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DstMdcKalTrack Class Reference

#include <DstMdcKalTrack.h>

Inheritance diagram for DstMdcKalTrack:

ContainedObject ContainedObject RecMdcKalTrack RecMdcKalTrack List of all members.

Public Types

enum  PidType {
  null = -1, electron = 0, muon = 1, pion = 2,
  kaon = 3, proton = 4
enum  PidType {
  null = -1, electron = 0, muon = 1, pion = 2,
  kaon = 3, proton = 4

Public Member Functions

const int charge () const
const int charge () const
const double chi2 () const
const double chi2 () const
virtual const CLID & clID () const
virtual const CLID & clID () const
const double dr (void) const
const double dr (void) const
 DstMdcKalTrack (const DstMdcKalTrack &track)
 DstMdcKalTrack ()
 DstMdcKalTrack (const DstMdcKalTrack &track)
 DstMdcKalTrack ()
const double dz (void) const
const double dz (void) const
const HepSymMatrix & err () const
const HepSymMatrix & err () const
const HepSymMatrix & ferr () const
const HepSymMatrix & ferr () const
const HepVector & fhelix () const
const HepVector & fhelix () const
const double fi0 (void) const
const double fi0 (void) const
const int firstLayer () const
const int firstLayer () const
const int getCharge (const int pid) const
const int getCharge (const int pid) const
const double getChisq (const int pid) const
const double getChisq (const int pid) const
const HepSymMatrix & getFError (const int pid) const
const HepSymMatrix & getFError (const int pid) const
const HepVector & getFHelix (const int pid) const
const HepVector & getFHelix (const int pid) const
const int getFirstLayer (const int pid) const
const int getFirstLayer (const int pid) const
const int getLastLayer (const int pid) const
const int getLastLayer (const int pid) const
const int getNdf (const int pid) const
const int getNdf (const int pid) const
const int getNster (const int pid) const
const int getNster (const int pid) const
const HepPoint3DgetPoca (const int pid) const
const HepPoint3DgetPoca (const int pid) const
const int getStat (const int pid) const
const int getStat (const int pid) const
const int getTrackId () const
const int getTrackId () const
const HepSymMatrix & getZError (const int pid) const
const HepSymMatrix & getZError (const int pid) const
const HepVector & getZHelix (const int pid) const
const HepVector & getZHelix (const int pid) const
const HepVector & helix () const
const HepVector & helix () const
const double kappa (void) const
const double kappa (void) const
const int lastLayer () const
const int lastLayer () const
const double mass () const
const double mass () const
const int ndof () const
const int ndof () const
const int nster () const
const int nster () const
DstMdcKalTrackoperator= (const DstMdcKalTrack &)
DstMdcKalTrackoperator= (const DstMdcKalTrack &)
const double p () const
const double p () const
const Hep3Vector p3 () const
const Hep3Vector p3 () const
const HepLorentzVector p4 (double mass) const
const HepLorentzVector p4 () const
const HepLorentzVector p4 (double mass) const
const HepLorentzVector p4 () const
const double phi () const
const double phi () const
const HepPoint3D poca () const
const HepPoint3D poca () const
const double px () const
const double px () const
const double pxy () const
const double pxy () const
const double py () const
const double py () const
const double pz () const
const double pz () const
const double r () const
const double r () const
void setCharge (const int charge, const int pid)
void setCharge (const int charge, const int pid)
void setChisq (double chisq, int i, int pid)
void setChisq (double chisq, int i, int pid)
void setFError (double *ferror, const int pid)
void setFError (const HepSymMatrix &ferror, const int pid)
void setFError (double *ferror, const int pid)
void setFError (const HepSymMatrix &ferror, const int pid)
void setFHelix (double *fhelix, const int pid)
void setFHelix (const HepVector &fhelix, const int pid)
void setFHelix (double *fhelix, const int pid)
void setFHelix (const HepVector &fhelix, const int pid)
void setFirstLayer (int fL, int i, int pid)
void setFirstLayer (int fL, int i, int pid)
void setLastLayer (int lL, int i, int pid)
void setLastLayer (int lL, int i, int pid)
void setMass (double mass, int pid)
void setMass (double mass, int pid)
void setNdf (int ndf, int i, int pid)
void setNdf (int ndf, int i, int pid)
void setNhits (int nhits, int pid)
void setNhits (int nhits, int pid)
void setNster (int ns, int i, int pid)
void setNster (int ns, int i, int pid)
void setP (const double p, const int pid)
void setP (const double p, const int pid)
void setPhi (const double phi, const int pid)
void setPhi (const double phi, const int pid)
void setPoca (double *poca, const int pid)
void setPoca (const HepPoint3D &poca, const int pid)
void setPoca (double *poca, const int pid)
void setPoca (const HepPoint3D &poca, const int pid)
void setPx (const double px, const int pid)
void setPx (const double px, const int pid)
void setPxy (const double pxy, const int pid)
void setPxy (const double pxy, const int pid)
void setPy (const double py, const int pid)
void setPy (const double py, const int pid)
void setPz (const double pz, const int pid)
void setPz (const double pz, const int pid)
void setR (const double r, const int pid)
void setR (const double r, const int pid)
void setStat (int stat, int i, int pid)
void setStat (int stat, int i, int pid)
void setTheta (const double theta, const int pid)
void setTheta (const double theta, const int pid)
void setTrackId (int trackId)
void setTrackId (int trackId)
void setX (const double x, const int pid)
void setX (const double x, const int pid)
void setY (const double y, const int pid)
void setY (const double y, const int pid)
void setZ (const double z, const int pid)
void setZ (const double z, const int pid)
void setZError (double *error, const int pid)
void setZError (const HepSymMatrix &error, const int pid)
void setZError (double *error, const int pid)
void setZError (const HepSymMatrix &error, const int pid)
void setZHelix (double *helix, const int pid)
void setZHelix (const HepVector &helix, const int pid)
void setZHelix (double *helix, const int pid)
void setZHelix (const HepVector &helix, const int pid)
const int stat () const
const int stat () const
const double tanl (void) const
const double tanl (void) const
const double theta () const
const double theta () const
const int trackId () const
const int trackId () const
const double x (const int i) const
const double x () const
const double x (const int i) const
const double x () const
const HepPoint3D x3 () const
const HepPoint3D x3 () const
const double y (const int i) const
const double y () const
const double y (const int i) const
const double y () const
const double z (const int i) const
const double z () const
const double z (const int i) const
const double z () const
 ~DstMdcKalTrack ()
 ~DstMdcKalTrack ()

Static Public Member Functions

const CLID & classID ()
const CLID & classID ()
PidType getPidType ()
PidType getPidType ()
void setPidType (PidType pidType)
void setPidType (PidType pidType)

Protected Attributes

int m_charge [5]
double m_chisq [2][5]
std::vector< HepSymMatrix > m_ferrors
std::vector< HepSymMatrix > m_ferrors
std::vector< HepVector > m_fhelixs
std::vector< HepVector > m_fhelixs
int m_firstLayer [2][5]
int m_lastLayer [2][5]
double m_mass [5]
int m_ndf [2][5]
int m_nhits [5]
int m_nster [2][5]
double m_p [5]
double m_phi [5]
std::vector< HepPoint3Dm_pocas
std::vector< HepPoint3Dm_pocas
double m_px [5]
double m_pxy [5]
double m_py [5]
double m_pz [5]
double m_r [5]
int m_stat [2][5]
double m_theta [5]
int m_trackId
double m_x [5]
double m_y [5]
double m_z [5]
std::vector< HepSymMatrix > m_zerrors
std::vector< HepSymMatrix > m_zerrors
std::vector< HepVector > m_zhelixs
std::vector< HepVector > m_zhelixs

Static Protected Attributes

PidType m_pidType

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum DstMdcKalTrack::PidType

Enumeration values:
00050    {
00051      null = -1,
00052      electron = 0,
00053      muon = 1,
00054      pion = 2,
00055      kaon = 3,
00056      proton = 4
00057    };

enum DstMdcKalTrack::PidType

Enumeration values:
00050    {
00051      null = -1,
00052      electron = 0,
00053      muon = 1,
00054      pion = 2,
00055      kaon = 3,
00056      proton = 4
00057    };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DstMdcKalTrack::DstMdcKalTrack  ) 

00013 {   
00014   HepVector za(5,0);
00015   HepSymMatrix zea(5,0);
00016   HepPoint3D poca(0,0,0);
00017   m_trackId = -1;
00018   for(int pid=0; pid<5; pid++) {
00019     m_zhelixs.push_back(za);
00020     m_zerrors.push_back(zea);
00021     m_fhelixs.push_back(za);
00022     m_ferrors.push_back(zea);
00023     m_pocas.push_back(poca);   
00024     m_mass[pid] = 1;
00025     m_charge[pid] = 1;
00026     m_stat[0][pid] = 0;
00027     m_stat[1][pid] = 0;
00029     m_ndf[0][pid] = 0;
00030     m_ndf[1][pid] = 0;
00031     m_nster[0][pid] = 0;
00032     m_nster[1][pid] = 0;
00033     m_firstLayer[0][pid] = 0;
00034     m_firstLayer[1][pid] = 0;
00035     m_lastLayer[0][pid] = 0;
00036     m_lastLayer[1][pid] = 0;
00037     m_pxy[pid] = 0;
00038     m_px[pid] = 0;
00039     m_py[pid] = 0;
00040     m_pz[pid] = 0;
00041     m_p[pid] = 0;
00042     m_theta[pid] = 0;
00043     m_phi[pid] = 0;
00044     m_x[pid] = 0;
00045     m_y[pid] = 0;
00046     m_z[pid] = 0;
00047     m_r[pid] = 0;
00048     m_stat[0][pid] = 0;         
00049     m_stat[1][pid] = 0;
00050     m_chisq[0][pid] = 0;
00051     m_chisq[1][pid] = 0;  
00052     m_ndf[0][pid] = 0;     
00053     m_ndf[1][pid] = 0;
00055   }
00056 }

DstMdcKalTrack::DstMdcKalTrack const DstMdcKalTrack track  ) 

00060   :m_trackId(other.m_trackId),
00061    m_pocas(other.m_pocas),   
00062    m_zhelixs(other.m_zhelixs),
00063    m_zerrors(other.m_zerrors),
00064    m_fhelixs(other.m_fhelixs),
00065    m_ferrors(other.m_ferrors)
00066 {
00067   for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
00068        m_charge[i]        = other.m_charge[i];
00069        m_stat[0][i]       = other.m_stat[0][i];
00070        m_stat[1][i]       = other.m_stat[1][i];
00071        m_nster[0][i]      = other.m_nster[0][i];
00072        m_nster[1][i]      = other.m_nster[1][i];
00073        m_firstLayer[0][i] = other.m_firstLayer[0][i];
00074        m_firstLayer[1][i] = other.m_firstLayer[1][i];
00075        m_lastLayer[0][i]  = other.m_lastLayer[0][i];
00076        m_lastLayer[1][i]  = other.m_lastLayer[1][i]; 
00077        m_mass[i]       = other.m_mass[i];
00079        m_pxy[i]        = other.m_pxy[i];
00080        m_px[i]         = other.m_px[i];
00081        m_py[i]         = other.m_py[i];
00082        m_pz[i]         = other.m_pz[i];
00083        m_p[i]          = other.m_p[i];
00084        m_theta[i]      = other.m_theta[i];
00085        m_phi[i]        = other.m_phi[i];
00086        m_x[i]          = other.m_x[i];
00087        m_y[i]          = other.m_y[i];
00088        m_z[i]          = other.m_z[i];
00089        m_r[i]          = other.m_r[i];
00090        m_chisq[0][i]   = other.m_chisq[0][i];  
00091        m_chisq[1][i]   = other.m_chisq[1][i];
00092        m_ndf[0][i]     = other.m_ndf[0][i];   
00093        m_ndf[1][i]     = other.m_ndf[1][i];
00094        m_nhits[i]      = other.m_nhits[i];
00095   }
00096 }

DstMdcKalTrack::~DstMdcKalTrack  ) 

00140                                 {
00142    }

DstMdcKalTrack::DstMdcKalTrack  ) 

DstMdcKalTrack::DstMdcKalTrack const DstMdcKalTrack track  ) 

DstMdcKalTrack::~DstMdcKalTrack  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const int DstMdcKalTrack::charge  )  const [inline]

00065 { return m_charge[m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::charge  )  const [inline]

00065 { return m_charge[m_pidType];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::chi2  )  const [inline]

00084 {return m_chisq[0][m_pidType];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::chi2  )  const [inline]

00084 {return m_chisq[0][m_pidType];}

const CLID& DstMdcKalTrack::classID  )  [inline, static]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00040                                       {
00041       return CLID_DstMdcKalTrack;
00042    }                     

const CLID& DstMdcKalTrack::classID  )  [inline, static]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00040                                       {
00041       return CLID_DstMdcKalTrack;
00042    }                     

virtual const CLID& DstMdcKalTrack::clID  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00036                                       {
00037       return DstMdcKalTrack::classID();
00038    }

virtual const CLID& DstMdcKalTrack::clID  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00036                                       {
00037       return DstMdcKalTrack::classID();
00038    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::dr void   )  const [inline]

00090 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][0];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::dr void   )  const [inline]

00090 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][0];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::dz void   )  const [inline]

00093 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][3];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::dz void   )  const [inline]

00093 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][3];   }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::err  )  const [inline]

00097 { return m_zerrors[m_pidType];     }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::err  )  const [inline]

00097 { return m_zerrors[m_pidType];     }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::ferr  )  const [inline]

00099 { return m_ferrors[m_pidType];     }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::ferr  )  const [inline]

00099 { return m_ferrors[m_pidType];     }

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::fhelix  )  const [inline]

00098 { return m_fhelixs[m_pidType];     }

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::fhelix  )  const [inline]

00098 { return m_fhelixs[m_pidType];     }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::fi0 void   )  const [inline]

00091 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][1];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::fi0 void   )  const [inline]

00091 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][1];   }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::firstLayer  )  const [inline]

00087 {return m_firstLayer[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::firstLayer  )  const [inline]

00087 {return m_firstLayer[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getCharge const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00189 { return m_charge[pid];    }   

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getCharge const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00189 { return m_charge[pid];    }   

const double DstMdcKalTrack::getChisq const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00192 { return m_chisq[0][pid];     }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::getChisq const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00192 { return m_chisq[0][pid];     }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::getFError const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00210                                                     {
00211      return m_ferrors[pid];
00212    }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::getFError const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00210                                                     {
00211      return m_ferrors[pid];
00212    }

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::getFHelix const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00207                                                  {
00208      return m_fhelixs[pid];
00209    } 

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::getFHelix const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00207                                                  {
00208      return m_fhelixs[pid];
00209    } 

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getFirstLayer const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00194 { return m_firstLayer[0][pid];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getFirstLayer const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00194 { return m_firstLayer[0][pid];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getLastLayer const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00195 { return m_lastLayer[0][pid]; }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getLastLayer const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00195 { return m_lastLayer[0][pid]; }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getNdf const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00193 { return m_ndf[0][pid];       }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getNdf const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00193 { return m_ndf[0][pid];       }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getNster const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00191 { return m_nster[0][pid];     }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getNster const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00191 { return m_nster[0][pid];     }

PidType DstMdcKalTrack::getPidType  )  [inline, static]

00060 {return m_pidType; }

PidType DstMdcKalTrack::getPidType  )  [inline, static]

00060 {return m_pidType; }

const HepPoint3D& DstMdcKalTrack::getPoca const int  pid  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00198                                                 { 
00199     return m_pocas[pid];
00200   }

const HepPoint3D& DstMdcKalTrack::getPoca const int  pid  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00198                                                 { 
00199     return m_pocas[pid];
00200   }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getStat const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00190 { return m_stat[0][pid];      }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getStat const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00190 { return m_stat[0][pid];      }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getTrackId void   )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00188 { return m_trackId;        } 

const int DstMdcKalTrack::getTrackId void   )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00188 { return m_trackId;        } 

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::getZError const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00204                                                     {
00205      return m_zerrors[pid];
00206    }

const HepSymMatrix& DstMdcKalTrack::getZError const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00204                                                     {
00205      return m_zerrors[pid];
00206    }

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::getZHelix const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00201                                                  {
00202      return m_zhelixs[pid];
00203    } 

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::getZHelix const int  pid  )  const [inline]

00201                                                  {
00202      return m_zhelixs[pid];
00203    } 

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::helix  )  const [inline]

00096 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType];     }

const HepVector& DstMdcKalTrack::helix  )  const [inline]

00096 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType];     }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::kappa void   )  const [inline]

00092 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][2];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::kappa void   )  const [inline]

00092 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][2];   }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::lastLayer  )  const [inline]

00088 {return m_lastLayer[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::lastLayer  )  const [inline]

00088 {return m_lastLayer[0][m_pidType];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::mass  )  const [inline]

00064 { return m_mass[m_pidType];  }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::mass  )  const [inline]

00064 { return m_mass[m_pidType];  }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::ndof  )  const [inline]

00085 {return m_ndf[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::ndof  )  const [inline]

00085 {return m_ndf[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::nster  )  const [inline]

00086 {return m_nster[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::nster  )  const [inline]

00086 {return m_nster[0][m_pidType];}

DstMdcKalTrack& DstMdcKalTrack::operator= const DstMdcKalTrack  ) 

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

DstMdcKalTrack & DstMdcKalTrack::operator= const DstMdcKalTrack  ) 

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00098                                                                     {
00099   if(&other != this){
00100      m_trackId = other.m_trackId;
00101      m_pocas   = other.m_pocas;
00102      m_zhelixs = other.m_zhelixs;
00103      m_zerrors = other.m_zerrors;
00104      m_fhelixs = other.m_fhelixs;
00105      m_ferrors = other.m_ferrors;
00106        for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
00107          m_charge[i]     = other.m_charge[i];
00108          m_stat[0][i]       = other.m_stat[0][i];
00109          m_stat[1][i]       = other.m_stat[1][i];
00110          m_nster[0][i]      = other.m_nster[0][i];
00111          m_nster[1][i]      = other.m_nster[1][i];
00112          m_firstLayer[0][i] = other.m_firstLayer[0][i];
00113          m_firstLayer[1][i] = other.m_firstLayer[1][i];
00114          m_lastLayer[0][i]  = other.m_lastLayer[0][i];
00115          m_lastLayer[1][i]  = other.m_lastLayer[1][i];
00116          m_mass[i]       = other.m_mass[i];
00117          m_chisq[0][i]      = other.m_chisq[0][i];
00118          m_chisq[1][i]      = other.m_chisq[1][i];
00119          m_pxy[i]        = other.m_pxy[i];
00120          m_px[i]         = other.m_px[i];
00121          m_py[i]         = other.m_py[i];
00122          m_pz[i]         = other.m_pz[i];
00123          m_p[i]          = other.m_p[i];
00124          m_theta[i]      = other.m_theta[i];
00125          m_phi[i]        = other.m_phi[i];
00126          m_x[i]          = other.m_x[i];
00127          m_y[i]          = other.m_y[i];
00128          m_z[i]          = other.m_z[i];
00129          m_r[i]          = other.m_r[i];
00130          //m_chi2[i]       = other.m_chi2[i];
00131          m_ndf[0][i]        = other.m_ndf[0][i];
00132          m_ndf[1][i]        = other.m_ndf[1][i];
00133          m_nhits[i]      = other.m_nhits[i];
00134        }
00135   }
00136   return *this;
00137 }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::p  )  const [inline]

00082 {return m_p[m_pidType];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::p  )  const [inline]

00082 {return m_p[m_pidType];}

const Hep3Vector DstMdcKalTrack::p3  )  const

const Hep3Vector DstMdcKalTrack::p3  )  const

00156                                           {
00157         const Hep3Vector p3( px(), py(), pz() ); 
00158         return p3; 
00159 }

const HepLorentzVector DstMdcKalTrack::p4 double  mass  )  const

const HepLorentzVector DstMdcKalTrack::p4  )  const

const HepLorentzVector DstMdcKalTrack::p4 double  mass  )  const

00151                                                             {
00152   const HepLorentzVector p_LV( px(), py(), pz(), sqrt(pow(v_mass,2)+pow(p(),2)) ); 
00153   return p_LV; 
00154 }

const HepLorentzVector DstMdcKalTrack::p4  )  const

00145                                                {
00146   const HepLorentzVector p_LV( px(), py(), pz(), sqrt(pow(mass(),2)+pow(p(),2)) ); 
00147   return p_LV; 
00148 }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::phi  )  const [inline]

00071 { return m_phi[m_pidType];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::phi  )  const [inline]

00071 { return m_phi[m_pidType];   }

const HepPoint3D DstMdcKalTrack::poca  )  const [inline]

00100 { return m_pocas[m_pidType];       }

const HepPoint3D DstMdcKalTrack::poca  )  const [inline]

00100 { return m_pocas[m_pidType];       }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::px  )  const [inline]

00067 { return m_px[m_pidType];    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::px  )  const [inline]

00067 { return m_px[m_pidType];    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::pxy  )  const [inline]

00066 { return m_pxy[m_pidType];   } 

const double DstMdcKalTrack::pxy  )  const [inline]

00066 { return m_pxy[m_pidType];   } 

const double DstMdcKalTrack::py  )  const [inline]

00068 { return m_py[m_pidType];    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::py  )  const [inline]

00068 { return m_py[m_pidType];    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::pz  )  const [inline]

00069 { return m_pz[m_pidType];    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::pz  )  const [inline]

00069 { return m_pz[m_pidType];    }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::r  )  const [inline]

00081 {return m_r[m_pidType];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::r  )  const [inline]

00081 {return m_r[m_pidType];}

void DstMdcKalTrack::setCharge const int  charge,
const int  pid

00109 { m_charge[pid] = charge;}

void DstMdcKalTrack::setCharge const int  charge,
const int  pid

00109 { m_charge[pid] = charge;}

void DstMdcKalTrack::setChisq double  chisq,
int  i,
int  pid

00123 { m_chisq[i][pid] = chisq;  }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setChisq double  chisq,
int  i,
int  pid

00123 { m_chisq[i][pid] = chisq;  }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFError double *  ferror,
const int  pid

00177                                                  {
00178       int k=0;
00179       HepSymMatrix mat(5);
00180       for(int i=0; i<5 ; i++) {
00181          for(int j=0; j<=i; j++,k++) {
00182          mat[i][j] = ferror[k];
00183          mat[j][i] = ferror[k];     
00184         }      
00185       }
00186       m_ferrors[pid] = mat;
00187    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFError const HepSymMatrix &  ferror,
const int  pid

00168                                                              { 
00169       m_ferrors[pid] = ferror;
00170    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFError double *  ferror,
const int  pid

00177                                                  {
00178       int k=0;
00179       HepSymMatrix mat(5);
00180       for(int i=0; i<5 ; i++) {
00181          for(int j=0; j<=i; j++,k++) {
00182          mat[i][j] = ferror[k];
00183          mat[j][i] = ferror[k];     
00184         }      
00185       }
00186       m_ferrors[pid] = mat;
00187    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFError const HepSymMatrix &  ferror,
const int  pid

00168                                                              { 
00169       m_ferrors[pid] = ferror;
00170    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFHelix double *  fhelix,
const int  pid

00171                                                   {
00172       for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
00173         m_fhelixs[pid][i] = fhelix[i]; 
00174       }
00175    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFHelix const HepVector &  fhelix,
const int  pid

00164                                                            {
00165      m_fhelixs[pid] = fhelix;
00166    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFHelix double *  fhelix,
const int  pid

00171                                                   {
00172       for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
00173         m_fhelixs[pid][i] = fhelix[i]; 
00174       }
00175    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFHelix const HepVector &  fhelix,
const int  pid

00164                                                            {
00165      m_fhelixs[pid] = fhelix;
00166    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFirstLayer int  fL,
int  i,
int  pid

00124 { m_firstLayer[i][pid] = fL; }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setFirstLayer int  fL,
int  i,
int  pid

00124 { m_firstLayer[i][pid] = fL; }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setLastLayer int  lL,
int  i,
int  pid

00125 { m_lastLayer[i][pid] = lL;  }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setLastLayer int  lL,
int  i,
int  pid

00125 { m_lastLayer[i][pid] = lL;  }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setMass double  mass,
int  pid

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00108 { m_mass[pid] = mass;    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setMass double  mass,
int  pid

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00108 { m_mass[pid] = mass;    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setNdf int  ndf,
int  i,
int  pid

00127 { m_ndf[i][pid] = ndf;    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setNdf int  ndf,
int  i,
int  pid

00127 { m_ndf[i][pid] = ndf;    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setNhits int  nhits,
int  pid

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00126 { m_nhits[pid] = nhits;   }  

void DstMdcKalTrack::setNhits int  nhits,
int  pid

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack, and RecMdcKalTrack.

00126 { m_nhits[pid] = nhits;   }  

void DstMdcKalTrack::setNster int  ns,
int  i,
int  pid

00121 { m_nster[i][pid] = ns;     }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setNster int  ns,
int  i,
int  pid

00121 { m_nster[i][pid] = ns;     }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setP const double  p,
const int  pid

00114 { m_p[pid] = p;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setP const double  p,
const int  pid

00114 { m_p[pid] = p;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPhi const double  phi,
const int  pid

00116 { m_phi[pid] = phi;      }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPhi const double  phi,
const int  pid

00116 { m_phi[pid] = phi;      }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPidType PidType  pidType  )  [inline, static]

00059 {m_pidType = pidType; } 

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPidType PidType  pidType  )  [inline, static]

00059 {m_pidType = pidType; } 

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPoca double *  poca,
const int  pid

00133                                              {
00134      for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
00135        m_pocas[pid][i] = poca[i];
00136      }                                                              
00137    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPoca const HepPoint3D poca,
const int  pid

00129                                                       {
00130      m_pocas[pid] = poca;
00131    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPoca double *  poca,
const int  pid

00133                                              {
00134      for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
00135        m_pocas[pid][i] = poca[i];
00136      }                                                              
00137    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPoca const HepPoint3D poca,
const int  pid

00129                                                       {
00130      m_pocas[pid] = poca;
00131    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPx const double  px,
const int  pid

00111 { m_px[pid] = px;        }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPx const double  px,
const int  pid

00111 { m_px[pid] = px;        }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPxy const double  pxy,
const int  pid

00110 { m_pxy[pid] = pxy;      }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPxy const double  pxy,
const int  pid

00110 { m_pxy[pid] = pxy;      }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPy const double  py,
const int  pid

00112 { m_py[pid] = py;        }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPy const double  py,
const int  pid

00112 { m_py[pid] = py;        }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPz const double  pz,
const int  pid

00113 { m_pz[pid] = pz;        }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setPz const double  pz,
const int  pid

00113 { m_pz[pid] = pz;        }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setR const double  r,
const int  pid

00120 { m_r[pid] = r;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setR const double  r,
const int  pid

00120 { m_r[pid] = r;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setStat int  stat,
int  i,
int  pid

00122 { m_stat[i][pid] = stat;    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setStat int  stat,
int  i,
int  pid

00122 { m_stat[i][pid] = stat;    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setTheta const double  theta,
const int  pid

00115 { m_theta[pid] = theta;  }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setTheta const double  theta,
const int  pid

00115 { m_theta[pid] = theta;  }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setTrackId int  trackId  )  [inline]

00107 { m_trackId = trackId;   }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setTrackId int  trackId  )  [inline]

00107 { m_trackId = trackId;   }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setX const double  x,
const int  pid

00117 { m_x[pid] = x;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setX const double  x,
const int  pid

00117 { m_x[pid] = x;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setY const double  y,
const int  pid

00118 { m_y[pid] = y;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setY const double  y,
const int  pid

00118 { m_y[pid] = y;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZ const double  z,
const int  pid

00119 { m_z[pid] = z;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZ const double  z,
const int  pid

00119 { m_z[pid] = z;          }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZError double *  error,
const int  pid

00152                                                 {
00153       int k=0;
00154       HepSymMatrix mat(5);
00155       for(int i=0; i<5 ; i++) {
00156          for(int j=0; j<=i; j++,k++) {
00157          mat[i][j] = error[k];
00158          mat[j][i] = error[k];      
00159         }      
00160       }
00161       m_zerrors[pid] = mat;
00162    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZError const HepSymMatrix &  error,
const int  pid

00143                                                             { 
00144       m_zerrors[pid] = error;
00145    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZError double *  error,
const int  pid

00152                                                 {
00153       int k=0;
00154       HepSymMatrix mat(5);
00155       for(int i=0; i<5 ; i++) {
00156          for(int j=0; j<=i; j++,k++) {
00157          mat[i][j] = error[k];
00158          mat[j][i] = error[k];      
00159         }      
00160       }
00161       m_zerrors[pid] = mat;
00162    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZError const HepSymMatrix &  error,
const int  pid

00143                                                             { 
00144       m_zerrors[pid] = error;
00145    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZHelix double *  helix,
const int  pid

00146                                                  {
00147       for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
00148         m_zhelixs[pid][i] = helix[i]; 
00149       }
00150    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZHelix const HepVector &  helix,
const int  pid

00139                                                           {
00140      m_zhelixs[pid] = helix;
00141    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZHelix double *  helix,
const int  pid

00146                                                  {
00147       for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
00148         m_zhelixs[pid][i] = helix[i]; 
00149       }
00150    }

void DstMdcKalTrack::setZHelix const HepVector &  helix,
const int  pid

00139                                                           {
00140      m_zhelixs[pid] = helix;
00141    }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::stat  )  const [inline]

00083 {return m_stat[0][m_pidType];}

const int DstMdcKalTrack::stat  )  const [inline]

00083 {return m_stat[0][m_pidType];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::tanl void   )  const [inline]

00094 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][4];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::tanl void   )  const [inline]

00094 { return m_zhelixs[m_pidType][4];   }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::theta  )  const [inline]

00070 { return m_theta[m_pidType]; }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::theta  )  const [inline]

00070 { return m_theta[m_pidType]; }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::trackId  )  const [inline]

00063 { return m_trackId;          }

const int DstMdcKalTrack::trackId  )  const [inline]

00063 { return m_trackId;          }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::x const int  i  )  const [inline]

00077 {return m_x[i];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::x  )  const [inline]

00073 { return m_x[m_pidType];     }   

const double DstMdcKalTrack::x const int  i  )  const [inline]

00077 {return m_x[i];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::x  )  const [inline]

00073 { return m_x[m_pidType];     }   

const HepPoint3D DstMdcKalTrack::x3  )  const

const HepPoint3D DstMdcKalTrack::x3  )  const

00161                                           {
00162         return HepPoint3D(m_x[m_pidType],m_y[m_pidType],m_z[m_pidType]);
00163 }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::y const int  i  )  const [inline]

00078 {return m_y[i];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::y  )  const [inline]

00074 { return m_y[m_pidType];     }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::y const int  i  )  const [inline]

00078 {return m_y[i];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::y  )  const [inline]

00074 { return m_y[m_pidType];     }

const double DstMdcKalTrack::z const int  i  )  const [inline]

00079 {return m_z[i];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::z  )  const [inline]

00075 { return m_z[m_pidType];     }    

const double DstMdcKalTrack::z const int  i  )  const [inline]

00079 {return m_z[i];}

const double DstMdcKalTrack::z  )  const [inline]

00075 { return m_z[m_pidType];     }    

Member Data Documentation

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_charge [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_chisq [protected]

std::vector<HepSymMatrix> DstMdcKalTrack::m_ferrors [protected]

std::vector<HepSymMatrix> DstMdcKalTrack::m_ferrors [protected]

std::vector<HepVector> DstMdcKalTrack::m_fhelixs [protected]

std::vector<HepVector> DstMdcKalTrack::m_fhelixs [protected]

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_firstLayer [protected]

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_lastLayer [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_mass [protected]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack.

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_ndf [protected]

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_nhits [protected]

Reimplemented in RecMdcKalTrack.

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_nster [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_p [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_phi [protected]

PidType DstMdcKalTrack::m_pidType [static, protected]

std::vector<HepPoint3D> DstMdcKalTrack::m_pocas [protected]

std::vector<HepPoint3D> DstMdcKalTrack::m_pocas [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_px [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_pxy [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_py [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_pz [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_r [protected]

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_stat [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_theta [protected]

int DstMdcKalTrack::m_trackId [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_x [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_y [protected]

double DstMdcKalTrack::m_z [protected]

std::vector<HepSymMatrix> DstMdcKalTrack::m_zerrors [protected]

std::vector<HepSymMatrix> DstMdcKalTrack::m_zerrors [protected]

std::vector<HepVector> DstMdcKalTrack::m_zhelixs [protected]

std::vector<HepVector> DstMdcKalTrack::m_zhelixs [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 16:00:30 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen