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ExN03PhysicsList Class Reference

#include <ExN03PhysicsList.hh>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ExN03PhysicsList ()
 ~ExN03PhysicsList ()

Protected Member Functions

void ConstructBaryons ()
void ConstructBosons ()
void ConstructEM ()
void ConstructGeneral ()
void ConstructLeptons ()
void ConstructMesons ()
void ConstructParticle ()
void ConstructProcess ()
void SetCuts ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ExN03PhysicsList::ExN03PhysicsList  ) 

00045                                   :  G4VUserPhysicsList()
00046 {
00047  defaultCutValue = 1.0*mm;
00048  SetVerboseLevel(1);
00049 }

ExN03PhysicsList::~ExN03PhysicsList  ) 

00054 {}

Member Function Documentation

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructBaryons  )  [protected]

00123 {
00124 //  barions
00125   G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
00126   G4AntiProton::AntiProtonDefinition();
00127   G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
00128   G4AntiNeutron::AntiNeutronDefinition();
00129 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructBosons  )  [protected]

00074 {
00075   // pseudo-particles
00076   G4Geantino::GeantinoDefinition();
00077   G4ChargedGeantino::ChargedGeantinoDefinition();
00079   // gamma
00080   G4Gamma::GammaDefinition();
00082   // optical photon
00083   G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition();
00084 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructEM  )  [protected]

00162 {
00163   theParticleIterator->reset();
00164   while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){
00165     G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value();
00166     G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager();
00167     G4String particleName = particle->GetParticleName();
00169     if (particleName == "gamma") {
00170     // gamma
00171       pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4GammaConversion());
00172       pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4ComptonScattering());      
00173       pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PhotoElectricEffect());
00175     } else if (particleName == "e-") {
00176     //electron
00177       G4VProcess* theeminusMultipleScattering = new G4MultipleScattering();
00178       G4VProcess* theeminusIonisation         = new G4eIonisation();
00179       G4VProcess* theeminusBremsstrahlung     = new G4eBremsstrahlung();
00180       //
00181       // add processes
00182       pmanager->AddProcess(theeminusMultipleScattering);
00183       pmanager->AddProcess(theeminusIonisation);
00184       pmanager->AddProcess(theeminusBremsstrahlung);
00185       //      
00186       // set ordering for AlongStepDoIt
00187       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeminusMultipleScattering, idxAlongStep,1);
00188       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeminusIonisation,         idxAlongStep,2);
00189       //
00190       // set ordering for PostStepDoIt
00191       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeminusMultipleScattering, idxPostStep,1);
00192       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeminusIonisation,         idxPostStep,2);
00193       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeminusBremsstrahlung,     idxPostStep,3);
00195     } else if (particleName == "e+") {
00196     //positron
00197       G4VProcess* theeplusMultipleScattering = new G4MultipleScattering();
00198       G4VProcess* theeplusIonisation         = new G4eIonisation();
00199       G4VProcess* theeplusBremsstrahlung     = new G4eBremsstrahlung();
00200       G4VProcess* theeplusAnnihilation       = new G4eplusAnnihilation();
00201       //
00202       // add processes
00203       pmanager->AddProcess(theeplusMultipleScattering);
00204       pmanager->AddProcess(theeplusIonisation);
00205       pmanager->AddProcess(theeplusBremsstrahlung);
00206       pmanager->AddProcess(theeplusAnnihilation);
00207       //
00208       // set ordering for AtRestDoIt
00209       pmanager->SetProcessOrderingToFirst(theeplusAnnihilation, idxAtRest);
00210       //
00211       // set ordering for AlongStepDoIt
00212       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeplusMultipleScattering, idxAlongStep,1);
00213       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeplusIonisation,         idxAlongStep,2);
00214       //
00215       // set ordering for PostStepDoIt
00216       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeplusMultipleScattering, idxPostStep,1);
00217       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeplusIonisation,         idxPostStep,2);
00218       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeplusBremsstrahlung,     idxPostStep,3);
00219       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theeplusAnnihilation,       idxPostStep,4);
00221     } else if( particleName == "mu+" || 
00222                particleName == "mu-"    ) {
00223     //muon  
00224       G4VProcess* aMultipleScattering = new G4MultipleScattering();
00225       G4VProcess* aBremsstrahlung     = new G4MuBremsstrahlung();
00226       G4VProcess* aPairProduction     = new G4MuPairProduction();
00227       G4VProcess* anIonisation        = new G4MuIonisation();
00228       //
00229       // add processes
00230       pmanager->AddProcess(anIonisation);
00231       pmanager->AddProcess(aMultipleScattering);
00232       pmanager->AddProcess(aBremsstrahlung);
00233       pmanager->AddProcess(aPairProduction);
00234       //
00235       // set ordering for AlongStepDoIt
00236       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(aMultipleScattering, idxAlongStep,1);
00237       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(anIonisation,        idxAlongStep,2);
00238       //
00239       // set ordering for PostStepDoIt
00240       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(aMultipleScattering, idxPostStep,1);
00241       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(anIonisation,        idxPostStep,2);
00242       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(aBremsstrahlung,     idxPostStep,3);
00243       pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(aPairProduction,     idxPostStep,4);
00245      } else if ((!particle->IsShortLived()) &&
00246                (particle->GetPDGCharge() != 0.0) && 
00247                (particle->GetParticleName() != "chargedgeantino")) {
00248      // all others charged particles except geantino     
00249      G4VProcess* aMultipleScattering = new G4MultipleScattering();
00250      G4VProcess* anIonisation        = new G4hIonisation();
00251      //
00252      // add processes
00253      pmanager->AddProcess(anIonisation);
00254      pmanager->AddProcess(aMultipleScattering);
00255      //
00256      // set ordering for AlongStepDoIt
00257      pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(aMultipleScattering, idxAlongStep,1);
00258      pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(anIonisation,        idxAlongStep,2);
00259      //
00260      // set ordering for PostStepDoIt
00261      pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(aMultipleScattering, idxPostStep,1);
00262      pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(anIonisation,        idxPostStep,2);
00263     }
00264   }
00265 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructGeneral  )  [protected]

00272 {
00273   // Add Decay Process
00274    G4Decay* theDecayProcess = new G4Decay();
00275   theParticleIterator->reset();
00276   while( (*theParticleIterator)() ){
00277     G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value();
00278     G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager();
00279     if (theDecayProcess->IsApplicable(*particle)) { 
00280       pmanager ->AddProcess(theDecayProcess);
00281       // set ordering for PostStepDoIt and AtRestDoIt
00282       pmanager ->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxPostStep);
00283       pmanager ->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxAtRest);
00284     }
00285   }
00286 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructLeptons  )  [protected]

00089 {
00090   // leptons
00091   G4Electron::ElectronDefinition();
00092   G4Positron::PositronDefinition();
00093   G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition();
00094   G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition();
00096   G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoEDefinition();
00097   G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoEDefinition();
00098   G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMuDefinition();
00099   G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMuDefinition();
00100 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructMesons  )  [protected]

00105 {
00106  //  mesons
00107   G4PionPlus::PionPlusDefinition();
00108   G4PionMinus::PionMinusDefinition();
00109   G4PionZero::PionZeroDefinition();
00110   G4Eta::EtaDefinition();
00111   G4EtaPrime::EtaPrimeDefinition();
00112   G4KaonPlus::KaonPlusDefinition();
00113   G4KaonMinus::KaonMinusDefinition();
00114   G4KaonZero::KaonZeroDefinition();
00115   G4AntiKaonZero::AntiKaonZeroDefinition();
00116   G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLongDefinition();
00117   G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZeroShortDefinition();
00118 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructParticle  )  [protected]

00059 {
00060   // In this method, static member functions should be called
00061   // for all particles which you want to use.
00062   // This ensures that objects of these particle types will be
00063   // created in the program. 
00065   ConstructBosons();
00066   ConstructLeptons();
00067   ConstructMesons();
00068   ConstructBaryons();
00069 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::ConstructProcess  )  [protected]

00135 {
00136   AddTransportation();
00137   ConstructEM();
00138   ConstructGeneral();
00139 }

void ExN03PhysicsList::SetCuts  )  [protected]

00291 {
00292   if (verboseLevel >0){
00293     G4cout << "ExN03PhysicsList::SetCuts:";
00294     G4cout << "CutLength : " << G4BestUnit(defaultCutValue,"Length") << G4endl;
00295   }
00297   // set cut values for gamma at first and for e- second and next for e+,
00298   // because some processes for e+/e- need cut values for gamma
00299   //
00300   SetCutValue(defaultCutValue, "gamma");
00301   SetCutValue(defaultCutValue, "e-");
00302   SetCutValue(defaultCutValue, "e+");
00304   if (verboseLevel>0) DumpCutValuesTable();
00305 }

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