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CalibRootCnvSvc Class Reference

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#include <CalibRootCnvSvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for CalibRootCnvSvc:

ICalibRootSvc ICalibRootSvc List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode createAddress (long svc_type, const CLID &clid, const std::string *par, const unsigned long *ip, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)
virtual StatusCode createAddress (long svc_type, const CLID &clid, const std::string *par, const unsigned long *ip, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)
StatusCode decodeDescription (const std::string &oldpath, std::string &realpath)
StatusCode decodeDescription (const std::string &oldpath, std::string &realpath)
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
std::string getrootfile ()
std::string getrootfile ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
virtual StatusCode updateObj (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateObj (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode writeToRoot (const std::string &outputFile, CalibData::CalibBase1 *calib)
virtual StatusCode writeToRoot (const std::string &outputFile, const std::string &tdsPath)
virtual StatusCode writeToRoot (const std::string &outputFile, CalibData::CalibBase1 *calib)
virtual StatusCode writeToRoot (const std::string &outputFile, const std::string &tdsPath)

Static Public Member Functions

const InterfaceID & interfaceID ()
const InterfaceID & interfaceID ()

Protected Member Functions

 CalibRootCnvSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
 CalibRootCnvSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
virtual ~CalibRootCnvSvc ()
virtual ~CalibRootCnvSvc ()

Private Attributes

IDataProviderSvc * m_detDataSvc
 Handle to IDataProviderSvc interface of CalibDataSvc.
IDataProviderSvc * m_detDataSvc
 Handle to IDataProviderSvc interface of CalibDataSvc.
IConversionSvc * m_detPersSvc
 Handle to the IConversionSvc interface of the DetectorPersistencySvc.
IConversionSvc * m_detPersSvc
 Handle to the IConversionSvc interface of the DetectorPersistencySvc.
std::string m_rootfile [10]


class SvcFactory<CalibRootCnvSvc>
 Only factories can access protected constructors.

Detailed Description


A conversion service for GLAST calibration bulk data in ROOT format.

J. Bogart
July 2004

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CalibRootCnvSvc::CalibRootCnvSvc const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svc

00024                                                  :
00025   ConversionSvc(name, svc, CALIBROOT_StorageType),
00026   m_detPersSvc(0), m_detDataSvc(0)   {
00027   //huangb add
00028   declareProperty("Mdcrootfile",m_rootfile[0]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00029   declareProperty("Tofrootfile",m_rootfile[1]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00030   declareProperty("Dedxrootfile",m_rootfile[2]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00031   declareProperty("Emcrootfile",m_rootfile[3]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00032   declareProperty("Mucrootfile",m_rootfile[4]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00033   declareProperty("EsTimerootfile",m_rootfile[5]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00034   declareProperty("EstTofrootfile",m_rootfile[6]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00035   declareProperty("TofQElecrootfile",m_rootfile[7]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00036   declareProperty("TofSimrootfile",m_rootfile[8]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00037   declareProperty("DedxSimrootfile",m_rootfile[9]= std::string("no rootfile"));
00038   // Some day might have a property to declare having to do with path to
00039   // xml files.
00040 }

virtual CalibRootCnvSvc::~CalibRootCnvSvc  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

00050 {}

CalibRootCnvSvc::CalibRootCnvSvc const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svc

virtual CalibRootCnvSvc::~CalibRootCnvSvc  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

00050 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::createAddress long  svc_type,
const CLID &  clid,
const std::string *  par,
const unsigned long *  ip,
IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddress

Create a ROOT address using explicit arguments to identify a single object

svc_type the service type
CLID the CLID of the ROOT Element for which an address is created
par an array of three strings containing the format version, calibration type name and the flavor, in this order
ip has a single element, the serial number of the MySQL row which corresponds to this element
refpAddress the new address created
a StatusCode giving the status of the address creation

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::createAddress long  svc_type,
const CLID &  clid,
const std::string *  par,
const unsigned long *  ip,
IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddress

Create a ROOT address using explicit arguments to identify a single object

svc_type the service type
CLID the CLID of the ROOT Element for which an address is created
par an array of three strings containing the format version, calibration type name and the flavor, in this order
ip has a single element, the serial number of the MySQL row which corresponds to this element
refpAddress the new address created
a StatusCode giving the status of the address creation
00139                                                                           {
00140   MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00141    log << MSG::DEBUG<<"here is the createAddress in the CalibRootCnvSvc"<<endreq;
00142    if (svc_type != CALIBROOT_StorageType) {
00143     log << MSG::ERROR << "bad storage type" << (int)svc_type << endreq;
00144     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00145   }
00146    std::cout<<"clid=="<<clid<<std::endl;
00147     std::string dataIdent;
00148     std::string fullpath;
00149     int index=-99;
00150     if(clid==6412) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00151     if(clid==CLID_Calib_MdcCal) 
00152       { index=0;}
00153     else if(clid==CLID_Calib_TofCal)
00154       {index =1;}
00155     else if(clid==CLID_Calib_DedxCal)
00156       {index =2;}
00157     else if(clid==CLID_Calib_EmcCal)
00158       {index =3;}
00159     else if(clid==CLID_Calib_MucCal)
00160       {index =4;}
00161     else if(clid==CLID_Calib_EsTimeCal)   
00162        {index =5;} 
00163     else if(clid==CLID_Calib_EstTofCal)
00164       {index =6;}
00165      else if(clid==CLID_TofQ_Elec)
00166       {index =7;}
00167      else if(clid==CLID_Calib_TofSim)
00168       {index =8;}
00169      else if(clid==CLID_Dedx_Sim)
00170       {index =9;}
00172     else{ 
00173       log << MSG::WARNING<<"Wrong CLID"<<endreq;
00174     }
00175     std::cout<<"index=="<<index<<std::endl;
00176   //see if svctype set in the CalibDataSvc is MYSQL_StorageType or  CALIBROOT_StorageType
00177  /* IInstrumentName* iInstrumentName;
00178   StatusCode sc = m_detDataSvc->queryInterface(IID_IInstrumentName,
00179                                     (void**) &iInstrumentName);
00181   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00182     log << MSG::ERROR
00183         << "Cannot query IInstrumentName interface of CalibDataSvc"
00184         << endreq;
00185     return sc;
00186   } else {
00187     log << MSG::DEBUG
00188         << "Retrieved IInstrumentName interface of CalibDataSvc"
00189         << endreq;
00190   }
00192    int svctype = iInstrumentName->getsvctype();
00193     if(svctype== CALIBROOT_StorageType)
00194       {
00195 */ 
00196 //      dataIdent = m_rootfile[index];
00197 if(m_rootfile[index]=="no rootfile")
00198 {
00199 log << MSG::INFO<<"no sepcified calibration file path of type "<< index <<endreq;
00200 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00201 }
00202         decodeDescription(m_rootfile[index],dataIdent);
00203         fullpath = par[0];
00204   /*    }
00206    if(svctype== MYSQL_StorageType)
00207       {   log << MSG::INFO<<"rootfile is not set in the jobOption,get it from MySQL"<<endreq;
00208       dataIdent = par[0];
00209       fullpath = par[1];
00210       }
00212    if ((svctype != CALIBROOT_StorageType)&&(svctype!= MYSQL_StorageType)) {
00213     log << MSG::ERROR << "bad storage type" << (int)svctype << endreq;
00214     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00215   }
00216 */
00218    // std::string dataIdent(par[0]); // file identifier for PDS version of data
00219    log << MSG::INFO<<"dataIdent is:"<<dataIdent<<endreq;
00220    //std::string fullpath(par[1]);  // path within TCDS for the object
00221    log << MSG::INFO<<"fullpath is :"<<fullpath<<endreq;
00224    int runfrm = ip[0];
00225    int runto = ip[1];
00227    // for now have to ignore fmtVersion because of defective implementation
00228   // of GenericAddress. If we want it, should probably write new
00229   // opaque address implementation for this package to use.  All
00230   // dealings with (calibration) opaque addresses are confined to
00231   // the CalibSvc package.
00232   refpAddress = new GenericAddress(CALIBROOT_StorageType,
00233                                    clid,
00234                                    dataIdent,  
00235                                    fullpath,
00236                                    runfrm,
00237                                    runto);
00239   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00241 }

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::decodeDescription const std::string &  oldpath,
std::string &  realpath

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::decodeDescription const std::string &  oldpath,
std::string &  realpath

00303 {
00304   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "CalibMySQLCnvSvc");
00306    if(oldpath[0]!='$'){
00307      realpath=oldpath;
00308    }
00309   if(oldpath[0]=='$'){
00310     int idx =oldpath.find("/");
00311      if( std::string::npos != idx )
00312    {  std::string relpath;
00313       for(int i=1;i<idx-1;i++){
00314         relpath[i-1] = oldpath[i];
00315       }
00316       std::string otherpath;
00317       for(int i=idx-1;i<oldpath.size();i++){
00318         otherpath[i-idx+1]=oldpath[i];
00319       }
00320     realpath =  std::string(getenv(relpath.c_str()))+otherpath;
00321     }
00322    if( std::string::npos == idx ){
00323      std::string relpath;
00324       for(int i=1;i<oldpath.size();i++){
00325         relpath[i-1] = oldpath[i];
00326       }
00327      realpath = std::string(getenv(relpath.c_str()));
00328    }
00329    }
00331   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00332 }

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::finalize  )  [virtual]

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::finalize  )  [virtual]

00128                                      {
00129   // If anything was allocated, get rid of it.  So far, nothing was.
00131   return ConversionSvc::finalize();
00132 }

std::string CalibRootCnvSvc::getrootfile  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements ICalibRootSvc.

00092         { return m_rootfile[0];}

std::string CalibRootCnvSvc::getrootfile  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements ICalibRootSvc.

00092         { return m_rootfile[0];}

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::initialize  )  [virtual]

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::initialize  )  [virtual]

00057                                        {
00058   StatusCode sc = ConversionSvc::initialize();
00060   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "CalibRootCnvSvc");
00062   if (!sc.isSuccess()) return sc;
00064   // Locate the Calib Data Service.  Since it inherits from DataSvc
00065   // it has to implement IDataProviderSvc
00066   m_detDataSvc = 0;
00067   sc = serviceLocator()->getService 
00068     ("CalibDataSvc",  IID_IDataProviderSvc,(IInterface*&) m_detDataSvc);
00069   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00070     log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not locate CalibDataSvc" << endreq;
00071     return sc;
00072   }
00074  /*  IInstrumentName* iInstrumentName;
00075   sc = m_detDataSvc->queryInterface(IID_IInstrumentName,
00076                                     (void**) &iInstrumentName);
00077 */
00078   // Set the CalibDataSvc as data provider service
00079   sc = setDataProvider(m_detDataSvc);
00080   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00081     log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not set data provider" << endreq;
00082     return sc;
00083   }
00084   //huangb add 
00085  sc = setProperties();
00087   // Locate IConversionSvc interface of the DetectorPersistencySvc
00088   sc = serviceLocator()->service 
00089     ("DetectorPersistencySvc", m_detPersSvc, true);
00090   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00091     log << MSG::ERROR 
00092         << "Cannot locate IConversionSvc interface of DetectorPersistencySvc"
00093         << endreq;
00094     return sc;
00095   } else {
00096     log << MSG::DEBUG 
00097         << "Retrieved IConversionSvc interface of DetectorPersistencySvc"
00098         << endreq;
00099   }
00101   // Query the IAddressCreator interface of the detector persistency service
00102   IAddressCreator* iAddrCreator;
00103   sc = m_detPersSvc->queryInterface(IID_IAddressCreator, 
00104                                     (void**) &iAddrCreator);
00105   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00106     log << MSG::ERROR 
00107         << "Cannot query IAddressCreator interface of DetectorPersistencySvc" 
00108         << endreq;
00109     return sc;
00110   } else {
00111     log << MSG::DEBUG 
00112         << "Retrieved IAddressCreator interface of DetectorPersistencySvc" 
00113         << endreq;
00114   }
00115   log << MSG::DEBUG 
00116       << "Set it as the address creator of the CalibRootCnvSvc" << endreq;
00117   sc = setAddressCreator(iAddrCreator);
00118   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
00119     log << MSG::ERROR   << "Cannot set the address creator" << endreq;
00120     return sc;
00121   }
00123   // set properties if there are any??
00125   return sc;
00126 }

const InterfaceID& ICalibRootSvc::interfaceID  )  [inline, static, inherited]

00036 { return IID_ICalibRootSvc; }

const InterfaceID& ICalibRootSvc::interfaceID  )  [inline, static, inherited]

00036 { return IID_ICalibRootSvc; }

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::queryInterface const InterfaceID &  riid,
void **  ppvInterface

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::queryInterface const InterfaceID &  riid,
void **  ppvInterface

00043                                                                {
00044   /* Uncomment if choose to derive from abstract root conv. interface */
00045   if (IID_ICalibRootSvc.versionMatch(riid))  {
00046     *ppvInterface = (ICalibRootSvc*)this;
00047   }
00048   else {
00049     // Interface is not directly availible: try out a base class
00050     return ConversionSvc::queryInterface(riid, ppvInterface);
00051     /*  }  */
00052   addRef();
00053   }
00054   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00055 }

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::updateObj IOpaqueAddress *  pAddress,
DataObject *  pObject

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::updateObj IOpaqueAddress *  pAddress,
DataObject *  pObject

00285                                                                   {
00287   //  using facilities::Timestamp;
00289    MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "CalibRootCnvSvc" );
00291    // Don't update when we're using enter time
00292    log << MSG::DEBUG << "CalibRootCnvSvc::updateObj starting ...."<<endreq;
00293    /*
00294    if (!m_useEventTime) 
00295      {  log << MSG::DEBUG << "Method updateObj needn't update" << endreq;
00296         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00297      }
00298    */
00299 }

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::writeToRoot const std::string &  outputFile,
CalibData::CalibBase1 calib

Implements ICalibRootSvc.

virtual StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::writeToRoot const std::string &  outputFile,
const std::string &  tdsPath

Method to write a ROOT file corresponding to TDS object

fileName the name of the file to be written
the document issued from the parsing

Implements ICalibRootSvc.

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::writeToRoot const std::string &  outputFile,
CalibData::CalibBase1 calib

Implements ICalibRootSvc.

00265                                                                      {
00266   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name() );
00267  // Find converter corresponding to this object
00268   IConverter* converter = ConversionSvc::converter(pCalib->clID());
00269   if (!converter) {
00270     log << "No converter found for object with CLID  " << pCalib->clID()
00271         << endreq;
00272     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00273   }
00274   RootCalBaseCnv* pCnv = dynamic_cast<RootCalBaseCnv*>(converter);
00275   if (!pCnv) {
00276     log << "Converter for CLID " << pCalib->clID() <<  " not of proper type" 
00277         << endreq;
00278     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00279   }
00280   // Call its createRoot method
00281   return pCnv->createRoot(outfile, pCalib);
00282 }

StatusCode CalibRootCnvSvc::writeToRoot const std::string &  outputFile,
const std::string &  tdsPath

Method to write a ROOT file corresponding to TDS object

fileName the name of the file to be written
the document issued from the parsing

Implements ICalibRootSvc.

00244                                                                   {
00245   MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00247   // Find corresponding object
00248   DataObject* pObj;
00249   m_detDataSvc->findObject(tdsPath, pObj);
00250   if (!pObj) {
00251     log << "No object in TDS with path " << tdsPath << endreq;
00252     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00253   }
00255   CalibData::CalibBase1* pCalib = 
00256     dynamic_cast<CalibData::CalibBase1*> (pObj);
00258   if (!pCalib) {
00259     log << "Object with path " << tdsPath << " not of proper type" << endreq;
00260     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00261   }
00262   return writeToRoot(outfile, pCalib);
00263 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

SvcFactory<CalibRootCnvSvc> [friend]

Only factories can access protected constructors.

Member Data Documentation

IDataProviderSvc* CalibRootCnvSvc::m_detDataSvc [private]

Handle to IDataProviderSvc interface of CalibDataSvc.

IDataProviderSvc* CalibRootCnvSvc::m_detDataSvc [private]

Handle to IDataProviderSvc interface of CalibDataSvc.

IConversionSvc* CalibRootCnvSvc::m_detPersSvc [private]

Handle to the IConversionSvc interface of the DetectorPersistencySvc.

IConversionSvc* CalibRootCnvSvc::m_detPersSvc [private]

Handle to the IConversionSvc interface of the DetectorPersistencySvc.

std::string CalibRootCnvSvc::m_rootfile [private]

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