 
00166   Hep3Vector cosmicMom;
00167   if(m_mccosmic==1){
00168     SmartDataPtr<McParticleCol> mcParticleCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/MC/McParticleCol");
00169     if (!mcParticleCol) {
00170       log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find McParticle" << endreq;
00171       return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00172     }
00174     McParticleCol::iterator iter_mc = mcParticleCol->begin();
00175     for (;iter_mc != mcParticleCol->end(); iter_mc++, digiId++) {
00176       log << MSG::DEBUG 
00177         << " particleId = " << (*iter_mc)->particleProperty()
00178         << endreq;   
00179       int pid = (*iter_mc)->particleProperty();
00180       //cout<<"in mucroadfinder pid = "<<pid<<endl;
00181       if(fabs(pid)!=13) continue;
00183       HepLorentzVector initialMomentum = (*iter_mc)->initialFourMomentum();
00184       Hep3Vector startP(initialMomentum.px(),, initialMomentum.pz());
00185       Hep3Vector rotate(-initialMomentum.px(),initialMomentum.pz(),;
00187       if(m_NtOutput>=1){
00188         m_px_mc = initialMomentum.px();
00189         m_py_mc =;
00190         m_pz_mc = initialMomentum.pz();
00192         m_theta_mc = rotate.theta();
00193         m_phi_mc   = rotate.phi();
00195         m_theta_mc_pipe = startP.theta();
00196         m_phi_mc_pipe   = startP.phi();
00198         //m_tuple->write();  
00199       }
00201       //if(>0)cout<<"py>0?????  "<<pid<<endl;
00202       cosmicMom = startP;
00204     }
00205   }
00206   /*
00207   //Part 3: Retrieve MDC digi 
00208   SmartDataPtr<MdcDigiCol> mdcDigiCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Digi/MdcDigiCol");
00209   if (!mdcDigiCol) {
00210   log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find MDC digi" << endreq;
00211   return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00212   }
00214   MdcDigiCol::iterator iter1 = mdcDigiCol->begin();
00215   digiId = 0; 
00217   for (;iter1 != mdcDigiCol->end(); iter1++, digiId++) {
00218   log << MSG::INFO << "MDC digit No: " << digiId << endreq;
00220   log << MSG::INFO 
00221   << " time_channel = " << (*iter1)->getTimeChannel()
00222   << " charge_channel = " << (*iter1)->getChargeChannel() 
00223   << endreq;   
00224   }
00226   //Part 4: Retrieve TOF digi 
00227   SmartDataPtr<TofDigiCol> tofDigiCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Digi/TofDigiCol");
00228   if (!tofDigiCol) {
00229   log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find TOF digi" << endreq;
00230   return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00231   }
00233   TofDigiCol::iterator iter2 = tofDigiCol->begin();
00234   digiId = 0; 
00236   for (;iter2 != tofDigiCol->end(); iter2++, digiId++) {
00237   log << MSG::INFO << "TOF digit No: " << digiId << endreq;
00239   }
00241   //Part 5: Retrieve EMC digi 
00242   SmartDataPtr<EmcDigiCol> emcDigiCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Digi/EmcDigiCol");
00243   if (!emcDigiCol) {
00244   log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find EMC digi" << endreq;
00245   return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00246   }
00248   EmcDigiCol::iterator iter3 = emcDigiCol->begin();
00249   digiId = 0; 
00251   for (;iter3 != emcDigiCol->end(); iter3++, digiId++) {
00252   log << MSG::INFO << "Emc digit No: " << digiId << endreq;
00254   log << MSG::INFO 
00255   << " time_channel = " << (*iter3)->getTimeChannel()
00256   << " charge_channel = " << (*iter3)->getChargeChannel() 
00257   << endreq;   
00258   }
00259    */
00261   //Part 6: Retrieve MUC digi 
00262   SmartDataPtr<MucDigiCol> mucDigiCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Digi/MucDigiCol");
00263   if (!mucDigiCol) {
00264     log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find MUC digi" << endreq;
00265     return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00266   }
00268   MucDigiCol::iterator iter4 = mucDigiCol->begin();
00269   digiId = 0; 
00270   for (;iter4 != mucDigiCol->end(); iter4++, digiId++) {
00271   }
00272   log << MSG::INFO << "MUC digis:: " << digiId << endreq;
00273   if( digiId == 0) return( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
00275   //********************************//
00276   RecMucTrackCol *aMucTrackCol;
00277   int trackId     = -1;
00278   int muctrackId  = -1;
00280   if(m_united != 1)  // if this algorithm run individualy, we need create hitcollection and trackcollection...
00281   {
00282     Identifier mucID;
00283     if (!aMucRecHitContainer) {
00284       aMucRecHitContainer = new MucRecHitContainer();
00285     }
00286     aMucRecHitContainer->Clear();
00288     MucRecHitCol *aMucRecHitCol = new MucRecHitCol();
00289     aMucRecHitContainer->SetMucRecHitCol(aMucRecHitCol);
00291     IDataManagerSvc *dataManSvc = dynamic_cast<IDataManagerSvc*> (eventSvc());
00292     DataObject *mucRecHitCol;
00293     eventSvc()->findObject("/Event/Recon/MucRecHitCol",mucRecHitCol);
00294     if(mucRecHitCol != NULL) {
00295       dataManSvc->clearSubTree("/Event/Recon/MucRecHitCol");
00296       eventSvc()->unregisterObject("/Event/Recon/MucRecHitCol");
00297     }
00299     StatusCode sc = eventSvc()->registerObject("/Event/Recon/MucRecHitCol", aMucRecHitContainer->GetMucRecHitCol());
00301     MucDigiCol::iterator iterMuc = mucDigiCol->begin();
00302     int mucDigiId = 0;
00303     for (;iterMuc != mucDigiCol->end(); iterMuc++, mucDigiId++) {
00304       mucID = (*iterMuc)->identify();
00305       int part  = MucID::barrel_ec(mucID);
00306       int seg   = MucID::segment(mucID);
00307       int gap   = MucID::layer(mucID);
00308       int strip = MucID::channel(mucID);
00309       //aMucRecHitContainer->AddHit(mucID);
00310       //if(part==1 && seg==2 && gap==8 && (strip==19||strip==16));//cout<<"noise hit!!!=========="<<endl;
00311       //else            /////this problem has been solved!
00312       aMucRecHitContainer->AddHit(part, seg, gap, strip);
00313       log << MSG::INFO <<  " digit" << mucDigiId << " : " 
00314         << " part "  << part
00315         << " seg "   << seg
00316         << " gap "   << gap
00317         << " strip " << strip
00318         << endreq;
00319     }
00321     DataObject *aReconEvent ;
00322     eventSvc()->findObject("/Event/Recon",aReconEvent);
00323     if(aReconEvent==NULL) {
00324       //then register Recon
00325       aReconEvent = new ReconEvent();
00326       StatusCode sc = eventSvc()->registerObject("/Event/Recon",aReconEvent);
00327       if(sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
00328         log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not register ReconEvent" <<endreq;
00329         return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00330       }
00331     }
00332     StatusCode fr = eventSvc()->findObject("/Event/Recon",aReconEvent);
00333     if(fr!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
00334       log << MSG::WARNING << "Could not find register ReconEvent, will create it" <<endreq;
00335       StatusCode sc = eventSvc()->registerObject("/Event/Recon",aReconEvent);
00336       if(sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
00337         log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not register ReconEvent" <<endreq;
00338         return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00339       }
00340     }
00342     //********************************//
00343     // Create track Container;
00344     DataObject *mucTrackCol;
00345     eventSvc()->findObject("/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol",mucTrackCol);
00346     if(mucTrackCol != NULL) {
00347       dataManSvc->clearSubTree("/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol");
00348       eventSvc()->unregisterObject("/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol");
00349     }
00351     aMucTrackCol = new RecMucTrackCol();
00352     sc = eventSvc()->registerObject("/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol", aMucTrackCol);
00353     aMucTrackCol->clear();
00355     // check MucTrackCol registered
00356     SmartDataPtr<RecMucTrackCol> findMucTrackCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol");
00357     if (!findMucTrackCol) { 
00358       log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find RecMucTrackCol" << endreq;
00359       return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00360     }   
00361     aMucTrackCol->clear();
00364     log << MSG::INFO <<"MaxHitsRec : "<<m_maxHitsRec<< endreq;
00365     if(digiId> m_maxHitsRec) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;  //too many digit! abnormal------2008-04-17 
00366     //********************************//
00367     // Create track Container;
00369     trackId = 0;
00370     muctrackId = 0;
00371   }
00372   else if(m_united == 1){
00374     Identifier mucID;
00375     if (!aMucRecHitContainer) {
00376       aMucRecHitContainer = new MucRecHitContainer();
00377     }
00378     aMucRecHitContainer->Clear();
00380     SmartDataPtr<MucRecHitCol> aMucRecHitCol (eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/MucRecHitCol"); 
00381     if(aMucRecHitCol == NULL) {
00382       log << MSG::WARNING << "MucRecHitCol is NULL" << endreq;
00383     }
00385     aMucRecHitContainer->SetMucRecHitCol(aMucRecHitCol);
00387     SmartDataPtr<RecMucTrackCol> mucTrackCol (eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol");
00388     if(mucTrackCol == NULL) {
00389       log << MSG::WARNING << "aMucTrackCol is NULL" << endreq;
00390     }
00392     log << MSG::INFO <<"mucTrackCol size: "<<mucTrackCol->size()<<"  hitCol size: "<<aMucRecHitCol->size()<<endreq;
00393     aMucTrackCol = mucTrackCol;
00395     // Retrieve Ext track Col from TDS for setting trackId 
00396     SmartDataPtr<RecExtTrackCol> aExtTrackCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecExtTrackCol");
00397     if (!aExtTrackCol) {
00398       log << MSG::WARNING << "Can't find ExtTrackCol in TDS!" << endreq;
00399     }
00401     SmartDataPtr<RecMdcTrackCol> aMdcTrackCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecMdcTrackCol");
00402     if (!aMdcTrackCol) {
00403       log << MSG::WARNING << "Can't find MdcTrackCol in TDS!" << endreq;
00404     }
00406     if( aExtTrackCol && aMdcTrackCol ) trackId = aMdcTrackCol->size();
00407     muctrackId = aMucTrackCol->size();
00408   }
00410   int hasEmcUp = 0;
00411   int hasEmcDown = 0;
00412   SmartDataPtr<RecEmcShowerCol> aShowerCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecEmcShowerCol");
00413   if (!aShowerCol) { 
00414     log << MSG::WARNING << "Could not find RecEmcShowerCol" << endreq;
00415     //return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00416   }
00417   else{
00418     RecEmcShowerCol::iterator iShowerCol;
00419     for(iShowerCol=aShowerCol->begin();
00420         iShowerCol!=aShowerCol->end();
00421         iShowerCol++){
00422       /*
00423          cout<<"check EmcRecShowerCol registered:"<<endl;
00424          cout<<"shower id: "<<(*iShowerCol)->ShowerId()<<"\t"
00425          <<"shower energy: "<<(*iShowerCol)->Energy()<<"\n"
00426          <<"shower position: "<<(*iShowerCol)->Position()<<endl;
00427        */
00428       if(((*iShowerCol)->position()).phi()>0&&((*iShowerCol)->position()).phi()<3.1415926) hasEmcUp++;
00429       else hasEmcDown++;
00430     }
00431   }
00432   if(m_NtOutput >= 1){
00433     m_emcUp = hasEmcUp;  m_emcDown = hasEmcDown;
00434   }
00436   //********************************//
00437   m_NEvent++;
00438   MucRec3DRoadContainer *p3DRoadC  = new MucRec3DRoadContainer();
00439   // Find or create the 3D road container ...
00440   if (!p3DRoadC) {
00441     p3DRoadC = new MucRec3DRoadContainer();
00442   }
00443   p3DRoadC->clear();    // make sure that the container is empty
00445   MucRec2DRoadContainer *p2DRoad0C = new MucRec2DRoadContainer();
00446   // Find or create the 2D road0 container ...
00447   if (!p2DRoad0C) {
00448     p2DRoad0C = new MucRec2DRoadContainer();
00449   }
00450   p2DRoad0C->clear();    // make sure that the container is empty
00452   MucRec2DRoadContainer *p2DRoad1C = new MucRec2DRoadContainer();
00453   // Find or create the 2D road1 container ...
00454   if (!p2DRoad1C) {
00455     p2DRoad1C = new MucRec2DRoadContainer();
00456   }
00457   p2DRoad1C->clear();    // make sure that the container is empty
00458   log << MSG::INFO << "Muc 2D 3D Road Container created" << endreq;
00460   // We have all of the input and output parameters now, so do
00461   // something useful with them!
00462   //static bool  first_call = true;
00463   //
00464   // Now find some roads!
00465   //
00467   MucRecHit *pHit0 = 0, *pHit1 = 0;
00468   int count0, count1, count, iGap0, iGap1;
00469   int orient;
00471   for (int iPart = 0; iPart < (int)MucID::getPartNum(); iPart++) {
00472     for (int iSeg = 0; iSeg < (int)MucID::getSegNum(iPart); iSeg++) {
00473       for (int iOrient = 0; iOrient < 2; iOrient++) {
00474         int nLoops = 1;
00475         if(m_seedtype == 1) nLoops = kNSeedLoops;
00476         for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < nLoops; iLoop++) { //now only 1 loop
00477           // checkout the seed gap(s) from search order
00478           int length = kSearchLength[iLoop][iPart][iOrient];
00479           if(m_seedtype == 1){
00480             iGap0 = kSearchOrder[iLoop][iPart][iOrient][0];
00481             iGap1 = kSearchOrder[iLoop][iPart][iOrient][1];
00482           }
00483           else {  //new method to calc seed gaps------//
00484             int setgap0 = 0;
00485             MucDigiCol::iterator iterMuc = mucDigiCol->begin();
00486             int mucDigiId = 0;
00487             Identifier mucID;
00488             iGap0 = 0; iGap1 = 0;
00489             for (;iterMuc != mucDigiCol->end(); iterMuc++, mucDigiId++) {
00490               mucID = (*iterMuc)->identify();
00491               int part  = MucID::barrel_ec(mucID);
00492               int seg   = MucID::segment(mucID);
00493               int gap   = MucID::layer(mucID);
00494               int strip = MucID::channel(mucID);
00495               int orient = 0;
00496               if ( (part == 1 && gap % 2 == 0) || (part != 1 && gap % 2 == 1) ) orient = 1;
00498               if(part == iPart && seg == iSeg && orient == iOrient && setgap0 == 0){
00499                 iGap0 = gap;
00500                 setgap0 = 1;
00501               }//make sure that iGap0 record the 1st gap in this orient
00502               if(part == iPart && seg == iSeg && orient == iOrient && setgap0 == 1 && gap != iGap0 ){
00503                 iGap1 = gap;
00504               }//make sure that iGap1 record the last gap in this orient
00505             }     
00506           }
00507           //                                                              
00508           if(m_MsOutput) cout <<"Find seed gap in ( "<<iPart<<"  "<<iSeg<<" ) gap0: "<<iGap0<<"  gap1: "<<iGap1<<endl;
00510           //new method to calc seed gaps------//
00511           if(iGap0 > iGap1){
00512             int tempGap = iGap0;
00513             iGap0 = iGap1;
00514             iGap1 = tempGap;
00515           } 
00516           if(iGap1 == iGap0) continue;
00518           count0 = aMucRecHitContainer->GetGapHitCount(iPart, iSeg, iGap0);
00519           for (int iHit0 = 0; iHit0 < count0; iHit0++) {
00520             //cout << "iHit0 = " << iHit0 << endl;
00521             pHit0 = aMucRecHitContainer->GetHit(iPart, iSeg, iGap0, iHit0);
00522             if (!pHit0) {
00523               log << MSG::FATAL << "MucRecRoadFinder-E10 " << " part " << iPart
00524                 << " seg " << iSeg << " gap "  << iGap0 << " null pointer"
00525                 << endl;
00526             }
00527             else {
00529               //this algo use with ext and this hit has been used before; 
00530               if(m_united == 1 && pHit0->GetHitMode() != -1) continue;
00532               count1 = aMucRecHitContainer->GetGapHitCount(iPart, iSeg, iGap1);
00533               if(m_MsOutput) cout << "part "  << iPart << " seg " << iSeg  << " orient " << iOrient
00534                 << " gap0 " << iGap0 << " count0 " << count0 
00535                 << " gap1 " << iGap1 << " count1 " << count1 << endl;
00536               for (int iHit1 = 0; iHit1 < count1; iHit1++) {
00537                 //cout << "iHit1 = " << iHit1 << endl;
00538                 pHit1 = aMucRecHitContainer->GetHit(iPart, iSeg, iGap1, iHit1);
00539                 if (!pHit1) {
00540                   log << MSG::ERROR << "MucRecRoadFinder-E10 " << " part " << iPart
00541                     << " seg " << iSeg << " gap " << iGap1 << " null pointer"
00542                     << endl;
00543                 } else {
00545                   //this algo use with ext and this hit has been used before;                   
00546                   if(m_united == 1 && pHit1->GetHitMode() != -1) continue;
00548                   // Found seed hit(s), create a new 2D road object,
00549                   // and attach hit pHit1 and pHit0
00550                   MucRec2DRoad *road2D = new MucRec2DRoad(iPart, iSeg, iOrient, 0.0, 0.0, 3000.0);
00551                   if (!road2D) {
00552                     log << MSG::FATAL << "MucRecRoadFinder-E20 " << "failed to create 2D road!"  << endreq;
00553                     continue;
00554                   }
00555                   road2D->SetMaxNSkippedGaps(kMaxSkippedGaps);
00557                   if (!pHit0->GetGap()) log << MSG::ERROR << "pHit0->GetGap(), null pointer" << endreq;
00558                   if (pHit0->GetGap()->Orient() == iOrient) {
00559                     //float xStrip, yStrip, zStrip;
00560                     //MucRecGeometry::GetPointer()->GetStripPointer(pHit0->GetSoftID())->GetCenterPos(xStrip, yStrip, zStrip);
00561                     //cout << " x = " << xStrip << " y = " << yStrip << " z = " << zStrip << endl;
00563                     //set hit as seed then
00564                     bool isseed = true;
00565                     pHit0->SetHitSeed(true);
00566                     pHit1->SetHitSeed(true);
00568                     road2D->AttachHit(pHit0);
00569                     if(m_MsOutput) cout << "pHit0 attached, " << road2D->GetTotalHits() 
00570                       << ", hitId= "<<pHit0->Part()<<"  "<<pHit0->Seg()<<"  "<<pHit0->Gap()<<"  "<<pHit0->Strip()<<endl;
00571                   }
00573                   if (pHit1->GetGap()->Orient() == iOrient) {
00574                     //cout << pHit1->GetSoftID() << endl;
00575                     //float xStrip, yStrip, zStrip;
00576                     //MucRecGeometry::GetPointer()->GetStripPointer(pHit1->GetSoftID())->GetCenterPos(xStrip, yStrip, zStrip);
00577                     //cout << " x = " << xStrip << " y = " << yStrip << " z = " << zStrip << endl;
00578                     road2D->AttachHit(pHit1);
00579                     if(m_MsOutput) cout << "pHit1 attached, " << road2D->GetTotalHits() 
00580                       << ", hitId= "<<pHit1->Part()<<"  "<<pHit1->Seg()<<"  "<<pHit1->Gap()<<"  "<<pHit1->Strip()<<endl;
00581                   }
00582                   if(m_MsOutput) cout << "Hit cout " << road2D->GetTotalHits() << ", slope " << road2D->GetSlope() << endl;
00584                   // After first (two) hit(s) is(are) attached,
00585                   // calculate reference pos, direction.
00586                   // Project to the other planes;
00587                   // attach clusters within search window.
00589                   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00590                     int iGap = kSearchOrder[iLoop][iPart][iOrient][i];
00592                     float dXmin = kInfinity;
00593                     MucRecHit *pHit = 0;
00595                     float Win = kWindowSize[iPart][iGap];
00596                     //Win = road2D->GetSearchWindowSize(iGap);  
00598                     // following line should be removed after
00599                     // we have a good function classes for search window
00600                     //Win = WindowParGamma[iGap];
00602                     //search hit in iGap
00603                     count = aMucRecHitContainer->GetGapHitCount(iPart, iSeg, iGap);
00604                     for (int iHit = 0; iHit < count; iHit++) {
00605                       pHit = aMucRecHitContainer->GetHit(iPart, iSeg, iGap, iHit);
00606                       if (!pHit) {
00607                         log << MSG::FATAL << "MucRecRoadFinder-E20 null cluster pointer pHit" << endreq;
00608                         continue;
00609                       }
00610                       else {
00612                         //this algo use with ext and this hit has been used before;                   
00613                         if(m_united == 1 && pHit->GetHitMode() != -1) continue;
00615                         // Get the displacement of hit pHit to road2D
00616                         float dX = road2D->GetHitDistance(pHit);
00617                         if(m_MsOutput) cout<<"dX = "<<dX<<" Win = "<<Win<<", hit: "<<pHit->Part()<<"  "<<pHit->Seg()<<"  "<<pHit->Gap()<<"  "<<pHit->Strip()<<endl;
00619                         if (dX < Win) {
00620                           // Attach the hit if it exists
00621                           // cout << "meet window " << pHit->GetSoftID() << endl;
00622                           if(iGap == iGap0 || iGap == iGap1) { //hits in these gap is used to be seed, so unvailable for calibrate effi;
00623                             if(pHit->GetHitMode() == -1){  
00624                               pHit->SetHitMode(3); //self road finder mode
00625                             }
00626                             else if(pHit->GetHitMode() == 3){
00627                               pHit->SetHitMode(4); //self road finder mode used!!!
00628                             }
00629                           }
00630                           // attach hits if we need fit or hit. OR, only attach hits not in seed layers
00631                           if(m_onlyseedfit == 0)road2D->AttachHit(pHit);
00632                           else {
00633                             if(iGap == iGap0 || iGap == iGap1) road2D->AttachHit(pHit);
00634                             else road2D->AttachHitNoFit(pHit);
00635                           }
00636                         }
00637                       }
00638                     }
00641                   } //  for (int i = 0; i < length; ...), Search all gaps
00644                   // Ok we found a road already, we need to know
00645                   // whether we should save it or not
00646                   // check road quality...
00647                   //
00649                   // 1. last gap of the road
00650                   bool lastGapOK = false;
00651                   if ( road2D->GetLastGap() >= kMinLastGap2D ) {
00652                     lastGapOK = true;
00653                   }
00654                   else {
00655                     log<<MSG::INFO << " 2D lastGap " << road2D->GetLastGap() << " < " << kMinLastGap2D << endreq;
00656                   }
00658                   // 2. positon at reference plane
00660                   // 3. number of gaps contain hits
00661                   bool firedGapsOK = false;
00662                   if (road2D->GetNGapsWithHits() >= kMinFiredGaps) {
00663                     firedGapsOK = true;
00664                   }
00665                   else {
00666                     log<<MSG::INFO << " 2D firedGaps " << road2D->GetNGapsWithHits() << " < " << kMinFiredGaps << endreq;
00667                   }
00669                   // 4. duplicated road check
00670                   bool duplicateRoad = false;
00671                   int maxSharedHits = 0, sharedHits = 0;
00672                   if (iOrient == 0) {
00673                     for (int index = 0; index < (int)p2DRoad0C->size(); index++) {
00674                       sharedHits =(*p2DRoad0C)[index]->GetNSharedHits(road2D);
00675                     }
00676                     if (maxSharedHits < sharedHits) maxSharedHits = sharedHits;
00677                   } 
00678                   else {
00679                     for (int index = 0; index < (int)p2DRoad1C->size(); index++) {
00680                       sharedHits = (*p2DRoad1C)[index]->GetNSharedHits(road2D);
00681                     }
00682                     if (maxSharedHits < sharedHits) maxSharedHits = sharedHits;
00683                   }
00685                   if(road2D->GetTotalHits() == maxSharedHits
00686                       || maxSharedHits >= kMinSharedHits2D ) {
00687                     duplicateRoad = true;
00688                     log<<MSG::INFO << " maxSharedHits " << maxSharedHits << " >  "  << kMinSharedHits2D << endreq;
00689                   }
00691                   // Here is our criteria for a candidate road
00692                   // i.e. 1) There are at least two gaps containing hits
00693                   //      2) LastGap of the road passes last plane cut
00694                   //      3) Reference position passes vertex cut
00695                   //      4) No existing road share same hits with the road
00697                   if (lastGapOK && firedGapsOK && !duplicateRoad) {
00698                     if (iOrient == 0) {
00699                       log<<MSG::INFO << "Add a road0" << endreq;
00700                       p2DRoad0C->add(road2D);
00701                     }
00702                     else { 
00703                       log<<MSG::INFO << "Add a road1" << endreq;
00704                       p2DRoad1C->add(road2D);
00705                     }
00706                   }
00707                   else {
00709                     // reset hit mode to be -1 if this road useless! 
00710                     vector<MucRecHit*> road2DHits = road2D->GetHits();
00711                     for(int i=0; i< road2DHits.size(); i++)
00712                     {
00713                       MucRecHit *ihit = road2DHits[i];
00714                       if(ihit->Gap() == iGap0 || ihit->Gap() == iGap1){
00715                         if(ihit->GetHitMode() == 3) ihit->SetHitMode(-1);
00716                         if(ihit->GetHitMode() == 4) ihit->SetHitMode(3);
00717                       }
00718                     }
00719                     delete road2D;
00720                   }
00721                 } // else { 
00722               } // for ( int iHit = 0 ...) 
00723               } // else {
00724             } // for ( int iHit0 ...)
00725             } // for (int iLoop ...)
00726           } // for (int iOrient ...)
00727         } // for (int iSeg ...)
00728       } // for(iPartArm ...)
00730       int print2DRoadInfo = 0;
00731       if (print2DRoadInfo == 1) {
00732         // print 2DRoad container info.
00733         cout << "In 2DRoad container : " << endl
00734           << "   Num of 2DRoad0 = "   << p2DRoad0C->size() << endl 
00735           << endl;
00737         for (int iRoad = 0; iRoad < (int)p2DRoad0C->size(); iRoad++) {
00739           MucRec2DRoad *road = (*p2DRoad0C)[iRoad];
00740           cout << "      " << iRoad << "th 2DRoad0 :" << endl
00741             << "         Part      = " << road->GetPart()      << endl
00742             << "         Seg       = " << road->GetSeg()       << endl
00743             << "         Orient    = " << road->GetOrient()    << endl
00744             << "         LastGap   = " << road->GetLastGap()   << endl
00745             << "         TotalHits = " << road->GetTotalHits() << endl
00746             << "         DOF       = " << road->GetDegreesOfFreedom() << endl 
00747             << "         Slope     = " << road->GetSlope()     << endl
00748             << "         Intercept = " << road->GetIntercept() << endl
00749             << endl;
00750           //road->PrintHitsInfo();
00751         }
00753         cout << "   Num of 2DRoad1 = "   << p2DRoad1C->size() << endl 
00754           << endl;
00756         for ( int iRoad = 0; iRoad < (int)p2DRoad1C->size(); iRoad++) {
00758           MucRec2DRoad *road = (*p2DRoad1C)[iRoad];
00759           cout << "      " << iRoad << "th 2DRoad1 :" << endl
00760             << "         Part      = " << road->GetPart()      << endl
00761             << "         Seg       = " << road->GetSeg()       << endl
00762             << "         Orient    = " << road->GetOrient()    << endl
00763             << "         LastGap   = " << road->GetLastGap()   << endl
00764             << "         TotalHits = " << road->GetTotalHits() << endl
00765             << "         DOF       = " << road->GetDegreesOfFreedom() << endl 
00766             << "         Slope     = " << road->GetSlope()     << endl
00767             << "         Intercept = " << road->GetIntercept() << endl
00768             << endl;
00769           //road->PrintHitsInfo();
00770         }
00771       }
00773       // We found all possible 2D roads in one part and seg
00774       // and now it is time to construct 3D roads base on those 2D roads
00775       for ( int iRoad0 = 0; iRoad0 < (int)p2DRoad0C->size(); iRoad0++) {
00776         MucRec2DRoad *road0 = (*p2DRoad0C)[iRoad0];
00777         for ( int iRoad1 = 0; iRoad1 < (int)p2DRoad1C->size(); iRoad1++){
00778           MucRec2DRoad *road1 = (*p2DRoad1C)[iRoad1];
00780           // Create a new road object with road0 and road1
00781           if ( !(road0 &&road1) ) {
00782             cout << "Null pointer to road0 or road1:   "
00783               << "road0 = " << road0
00784               << "road1 = " << road1
00785               << endl;
00786             continue;
00787           }
00789           // Check that both 1D roads are in the same part and segment.
00790           if ( (road0->GetPart() != road1->GetPart()) 
00791               || (road0->GetSeg() != road1->GetSeg()) ) {
00792             continue;
00793           }
00795           MucRec3DRoad *road3D = new MucRec3DRoad(road0, road1);
00797           // What are our criteria for accepting a road as valid?
00798           // Check them here.
00799           // 1. difference of total number clusters in road0 and in road1
00800           // 2. difference of last gaps in road0 and road1
00801           // 3. InterSection OK or not (if X Y clusters in each gap are
00802           //                            in same panel or overlap region) 
00803           // 4. Reference position check
00804           // 5. Chisquare check
00805           // 6. Last Gap check
00806           // 7. Duplicate road check
00808           bool lastGapDeltaOK = false;
00809           if ( road3D->GetLastGapDelta() <= kMaxDeltaLastGap ) {
00810             lastGapDeltaOK = true;
00811           }
00812           else {
00813             cout << "LastGapDelta = " << road3D->GetLastGapDelta() << endl;
00814           }
00816           bool totalHitsDeltaOK = false;
00817           if ( road3D->GetTotalHitsDelta() <= kMaxDeltaTotalHits ) {
00818             totalHitsDeltaOK = true;
00819           }
00820           else {
00821             //cout << "TotalHitsDelta = " << road3D->GetTotalHitsDelta() << endl;
00822           }
00824           bool chiSquareCutOK = false;
00825           float xChiSquare = road0->GetReducedChiSquare();
00826           float yChiSquare = road1->GetReducedChiSquare();
00827           if ( xChiSquare <= kMaxXChisq 
00828               && yChiSquare <= kMaxYChisq ) {
00829             chiSquareCutOK = true;
00830           }
00831           else {
00832             cout << "xChiSquare = " << xChiSquare 
00833               << "yChiSquare = " << yChiSquare
00834               << endl;
00835           }
00837           bool minLastGapOK = false;
00838           if ( road3D->GetLastGap() >= kMinLastGap3D ) {
00839             minLastGapOK = true;
00840           }
00841           else {
00842             log<<MSG::INFO << " minLastGap = " << road3D->GetLastGap() << endreq;
00843           }
00845           bool duplicateRoad = false;
00846           int maxSharedHits = 0, sharedHits = 0;
00847           for ( int i = 0; i < (int)p3DRoadC->size(); i++){
00848             sharedHits =(*p3DRoadC)[i]->GetNSharedHits(road3D);
00849             if ( maxSharedHits < sharedHits) maxSharedHits = sharedHits;
00851             //cout<<"judge shared hits:  road["<<i<<"]   max = "<<maxSharedHits<<endl;
00852           }
00853           if(road3D->GetTotalHits() == maxSharedHits
00854               || maxSharedHits >= kMinSharedHits2D ) {
00855             duplicateRoad = true;
00856             log<<MSG::INFO << " MaxShareHits = " << maxSharedHits << endreq;
00857           }
00859           if ( lastGapDeltaOK &&
00860               totalHitsDeltaOK &&
00861               chiSquareCutOK &&
00862               minLastGapOK &&
00863               !duplicateRoad ) {
00864             float vx, vy, x0, y0;
00865             float slope1 = 100, slope0 = 100;
00866             if(fabs(road1->GetSlope())<100) slope1 = road1->GetSlope();
00867             if(fabs(road0->GetSlope())<100) slope0 = road0->GetSlope();
00869             if ( road3D->GetPart() == 1 ){
00870               road3D->TransformPhiRToXY( slope1,     slope0,     
00871                   road1->GetIntercept(), road0->GetIntercept(),
00872                   vx, vy, x0, y0);
00873             }
00874             else {
00875               vx = slope1;
00876               x0 = road1->GetIntercept();
00877               vy = slope0;
00878               y0 = road0->GetIntercept();
00879             }
00880             road3D->SetSimpleFitParams(vx, x0, vy, y0);
00882             log<<MSG::INFO << "Add a 3D Road ... " << endreq;
00884             float startx = 0.0, starty = 0.0, startz = 0.0;
00885             float sigmax = 0.0, sigmay = 0.0, sigmaz = 0.0;
00886             road3D->ProjectWithSigma(0, startx, starty, startz, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz);//gap0
00888             //cout<<"slope1,0 = "<<slope1<<"  "<<slope0<<"  vx,y = "<<vx<<"  "<<vy<<endl;
00889             //cout<<"startxyz= "<<startx<<"  "<<starty<<"  "<<startz<<endl;
00890             //mom(vx,vy,1)
00891             float vz = 1;
00892             float sign = vy/fabs(vy);
00893             float signx = vx/fabs(vx);
00894             //cout<<"vxyz = "<<vx<<" "<<vy<<" "<<vz<<endl;
00895             if(road3D->GetPart() == 1){
00896               if(road3D->GetSeg() > 4){   //down segment
00898                 vx *= -sign;
00899                 vy *= -sign;
00900                 vz *= -sign;
00901               }
00902               else if(road3D->GetSeg()<2){
00903                 vx *= signx;
00904                 vy *= signx;
00905                 vz *= signx;
00906               }
00907               else if(road3D->GetSeg()>=3 && road3D->GetSeg()<=4){
00908                 vx *= -signx;
00909                 vy *= -signx;
00910                 vz *= -signx;
00911               }
00912               else{
00913                 vx *= sign;
00914                 vy *= sign;
00915                 vz *= sign;
00916               }
00917             }
00918             else if(road3D->GetPart() == 0){
00919               //fix me
00921               //cout<<"startxyz= "<<startx<<"  "<<starty<<"  "<<startz<<endl;
00922               //cout<<"vx,y,z = "<<vx<<"  "<<vy<<"  "<<vz<<endl;
00923               //cout<<"in road finder a endcap finded!!! -------------"<<endl;
00924             }
00925             else if(road3D->GetPart() == 2){
00926               //fix me
00928               vx *= -1;
00929               vy *= -1;
00930               vz *= -1;
00931               //cout<<"startxyz= "<<startx<<"  "<<starty<<"  "<<startz<<endl;
00932               //cout<<"vx,y,z = "<<vx<<"  "<<vy<<"  "<<vz<<endl;
00933               //cout<<"in road finder a endcap finded!!! ------------2-"<<endl;
00935             }
00938             Hep3Vector mom(vx, vy, vz);
00941             //MucTrack *aTrack = new MucTrack(road3D);
00942             //cout<<"startxyz = "<<startx<<"  "<<starty<<"  "<<startz<<endl;
00943             //cout<<"vxyz = "<<vx<<"  "<<vy<<"  "<<vz<<endl;
00945             startx /= 10; starty /= 10; startz /= 10;  //mm->cm
00946             startx -= vx/mom.mag(); starty -= vy/mom.mag(); startz -= vz/mom.mag();  // decrease a little  
00948             //cout<<"startxyz = "<<startx<<"  "<<starty<<"  "<<startz<<endl;
00949             RecMucTrack *aTrack = new RecMucTrack();
00950             aTrack->SetExtMucPos(startx, starty, startz);  //mm->cm
00951             aTrack->SetExtMucMomentum(vx, vy, vz); 
00952             aTrack->SetMucPos(startx, starty, startz);
00953             aTrack->SetMucMomentum(vx, vy, vz);
00954             aTrack->SetCurrentPos( startx, starty, startz);
00955             aTrack->SetCurrentDir( vx, vy, vz);
00956             aTrack->SetRecMode(3);
00957             //aTrack->LineFit(1);
00958             //aTrack->ComputeTrackInfo(1);
00960             aTrack->setTrackId(trackId);
00961             aTrack->setId(muctrackId);
00962             trackId++;
00963             muctrackId++;
00965             //cout<<"find a track!!!"<<endl; 
00966             aMucTrackCol->add(aTrack);
00967             TrackFinding(aTrack);
00968             p3DRoadC->add(road3D);
00972             vector<MucRecHit*> attachedHits = aTrack->GetHits();
00973             vector<MucRecHit*> expectedHits = aTrack->GetExpectedHits();
00974             vector<float>      distanceHits = aTrack->getDistHits();
00976             for(int i=0; i< expectedHits.size(); i++)
00977             {
00978               MucRecHit *ihit = expectedHits[i];
00979               //cout<<"expected Hits: "<<ihit->Part()<<"  "<<ihit->Seg()<<"  "<<ihit->Gap()<<"  "<<ihit->Strip()<<endl;
00980             }
00982             vector<int> multiHit;
00983             for(int i=0; i< attachedHits.size(); i++)
00984             {
00985               MucRecHit *ihit = attachedHits[i];
00986               //cout<<"attached Hits: "<<ihit->Part()<<"  "<<ihit->Seg()<<"  "<<ihit->Gap()<<"  "<<ihit->Strip()<<" hitmode: "<<ihit->GetHitMode()<<endl;
00987               //calc multiplicity hits;
00988               int hitnum = 0;
00989               for(int k=0; k < attachedHits.size(); k++){
00990                 MucRecHit *khit = attachedHits[k];
00991                 if((ihit->Part()==khit->Part())&&(ihit->Seg()==khit->Seg())&&(ihit->Gap()==khit->Gap()))
00992                   hitnum++;
00993               }
00994               multiHit.push_back(hitnum);
00995               //cout<<"multi hit: "<<hitnum<<" "<<multiHit[i]<<endl;
00997             }
00999             for(int i=0; i< expectedHits.size(); i++)
01000             { //calc distance between attached hits and expected hits
01002               MucRecHit *ihit = expectedHits[i];
01003               //cout<<"attached Hits: "<<ihit->Part()<<"  "<<ihit->Seg()<<"  "<<ihit->Gap()<<"  "<<ihit->Strip()<<endl;
01005               int diff = -999;
01007               for(int j=0; j< attachedHits.size(); j++){
01008                 MucRecHit *jhit = attachedHits[j];
01010                 //                if(attachedHits.size()!=distanceHits.size())cout<<"attached hits size no same as disthits!!!"<<endl;
01012                 if((jhit->Part()==ihit->Part())&&(jhit->Seg()==ihit->Seg())&&(jhit->Gap()==ihit->Gap())&&attachedHits.size()==distanceHits.size())
01013                 {    // same gap, cale distance
01014                   diff = ihit->Strip() - jhit->Strip();
01015                   //cout<<"diff = "<<diff<<endl;
01017                   if(m_NtOutput>=2){
01019                     m_part = ihit->Part();   m_seg = ihit->Seg();  m_gap = ihit->Gap();
01020                     m_strip = jhit->Strip();
01021                     m_diff = diff;
01022                     m_dist = distanceHits[j];
01023                     //cout<<"distance = "<<m_dist<<endl;
01025                     m_angle_cosmic = -999;
01026                     m_angle_updown = -999;
01027                     //m_px = -999; m_py = -999; m_pz = -999; m_theta = -999; m_phi = -999; m_theta_pipe = -999; m_phi_pipe = -999;
01028                     //m_px_mc = -999; m_py_mc = -999; m_pz_mc = -999; m_theta_mc = -999; m_phi_mc = -999;
01029                     //m_theta_mc_pipe = -999; m_phi_mc_pipe = -999;
01030                     m_ngapwithhits = aTrack->numLayers();
01031                     m_nhit = aTrack->numHits();
01032                     m_maxhit = aTrack->maxHitsInLayer();
01033                     m_multihit = multiHit[j];
01034                     m_run = eventHeader->runNumber();
01035                     m_event = eventHeader->eventNumber();
01037                     m_tuple->write();
01038                   }
01039                 }
01042               }
01046               if(diff == -999) {  // to calc effi of this strip
01047                 if(m_NtOutput>=2){
01048                   m_part = ihit->Part();   m_seg = ihit->Seg();  m_gap = ihit->Gap();
01049                   m_strip = ihit->Strip();
01050                   m_diff = diff;
01051                   m_dist = -999;
01052                   m_angle_updown = -999;
01053                   m_angle_cosmic = -999;
01054                   //m_px = -999; m_py = -999; m_pz = -999; m_theta = -999; m_phi = -999; m_theta_pipe = -999; m_phi_pipe = -999;
01055                   //m_px_mc = -999; m_py_mc = -999; m_pz_mc = -999; m_theta_mc = -999; m_phi_mc = -999;
01056                   //m_theta_mc_pipe = -999; m_phi_mc_pipe = -999;
01057                   m_ngapwithhits = aTrack->numLayers();
01058                   m_run = eventHeader->runNumber();
01059                   m_event = eventHeader->eventNumber();
01060                   //m_tuple->write();
01061                 }
01062               }
01063               //if(diff != -999) cout<< "has hit in this layer"<<endl;
01065             }
01067             /*
01068                m_part = -999;
01069                m_seg  = -999;
01070                m_gap  = -999;
01071                m_strip= -999;
01072                m_diff = -999;
01074                m_angle_updown = -999;
01075                m_angle_cosmic =  cosmicMom.angle(aTrack->getMucMomentum());
01076                if(m_angle_cosmic>1.57) m_angle_cosmic = 3.14159265 - m_angle_cosmic;
01077                m_run = eventHeader->runNumber();
01078                m_event = eventHeader->eventNumber();
01080                double px,py,pz,p,theta,phi;
01081                px = (aTrack->getMucMomentum()).x(); 
01082                py = (aTrack->getMucMomentum()).y();
01083                pz = (aTrack->getMucMomentum()).z();
01085                Hep3Vector rotate(-px,pz,py);
01086                theta = rotate.theta();
01087                phi   = rotate.phi();          
01090                m_px = px; m_py = py; m_pz = pz;
01091                m_theta = theta; m_phi = phi; 
01092                m_theta_pipe = (aTrack->getMucMomentum()).theta();
01093                m_phi_pipe   = (aTrack->getMucMomentum()).phi();
01094             //m_px_mc = -999; m_py_mc = -999; m_pz_mc = -999; m_theta_mc = -999; m_phi_mc = -999;
01095             //m_theta_mc_pipe = -999; m_phi_mc_pipe = -999;
01098              */
01100           } 
01101           else {
01102             //cout << "Delete a 3D Road ... " << endl;
01103             delete road3D;
01104             // don't keep it if it's not a good condidate
01105           }
01106         } // for ( int iRoad1 ...
01107       } // for ( int iRoad0 .. 
01110       //for cosmic ray, to combine 2 track to 1
01111       RecMucTrack *aaTrack = 0;
01112       RecMucTrack *bbTrack = 0;
01114       int hasMucUp = 0;
01115       int hasMucDown = 0;
01116       for(int iTrack = 0; iTrack < (int)aMucTrackCol->size(); iTrack++) {
01117         aaTrack = (*aMucTrackCol)[iTrack];
01118         if((aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).phi()<3.1415926&&(aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).phi()>0) hasMucUp++;
01119         else hasMucDown++;
01122         double px,py,pz,p,theta,phi;
01123         px = (aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).x();
01124         py = (aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).y();
01125         pz = (aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).z();
01127         if(py<0)continue;
01129         if(m_NtOutput>=1){
01131           m_angle_updown = -999;
01132           m_angle_cosmic =  cosmicMom.angle(aaTrack->getMucMomentum());
01133           if(m_angle_cosmic>1.57) m_angle_cosmic = 3.14159265 - m_angle_cosmic;
01134           m_run = eventHeader->runNumber();
01135           m_event = eventHeader->eventNumber();
01137           Hep3Vector rotate(-px,pz,py);
01138           theta = rotate.theta();
01139           phi   = rotate.phi();
01141           m_px = px; m_py = py; m_pz = pz;
01142           m_theta = theta; m_phi = phi;
01143           m_theta_pipe = (aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).theta();
01144           m_phi_pipe   = (aaTrack->getMucMomentum()).phi();
01146           //if(fabs(m_phi_pipe*57.2958-90)>3)cout<<"px,y,z = "<<m_px<<"  "<<m_py<<" "<<m_pz<<endl;
01148           //calc proj point in y=0 plane
01149           Hep3Vector mucPos = aaTrack->getMucPos();
01150           double posx, posy, posz;
01151           posx = mucPos.x(); posy = mucPos.y(); posz = mucPos.z();
01152           //double projx, projz;
01153           m_projx = -999; m_projz = -999;
01154           if(py!=0){
01155             m_projx = posx - px/py*posy;
01156             m_projz = posz - pz/py*posy;
01157           }
01158           //cout<<"projection: "<<projx<<"  "<<projz<<endl;
01159         }  
01161       }
01162       if(m_NtOutput>=1){
01163         m_mucUp = hasMucUp; m_mucDown = hasMucDown;
01164         m_tuple->write();
01165       }
01167       int forCosmic = 0;
01168       if(aMucTrackCol->size()>=2 && forCosmic == 1){
01169         for(int iTrack = 0; iTrack < (int)aMucTrackCol->size(); iTrack++) {
01170           log << MSG::DEBUG << "iTrack " << iTrack << " / " <<(int)aMucTrackCol->size()<<endreq;
01171           aaTrack = (*aMucTrackCol)[iTrack];
01172           if(aaTrack->trackId()>=0) continue;   // this track has been used
01173           aaTrack->setTrackId(iTrack);
01174           //cout<<"atrack set index "<<iTrack<<endl;
01175           for(int jTrack = iTrack+1; jTrack < (int)aMucTrackCol->size(); jTrack++){
01176             bbTrack = (*aMucTrackCol)[jTrack];
01178             Hep3Vector mom_a = aaTrack->getMucMomentum();
01179             Hep3Vector mom_b = bbTrack->getMucMomentum();
01181             //cout<<"angle is : "<<mom_a.angle(mom_b)<<endl;
01182             if(fabs(mom_a.angle(mom_b) - 3.1415926)<0.2)
01183             {
01184               bbTrack->setTrackId(iTrack);
01185               //cout<<"btrack set index "<<iTrack<<endl;
01186               //cout<<"find one cosmic ray"<<endl;
01188               //cout<<"angle = "<<cosmicMom.angle(mom_a)<<"  "<<cosmicMom.angle(mom_b)<<endl;
01190             }
01192             if(m_NtOutput>=1){
01193               m_angle_cosmic = cosmicMom.angle(mom_a);
01194               if(cosmicMom.angle(mom_a)>1.57) m_angle_cosmic = 3.14159265 - cosmicMom.angle(mom_a);
01196               m_angle_updown = fabs(mom_a.angle(mom_b) - 3.1415926);
01197               m_px = -999; m_py = -999; m_pz = -999; m_theta = -999; m_phi = -999; m_theta_pipe = -999; m_phi_pipe = -999;
01198               m_px_mc = -999; m_py_mc = -999; m_pz_mc = -999; m_theta_mc = -999; m_phi_mc = -999;
01199               m_theta_mc_pipe = -999; m_phi_mc_pipe = -999;
01201               //m_tuple->write();
01202             }
01203           }
01205         }
01208       }
01210       if( p3DRoadC->size() !=0 ) {
01211         log<<MSG::INFO << "In 3DRoad container : " 
01212           << "   Num of 3DRoad = "    << p3DRoadC->size() <<endreq;
01214         int print2DRoadInfo = 0;
01215         if (print2DRoadInfo == 1) {
01216           for ( int iRoad = 0; iRoad < (int)p3DRoadC->size(); iRoad++) {
01217             MucRec3DRoad *road = (*p3DRoadC)[iRoad];
01218             cout << endl << "   " << iRoad << "th 3DRoad :" << endl
01219               << "       Part             = " << road->GetPart()    << endl
01220               << "       Seg              = " << road->GetSeg() << endl
01221               << "       NumGapsWithHits  = " << road->GetNGapsWithHits()  << endl
01222               << "       TotalHits        = " << road->GetTotalHits()        << endl
01223               << "       MaxHitsPerGap    = " << road->GetMaxHitsPerGap()    << endl
01224               << "       LastGapDelta     = " << road->GetLastGapDelta()     << endl
01225               << "       TotalHitsDelta   = " << road->GetTotalHitsDelta()   << endl
01226               << "       DegreesOfFreedom = " << road->GetDegreesOfFreedom() << endl 
01227               << "       ReducedChiSquare = " << road->GetReducedChiSquare() << endl
01228               << "       SlopeZX          = " << road->GetSlopeZX()          << endl
01229               << "       InterceptZX      = " << road->GetInterceptZX()      << endl
01230               << "       SlopeZY          = " << road->GetSlopeZY()          << endl
01231               << "       InterceptZY      = " << road->GetInterceptZY()      << endl
01232               << "       Hits Info : "        << endl;
01233             //road->PrintHitsInfo();
01234           }
01235         }
01237         m_NEventReco ++;
01238       }
01240       //delete p3DRoadC
01241       for(int i = 0 ; i < p3DRoadC->size(); i++)
01242         delete (*p3DRoadC)[i];
01243       for(int i = 0 ; i < p2DRoad0C->size(); i++)
01244         delete (*p2DRoad0C)[i];
01245       for(int i = 0 ; i < p2DRoad1C->size(); i++)
01246         delete (*p2DRoad1C)[i];
01248       p3DRoadC->clear();
01249       p2DRoad0C->clear();
01250       p2DRoad1C->clear();
01251       delete p3DRoadC;
01252       delete p2DRoad0C;
01253       delete p2DRoad1C;
01254       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
01255 }

StatusCode MucRecRoadFinder::finalize  ) 

StatusCode MucRecRoadFinder::finalize  ) 

01259 {
01260   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
01261   log << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
01263   //cout << m_NHitsLostTotal << " of " << m_NHitsTotal << " total hits" << endl; 
01264   //for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) cout << "lost " << i << " hits event " << m_NHitsLost[i] << endl;
01265   //for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) cout << "lost on gap " << i << " is " << m_NHitsLostInGap[i] << endl;
01267   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
01268 }

StatusCode MucRecRoadFinder::initialize  ) 

StatusCode MucRecRoadFinder::initialize  ) 

00066 {
00067   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00068   log << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endreq;
00070   m_NHitsTotal = 0;
00071   m_NHitsLostTotal = 0;
00072   for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) m_NHitsLost.push_back(0);
00073   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) m_NHitsLostInGap.push_back(0);
00075   m_NEvent        = 0;
00076   m_NEventWithHit = 0;
00077   m_NEventReco    = 0;
00079   IMucGeomSvc* mucGeomSvc;
00080   StatusCode sc = service("MucGeomSvc", mucGeomSvc);
00081   if (sc ==  StatusCode::SUCCESS) {              
00082     mucGeomSvc->Dump();
00083     //cout<<"1st wire id:"<<mucGeomSvc->Wire(0)->Id()<<endl;
00084     //cout<<"2nd wire lyr id:"<<mucGeomSvc->Wire(1)->Lyr()->Id()<<endl;
00085     //cout<<"6860th wire lyr id:"<<mucGeomSvc->Wire(6859)->Lyr()->Id()<<endl; 
00086   } else {
00087     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00088   }
00090   aMucRecHitContainer = 0;
00092   if(m_NtOutput>=1){ 
00093   NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(), "FILE401/T");
00095   if ( nt1 ) { m_tuple = nt1;}
00096   else { 
00097     //    m_tuple = ntupleSvc()->book ("MyTuples/1", CLID_RowWiseTuple, "MdcTrkRecon N-Tuple");
00098     m_tuple = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE401/T", CLID_RowWiseTuple, "MucTrkRecon N-Tuple");
00099     if ( m_tuple )    {
00100       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("part",  m_part);
00101       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("seg",   m_seg);
00102       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("gap",   m_gap);
00103       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("strip", m_strip);
00104       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("diff",  m_diff);
00105       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("dist",  m_dist);
00106       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("run",   m_run);
00107       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("event", m_event);
00108       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("ngap",  m_ngapwithhits);
00109       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("nhit",  m_nhit);
00110       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("maxhit",  m_maxhit);
00111       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("multihit",m_multihit);
00112       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("angleCosmic",m_angle_cosmic);
00113       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("angleUpdown",m_angle_updown);  
00114       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("px",m_px);
00115       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("py",m_py);
00116       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("pz",m_pz);
00117       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("theta",m_theta);
00118       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("phi",m_phi);
00119       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("theta_pipe",m_theta_pipe);
00120       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("phi_pipe",m_phi_pipe);
00121       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("pxmc",m_px_mc);
00122       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("pymc",m_py_mc);
00123       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("pzmc",m_pz_mc);
00124       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("thetamc",m_theta_mc);
00125       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("phimc",m_phi_mc);
00126       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("thetamc_pipe",m_theta_mc_pipe);
00127       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("phimc_pipe",m_phi_mc_pipe);
00128       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("emcUp",m_emcUp);
00129       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("emcDown",m_emcDown);
00130       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("mucUp",m_mucUp);
00131       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("mucDown",m_mucDown);
00132       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("projx",m_projx);
00133       sc = m_tuple->addItem ("projz",m_projz);
00135     }
00136     else    {   // did not manage to book the N tuple....
00137       log << MSG::ERROR << "    Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple) << endmsg;
00138       //return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00139     }
00140   }
00141   }
00143   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00144 }

void MucRecRoadFinder::TrackFinding RecMucTrack aTrack  ) 

void MucRecRoadFinder::TrackFinding RecMucTrack aTrack  ) 

01272 {
01273   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
01275   Hep3Vector currentPos = aTrack->GetCurrentPos();
01276   Hep3Vector currentDir = aTrack->GetCurrentDir();
01277   //   if(currentPos.mag() < kMinor) {
01278   //     log << MSG::WARNING << "No MUC intersection in track " << endreq;
01279   //     continue;
01280   //   }
01282   int firstHitFound[2] = { 0,  0}; // Has the fist position in this orient determined? if so, could CorrectDirection()
01283   int firstHitGap[2]   = {-1, -1}; // When the fist position in this orient determined, the gap it is on
01284   for(int partSeq = 0; partSeq < (int)MucID::getPartNum(); partSeq++) {
01285     int iPart = kPartSeq[partSeq];
01286     for(int iGap = 0; iGap < (int)MucID::getGapNum(iPart); iGap++) {
01287       int seg = -1;
01288       int orient = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(iPart, 0, iGap)->Orient();;
01290       float xInsct, yInsct, zInsct;
01291       aTrack->Project(iPart, iGap, xInsct, yInsct, zInsct, seg);
01292       if(m_MsOutput) cout<<"part "<<iPart<<" gap "<<iGap<<" x "<<xInsct<<" y "<<yInsct<<" z "<<zInsct<<" seg "<<seg<<endl; 
01294       if(seg == -1) {
01295         //log << MSG::DEBUG << "no intersection with part " << iPart
01296         //  << " gap " << iGap << " in this track !" << endl;
01297         continue;
01298       }
01300       aTrack->SetCurrentInsct(xInsct, yInsct, zInsct);
01302       for(int iDeltaSeg = 0; iDeltaSeg < kNSegSearch; iDeltaSeg++) {
01303         int iSeg = seg + kDeltaSeg[iDeltaSeg];  // also find on neighbor seg;
01304         if(iSeg < 0) iSeg += MucID::getSegNum(iPart);
01305         if(iSeg > (int)MucID::getSegNum(iPart) - 1) iSeg -= MucID::getSegNum(iPart);
01307         float window = kWindowSize[iPart][iGap];
01309         for (int iHit = 0; iHit < aMucRecHitContainer->GetGapHitCount(iPart, iSeg, iGap); iHit++) {
01310           log << MSG::DEBUG << "iSeg " << iSeg << " iHit " << iHit << endreq;
01311           MucRecHit* pHit = aMucRecHitContainer->GetHit(iPart, iSeg, iGap, iHit);
01312           //cout<< "strip " << pHit->Strip() << " center " << pHit->GetCenterPos() << endl;
01314           if (!pHit) {
01315             log << MSG::WARNING << "MucRecTrkExt: null pointer to pHit" << endreq;
01316             continue;
01317           }
01318           else {
01320             //this algo use with ext and this hit has been used before;                   
01321             if(pHit->GetHitMode() != -1 && pHit->GetHitMode() != 3) continue;
01323             // Get the displacement of hit pHit to intersection
01324             float dX  = aTrack->GetHitDistance(pHit);
01325             log << MSG::DEBUG << "distance = " << setw(8) << dX << " size " << setw(4) << window << endreq;
01327             //cout<<"dX= "<<dX<<"  window="<<window<<endl;
01329             if (dX < window) {
01330               // Attach the hit if it exists
01331               //cout << "meet window " << pHit->GetSoftID() << endl;
01332               //****************if this if emc track, we abondon used hit in mdc*******************
01333               //if(m_emcrec == 1 )
01334               if(aTrack->GetRecMode() == 0) {
01335                 pHit->SetHitMode(1); //mdc ext
01336                 aTrack->AttachHit(pHit);
01337                 //cout<<"in MucRecTrkExt: trackmode==0 so mdc ext "<<iPart<<" "<<iSeg<<" "<<iGap<<" "<<iHit<<endl;
01338               }
01339               if(aTrack->GetRecMode() == 1) {
01340                 //cout<<"in MucRecTrkExt: HitMode = "<<pHit->GetHitMode()<<" part:  "<<iPart<<" "<<iSeg<<" "<<iGap<<" "<<iHit<<endl;
01341                 if(pHit->GetHitMode()!=1) {
01342                   aTrack->AttachHit(pHit);  //this hit has not been used by mdc ext
01343                   pHit->SetHitMode(2); //emc ext
01344                 }
01345               }
01346               if(aTrack->GetRecMode() == 2) {
01347                 aTrack->AttachHit(pHit);  //this hit has not been used by mdc ext
01348                 //pHit->SetHitMode(2); //emc ext
01349               }
01350               if(aTrack->GetRecMode() == 3) { 
01351                 if(pHit->GetHitMode()!=1) {     
01352                   aTrack->AttachHit(pHit);  //this hit has not been used by mdc ext
01353                   pHit->SetHitMode(3); //emc ext
01354                 }
01355               }
01357               if (firstHitGap[orient] == -1) firstHitGap[orient] = iGap;
01358               firstHitFound[orient] = 1;
01359               //cout << "You could correct directon in orient " << orient << endl;
01361               //cout<< " part " << iPart << " seg " << iSeg << " gap " << iGap 
01362               //          << " strip " << setw(2) << pHit->Strip() << " attatched" << endl;
01364               log << MSG::DEBUG << " part " << iPart << " seg " << iSeg << " gap " << iGap 
01365                 << " strip " << setw(2) << pHit->Strip() << " attatched" << endreq;
01366               log << MSG::DEBUG << "current total hits " << aTrack->GetTotalHits() << endreq;
01367             }
01368             else {
01369               m_NHitsLostInGap[iGap]++;
01370               //log << MSG::DEBUG cout << " part " << iPart << " seg " << iSeg << " gap " << iGap 
01371               //       << " strip " << setw(2) << pHit->GetSoftID().GetStrip() 
01372               //     << " not attached !" << endreq;
01373             }
01374           }
01375         }
01376         aTrack->CalculateInsct(iPart, iSeg, iGap);
01377       }
01379       if(m_onlyseedfit == 0) {//
01380         // When correct dir in the orient is permitted and this gap is not the gap first hit locates. 
01381         if (firstHitFound[orient] && firstHitGap[orient] != iGap) aTrack->CorrectDir();
01382         aTrack->CorrectPos();
01383         //cout << "Current Intersection " << aTrack->GetCurrentInsct() << endl;
01384         //cout << "Current Direction    " << aTrack->GetCurrentDir() << endl;
01385         aTrack->AttachInsct(aTrack->GetCurrentInsct());
01386       }// else; not correct pos & dir.
01388     }
01389   }
01390   aTrack->LineFit(1);
01391   aTrack->ComputeTrackInfo(1);
01392   log << MSG::INFO << "Fit track done! trackIndex: " << aTrack->trackId() << ", mucId: " << aTrack->id() << ", RecMode: " << aTrack->GetRecMode() << endreq; 
01393   //cout<<" in TrackFinding: depth= "<<aTrack->GetDepth()<<endl;
01394 }

Member Data Documentation

MucRecHitContainer* MucRecRoadFinder::aMucRecHitContainer [private]

MucRecHitContainer* MucRecRoadFinder::aMucRecHitContainer [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_angle_cosmic [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_angle_cosmic [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_angle_updown [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_angle_updown [private]

std::string MucRecRoadFinder::m_configFile [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_diff [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_diff [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_dist [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_dist [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_emcDown [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_emcDown [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_emcUp [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_emcUp [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_event [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_event [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_fittingMethod [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_gap [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_gap [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_maxhit [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_maxhit [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_maxHitsRec [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_mccosmic [private]

bool MucRecRoadFinder::m_MsOutput [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_mucDown [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_mucDown [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_mucUp [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_mucUp [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_multihit [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_multihit [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_NEvent [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_NEventReco [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_NEventWithHit [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_ngapwithhits [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_ngapwithhits [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_nhit [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_nhit [private]

std::vector<int> MucRecRoadFinder::m_NHitsLost [private]

std::vector<int> MucRecRoadFinder::m_NHitsLost [private]

std::vector<int> MucRecRoadFinder::m_NHitsLostInGap [private]

std::vector<int> MucRecRoadFinder::m_NHitsLostInGap [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_NHitsLostTotal [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_NHitsTotal [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_NtOutput [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_onlyseedfit [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_part [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_part [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi_mc_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi_mc_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_phi_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_projx [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_projx [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_projz [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_projz [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_px [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_px [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_px_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_px_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_py [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_py [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_py_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_py_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_pz [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_pz [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_pz_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_pz_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_run [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_run [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_seedtype [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_seg [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_seg [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_strip [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_strip [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta_mc [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta_mc_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta_mc_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta_pipe [private]

NTuple::Item<double> MucRecRoadFinder::m_theta_pipe [private]

NTuple::Tuple* MucRecRoadFinder::m_tuple [private]

NTuple::Tuple* MucRecRoadFinder::m_tuple [private]

int MucRecRoadFinder::m_united [private]

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