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DedxCalibCostheta Class Reference

#include <DedxCalibCostheta.h>

Inheritance diagram for DedxCalibCostheta:

DedxCalib DedxCalib List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void AnalyseHists ()
void AnalyseHists ()
void BookHists ()
void BookHists ()
void checkSelections ()
void checkSelections ()
 DedxCalibCostheta (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 DedxCalibCostheta (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
virtual StatusCode execute ()
virtual StatusCode execute ()
void FillHists ()
void FillHists ()
void FillHistsFromTree ()
void FillHistsFromTree ()
void FillTestHists ()
void FillTestHists ()
void FillTree ()
void FillTree ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual Float_t GetChargeOffCorr (Int_t il, Int_t iw, Float_t ChargeIn, Float_t path, Float_t doca, Float_t EAngle, Float_t dipAngle, Float_t z)
virtual Float_t GetChargeOffCorr (Int_t il, Int_t iw, Float_t ChargeIn, Float_t path, Float_t doca, Float_t EAngle, Float_t dipAngle, Float_t z)
Float_t GetChargeOnCorr (Int_t il, Int_t iw, Float_t ChargeIn, Float_t path, Float_t doca, Float_t EAngle, Float_t dipAngle, Float_t z)
Float_t GetChargeOnCorr (Int_t il, Int_t iw, Float_t ChargeIn, Float_t path, Float_t doca, Float_t EAngle, Float_t dipAngle, Float_t z)
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
void ReadBetheBlochParameters ()
void ReadBetheBlochParameters ()
void ReadCalibdEdxParameters ()
void ReadCalibdEdxParameters ()
void WriteCalibdEdxParameters ()
void WriteCalibdEdxParameters ()
void WriteHists ()
void WriteHists ()

Public Attributes

TObjArray * m_caliblist
TObjArray * m_caliblist
vector< TH1F * > m_hist_e
vector< TH1F * > m_hist_e
vector< TH1F * > m_hist_p
vector< TH1F * > m_hist_p
vector< TH1F * > m_histcalib
vector< TH1F * > m_histcalib
TRandom * m_rand
TRandom * m_rand
TObjArray * m_spacelist
TObjArray * m_spacelist

Protected Attributes

int calib_flag
bool ddgflag
bool ggsflag
bool layergflag
MsgStream log
std::string m_constrootfile
int m_correc_flag
std::string m_inputfile
int m_par_flag
int m_phshape_flag
std::string m_rootfile
bool wiregflag
bool zdepflag

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DedxCalibCostheta::DedxCalibCostheta const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

00028   : DedxCalib(name, pSvcLocator)
00029 {
00030   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::DedxCalibCostheta( )..."<<endreq;
00031 }

DedxCalibCostheta::DedxCalibCostheta const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

Member Function Documentation

void DedxCalibCostheta::AnalyseHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

void DedxCalibCostheta::AnalyseHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

00237 { 
00238   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::AnalyseHists( )..."<<endreq;
00240   double fitmean=0;
00241   double fiterr=0;
00242   double fitmean2=0;
00243   double fiterr2=0;
00246   for(int bin=0; bin<NumBinCostheta; bin++) {
00247     m_hist_e[bin]->Fit("gaus", "Q" );
00248     fitmean = m_hist_e[bin] -> GetFunction("gaus") -> GetParameter(1);
00249     fiterr  = m_hist_e[bin] -> GetFunction("gaus") -> GetParError(1);
00250     fitmean = fitmean/NormalMean;
00251     fiterr  = fiterr/NormalMean;
00252     cout<<"electron bin : "<<bin<<"       gain : "<<fitmean<<"       error : "<<fiterr<<"     entries"<<m_hist_e[bin]->GetEntries()<<endl;
00253     if(m_hist_e[bin]->GetEntries()>0 && fiterr<0.5*fitmean){
00254       m_histcalib[0]->SetBinContent(bin+1,fitmean);
00255       m_histcalib[0]->SetBinError(bin+1,fiterr);
00256     }
00257     else{
00258       m_histcalib[0]->SetBinContent(bin+1,0.00);
00259       m_histcalib[0]->SetBinError(bin+1,0.05);
00260     }
00263     m_hist_p[bin]->Fit("gaus", "Q" );
00264     fitmean2 = m_hist_p[bin] -> GetFunction("gaus") -> GetParameter(1);
00265     fiterr2  = m_hist_p[bin] -> GetFunction("gaus") -> GetParError(1);
00266     fitmean2 = fitmean2/NormalMean;
00267     fiterr2  = fiterr2/NormalMean;
00268     if(m_hist_p[bin]->GetEntries()>0 && fiterr2<0.5*fitmean2){
00269       m_histcalib[1]->SetBinContent(bin+1,fitmean2);
00270       m_histcalib[1]->SetBinError(bin+1,fiterr2);
00271     }
00272     else{
00273       m_histcalib[1]->SetBinContent(bin+1,0.00);
00274       m_histcalib[1]->SetBinError(bin+1,0.05);
00275     }
00276     cout<<"positron bin : "<<bin<<"       gain : "<<fitmean2<<"       error : "<<fiterr2<<endl;
00278     if(fitmean>0 && fitmean2>0){
00279       m_histcalib[2]->SetBinContent(bin+1,0.5*m_histcalib[0]->GetBinContent(bin+1)+0.5*m_histcalib[1]->GetBinContent(bin+1));
00280       m_histcalib[2]->SetBinError(bin+1,0.5*m_histcalib[0]->GetBinError(bin+1)+0.5*m_histcalib[1]->GetBinError(bin+1));
00281    cout<<"costheta bin : "<<bin<<"        gain : "<<0.5*m_histcalib[0]->GetBinContent(bin+1)+0.5*m_histcalib[1]->GetBinContent(bin+1)<<endl; 
00282    }
00283     else{
00284       m_histcalib[2]->SetBinContent(bin+1,0.0);
00285       m_histcalib[2]->SetBinError(bin+1,0.05);
00286    cout<<"costheta bin : "<<bin<<"        gain : "<<0.5*m_histcalib[0]->GetBinContent(bin+1)+0.5*m_histcalib[1]->GetBinContent(bin+1)<<endl;  
00287     }
00288   }
00289 }                                                                                                

void DedxCalibCostheta::BookHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

void DedxCalibCostheta::BookHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

00117 {
00118   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::BookHists( )..."<<endreq;  
00119   log<<MSG::DEBUG<<" bookhist...1" <<endreq;
00120   m_spacelist = new TObjArray(0);
00121   m_caliblist = new TObjArray(0);
00122   log<<MSG::DEBUG<<" bookhist...2" <<endreq;
00123   m_rand = new TRandom();
00124   std::string hlabel;
00125   log<<MSG::DEBUG<<" bookhist...3" <<endreq;
00127   for(int mm=0; mm<NumBinCostheta; mm++) {
00128       std::ostringstream strout; 
00129       strout << "Electron Dedx_Vs" <<"_Costheta_"<<mm;
00130       hlabel = strout.str();
00131       TH1F *space_e = new TH1F(hlabel.c_str(), hlabel.c_str(), NumHistBins,300,1000);
00132       //    wireg->Print("base"); 
00133       space_e->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dE/dx(eV/1.5cm)");
00134       space_e->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("entries/(40eV/1.5cm)");
00136       std::ostringstream strout1; 
00137       strout1 << "Positron Dedx_Vs" <<"_Costheta_"<<mm;
00138       hlabel = strout1.str();
00139       TH1F *space_p = new TH1F(hlabel.c_str(), hlabel.c_str(), NumHistBins,300,1000);
00140       //    wireg->Print("base"); 
00141       space_p->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dE/dx(eV/1.5cm)");
00142       space_p->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("entries/(40eV/1.5cm)");
00144       m_hist_e.push_back(space_e);
00145       m_hist_p.push_back(space_p);
00146       m_spacelist -> Add(space_e);
00147       m_spacelist -> Add(space_p);
00148   }
00150   std::ostringstream strout2;
00151   strout2 << "Costheta_Effect_electron"; 
00152   hlabel = strout2.str();
00153   TH1F *calib_e = new TH1F(hlabel.c_str(), hlabel.c_str(), NumBinCostheta, CosthetaMin, CosthetaMax);
00154   //    wireg->Print("base");
00155   calib_e->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cos#theta");
00156   calib_e->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("normalized dE/dx");
00158   std::ostringstream strout3;
00159   strout3 << "Costheta_Effect_positron"; 
00160   hlabel = strout3.str();
00161   TH1F *calib_p = new TH1F(hlabel.c_str(), hlabel.c_str(), NumBinCostheta, CosthetaMin, CosthetaMax);
00162   //    wireg->Print("base");
00163   calib_p->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cos#theta");
00164   calib_p->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("normalized dE/dx");
00166   std::ostringstream strout4;
00167   strout4 << "Costheta_Effect"; 
00168   hlabel = strout4.str();
00169   TH1F *calib = new TH1F(hlabel.c_str(), hlabel.c_str(), NumBinCostheta, CosthetaMin, CosthetaMax);
00170   //    wireg->Print("base");
00171   calib->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cos#theta");
00172   calib->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("normalized dE/dx");
00174   m_histcalib.push_back(calib_e);
00175   m_histcalib.push_back(calib_p);
00176   m_histcalib.push_back(calib);
00177   m_caliblist -> Add(calib_e);
00178   m_caliblist -> Add(calib_p);
00179   m_caliblist -> Add(calib);
00182 }

void DedxCalib::checkSelections  )  [inherited]

void DedxCalib::checkSelections  )  [inherited]

00121                                 {
00122   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalib::checkSelections()...."<<endreq;
00123 }

virtual StatusCode DedxCalib::execute  )  [virtual, inherited]

StatusCode DedxCalib::execute  )  [virtual, inherited]

00075                               {
00077   this->FillTree();
00079   this->FillHists();
00080   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00081 }

void DedxCalibCostheta::FillHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

void DedxCalibCostheta::FillHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

00185 {
00186   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::FillHists( )..."<<endreq;  
00188    int layid, hid, localwid, lr, w0id, wid;
00189    double adc_raw, costhe, zhit, driftdist, dd, ph, sinenta, dipan, pathlength, sintheta, eangle,rphi_path;
00190    double m_driftd, driftd; 
00191    double m_P, logp;
00193   std::string rootpath_input = m_inputfile;
00194   std::string hlabel_rootpath_input;
00195   std::ostringstream strout;
00196   strout << rootpath_input;
00197   hlabel_rootpath_input = strout.str();
00198   std::cout<<"string doca :    "<<hlabel_rootpath_input.c_str()<<endl;
00200   TFile *f_costheta = new TFile(hlabel_rootpath_input.c_str());
00201   float dEdx_meas, ptrk, charge, costheta, t0,nhit;
00202   TTree *Mdc_dedx = (TTree *)f_costheta->Get("n103");
00203   Mdc_dedx->SetBranchAddress("dEdx_meas",&dEdx_meas);
00204   Mdc_dedx->SetBranchAddress("ptrk",&ptrk);
00205   Mdc_dedx->SetBranchAddress("charge",&charge);
00206   Mdc_dedx->SetBranchAddress("costheta",&costheta);
00207   Mdc_dedx->SetBranchAddress("nhit",&nhit);
00208   Mdc_dedx->SetBranchAddress("t0",&t0);
00209   cout<<"entries : "<<Mdc_dedx->GetEntries()<<endl;
00210   for(int i = 0; i <Mdc_dedx->GetEntries(); i++){
00211         Mdc_dedx->GetEntry(i);
00212         // if(t0>1400) continue;   
00213         if (nhit<20) continue;
00214         if (t0>700 || ptrk <1.78 || ptrk>1.88){continue;}
00215         costhe = costheta;       
00217         if(abs(costhe)>= CosthetaMax) continue;
00218          hid=0;
00219          //cout<<"bin step is"<<bin_step<<endl;
00220          for(int kk=0; kk<NumBinCostheta; kk++) {
00221             if((costhe>=CosthetaMin+bin_step*kk)&&(costhe<CosthetaMin+bin_step*(kk+1))) {
00222                hid=kk;
00223             }
00224          }
00225          //cout<<"costhe :  "<<costhe<<"     hid : "<<hid<<"     bitrunc: "<<bitrunc<<"     charge: "<<charge<<endl; 
00227          if(charge<0)  m_hist_e[hid]->Fill(dEdx_meas);
00228          else if( charge>0)  m_hist_p[hid]->Fill(dEdx_meas);
00229          /*if((*iter_trk)->charge()<0)
00230                  m_hist_e[hid]->Fill(m_dEdx);
00231          else if( (*iter_trk)->charge()>0)
00232                  m_hist_p[hid]->Fill(m_dEdx);*/
00233   }
00234 }

void DedxCalibCostheta::FillHistsFromTree  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

void DedxCalibCostheta::FillHistsFromTree  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

00293 {
00294   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::FillHistsFromTree( )..."<<endreq;  
00295 }

void DedxCalib::FillTestHists  )  [inherited]

void DedxCalib::FillTestHists  )  [inherited]

00117                               {
00118   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalib::FillTestHists()...."<<endreq;
00119 }

void DedxCalib::FillTree  )  [inherited]

void DedxCalib::FillTree  )  [inherited]

00105                          {
00106   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalib::FillTree()...."<<endreq;
00107 }

virtual StatusCode DedxCalib::finalize  )  [virtual, inherited]

StatusCode DedxCalib::finalize  )  [virtual, inherited]

00084                                {
00086   log << MSG::INFO << "DedxCalib finalize() ..." << endreq;
00087   this->AnalyseHists();
00089   this->WriteCalibdEdxParameters();
00090   this->WriteHists();
00092   this->FillTestHists();
00096   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00097 }

virtual Float_t DedxCalibCostheta::GetChargeOffCorr Int_t  il,
Int_t  iw,
Float_t  ChargeIn,
Float_t  path,
Float_t  doca,
Float_t  EAngle,
Float_t  dipAngle,
Float_t  z

Implements DedxCalib.

Float_t DedxCalibCostheta::GetChargeOffCorr Int_t  il,
Int_t  iw,
Float_t  ChargeIn,
Float_t  path,
Float_t  doca,
Float_t  EAngle,
Float_t  dipAngle,
Float_t  z

Implements DedxCalib.

00035 {
00036   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::GetChargeOffCorr( )..."<<endreq;
00037   return 1.0;
00038 }

Float_t DedxCalib::GetChargeOnCorr Int_t  il,
Int_t  iw,
Float_t  ChargeIn,
Float_t  path,
Float_t  doca,
Float_t  EAngle,
Float_t  dipAngle,
Float_t  z

Float_t DedxCalib::GetChargeOnCorr Int_t  il,
Int_t  iw,
Float_t  ChargeIn,
Float_t  path,
Float_t  doca,
Float_t  EAngle,
Float_t  dipAngle,
Float_t  z

00127                                                                {
00129 }

virtual StatusCode DedxCalib::initialize  )  [virtual, inherited]

StatusCode DedxCalib::initialize  )  [virtual, inherited]

00035                                  {
00036   log << MSG::INFO << "DedxCalib initialze() ..." << endreq;
00037   /*StatusCode scint = Service::initialize();
00038   if( scint.isFailure() ) return scint;
00039   IIncidentSvc* incsvc;
00040   scint = service("IncidentSvc", incsvc);
00041   int priority = 100;
00042   if( sc.isSuccess() ){
00043     incsvc -> addListener(this, "BeginEvent", priority);
00044    //incsvc -> addListener(this, "NewRun", priority);
00045   }*/  
00047   StatusCode sc = service("MdcGeomSvc", geosvc);   
00048   if (sc ==  StatusCode::SUCCESS) {              
00049     log << MSG::INFO <<"MdcGeomSvc is running"<<endl;
00050   } else {
00051     log << MSG::ERROR <<"MdcGeomSvc is failed"<<endl;
00052     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00053   }
00055   StatusCode scex = service("DedxCorrecSvc", exsvc);
00056   if (scex ==  StatusCode::SUCCESS) {              
00057     log << MSG::INFO <<"Hi, DedxCorrectSvc is running"<<endl;
00058   } else {
00059     log << MSG::ERROR <<"DedxCorrectSvc is failed"<<endl;
00060     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00061   }
00063   exsvc->set_flag( calib_flag );
00064   this->checkSelections();
00065   log << MSG::INFO <<"DedxCalib: read correction parameters"<<endreq;
00066   this->ReadCalibdEdxParameters();
00067   this->FillHistsFromTree();
00069   this->BookHists();
00071   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00072 }

void DedxCalib::ReadBetheBlochParameters  )  [inherited]

void DedxCalib::ReadBetheBlochParameters  )  [inherited]

void DedxCalib::ReadCalibdEdxParameters  )  [inherited]

void DedxCalib::ReadCalibdEdxParameters  )  [inherited]

00109                                         {
00110   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalib::ReadCalibdEdxParameters()...."<<endreq;
00111 }

void DedxCalibCostheta::WriteCalibdEdxParameters  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from DedxCalib.

void DedxCalibCostheta::WriteCalibdEdxParameters  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from DedxCalib.

00298 {  
00299   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibCostheta::WriteCalibdEdxParameters( )..."<<endreq;
00300 }

void DedxCalibCostheta::WriteHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

void DedxCalibCostheta::WriteHists  )  [virtual]

Implements DedxCalib.

00041 {
00042   log<<MSG::INFO<<"DedxCalibDipAngle::WriteHists( )..."<<endreq;
00044   /*
00045   TTree tree("costhetacalib","costhetacalib");
00046   double tmp[2];
00047   tree.Branch("costheta",&tmp,"slope/D:intersect/D");
00048   //tree.Branch("costheta",&tmp,"tree[2]/D");
00050   for(int i=1;i<NumBinCostheta;i++){
00051     double x1= m_histcalib[0]->GetBinCenter(i);
00052     double y1= m_histcalib[0]->GetBinContent(i);
00054     double x2= m_histcalib[0]->GetBinCenter(i+1);
00055     double y2= m_histcalib[0]->GetBinContent(i+1);
00057     double k=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
00058     double b=(y1*x2-y2*x1)/(x2-x1);
00059     tmp[0]=k;
00060     tmp[1]=b;
00062     tree.Fill();
00063   }
00064   */
00066   TTree tree("costhetacalib","costhetacalib");
00067   double tmp[1];
00068   tree.Branch("costheta",&tmp,"cosbin/D");
00069   /*for(int i=1;i<=NumBinCostheta;i++){
00070     tmp[0]=m_histcalib[2]->GetBinContent(i);
00071     cout<<"i : "<<i<<tmp[0]<<endl;   
00072     tree.Fill();
00073   }*/
00075   for(int i=0;i<NumBinCostheta+1;i++){
00076     tmp[0]=m_histcalib[2]->GetBinContent(i);
00077     cout<<"i : "<<i<<"     gain : "<<tmp[0]<<endl;
00078     tree.Fill();
00079   }
00082   if(m_rootfile=="no rootfile")
00083   {
00084      log << MSG::ERROR<<"no sepcified calibration file path of costheta calib "<<endreq;
00085      //return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00086      return;
00087   }
00089   std::string rootpath_costhe = m_rootfile;
00090   std::string hlabel_rootpath_costhe;
00091   std::ostringstream strout;
00092   strout << rootpath_costhe;
00093   hlabel_rootpath_costhe = strout.str();
00094   std::cout<<"string wire :    "<<hlabel_rootpath_costhe.c_str()<<endl;
00096   //TFile fhist("/home/bes/xcao/besd26/Calib/Calib_650/Calibconst_check/costhetacalib2.root", "recreate");
00097   TFile fhist(hlabel_rootpath_costhe.c_str(), "recreate"); 
00098   tree.Write();
00099   m_spacelist -> Write();
00100   m_caliblist -> Write();
00101   fhist.Close();
00104   for(int i=0; i<NumBinCostheta; i++) delete m_hist_e[i];
00105   for(int i=0; i<NumBinCostheta; i++) delete m_hist_p[i];
00106   for(int i=0; i<3; i++) delete m_histcalib[i];
00107   delete m_spacelist;
00108   delete m_caliblist;
00109   //delete spcharge;
00110   delete m_rand;
00113 }

Member Data Documentation

int DedxCalib::calib_flag [protected, inherited]

bool DedxCalib::ddgflag [protected, inherited]

IDedxCorrecSvc* DedxCalib::exsvc [protected, inherited]

IDedxCorrecSvc* DedxCalib::exsvc [protected, inherited]

IMdcGeomSvc* DedxCalib::geosvc [protected, inherited]

IMdcGeomSvc* DedxCalib::geosvc [protected, inherited]

bool DedxCalib::ggsflag [protected, inherited]

bool DedxCalib::layergflag [protected, inherited]

MsgStream DedxCalib::log [protected, inherited]

TObjArray* DedxCalibCostheta::m_caliblist

TObjArray* DedxCalibCostheta::m_caliblist

std::string DedxCalib::m_constrootfile [protected, inherited]

int DedxCalib::m_correc_flag [protected, inherited]

vector<TH1F*> DedxCalibCostheta::m_hist_e

vector<TH1F*> DedxCalibCostheta::m_hist_e

vector<TH1F*> DedxCalibCostheta::m_hist_p

vector<TH1F*> DedxCalibCostheta::m_hist_p

vector<TH1F*> DedxCalibCostheta::m_histcalib

vector<TH1F*> DedxCalibCostheta::m_histcalib

std::string DedxCalib::m_inputfile [protected, inherited]

int DedxCalib::m_par_flag [protected, inherited]

int DedxCalib::m_phshape_flag [protected, inherited]

TRandom* DedxCalibCostheta::m_rand

TRandom* DedxCalibCostheta::m_rand

std::string DedxCalib::m_rootfile [protected, inherited]

TObjArray* DedxCalibCostheta::m_spacelist

TObjArray* DedxCalibCostheta::m_spacelist

bool DedxCalib::wiregflag [protected, inherited]

bool DedxCalib::zdepflag [protected, inherited]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 15:57:04 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen