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EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle Class Reference

#include <EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle.hh>

Inheritance diagram for EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle:

EvtParticle List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addDaug (EvtParticle *node)
double compMassProb ()
void decay ()
double * decayProb ()
void deleteDaughters (bool keepChannel=false)
void deleteTree ()
void dumpTree () const
void dumpTreeRec (int level, int dj) const
virtual EvtVector4C eps (int i) const
virtual EvtVector4C epsParent (int i) const
virtual EvtVector4C epsParentPhoton (int i)
virtual EvtVector4C epsPhoton (int i)
virtual EvtTensor4C epsTensor (int i) const
virtual EvtTensor4C epsTensorParent (int i) const
 EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle ()
int firstornot () const
void generateMassTree ()
EvtVector4R get4Pos ()
int getChannel () const
EvtParticlegetDaug (int i)
int getGeneratorFlag ()
EvtId getId () const
double getLifetime ()
int getNDaug () const
const EvtVector4RgetP4 () const
EvtVector4R getP4Lab ()
EvtVector4R getP4Restframe ()
EvtParticlegetParent ()
EvtSpinDensity getSpinDensityBackward ()
EvtSpinDensity getSpinDensityForward ()
int getSpinStates () const
EvtSpinType::spintype getSpinType () const
bool hasValidP4 ()
void init (EvtId id, const EvtVector4R &p4)
void initDecay (bool useMinMass=false)
double initializePhaseSpace (int numdaughter, EvtId *daughters, double poleSize=-1., int whichTwo1=0, int whichTwo2=1)
void insertDaugPtr (int idaug, EvtParticle *partptr)
bool isDecayed ()
bool isInitialized ()
void makeDaughters (int ndaug, EvtId *id)
void makeStdHep (EvtStdHep &stdhep)
void makeStdHep (EvtStdHep &stdhep, EvtSecondary &secondary, EvtId *stable_parent_ihep)
double mass () const
EvtParticlenextIter (EvtParticle *rootOfTree=0)
void noLifeTime ()
void printParticle () const
void printTree () const
void printTreeRec (int level) const
void resetFirstOrNot ()
void resetNDaug ()
EvtSpinDensity rotateToHelicityBasis (double alpha, double beta, double gamma) const
EvtSpinDensity rotateToHelicityBasis () const
void setChannel (int i)
void setDecayProb (double p)
void setDiagonalSpinDensity ()
void setFirstOrNot ()
void setGeneratorFlag (int flag)
void setId (EvtId id)
void setLifetime ()
void setLifetime (double tau)
void setMass (double m)
void setP4 (const EvtVector4R &p4)
void setSpinDensityBackward (const EvtSpinDensity &rho)
void setSpinDensityForward (const EvtSpinDensity &rho)
void setSpinDensityForwardHelicityBasis (const EvtSpinDensity &rho, double alpha, double beta, double gamma)
void setSpinDensityForwardHelicityBasis (const EvtSpinDensity &rho)
void setVectorSpinDensity ()
virtual EvtDiracSpinor sp (int) const
virtual EvtDiracSpinor spNeutrino () const
virtual EvtDiracSpinor spParent (int) const
virtual EvtDiracSpinor spParentNeutrino () const
EvtRaritaSchwinger spRS (int) const
EvtRaritaSchwinger spRSParent (int) const
std::string treeStr () const
std::string treeStrRec (int level) const
std::string writeTreeRec (std::string) const
virtual ~EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle ()

Protected Member Functions

void setp (const EvtVector4R &p4)
void setp (double e, double px, double py, double pz)
void setpart_num (EvtId particle_number)

Protected Attributes

bool _validP4

Private Member Functions

 EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle (const EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle &d)
EvtRaritaSchwingerParticleoperator= (const EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle &d)

Private Attributes

EvtRaritaSchwinger _spinor [4]
EvtRaritaSchwinger _spinorRest [4]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle  ) 

00038                                                       {
00040   return;
00042 }

EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::~EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle  )  [virtual]

00034                                                        {
00035 }

EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle const EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle d  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void EvtParticle::addDaug EvtParticle node  )  [inherited]

Add another daughter to the particle

00104                                            {
00105   node->_daug[node->_ndaug++]=this;
00106   _ndaug=0;
00107   _parent=node; 
00108 }

double EvtParticle::compMassProb  )  [inherited]

00480                                  {
00482   EvtParticle *p=this;
00483   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "compMassProb " << endl;
00484   //p->printTree();
00485   double mass=p->mass();
00486   double parMass=0.;
00487   if ( p->getParent()) { 
00488     parMass=p->getParent()->mass();
00489   }
00491   int nDaug=p->getNDaug();
00492   double *dMasses=0;
00494   int i;
00495   if ( nDaug>0 ) {
00496     dMasses=new double[nDaug];
00497     for (i=0; i<nDaug; i++) dMasses[i]=p->getDaug(i)->mass();
00498   }
00500   double temp=1.0;
00501   temp=EvtPDL::getMassProb(p->getId(), mass, parMass, nDaug, dMasses);
00503   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << temp << " " << EvtPDL::name(p->getId()) << endl;
00504   //If the particle already has a mass, we dont need to include
00505   //it in the probability calculation
00506   if ( (!p->getParent() || _validP4 ) && temp>0.0 ) temp=1.; 
00508   delete [] dMasses;
00509   // if ( temp < 0.9999999 ) 
00510   for (i=0; i<nDaug; i++) {
00511     temp*=p->getDaug(i)->compMassProb();
00512   }
00513   return temp;
00514 }

void EvtParticle::decay  )  [inherited]

Decay particle

00383                        {
00384   //P is particle to decay, typically 'this' but sometime
00385   //modified by mixing 
00386   EvtParticle* p=this;
00387   //Did it mix?
00388   //if ( p->getMixed() ) {
00389     //should take C(p) - this should only
00390     //happen the first time we call decay for this
00391     //particle
00392   //p->takeCConj();
00393   // p->setUnMixed();
00394   //}
00395   EvtSpinDensity myRho;  //pingrg test code
00396   EvtDecayBase *decayer;
00397   decayer = EvtDecayTable::getDecayFunc(p);
00398   //  if ( decayer ) {
00399   //    report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "calling decay for " << EvtPDL::name(p->getId()) << " " << p->mass() << " " << p->getP4() << " " << p->getNDaug() << " " << p << endl;
00400   //    report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "NDaug= " << decayer->getNDaug() << endl;
00401   //    int ti;
00402   //    for ( ti=0; ti<decayer->getNDaug(); ti++) 
00403   //      report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Daug " << ti << " " << EvtPDL::name(decayer->getDaug(ti)) << endl;
00404   //  }
00405   //if (p->_ndaug>0) {
00406   //      report(INFO,"EvtGen") <<"Is decaying particle with daughters!!!!!"<<endl;
00407   //     ::abort();
00408     //return;
00409     //call initdecay first - April 29,2002 - Lange
00410   //}
00412   //if there are already daughters, then this step is already done!
00413   // figure out the masses
00414   if ( _ndaug == 0 ) generateMassTree();
00415   static EvtId BS0=EvtPDL::getId("B_s0");
00416   static EvtId BSB=EvtPDL::getId("anti-B_s0");
00417   static EvtId BD0=EvtPDL::getId("B0");
00418   static EvtId BDB=EvtPDL::getId("anti-B0"); 
00419   if ( _ndaug==1 &&  (getId()==BS0||getId()==BSB||getId()==BD0||getId()==BDB) ) 
00420     {getDaug(0)->decay();
00421    std::cout<<"if ( _ndaug==1 &&  (getId()==BS0||getId()==BSB||getId()==BD0||getId()==BDB) )"<<endl;
00422 }
00424   else{
00425   //now we have accepted a set of masses - time
00426     if ( decayer ) {
00427       decayer->makeDecay(p);
00429    }
00430     else{
00431       p->_rhoBackward.SetDiag(p->getSpinStates());
00433     }
00434   }  
00435   _isDecayed=true;
00436   return;  
00437 }

double* EvtParticle::decayProb  )  [inline, inherited]

00375 {return _decayProb;}

void EvtParticle::deleteDaughters bool  keepChannel = false  )  [inherited]

00516                                                  {
00517   int i;
00519   for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00520     _daug[i]->deleteTree();
00521   }
00523   _ndaug=0;
00524   //if ( keepChannel ) report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "keeping \n";
00525   if ( !keepChannel) _channel=-10;
00526   //_t=0.0;
00527   //_genlifetime=1;
00528   _first=1;
00529   _isInit=false;
00530   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "calling deletedaughters " << EvtPDL::name(this->getId()) <<endl;
00531 }

void EvtParticle::deleteTree  )  [inherited]

Delete a decay chain

00533                             {
00535   this->deleteDaughters();
00537   delete this;
00539 }

void EvtParticle::dumpTree  )  const [inherited]

00954                                  {  //pingrg, Mar. 25,2008
00956   report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is the current decay chain to dump"<<endl;
00957   report(INFO,"") << "This top particle is "<<
00958     EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<endl;  
00960   this->dumpTreeRec(0,0);
00961   report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "End of decay chain."<<endl;
00963 }

void EvtParticle::dumpTreeRec int  level,
int  dj
const [inherited]

00924                                                     {  //pingrg, Mar. 25,2008
00926   int newlevel,i;
00927   newlevel = level +1;
00930   if (_ndaug!=0) {
00932     int Ids= EvtPDL::getStdHep(_id); 
00933     std::string c1,cid;
00934     if(Ids>0) c1="p";
00935     if(Ids<0) {
00936       c1="m";Ids=-1*Ids;
00937      }   
00939     cid=c1+IntToStr(Ids);
00941     report(INFO,"") <<newlevel<<" "<< cid<<" "<<dj;
00942     report(INFO,"") << " =  ";
00944     int Nchannel=this->getChannel()+1;
00945     report(INFO,"") <<Nchannel<<endl;
00947     for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00948        _daug[i]->dumpTreeRec(newlevel,i);
00949     }
00950   }
00951 }

EvtVector4C EvtParticle::eps int  i  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns polarization vector in the particles own restframe.

Reimplemented in EvtVectorParticle.

00552                                         {
00553   EvtVector4C temp;
00554   printParticle();
00555   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00556                          <<"th polarization vector."
00557                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00558                          <<" vector particle!" << endl;
00559   ::abort();
00560   return temp;
00561 }

EvtVector4C EvtParticle::epsParent int  i  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns polarization vector in the parents restframe.

Reimplemented in EvtVectorParticle.

00541                                               {
00542   EvtVector4C temp;
00543   printParticle();
00544   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00545                          <<"th polarization vector."
00546                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00547                          <<" vector particle!" << endl;
00548   ::abort();
00549   return temp;
00550 }

EvtVector4C EvtParticle::epsParentPhoton int  i  )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns polarization vector in the parents restframe for a photon.

Reimplemented in EvtPhotonParticle.

00563                                              {
00564   EvtVector4C temp;
00565   printParticle();
00566   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00567                          <<"th polarization vector of photon."
00568                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00569                          <<" photon particle!" << endl;
00570   ::abort();
00571   return temp;
00572 }

EvtVector4C EvtParticle::epsPhoton int  i  )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns polarization vector in the particles own restframe for a photon.

Reimplemented in EvtPhotonParticle.

00574                                        {
00575   EvtVector4C temp;
00576   printParticle();
00577   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00578                          <<"th polarization vector of a photon."
00579                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00580                          <<" photon particle!" << endl;
00581   ::abort();
00582   return temp;
00583 }

EvtTensor4C EvtParticle::epsTensor int  i  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns tensor in the particles own restframe for a spin 2 particle.

Reimplemented in EvtTensorParticle.

00646                                               {
00647   int temp;
00648   temp = i;
00649   EvtTensor4C tempC; 
00650   printParticle();
00651   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00652                          <<"th tensor."
00653                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00654                          <<" Tensor particle!" << endl;
00655   ::abort();
00656   return tempC;
00657 }

EvtTensor4C EvtParticle::epsTensorParent int  i  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns tensor in the parents restframe for a spin 2 particle.

Reimplemented in EvtTensorParticle.

00633                                                     {
00634   int temp;
00635   temp = i;
00636   EvtTensor4C tempC; 
00637   printParticle();
00638   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00639                          <<"th tensor."
00640                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00641                          <<" Tensor particle!" << endl;
00642   ::abort();
00643   return tempC;
00644 }

int EvtParticle::firstornot  )  const [inherited]

Used internally to decide if first time particle is decayed.

00111 { return _first;}

void EvtParticle::generateMassTree  )  [inherited]

00439                                    {
00440   double massProb=1.;
00441   double ranNum=2.;
00442   int counter=0;
00443   EvtParticle *p=this;
00444   while (massProb<ranNum) {
00445     //check it out the first time.
00446     p->initDecay();
00447     //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "calling massProb \n";
00448     massProb=p->compMassProb();
00449     ranNum=EvtRandom::Flat();
00450    // report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "end of iter " << massProb <<endl;
00451     counter++;
00453     if ( counter > 10000 ) {
00454       if ( counter == 10001 ) {
00455         report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Too many iterations to determine the mass tree. Parent mass= "<< p->mass() << " " << massProb <<endl;
00456         p->printTree();
00457         report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "will take next combo with non-zero likelihood\n"; 
00458       }
00459       if ( massProb>0. ) massProb=2.0;
00460       if ( counter > 20000 ) {
00461         // one last try - take the minimum masses
00462         p->initDecay(true);
00463         p->printTree();
00464         massProb=p->compMassProb();
00465         if ( massProb>0. ) {
00466           massProb=2.0;
00467           report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Taking the minimum mass of all particles in the chain\n";
00468         }
00469         else {
00470           report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Sorry, no luck finding a valid set of masses.  This may be a pathological combo\n";
00471           assert(0);
00472         }
00473       }
00474     }
00475   }
00476  // report(INFO,"EvtGen") << counter << endl;
00477  // p->printTree();
00478 }

EvtVector4R EvtParticle::get4Pos  )  [inherited]

Returns the 4position of the particle in the lab frame.

00682                                  {
00684   EvtVector4R temp,mom;
00685   EvtParticle *ptemp;
00687   temp.set(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
00688   ptemp=getParent();
00690   if (ptemp==0) return temp;
00692   temp=(ptemp->_t/ptemp->mass())*(ptemp->getP4());
00694   while (ptemp->getParent()!=0) {
00695     ptemp=ptemp->getParent();
00696     mom=ptemp->getP4();
00697     temp=boostTo(temp,mom);
00698     temp=temp+(ptemp->_t/ptemp->mass())*(ptemp->getP4());
00699   } 
00701   return temp;
00702 }

int EvtParticle::getChannel  )  const [inherited]

Retunrs the decay channel.

00123 { return _channel;}

EvtParticle * EvtParticle::getDaug int  i  )  [inherited]

Get pointer the the i:th daugther.

00085 { return _daug[i]; }

int EvtParticle::getGeneratorFlag  )  [inline, inherited]

get generator information; pingrg-2011-1-6

00146 { return _generatorFlag ;}

EvtId EvtParticle::getId  )  const [inherited]

Returns Id of particle.

00113 { return _id;}

double EvtParticle::getLifetime  )  [inherited]

Returns the lifetime.

00099                                {
00101   return _t;
00102 }

int EvtParticle::getNDaug  )  const [inherited]

Returns number of daugthers.

00125 { return _ndaug;}

const EvtVector4R & EvtParticle::getP4  )  const [inherited]

Returns 4momentum in parents restframe.

00121 { return _p;}

EvtVector4R EvtParticle::getP4Lab  )  [inherited]

Gets 4vector in the labframe, i.e., the frame in which the root particles momentum is measured.

00661                                   {
00662   EvtVector4R temp,mom;
00663   EvtParticle *ptemp;
00665   temp=this->getP4();
00666   ptemp=this;
00668   while (ptemp->getParent()!=0) {
00669     ptemp=ptemp->getParent();
00670     mom=ptemp->getP4();
00671     temp=boostTo(temp,mom);   
00672   } 
00673   return temp;
00674 }

EvtVector4R EvtParticle::getP4Restframe  )  [inherited]

Gets 4vector in the particles restframe, i.e. this functiont will return (m,0,0,0)

00676                                         {
00678   return EvtVector4R(mass(),0.0,0.0,0.0);
00680 }

EvtParticle * EvtParticle::getParent  )  [inherited]

Returns pointer to parent particle.

00087 { return _parent;}

EvtSpinDensity EvtParticle::getSpinDensityBackward  )  [inline, inherited]

Get backward spin density matrix.

00342 {return _rhoBackward;}

EvtSpinDensity EvtParticle::getSpinDensityForward  )  [inline, inherited]

Get forward spin density matrix.

00332 {return _rhoForward;}

int EvtParticle::getSpinStates  )  const [inherited]

Returns number of spin states of the particle.

00119   { return EvtSpinType::getSpinStates(EvtPDL::getSpinType(_id));}

EvtSpinType::spintype EvtParticle::getSpinType  )  const [inherited]

Returns particle type.

00116       { return EvtPDL::getSpinType(_id);}

bool EvtParticle::hasValidP4  )  [inline, inherited]

00368 {return _validP4;}

void EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::init EvtId  id,
const EvtVector4R p4

Initialiaze particle with id and 4momentum.

Implements EvtParticle.

00044                                                                    {
00046   _validP4=true;
00047   setp(p4);
00048   setpart_num(id);
00050   if (EvtPDL::getStdHep(id)==0){
00051     report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Error in EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::init, part_n="
00052                            << id.getId()<<endl;
00053     ::abort();
00054   }
00056   static EvtVector4R e1(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0);
00057   static EvtVector4R e2(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0);
00058   static EvtVector4R e3(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
00061   if (EvtPDL::getStdHep(id)>0){  
00063     EvtDiracSpinor u1,u2;
00065     u1.set(EvtComplex(sqrt(2.0*mass()),0.0),EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),
00066            EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),EvtComplex(0.0,0.0));
00067     u2.set(EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),EvtComplex(sqrt(2.0*mass()),0.0),
00068            EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),EvtComplex(0.0,0.0));
00072     _spinorRest[0]=dirProd(e3,u1+u2);
00073     _spinorRest[1]=dirProd(e1+EvtComplex(0.0,1.0)*e2,u1);
00074     _spinorRest[2]=dirProd(e1-EvtComplex(0.0,1.0)*e2,u2);
00075     _spinorRest[3]=dirProd(e1,(u1+u2))+dirProd(EvtComplex(0.0,1.0)*e2,(u1-u2));
00077     _spinor[0]=boostTo(_spinorRest[0],p4);
00078     _spinor[1]=boostTo(_spinorRest[1],p4);
00079     _spinor[2]=boostTo(_spinorRest[2],p4);
00080     _spinor[3]=boostTo(_spinorRest[3],p4);
00082   }
00083   else{
00085     EvtDiracSpinor u1,u2;
00087     u1.set(EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),
00088            EvtComplex(sqrt(2.0*mass()),0.0),EvtComplex(0.0,0.0));
00089     u2.set(EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),
00090            EvtComplex(0.0,0.0),EvtComplex(sqrt(2.0*mass()),0.0));
00094     _spinorRest[0]=dirProd(e3,(u1+u2));
00095     _spinorRest[1]=dirProd(e1+EvtComplex(0.0,1.0)*e2,u1);
00096     _spinorRest[2]=dirProd(e1-EvtComplex(0.0,1.0)*e2,u2);
00097     _spinorRest[3]=dirProd(e1,(u1+u2))+dirProd(EvtComplex(0.0,1.0)*e2,(u1-u2));
00099     _spinor[0]=boostTo(_spinorRest[0],p4);
00100     _spinor[1]=boostTo(_spinorRest[1],p4);
00101     _spinor[2]=boostTo(_spinorRest[2],p4);
00102     _spinor[3]=boostTo(_spinorRest[3],p4);
00104   }
00106   setLifetime();
00107 }

void EvtParticle::initDecay bool  useMinMass = false  )  [inherited]

00216                                            {
00218   EvtParticle* p=this;
00219   // carefull - the parent mass might be fixed in stone..
00220   EvtParticle* par=p->getParent();
00221   double parMass=-1.;
00222   if ( par != 0 ) {
00223     if ( par->hasValidP4() ) parMass=par->mass();
00224     int i;
00225     for ( i=0;i<par->getNDaug();i++) {
00226       EvtParticle *tDaug=par->getDaug(i);
00227       if ( p != tDaug )
00228         parMass-=EvtPDL::getMinMass(tDaug->getId());
00229     }
00230   }
00232   if ( _isInit ) {
00233     //we have already been here - just reroll the masses!
00234     if ( _ndaug>0) {
00235       int ii;
00236       for(ii=0;ii<_ndaug;ii++){
00237         if ( _ndaug==1 ||  EvtPDL::getWidth(p->getDaug(ii)->getId()) > 0.0000001)
00238           p->getDaug(ii)->initDecay(useMinMass);
00239         else p->getDaug(ii)->setMass(EvtPDL::getMeanMass(p->getDaug(ii)->getId()));
00240       }
00241     }
00243     int j;
00244     EvtId *dauId=0;
00245     double *dauMasses=0;
00246     if ( _ndaug > 0) {
00247       dauId=new EvtId[_ndaug];
00248       dauMasses=new double[_ndaug];
00249       for (j=0;j<_ndaug;j++) { 
00250         dauId[j]=p->getDaug(j)->getId();
00251         dauMasses[j]=p->getDaug(j)->mass();
00252       }
00253     }
00254     EvtId *parId=0;
00255     EvtId *othDauId=0;
00256     EvtParticle *tempPar=p->getParent();
00257     if (tempPar) {
00258       parId=new EvtId(tempPar->getId());
00259       if ( tempPar->getNDaug()==2 ) {
00260         if ( tempPar->getDaug(0) == this ) othDauId=new EvtId(tempPar->getDaug(1)->getId());
00261         else othDauId=new EvtId(tempPar->getDaug(0)->getId());
00262       }
00263     }
00264     if ( p->getParent() && _validP4==false ) {
00265       if ( !useMinMass ) p->setMass(EvtPDL::getRandMass(p->getId(),parId,_ndaug,dauId,othDauId,parMass,dauMasses));
00266       else p->setMass(EvtPDL::getMinMass(p->getId()));
00267     }
00268     if ( parId) delete parId;
00269     if ( othDauId) delete othDauId;
00270     if ( dauId) delete [] dauId;
00271     if ( dauMasses) delete [] dauMasses;
00272     return;
00273   }
00276   //Will include effects of mixing here
00277   //added by Lange Jan4,2000
00278   static EvtId BS0=EvtPDL::getId("B_s0");
00279   static EvtId BSB=EvtPDL::getId("anti-B_s0");
00280   static EvtId BD0=EvtPDL::getId("B0");
00281   static EvtId BDB=EvtPDL::getId("anti-B0");
00283   //only makes sense if there is no parent particle
00284   if ( (getNDaug()==0 && getParent()==0) && (getId()==BS0||getId()==BSB||getId()==BD0||getId()==BDB)){
00285     double t;
00286     int mix;
00287     EvtCPUtil::incoherentMix(getId(), t, mix);
00288     setLifetime(t);
00290     if (mix) {
00292       EvtScalarParticle* scalar_part;
00294       scalar_part=new EvtScalarParticle;
00295       if (getId()==BS0) {
00296         EvtVector4R p_init(EvtPDL::getMass(BSB),0.0,0.0,0.0);
00297         scalar_part->init(BSB,p_init);
00298       }
00299       else if (getId()==BSB) {
00300         EvtVector4R p_init(EvtPDL::getMass(BS0),0.0,0.0,0.0);
00301         scalar_part->init(BS0,p_init);
00302       }
00303       else if (getId()==BD0) {
00304         EvtVector4R p_init(EvtPDL::getMass(BDB),0.0,0.0,0.0);
00305         scalar_part->init(BDB,p_init);
00306       }
00307       else if (getId()==BDB) {
00308         EvtVector4R p_init(EvtPDL::getMass(BD0),0.0,0.0,0.0);
00309         scalar_part->init(BD0,p_init);
00310       }
00312       scalar_part->setLifetime(0);
00314       scalar_part->setDiagonalSpinDensity();      
00316       insertDaugPtr(0,scalar_part);
00318       _ndaug=1;
00319       _isInit=true;
00320       p=scalar_part;
00321       p->initDecay(useMinMass);
00322       return;
00325     }
00326   }
00327   if ( _ndaug==1 ) std::cout << "hi " << EvtPDL::name(this->getId()) << std::endl;
00329   EvtDecayBase *decayer;
00330   decayer = EvtDecayTable::getDecayFunc(p);
00332   if ( decayer ) {
00333     p->makeDaughters(decayer->nRealDaughters(),decayer->getDaugs());
00334     //    report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "has found decay " << decayer->nRealDaughters() << endl;
00335     //then loop over the daughters and init their decay
00336     int i;
00337     for(i=0;i<p->getNDaug();i++){
00338       if ( EvtPDL::getWidth(p->getDaug(i)->getId()) > 0.0000001)
00339         p->getDaug(i)->initDecay(useMinMass);
00340       else p->getDaug(i)->setMass(EvtPDL::getMeanMass(p->getDaug(i)->getId()));
00341       //  report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "has inited " << EvtPDL::name(p->getDaug(i)->getId()) <<
00342       //        " " <<  EvtPDL::name(p->getId()) << endl;
00343     }
00344   }
00345   //figure masses in separate step...
00346   //  if ( p->getParent() && _validP4==false ) EvtDecayBase::findMass(p);
00348   int j;
00349   EvtId *dauId=0;
00350   double *dauMasses=0;
00351   int nDaugT=p->getNDaug();
00352   if ( nDaugT > 0) {
00353     dauId=new EvtId[nDaugT];
00354     dauMasses=new double[nDaugT];
00355     for (j=0;j<nDaugT;j++) { 
00356       dauId[j]=p->getDaug(j)->getId();
00357       dauMasses[j]=p->getDaug(j)->mass();
00358     }
00359   }
00361   EvtId *parId=0;
00362   EvtId *othDauId=0;
00363   EvtParticle *tempPar=p->getParent();
00364   if (tempPar) {
00365     parId=new EvtId(tempPar->getId());
00366     if ( tempPar->getNDaug()==2 ) {
00367       if ( tempPar->getDaug(0) == this ) othDauId=new EvtId(tempPar->getDaug(1)->getId());
00368       else othDauId=new EvtId(tempPar->getDaug(0)->getId());
00369     }
00370   }
00371   if ( p->getParent() && p->hasValidP4()==false ) {
00372     if ( !useMinMass ) p->setMass(EvtPDL::getRandMass(p->getId(),parId,p->getNDaug(),dauId,othDauId,parMass,dauMasses));
00373     else p->setMass(EvtPDL::getMinMass(p->getId()));
00374   }
00375   if ( parId) delete parId;
00376   if ( othDauId) delete othDauId;
00377   if ( dauId) delete [] dauId;
00378   if ( dauMasses) delete [] dauMasses;
00379   _isInit=true;
00380 }

double EvtParticle::initializePhaseSpace int  numdaughter,
EvtId daughters,
double  poleSize = -1.,
int  whichTwo1 = 0,
int  whichTwo2 = 1

Similar to the routine above except that here momentum is generated according to phase space daughters are filled with this momentum.

01049                                                  {
01051   double m_b;
01052   int i;
01053   //lange
01054   //  this->makeDaughters(numdaughter,daughters);
01056   static EvtVector4R p4[100];
01057   static double mass[100];
01059   m_b = this->mass();
01061   //lange - Jan2,2002 - Need to check to see if the daughters of the parent
01062   // have changed. If so, delete them and start over.
01063   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "the parent is\n";
01064   //if ( this->getParent() ) {
01065   //  if ( this->getParent()->getParent() ) this->getParent()->getParent()->printTree();
01066     //    this->getParent()->printTree();
01067   //}
01068   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "and this is\n";
01069   //if ( this) this->printTree();
01070   bool resetDaughters=false;
01071   if ( numdaughter != this->getNDaug() && this->getNDaug() > 0 ) resetDaughters=true;
01072   if ( numdaughter == this->getNDaug() ) 
01073     for (i=0; i<numdaughter;i++) {
01074       if ( this->getDaug(i)->getId() != daughters[i] ) resetDaughters=true;
01075       //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << this->getDaug(i)->getId() << " " << daughters[i] << endl;
01076     }
01078   if ( resetDaughters ) {
01079     //    report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "reseting daughters\n";
01080     //for (i=0; i<numdaughter;i++) {
01081     //  report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "reset " <<i<< " "<< EvtPDL::name(this->getDaug(i)->getId()) << " " << EvtPDL::name(daughters[i]) << endl;
01082     //}
01083     bool t1=true;
01084     //but keep the decay channel of the parent.
01085     this->deleteDaughters(t1);
01086     this->makeDaughters(numdaughter,daughters);
01087     this->generateMassTree();
01088   }
01090   double weight=0.;
01091   //  EvtDecayBase::findMasses( this, numdaughter, daughters, mass );
01092   //get the list of masses
01093   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "mpar= " << m_b << " " << this <<endl;
01094   for (i=0; i<numdaughter;i++) {
01095     mass[i]=this->getDaug(i)->mass();
01096     //    report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "mass " << i << " " << mass[i] << " " << this->getDaug(i) << endl;
01097   }
01099   if ( poleSize<-0.1) {
01100     EvtGenKine::PhaseSpace( numdaughter, mass, p4, m_b );
01101     for(i=0;i<numdaughter;i++){
01102       this->getDaug(i)->init(daughters[i],p4[i]);
01103     }
01105   }
01106   else  {
01107     if ( numdaughter != 3 ) {
01108       report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Only can generate pole phase space "
01109                              << "distributions for 3 body final states"
01110                              << endl<<"Will terminate."<<endl;
01111       ::abort();
01112     }
01113     bool ok=false;
01114     if ( (whichTwo1 == 1 && whichTwo2 == 0 ) ||
01115          (whichTwo1 == 0 && whichTwo2 == 1 ) ) {
01116       weight=EvtGenKine::PhaseSpacePole( m_b, mass[0], mass[1], mass[2], 
01117                                           poleSize, p4);
01118       //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "here " << weight << " " << poleSize << endl; 
01119       this->getDaug(0)->init(daughters[0],p4[0]);
01120       this->getDaug(1)->init(daughters[1],p4[1]);
01121       this->getDaug(2)->init(daughters[2],p4[2]);
01122       ok=true;
01123     }
01124     if ( (whichTwo1 == 1 && whichTwo2 == 2 ) ||
01125          (whichTwo1 == 2 && whichTwo2 == 1 ) ) {
01126       weight=EvtGenKine::PhaseSpacePole( m_b, mass[2], mass[1], mass[0], 
01127                                           poleSize, p4);
01128       this->getDaug(0)->init(daughters[0],p4[2]);
01129       this->getDaug(1)->init(daughters[1],p4[1]);
01130       this->getDaug(2)->init(daughters[2],p4[0]);
01131       ok=true;
01132     }
01133     if ( (whichTwo1 == 0 && whichTwo2 == 2 ) ||
01134          (whichTwo1 == 2 && whichTwo2 == 0 ) ) {
01135       weight=EvtGenKine::PhaseSpacePole( m_b, mass[1], mass[0], mass[2], 
01136                                           poleSize, p4);
01137       this->getDaug(0)->init(daughters[0],p4[1]);
01138       this->getDaug(1)->init(daughters[1],p4[0]);
01139       this->getDaug(2)->init(daughters[2],p4[2]);
01140       ok=true;
01141     }
01142     if ( !ok) {
01143       report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Invalid pair of particle to generate a pole dist"
01144                              << whichTwo1 << " " << whichTwo2
01145                              << endl<<"Will terminate."<<endl;
01146       ::abort();
01147     }
01148   }
01150   return weight;
01151 }

void EvtParticle::insertDaugPtr int  idaug,
EvtParticle partptr
[inline, inherited]

Makes partptr the idaug:th daugther.

00206                                                     { _daug[idaug]=partptr;
00207                                                  partptr->_parent=this; }

bool EvtParticle::isDecayed  )  [inline, inherited]

00369 {return _isDecayed;}

bool EvtParticle::isInitialized  )  [inline, inherited]

00367 {return _isInit;}

void EvtParticle::makeDaughters int  ndaug,
EvtId id

Creates the daughters in the list of ids and adds them to the parent. Note that momentum is left uninitialized, this is _only_ creation.

01153                                                          {
01155   int i;
01156   if ( _channel < 0 ) {
01157     //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "setting channel " << EvtPDL::name(this->getId()) << endl;
01158     setChannel(0);
01159   }
01160   EvtParticle* pdaug;  
01161   if (_ndaug!=0 ){
01162     if (_ndaug!=ndaugstore){
01163       report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Asking to make a different number of "
01164                              << "daughters than what was previously created."
01165                              << endl<<"Will terminate."<<endl;
01166       ::abort();
01167     }
01168   } 
01169   else{
01170     for(i=0;i<ndaugstore;i++){
01171       pdaug=EvtParticleFactory::particleFactory(EvtPDL::getSpinType(id[i]));
01172       pdaug->setId(id[i]);
01173       pdaug->addDaug(this);     
01174     }
01176   } //else
01177 } //makeDaughters

void EvtParticle::makeStdHep EvtStdHep stdhep  )  [inherited]

00771                                              {
00773   //first add particle to the stdhep list;
00774   stdhep.createParticle(getP4Lab(),get4Pos(),-1,-1,
00775                         EvtPDL::getStdHep(getId()));
00777   int i;
00778   for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00779     stdhep.createParticle(_daug[i]->getP4Lab(),_daug[i]->get4Pos(),0,0,
00780                           EvtPDL::getStdHep(_daug[i]->getId()));
00781   }
00783   for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00784     _daug[i]->makeStdHepRec(1+i,1+i,stdhep);
00785   }
00786   return;
00788 }

void EvtParticle::makeStdHep EvtStdHep stdhep,
EvtSecondary secondary,
EvtId stable_parent_ihep

Makes stdhep list

00736                                                    {
00738   //first add particle to the stdhep list;
00739   stdhep.createParticle(getP4Lab(),get4Pos(),-1,-1,
00740                         EvtPDL::getStdHep(getId()));
00742   int ii=0;
00744   //lets see if this is a longlived particle and terminate the 
00745   //list building!
00747   while (list_of_stable[ii]!=EvtId(-1,-1)) {
00748     if (getId()==list_of_stable[ii]){
00749       secondary.createSecondary(0,this);
00750       return;
00751     }
00752     ii++;
00753   }
00758   int i;
00759   for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00760     stdhep.createParticle(_daug[i]->getP4Lab(),_daug[i]->get4Pos(),0,0,
00761                           EvtPDL::getStdHep(_daug[i]->getId()));
00762   }
00764   for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00765     _daug[i]->makeStdHepRec(1+i,1+i,stdhep,secondary,list_of_stable);
00766   }
00767   return;
00769 }

double EvtParticle::mass  )  const [inherited]

Returns mass of particle.

00127                                {
00129      return _p.mass();
00130 }

EvtParticle * EvtParticle::nextIter EvtParticle rootOfTree = 0  )  [inherited]

Iterates over the particles in a decay chain.

00705                                                            {
00707   EvtParticle *bpart;
00708   EvtParticle *current;
00710   current=this;
00711   int i;
00713   if (_ndaug!=0) return _daug[0];
00715   do{
00716     bpart=current->_parent;
00717     if (bpart==0) return 0;
00718     i=0;
00719     while (bpart->_daug[i]!=current) {i++;}
00721     if ( bpart==rootOfTree ) {
00722       if ( i== bpart->_ndaug-1 ) return 0;
00723     }
00725     i++;
00726     current=bpart;
00728   }while(i>=bpart->_ndaug);
00730   return bpart->_daug[i];
00732 }

void EvtParticle::noLifeTime  )  [inline, inherited]

00347 { _genlifetime=0; }

EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle& EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::operator= const EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle d  )  [private]

void EvtParticle::printParticle  )  const [inherited]

Prints information for the particle.

00976                                       {
00978   switch (EvtPDL::getSpinType(_id)){ 
00979   case EvtSpinType::SCALAR:
00980     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a scalar particle:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00981     break;     
00982   case EvtSpinType::VECTOR:
00983     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a vector particle:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00984     break;     
00985   case EvtSpinType::TENSOR:
00986     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a tensor particle:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00987     break;
00988   case EvtSpinType::DIRAC:
00989     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a dirac particle:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00990     break;
00991   case EvtSpinType::PHOTON:
00992     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a photon:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00993     break;
00994   case EvtSpinType::NEUTRINO:
00995     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a neutrino:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00996     break;
00997   case EvtSpinType::RARITASCHWINGER:
00998     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a raritaschwinger:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
00999     break;
01000   case EvtSpinType::STRING:
01001     report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is a string:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<"\n";
01002     break;
01003   default:
01004     report(INFO,"EvtGen") <<"Unknown particle type in EvtParticle::printParticle()"<<endl;
01005     break;
01006   }
01007   report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "Number of daughters:"<<_ndaug<<"\n";
01010 }

void EvtParticle::printTree  )  const [inherited]

Prints out the particle "tree" of a given particle. The tree consists of all daughters (and their daughters, etc) and their properties.

00873                                   {
00875   report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "This is the current decay chain"<<endl;
00876   report(INFO,"") << "This top particle is "<<
00877     EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<endl;  
00879   this->printTreeRec(0);
00880   report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "End of decay chain."<<endl;
00882 }

void EvtParticle::printTreeRec int  level  )  const [inherited]

00846                                               {
00848   int newlevel,i;
00849   newlevel = level +1;
00852   if (_ndaug!=0) {
00853     if ( level > 0 ) {
00854       for (i=0;i<(5*level);i++) {
00855         report(INFO,"") <<" ";
00856       }
00857     }
00858     report(INFO,"") << EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str();  
00859     report(INFO,"") << " -> ";
00860     for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00861       report(INFO,"") << EvtPDL::name(_daug[i]->getId()).c_str()<<" ";
00862     }
00863     for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00864       report(INFO,"") << _daug[i]->mass()<<" ";
00865     }
00866     report(INFO,"")<<endl;
00867     for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00868       _daug[i]->printTreeRec(newlevel);
00869     }
00870   }
00871 }

void EvtParticle::resetFirstOrNot  )  [inherited]

00077                                   {
00078   _first=1;
00079 }

void EvtParticle::resetNDaug  )  [inline, inherited]

00255 {_ndaug=0; return;}

EvtSpinDensity EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::rotateToHelicityBasis double  alpha,
double  beta,
double  gamma
const [virtual]

Implements EvtParticle.

00170                                                                                     {
00172   EvtDiracSpinor spplus;
00173   EvtDiracSpinor spminus;
00175   if (EvtPDL::getStdHep(getId())>0){  
00176     spplus.set(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
00177     spminus.set(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0);
00178   } else {
00179     spplus.set(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0);
00180     spminus.set(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
00181   }
00183   EvtVector4C eplus(0.0,-1.0/sqrt(2.0),EvtComplex(0.0,-1.0/sqrt(2.0)),0.0);
00184   EvtVector4C ezero(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
00185   EvtVector4C eminus(0.0,1.0/sqrt(2.0),EvtComplex(0.0,-1.0/sqrt(2.0)),0.0);
00187   EvtRaritaSchwinger sppp=dirProd(eplus,spplus);
00188   EvtRaritaSchwinger spp=dirProd(sqrt(2.0/3.0)*ezero,spplus)+
00189     dirProd(sqrt(1.0/3.0)*eplus,spminus);
00190   EvtRaritaSchwinger spm=dirProd(sqrt(2.0/3.0)*ezero,spminus)+
00191     dirProd(sqrt(1.0/3.0)*eminus,spplus);
00192   EvtRaritaSchwinger spmm=dirProd(eminus,spminus);
00193   //
00195   sppp.applyRotateEuler(alpha,beta,gamma);
00196   spp.applyRotateEuler(alpha,beta,gamma);
00197   spm.applyRotateEuler(alpha,beta,gamma);
00198   spmm.applyRotateEuler(alpha,beta,gamma);
00200   EvtSpinDensity R;
00201   R.SetDim(4);
00203   double sqmt2=sqrt(2.0*(this->getP4().mass()));
00205   for ( int i=0; i<4; i++) {
00206     R.Set(0,i,(sppp*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00207     R.Set(1,i,(spp*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00208     R.Set(2,i,(spm*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00209     R.Set(3,i,(spmm*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00210   }
00212   return R;
00214 }

EvtSpinDensity EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::rotateToHelicityBasis  )  const [virtual]

Returns a rotation matrix need to rotate the basis state to the helicity basis. The EvtSpinDensity matrix is just use as a matrix here. This function is to be implemented in each derived class.

Implements EvtParticle.

00124                                                                       {
00126   double sqmt2=sqrt(2.0*(this->getP4().mass()));
00128   EvtDiracSpinor spplus;
00129   EvtDiracSpinor spminus;
00131   if (EvtPDL::getStdHep(getId())>0){  
00132     spplus.set(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
00133     spminus.set(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0);
00134   } else {
00135     spplus.set(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0);
00136     spminus.set(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
00137   }
00139   EvtVector4C eplus(0.0,-1.0/sqrt(2.0),EvtComplex(0.0,-1.0/sqrt(2.0)),0.0);
00140   EvtVector4C ezero(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
00141   EvtVector4C eminus(0.0,1.0/sqrt(2.0),EvtComplex(0.0,-1.0/sqrt(2.0)),0.0);
00143   EvtRaritaSchwinger sppp=dirProd(eplus,spplus);
00144   EvtRaritaSchwinger spp=dirProd(sqrt(2.0/3.0)*ezero,spplus)+
00145     dirProd(sqrt(1.0/3.0)*eplus,spminus);
00146   EvtRaritaSchwinger spm=dirProd(sqrt(2.0/3.0)*ezero,spminus)+
00147     dirProd(sqrt(1.0/3.0)*eminus,spplus);
00148   EvtRaritaSchwinger spmm=dirProd(eminus,spminus);
00150   //
00152   EvtSpinDensity R;
00153   R.SetDim(4);
00156   for ( int i=0; i<4; i++) {
00157     R.Set(0,i,(sppp*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00158     R.Set(1,i,(spp*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00159     R.Set(2,i,(spm*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00160     R.Set(3,i,(spmm*_spinorRest[i])/sqmt2);
00161   }
00163   return R;
00165 }

void EvtParticle::setChannel int  i  )  [inherited]

Should only be used internally.

00081                                     { 
00082   _channel=i;
00083 }

void EvtParticle::setDecayProb double  p  )  [inherited]

01180                                           {
01182   if ( _decayProb == 0 )  _decayProb=new double;
01183   *_decayProb=prob;
01184 }

void EvtParticle::setDiagonalSpinDensity  )  [inherited]

Set diagonal spindensity matrix.

00133                                         {
00135   _rhoForward.SetDiag(getSpinStates());
00136 }

void EvtParticle::setFirstOrNot  )  [inherited]

00074                                 {
00075   _first=0;
00076 }

void EvtParticle::setGeneratorFlag int  flag  )  [inline, inherited]

set generator information; pingrg-2011-1-6

00141 {_generatorFlag = flag;}

void EvtParticle::setId EvtId  id  )  [inline, inherited]

00350 { _id=id;}

void EvtParticle::setLifetime  )  [inherited]

Generate lifetime according to pure exponential.

00093                              {
00094   if (_genlifetime){
00095     _t=-log(EvtRandom::Flat())*EvtPDL::getctau(getId());
00096   }
00097 }

void EvtParticle::setLifetime double  tau  )  [inherited]

Set lifetime of the particle in parents restframe.

00089                                        {
00090   _t=tau;
00091 }

void EvtParticle::setMass double  m  )  [inline, inherited]

00357 { _p=EvtVector4R(m,0.0,0.0,0.0);}

void EvtParticle::setp const EvtVector4R p4  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

00382 { _p =p4; }

void EvtParticle::setp double  e,
double  px,
double  py,
double  pz
[inline, protected, inherited]

00381 { _p.set(e,px,py,pz); }

void EvtParticle::setP4 const EvtVector4R p4  )  [inline, inherited]

Sets the 4momentum in the parents restframe.

00244 {_p=p4;}

void EvtParticle::setpart_num EvtId  particle_number  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

00384   { 
00385     assert(_channel==-10||
00386            _id.getId()==particle_number.getId()||
00387            _id.getId()==-1);
00388     _id = particle_number; 
00389   }

void EvtParticle::setSpinDensityBackward const EvtSpinDensity rho  )  [inline, inherited]

Set backward spin density matrix.

00337 {_rhoBackward=rho;}

void EvtParticle::setSpinDensityForward const EvtSpinDensity rho  )  [inline, inherited]

Set forward spin density matrix.

00306 {_rhoForward=rho;}

void EvtParticle::setSpinDensityForwardHelicityBasis const EvtSpinDensity rho,
double  alpha,
double  beta,
double  gamma

00188                                                                   {
00190   EvtSpinDensity R=rotateToHelicityBasis(alpha,beta,gamma);
00192   assert(R.GetDim()==rho.GetDim());
00194   int n=rho.GetDim();
00196   _rhoForward.SetDim(n);
00198   int i,j,k,l;
00200   for(i=0;i<n;i++){
00201     for(j=0;j<n;j++){
00202       EvtComplex tmp=0.0;
00203       for(k=0;k<n;k++){
00204         for(l=0;l<n;l++){
00205           tmp+=R.Get(l,i)*rho.Get(l,k)*conj(R.Get(k,j));
00206         }
00207       }
00208       _rhoForward.Set(i,j,tmp);
00209     }
00210   }
00212   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "_rhoForward:"<<_rhoForward<<endl;
00214 }

void EvtParticle::setSpinDensityForwardHelicityBasis const EvtSpinDensity rho  )  [inherited]

Set forward spin density matrix according to the density matrix rho in the helicity amplitude basis.

00157                                                                              {
00159   EvtSpinDensity R=rotateToHelicityBasis();
00161   assert(R.GetDim()==rho.GetDim());
00163   int n=rho.GetDim();
00165   _rhoForward.SetDim(n);
00167   int i,j,k,l;
00169   for(i=0;i<n;i++){
00170     for(j=0;j<n;j++){
00171       EvtComplex tmp=0.0;
00172       for(k=0;k<n;k++){
00173         for(l=0;l<n;l++){
00174           tmp+=R.Get(l,i)*rho.Get(l,k)*conj(R.Get(k,j));
00175         }
00176       }
00177       _rhoForward.Set(i,j,tmp);
00178     }
00179   }
00181   //report(INFO,"EvtGen") << "_rhoForward:"<<_rhoForward<<endl;
00183 }

void EvtParticle::setVectorSpinDensity  )  [inherited]

Set spindensity matrix for e+e- -> V

00138                                       {
00140   if (getSpinStates()!=3) {
00141     report(ERROR,"EvtGen")<<"Error in EvtParticle::setVectorSpinDensity"<<endl;
00142     report(ERROR,"EvtGen")<<"spin_states:"<<getSpinStates()<<endl;
00143     report(ERROR,"EvtGen")<<"particle:"<<EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str()<<endl;
00144     ::abort();
00145   }
00147   EvtSpinDensity rho;
00149   //Set helicity +1 and -1 to 1.
00150   rho.SetDiag(getSpinStates());
00151   rho.Set(1,1,EvtComplex(0.0,0.0));
00152   setSpinDensityForwardHelicityBasis(rho);
00154 }

EvtDiracSpinor EvtParticle::sp int   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns Dirac spinor in the particles own restframe for a Dirac particle.

Reimplemented in EvtDiracParticle.

00598                                           {
00599   EvtDiracSpinor tempD;
00600   int temp;
00601   temp = i;
00602   printParticle();
00603   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00604                          <<"th dirac spinor."
00605                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00606                          <<" Dirac particle!" << endl;
00607   ::abort();
00608   return tempD;
00609 }

EvtDiracSpinor EvtParticle::spNeutrino  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns Dirac spinor in the particles own restframe for a Neutrino particle.

Reimplemented in EvtNeutrinoParticle.

00622                                              {
00623   EvtDiracSpinor tempD;
00624   printParticle();
00625   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the "
00626                          <<"dirac spinor."
00627                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00628                          <<" neutrino particle!" << endl;
00629   ::abort();
00630   return tempD;
00631 }

EvtDiracSpinor EvtParticle::spParent int   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns Dirac spinor in the parents restframe for a Dirac particle.

Reimplemented in EvtDiracParticle.

00585                                                 {
00586   EvtDiracSpinor tempD;
00587   int temp;
00588   temp = i;
00589   printParticle();
00590   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the:"<<i
00591                          <<"th dirac spinor."
00592                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00593                          <<" Dirac particle!" << endl;
00594   ::abort();
00595   return tempD;
00596 }

EvtDiracSpinor EvtParticle::spParentNeutrino  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns Dirac spinor in the parents restframe for a Neutrino particle.

Reimplemented in EvtNeutrinoParticle.

00611                                                    {
00612   EvtDiracSpinor tempD;
00613   printParticle();
00614   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "and you have asked for the "
00615                          <<"dirac spinor."
00616                          <<" I.e. you thought it was a"
00617                          <<" neutrino particle!" << endl;
00618   ::abort();
00619   return tempD;
00620 }

EvtRaritaSchwinger EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::spRS int   )  const

00116                                                                {
00118   return _spinorRest[i];
00120 }

EvtRaritaSchwinger EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::spRSParent int   )  const

00110                                                                      {
00112   return _spinor[i];
00114 }

std::string EvtParticle::treeStr  )  const [inherited]

00966                                      {
00968   std::string retval=EvtPDL::name(_id);
00969   retval+=" -> ";
00971   retval+=treeStrRec(0);
00973   return retval;
00974 }

std::string EvtParticle::treeStrRec int  level  )  const [inherited]

00884                                                  {
00886   int newlevel,i;
00887   newlevel = level +1;
00889   std::string retval="";
00891   for(i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00892     retval+=EvtPDL::name(_daug[i]->getId());
00893     if ( _daug[i]->getNDaug() > 0 ) {
00894       retval+= " (";
00895       retval+= _daug[i]->treeStrRec(newlevel);
00896       retval+= ") ";
00897     }
00898     else{
00899       if ( i!=_ndaug-1) retval+=" ";
00900     }
00901   }
00903   return retval;
00904 }

std::string EvtParticle::writeTreeRec std::string   )  const [inherited]

00906                                                              {  //pingrg, Jun. 6, 2008
00907   std::string retval="";
00909   if (resonance ==  EvtPDL::name(_id).c_str() && _ndaug!=0) {
00910     retval=resonance+": "+IntToStr(_ndaug)+"  ";
00911     for(int i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00912       retval += EvtPDL::name(_daug[i]->getId()).c_str();
00913       retval += " ";
00914     }
00915   }
00917     for(int i=0;i<_ndaug;i++){
00918       _daug[i]->writeTreeRec(resonance);
00919     }
00920     std::cout<<retval;
00921   return retval;
00922 }

Member Data Documentation

EvtRaritaSchwinger EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::_spinor[4] [private]

EvtRaritaSchwinger EvtRaritaSchwingerParticle::_spinorRest[4] [private]

bool EvtParticle::_validP4 [protected, inherited]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:09:03 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen