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MdcTunningSvc Class Reference

#include <MdcTunningSvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for MdcTunningSvc:

IMdcTunningSvc IMdcTunningSvc List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double Delcostta (int layerId, double costta)
double Delcostta (int layerId, double costta)
double DeldriftD (int layerId, double driftD)
double DeldriftD (int layerId, double driftD)
double DelEtr_Sig (int lay, double enterA, int ilr, double driftD)
double DelEtr_Sig (int lay, double enterA, int ilr, double driftD)
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
double get_cellEff (int i, int j)
double get_cellEff (int i, int j)
double get_docaEff (int i, int j)
double get_docaEff (int i, int j)
double get_thetaEff (int i, int j)
double get_thetaEff (int i, int j)
double GetEff (int layerId, int cellId, double driftD, double cosTheta, int posFlag)
double GetEff (int layerId, int cellId, double driftD, double cosTheta, int posFlag)
BesMdcResgetMdcRes ()
BesMdcResgetMdcRes ()
StatusCode getMdcTuningTableInfo ()
StatusCode getMdcTuningTableInfo ()
double GetRes (int layerId, int cellId, double driftD, double cosTheta, int posFlag, double entranceAngle, double &mean, double &sigma)
double GetRes (int layerId, int cellId, double driftD, double cosTheta, int posFlag, double entranceAngle, double &mean, double &sigma)
double GetRes2 (int layerId, int cellId, double driftD, double cosTheta, int posFlag, double entranceAngle, double &f, double &mean1, double &sigma1, double &mean2, double &sigma2)
double GetRes2 (int layerId, int cellId, double driftD, double cosTheta, int posFlag, double entranceAngle, double &f, double &mean1, double &sigma1, double &mean2, double &sigma2)
void handle (const Incident &)
void handle (const Incident &)
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
bool initTuningConst ()
bool initTuningConst ()
 MdcTunningSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svcloc)
 MdcTunningSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svcloc)
double NewSig (int layerId, double driftD)
double NewSig (int layerId, double driftD)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvUnknown)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvUnknown)
double ResvEntr (int layerId, double enterA, int ilr, double driftD)
double ResvEntr (int layerId, double enterA, int ilr, double driftD)
bool setMcEff (std::string eff_con)
bool setMcEff (std::string eff_con)
bool setMcRes ()
bool setMcRes ()
bool setMcRes2 ()
bool setMcRes2 ()
void setMdcRes (std::string path)
void setMdcRes (std::string path)
 ~MdcTunningSvc ()
 ~MdcTunningSvc ()

Static Public Member Functions

const InterfaceID & interfaceID ()
const InterfaceID & interfaceID ()

Private Attributes

double cellEff [43][288]
double cellEff_2 [43][288]
int cellNo [43]
std::string dbName
double dD [18]
double docaEff [43][docaNo]
double docaEff_2 [43][docaNo]
double docaF [43][docaNo][2]
double docaF_2 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaMean1 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaMean1_2 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaMean2 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaMean2_2 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaRes [43][docaNo][2][2]
double docaRes_2 [43][docaNo][2][2]
double docaSigma1 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaSigma1_2 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaSigma2 [43][docaNo][2]
double docaSigma2_2 [43][docaNo][2]
std::string host
bool m_dbFlag
std::string m_effFile
std::string m_effFile_endcap
int m_EndcapTuning
IDataProviderSvc * m_eventSvc
IDataProviderSvc * m_eventSvc
bool m_fromDB
std::string m_path
std::string m_resFile
std::string m_resFile_endcap
std::string password
unsigned int serialNo
std::string table
double thetaEff [43][thetaNo]
double thetaEff_2 [43][thetaNo]
std::string userName

Static Private Attributes

const int docaNo = 60
const int thetaNo = 40

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MdcTunningSvc::MdcTunningSvc const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svcloc

00028                                                                      :
00029   Service (name, svcloc){
00030     m_BesMdcRes=0; 
00031     // declare properties
00032     declareProperty("UseDatabase",m_dbFlag=false);
00033     declareProperty("UseEndcapTuning",m_EndcapTuning=1); // 0:no endcap Tuning , 1: using endcap Tuning
00034     declareProperty("EffFile", m_effFile= std::string("no path"));
00035     declareProperty("ResFile", m_resFile= std::string("no path"));
00036     declareProperty("EffFile_endcap", m_effFile_endcap= std::string("no path"));
00037     declareProperty("ResFile_endcap", m_resFile_endcap= std::string("no path"));
00038     declareProperty("path_mdc", m_path= std::string("no path"));
00039     declareProperty("Host" , host = std::string(""));
00040     declareProperty("DbName" , dbName = std::string("offlinedb"));
00041     declareProperty("UserName" , userName = std::string("guest"));
00042     declareProperty("Password" , password = std::string("guestpass"));
00043     declareProperty("SerialNo" , serialNo = 0);
00044     declareProperty("fromDB", m_fromDB= false);
00046     int no[43]={40,44,48,56,64,72,80,80,76,76,88,88,100,100,112,112,128,128,140,140,160,160,160,160,176,176,176,176,208,208,208,208,240,240,240,240,256,256,256,256,288,288,288};
00047     for(int i=0;i<43;i++){
00048       cellNo[i]=no[i];
00049     }
00050   }

MdcTunningSvc::~MdcTunningSvc  ) 

00052                              {
00053   if(m_BesMdcRes) delete m_BesMdcRes;
00054 }

MdcTunningSvc::MdcTunningSvc const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svcloc

MdcTunningSvc::~MdcTunningSvc  ) 

Member Function Documentation

double MdcTunningSvc::Delcostta int  layerId,
double  costta

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::Delcostta int  layerId,
double  costta

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00350                                                         {
00351   int binTa = 0;
00352   int maxTa = 15;
00353   double minCos   = -0.8 ;
00354   double minCos2  = -0.7 ;
00355   double maxCos   =  0.8 ;
00357   for(int ii = 0; ii <16; ii++){
00358     if((costta<minCos)||(costta>maxCos)){
00359       binTa = maxTa;
00360     }else if((costta>=(minCos + ii*0.1))&&(costta<(minCos2 + ii*0.1))){
00361       binTa = ii;
00362     }
00363   }
00365   double  y0D = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_theta(layerId ,binTa));
00366   double  y1D = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_theta(layerId ,binTa+1));
00367   double  y0M = (m_BesMdcRes -> getM_theta(layerId,binTa));
00368   double  y1M = (m_BesMdcRes -> getM_theta(layerId,binTa+1));
00370   double yD[16],yM[16],Del[16];
00371   for(int ll =0;ll<16;ll++){
00372     yD[ll]  = y0D + (y1D - y0D)/0.1*(costta - (minCos + ll*0.1));
00373     yM[ll]  = y0M + (y1M - y0D)/0.1*(costta - (minCos + ll*0.1));
00374     Del[ll] = yD[ll] - yM[ll] ;
00375   } 
00377   double delTha = 0;
00379   if((binTa>=0)&&(binTa<=5)){
00380     delTha = Del[binTa] * 0.118 ;
00381   }else if((binTa>5)&&(binTa<=10)){
00382     delTha = Del[binTa] * 0.518 ;
00383   }else if((binTa>10)&&(binTa<=15)){
00384     delTha = Del[binTa] * 0.218 ;
00385   }
00387   return delTha ;
00389 }

double MdcTunningSvc::DeldriftD int  layerId,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::DeldriftD int  layerId,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00314                                                         {
00315   int bindD = 0;
00316   int maxbin =8 ;
00317   double mindD = 0.0 ;
00318   double maxdD = 9.0 ;
00320   for(int jj =0;jj<9;jj++){
00321     if((driftD<mindD)||(driftD>maxdD)){
00322       bindD = maxbin;
00323     }else if((driftD>=jj)&&(driftD<(jj+1))){
00324       bindD = jj ;
00325     }
00326   }
00327   double y0D  = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_dD(layerId ,bindD)) ;
00328   double y1D  = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_dD(layerId, bindD+1)) ;
00329   double yD   = y0D + (y1D-y0D)*(driftD - bindD);  // calculate the data 
00330   double y0M  = (m_BesMdcRes -> getM_dD(layerId ,bindD)) ;
00331   double y1M  = (m_BesMdcRes -> getM_dD(layerId ,bindD+1));
00332   double yM   = y0M + (y1M-y0M)*(driftD - bindD);   // calculate the mc data
00333   double dely = yD - yM ;
00336   /*if((bindD>=1)&&(bindD<=4)){
00337   // cout<<"layerId :"<<layerId<<" dritfD :"<<driftD<<" dely*0.618:"<<dely*0.618<<endl;
00338   return dely*0.618 ;
00339   }else if((bindD>=5)&&(bindD<7)||(bindD ==8)){
00340   // cout<<"layerId :"<<layerId<<" dritfD :"<<driftD<<" dely*0.418:"<<dely*0.418<<endl; 
00341   return dely*0.418 ;
00342   }else { 
00343   // cout<<"layerId :"<<layerId<<" dritfD :"<<driftD<<" dely:"<<dely<<endl;
00344   return dely;
00345   }*/
00346   return dely;
00348 }

double MdcTunningSvc::DelEtr_Sig int  lay,
double  enterA,
int  ilr,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::DelEtr_Sig int  lay,
double  enterA,
int  ilr,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00565                                                                            {
00566   int bindD = 0;
00567   int maxbin =17;
00568   int iEntr =0;
00569   int ll = -1;
00570   double mindD = -9.;
00571   double maxdD =9.0;
00572   double delsigE =0;
00574   if(enterA < 0){
00575     iEntr = 0;
00576   }else {iEntr = 1;}
00578   if(ilr == 0 ){
00579     driftD = -1.*driftD;
00580   }else{ driftD = driftD ;}
00582   if( (driftD < mindD) ||  (driftD > maxdD) ){
00583     bindD = maxbin;
00584   }else {
00585     for(double dd =-9.; dd<9.;dd++){
00586       ll++;
00587       if( (driftD>=dd ) && (driftD < (dd+1.)) ){
00588         bindD = ll;
00589         dD[bindD] = dd;
00590       }
00591     }
00592   }
00594   double  y0D = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_iEntr(lay,iEntr,bindD)  );
00595   double  y1D = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_iEntr(lay,iEntr,bindD+1) );  
00596   double  yD  = y0D + (y1D-y0D)*(driftD - dD[bindD]);  // calculate the data
00597   double  y0M = (m_BesMdcRes -> getM_iEntr(lay,iEntr,bindD) );
00598   double  y1M = (m_BesMdcRes -> getM_iEntr(lay,iEntr,bindD+1));
00599   double  yM  = y0M + (y1M-y0M)*(driftD - dD[bindD]);   // calculate the mc data
00600   double   dely = yD - yM ;
00602  //cout<<"Svc lay:"<<lay<<" iEntr :"<<iEntr<<" bindD :"<<bindD
00603  //    <<" dD["<<bindD<<"] : "<<dD[bindD]
00604  //   <<" y0D : "<<y0D<<" y1D : "<<y1D<<" yD :"<<yD
00605  //   <<" y0M : "<<y0M<<" y1M : "<<y1M<<" yM :"<<yM<<" dely : "<<dely<<endl;
00607   return dely;
00609 }

virtual StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::finalize  )  [virtual]

StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::finalize  )  [virtual]

00107                                   {
00108   MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00109   log << MSG::INFO << "MdcTunningSvc::finalize()" << endreq;
00110   mysql_close(conn);
00111   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00112 }

double MdcTunningSvc::get_cellEff int  i,
int  j
[inline, virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00047 {return cellEff[i][j];}

double MdcTunningSvc::get_cellEff int  i,
int  j
[inline, virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00047 {return cellEff[i][j];}

double MdcTunningSvc::get_docaEff int  i,
int  j
[inline, virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00045 { return docaEff[i][j];};

double MdcTunningSvc::get_docaEff int  i,
int  j
[inline, virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00045 { return docaEff[i][j];};

double MdcTunningSvc::get_thetaEff int  i,
int  j
[inline, virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00046 { return thetaEff[i][j];}; 

double MdcTunningSvc::get_thetaEff int  i,
int  j
[inline, virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00046 { return thetaEff[i][j];}; 

double MdcTunningSvc::GetEff int  layerId,
int  cellId,
double  driftD,
double  cosTheta,
int  posFlag

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::GetEff int  layerId,
int  cellId,
double  driftD,
double  cosTheta,
int  posFlag

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00391                                                                                             {
00392   driftD=fabs(driftD);
00393   if(driftD>12){
00394     //std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc: driftD overflow "<<driftD<<std::endl;
00395     driftD=12;
00396   }
00397   if(posFlag==0)driftD *= -1;
00399   if(layerId<0 || layerId>42)std::cout<<" MdcTuningSvc:wrong LayerId "<<layerId<<std::endl;
00400   if(cellId<0 || cellId>=cellNo[layerId])std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc:wrong cellId "<<cellId<<std::endl;
00402   if(fabs(cosTheta)>1){
00403     std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc:wrong coseTheta "<<cosTheta<<std::endl; 
00404     cosTheta=1;
00405   }
00406   double eff;
00407   int thetaBin=(int)floor((cosTheta+1)*thetaNo/2.);
00408   //debug
00409   //  std::cout<<"cosTheta "<<cosTheta<<" caled "<<(cosTheta+1)*thetaNo/2.<<" floor "<<thetaBin<<std::endl;
00410   int docaBin=(int)floor((driftD+12)*docaNo/24.);
00411   if(m_EndcapTuning==0)
00412        eff = docaEff[layerId][docaBin] * thetaEff[layerId][thetaBin] * cellEff[layerId][cellId];
00413   else { 
00414        if(fabs(cosTheta)<=0.83) 
00415             eff = docaEff[layerId][docaBin] * thetaEff[layerId][thetaBin] * cellEff[layerId][cellId];
00416        else   
00417             eff = docaEff_2[layerId][docaBin] * thetaEff_2[layerId][thetaBin] * cellEff_2[layerId][cellId];
00419       }
00420   //debug
00421   //std::cout<<"tuning svc doca "<<docaBin<<" theta "<<thetaBin<<" eff "<<eff<<std::endl;
00423   return eff;
00424 }

BesMdcRes* MdcTunningSvc::getMdcRes  )  [virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

BesMdcRes * MdcTunningSvc::getMdcRes  )  [virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00282                                    {
00283   return m_BesMdcRes;
00284 }

StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::getMdcTuningTableInfo  ) 

StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::getMdcTuningTableInfo  ) 

00610                                                {
00611    MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00612    SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(m_eventSvc,"/Event/EventHeader");
00613    int run=eventHeader->runNumber();
00614    std::cout<<"run ="<< run<<std::endl;
00615    run = fabs(run);
00616    unsigned long *lengths;
00617    MYSQL_RES *res_set;
00618    MYSQL_ROW row;
00619    int j=0;
00620    int cnt=0;
00621    for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
00622            char stmt1[200];
00623            cnt = i;
00624            int run1 = run+i;
00625            sprintf(stmt1,"select MdcRes,MdcEff,dEdxTuning from MdcTuning where RunFrom <= %d and RunTo >= %d ",run1,run1); 
00626            std::cout<<"stmt1:"<<stmt1<<std::endl;
00627            int aaa = -1;
00628            aaa = mysql_real_query(conn, stmt1, strlen(stmt1));
00629            std::cout<<" mysql_real_query: "<<aaa<<std::endl;
00630            if(aaa){
00631 //         if(mysql_real_query(conn, stmt1, strlen(stmt1))) {
00632                    fprintf(stderr, "query error\n");
00633                    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00634            }
00635            res_set = mysql_store_result (conn);
00636            row = mysql_fetch_row(res_set);
00637            int row_no = mysql_num_rows(res_set);
00638            std::cout<<"row_no="<<row_no<<std::endl;
00639            if (row_no) {
00640                    j=1;
00641                    break;  
00642            }
00643            int run2 = run-i;
00644            char stmt2[200];
00645            sprintf(stmt2,"select MdcRes,MdcEff.dEdxTuning from MdcTuning where RunFrom <= %d and RunTo >= %d ",run2,run2);
00646            mysql_real_query(conn, stmt2, strlen(stmt2));
00647            res_set = mysql_store_result (conn);
00648            row = mysql_fetch_row(res_set);
00649            row_no = mysql_num_rows(res_set);
00650            std::cout<<"row_no="<<row_no<<std::endl;
00651            if (row_no) {
00652                    j=-1; 
00653                    break;
00654            }
00655    }
00656    if(cnt!=0&&cnt!=1000) {
00657            log << MSG::INFO << "get MDC tuning data form run " <<run+cnt*j<<" instread of run"<< run<< endreq;
00658            std::cout<<"get MDC tuning data form run " <<run+cnt*j<<" instread of run"<< run<<std::endl;
00659    } 
00660    std::cout<<"cnt ="<<cnt<<std::endl;
00661    if(cnt==1000){
00662            log << MSG::ERROR << "can not read Data from DB"<< endreq;
00663            mysql_close(conn);
00664            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00665    }  
00666    mysql_field_seek (res_set, 0);
00668    lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res_set);
00669  //  string fff = std::string(row[0]);
00670 //   m_BesMdcRes->setMdcRes(fff);
00671    string ggg = std::string(row[1]);
00672    bool st = setMcEff(ggg);
00673    if(!st) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00674    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00675 }

double MdcTunningSvc::GetRes int  layerId,
int  cellId,
double  driftD,
double  cosTheta,
int  posFlag,
double  entranceAngle,
double &  mean,
double &  sigma

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::GetRes int  layerId,
int  cellId,
double  driftD,
double  cosTheta,
int  posFlag,
double  entranceAngle,
double &  mean,
double &  sigma

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00426                                                                                                                                             {
00427   driftD=fabs(driftD);
00428   if(driftD>12){
00429     //std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc: driftD overflow "<<driftD<<std::endl;
00430     driftD=12;
00431   }
00432   if(posFlag==0)driftD *= -1;
00434   if(layerId<0 || layerId>42)std::cout<<" MdcTuningSvc:wrong LayerId "<<layerId<<std::endl;
00435   if(cellId<0 || cellId>=cellNo[layerId])std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc:wrong cellId "<<cellId<<std::endl;
00437   if(fabs(cosTheta)>1){
00438     std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc:wrong cosTheta "<<cosTheta<<std::endl; 
00439     cosTheta=1;
00440   }
00442   int thetaBin=(int)floor((cosTheta+1)*thetaNo/2.);
00443   //debug
00444   //  std::cout<<"cosTheta "<<cosTheta<<" caled "<<(cosTheta+1)*thetaNo/2.<<" floor "<<thetaBin<<std::endl;
00445   int docaBin=(int)floor((driftD+12)*docaNo/24.);
00446   if(entranceAngle<0){
00447     mean=docaRes[layerId][docaBin][0][0];
00448     sigma=docaRes[layerId][docaBin][0][1];
00449   }else{
00450     mean=docaRes[layerId][docaBin][1][0];
00451     sigma=docaRes[layerId][docaBin][1][1];
00452   }
00454   //debug
00455   //std::cout<<"tuning svc layer "<<layerId<<" driftD "<<driftD<<" posFlag "<<posFlag<<" doca "<<docaBin<<" theta "<<thetaBin<<" angle "<<entranceAngle<<" mean "<<mean<<" sigma "<<sigma<<std::endl;
00457   return 1;
00458 }

double MdcTunningSvc::GetRes2 int  layerId,
int  cellId,
double  driftD,
double  cosTheta,
int  posFlag,
double  entranceAngle,
double &  f,
double &  mean1,
double &  sigma1,
double &  mean2,
double &  sigma2

double MdcTunningSvc::GetRes2 int  layerId,
int  cellId,
double  driftD,
double  cosTheta,
int  posFlag,
double  entranceAngle,
double &  f,
double &  mean1,
double &  sigma1,
double &  mean2,
double &  sigma2

00460                                                                                                                                                                                       {
00461   driftD=fabs(driftD);
00462   if(driftD>12){
00463     //std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc: driftD overflow "<<driftD<<std::endl;
00464     driftD=12;
00465   }
00466   if(posFlag==0)driftD *= -1;
00468   if(layerId<0 || layerId>42)std::cout<<" MdcTuningSvc:wrong LayerId "<<layerId<<std::endl;
00469   if(cellId<0 || cellId>=cellNo[layerId])std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc:wrong cellId "<<cellId<<std::endl;
00471   if(fabs(cosTheta)>1){
00472     std::cout<<"MdcTuningSvc:wrong cosTheta "<<cosTheta<<std::endl; 
00473     cosTheta=1;
00474   }
00476   int thetaBin=(int)floor((cosTheta+1)*thetaNo/2.);
00477   //debug
00478   //  std::cout<<"cosTheta "<<cosTheta<<" caled "<<(cosTheta+1)*thetaNo/2.<<" floor "<<thetaBin<<std::endl;
00479   int docaBin=(int)floor((driftD+12)*docaNo/24.);
00480   if(m_EndcapTuning==0) {
00481   if(entranceAngle<0){
00482     f=docaF[layerId][docaBin][0];
00483     mean1=docaMean1[layerId][docaBin][0];
00484     sigma1=docaSigma1[layerId][docaBin][0];
00485     mean2=docaMean2[layerId][docaBin][0];
00486     sigma2=docaSigma2[layerId][docaBin][0];
00487     }else{
00488     f=docaF[layerId][docaBin][1];
00489     mean1=docaMean1[layerId][docaBin][1];
00490     sigma1=docaSigma1[layerId][docaBin][1];
00491     mean2=docaMean2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00492     sigma2=docaSigma2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00493          }
00494   }else {
00495    if(fabs(cosTheta)<=0.83) {
00496     if(entranceAngle<0){
00497     f=docaF[layerId][docaBin][0];
00498     mean1=docaMean1[layerId][docaBin][0];
00499     sigma1=docaSigma1[layerId][docaBin][0];
00500     mean2=docaMean2[layerId][docaBin][0];
00501     sigma2=docaSigma2[layerId][docaBin][0];
00502     }else{
00503     f=docaF[layerId][docaBin][1];
00504     mean1=docaMean1[layerId][docaBin][1];
00505     sigma1=docaSigma1[layerId][docaBin][1];
00506     mean2=docaMean2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00507     sigma2=docaSigma2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00508          }  
00509    } else {
00510    if(entranceAngle<0){
00511     f=docaF_2[layerId][docaBin][0];
00512     mean1=docaMean1_2[layerId][docaBin][0];
00513     sigma1=docaSigma1_2[layerId][docaBin][0];  
00514     mean2=docaMean2_2[layerId][docaBin][0];   
00515     sigma2=docaSigma2_2[layerId][docaBin][0]; 
00516      }else{
00517     f=docaF_2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00518     mean1=docaMean1_2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00519     sigma1=docaSigma1_2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00520     mean2=docaMean2_2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00521     sigma2=docaSigma2_2[layerId][docaBin][1];
00522     }
00523   }  
00524  } 
00525   //debug
00526   //std::cout<<"tuning svc layer "<<layerId<<" driftD "<<driftD<<" posFlag "<<posFlag<<" doca "<<docaBin<<" theta "<<thetaBin<<" angle "<<entranceAngle<<" f "<<f<<" mean1 "<<mean1<<" sigma1 "<<sigma1<<" mean2 "<<mean2<<" sigma2 "<<sigma2<<std::endl;
00528   return 1;
00529 }

void MdcTunningSvc::handle const Incident &   ) 

void MdcTunningSvc::handle const Incident &   ) 

00114                                              {
00115   MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
00116   log << MSG::DEBUG << "handle: " << inc.type() << endreq;
00118   if ( inc.type() == "NewRun" ){
00119     log << MSG::DEBUG << "NewRun" << endreq;
00120     if(m_fromDB=true) {
00121      StatusCode sc = getMdcTuningTableInfo();   
00122        if(sc.isFailure()) {
00123          log << MSG::ERROR << "can not get MdcTuning data from the database" << endreq;
00124          exit(1);
00125      }
00126   } 
00127 }
00128 }

virtual StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::initialize  )  [virtual]

StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::initialize  )  [virtual]

00065                                     {
00066   MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00067   log << MSG::INFO << "MdcTunningSvc::initialize()" << endreq;
00069   StatusCode sc = Service::initialize();
00070   if( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
00072   if(m_fromDB==true){
00073           //  MYSQL *conn;
00074         //  char *opt_host_name = "";
00075         //        char *opt_user_name = "maqm";
00076 //        char *opt_password  = "maqm_offline";
00077           unsigned int opt_port_num = 3306;
00078           char *opt_socket_name = NULL;
00079 //        char *opt_db_name = "offlinedb";
00080           conn = mysql_init(NULL);
00081           unsigned int opt_flags = 0;
00082           mysql_real_connect(conn, host.c_str(), userName.c_str(), password.c_str(),
00083                           dbName.c_str(), opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags);
00084           //  mysql_real_connect(conn, opt_host_name, opt_user_name, opt_password, 
00085           //                   opt_db_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags);
00087           IIncidentSvc* incsvc;
00088           sc = service("IncidentSvc", incsvc);
00089           int priority = 100;
00090           if( sc.isSuccess() ){
00091                   incsvc -> addListener(this, "NewRun", priority);
00092           }
00093           sc = serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc", m_eventSvc, true);
00094           if (sc .isFailure() ) {
00095                   log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to find EventDataSvc " << endreq;
00096                   return sc;
00097           }
00098   }
00100   if(m_fromDB!=true){
00101     initTuningConst();
00102     //    if(m_path!=std::string("no path")) setMdcRes(m_path);
00103   }
00104   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00105 }

bool MdcTunningSvc::initTuningConst  ) 

bool MdcTunningSvc::initTuningConst  ) 

00129                                    {
00130   std::string FilePath = getenv("MDCTUNNINGSVCROOT");
00131   if(m_effFile==std::string("no path")){
00132     m_effFile=FilePath+"/dat/mc_eff.dat";
00133   }
00134   setMcEff(m_effFile);
00135   if(m_resFile==std::string("no path")){
00136      m_resFile=FilePath+"/dat/mc_res.dat";
00137   }
00138   setMcRes2();
00139   return true;
00140 }

const InterfaceID& IMdcTunningSvc::interfaceID  )  [inline, static, inherited]

00013 { return IID_IMdcTunningSvc; }

const InterfaceID& IMdcTunningSvc::interfaceID  )  [inline, static, inherited]

00013 { return IID_IMdcTunningSvc; }

double MdcTunningSvc::NewSig int  layerId,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::NewSig int  layerId,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00291                                                      {
00292   int bindD = 0;
00293   double mindD = 0.0 ;
00294   double maxdD = 9.0 ;
00295   int  maxbin =8.0 ;
00297   if((driftD<mindD)||(driftD>maxdD)){
00298     bindD = maxbin ;
00299   }else {
00300     for(int kk = 0; kk < 9; kk++){
00301       if((driftD>=(double)kk)&&(driftD<(double)(kk+1))){
00302         bindD = kk ; }   
00303     }
00304   }
00306   double sigma1 = 0 ;
00308   sigma1   = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_dD(layerId ,bindD)) ;
00310   return sigma1;
00311 }

virtual StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::queryInterface const InterfaceID &  riid,
void **  ppvUnknown

StatusCode MdcTunningSvc::queryInterface const InterfaceID &  riid,
void **  ppvUnknown

00056                                                                                     {
00057   if( IID_IMdcTunningSvc.versionMatch(riid) ){
00058     *ppvInterface = static_cast<IMdcTunningSvc*> (this);
00059   } else{
00060     return Service::queryInterface(riid, ppvInterface);
00061   }
00062   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00063 }

double MdcTunningSvc::ResvEntr int  layerId,
double  enterA,
int  ilr,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

double MdcTunningSvc::ResvEntr int  layerId,
double  enterA,
int  ilr,
double  driftD

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00531                                                                               {
00532   int bindD =0;
00533   int maxbin = 17;
00534   int iEntr = 0;
00535   int ll = -1;
00536   double mindD = -9.;
00537   double maxdD = 9.;
00538   double sigmaE = 0.0;
00540   if(enterA < 0){
00541     iEntr = 0 ;
00542   }else{ iEntr = 1 ;}
00544   if(ilr == 0 ){
00545     driftD = -1.*driftD;
00546   }else{ driftD = driftD ;}
00548   if( (driftD < mindD) || (driftD > maxdD) ){
00549     bindD = maxbin ;
00550   }else{
00551     for(double dd=-9.;dd<9.;dd++){
00552       ll++;
00553       if( (driftD>= dd ) && (driftD < (dd+1.)) ){
00554         bindD = ll ;
00555       }
00556     }
00557   }
00559   sigmaE = (m_BesMdcRes -> getD_iEntr(layerId,iEntr,bindD) );
00561 //cout<<"Svc lay : "<<layerId<<" iEntr : "<<iEntr<<" bindD : "<<bindD<<" sigmaE :"<<sigmaE<<endl;
00562   return sigmaE;
00563 }

bool MdcTunningSvc::setMcEff std::string  eff_con  ) 

bool MdcTunningSvc::setMcEff std::string  eff_con  ) 

00141                                              {
00142   int i,j;
00143   string line;
00144   double lay,bin,expect,hit;
00145   //ifstream readMCEff(eff_con.c_str());
00146   std::istringstream readMCEff;
00147   // (eff_con);
00148   if(m_fromDB){
00149      readMCEff.str(eff_con);
00150    }
00151   if(!m_fromDB){
00152      ifstream in(eff_con.c_str());
00153      //char ch;
00154      //string hhh;
00155      //while(ift.get(ch)) hhh.putback(ch);
00156      //std::cout<<"hhh:"<<hhh<<std::endl; 
00157 //     stringstream strBuf ;
00158      istreambuf_iterator<char> iter(in) ;
00159      string strCache = string( iter, (istreambuf_iterator<char>()) );
00160      readMCEff.str(strCache);
00161      //std::cout<<"strCache:"<<strCache<<std::endl;
00162    }
00163 //  ifstream readMCEff(eff_con);
00164   if(!readMCEff.good()){
00165     std::cout<<" Error , mdc tuning file: "<<m_effFile<<"  not exist "<<std::endl;
00166     return false;
00167   }else{
00168     std::cout<<" Open mdc tuning file: "<<m_effFile<<std::endl;
00169     for(i=0;i<43;i++){
00170       readMCEff>>lay;
00171       getline(readMCEff,line);
00172       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00173         readMCEff>>bin>>docaEff[i][j]>>expect>>hit; 
00174       }
00175       readMCEff>>lay;
00176       getline(readMCEff,line);
00177       for(j=0;j<thetaNo;j++){
00178         readMCEff>>bin>>thetaEff[i][j]>>expect>>hit; 
00179       }
00180       readMCEff>>lay;
00181       getline(readMCEff,line);
00182       for(j=0;j<cellNo[i];j++){
00183         readMCEff>>bin>>cellEff[i][j]>>expect>>hit;
00184       }
00185     }
00186    for(i=0;i<43;i++){
00187       readMCEff>>lay;
00188       getline(readMCEff,line);
00189       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00190         readMCEff>>bin>>docaEff_2[i][j]>>expect>>hit;
00191       }
00192       readMCEff>>lay;
00193       getline(readMCEff,line);
00194       for(j=0;j<thetaNo;j++){
00195         readMCEff>>bin>>thetaEff_2[i][j]>>expect>>hit;
00196       }
00197       readMCEff>>lay;
00198       getline(readMCEff,line);
00199       for(j=0;j<cellNo[i];j++){
00200         readMCEff>>bin>>cellEff_2[i][j]>>expect>>hit;
00201       }
00202     }
00203   }
00204   return true;
00205 }

bool MdcTunningSvc::setMcRes  ) 

bool MdcTunningSvc::setMcRes  ) 

00207                             {
00208   int i,j;
00209   string line;
00210   double lay,bin;
00211   ifstream readMCRes(m_resFile.c_str());
00212   if(!readMCRes.good()){
00213     std::cout<<" Error , mdc tuning file: "<<m_resFile<<"  not exist "<<std::endl;
00214     return false;
00215   }else{
00216     std::cout<<" Open mdc tuning file: "<<m_resFile<<std::endl;
00217     for(i=0;i<43;i++){
00218       readMCRes>>lay;
00219       getline(readMCRes,line);
00220       getline(readMCRes,line);
00221       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00222         readMCRes>>bin>>docaRes[i][j][0][0]>>docaRes[i][j][0][1]; //entranceAngle<0
00223       }
00224       readMCRes>>lay;
00225       getline(readMCRes,line);
00226       getline(readMCRes,line);
00227       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00228         readMCRes>>bin>>docaRes[i][j][1][0]>>docaRes[i][j][1][1]; //entranceAngle>0
00229         /*
00230         if(i==0||i==42){
00231           cout<<"lay "<<i<<" docaNo "<<j<<" <0 mean "<<docaRes[i][j][0][0]<<" sigma "<<docaRes[i][j][0][1]<<" >0 mean "<<docaRes[i][j][1][0]<<" sigma "<<docaRes[i][j][1][1]<<endl;
00232         }
00233         */
00234       }
00235     }
00236   }
00237   return true;
00238 }

bool MdcTunningSvc::setMcRes2  ) 

bool MdcTunningSvc::setMcRes2  ) 

00240                              {
00241   int i,j;
00242   string line;
00243   double lay,bin;
00244   ifstream readMCRes(m_resFile.c_str());
00245   if(!readMCRes.good()){
00246     std::cout<<" Error , mdc tuning file: "<<m_resFile<<"  not exist "<<std::endl;
00247     return false;
00248   }else{
00249     std::cout<<" Open mdc tuning file: "<<m_resFile<<std::endl;
00250     for(i=0;i<43;i++){
00251       readMCRes>>lay;
00252       getline(readMCRes,line);
00253       getline(readMCRes,line);
00254       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00255         readMCRes>>bin>>docaF[i][j][0]>>docaMean1[i][j][0]>>docaSigma1[i][j][0]>>docaMean2[i][j][0]>>docaSigma2[i][j][0]; //entranceAngle<0
00256       }
00257       readMCRes>>lay;
00258       getline(readMCRes,line);
00259       getline(readMCRes,line);
00260       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00261         readMCRes>>bin>>docaF[i][j][1]>>docaMean1[i][j][1]>>docaSigma1[i][j][1]>>docaMean2[i][j][1]>>docaSigma2[i][j][1]; //entranceAngle>0
00262       }
00263     }
00264    for(i=0;i<43;i++){
00265       readMCRes>>lay;
00266       getline(readMCRes,line);
00267       getline(readMCRes,line);
00268       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00269         readMCRes>>bin>>docaF_2[i][j][0]>>docaMean1_2[i][j][0]>>docaSigma1_2[i][j][0]>>docaMean2_2[i][j][0]>>docaSigma2_2[i][j][0]; //entranceAngle<0
00270       }
00271       readMCRes>>lay;
00272       getline(readMCRes,line);
00273       getline(readMCRes,line);
00274       for(j=0;j<docaNo;j++){
00275         readMCRes>>bin>>docaF_2[i][j][1]>>docaMean1_2[i][j][1]>>docaSigma1_2[i][j][1]>>docaMean2_2[i][j][1]>>docaSigma2_2[i][j][1]; //entranceAngle>0
00276          }
00277     }
00278  }
00279   return true;
00280 }

void MdcTunningSvc::setMdcRes std::string  path  )  [virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

void MdcTunningSvc::setMdcRes std::string  path  )  [virtual]

Implements IMdcTunningSvc.

00286                                            {
00287   if(m_BesMdcRes) delete m_BesMdcRes;
00288   m_BesMdcRes = new BesMdcRes(path);
00289 }

Member Data Documentation

double MdcTunningSvc::cellEff [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::cellEff_2 [private]

int MdcTunningSvc::cellNo [private]

MYSQL* MdcTunningSvc::conn [private]

MYSQL* MdcTunningSvc::conn [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::dbName [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::dD [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaEff [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaEff_2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaF [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaF_2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaMean1 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaMean1_2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaMean2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaMean2_2 [private]

const int MdcTunningSvc::docaNo = 60 [static, private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaRes [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaRes_2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaSigma1 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaSigma1_2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaSigma2 [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::docaSigma2_2 [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::host [private]

BesMdcRes* MdcTunningSvc::m_BesMdcRes [private]

BesMdcRes* MdcTunningSvc::m_BesMdcRes [private]

bool MdcTunningSvc::m_dbFlag [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::m_effFile [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::m_effFile_endcap [private]

int MdcTunningSvc::m_EndcapTuning [private]

IDataProviderSvc* MdcTunningSvc::m_eventSvc [private]

IDataProviderSvc* MdcTunningSvc::m_eventSvc [private]

bool MdcTunningSvc::m_fromDB [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::m_path [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::m_resFile [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::m_resFile_endcap [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::password [private]

unsigned int MdcTunningSvc::serialNo [private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::table [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::thetaEff [private]

double MdcTunningSvc::thetaEff_2 [private]

const int MdcTunningSvc::thetaNo = 40 [static, private]

std::string MdcTunningSvc::userName [private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:29:49 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen