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BesView Class Reference

#include <BesView.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AdjustScales (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void AdjustScales (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
 BesView ()
 BesView ()
void Center ()
void Center ()
virtual void Centered ()
virtual void Centered ()
virtual void ClearPad ()
virtual void ClearPad ()
virtual void DefaultRange ()
virtual void DefaultRange ()
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option)
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option)
virtual void DrawClass ()
virtual void DrawClass ()
virtual TObject * DrawClone (Option_t *option)
virtual TObject * DrawClone (Option_t *option)
virtual void DrawLabel ()
virtual void DrawLabel ()
virtual void Dump ()
virtual void Dump ()
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void Front ()
virtual void Front ()
void Front3D ()
void Front3D ()
Bool_t GetFishEye ()
Bool_t GetFishEye ()
Bool_t GetFishEyeStatus ()
Bool_t GetFishEyeStatus ()
Float_t GetMarkerSize ()
Float_t GetMarkerSize ()
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
virtual Int_t GetRSign (Float_t Phi)
virtual Int_t GetRSign (Float_t Phi)
BesStatusGetStatus3D ()
BesStatusGetStatus3D ()
BesStatusGetStatusCurrent ()
BesStatusGetStatusCurrent ()
BesStatusGetStatusXY ()
BesStatusGetStatusXY ()
BesStatusGetStatusZR ()
BesStatusGetStatusZR ()
EBESViewType GetViewType ()
EBESViewType GetViewType ()
Bool_t GetVisAxis ()
Bool_t GetVisAxis ()
Bool_t GetVisBeamPipe ()
Bool_t GetVisBeamPipe ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcEast ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcEast ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsSide ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsSide ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcSide ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcSide ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcWest ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcWest ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DEmc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DEmc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DMdc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DMdc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DMuc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DMuc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DTof ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DTof ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcHits ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcHits ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcTubes ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcTubes ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcWires ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcWires ()
Bool_t GetVisMucBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisMucBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisMucEast ()
Bool_t GetVisMucEast ()
Bool_t GetVisMucGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMucGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisMucStrips ()
Bool_t GetVisMucStrips ()
Bool_t GetVisMucWest ()
Bool_t GetVisMucWest ()
Bool_t GetVisTofBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisTofBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisTofEast ()
Bool_t GetVisTofEast ()
Bool_t GetVisTofGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTofGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisTofWest ()
Bool_t GetVisTofWest ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksEmc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksEmc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksExt ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksExt ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksMdc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksMdc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksMuc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksMuc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksTof ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksTof ()
Bool_t GetVisZRPlaneOnXY ()
Bool_t GetVisZRPlaneOnXY ()
virtual Double_t GetZoomFactor ()
virtual Double_t GetZoomFactor ()
Double_t GetZoomRatio ()
Double_t GetZoomRatio ()
virtual void Inspect ()
virtual void Inspect ()
void Move (Int_t px, Int_t py)
void Move (Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Double_t *pn, Double_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Double_t *pn, Double_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
void PrintCurrent ()
void PrintCurrent ()
void Reset ()
void Reset ()
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option)
void SetFishEye (Bool_t input=0)
void SetFishEye (Bool_t input=0)
virtual void SetLineAttributes ()
virtual void SetLineAttributes ()
void SetMarkerSize (Float_t size)
void SetMarkerSize (Float_t size)
void SetPhiRange (Float_t PhiMin=0, Float_t PhiMax=180)
void SetPhiRange (Float_t PhiMin=0, Float_t PhiMax=180)
virtual void SetViewType (EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void SetViewType (EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void SetViewTypeBare (EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void SetViewTypeBare (EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
void SetVisAxis (Bool_t input)
void SetVisAxis (Bool_t input)
void SetVisBeamPipe (Bool_t input)
void SetVisBeamPipe (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsSide (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsSide (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcSide (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcSide (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DEmc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DEmc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DMdc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DMdc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DMuc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DMuc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DTof (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DTof (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcHits (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcHits (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcTubes (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcTubes (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcWires (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcWires (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucStrips (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucStrips (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksEmc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksEmc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksExt (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksExt (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksMdc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksMdc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksMuc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksMuc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksTof (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksTof (Bool_t input)
void SetVisZRPlaneOnXY (Bool_t input)
void SetVisZRPlaneOnXY (Bool_t input)
virtual void SetZoomFactor (Double_t factor)
virtual void SetZoomFactor (Double_t factor)
void SetZoomRatio (Double_t ratio)
void SetZoomRatio (Double_t ratio)
virtual void Side ()
virtual void Side ()
void Side3D ()
void Side3D ()
virtual void Top ()
virtual void Top ()
void Top3D ()
void Top3D ()
virtual void UpdateView (Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void UpdateView (Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
void View3D ()
void View3D ()
void ViewXY ()
void ViewXY ()
void ViewZR ()
void ViewZR ()
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
void ZoomIn ()
void ZoomIn ()
virtual void ZoomMove ()
virtual void ZoomMove ()
void ZoomOut ()
void ZoomOut ()
virtual ~BesView ()
virtual ~BesView ()

Private Attributes

Double_t fExtentDefault
Bool_t fFishEye
TPaveLabel * fLabel
TPaveLabel * fLabel
Float_t fMarkerSize
Float_t fPhiRangeMax
Float_t fPhiRangeMin
EBESViewType fViewType
Double_t fZoomFactor
Float_t m_BesR
Float_t m_BesZ

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BesView::BesView  ) 

BesView::~BesView  )  [virtual]

00070                   {
00071     //
00072     // BesView default destructor
00073     if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView default dtor called" << endl;
00075     delete fLabel;
00077     delete fStatus3D;
00078     delete fStatusXY;
00079     delete fStatusZR;
00080     delete fStatusCurrent;
00082 }

BesView::BesView  ) 

virtual BesView::~BesView  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void BesView::AdjustScales TVirtualPad *  pad = 0  )  [inline, virtual]

00238 { TView::AdjustScales(pad); }

virtual void BesView::AdjustScales TVirtualPad *  pad = 0  )  [inline, virtual]

00238 { TView::AdjustScales(pad); }

void BesView::Center  ) 

void BesView::Center  ) 

00463                      {
00464     //
00465     // Center view
00466     //if ( fViewType & k3DView ){
00467     //this->Centered();
00468     //} else {
00469     Double_t xrange, yrange;
00470     xrange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1();
00471     yrange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1();
00472     gPad->Range(-xrange/2, -yrange/2, xrange/2, yrange/2);
00473     gPad->Modified();
00474     //}
00475 }

virtual void BesView::Centered  )  [inline, virtual]

00232 { TView::Centered(); }

virtual void BesView::Centered  )  [inline, virtual]

00232 { TView::Centered(); }

virtual void BesView::ClearPad  )  [virtual]

void BesView::ClearPad  )  [virtual]

00350                        {
00351     //
00352     // Clear current without deleting this view
00353     //
00354     // Probably this doesn't work for the postscript output
00355     // Look at TPad::Clear() for more details
00356     if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView::ClearPad called" << endl;
00357     if ( gPad->GetListOfPrimitives() ) gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Clear();
00358 }

virtual void BesView::DefaultRange  )  [virtual]

void BesView::DefaultRange  )  [virtual]

00087 {
00088     SetRange(-1.0*m_BesR, -1.0*m_BesR, -0.5*m_BesZ, m_BesR, m_BesR, 0.5*m_BesZ);
00089 }

virtual void BesView::Delete Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00239 { TView::Delete(option); }

virtual void BesView::Delete Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00239 { TView::Delete(option); }

virtual void BesView::DrawClass  )  [inline, virtual]

00240 { TView::DrawClass(); }

virtual void BesView::DrawClass  )  [inline, virtual]

00240 { TView::DrawClass(); }

virtual TObject* BesView::DrawClone Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00241 { return TView::DrawClone(option); }

virtual TObject* BesView::DrawClone Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00241 { return TView::DrawClone(option); }

virtual void BesView::DrawLabel  )  [virtual]

void BesView::DrawLabel  )  [virtual]

00603                         {
00604     //
00605     // Draw label for current view
00607     fLabel->SetX1(-0.9);
00608     fLabel->SetX2(-0.6);
00609     fLabel->SetY1(-0.9);
00610     fLabel->SetY2(-0.78);
00612     switch (fViewType) {
00613     case k3DView:
00614         fLabel->SetLabel("3D View");
00615         break;
00616     case kXYView:
00617         fLabel->SetLabel("XY View");
00618         break;
00619     case kZRView:
00620         fLabel->SetLabel("ZR View");
00621         break;
00622     }
00623     fLabel->Draw("BR,NDC,SAME");
00626     /*
00627     switch (fViewType) {
00628     case k3DView:
00629       fLabel->DrawPaveLabel(0.02,0.02,0.17,0.09, "3D View", "BR,NDC,SAME");
00630       break;
00631     case kXYView:
00632       //fLabel->SetLabel("XY View");
00633       fLabel->DrawPaveLabel(0.02,0.02,0.17,0.09, "XY View", "BR,NDC,SAME");
00634       break;
00635     case kZRView:
00636       fLabel->DrawPaveLabel(0.02,0.02,0.17,0.09, "ZR View", "BR,NDC,SAME");
00637       break;
00638     }
00639     */
00640 }

virtual void BesView::Dump  )  [inline, virtual]

00244 { TView::Dump(); }

virtual void BesView::Dump  )  [inline, virtual]

00244 { TView::Dump(); }

virtual void BesView::ExecuteEvent Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

void BesView::ExecuteEvent Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

00362                                                           {
00363     //
00364     // Execute mouse events
00365     if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView::ExecuteEvent called" << endl;
00367     // Editor mode
00368     if (gROOT->GetEditorMode()) {
00369         gPad->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py);
00370         return;
00371     }
00373     if (gBesCursor->GetType() == kBesHand) {
00375         gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
00376         static Double_t xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x0, y0;
00377         Double_t dx, dy, x, y;
00378         switch (event) {
00380         case kButton1Down:
00381             // Remember position of pointer
00382             xmin = gPad->GetX1();
00383             ymin = gPad->GetY1();
00384             xmax = gPad->GetX2();
00385             ymax = gPad->GetY2();
00386             x0   = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
00387             y0   = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
00388             break;
00390         case kButton1Motion:
00391             gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
00393         case kButton1Up:
00394             // Set new pad range
00395             x  = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
00396             y  = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
00397             dx = -(x - x0);
00398             dy = -(y - y0);
00399             //((ZPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kTRUE);
00400             gPad->Range(xmin+dx, ymin+dy, xmax+dx, ymax+dy);
00401             //((ZPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kFALSE);
00402             gPad->Modified();
00403             break;
00405         default:
00406             gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
00407         }
00408     }
00409     else if (gBesCursor->GetType() == kBesPick){
00411         gPad->SetCursor(kPointer);
00413         if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00414             ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py);
00415         }
00416     }
00417 }

virtual void BesView::Front  )  [inline, virtual]

00233 { TView::Top(); }

virtual void BesView::Front  )  [inline, virtual]

00233 { TView::Top(); }

void BesView::Front3D  )  [inline]

00076                         {
00077     this->View3D();
00078     this->Front(); }                                              // *MENU*

void BesView::Front3D  )  [inline]

00076                         {
00077     this->View3D();
00078     this->Front(); }                                              // *MENU*

Bool_t BesView::GetFishEye  )  [inline]

00218 { return fFishEye; }

Bool_t BesView::GetFishEye  )  [inline]

00218 { return fFishEye; }

Bool_t BesView::GetFishEyeStatus  )  [inline]

00217 { return fStatusCurrent->fFishEye; }

Bool_t BesView::GetFishEyeStatus  )  [inline]

00217 { return fStatusCurrent->fFishEye; }

Float_t BesView::GetMarkerSize  )  [inline]

00066 { return fMarkerSize;}

Float_t BesView::GetMarkerSize  )  [inline]

00066 { return fMarkerSize;}

virtual char* BesView::GetObjectInfo Int_t  px,
Int_t  py
const [virtual]

char * BesView::GetObjectInfo Int_t  px,
Int_t  py
const [virtual]

00785                                                      {
00786     //
00787     // Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py).
00788     Double_t pw[3];
00789     Double_t Pndc[3] = { gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px), gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py), 0};
00790     ((BesView*)gPad->GetView())->NDCtoWC(Pndc, pw);
00791     //cout << gPad->GetName() << endl;
00793     //
00794     // Converts from pixel coordinates to world
00795     // coordinates of according view
00797     static char info[64];
00798     if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00799         sprintf(info, "z=%-.3fmm, r=%-.3fmm", pw[2], pw[1]);
00800         return info;
00801     } else {
00802         sprintf(info, "x=%-.3fmm, y=%-.3fmm", pw[0], pw[1]);
00803         return info;
00804     }
00805 }

virtual Int_t BesView::GetRSign Float_t  Phi  )  [virtual]

Int_t BesView::GetRSign Float_t  Phi  )  [virtual]

00547                                    {
00548     //
00549     // Get sign of the R coordinate (ZR view)
00550     // for a given phi (in radians)
00551     Int_t Sign;
00553     // Convert to deg, because phi range is given in degrees
00554     Float_t Phi2 = (Phi - 2*TMath::Pi()*Int_t(Phi/(2*TMath::Pi())))
00555                    * 180./TMath::Pi();
00556     if ( Phi2 < 0 ) Phi2 += 360;
00557     if ( Phi2 >= fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMin && Phi2 < fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMax ) {
00558         Sign = 1;
00559     } else {
00560         Sign = -1;
00561     }
00562     return Sign;
00563 }

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatus3D  )  [inline]

00254 { return fStatus3D; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatus3D  )  [inline]

00254 { return fStatus3D; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatusCurrent  )  [inline]

00253 { return fStatusCurrent; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatusCurrent  )  [inline]

00253 { return fStatusCurrent; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatusXY  )  [inline]

00255 { return fStatusXY; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatusXY  )  [inline]

00255 { return fStatusXY; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatusZR  )  [inline]

00256 { return fStatusZR; };

BesStatus* BesView::GetStatusZR  )  [inline]

00256 { return fStatusZR; };

EBESViewType BesView::GetViewType  )  [inline]

00065 { return fViewType; }

EBESViewType BesView::GetViewType  )  [inline]

00065 { return fViewType; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisAxis  )  [inline]

00153 { return fStatusCurrent->fAxis;           }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisAxis  )  [inline]

00153 { return fStatusCurrent->fAxis;           }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisBeamPipe  )  [inline]

00151 { return fStatusCurrent->fBeamPipe;       }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisBeamPipe  )  [inline]

00151 { return fStatusCurrent->fBeamPipe;       }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcBarrel  )  [inline]

00116 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcBarrel; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcBarrel  )  [inline]

00116 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcBarrel; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcEast  )  [inline]

00115 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcEast; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcEast  )  [inline]

00115 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcEast; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcGlobal  )  [inline]

00114 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcGlobal  )  [inline]

00114 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsBarrel  )  [inline]

00180 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsBarrel;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsBarrel  )  [inline]

00180 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsBarrel;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsEast  )  [inline]

00179 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsEast;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsEast  )  [inline]

00179 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsEast;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00178 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00178 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsSide  )  [inline]

00182 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsSide;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsSide  )  [inline]

00182 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsSide;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsWest  )  [inline]

00181 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsWest;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsWest  )  [inline]

00181 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsWest;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcSide  )  [inline]

00118 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcSide; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcSide  )  [inline]

00118 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcSide; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcWest  )  [inline]

00117 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcWest; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcWest  )  [inline]

00117 { return fStatusCurrent->fEmcWest; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DEmc  )  [inline]

00142 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DEmc; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DEmc  )  [inline]

00142 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DEmc; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DMdc  )  [inline]

00140 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMdc; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DMdc  )  [inline]

00140 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMdc; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DMuc  )  [inline]

00143 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMuc; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DMuc  )  [inline]

00143 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMuc; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DTof  )  [inline]

00141 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DTof; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DTof  )  [inline]

00141 { return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DTof; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcGlobal  )  [inline]

00094 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcGlobal  )  [inline]

00094 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcHits  )  [inline]

00161 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcHits;        }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcHits  )  [inline]

00161 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcHits;        }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00160 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00160 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcTubes  )  [inline]

00095 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcTubes;   }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcTubes  )  [inline]

00095 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcTubes;   }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcWires  )  [inline]

00096 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcWires;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcWires  )  [inline]

00096 { return fStatusCurrent->fMdcWires;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucBarrel  )  [inline]

00129 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucBarrel; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucBarrel  )  [inline]

00129 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucBarrel; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucEast  )  [inline]

00128 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucEast; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucEast  )  [inline]

00128 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucEast; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucGlobal  )  [inline]

00127 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucGlobal  )  [inline]

00127 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsBarrel  )  [inline]

00193 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsBarrel;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsBarrel  )  [inline]

00193 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsBarrel;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsEast  )  [inline]

00192 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsEast;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsEast  )  [inline]

00192 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsEast;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00191 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00191 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsWest  )  [inline]

00194 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsWest;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsWest  )  [inline]

00194 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsWest;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucStrips  )  [inline]

00131 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucStrips; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucStrips  )  [inline]

00131 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucStrips; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucWest  )  [inline]

00130 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucWest; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucWest  )  [inline]

00130 { return fStatusCurrent->fMucWest; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofBarrel  )  [inline]

00105 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofBarrel; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofBarrel  )  [inline]

00105 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofBarrel; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofEast  )  [inline]

00104 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofEast; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofEast  )  [inline]

00104 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofEast; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofGlobal  )  [inline]

00103 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofGlobal  )  [inline]

00103 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofGlobal; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsBarrel  )  [inline]

00169 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsBarrel;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsBarrel  )  [inline]

00169 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsBarrel;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsEast  )  [inline]

00168 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsEast;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsEast  )  [inline]

00168 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsEast;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00167 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsGlobal  )  [inline]

00167 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsGlobal;  }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsWest  )  [inline]

00170 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsWest;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsWest  )  [inline]

00170 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsWest;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofWest  )  [inline]

00106 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofWest; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofWest  )  [inline]

00106 { return fStatusCurrent->fTofWest; }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksEmc  )  [inline]

00205 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksEmc;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksEmc  )  [inline]

00205 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksEmc;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksExt  )  [inline]

00207 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksExt;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksExt  )  [inline]

00207 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksExt;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksGlobal  )  [inline]

00202 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksGlobal;   }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksGlobal  )  [inline]

00202 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksGlobal;   }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksMdc  )  [inline]

00203 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksMdc;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksMdc  )  [inline]

00203 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksMdc;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksMuc  )  [inline]

00206 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksMuc;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksMuc  )  [inline]

00206 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksMuc;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksTof  )  [inline]

00204 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksTof;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksTof  )  [inline]

00204 { return fStatusCurrent->fTracksTof;      }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisZRPlaneOnXY  )  [inline]

00152 { return fStatusCurrent->fZRPlaneOnXY;    }

Bool_t BesView::GetVisZRPlaneOnXY  )  [inline]

00152 { return fStatusCurrent->fZRPlaneOnXY;    }

virtual Double_t BesView::GetZoomFactor  )  [inline, virtual]

00252 { return fZoomFactor; }

virtual Double_t BesView::GetZoomFactor  )  [inline, virtual]

00252 { return fZoomFactor; }

Double_t BesView::GetZoomRatio  )  [inline]

00064 { return fExtentDefault/GetExtent(); }

Double_t BesView::GetZoomRatio  )  [inline]

00064 { return fExtentDefault/GetExtent(); }

virtual void BesView::Inspect  )  [inline, virtual]

00245 { TView::Inspect(); }

virtual void BesView::Inspect  )  [inline, virtual]

00245 { TView::Inspect(); }

void BesView::Move Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

void BesView::Move Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

00421                                      {
00423     /*
00424     Double_t p[3], pw[3];
00425     for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
00426       pw[i] = 0.5*(fRmin[i]+fRmax[i]);
00427     }
00428     cout << "pw " << pw[0] << " " << pw[1] << " " << pw[2] << endl;
00429     WCtoNDC(pw, p);
00430     cout << "p " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
00432     p[0] += (gPad->PixeltoX(0) - gPad->PixeltoX(px));
00433     p[1] += (gPad->PixeltoY(0) - gPad->PixeltoY(py));
00434     cout << "p " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
00435     NDCtoWC(p, pw);
00436     cout << "pw " << pw[0] << " " << pw[1] << " " << pw[2] << endl;
00438     MoveFocus(&pw[0], fRmax[0]-fRmin[0], fRmax[1]-fRmin[1], fRmax[2]-fRmin[2]);
00439     gPad->Modified();
00440     gPad->Update();
00441     */
00443     //
00444     // Move (px, py in pixel coordinates)
00445     Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, x, y, x0, y0;
00446     x1 = gPad->GetX1();
00447     y1 = gPad->GetY1();
00448     x2 = gPad->GetX2();
00449     y2 = gPad->GetY2();
00450     x0 = gPad->PixeltoX(0);
00451     y0 = gPad->PixeltoY(0);
00452     x = gPad->PixeltoX(px);
00453     y = gPad->PixeltoY(py);
00454     dx = -(x - x0);
00455     dy = -(y - y0);
00457     gPad->Range(x1+dx, y1+dy, x2+dx, y2+dy);
00458     gPad->Modified();
00459 }

virtual void BesView::NDCtoWC const Double_t *  pn,
Double_t *  pw

virtual void BesView::NDCtoWC const Float_t *  pn,
Float_t *  pw

void BesView::NDCtoWC const Double_t *  pn,
Double_t *  pw

00742                                                       {
00743     //
00744     // Transform back from NDCs
00745     Double_t p[3];
00746     p[0] = pn[0];
00747     p[1] = pn[1];
00748     p[2] = pn[2];
00750     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00751         Double_t r;
00752         if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00753             Double_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00754             pvWC[0] = +4;
00755             pvWC[1] = 0;
00756             pvWC[2] = 0;
00757             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00758             p[0] = TMath::Sign((pn[0] - pvNDC[0])*(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]),
00759                                pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
00760             p[1] = TMath::Sign((pn[1] - pvNDC[1])*(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]),
00761                                pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
00762         } else {
00763             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(p[0],2)
00764                             +TMath::Power(p[1],2));
00765             p[0] *= r;
00766             p[1] *= r;
00767         }
00768     }
00769     TView::NDCtoWC(p, pw);
00770 }

void BesView::NDCtoWC const Float_t *  pn,
Float_t *  pw

00710                                                     {
00711     //
00712     // Transform back from NDCs
00713     Float_t p[3];
00714     p[0] = pn[0];
00715     p[1] = pn[1];
00716     p[2] = pn[2];
00718     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00719         Float_t r;
00720         if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00721             Float_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00722             pvWC[0] = +4;
00723             pvWC[1] = 0;
00724             pvWC[2] = 0;
00725             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00726             p[0] = TMath::Sign((pn[0] - pvNDC[0])*(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]),
00727                                pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
00728             p[1] = TMath::Sign((pn[1] - pvNDC[1])*(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]),
00729                                pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
00730         } else {
00731             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(p[0],2)
00732                             +TMath::Power(p[1],2));
00733             p[0] *= r;
00734             p[1] *= r;
00735         }
00736     }
00737     TView::NDCtoWC(p, pw);
00738 }

void BesView::PrintCurrent  )  [inline]

00229 { fStatusCurrent->Print(); }

void BesView::PrintCurrent  )  [inline]

00229 { fStatusCurrent->Print(); }

void BesView::Reset  ) 

void BesView::Reset  ) 

00809                     {
00810     //
00811     // reset view to default values
00813     // reset status instances of views
00814     fStatus3D->Default(k3DView);
00815     fStatusXY->Default(kXYView);
00816     fStatusZR->Default(kZRView);
00817     fZoomFactor = 1.2;
00819     // reset current status instance tp fViewType
00820     fStatusCurrent->Default(fViewType);
00822     // reset phirange
00823     //  this->SetPhiRange(0,180);
00824     this->UpdateView(1);
00825     gPad->Update();
00826 }

virtual void BesView::SetDrawOption Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00248 { TView::SetDrawOption(option); }

virtual void BesView::SetDrawOption Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00248 { TView::SetDrawOption(option); }

void BesView::SetFishEye Bool_t  input = 0  )  [inline]

00219                                                {
00220     if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00221       fFishEye = 0;
00222       fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = 0;
00223     } else {
00224       fFishEye = input;
00225       fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = input;
00226     }
00227   } // *TOGGLE*

void BesView::SetFishEye Bool_t  input = 0  )  [inline]

00219                                                {
00220     if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00221       fFishEye = 0;
00222       fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = 0;
00223     } else {
00224       fFishEye = input;
00225       fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = input;
00226     }
00227   } // *TOGGLE*

virtual void BesView::SetLineAttributes  )  [inline, virtual]

00249 { TView::SetLineAttributes(); }

virtual void BesView::SetLineAttributes  )  [inline, virtual]

00249 { TView::SetLineAttributes(); }

void BesView::SetMarkerSize Float_t  size  )  [inline]

00090 { fMarkerSize = size; }

void BesView::SetMarkerSize Float_t  size  )  [inline]

00090 { fMarkerSize = size; }

void BesView::SetPhiRange Float_t  PhiMin = 0,
Float_t  PhiMax = 180

void BesView::SetPhiRange Float_t  PhiMin = 0,
Float_t  PhiMax = 180

00567                                                         {
00568     //
00569     // Set phi range for ZR view
00570     if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView::SetPhiRange called" << endl;
00572     fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMin = PhiMin;
00573     fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMax = PhiMax;
00575     // Update view
00576     if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
00577     //gEvent->AddBACPadTowerZR();
00578     UpdateView(0);
00579 }

virtual void BesView::SetViewType EBESViewType  ViewType,
Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE

void BesView::SetViewType EBESViewType  ViewType,
Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE

00093                                                                  {
00094     //
00095     // Set type of view
00097     // check the state of the component before change and copy current status to respective status
00098     if ( fViewType & k3DView ){
00100         fStatus3D->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
00102     } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
00104         fStatusXY->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
00106     } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00108         fStatusZR->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
00110     }
00112     fViewType = ViewType;
00113     ClearPad();
00115     // Set view direction properly
00116     Int_t iret;
00117     if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00118         cout << "SetViewType 3D" << endl;
00119         //
00120         // 3D view
00122         // remember my previous state, set parallel first anyway, then choose perspective or not
00123         Int_t iPerspective = 0;
00125         if (IsPerspective()) iPerspective = 1;
00127         // copy 3D status to current status
00128         fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatus3D,1);
00130         // Geometry exist ?
00131         if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
00133         // set view
00134         if ( resetview ) {
00135             //SetView(0, 90, 270, iret);
00136             this->Front();
00137             this->Center();
00139             DefaultRange();
00140             for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) this->ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
00142             // reset marker size
00143             fMarkerSize = 0.1;
00144         }
00146         // Draw geometry
00148         cout << "is there any problem after update from root's version 4.03 to 4.04" << endl;
00149         gBesGeometry->Draw("3D,SAME");
00150         //this->SetParralel();       //comment out 2007.5.1 try to use ROOT-5.10.00
00151         this->SetParallel();
00152         //old version 4.0.3 have a spell mistake TView::SetParralel()=>SetParallel()
00153         //changed by tianhl at Mon Aug 20 2007
00154         if (iPerspective == 1) this->SetPerspective();
00156         // Draw tracks
00157         if ( gEvent ) gEvent->DrawTracks("");
00158         //else cout << "3D gEvent does not exist " << endl;
00160     } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
00161         //cout << "SetViewType XY" << endl;
00162         //
00163         // XY view
00164         // =======
00166         // copy XY status to current status
00167         fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusXY,1);
00169         // Geometry exist ?
00170         if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
00172         // set view
00173         if ( resetview ) {
00174             SetView(0, 0, 270, iret);
00175             this->Center();
00177             DefaultRange();
00178             for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) this->ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
00180             // reset marker size
00181             fMarkerSize = 0.1;
00183         }
00185         /*
00186         // Draw event
00187         if ( gEvent ) gEvent->SetHits("XY");
00188         else cout << "XY : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
00189         */
00191         // Draw geometry
00192         gBesGeometry->Draw("XY,SAME");
00194         // Draw 2D hits and tracks
00195         if ( gEvent ) {
00196             gEvent->DrawHits("");
00197             gEvent->DrawTracks("");
00198         }
00199         //else cout << "XY : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
00201     } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00202         //cout << "SetViewType ZR" << endl;
00203         //
00204         // ZR view
00205         // =======
00207         // copy ZR status to current status
00208         fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusZR,1);
00210         // Geometry exist ?
00211         if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
00213         // set view
00214         if ( resetview ) {
00215             SetView(180,90,90,iret);
00216             this->Center();
00218             DefaultRange();
00219             for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) this->ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
00221             // reset marker size
00222             fMarkerSize = 0.1;
00224         }
00226         /*
00227         // Draw event
00228         if ( gEvent ) gEvent->SetHits("ZR");
00229         else cout << "ZR : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
00230         */
00232         // Draw geometry
00233         gBesGeometry->Draw("ZR,SAME");
00235         // Draw hits and tracks
00236         if ( gEvent ) {
00237             gEvent->DrawHits("");
00238             gEvent->DrawTracks("");
00239         }
00240         //else cout << "ZR : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
00242     }
00244     // Draw label
00245     DrawLabel();
00246 }

virtual void BesView::SetViewTypeBare EBESViewType  ViewType,
Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE

void BesView::SetViewTypeBare EBESViewType  ViewType,
Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE

00248                                                                      {
00249     /*
00250     //
00251     // Set type of view
00253     cout << "setviewtypeBare: start..." << endl;
00254     // check the state of the component before change and copy current status to respective status
00255     if ( fViewType & k3DView ){
00257       fStatus3D->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
00259     } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
00261       fStatusXY->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
00263     } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00266       fStatusZR->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
00268     }
00270     fViewType = ViewType;
00271     ClearPad();
00273     // Set view direction properly
00274     Int_t iret;
00275     cout << "fViewType=" << fViewType << endl;
00276     if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00277       //
00278       // 3D view
00280       // copy 3D status to current status
00281       fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatus3D,1);
00282       // Geometry exist ?
00283       if ( !gGeometry ) return;
00285       // set view
00286       if ( resetview ) {
00287         SetView(0, 90, 270, iret);
00288         SetRange(-600,-600,-400,600,600,800);
00290         // reset marker size
00291         fMarkerSize = 0.1;
00293       }
00295     } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
00296       //
00297       // XY view
00298       // =======
00300       // copy XY status to current status
00301       fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusXY,1);
00303       // Geometry exist ?
00304       if ( !gGeometry ) return;
00306       // set view
00307       if ( resetview ) {
00308         SetView(270, 0, 0, iret);
00309         // SetRange(-200,-200,-200,200,200,200);
00310         SetRange(-310,-310,-310,310,310,310);
00311         // reset marker size
00312         fMarkerSize = 0.1;
00314       }
00316     } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00318       //
00319       // ZR view
00320       // =======
00322       // copy ZR status to current status
00323       cout << "fViewType & kZRView: before transfer..." << endl;
00324       fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusZR,1);
00325       cout << "fViewType & kZRView: after transfer..." << endl;
00327       // Geometry exist ?
00328       if ( !gGeometry ) return;
00330       // set view
00331       if ( resetview ) {
00332         SetView(90, 180, 0, iret);
00333         //      SetRange(-130,-200,-200,270,200,200);
00334         SetRange(-160,-400,-400,740,400,400);
00335         // reset marker size
00336         fMarkerSize = 0.1;
00338       }
00340     }
00342     // Draw label
00343     cout << "SetViewTypeBare: no drawlabel" << endl;
00344     //DrawLabel();
00345     */
00346 }

void BesView::SetVisAxis Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00157 { fStatusCurrent->fAxis        = input;   }

void BesView::SetVisAxis Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00157 { fStatusCurrent->fAxis        = input;   }

void BesView::SetVisBeamPipe Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00155 { fStatusCurrent->fBeamPipe    = input;   }

void BesView::SetVisBeamPipe Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00155 { fStatusCurrent->fBeamPipe    = input;   }

void BesView::SetVisEmcBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00122 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00122 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00121 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00121 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00120 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00120 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00186 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00186 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00185 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00185 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00184 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00184 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsSide Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00188 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsSide   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsSide Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00188 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsSide   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00187 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00187 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcSide Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00124 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcSide   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcSide Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00124 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcSide   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00123 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisEmcWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00123 { fStatusCurrent->fEmcWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DEmc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00147 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DEmc = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DEmc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00147 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DEmc = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DMdc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00145 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMdc = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DMdc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00145 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMdc = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DMuc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00148 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMuc = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DMuc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00148 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMuc = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DTof Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00146 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DTof = input; }

void BesView::SetVisFull3DTof Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00146 { fStatusCurrent->fFull3DTof = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00098 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00098 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcHits Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00164 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcHits   = input;     }

void BesView::SetVisMdcHits Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00164 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcHits   = input;     }

void BesView::SetVisMdcHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00163 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00163 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcTubes Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00099 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcTubes  = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcTubes Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00099 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcTubes  = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcWires Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00100 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcWires  = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMdcWires Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00100 { fStatusCurrent->fMdcWires  = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00135 { fStatusCurrent->fMucBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00135 { fStatusCurrent->fMucBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00134 { fStatusCurrent->fMucEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00134 { fStatusCurrent->fMucEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00133 { fStatusCurrent->fMucGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00133 { fStatusCurrent->fMucGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00198 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00198 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00197 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00197 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00196 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00196 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00199 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00199 { fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucStrips Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00137 { fStatusCurrent->fMucStrips = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucStrips Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00137 { fStatusCurrent->fMucStrips = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00136 { fStatusCurrent->fMucWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisMucWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00136 { fStatusCurrent->fMucWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00110 { fStatusCurrent->fTofBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00110 { fStatusCurrent->fTofBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00109 { fStatusCurrent->fTofEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00109 { fStatusCurrent->fTofEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00108 { fStatusCurrent->fTofGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00108 { fStatusCurrent->fTofGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00174 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsBarrel Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00174 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsBarrel = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00173 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsEast Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00173 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsEast   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00172 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00172 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00175 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00175 { fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00111 { fStatusCurrent->fTofWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTofWest Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00111 { fStatusCurrent->fTofWest   = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksEmc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00212 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksEmc    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksEmc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00212 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksEmc    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksExt Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00214 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksExt    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksExt Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00214 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksExt    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00209 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksGlobal Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00209 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksGlobal = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksMdc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00210 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksMdc    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksMdc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00210 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksMdc    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksMuc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00213 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksMuc    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksMuc Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00213 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksMuc    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksTof Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00211 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksTof    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisTracksTof Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00211 { fStatusCurrent->fTracksTof    = input; }

void BesView::SetVisZRPlaneOnXY Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00156 { fStatusCurrent->fZRPlaneOnXY = input;   }

void BesView::SetVisZRPlaneOnXY Bool_t  input  )  [inline]

00156 { fStatusCurrent->fZRPlaneOnXY = input;   }

virtual void BesView::SetZoomFactor Double_t  factor  )  [inline, virtual]

00251 { fZoomFactor = factor; };

virtual void BesView::SetZoomFactor Double_t  factor  )  [inline, virtual]

00251 { fZoomFactor = factor; };

void BesView::SetZoomRatio Double_t  ratio  ) 

void BesView::SetZoomRatio Double_t  ratio  ) 

00480 {
00481     DefaultRange();
00482     ZoomView(gPad, ratio);
00483 }

virtual void BesView::Side  )  [inline, virtual]

00234 { TView::Side(); }

virtual void BesView::Side  )  [inline, virtual]

00234 { TView::Side(); }

void BesView::Side3D  ) 

void BesView::Side3D  ) 

00774                      {
00775     //
00776     // set side view for 3D
00778     this->SetViewType(k3DView,1);
00779     Int_t iret;
00780     this->SetView(0,90,270,iret);
00781 }

virtual void BesView::Top  )  [inline, virtual]

00235 { TView::Front(); }

virtual void BesView::Top  )  [inline, virtual]

00235 { TView::Front(); }

void BesView::Top3D  )  [inline]

00080                       {
00081     this->View3D();
00082     Int_t iret;
00083     this->SetView(-90,90,270,iret);
00085     //    this->Top();
00086   }                                                                // *MENU*

void BesView::Top3D  )  [inline]

00080                       {
00081     this->View3D();
00082     Int_t iret;
00083     this->SetView(-90,90,270,iret);
00085     //    this->Top();
00086   }                                                                // *MENU*

virtual void BesView::UpdateView Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

void BesView::UpdateView Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

00583                                          {
00584     //
00585     // Update current view
00586     if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
00588     // Redraw
00589     SetViewType(fViewType,resetview);
00590 }

void BesView::View3D  )  [inline]

00069 { SetViewType(k3DView,1); }                // *MENU*

void BesView::View3D  )  [inline]

00069 { SetViewType(k3DView,1); }                // *MENU*

void BesView::ViewXY  )  [inline]

00070 { SetViewType(kXYView,1); }                // *MENU*

void BesView::ViewXY  )  [inline]

00070 { SetViewType(kXYView,1); }                // *MENU*

void BesView::ViewZR  )  [inline]

00071 { SetViewType(kZRView,1); }                // *MENU*

void BesView::ViewZR  )  [inline]

00071 { SetViewType(kZRView,1); }                // *MENU*

virtual void BesView::WCtoNDC const Double_t *  pw,
Double_t *  pn

virtual void BesView::WCtoNDC const Float_t *  pw,
Float_t *  pn

void BesView::WCtoNDC const Double_t *  pw,
Double_t *  pn

00677                                                       {
00678     //
00679     // Transform world coordinates to
00680     // normalised device coordinates.
00681     // This method was taken from TView
00682     // and extended by FishEye view
00683     TView::WCtoNDC(pw, pn);
00685     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00686         Double_t r, s;
00687         if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00688             Double_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00689             pvWC[0] = +4;
00690             pvWC[1] = 0;
00691             pvWC[2] = 0;
00692             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00693             pn[0] = TMath::Sign(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[0] - pvNDC[0])),
00694                                 pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
00695             pn[1] = TMath::Sign(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[1] - pvNDC[1])),
00696                                 pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
00697         } else {
00699             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(pn[0],2)
00700                             +TMath::Power(pn[1],2));
00701             s = TMath::Sqrt(r)/r;
00702             pn[0] *= s;
00703             pn[1] *= s;
00704         }
00705     }
00706 }

void BesView::WCtoNDC const Float_t *  pw,
Float_t *  pn

00644                                                     {
00645     //
00646     // Transform world coordinates to
00647     // normalised device coordinates.
00648     // This method was taken from TView
00649     // and extended by FishEye view
00650     TView::WCtoNDC(pw, pn);
00651     //cout << "fFishEye " << fFishEye << endl;
00653     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00654         Float_t r, s;
00655         if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
00656             Float_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00657             pvWC[0] = +4;
00658             pvWC[1] = 0;
00659             pvWC[2] = 0;
00660             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00661             pn[0] = TMath::Sign(Double_t(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]))),
00662                                 Double_t(pn[0] - pvNDC[0])) + pvNDC[0];
00663             pn[1] = TMath::Sign(Double_t(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]))),
00664                                 Double_t(pn[1] - pvNDC[1])) + pvNDC[1];
00665         } else {
00666             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(pn[0],2)
00667                             +TMath::Power(pn[1],2));
00668             s = TMath::Sqrt(r)/r;
00669             pn[0] *= s;
00670             pn[1] *= s;
00671         }
00672     }
00673 }

void BesView::ZoomIn  ) 

void BesView::ZoomIn  ) 

00487                      {
00488     //
00489     // Magnify
00490     fMarkerSize = fMarkerSize * fZoomFactor;
00491     ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor); // dont use ZoomView as it is not base on center
00493     //Double_t scale[3], center[3];
00494     //Int_t irep;
00495     //FindScope(&scale[0], &center[0], irep);
00496     //cout << "scale  " << scale[0]  << "  " << scale[1]  << " " << scale[2]  << endl;
00497     //cout << "center " << center[0] << "  " << center[1] << " " << center[2] << endl;
00499     //Double_t extent = GetExtent();
00500     //cout << extent << endl;
00501     //cout << GetZoomRatio() << endl;
00503     /*
00504     Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
00505     x1 = gPad->GetX1();
00506     y1 = gPad->GetY1();
00507     x2 = gPad->GetX2();
00508     y2 = gPad->GetY2();
00510     Double_t dx = (gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1())*(1-1/fZoomFactor);
00511     Double_t dy = (gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1())*(1-1/fZoomFactor);
00513     gPad->Range(x1+dx/2, y1+dy/2, x2-dx/2, y2-dy/2);
00514     gPad->Modified();
00515     */
00516 }

virtual void BesView::ZoomMove  )  [inline, virtual]

00237 { TView::ZoomMove(); }

virtual void BesView::ZoomMove  )  [inline, virtual]

00237 { TView::ZoomMove(); }

void BesView::ZoomOut  ) 

void BesView::ZoomOut  ) 

00520                       {
00521     //
00522     // Demagnify
00523     fMarkerSize = fMarkerSize / fZoomFactor;
00524     UnzoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor); // dont use ZoomView as it is not base on center
00526     //Double_t extent = GetExtent();
00527     //cout << extent << endl;
00528     //cout << GetZoomRatio() << endl;
00530     /*
00531     Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
00532     x1 = gPad->GetX1();
00533     y1 = gPad->GetY1();
00534     x2 = gPad->GetX2();
00535     y2 = gPad->GetY2();
00537     Double_t dx = (gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1())*(fZoomFactor-1);
00538     Double_t dy = (gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1())*(fZoomFactor-1);
00540     gPad->Range(x1-dx/2, y1-dy/2, x2+dx/2, y2+dy/2);
00541     gPad->Modified();
00542     */
00543 }

Member Data Documentation

Double_t BesView::fExtentDefault [private]

Bool_t BesView::fFishEye [private]

TPaveLabel* BesView::fLabel [private]

TPaveLabel* BesView::fLabel [private]

Float_t BesView::fMarkerSize [private]

Float_t BesView::fPhiRangeMax [private]

Float_t BesView::fPhiRangeMin [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatus3D [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatus3D [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatusCurrent [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatusCurrent [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatusXY [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatusXY [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatusZR [private]

BesStatus* BesView::fStatusZR [private]

EBESViewType BesView::fViewType [private]

Double_t BesView::fZoomFactor [private]

Float_t BesView::m_BesR [private]

Float_t BesView::m_BesZ [private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Feb 2 15:53:52 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen