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DQA_MUC Class Reference

#include <DQA_MUC.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DQA_MUC (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 DQA_MUC (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode initialize ()

Private Member Functions

StatusCode FillHistograms (bool isDimu)
StatusCode FillHistograms (bool isDimu)

Private Attributes

vector< mark_colm_clusterCol
mark_col m_digiCol
mark_col m_effHitCol
int m_effWindow
long m_event
mark_col m_expHitCol
TH1F * m_hBrResDist [B_LAY_NUM][TAGN]
TH1F * m_hBrResDist [B_LAY_NUM][TAGN]
TH1F * m_hCostheta [TAGN]
TH1F * m_hCostheta [TAGN]
TH1F * m_hEcResDist [E_LAY_NUM][TAGN]
TH1F * m_hEcResDist [E_LAY_NUM][TAGN]
TH1F * m_hEff [LVLN][TAGN][2]
TH1F * m_hEff [LVLN][TAGN][2]
TH1F * m_hNosRatio [TAGN][2]
TH1F * m_hNosRatio [TAGN][2]
TH1F * m_hPhi [TAGN]
TH1F * m_hPhi [TAGN]
vector< float > m_lineResCol
vector< float > m_lineResCol
mark_col m_nosHitCol
long m_run
mark_col m_segDigiCol [PART_MAX][SEGMENT_MAX]
ITHistSvc * m_thsvc
ITHistSvc * m_thsvc

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DQA_MUC::DQA_MUC const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

00036                                                                 :
00037   Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator) {
00039   //Declare the properties  
00040   declareProperty("EffWindow",    m_effWindow = 4);  
00041 }

DQA_MUC::DQA_MUC const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode DQA_MUC::execute  ) 

StatusCode DQA_MUC::execute  ) 

00227                             {
00229   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00230   log << MSG::INFO << "in execute()" << endreq;
00232   SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");
00233   m_run   = eventHeader->runNumber();
00234   m_event = eventHeader->eventNumber();
00235   log << MSG::DEBUG <<"Run " << m_run << "\tEvent "  << m_event <<endreq;
00237   SmartDataPtr<DQAEvent::DQAEvent> dqaevt(eventSvc(), "/Event/DQATag");
00238   if ( dqaevt ) {
00239       log << MSG::INFO << "success get DQAEvent" << endreq;
00240   } else {
00241       log << MSG::ERROR << "Error accessing DQAEvent" << endreq;
00242       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00243   }
00244   log << MSG::DEBUG << "DQA event tag = " << dqaevt->EventTag() << endreq;
00246   int part, segment, layer, strip;
00247   char name[100];
00248   bool isDimu = false;
00249   if ( dqaevt->Dimu() )  isDimu = true;
00250   log << MSG::INFO << "DQADimuTag:\t" << dqaevt->Dimu() << endreq;
00252   //---> Retrieve MUC digi
00253   log << MSG::INFO << "Retrieve digis" << endreq;
00254   SmartDataPtr<MucDigiCol> mucDigiCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Digi/MucDigiCol");
00255   if(!mucDigiCol)  {
00256     log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find MUC digi" << endreq;
00257     return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00258   }
00260   Identifier mucId;
00261   MucDigiCol::iterator digiIter = mucDigiCol->begin();
00262   int eventDigi = 0;
00263   for ( int digiId =0; digiIter != mucDigiCol->end(); digiIter++, digiId++ )
00264   {
00265     mucId   = (*digiIter)->identify();
00266     part    = MucID::barrel_ec(mucId);    segment = MucID::segment(mucId);    
00267     layer   = MucID::layer(mucId);        strip   = MucID::channel(mucId);
00268     eventDigi    ++;
00270     // Add digi 
00271     MucMark *aMark = new MucMark( part, segment, layer, strip );
00272     m_digiCol.push_back( aMark );
00273     m_segDigiCol[part][segment].push_back( aMark );
00274     m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][0] ++;
00275     if( isDimu ) m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][0] ++; 
00276   }
00277   log << MSG::INFO << "Total digis in this event: " << eventDigi << endreq; 
00278   if( eventDigi > 500) cout <<"Run:\t"<< m_run <<"\tEvent:\t"<< m_event << "\tdigits inflation:\t" << eventDigi << endreq;
00280   // Search cluster in digis
00281   m_clusterCol = (*m_ptrMucMark).CreateClusterCol(1, m_digiCol );
00282   log << MSG::INFO << "Total clusters in this event: " << m_clusterCol.size() << endreq; 
00283   //<--- End retrieve digis
00285   //---> Retrieve rec tracks
00286   SmartDataPtr<EvtRecEvent> evtRecEvent(eventSvc(), EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecEvent);
00287   SmartDataPtr<RecMucTrackCol> mucTrackCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecMucTrackCol");
00288   if (!mucTrackCol) {
00289     log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find RecMucTrackCol" << endreq;
00290     return( StatusCode::FAILURE);
00291   }
00293   RecMucTrackCol  *aRecMucTrackCol = mucTrackCol;
00294   if (aRecMucTrackCol->size() < 1) {
00295     log << MSG::INFO << "No MUC tracks in this event" << endreq;
00296     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00297   }
00298   log << MSG::INFO << "Total tracks of this event: " << aRecMucTrackCol->size() << endreq;
00300   int  trackHitNum, expectedHitNum, segNum, lastLayerBR, lastLayerEC;
00301   int  layerPassNum[3], passMax[TRACK_SEG_MAX][2];
00302   bool firedLay[TRACK_SEG_MAX][LAYER_MAX];
00303   double costheta, phi;
00304   TH1* htmp(0);
00305   trackHitNum = expectedHitNum = segNum = lastLayerBR = lastLayerEC = 0;
00306   layerPassNum[0] = layerPassNum[1] = layerPassNum[2] = 0;
00307   for( int segi=0; segi<TRACK_SEG_MAX; segi++ ) {
00308     passMax[segi][0] = passMax[segi][1] = 0;
00309     for( int layi=0; layi<LAYER_MAX; layi++ ) firedLay[segi][layi] = 0;
00310   }
00312   vector<MucRecHit*> mucRawHitCol;
00313   vector<MucRecHit*> mucExpHitCol;
00314   RecMucTrackCol::iterator trackIter = mucTrackCol->begin();
00315   for (int trackId = 0; trackIter != mucTrackCol->end(); trackIter++, trackId++)
00316   {
00317     trackHitNum = (*trackIter)->numHits();
00319     if( trackHitNum == 0 ) {
00320       log << MSG::INFO << "Track " << trackId << " no hits" << endreq;
00321       continue;
00322     }
00324     lastLayerBR = (*trackIter)->brLastLayer();
00325     lastLayerEC = (*trackIter)->ecLastLayer();    
00326     // First fit position in MUC
00327     CLHEP::Hep3Vector a3Vector((*trackIter)->xPos(),(*trackIter)->yPos(),(*trackIter)->zPos());
00328     costheta = a3Vector.cosTheta();
00329     phi      = a3Vector.phi();    
00330     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/Costheta_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00331       htmp->Fill( costheta );
00332     } else {
00333       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve Costheta_All" << endreq;      
00334     }
00335     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/Phi_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00336       htmp->Fill( phi );
00337     } else {
00338       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve Phi_All" << endreq;      
00339     }
00341     if( isDimu ) 
00342     {
00343       if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/Costheta_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00344         htmp->Fill( costheta );
00345       } else {
00346         log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve Costheta_Dimu" << endreq;      
00347       }
00348       if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/Phi_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00349         htmp->Fill( phi );
00350       } else {
00351         log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve Phi_Dimu" << endreq;      
00352       }
00353     }       
00354     log << MSG::INFO << "Fill costheta and phi:\t" << costheta << "\t" << phi << endreq;
00356     MucRecHit* pMucRawHit;
00357     MucRecHit* pMucExpHit;
00360     // Expected hits in this rec track
00361     mucExpHitCol = (*trackIter)->GetExpectedHits();
00362     //mucExpHitCol = (*trackIter)->getExpHits();
00363     expectedHitNum += mucExpHitCol.size();
00364     for(unsigned int hitId = 0; hitId < mucExpHitCol.size(); hitId++)
00365     {
00366       pMucRawHit  = mucExpHitCol[ hitId ];
00367       part        = pMucRawHit->Part();     segment     = pMucRawHit->Seg();
00368       layer       = pMucRawHit->Gap();      strip       = pMucRawHit->Strip();
00370       MucMark* currentMark = new MucMark( part, segment, layer, strip );
00371       m_expHitCol.push_back( currentMark );
00373       // Judge efficiency hit
00374       int  isInPos       = -1;
00375       bool isInEffWindow = false;
00376       isInPos = currentMark->IsInCol( m_segDigiCol[part][segment] );
00378       // Avoid bias in outer layers caused by low momentum tracks
00379       if( part == BRID && (layer-lastLayerBR>1) ) continue;
00380       if( part != BRID && (layer-lastLayerEC>1) ) continue;
00382       // Avoid bias in both sides of the innermost layer of Barrel 
00383       if( part==BRID && layer==0 && (strip<2 || strip>45) )
00384       {
00385         if( isInPos != -1) // expHit is fired
00386         {
00387           m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][2] ++; // Efficiency hit number
00388           m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00389           m_effHitCol.push_back( m_segDigiCol[part][segment][isInPos] );
00391           if(isDimu) {
00392             m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][2] ++; // Efficiency hit number
00393             m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00394           }
00395         }
00396         else {
00397           m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++;
00398           if(isDimu) m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++;
00399         }
00400         continue; // Judge next hit
00401       } 
00402       // Eff calibration
00403       if( isInPos != -1 ) // expHit is fired
00404       {
00405         m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][2] ++; // Efficiency hit number
00406         m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00407         m_effHitCol.push_back( m_segDigiCol[part][segment][isInPos] );
00409         if(isDimu) {
00410           m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][2] ++; // Efficiency hit number
00411           m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00412         }
00414         continue; // Judge next hit
00415       }
00416       else for(int tempStrip=0, hiti=-m_effWindow; hiti<=m_effWindow; hiti++ )
00417       {
00418         if( hiti == 0 ) continue;
00419         tempStrip = strip + hiti;
00420         if( tempStrip < 0 || tempStrip > m_ptrIdTr->GetStripMax(part,segment,layer) ) continue;
00422         isInPos = m_ptrMucMark->IsInCol( part, segment, layer, tempStrip, m_segDigiCol[part][segment] );
00423         if( isInPos != -1 )
00424         {
00425           m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][tempStrip][2] ++; // Efficiency hit number
00426           m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][tempStrip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00427           m_effHitCol.push_back( m_segDigiCol[part][segment][isInPos] );
00429           if(isDimu) {
00430             m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][tempStrip][2] ++; // Efficiency hit number
00431             m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][tempStrip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00432           }
00434           isInEffWindow = true;
00435         }
00436       } // End else 
00438       if( isInEffWindow ) { continue; } // Judge next hit
00439       else { // A hit should be fired but not fired and not in the EffWindow
00440         m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++; // Rec track number
00441         if(isDimu) m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][1] ++;
00442       }
00444     } // End expected hits
00446     // Fill residual, and for the other way of eff calculation
00447     log << MSG::INFO << "Fill residual" << endreq;
00448     vector<float> m_lineResCol = (*trackIter)->getDistHits();
00449     // Digis belong to this rec track
00450     mucRawHitCol = (*trackIter)->GetHits(); // Get hit collection of a track
00451     //mucRawHitCol = (*trackIter)->getVecHits(); // Get hit collection of a track
00453     if( trackHitNum > 4 && m_lineResCol[0] != -99) // track is good for res 
00454     {
00455       // Fill res histograms
00456       bool firedFlag[PART_MAX][LAYER_MAX][2];
00457       for(int iprt=0; iprt<PART_MAX; iprt++)
00458         for(int jlay=0; jlay<LAYER_MAX; jlay++)
00459           firedFlag[iprt][jlay][0] = firedFlag[iprt][jlay][1] = false;
00461       for(unsigned int hitId = 0; hitId < mucExpHitCol.size(); hitId++)
00462       {
00463         pMucExpHit  = mucExpHitCol[ hitId ];
00464         part = pMucExpHit->Part(); segment = pMucExpHit->Seg(); layer = pMucExpHit->Gap();
00465         firedFlag[part][layer][0] = true;
00466       }
00468       for(unsigned int hitId = 0; hitId < mucRawHitCol.size(); hitId++)
00469       {
00470         pMucRawHit  = mucRawHitCol[ hitId ];
00471         part = pMucRawHit->Part(); segment = pMucRawHit->Seg(); layer = pMucRawHit->Gap();
00473         // if exp is true and fired is true, and not filled yet
00474         if( firedFlag[part][layer][0] == true && firedFlag[part][layer][1] == false )
00475         {
00476           if( part == BRID ) 
00477           {
00478             sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/BrResDist_All_L%d", layer );
00479             if(m_thsvc->getHist(name, htmp).isSuccess()) {
00480               htmp->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00481             } else {
00482               log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve " << name << endreq;      
00483             }
00484             //m_hBrResDist[layer][0]->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00486             if( isDimu ) 
00487             { 
00488               sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/BrResDist_Dimu_L%d", layer );
00489               if(m_thsvc->getHist(name, htmp).isSuccess()) {
00490                 htmp->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00491               } else { 
00492                 log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve " << name << endreq;          
00493               }              
00494               //m_hBrResDist[layer][1]->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00495             }
00496           } else {
00497             sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/EcResDist_All_L%d", layer );
00498             if(m_thsvc->getHist(name, htmp).isSuccess()) {
00499               htmp->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00500             } else { 
00501               log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve " << name << endreq;          
00502             }            
00503             //m_hEcResDist[layer][0]->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00505             if( isDimu ) 
00506             {
00507               sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/EcResDist_Dimu_L%d", layer );
00508               if(m_thsvc->getHist(name, htmp).isSuccess()) {
00509                 htmp->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00510               } else { 
00511                 log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve " << name << endreq;          
00512               }              
00513              //m_hEcResDist[layer][1]->Fill( m_lineResCol[hitId] );
00514             }
00515           }
00516         }
00518         firedFlag[part][layer][1] = true;
00519       }
00520     } // End fill residual, if track is good for res
00522     mucRawHitCol.clear();
00523     mucExpHitCol.clear();
00525   } // End read all tracks
00526   //<--- End retrieve rec tracks
00528   //---> Searching inc/noise hits  
00529   log << MSG::INFO << "Searching inc/noise hits" << endreq;
00530   bool isNosHit;
00531   bool hasEffHit;
00532   for( unsigned int i=0; i < m_digiCol.size(); i++ )
00533   {
00534     isNosHit = true;
00536     if( m_digiCol[i]->IsInCol( m_effHitCol )!=-1 ) continue; // digi in effHitCol
00537     else
00538     {
00539       for( unsigned int j=0; j < m_clusterCol.size(); j++ )
00540       {
00541         hasEffHit = false;
00542         for( unsigned int k=0; k<m_clusterCol[j].size(); k++)
00543         {
00544           if( m_clusterCol[j][k]->IsInCol(m_effHitCol) != -1)
00545           {  // Clusters have efficiency hit
00546             hasEffHit = true;
00547           break; // Out a cluster
00548           }
00549         }
00551         if ( hasEffHit && (m_digiCol[i]->IsInCol( m_clusterCol[j] ) != -1) ) {
00552           isNosHit = false;
00553           break; // Out cluster collection
00554         }
00555       } // End cluster col
00557       if( isNosHit ) {          
00558         part    = (*m_digiCol[i]).Part();     segment = (*m_digiCol[i]).Segment();
00559         layer   = (*m_digiCol[i]).Layer();    strip   = (*m_digiCol[i]).Strip();
00561         //log << MSG::INFO << "Noise hit:\t" << part<<"\t"<<segment<<"\t"<<layer<<"\t"<<strip << endreq;
00562         m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][strip][3] ++;
00563         if( isDimu ) m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][strip][3] ++;
00564         m_nosHitCol.push_back(m_digiCol[i]);
00565       }
00566     }// End else
00567   } // End digi collection
00568   //<--- End searching inc/noise hits
00570   DQA_MUC::FillHistograms( isDimu );
00572   // Reset mark collection
00573   for( unsigned int i=0; i<m_digiCol.size(); i++ ) {
00574     if( m_digiCol[i] != NULL )    delete m_digiCol[i];
00575   }
00577   for( unsigned int i=0; i<m_expHitCol.size(); i++ ) {
00578     if( m_expHitCol[i] != NULL )  delete m_expHitCol[i];
00579   }
00581   if( m_effHitCol.size() != 0 ) m_effHitCol.clear();
00582   if( m_expHitCol.size() != 0 ) m_expHitCol.clear();
00583   if( m_nosHitCol.size() != 0 ) m_nosHitCol.clear();
00584   if( m_digiCol.size() != 0 ) m_digiCol.clear();
00585   if( m_clusterCol.size() != 0 ) m_clusterCol.clear();  
00587   for( int i=0; i<PART_MAX; i++ ) {
00588     for( int j=0; j<SEGMENT_MAX; j++ ) {
00589       if( m_segDigiCol[i][j].size() != 0 )  m_segDigiCol[i][j].clear();
00590     } 
00591   }
00593   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00594 }

StatusCode DQA_MUC::FillHistograms bool  isDimu  )  [private]

StatusCode DQA_MUC::FillHistograms bool  isDimu  )  [private]

00834                                               {
00836   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00837   log << MSG::INFO << "Filling histograms" << endmsg;
00838   char name[100];
00839   int part, segment, layer, strip, boxId, strId;
00840       part = segment = layer = strip = boxId = strId = 0;
00841   TH1 *hEff[2][2][3];
00843   for(int i=0; i<TAGN; i++) {
00844     for(int j=0; j<2; j++)  {
00845       for(int k=0; k<LVLN; k++)
00846       {    
00847         sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/%sEff_%s_%s", LNAME[k], ENAME[i], HTYPE[j] );
00848         if(!m_thsvc->getHist(name, hEff[i][j][k]).isSuccess()) 
00849           log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve " << name << endreq;
00850       }
00851     }
00852   }
00854   // Numberator of eff
00855   for(int i=0; i<m_effHitCol.size(); i++)
00856   {
00857     part    =  m_effHitCol[i]->Part();
00858     segment =  m_effHitCol[i]->Segment();
00859     layer   =  m_effHitCol[i]->Layer();
00860     strip   =  m_effHitCol[i]->Strip();
00861     boxId = m_ptrIdTr->GetBoxId(part, segment, layer); 
00862     strId = m_ptrIdTr->GetStripId(part, segment, layer, strip); 
00863     hEff[0][0][0]->Fill(layer);
00864     hEff[0][0][1]->Fill(boxId);
00865     hEff[0][0][2]->Fill(strId);
00867     if( isDimu ) {
00868       hEff[1][0][0]->Fill(layer);
00869       hEff[1][0][1]->Fill(boxId);
00870       hEff[1][0][2]->Fill(strId);
00871     }
00872   }  
00874   // Denominator of eff          
00875   for(int i=0; i<m_expHitCol.size(); i++)
00876   {
00877     part    =  m_expHitCol[i]->Part();
00878     segment =  m_expHitCol[i]->Segment();
00879     layer   =  m_expHitCol[i]->Layer();
00880     strip   =  m_expHitCol[i]->Strip();
00881     //cout<<"ExpHit:\t"<<part<<"\t"<<segment<<"\t"<<layer<<"\t"<<strip<<endl;
00882     boxId = m_ptrIdTr->GetBoxId(part, segment, layer);
00883     strId = m_ptrIdTr->GetStripId(part, segment, layer, strip);
00884     hEff[0][1][0]->Fill(layer);
00885     hEff[0][1][1]->Fill(boxId);
00886     hEff[0][1][2]->Fill(strId);           
00888     if( isDimu ) {
00889       hEff[1][1][0]->Fill(layer);
00890       hEff[1][1][1]->Fill(boxId);
00891       hEff[1][1][2]->Fill(strId);
00892     }
00894   }
00896   TH1 *hNosRatio[2][2];
00897   for(int i=0; i<TAGN; i++) {
00898     for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
00899       sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/%sNosRatio_%s_%s", LNAME[1], ENAME[i], HTYPE[j] );
00900       if(!m_thsvc->getHist(name, hNosRatio[i][j]).isSuccess()) 
00901       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve " << name << endreq;
00902     }
00903   }
00905   // Numberator of box noise ratio 
00906   for(int i=0; i<m_nosHitCol.size(); i++)
00907   {
00908     part    =  m_nosHitCol[i]->Part();
00909     segment =  m_nosHitCol[i]->Segment();
00910     layer   =  m_nosHitCol[i]->Layer();
00911     strip   =  m_nosHitCol[i]->Strip();
00912     boxId = m_ptrIdTr->GetBoxId(part, segment, layer); 
00913     strId = m_ptrIdTr->GetStripId(part, segment, layer, strip); 
00914     hNosRatio[0][0]->Fill(boxId);
00916     if( isDimu )  hNosRatio[1][0]->Fill(boxId);
00917   }
00919   // Denominator of box noise ratio 
00920   for(int i=0; i<m_digiCol.size(); i++)
00921   {
00922     part    =  m_digiCol[i]->Part();
00923     segment =  m_digiCol[i]->Segment();
00924     layer   =  m_digiCol[i]->Layer();
00925     strip   =  m_digiCol[i]->Strip();
00926     boxId = m_ptrIdTr->GetBoxId(part, segment, layer); 
00927     hNosRatio[0][1]->Fill(boxId);
00929     if( isDimu )  hNosRatio[1][1]->Fill(boxId);
00930   }
00932   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00933 }

StatusCode DQA_MUC::finalize  ) 

StatusCode DQA_MUC::finalize  ) 

00597                              {
00599   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00600   log << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
00602 /*  
00603   TH1 *htmp(0);
00605   // Fit spacial resolution
00606   log << MSG::INFO << "Spacial resolution fitting" << endreq;
00607   double resSigma, resSigmaErr;
00608   resSigma = resSigmaErr = 0.;
00610   for( int i=0; i<B_LAY_NUM; i++ )
00611   {
00612     m_hBrResDist[i][0]->Fit("gaus");
00613     resSigma = m_hBrResDist[i][0]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter("Sigma");
00614     resSigmaErr = m_hBrResDist[i][0]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2);
00615     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BrRes_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00616       htmp->Fill( i, resSigma );
00617       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, resSigmaErr );
00618     } else {
00619       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve BrRes_All" << endreq;
00620     }
00621     //log << MSG::INFO << "Barrle layer:\t" << i << "\t" << resSigma << "\t" << resSigmaErr << endreq;
00623     m_hBrResDist[i][1]->Fit("gaus");
00624     resSigma = m_hBrResDist[i][1]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter("Sigma");
00625     resSigmaErr = m_hBrResDist[i][1]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2);
00626     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BrRes_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00627     htmp->Fill( i, resSigma );
00628     htmp->SetBinError( i+1, resSigmaErr );
00629     } else {
00630       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve BrRes_Dimu" << endreq;
00631     }
00633   }
00635   for( int i=0; i<E_LAY_NUM; i++ )
00636   { 
00637     m_hEcResDist[i][0]->Fit("gaus");
00638     resSigma = m_hEcResDist[i][0]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter("Sigma");
00639     resSigmaErr = m_hEcResDist[i][0]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2);
00640     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/EcRes_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00641       htmp->Fill( i, resSigma );
00642       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, resSigmaErr );
00643     } else {
00644       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve EcRes_All" << endreq;
00645     }
00646     //log << MSG::INFO << "Endcap layer:\t" << i << "\t" << resSigma << "\t" << resSigmaErr << endreq;
00648     m_hEcResDist[i][1]->Fit("gaus");
00649     resSigma = m_hEcResDist[i][1]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter("Sigma");
00650     resSigmaErr = m_hEcResDist[i][0]->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2);
00651     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/EcRes_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00652       htmp->Fill( i, resSigma );
00653       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, resSigmaErr );
00654     } else {
00655       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve EcRes_Dimu" << endreq;
00656     }
00657   }
00660   // Efficiency and noise ratio  
00661   int part, segment, layer, stripMax;
00662   part = segment = layer = stripMax = 0;
00663   double digi[TAGN][3], effHit[TAGN][3], trackNum[TAGN][3], nosHit[TAGN][3];
00664   double eff[TAGN], effErr[TAGN], nos[TAGN], nosErr[TAGN];
00665   for(int i=0; i<TAGN; i++) {
00666     for( int j=0; j<3; j++) {
00667       digi[i][j] = effHit[i][j] = trackNum[i][j] = nosHit[i][j] = 0.;
00668     }
00670     eff[i] = effErr[i] = nos[i] = nosErr[i] = 0.;
00671   }
00673   // Layer efficiency
00674   for( int i=0; i<LAYER_MAX; i++ )
00675   {
00676     effHit[0][0] = trackNum[0][0] = 0;
00677     effHit[1][0] = trackNum[1][0] = 0;
00679     for( int j=0; j<PART_MAX; j++ ) {
00680       for( int k=0; k<SEGMENT_MAX; k++) {
00681         stripMax = m_ptrIdTr->GetStripMax( j, k, i );
00682         for( int n=0; n<stripMax; n++ ) {
00683           trackNum[0][0]  += m_recordAll[j][k][i][n][1];
00684           effHit[0][0]    += m_recordAll[j][k][i][n][2];
00686           trackNum[1][0]  += m_recordDimu[j][k][i][n][1];
00687           effHit[1][0]    += m_recordDimu[j][k][i][n][2];
00688         }
00689       }
00690     }
00692     if( trackNum[0][0] == 0 ) {
00693       eff[0] = effErr[0] = 0.0;
00694     } else {
00695       eff[0]     = ( (double)effHit[0][0] )/trackNum[0][0];
00696       effErr[0]  = sqrt( eff[0]*(1-eff[0])/trackNum[0][0] );
00697     }  
00698     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/LayerEff_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00699       htmp->Fill( i, eff[0] );
00700       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, effErr[0] );
00701     } else {
00702       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve LayerEff_All" << endreq;
00703     }
00704     log << MSG::INFO << "LayerEff:\t" << i << "\t" << eff[0] << "\t" << effErr[0] << endreq;
00706     if( trackNum[1][0] == 0 ) {
00707       eff[1] = effErr[1] = 0.0;
00708     } else { 
00709       eff[1]     = ( (double)effHit[1][0] )/trackNum[1][0];
00710       effErr[1]  = sqrt( eff[1]*(1-eff[1])/trackNum[1][0] );
00711     }                
00712     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/LayerEff_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00713       htmp->Fill( i, eff[1] );
00714       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, effErr[1] );
00715     } else { 
00716       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve LayerEff_Dimu" << endreq;
00717     }    
00719   } // End layer    
00721   // Box efficiency and noise ratio, strip efficiency
00722   for( int i=0; i<BOX_MAX; i++ )
00723   {
00724     m_ptrIdTr->SetBoxPos( i, &part, &segment, &layer );
00725     stripMax = m_ptrIdTr->GetStripMax( part, segment, layer );
00727     digi[0][1] = effHit[0][1] = trackNum[0][1] = nosHit[0][1] = 0;
00728     digi[1][1] = effHit[1][1] = trackNum[1][1] = nosHit[1][1] = 0;
00729     for( int j=0; j<stripMax; j++ )
00730     {
00731       // For box
00732       digi[0][1]      += m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][j][0];
00733       trackNum[0][1]  += m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][j][1];
00734       effHit[0][1]    += m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][j][2];
00735       nosHit[0][1]    += m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][j][3];
00737       digi[1][1]      += m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][j][0];
00738       trackNum[1][1]  += m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][j][1];
00739       effHit[1][1]    += m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][j][2];
00740       nosHit[1][1]    += m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][j][3];
00742       // For strip
00743       trackNum[0][2]  = m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][j][1];
00744       effHit[0][2]    = m_recordAll[part][segment][layer][j][2];
00745       trackNum[1][2]  = m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][j][1];
00746       effHit[1][2]    = m_recordDimu[part][segment][layer][j][2];
00748       if( trackNum[0][2] == 0 ) {
00749         eff[0] = 0.0;
00750       } else {
00751         eff[0]     = ( (double)effHit[0][2] )/trackNum[0][2];
00752       }  
00753       if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/StripEff_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00754         htmp->Fill( eff[0] );
00755       } else {
00756         log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve StripEff_All" << endreq;
00757       }
00759       if( trackNum[1][2] == 0 ) {
00760         eff[1] = 0.0;
00761       } else { 
00762         eff[1]     = ( (double)effHit[1][2] )/trackNum[1][2];
00763       }                
00764       if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/StripEff_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00765         htmp->Fill( eff[1] );
00766       } else { 
00767         log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve StripEff_Dimu" << endreq;
00768       }    
00769     } // End StripMax
00771     // Box efficiency
00772     if( trackNum[0][1] == 0 ) {
00773       eff[0] = effErr[0] = 0.0;
00774     } else {
00775       eff[0]     = ( (double)effHit[0][1] )/trackNum[0][1];
00776       effErr[0]  = sqrt( eff[0]*(1-eff[0])/trackNum[0][1] );
00777     }  
00778     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BoxEff_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00779       htmp->Fill( i, eff[0] );
00780       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, effErr[0] );
00781     } else {
00782       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve BoxEff_All" << endreq;
00783     }
00784     log << MSG::INFO << "BoxEff:\t" << i << "\t" << eff[0] << "\t" << effErr[0] << endreq;
00786     if( trackNum[1][1] == 0 ) {
00787       eff[1] = effErr[1] = 0.0;
00788     } else { 
00789       eff[1]     = ( (double)effHit[1][1] )/trackNum[1][1];
00790       effErr[1]  = sqrt( eff[1]*(1-eff[1])/trackNum[1][1] );
00791     }                
00792     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BoxEff_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00793       htmp->Fill( i, eff[1] );
00794       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, effErr[1] );
00795     } else { 
00796       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve BoxEff_Dimu" << endreq;
00797     }    
00799     // Box noise ratio
00800     if( digi[0][1] == 0 ) {
00801       nos[0] = nosErr[0] = 0.0;
00802     } else {
00803       nos[0]     = ( (double)nosHit[0][1] )/digi[0][1];
00804       nosErr[0]  = sqrt( nos[0]*(1-nos[0])/digi[0][1] );
00805     }  
00806     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BoxNosRatio_All", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00807       htmp->Fill( i, nos[0] );
00808       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, nosErr[0] );
00809     } else {
00810       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve BoxNosRatio_All" << endreq;
00811     }
00812     log << MSG::INFO << "BoxNosRatio:\t" << i << "\t" << nos[0] << "\t" << nosErr[0] << endreq;
00814     if( digi[1][1] == 0 ) {
00815       nos[1] = nosErr[1] = 0.0;
00816     } else {
00817       nos[1]     = ( (double)nosHit[1][1] )/digi[1][1];
00818       nosErr[1]  = sqrt( nos[1]*(1-nos[1])/digi[1][1] );
00819     }  
00820     if(m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BoxNosRatio_Dimu", htmp).isSuccess()) {
00821       htmp->Fill( i, nos[1] );
00822       htmp->SetBinError( i+1, nosErr[1] );
00823     } else {
00824       log << MSG::ERROR << "Fail to retrieve BoxNosRatio_Dimu" << endreq;
00825     }
00826   }// End BOX_MAX
00827 */  
00829   log << MSG::INFO << "Finalize successfully! " << endmsg;
00831   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00832 }

StatusCode DQA_MUC::initialize  ) 

StatusCode DQA_MUC::initialize  ) 

00044                               {
00045   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00047   log << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endmsg;
00048   StatusCode status;
00050   // Call Histogram service
00051   if(service("THistSvc", m_thsvc).isFailure()) {
00052     log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't get THistSvc" << endreq;
00053     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00054   }
00056   char name[60];
00057   char title[60];
00059   // Resolution histograms
00060   for( int i=0; i<B_LAY_NUM; i++ )
00061   {
00062     sprintf( name, "BrResDist_All_L%d", i );
00063     sprintf( title, "Barrel spacial resolution in L%d",i );
00064     m_hBrResDist[i][0] = new TH1F(name,title, 200, -100, 100 );
00065     sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/BrResDist_All_L%d", i );
00066     if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hBrResDist[i][0]).isFailure()) 
00067     { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00069     sprintf( name, "BrResDist_Dimu_L%d", i );
00070     m_hBrResDist[i][1] = new TH1F(name,title, 200, -100, 100 );
00071     sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/BrResDist_Dimu_L%d", i );
00072     if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hBrResDist[i][1]).isFailure()) 
00073     { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00074   }
00076   for( int i=0; i<E_LAY_NUM; i++ )
00077   {
00078     sprintf( name, "EcResDist_All_L%d", i );
00079     sprintf( title, "Endcap spacial resolution in L%d",i );
00080     m_hEcResDist[i][0] = new TH1F(name,title, 200, -100, 100 );
00081     sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/EcResDist_All_L%d", i );
00082     if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hEcResDist[i][0]).isFailure()) 
00083     { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00085     sprintf( name, "EcResDist_Dimu_L%d", i );
00086     m_hEcResDist[i][1] = new TH1F(name,title, 200, -100, 100 );
00087     sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/EcResDist_Dimu_L%d", i );
00088     if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hEcResDist[i][1]).isFailure()) 
00089     { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00090   }
00092   //m_hBrRes[0] = new TH1F("BrRes_All", "BrResAll", B_LAY_NUM+1, -0.5, B_LAY_NUM+0.5 );
00093   //m_hBrRes[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer id"); 
00094   //m_hBrRes[0]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00095   //m_hBrRes[0]->SetStats(0);
00096   //m_hBrRes[1] = new TH1F("BrRes_Dimu", "BrResDimu", B_LAY_NUM+1, -0.5, B_LAY_NUM+0.5 );
00097   //m_hBrRes[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer id"); 
00098   //m_hBrRes[1]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00099   //m_hBrRes[1]->SetStats(0);
00100   //
00101   //m_hEcRes[0] = new TH1F("EcRes_All", "EcResAll", E_LAY_NUM+1, -0.5, E_LAY_NUM+0.5 );
00102   //m_hEcRes[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer id"); 
00103   //m_hEcRes[0]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00104   //m_hEcRes[0]->SetStats(0);
00105   //m_hEcRes[1] = new TH1F("EcRes_Dimu", "EcResDimu", E_LAY_NUM+1, -0.5, E_LAY_NUM+0.5 );
00106   //m_hEcRes[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer id"); 
00107   //m_hEcRes[1]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00108   //m_hEcRes[1]->SetStats(0);
00110   //if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BrRes_All", m_hBrRes[0]).isFailure()) 
00111   //{ log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register BrRes_All" << endreq; }
00112   //if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/MUC/BrRes_Dimu", m_hBrRes[1]).isFailure()) 
00113   //{ log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register BrRes_Dimu" << endreq; }
00114   //if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/MUC/EcRes_All", m_hEcRes[0]).isFailure()) 
00115   //{ log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register EcRes_All" << endreq; }
00116   //if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/MUC/EcRes_Dimu", m_hEcRes[1]).isFailure()) 
00117   //{ log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register BrRes_Dimu" << endreq; }
00119   // Efficiency histograms, j=0: numberator, j=1; denominator
00120   for(int i=0; i<TAGN; i++)
00121   {
00122     for(int j=0; j<2; j++)
00123     {     
00124       for(int k=0; k<LVLN; k++)
00125       { 
00126         sprintf( name, "%sEff_%s_%s", LNAME[k], ENAME[i], HTYPE[j] );
00127         sprintf( title, "%s efficiency",LNAME[k] );
00129         if(k==0) {
00130           m_hEff[k][i][j] = new TH1F(name,title, LAYER_MAX+1, -0.5, LAYER_MAX+0.5);
00131           m_hEff[k][i][j]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Layer id"); 
00132         }else if(k==1) {
00133           m_hEff[k][i][j] = new TH1F(name,title, BOX_MAX+1, -0.5, BOX_MAX+0.5);  
00134           m_hEff[k][i][j]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Box id [EE:0~31, BR:32~103, WE:104~135]");
00135         }else {
00136           m_hEff[k][i][j] = new TH1F(name,title, STRIP_MAX+1, -0.5, STRIP_MAX+0.5);  
00137           m_hEff[k][i][j]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Strip id");
00138         }
00140         m_hEff[k][i][j]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00141         //m_hEff[k][i][j]->SetStats(0);
00143         sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/%sEff_%s_%s", LNAME[k], ENAME[i], HTYPE[j] );
00144         if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hEff[k][i][j]).isFailure()) 
00145         { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00146       }
00148       sprintf( name, "%sNosRatio_%s_%s", LNAME[1], ENAME[i], HTYPE[j] );
00149       sprintf( title, "%s noise ratio",LNAME[1] );
00150       m_hNosRatio[i][j]  = new TH1F(name, title, BOX_MAX+1, -0.5, BOX_MAX+0.5);  
00151       m_hNosRatio[i][j]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Box id [EE:0~31, BR:32~103, WE:104~135]"); 
00152       m_hNosRatio[i][j]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00153       //m_hNosRatio[i][j]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 0.3);
00154       //m_hNosRatio[i][j]->SetStats(0);
00156       sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/%sNosRatio_%s_%s", LNAME[1], ENAME[i], HTYPE[j] );
00157       if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hNosRatio[i][j]).isFailure()) 
00158       { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00159     }
00161     // Costheta and phi 
00162     sprintf( name, "Costheta_%s", ENAME[i]);
00163     sprintf( title, "Costheta");
00164     m_hCostheta[i]  = new TH1F(name, title, 360, -1.0, 1.0);
00165     m_hCostheta[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cos#theta"); 
00166     m_hCostheta[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00168     sprintf( name, "Phi_%s", ENAME[i]);
00169     sprintf( title, "Phi");
00170     m_hPhi[i]  = new TH1F(name, title, 360, -PI, PI);
00171     m_hPhi[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi"); 
00172     m_hPhi[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00174     sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/Costheta_%s", ENAME[i] );
00175     if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hCostheta[i]).isFailure()) 
00176     { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register " << name << endreq; }
00177     sprintf( name, "/DQAHist/MUC/Phi_%s", ENAME[i] );
00178     if(m_thsvc->regHist(name, m_hPhi[i]).isFailure()) 
00179     { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register Phi_All" << endreq; }
00180   }
00182   //m_hStripEff[0] = new TH1F("StripEff_All", "Strip efficiency", 101, -0.005, 1.005 );
00183   //m_hStripEff[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); 
00184   //m_hStripEff[0]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00185   //m_hStripEff[1] = new TH1F("StripEff_Dimu", "Strip efficiency", 101, -0.005, 1.005 );
00186   //m_hStripEff[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); 
00187   //m_hStripEff[1]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
00189   // Parameters 
00190   for( int i=0; i<PART_MAX; i++ )
00191     for( int j=0; j<SEGMENT_MAX; j++ )
00192       for( int k=0; k<LAYER_MAX; k++ )
00193         for( int n=0; n<STRIP_INBOX_MAX; n++ )
00194         {
00195           m_recordAll[i][j][k][n][0] = 0;
00196           m_recordAll[i][j][k][n][1] = 0;
00197           m_recordAll[i][j][k][n][2] = 0;
00198           m_recordAll[i][j][k][n][3] = 0;
00199           m_recordAll[i][j][k][n][4] = 0;
00201           m_recordDimu[i][j][k][n][0] = 0;
00202           m_recordDimu[i][j][k][n][1] = 0;
00203           m_recordDimu[i][j][k][n][2] = 0;
00204           m_recordDimu[i][j][k][n][3] = 0;
00205           m_recordDimu[i][j][k][n][4] = 0;
00206         }
00208   m_ptrMucMark  = new MucMark(0,0,0,0);
00209   m_ptrIdTr     = new MucIdTransform();
00211   m_digiCol.resize(0);
00212   m_expHitCol.resize(0);
00213   m_effHitCol.resize(0);
00214   m_nosHitCol.resize(0);
00215   m_clusterCol.resize(0);
00217   for( int i=0; i<PART_MAX; i++ )
00218     for( int j=0; j<SEGMENT_MAX; j++ ) {
00219       m_segDigiCol[i][j].resize(0);
00220     }
00222   log << MSG::INFO << "Initialize done!" <<endmsg;
00223   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00224 }

Member Data Documentation

vector< mark_col > DQA_MUC::m_clusterCol [private]

mark_col DQA_MUC::m_digiCol [private]

mark_col DQA_MUC::m_effHitCol [private]

int DQA_MUC::m_effWindow [private]

long DQA_MUC::m_event [private]

mark_col DQA_MUC::m_expHitCol [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hBrResDist[B_LAY_NUM][TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hBrResDist[B_LAY_NUM][TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hCostheta[TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hCostheta[TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hEcResDist[E_LAY_NUM][TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hEcResDist[E_LAY_NUM][TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hEff[LVLN][TAGN][2] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hEff[LVLN][TAGN][2] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hNosRatio[TAGN][2] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hNosRatio[TAGN][2] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hPhi[TAGN] [private]

TH1F* DQA_MUC::m_hPhi[TAGN] [private]

vector<float> DQA_MUC::m_lineResCol [private]

vector<float> DQA_MUC::m_lineResCol [private]

mark_col DQA_MUC::m_nosHitCol [private]

MucIdTransform* DQA_MUC::m_ptrIdTr [private]

MucIdTransform* DQA_MUC::m_ptrIdTr [private]

MucMark* DQA_MUC::m_ptrMucMark [private]

MucMark* DQA_MUC::m_ptrMucMark [private]

long DQA_MUC::m_recordAll [private]

long DQA_MUC::m_recordDimu [private]

long DQA_MUC::m_run [private]

mark_col DQA_MUC::m_segDigiCol [private]

ITHistSvc* DQA_MUC::m_thsvc [private]

ITHistSvc* DQA_MUC::m_thsvc [private]

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