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EventTagSvc Class Reference

#include <EventTagSvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for EventTagSvc:

IEventTagSvc IEventTagSvc List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EventTagSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
 EventTagSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode finalize ()
unsigned long long int getChainCode (Event::McParticle *part)
unsigned long long int getChainCode (Event::McParticle *part)
unsigned int getCharmDecayType (Event::McParticle *part)
unsigned int getCharmDecayType (Event::McParticle *part)
int getDecayCode (Event::McParticle *part)
int getDecayCode (Event::McParticle *part)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode initialize ()
virtual long int name2pdg (std::string pname)=0
long int name2pdg (string pname)
long int name2pdg (string pname)
string pdg2name (long int pdg)
string pdg2name (long int pdg)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &, void **ppvInterface)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &, void **ppvInterface)

Static Public Member Functions

const InterfaceID & interfaceID ()
const InterfaceID & interfaceID ()

Private Member Functions

int buildAntiPartTabs ()
int buildAntiPartTabs ()
int readDecayTabFile (string fname)
int readDecayTabFile (string fname)
int readPdtFile (string fname)
int readPdtFile (string fname)

Private Attributes

std::set< long int > chainTrigParticles
std::set< long int > chainTrigParticles
bool m_buildAntiTabs
std::map< int, decayModeTab * > m_decayTabList
std::map< int, decayModeTab * > m_decayTabList
string m_decayTabsFile
bool m_digK0
bool m_ignoreFSR
bool m_ignorePhotons
string m_pdtFile
string m_userDecayTabsFile
std::map< string, long int > name2pdgTab
std::map< string, long int > name2pdgTab
std::map< long int, string > pdg2nameTab
std::map< long int, string > pdg2nameTab
std::vector< string > userChainTrig
std::vector< string > userChainTrig

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EventTagSvc::EventTagSvc const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svc

00008                                                                  :
00009   Service(name,svc)
00010 {
00012   declareProperty("pdgFile", m_pdtFile="pdt.table");
00013   declareProperty("decayCodesFile", m_decayTabsFile="");
00014   //  declareProperty("userDecayCodesFile", m_userDecayTabsFile="");
00015   declareProperty("userDecayCodesFile", m_userDecayTabsFile="");
00016   declareProperty("buildAntiPartTable", m_buildAntiTabs=true);
00017   declareProperty("ignorePhotons", m_ignorePhotons=true);
00018   declareProperty("ignoreFSR", m_ignoreFSR=true);
00019   declareProperty("chainTrigParticles", userChainTrig);
00020   declareProperty("digK0", m_digK0=true);
00021 }

EventTagSvc::EventTagSvc const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svc

Member Function Documentation

int EventTagSvc::buildAntiPartTabs  )  [private]

int EventTagSvc::buildAntiPartTabs  )  [private]

00360                                   {
00361   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00362   decayModeTab* dTab;
00363   decayModeTab* adTab;
00364   keyVector key,akey;
00365   int mother,amother,code;
00366   for(std::map<int,decayModeTab*>::iterator itl=m_decayTabList.begin(); 
00367       itl!=m_decayTabList.end();itl++){
00368     mother=itl->first;
00369     amother=-mother;
00370     if(m_decayTabList.find(amother)!=m_decayTabList.end())continue ;// aparticle tab already exist
00371     if(pdg2name(mother).size()==0){
00372       log<<MSG::ERROR<<" buildAntiPartTabs :: Unknown pdg code for mother particle "<<endreq;
00373       return 1;
00374     }
00375     if(pdg2name(amother).size()==0)continue; //Aparticle==particle??
00376     log<<MSG::INFO<<" buildAntiPartTabs :: create new table for particle "
00377        << amother<<"("<<pdg2name(amother)<<")"<<endreq;
00378     dTab=itl->second;
00379     adTab=new decayModeTab;
00380     m_decayTabList[amother]=adTab;
00381     key.clear();
00382     for(decayModeTab::iterator it=dTab->begin();it!=dTab->end();it++){
00383       key=it->first;
00384       code=it->second;
00385       for(keyVector::iterator it=key.begin();it!=key.end();it++){
00386         if(pdg2name(*it).size()==0){
00387           log<<MSG::ERROR<<" buildAntiPartTabs :: Unknown pdg code"
00388              << "for  particle in keyVector"<<endreq;
00389           return 1;
00390         }
00391         if(pdg2name(-(*it)).size()==0)continue ; // true neutral ??
00392         (*it) *= -1;
00393       }
00394       sort(key.begin(),key.end());
00395       (*adTab)[key]=code;
00396     }
00397   }
00398   return 0;
00399 }

StatusCode EventTagSvc::finalize  ) 

StatusCode EventTagSvc::finalize  ) 

00077                                  {
00078   // Part 1: Get the messaging service, print where you are
00079   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00080   log << MSG::INFO << "EventTagSvc finalize()" << endreq;
00081   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00082 }

unsigned long long int EventTagSvc::getChainCode Event::McParticle part  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

unsigned long long int EventTagSvc::getChainCode Event::McParticle part  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

00466                                                                      {
00467   unsigned long long int code=0;
00468   int shift=0;
00469   vector<Event::McParticle*> chainVect;
00470   while(shift<57){
00471     code |=  (getDecayCode(part)&0xFF)<<shift;  
00472     SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle> dref=part->daughterList();
00473     chainVect.clear();
00474     for(SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle>::iterator it=dref.begin();it!=dref.end();it++){
00475       int abspdg=abs((*it)->particleProperty());
00476       if(((((abspdg%1000)/10)<45) && (((abspdg%1000)/10)>40)) // select particles with *4?? pdg code
00477          ||(chainTrigParticles.find(abspdg)!=chainTrigParticles.end())) { 
00478         chainVect.push_back(*it);
00479       }
00480     }
00481     if(chainVect.size()==0 ||chainVect.size()>2)break;
00482     if(chainVect.size()==1){part=chainVect[0];}
00483     else{
00484       sort(chainVect.begin(),chainVect.end(),mcPartPrtLess);
00485       code |= ((getDecayCode(chainVect[0])&0xFF)<<(shift+8));
00486       code |= ((getDecayCode(chainVect[1])&0xFF)<<(shift+16));
00487       break;
00488     }
00489     shift+=8;
00490   }
00491   return code;
00492 }

unsigned int EventTagSvc::getCharmDecayType Event::McParticle part  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

unsigned int EventTagSvc::getCharmDecayType Event::McParticle part  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

00401                                                                  {
00402   unsigned int a=0;
00403   //  int type=0;
00404   if(! part) return 0xF;
00405   SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle> dref=part->daughterList();
00406   if(dref.size()==0) return 0;
00407   int nhad=0;
00408   long int pdg1=0;
00409   bool dd=false;
00410   for(SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle>::iterator it=dref.begin(); it!=dref.end();it++){
00411     int pdg=abs((*it)->particleProperty());
00412     if((pdg==22)&&m_ignorePhotons)continue;
00413     if(pdg==22){a|=1;}
00414     else if( (pdg>10)&&(pdg<19) ){a |=(1<<1);}
00415     else if( pdg>110) {
00416       if( ((pdg%1000)/100==4)&&((pdg%100)/10==4)){
00417         a |= 1<<3;
00418       }
00419       else{
00420         a |= 1<<2;
00421         nhad+=1;
00422         if(nhad==1)pdg1=pdg;
00423         dd=(pdg1==pdg);
00424       }
00425     }
00426     else a |=1<<4;
00427   }
00428   if(a>0xF)return 0xf;        //unknown particle
00429   if(a==4){                   //  hadronic
00430     if((nhad!=2)||(!dd))return 6;
00431     //    long int pdg1=dref[0]->particleProperty();
00432     //    long int pdg2=dref[1]->particleProperty();
00433     //    if(abs(pdg1)!=abs(pdg2)) return 6;
00434     switch (abs(pdg1)){
00435     case 411:
00436       return 7;
00437       break;
00438     case 421:
00439       return 8;
00440       break;
00441     case 413:
00442       return 9;
00443       break;
00444     case 423:
00445       return 10;
00446       break;
00447     case 431:
00448       return 11;
00449       break;
00450     case 433:
00451       return 12;
00452       break;
00453     default:
00454       return 6;
00455       break;
00456     }
00457   }
00458   if((a&0xE)==2)return 1;     // leptonic 
00459   if((a&0x6)==0x6)return 2;   // semileptonic 
00460   if((a&0xE)==0xC)return 4;         //  hadronic charmonium transition
00461   if((a&0xE)==0x8)return 3;         //  radiative charmonium transition   !!use 0XE mask for correct work with "ignore photons" options; 
00462   if((a&1)==1)return 5;         //  radiative
00463   return 0xf;                 //unknown
00464 }

int EventTagSvc::getDecayCode Event::McParticle part  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

int EventTagSvc::getDecayCode Event::McParticle part  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

00328                                                   {
00329   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00330   keyVector key;
00331   long int mother_pdg=part->particleProperty();
00332   map<int,decayModeTab*>::iterator itlist=m_decayTabList.find(mother_pdg);
00333   if(itlist==m_decayTabList.end())return 0;
00334   decayModeTab* dTab=itlist->second;
00335   SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle> dref=part->daughterList();
00336   if(dref.size()==0)return 0;
00337   key.clear();
00338   for(SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle>::iterator it=dref.begin();it!=dref.end();it++){
00339     int pdg=(*it)->particleProperty();
00340     if(m_digK0&&(abs(pdg)==311)){
00341       SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle> dref1=(*it)->daughterList();
00342       if(dref1.size()!=1){
00343         log<< MSG::WARNING<<"unknown decay of K0, aborting"<<endreq;
00344         return 0;
00345       }
00346       pdg=dref1[0]->particleProperty();
00347     }
00348     if((abs(pdg)==22)&&m_ignorePhotons)continue;
00349     if((pdg==-22)&&m_ignoreFSR)continue;
00350     key.push_back(pdg);
00351   }
00353   sort(key.begin(),key.end());
00354   if(m_ignorePhotons&&(key.size()==0))key.push_back(22);
00355   decayModeTab::iterator ittab=dTab->find(key);
00356   if(ittab==dTab->end())return 0;
00357   return ittab->second;
00358 }

StatusCode EventTagSvc::initialize  ) 

StatusCode EventTagSvc::initialize  ) 

00023                                   {
00024   Service::initialize();
00025   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00027   setProperties();
00028   log << MSG::INFO << "EventTagSvc initialize()" << endreq;
00029   log << MSG::INFO << "         pdgFile="<<m_pdtFile<<endreq;
00030   log << MSG::INFO << "         decayCodesFile="<<m_decayTabsFile<<endreq;
00031   log << MSG::INFO << "         userDecayTabsFile="<<m_userDecayTabsFile<<endreq;
00032   log << MSG::INFO << "         buildAntiPartTable="<<m_buildAntiTabs<<endreq;
00033   log << MSG::INFO << "         Ignore Photons="<<m_ignorePhotons<<endreq;
00034   log << MSG::INFO << " Chain trigger particles:"<<endreq; 
00035   for(std::vector<string>::iterator it=userChainTrig.begin();it!=userChainTrig.end();it++){
00036     log << MSG::INFO<<"                         " <<(*it)<<endreq;
00037   }
00038   //  static const bool CREATEIFNOTTHERE(true);
00039   if(readPdtFile(m_pdtFile.c_str())){
00040     log << MSG::ERROR<<"Can not read pdgFile "<< m_pdtFile<<endreq;
00041     return StatusCode::StatusCode::FAILURE;
00042   }
00043   if(readDecayTabFile(m_decayTabsFile)){
00044     log << MSG::ERROR<<"Can not read decayTabsFile "<< m_decayTabsFile<<endreq;
00045     return StatusCode::StatusCode::FAILURE;
00046   }
00047   if(m_userDecayTabsFile.size()){
00048     if(readDecayTabFile(m_userDecayTabsFile)){
00049       log << MSG::ERROR<<"Can not read userDecayTabsFile "<<m_userDecayTabsFile<<endreq;
00050       return StatusCode::StatusCode::FAILURE;
00051     }
00052   }
00053   if(m_buildAntiTabs){
00054     if(buildAntiPartTabs()){
00055       log << MSG::ERROR<<"fail to build decay code table for anti-particles"<<endreq;
00056       return StatusCode::StatusCode::FAILURE;
00057     }
00058   }
00059   // fill the set with trigger chain particles
00060   for(std::vector<string>::iterator it=userChainTrig.begin();it!=userChainTrig.end();it++){
00061     long int pdg=abs(name2pdg(*it));
00062     if(pdg==0){
00063       log << MSG::ERROR<<"Unknown ChainTrigger particle "<< (*it)<<" ..ignoring"<<endreq;
00064       continue;
00065     }
00066     chainTrigParticles.insert(pdg);
00067   }
00068   log << MSG::DEBUG << "sorted chain trigger particles:"<<endreq; 
00069   for(set<long int>::iterator it=chainTrigParticles.begin();it!=chainTrigParticles.end();it++){
00070     log << MSG::DEBUG<<"                         "<<(*it)<<"  " <<pdg2name(*it)<<endreq;
00071   }
00074   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00075 }

const InterfaceID& IEventTagSvc::interfaceID  )  [static, inherited]

const InterfaceID & IEventTagSvc::interfaceID  )  [inline, static, inherited]

00026                                                      {
00027   static const InterfaceID _IID("IEventtagsvc", 1, 0);
00028   //  static const InterfaceID _IID(7091, 1, 0);
00029   return _IID;
00030 }

virtual long int IEventTagSvc::name2pdg std::string  pname  )  [pure virtual, inherited]

long int EventTagSvc::name2pdg string  pname  ) 

long int EventTagSvc::name2pdg string  pname  ) 

00104                                            {
00105   map<string,long int>::iterator it=name2pdgTab.find(pname);
00106   if(it!=name2pdgTab.end())return it->second;
00107   return 0;
00108 }

string EventTagSvc::pdg2name long int  pdg  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

string EventTagSvc::pdg2name long int  pdg  )  [virtual]

Implements IEventTagSvc.

00098                                         {
00099   map<long int,string>::iterator it=pdg2nameTab.find(pdg);
00100   if(it!=pdg2nameTab.end())return it->second;
00101   return string("");
00102 }

virtual StatusCode EventTagSvc::queryInterface const InterfaceID &  ,
void **  ppvInterface

StatusCode EventTagSvc::queryInterface const InterfaceID &  ,
void **  ppvInterface

00084                                                                                    {
00085   if ( IEventTagSvc::interfaceID().versionMatch(riid) )    {
00086     *ppvInterface = (IEventTagSvc*)this;
00087   }
00088   else  {
00089     // Interface is not directly available: try out a base class
00090     return Service::queryInterface(riid, ppvInterface);
00091   }
00092   addRef();
00093   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00094 }

int EventTagSvc::readDecayTabFile string  fname  )  [private]

int EventTagSvc::readDecayTabFile string  fname  )  [private]

00170                                              {
00171   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00172   ifstream infile;
00174   if(!infile.is_open()){
00175     log<<MSG::ERROR<< "Can not open decay table file :" <<fname<<endreq;
00176     infile.close();
00177     return 1;
00178   }
00179   log<<MSG::INFO<<"Reading decay codes from file " << fname<<endreq;  
00180   string ln;
00181   long int pdg,mo_pdg;
00182   int dcode;
00183   int nstr=0;
00184   char* pch;
00185   char str[256],mother[256];
00186   char whitespaces[]=" \t\f\v\n\r";
00187   while (! infile.eof() ){
00188     getline (infile,ln);
00189     nstr++;
00190     if(ln.empty())continue;
00191     if(ln[0]=='#'||ln[0]=='*')continue;
00192     if(ln.size()>255){
00193       log<<MSG::ERROR<<"line "<< nstr <<"in " 
00194          <<fname<<" is too big" <<endreq;
00195       infile.close();
00196       return 1;
00197     }
00198     strcpy(str,ln.c_str());
00199     pch = strtok (str,whitespaces);
00200     if(pch==NULL)continue;
00201     if(strcmp(pch,"Decay")!=0){
00202       log<<MSG::ERROR<<"No open  decay, unrecognized token in line "
00203          <<nstr <<" of " <<fname<<endreq;
00204       infile.close();
00205       return 1;
00206     }
00207     pch = strtok (NULL, whitespaces);
00208     if(pch==NULL) {
00209       log<<MSG::ERROR<< "Can not find  particles in line "
00210          << nstr <<" of " <<fname<<endreq;
00211       infile.close();
00212       return 1;
00213     }
00214     mo_pdg=name2pdg(string(pch));
00215     strcpy(mother,pch);
00216     if(mo_pdg==0){
00217       log<<MSG::ERROR<< "Unrecognized  particle "<<pch<<" in line " << nstr
00218          <<" of " <<fname<<endreq;
00219       infile.close();
00220       return 1;
00221     }
00222     log<<MSG::INFO<<"START DECAY TABLE FOR " << mother<<", pdg_code:"<<mo_pdg<<endl; 
00224     decayModeTab* dTab;
00225     map<int,decayModeTab*>::iterator itlist=m_decayTabList.find(mo_pdg);
00226     if(itlist!=m_decayTabList.end()){
00227       log<<MSG::WARNING<< "add new info into existing decay tab for "<<mother<<endreq;
00228       dTab=itlist->second;
00229     }
00230     else{
00231       log<<MSG::INFO<< "Create new decay code table for "<<mother<<endreq;
00232       dTab=new decayModeTab;
00233       m_decayTabList[mo_pdg]=dTab;
00234     }
00236     while(true){
00237       getline (infile,ln);
00238       if( infile.eof() ){
00239         log<<MSG::ERROR << "Enexpected EOF for dacay code file "
00240            <<fname <<endreq;
00241         infile.close();
00242         return 1;
00243       }
00244       nstr++;
00245       if(ln.empty())continue;
00246       if(ln[0]=='#')continue;
00247       if(ln.size()>255){
00248         log<<MSG::ERROR<<"line "<< nstr <<"in decay table file " 
00249            <<fname<<" is too big" <<endreq;
00250         infile.close();
00251         return 1;
00252       }
00253       strcpy(str,ln.c_str());
00254       pch = strtok (str,whitespaces);
00255       if(pch==NULL)continue;
00256       if(strcmp(pch,"Enddecay")==0){
00257         log<<MSG::INFO <<" End of "<< mother <<" decay table" <<endreq;
00258         break;
00259       }
00260       log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"parsing line "<<ln<<endreq;
00261       dcode=atoi(pch);
00262       if(dcode<=0||dcode>255){
00263         log<<MSG::ERROR<< " wrong decay code  in line "<<nstr
00264            <<", file "<<fname<< endreq; 
00265         infile.close();
00266         return 1;
00267       }
00268       //      decayModeTab::iterator itTab=dTab->find(code);
00269       //if( itTab != dTab->end()){
00271       log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"   dcode:"<<dcode<<",  particles: ";
00272       pch = strtok (NULL, whitespaces);
00273       if(pch==NULL){
00274         //      if(
00275         log<<MSG::ERROR<< " no decay found in line "<<nstr
00276            <<", file "<<fname<< endreq;
00277         infile.close();
00278         return 1;
00279       }
00280       //      keyVector* pKey=new keyVector;
00281       keyVector key;
00282       key.clear();
00283       //      keyVector* pKey=&key;
00284       while (pch != NULL){
00285         log<<MSG::DEBUG <<pch<<" ";     
00286         pdg=name2pdg(string(pch));
00287         if(pdg==0){
00288           log<<MSG::ERROR<<endl<< "Unrecognized  particle " <<pch <<" in line " << nstr
00289              <<" of " <<fname<<endreq;
00290           infile.close();
00291           return 1;
00292         }
00293         //      pKey->push_back(pdg);
00294         key.push_back(pdg);
00295         pch = strtok (NULL, whitespaces);
00296       }
00298       //      sort(pKey->begin(),pKey->end());
00299       sort(key.begin(),key.end());
00300       log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"    sorted pdg" ;
00301       //      for(keyVector::iterator it=pKey->begin(); it!=pKey->end(); it++)
00302       for(keyVector::iterator it=key.begin(); it!=key.end(); it++)
00303         log<<MSG::DEBUG <<"  "<<(*it);
00304       log<<MSG::DEBUG<<endreq;
00305       //      decayModeTab::iterator itdec=dTab->find(*pKey);
00306       decayModeTab::iterator itdec=dTab->find(key);
00307       if(itdec!=dTab->end()){
00308         if(itdec->second !=dcode){
00309           log<<MSG::ERROR << "line "<<nstr<<" of file " <<fname<<"has an error : "<<endreq ;
00310           log<<MSG::ERROR<<"decay of "<<mother<< " to";
00311           //      for(keyVector::iterator it=pKey->begin(); it!=pKey->end(); it++)
00312           for(keyVector::iterator it=key.begin(); it!=key.end(); it++)
00313             log<<MSG::ERROR<<" "<<pdg2name(*it);
00314           log<<MSG::ERROR<<" is already in table. Aborting."<<endreq;
00315           log<<MSG::ERROR<<"check line "<<nstr<<" of " <<fname<<endreq;
00316           infile.close();
00317           return 1;
00318         }
00319       }
00320       //      (*dTab)[*pKey]=dcode;
00321       (*dTab)[key]=dcode;
00322     }
00323   } // end if file read loop
00324   infile.close();
00325   return 0;
00326 }

int EventTagSvc::readPdtFile string  fname  )  [private]

int EventTagSvc::readPdtFile string  fname  )  [private]

00111                                         {
00112   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00113   ifstream infile;
00115   if(!infile.is_open()){
00116     log<<MSG::ERROR<< "Can not open pdg-code file :" <<fname<<endreq;
00117     return 1;
00118   }
00119   log<<MSG::INFO<<"reading pdg codes table from "<<fname<<endreq; 
00120   string ln;
00121   int nstr=0;
00122   long int pcode;
00123   string cmd,dummy,pname,pcode_str;
00124   stringstream* lns;
00125   while (! infile.eof() ){
00126     getline (infile,ln);
00127     nstr++;
00128     log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"parsing line:"<<ln<<endreq;
00129     if(ln.empty())continue;
00130     if(ln[0]=='*')continue;
00131     lns=new stringstream;
00132     (*lns)<<ln;
00133     cmd="";
00134     (*lns)>>cmd;
00135     if(!strcmp(cmd.c_str(),"add")){
00136       pcode=0;
00137       pname="";
00138       pcode_str="";
00139       (*lns)>>dummy>>dummy>>pname>>pcode_str;
00140       pcode=atol(pcode_str.c_str());
00141       if(pcode==0||pcode==LONG_MAX||pcode==LONG_MIN){
00142         log<<MSG::ERROR<<"Unrecognized particle code in line "
00143            <<nstr<<"  of file" <<fname<<endreq;
00144         infile.close();
00145         return 1;
00146       }
00147       log<<MSG::DEBUG<<" find particle: " <<pname<<" pgd:"<<pcode <<endreq;
00148       if(pdg2nameTab.find(pcode)!=pdg2nameTab.end()){
00149         log<<MSG::ERROR<< "pdg code "<<pcode
00150            <<" is repeated in line "<<nstr<<". Aborting"<<endreq;
00151         infile.close();
00152         return 1;
00153       }
00154       if(name2pdgTab.find(pname)!=name2pdgTab.end()){
00155         log<<MSG::ERROR<< "particle name "<<pcode
00156            <<" is repeated in line "<<nstr<<". Aborting"<<endreq;
00157         infile.close();
00158         return 1;
00159       }
00160       pdg2nameTab[pcode]=pname;
00161       name2pdgTab[pname]=pcode;
00162     }
00163     delete lns;
00164   }
00165   infile.close();
00166   return 0;
00167 }

Member Data Documentation

std::set<long int> EventTagSvc::chainTrigParticles [private]

std::set<long int> EventTagSvc::chainTrigParticles [private]

bool EventTagSvc::m_buildAntiTabs [private]

std::map<int,decayModeTab*> EventTagSvc::m_decayTabList [private]

std::map<int,decayModeTab*> EventTagSvc::m_decayTabList [private]

string EventTagSvc::m_decayTabsFile [private]

bool EventTagSvc::m_digK0 [private]

bool EventTagSvc::m_ignoreFSR [private]

bool EventTagSvc::m_ignorePhotons [private]

string EventTagSvc::m_pdtFile [private]

string EventTagSvc::m_userDecayTabsFile [private]

std::map<string,long int> EventTagSvc::name2pdgTab [private]

std::map<string,long int> EventTagSvc::name2pdgTab [private]

std::map<long int,string> EventTagSvc::pdg2nameTab [private]

std::map<long int,string> EventTagSvc::pdg2nameTab [private]

std::vector<string> EventTagSvc::userChainTrig [private]

std::vector<string> EventTagSvc::userChainTrig [private]

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Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:02:55 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen