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MilleAlign Class Reference

#include <MilleAlign.h>

Inheritance diagram for MilleAlign:

MdcAlign MdcAlign List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void clear ()
void clear ()
bool fillHist (MdcAliEvent *event)
bool fillHist (MdcAliEvent *event)
void initialize (TObjArray *hlist, IMdcGeomSvc *mdcGeomSvc, IMdcCalibFunSvc *mdcFunSvc)
void initialize (TObjArray *hlist, IMdcGeomSvc *mdcGeomSvc, IMdcCalibFunSvc *mdcFunSvc)
 MilleAlign ()
 MilleAlign ()
void setParam (MdcAliParams &param)
void setParam (MdcAliParams &param)
void updateConst (MdcAlignPar *alignPar)
void updateConst (MdcAlignPar *alignPar)
 ~MilleAlign ()
 ~MilleAlign ()

Public Attributes

std::string fixMomLab

Private Member Functions

int getAlignParId (int lay, int iparHit)
int getAlignParId (int lay, int iparHit)
bool getDeriGlo (int iparHit, int iparGB, int lay, int cel, HepVector helix, HepSymMatrix &helixErr, double wpos[], double &deri)
bool getDeriGlo (int iparHit, int iparGB, int lay, int cel, HepVector helix, HepSymMatrix &helixErr, double wpos[], double &deri)
bool getDeriLoc (int ipar, int lay, int cel, HepVector helix, HepSymMatrix &helixErr, double &deri)
bool getDeriLoc (int ipar, int lay, int cel, HepVector helix, HepSymMatrix &helixErr, double &deri)
double moment (double phi0, double tanl)
double moment (double phi0, double tanl)

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > m_derGB
std::vector< double > m_derGB
std::vector< double > m_derLC
std::vector< double > m_derLC
std::vector< double > m_derNonLin
std::vector< double > m_derNonLin
double m_docaCut [LAYERNMAX][2]
bool m_dofs [NDOFALIGN]
double m_dxini [NEP]
double m_dyini [NEP]
std::vector< double > m_error
std::vector< double > m_error
TH1F * m_hddoca
TH1F * m_hddoca
TH1F * m_hddocaLay [LAYERNMAX]
TH1F * m_hddocaLay [LAYERNMAX]
TObjArray * m_hlist
TObjArray * m_hlist
TH1F * m_hresAll
TH1F * m_hresAll
TH1F * m_hresAllRec
TH1F * m_hresAllRec
TH1F * m_hresInn
TH1F * m_hresInn
TH1F * m_hresLay [LAYERNMAX]
TH1F * m_hresLay [LAYERNMAX]
TH1F * m_hresLayRec [LAYERNMAX]
TH1F * m_hresLayRec [LAYERNMAX]
TH1F * m_hresOut
TH1F * m_hresOut
TH1F * m_hresStp
TH1F * m_hresStp
int m_nglo
int m_nGloHit
int m_nloc
int m_npar
double m_p [20][15]
std::vector< double > m_par
std::vector< double > m_par
MdcAliParams m_param
std::vector< double > m_pull
std::vector< double > m_pull
double m_resiCut [LAYERNMAX]
double m_rzini [NEP]
double m_sigm [NDOFALIGN]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MilleAlign::MilleAlign  ) 

00028                       {
00029      for(int lay=0; lay<LAYERNMAX; lay++){
00030           m_resiCut[lay] = 1.5;
00031           if(lay<8){
00032                m_docaCut[lay][0] = 0.5;
00033                m_docaCut[lay][1] = 5.5;
00034           } else{
00035                m_docaCut[lay][0] = 0.5;
00036                m_docaCut[lay][1] = 7.5;
00037           }
00038      }
00039 }

MilleAlign::~MilleAlign  ) 

00041                        {
00042 }

MilleAlign::MilleAlign  ) 

MilleAlign::~MilleAlign  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void MilleAlign::clear  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

void MilleAlign::clear  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

00044                       {
00045      delete m_hresAll;
00046      delete m_hresInn;
00047      delete m_hresStp;
00048      delete m_hresOut;
00049      for(int lay=0; lay<LAYERNMAX; lay++) delete m_hresLay[lay];
00050      delete m_hresAllRec;
00051      for(int lay=0; lay<LAYERNMAX; lay++) delete m_hresLayRec[lay];
00052      delete m_hddoca;
00053      delete m_pMilleAlign;
00054 }

bool MilleAlign::fillHist MdcAliEvent event  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

bool MilleAlign::fillHist MdcAliEvent event  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

00190                                            {
00191      IMessageSvc* msgSvc;
00192      Gaudi::svcLocator() -> service("MessageSvc", msgSvc);
00193      MsgStream log(msgSvc, "MilleAlign");
00194      log << MSG::DEBUG << "MilleAlign::fillTree()" << endreq;
00196      int recFlag;
00197      int itrk;
00198      int ihit;
00199      int fgGetDoca;
00200      int lr;
00201      int lay;
00202      int cel;
00203      double doca;
00204      double dmeas;
00205      double zhit;
00206      double resi;
00207      double resiRec;
00208      double deri;
00209      double hitSigm;
00210      double hitpos[3];
00211      double wpos[7];            // wpos[6] is wire tension
00212      const MdcGeoWire* pWire;
00214      double trkpar[NTRKPAR];
00215      double trkparms[NTRKPARALL];       // track parameters and errors
00217      // numerical derivative
00218      int ipar;
00219      int iparGB;
00221      MdcAliRecTrk* rectrk;
00222      MdcAliRecHit* rechit;
00224      int ntrk = event -> getNTrk();
00225      if( (ntrk<m_param.nTrkCut[0]) || (ntrk>m_param.nTrkCut[1])) return false;
00227      m_mdcCheckUtil = new MdcCheckUtil();
00228      for(itrk=0; itrk<ntrk; itrk++){
00229           rectrk = event->getRecTrk(itrk);
00230           recFlag = rectrk->getStat();
00231 //         if(-1 != recFlag){
00232 //             delete m_mdcCheckUtil;
00233 //             return false;
00234 //         }
00236           trkpar[0] = rectrk -> getDr();
00237           trkpar[1] = rectrk -> getPhi0();
00238           trkpar[2] = rectrk -> getKappa();
00239           trkpar[3] = rectrk -> getDz();
00240           trkpar[4] = rectrk -> getTanLamda();
00242           int nHit = rectrk -> getNHits();
00243           if(nHit < m_param.nHitCut) continue;
00244           if(fabs(trkpar[0]) > m_param.drCut) continue;
00245           if(fabs(trkpar[3]) > m_param.dzCut) continue;
00247           HepVector rechelix = rectrk->getHelix();
00248           HepVector helix = rectrk->getHelix();
00249           HepSymMatrix helixErr = rectrk->getHelixErr();
00251           int nHitUse = 0;
00252           for(ihit=0; ihit<nHit; ihit++){
00253                rechit = rectrk -> getRecHit(ihit);
00254                lr = rechit->getLR();
00255                lay = rechit -> getLayid();
00256                cel = rechit -> getCellid();
00257                pWire = m_mdcGeomSvc -> Wire(lay, cel); 
00258                dmeas = rechit -> getDmeas();
00259                zhit = rechit -> getZhit();
00260                hitSigm = rechit -> getErrDmeas();
00262                wpos[0] = pWire -> Backward().x(); // east end
00263                wpos[1] = pWire -> Backward().y();
00264                wpos[2] = pWire -> Backward().z();
00265                wpos[3] = pWire -> Forward().x(); // west end
00266                wpos[4] = pWire -> Forward().y();
00267                wpos[5] = pWire -> Forward().z();
00268                wpos[6] = pWire -> Tension();
00270                double docaRec = rechit->getDocaInc();
00271                double doca = (m_mdcCheckUtil->doca(lay, cel, helix, helixErr))*10.0;
00273                resi = -1.0*dmeas - doca;
00274                if ((fabs(doca) < m_docaCut[lay][0]) || (fabs(doca) > m_docaCut[lay][1]) || 
00275                    (fabs(resi) > m_resiCut[lay])) continue;
00276                nHitUse++;
00278                resiRec = rechit -> getResiIncLR();
00280                double dd = fabs(doca) - fabs(rechit->getDocaInc());
00281                m_hddoca -> Fill(dd);
00282                m_hddocaLay[lay] -> Fill(dd);
00284                // fill histograms
00285                m_hresAll->Fill(resi);
00286                if(lay < 8) m_hresInn->Fill(resi);
00287                else if(lay < 20) m_hresStp->Fill(resi);
00288                else m_hresOut->Fill(resi);
00289                m_hresLay[lay]->Fill(resi);
00291                m_hresAllRec->Fill(resiRec);
00292                m_hresLayRec[lay]->Fill(resiRec);
00294                // reset the derivatives arrays
00295                m_pMilleAlign -> ZerLoc(&m_derGB[0], &m_derLC[0], &m_derNonLin[0]);
00297                // derivatives of local parameters
00298                for(ipar=0; ipar<m_nloc; ipar++){
00299                     if( ! getDeriLoc(ipar, lay, cel ,rechelix, helixErr, deri) ){
00300                          cout << "getDeriLoc == false!" << setw(12) << itrk << setw(12) << ipar << endl; 
00301                          delete m_mdcCheckUtil;
00302                          return false;
00303                     }
00304                     m_derLC[ipar] = deri;
00305                }
00307                // derivatives of global parameters
00308                // ipar 0 - 5: dx_east, dx_west, dy_east, dy_west, rz_east, rz_west
00309                for(ipar=0; ipar<m_nGloHit; ipar++){
00310                     iparGB = getAlignParId(lay, ipar);
00311                     if( ! getDeriGlo(ipar, iparGB, lay, cel, helix, helixErr, wpos, deri) )
00312                     {
00313                          cout << "getDeriGlo == false!" << setw(12) << itrk << setw(12) << ipar << endl; 
00314                          delete m_mdcCheckUtil;
00315                          return false;
00316                     }
00317                     m_derGB[iparGB] = deri;
00318                }
00319                m_pMilleAlign -> EquLoc(&m_derGB[0], &m_derLC[0], &m_derNonLin[0], resi, hitSigm);
00320           } // loop of nhit
00322           // local fit in Millepede
00323           bool sc = m_pMilleAlign -> FitLoc(m_pMilleAlign->GetTrackNumber(), trkparms, 0);
00324           if(sc) m_pMilleAlign -> SetTrackNumber( m_pMilleAlign->GetTrackNumber()+1 );
00325      } // track loop 
00326      delete m_mdcCheckUtil;
00327      return true;
00328 }

int MilleAlign::getAlignParId int  lay,
int  iparHit

int MilleAlign::getAlignParId int  lay,
int  iparHit

00368                                                  {
00369      int ip;
00370      if(lay < 8) ip = 0;
00371      else if(lay < 10) ip = 1;
00372      else if(lay < 12) ip = 2;
00373      else if(lay < 14) ip = 3;
00374      else if(lay < 16) ip = 4;
00375      else if(lay < 18) ip = 5;
00376      else if(lay < 20) ip = 6;
00377      else ip = 7;
00379      // iparHit 0 - 5: dx_east, dx_west, dy_east, dy_west, rz_east, rz_west
00380      int ipar = iparHit * 8 + ip;
00381      return ipar;
00382 }

bool MilleAlign::getDeriGlo int  iparHit,
int  iparGB,
int  lay,
int  cel,
HepVector  helix,
HepSymMatrix &  helixErr,
double  wpos[],
double &  deri

bool MilleAlign::getDeriGlo int  iparHit,
int  iparGB,
int  lay,
int  cel,
HepVector  helix,
HepSymMatrix &  helixErr,
double  wpos[],
double &  deri

00418                                                                                 {
00419      int i;
00420      double doca;
00421      double xxGB[gNsamGB];
00422      double yyGB[gNsamGB];
00423      double dAlignPar;
00424      double dAlignParini = 0.0;
00425      double startpar = dAlignParini - 0.5*gStepGB[iparGB]*(double)gNsamGB;
00426      double wposSam[7];
00427      for(i=0; i<7; i++) wposSam[i] = wpos[i]; // 0-2:east; 3-5:west
00429      for(i=0; i<gNsamGB; i++){
00430           dAlignPar = startpar + (double)i * gStepGB[iparGB];
00431           xxGB[i] = dAlignPar;
00432           if(0 == iparHit){     // dx_east
00433                wposSam[0] = wpos[0] + dAlignPar;
00434           } else if(1 == iparHit){      // dx_west
00435                wposSam[3] = wpos[3] + dAlignPar;
00436           } else if(2 == iparHit){      // dy_east
00437                wposSam[1] = wpos[1] + dAlignPar;
00438           } else if(3 == iparHit){      // dy_west
00439                wposSam[4] = wpos[4] + dAlignPar;
00440           } else if(4 == iparHit){      // rz_east
00441                wposSam[0] = wpos[0] - (wpos[1] * dAlignPar * 0.001);
00442                wposSam[1] = wpos[1] + (wpos[0] * dAlignPar * 0.001);
00443           } else if(5 == iparHit){      // rz_west
00444                wposSam[3] = wpos[3] - (wpos[4] * dAlignPar * 0.001);
00445                wposSam[4] = wpos[4] + (wpos[3] * dAlignPar * 0.001);
00446           }
00448           HepPoint3D eastP(wposSam[0]/10., wposSam[1]/10., wposSam[2]/10.);
00449           HepPoint3D westP(wposSam[3]/10., wposSam[4]/10., wposSam[5]/10.);
00450           doca = (m_mdcCheckUtil->doca(lay, cel, eastP, westP, helix, helixErr))*10.0; // cm->mm
00452           if(NULL == doca) return false; 
00454           yyGB[i] = doca;
00455      }
00457      TSpline3* pSpline3 = new TSpline3("deri", xxGB, yyGB, gNsamGB);
00458      deri = pSpline3 -> Derivative(dAlignParini);
00459      delete pSpline3;
00460      return true;
00461 }

bool MilleAlign::getDeriLoc int  ipar,
int  lay,
int  cel,
HepVector  helix,
HepSymMatrix &  helixErr,
double &  deri

bool MilleAlign::getDeriLoc int  ipar,
int  lay,
int  cel,
HepVector  helix,
HepSymMatrix &  helixErr,
double &  deri

00384                                                                                                                {
00385      int i;
00386      double doca;
00387      HepVector sampar(NTRKPAR, 0);
00388      double xxLC[gNsamLC];
00389      double yyLC[gNsamLC];
00391      for(i=0; i<m_nloc; i++) sampar[i] = rechelix[i];
00392      double startpar = rechelix[ipar] - 0.5*gStepLC[ipar]*(double)gNsamLC;
00394      for(i=0; i<gNsamLC; i++){
00395           sampar[ipar] = startpar + (double)i * gStepLC[ipar];
00396           xxLC[i] = sampar[ipar];
00397           if(0==ipar || 3==ipar) xxLC[i] *= 10.;        // cm -> mm
00399           HepVector helix = sampar;
00400           m_mdcCheckUtil->setPassCellRequired(false);
00401           doca = (m_mdcCheckUtil->doca(lay, cel, helix, helixErr))*10.0;
00403           if(NULL == doca){
00404 //           cout << "in getDeriLoc, doca = " << doca << endl;
00405                return false;
00406           }
00407           yyLC[i] = doca;
00408      }
00410      if (0==ipar || 3==ipar) rechelix[ipar] *= 10.; // cm -> mm
00411      TSpline3* pSpline3 = new TSpline3("deri", xxLC, yyLC, gNsamLC);
00412      deri = pSpline3->Derivative(rechelix[ipar]);
00413      delete pSpline3;
00414      return true;
00415 }

void MilleAlign::initialize TObjArray *  hlist,
IMdcGeomSvc mdcGeomSvc,
IMdcCalibFunSvc mdcFunSvc

Implements MdcAlign.

void MilleAlign::initialize TObjArray *  hlist,
IMdcGeomSvc mdcGeomSvc,
IMdcCalibFunSvc mdcFunSvc

Implements MdcAlign.

00057                                                        {
00058      IMessageSvc* msgSvc;
00059      Gaudi::svcLocator() -> service("MessageSvc", msgSvc);
00060      MsgStream log(msgSvc, "MilleAlign");
00061      log << MSG::INFO << "MilleAlign::initialize()" << endreq;
00063      m_hlist = hlist;
00064      m_mdcGeomSvc = mdcGeomSvc;
00065      m_mdcFunSvc = mdcFunSvc;
00067      // initialize hitograms
00068      m_hresAll = new TH1F("HResAllInc", "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00069      m_hlist->Add(m_hresAll);
00071      m_hresInn = new TH1F("HResInnInc", "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00072      m_hlist->Add(m_hresInn);
00074      m_hresStp = new TH1F("HResStpInc", "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00075      m_hlist->Add(m_hresStp);
00077      m_hresOut = new TH1F("HResOutInc", "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00078      m_hlist->Add(m_hresOut);
00080      char hname[200];
00081      for(int lay=0; lay<LAYERNMAX; lay++){
00082           sprintf(hname, "Res_Layer%02d", lay);
00083           m_hresLay[lay] = new TH1F(hname, "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00084           m_hlist->Add(m_hresLay[lay]);
00085      }
00087      m_hresAllRec = new TH1F("HResAllRecInc", "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00088      m_hlist->Add(m_hresAllRec);
00089      for(int lay=0; lay<LAYERNMAX; lay++){
00090           sprintf(hname, "Res_LayerRec%02d", lay);
00091           m_hresLayRec[lay] = new TH1F(hname, "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00092           m_hlist->Add(m_hresLayRec[lay]);
00093      }
00095      // for debug
00096      m_hddoca = new TH1F("delt_doca", "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00097      m_hlist->Add(m_hddoca);
00099      for(int lay=0; lay<LAYERNMAX; lay++){
00100           sprintf(hname, "delt_docaLay%02d", lay);
00101           m_hddocaLay[lay] = new TH1F(hname, "", 200, -1.0, 1.0);
00102           m_hlist->Add(m_hddocaLay[lay]);
00103      }
00105      // initialize millepede
00106      m_nglo = NEP;
00107      m_nloc = NTRKPAR;
00108      m_nGloHit = 2 * NDOFALIGN;
00109      m_npar = NDOFALIGN * m_nglo;
00111      int i;
00112      for(i=0; i<NDOFALIGN; i++){
00113           m_dofs[i] = g_dofs[i];
00114           m_sigm[i] = g_Sigm[i];
00115      }
00117      m_pMilleAlign = new Millepede();
00118      m_pMilleAlign -> InitMille(&m_dofs[0], &m_sigm[0], m_nglo, m_nloc,
00119                                 g_start_chi_cut, 3, g_res_cut, g_res_cut_init);
00121      m_derGB.resize(m_npar);
00122      m_derNonLin.resize(m_npar);
00123      m_par.resize(m_npar);
00124      m_error.resize(m_npar);
00125      m_pull.resize(m_npar);
00127      m_derLC.resize(m_nloc);
00129      // contraints
00130      std::vector<double> constTX;
00131      std::vector<double> constTY;
00132      std::vector<double> constRZ;
00134      std::vector<double> constTXE;
00135      std::vector<double> constTXW;
00136      std::vector<double> constTYE;
00137      std::vector<double> constTYW;
00138      std::vector<double> constRZE;
00139      std::vector<double> constRZW;
00141      constTX.resize(m_npar);
00142      constTY.resize(m_npar);
00143      constRZ.resize(m_npar);
00145      constTXE.resize(m_npar);
00146      constTXW.resize(m_npar);
00147      constTYE.resize(m_npar);
00148      constTYW.resize(m_npar);
00149      constRZE.resize(m_npar);
00150      constRZW.resize(m_npar);
00152      for(i=0; i<m_npar; i++){
00153           constTX[i] = 0.0;
00154           constTY[i] = 0.0;
00155           constRZ[i] = 0.0;
00157           constTXE[i] = 0.0;
00158           constTXW[i] = 0.0;
00159           constTYE[i] = 0.0;
00160           constTYW[i] = 0.0;
00161           constRZE[i] = 0.0;
00162           constRZW[i] = 0.0;
00163      }
00164      constTX[7] = 1.0;
00165      constTX[15] = 1.0;
00166      constTY[23] = 1.0;
00167      constTY[31] = 1.0;
00168      constRZ[39] = 1.0;
00169      constRZ[47] = 1.0;
00171      constTXE[7] = 1.0;
00172      constTXW[15] = 1.0;
00173      constTYE[23] = 1.0;
00174      constTYW[31] = 1.0;
00175      constRZE[39] = 1.0;
00176      constRZW[47] = 1.0;
00178      //m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constTX[0], 0.0);
00179      //m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constTY[0], 0.0);
00180 //      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constRZ[0], 0.0);
00182      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constTXE[0], 0.0);
00183      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constTXW[0], 0.0);
00184      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constTYE[0], 0.0);
00185      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constTYW[0], 0.0);
00186      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constRZE[0], 0.0);
00187      m_pMilleAlign -> ConstF(&constRZW[0], 0.0);
00188 }

double MilleAlign::moment double  phi0,
double  tanl

double MilleAlign::moment double  phi0,
double  tanl

void MilleAlign::setParam MdcAliParams param  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

void MilleAlign::setParam MdcAliParams param  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

00082                                                    {
00083      MdcAlign::setParam(param);
00084      m_param = param;
00085 }

void MilleAlign::updateConst MdcAlignPar alignPar  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

void MilleAlign::updateConst MdcAlignPar alignPar  )  [virtual]

Implements MdcAlign.

00331                                                  {
00332      IMessageSvc* msgSvc;
00333      Gaudi::svcLocator() -> service("MessageSvc", msgSvc);
00334      MsgStream log(msgSvc, "MilleAlign");
00335      log << MSG::INFO << "MilleAlign::updateConst()" << endreq;
00337      m_pMilleAlign -> MakeGlobalFit(&m_par[0], &m_error[0], &m_pull[0]);
00339      int iEP;
00340      int ipar;
00341      double val;
00342      double err;
00343      for(int i=0; i<NDOFALIGN; i++){
00344           for(iEP=0; iEP<NEP; iEP++){
00345                ipar = i * NEP + iEP;
00346                if(m_dofs[i]){
00347                     val = m_par[ipar];
00348                     err = m_error[ipar];
00349                } else{
00350                     val = 0.0;
00351                     err = 0.0;
00352                }
00354                if(0 == i){
00355                     alignPar->setDelDx(iEP, val);
00356                     alignPar->setErrDx(iEP, err);
00357                } else if(1 == i){
00358                     alignPar->setDelDy(iEP, val);
00359                     alignPar->setErrDy(iEP, err);
00360                } else if(2 == i){
00361                     alignPar->setDelRz(iEP, val/1000.0); // mrad -> rad
00362                     alignPar->setErrRz(iEP, err/1000.0); // mrad -> rad
00363                }
00364           }
00365      }
00366 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string MilleAlign::fixMomLab

Reimplemented from MdcAlign.

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_derGB [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_derGB [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_derLC [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_derLC [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_derNonLin [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_derNonLin [private]

double MilleAlign::m_docaCut [private]

bool MilleAlign::m_dofs [private]

double MilleAlign::m_dxini [private]

double MilleAlign::m_dyini [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_error [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_error [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hddoca [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hddoca [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hddocaLay[LAYERNMAX] [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hddocaLay[LAYERNMAX] [private]

TObjArray* MilleAlign::m_hlist [private]

TObjArray* MilleAlign::m_hlist [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresAll [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresAll [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresAllRec [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresAllRec [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresInn [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresInn [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresLay[LAYERNMAX] [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresLay[LAYERNMAX] [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresLayRec[LAYERNMAX] [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresLayRec[LAYERNMAX] [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresOut [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresOut [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresStp [private]

TH1F* MilleAlign::m_hresStp [private]

MdcCheckUtil* MilleAlign::m_mdcCheckUtil [private]

MdcCheckUtil* MilleAlign::m_mdcCheckUtil [private]

IMdcCalibFunSvc* MilleAlign::m_mdcFunSvc [private]

IMdcCalibFunSvc* MilleAlign::m_mdcFunSvc [private]

IMdcGeomSvc* MilleAlign::m_mdcGeomSvc [private]

IMdcGeomSvc* MilleAlign::m_mdcGeomSvc [private]

int MilleAlign::m_nglo [private]

int MilleAlign::m_nGloHit [private]

int MilleAlign::m_nloc [private]

int MilleAlign::m_npar [private]

double MilleAlign::m_p [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_par [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_par [private]

MdcAliParams MilleAlign::m_param [private]

Reimplemented from MdcAlign.

Millepede* MilleAlign::m_pMilleAlign [private]

Millepede* MilleAlign::m_pMilleAlign [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_pull [private]

std::vector<double> MilleAlign::m_pull [private]

double MilleAlign::m_resiCut [private]

double MilleAlign::m_rzini [private]

double MilleAlign::m_sigm [private]

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Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:32:06 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen