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Bes2DView Class Reference

#include <Bes2DView.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AdjustScales (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void AdjustScales (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
 Bes2DView ()
 Bes2DView ()
void Center ()
void Center ()
virtual void Centered ()
virtual void Centered ()
virtual void ClearPad ()
virtual void ClearPad ()
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option)
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option)
virtual void DrawClass ()
virtual void DrawClass ()
virtual TObject * DrawClone (Option_t *option)
virtual TObject * DrawClone (Option_t *option)
virtual void DrawLabel ()
virtual void DrawLabel ()
virtual void Dump ()
virtual void Dump ()
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void Front ()
virtual void Front ()
Int_t Get2DViewType ()
Int_t Get2DViewType ()
Bool_t GetFishEye ()
Bool_t GetFishEye ()
Bool_t GetFishEyeStatus ()
Bool_t GetFishEyeStatus ()
Float_t GetMarkerSize ()
Float_t GetMarkerSize ()
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
virtual Int_t GetRSign (Float_t Phi)
virtual Int_t GetRSign (Float_t Phi)
BesStatusGetStatusCurrent ()
BesStatusGetStatusCurrent ()
virtual Double_t GetZoomFactor ()
virtual Double_t GetZoomFactor ()
virtual void Inspect ()
virtual void Inspect ()
void Move (Int_t px, Int_t py)
void Move (Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Double_t *pn, Double_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Double_t *pn, Double_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
void PrintCurrent ()
void PrintCurrent ()
void Reset ()
void Reset ()
void Set2DViewType (Int_t viewType)
void Set2DViewType (Int_t viewType)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option)
void SetFishEye (Bool_t input=0)
void SetFishEye (Bool_t input=0)
virtual void SetLineAttributes ()
virtual void SetLineAttributes ()
void SetMarkerSize (Float_t size)
void SetMarkerSize (Float_t size)
virtual void SetZoomFactor (Double_t factor)
virtual void SetZoomFactor (Double_t factor)
virtual void Side ()
virtual void Side ()
virtual void Top ()
virtual void Top ()
void UnZoom ()
void UnZoom ()
virtual void UpdateView (Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void UpdateView (Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
void Zoom ()
void Zoom ()
virtual void ZoomMove ()
virtual void ZoomMove ()
virtual ~Bes2DView ()
virtual ~Bes2DView ()

Private Attributes

Int_t f2DViewType
Bool_t fFishEye
TPaveLabel * fLabel
TPaveLabel * fLabel
Float_t fMarkerSize
Float_t fPhiRangeMax
Float_t fPhiRangeMin
Double_t fZoomFactor

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Bes2DView::Bes2DView  ) 

Bes2DView::~Bes2DView  )  [virtual]

00083                       {
00084     //
00085     // Bes2DView default destructor
00086     if ( gDebug ) cout << "Bes2DView default dtor called" << endl;
00088     delete fLabel;
00090     delete fStatus3D;
00091     delete fStatusXY;
00092     delete fStatusZR;
00093     delete fStatusCurrent;
00095 }

Bes2DView::Bes2DView  ) 

virtual Bes2DView::~Bes2DView  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Bes2DView::AdjustScales TVirtualPad *  pad = 0  )  [inline, virtual]

00114 { TView::AdjustScales(pad); }

virtual void Bes2DView::AdjustScales TVirtualPad *  pad = 0  )  [inline, virtual]

00114 { TView::AdjustScales(pad); }

void Bes2DView::Center  ) 

void Bes2DView::Center  ) 

00189                        {
00190     //
00191     // Center view
00192     /*
00193     if ( fViewType & k3DView ){
00194       this->Centered();
00195     } else {
00196     */
00197     Double_t xrange, yrange;
00198     xrange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1();
00199     yrange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1();
00200     gPad->Range(-xrange/2, -yrange/2, xrange/2, yrange/2);
00201     gPad->Modified();
00202 }

virtual void Bes2DView::Centered  )  [inline, virtual]

00108 { TView::Centered(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Centered  )  [inline, virtual]

00108 { TView::Centered(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::ClearPad  )  [virtual]

void Bes2DView::ClearPad  )  [virtual]

00099                          {
00100     //
00101     // Clear current without deleting this view
00102     //
00103     // Probably this doesn't work for the postscript output
00104     // Look at TPad::Clear() for more details
00105     if ( gDebug ) cout << "Bes2DView::ClearPad called" << endl;
00106     if ( gPad->GetListOfPrimitives() ) gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Clear();
00107 }

virtual void Bes2DView::Delete Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00115 { TView::Delete(option); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Delete Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00115 { TView::Delete(option); }

virtual void Bes2DView::DrawClass  )  [inline, virtual]

00116 { TView::DrawClass(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::DrawClass  )  [inline, virtual]

00116 { TView::DrawClass(); }

virtual TObject* Bes2DView::DrawClone Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00117 { return TView::DrawClone(option); }

virtual TObject* Bes2DView::DrawClone Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00117 { return TView::DrawClone(option); }

virtual void Bes2DView::DrawLabel  )  [virtual]

void Bes2DView::DrawLabel  )  [virtual]

00257                           {
00258     //
00259     // Draw label for current view
00261     fLabel->SetX1NDC(0.05);
00262     fLabel->SetX2NDC(0.20);
00263     fLabel->SetY1NDC(0.05);
00264     fLabel->SetY2NDC(0.12);
00266     switch (f2DViewType) {
00267         //case k3DView:
00268         //fLabel->SetLabel("3D View");
00269         //break;
00270     case 0:
00271         fLabel->SetLabel("XY View");
00272         break;
00273     case 1:
00274         fLabel->SetLabel("ZR View");
00275         break;
00276     }
00277     fLabel->Draw("BR,NDC,SAME");
00278 }

virtual void Bes2DView::Dump  )  [inline, virtual]

00120 { TView::Dump(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Dump  )  [inline, virtual]

00120 { TView::Dump(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::ExecuteEvent Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

void Bes2DView::ExecuteEvent Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

00111                                                             {
00112     //
00113     // Execute mouse events
00114     if ( gDebug ) cout << "Bes2DView::ExecuteEvent called" << endl;
00115     //cout << "f2DViewType " << f2DViewType << "  k3DView " << k3DView << endl;
00117     /*
00118     if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00119       ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py);
00120     } else {
00121     */
00123     // Editor mode
00124     if (gROOT->GetEditorMode()) {
00125         cout << "ROOT" << endl;
00126         gPad->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py);
00127         return;
00128     }
00130     static Double_t xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x0, y0;
00131     Double_t dx, dy, x, y;
00132     switch (event) {
00134     case kButton1Down:
00135         gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
00136         // Remember position of pointer
00137         xmin = gPad->GetX1();
00138         ymin = gPad->GetY1();
00139         xmax = gPad->GetX2();
00140         ymax = gPad->GetY2();
00141         x0   = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
00142         y0   = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
00143         break;
00145     case kButton1Motion:
00146         gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
00148     case kButton1Up:
00149         // Set new pad range
00150         x  = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
00151         y  = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
00152         dx = -(x - x0);
00153         dy = -(y - y0);
00154         //((TPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kTRUE);
00155         gPad->Range(xmin+dx, ymin+dy, xmax+dx, ymax+dy);
00156         //((TPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kFALSE);
00157         gPad->Modified();
00158         break;
00160     default:
00161         gPad->SetCursor(kCross);
00162     }
00163 }

virtual void Bes2DView::Front  )  [inline, virtual]

00109 { TView::Top(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Front  )  [inline, virtual]

00109 { TView::Top(); }

Int_t Bes2DView::Get2DViewType  )  [inline]

00058 { return f2DViewType; }

Int_t Bes2DView::Get2DViewType  )  [inline]

00058 { return f2DViewType; }

Bool_t Bes2DView::GetFishEye  )  [inline]

00091 { return fFishEye; }

Bool_t Bes2DView::GetFishEye  )  [inline]

00091 { return fFishEye; }

Bool_t Bes2DView::GetFishEyeStatus  )  [inline]

00090 { return fStatusCurrent->fFishEye; }

Bool_t Bes2DView::GetFishEyeStatus  )  [inline]

00090 { return fStatusCurrent->fFishEye; }

Float_t Bes2DView::GetMarkerSize  )  [inline]

00059 { return fMarkerSize;}

Float_t Bes2DView::GetMarkerSize  )  [inline]

00059 { return fMarkerSize;}

virtual char* Bes2DView::GetObjectInfo Int_t  px,
Int_t  py
const [virtual]

char * Bes2DView::GetObjectInfo Int_t  px,
Int_t  py
const [virtual]

00426                                                        {
00427     //
00428     // Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py).
00429     Double_t pw[3];
00430     //((TPad*)gPad)->PixeltoWC(px, py, pw);
00432     static char info[64];
00433     if ( f2DViewType == 1 ) {
00434         sprintf(info, "z=%-.3fcm, r=%-.3fcm", pw[0], pw[1]);
00435         return info;
00436     } else {
00437         sprintf(info, "x=%-.3fcm, y=%-.3fcm", pw[0], pw[1]);
00438         return info;
00439     }
00440 }

virtual Int_t Bes2DView::GetRSign Float_t  Phi  )  [virtual]

Int_t Bes2DView::GetRSign Float_t  Phi  )  [virtual]

00224                                      {
00225     //
00226     // Get sign of the R coordinate (ZR view)
00227     // for a given phi (in radians)
00228     Int_t Sign;
00230     // Convert to deg, because phi range is given in degrees
00231     Float_t Phi2 = (Phi - 2*TMath::Pi()*Int_t(Phi/(2*TMath::Pi())))
00232                    * 180./TMath::Pi();
00233     if ( Phi2 < 0 ) Phi2 += 360;
00234     if ( Phi2 >= fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMin && Phi2 < fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMax ) {
00235         Sign = 1;
00236     } else {
00237         Sign = -1;
00238     }
00239     return Sign;
00240 }

BesStatus* Bes2DView::GetStatusCurrent  )  [inline]

00129 { return fStatusCurrent; };

BesStatus* Bes2DView::GetStatusCurrent  )  [inline]

00129 { return fStatusCurrent; };

virtual Double_t Bes2DView::GetZoomFactor  )  [inline, virtual]

00128 { return fZoomFactor; }

virtual Double_t Bes2DView::GetZoomFactor  )  [inline, virtual]

00128 { return fZoomFactor; }

virtual void Bes2DView::Inspect  )  [inline, virtual]

00121 { TView::Inspect(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Inspect  )  [inline, virtual]

00121 { TView::Inspect(); }

void Bes2DView::Move Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

void Bes2DView::Move Int_t  px,
Int_t  py

00167                                        {
00168     //
00169     // Move (px, py in pixel coordinates)
00170     Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, x, y, x0, y0;
00171     x1 = gPad->GetX1();
00172     y1 = gPad->GetY1();
00173     x2 = gPad->GetX2();
00174     y2 = gPad->GetY2();
00175     x0 = gPad->PixeltoX(0);
00176     y0 = gPad->PixeltoY(0);
00177     x = gPad->PixeltoX(px);
00178     y = gPad->PixeltoY(py);
00179     dx = -(x - x0);
00180     dy = -(y - y0);
00181     //((TPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kTRUE);
00182     gPad->Range(x1+dx, y1+dy, x2+dx, y2+dy);
00183     //((TPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kFALSE);
00184     gPad->Modified();
00185 }

virtual void Bes2DView::NDCtoWC const Double_t *  pn,
Double_t *  pw

virtual void Bes2DView::NDCtoWC const Float_t *  pn,
Float_t *  pw

void Bes2DView::NDCtoWC const Double_t *  pn,
Double_t *  pw

00387                                                         {
00388     //
00389     // Transform back from NDCs
00390     Double_t p[3];
00391     if (f2DViewType == 0) { // XYView
00392         p[0] = pn[0];
00393         p[1] = pn[1];
00394         p[2] = pn[2];
00395     }
00396     else {                // ZRView
00397         p[0] = pn[2];
00398         p[1] = pn[1];
00399         p[2] = pn[0];
00400     }
00402     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00403         Double_t r;
00404         if ( f2DViewType == 1 ) {
00405             Double_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00406             pvWC[0] = +4;
00407             pvWC[1] = 0;
00408             pvWC[2] = 0;
00409             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00410             p[0] = TMath::Sign((pn[0] - pvNDC[0])*(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]),
00411                                pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
00412             p[1] = TMath::Sign((pn[1] - pvNDC[1])*(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]),
00413                                pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
00414         } else {
00415             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(p[0],2)
00416                             +TMath::Power(p[1],2));
00417             p[0] *= r;
00418             p[1] *= r;
00419         }
00420     }
00421     TView::NDCtoWC(p, pw);
00422 }

void Bes2DView::NDCtoWC const Float_t *  pn,
Float_t *  pw

00348                                                       {
00349     //
00350     // Transform back from NDCs
00351     Float_t p[3];
00352     if (f2DViewType == 0) { // XYView
00353         p[0] = pn[0];
00354         p[1] = pn[1];
00355         p[2] = pn[2];
00356     }
00357     else {                // ZRView
00358         p[0] = pn[2];
00359         p[1] = pn[1];
00360         p[2] = pn[0];
00361     }
00363     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00364         Float_t r;
00365         if ( f2DViewType == 1 ) {
00366             Float_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00367             pvWC[0] = +4;
00368             pvWC[1] = 0;
00369             pvWC[2] = 0;
00370             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00371             p[0] = TMath::Sign((pn[0] - pvNDC[0])*(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]),
00372                                pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
00373             p[1] = TMath::Sign((pn[1] - pvNDC[1])*(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]),
00374                                pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
00375         } else {
00376             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(p[0],2)
00377                             +TMath::Power(p[1],2));
00378             p[0] *= r;
00379             p[1] *= r;
00380         }
00381     }
00382     TView::NDCtoWC(p, pw);
00383 }

void Bes2DView::PrintCurrent  )  [inline]

00105 { fStatusCurrent->Print(); }

void Bes2DView::PrintCurrent  )  [inline]

00105 { fStatusCurrent->Print(); }

void Bes2DView::Reset  ) 

void Bes2DView::Reset  ) 

00444                       {
00445     //
00446     // reset view to default values
00448     // reset status instances of views
00449     //fStatus3D->Default(k3DView);
00450     //fStatusXY->Default(kXYView);
00451     //fStatusZR->Default(kZRView);
00452     fZoomFactor = 1.5;
00454     // reset current status instance tp fViewType
00455     //fStatusCurrent->Default(fViewType);
00457     // center the view
00458     this->Center();
00459     this->SetRange(-2635,-2635,-2875,2635,2635,2875);
00460     //int iret;
00461     //this->SetView(0,0,270,iret);
00462     this->ZoomView(gPad, 1.5);
00464     // reset phirange
00465     //  this->SetPhiRange(0,180);
00466     //this->UpdateView();
00467     gPad->Update();
00468 }

void Bes2DView::Set2DViewType Int_t  viewType  )  [inline]

00057 { f2DViewType = viewType; }

void Bes2DView::Set2DViewType Int_t  viewType  )  [inline]

00057 { f2DViewType = viewType; }

virtual void Bes2DView::SetDrawOption Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00124 { TView::SetDrawOption(option); }

virtual void Bes2DView::SetDrawOption Option_t *  option  )  [inline, virtual]

00124 { TView::SetDrawOption(option); }

void Bes2DView::SetFishEye Bool_t  input = 0  )  [inline]

00092                                              {
00093     /*
00094       if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00095       fFishEye = 0;
00096       fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = 0;
00097     } else {
00098     */
00099      fFishEye = input;
00100      fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = input;
00102   } // *TOGGLE*

void Bes2DView::SetFishEye Bool_t  input = 0  )  [inline]

00092                                              {
00093     /*
00094       if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
00095       fFishEye = 0;
00096       fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = 0;
00097     } else {
00098     */
00099      fFishEye = input;
00100      fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = input;
00102   } // *TOGGLE*

virtual void Bes2DView::SetLineAttributes  )  [inline, virtual]

00125 { TView::SetLineAttributes(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::SetLineAttributes  )  [inline, virtual]

00125 { TView::SetLineAttributes(); }

void Bes2DView::SetMarkerSize Float_t  size  )  [inline]

00087 { fMarkerSize = size; }

void Bes2DView::SetMarkerSize Float_t  size  )  [inline]

00087 { fMarkerSize = size; }

virtual void Bes2DView::SetZoomFactor Double_t  factor  )  [inline, virtual]

00127 { fZoomFactor = factor; };

virtual void Bes2DView::SetZoomFactor Double_t  factor  )  [inline, virtual]

00127 { fZoomFactor = factor; };

virtual void Bes2DView::Side  )  [inline, virtual]

00110 { TView::Side(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Side  )  [inline, virtual]

00110 { TView::Side(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Top  )  [inline, virtual]

00111 { TView::Front(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::Top  )  [inline, virtual]

00111 { TView::Front(); }

void Bes2DView::UnZoom  ) 

void Bes2DView::UnZoom  ) 

00215                        {
00216     //
00217     // Demagnify
00218     fMarkerSize = fMarkerSize / fZoomFactor;
00219     UnzoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
00220 }

virtual void Bes2DView::UpdateView Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

void Bes2DView::UpdateView Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

00245                                            {
00246     //
00247     // Update current view
00248     if ( !gGeometry ) return;
00250     // Redraw
00251     //SetViewType(fViewType,resetview);
00252 }

virtual void Bes2DView::WCtoNDC const Double_t *  pw,
Double_t *  pn

virtual void Bes2DView::WCtoNDC const Float_t *  pw,
Float_t *  pn

void Bes2DView::WCtoNDC const Double_t *  pw,
Double_t *  pn

00315                                                         {
00316     //
00317     // Transform world coordinates to
00318     // normalised device coordinates.
00319     // This method was taken from TView
00320     // and extended by FishEye view
00321     TView::WCtoNDC(pw, pn);
00323     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00324         Double_t r, s;
00325         if ( f2DViewType == 1 ) {
00326             Double_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00327             pvWC[0] = +4;
00328             pvWC[1] = 0;
00329             pvWC[2] = 0;
00330             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00331             pn[0] = TMath::Sign(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[0] - pvNDC[0])),
00332                                 pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
00333             pn[1] = TMath::Sign(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[1] - pvNDC[1])),
00334                                 pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
00335         } else {
00337             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(pn[0],2)
00338                             +TMath::Power(pn[1],2));
00339             s = TMath::Sqrt(r)/r;
00340             pn[0] *= s;
00341             pn[1] *= s;
00342         }
00343     }
00344 }

void Bes2DView::WCtoNDC const Float_t *  pw,
Float_t *  pn

00282                                                       {
00283     //
00284     // Transform world coordinates to
00285     // normalised device coordinates.
00286     // This method was taken from TView
00287     // and extended by FishEye view
00288     TView::WCtoNDC(pw, pn);
00289     //cout << "fFishEye " << fFishEye << endl;
00291     if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
00292         Float_t r, s;
00293         if ( f2DViewType == 1) {
00294             Float_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
00295             pvWC[0] = +4;
00296             pvWC[1] = 0;
00297             pvWC[2] = 0;
00298             TView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
00299             pn[0] = TMath::Sign(Double_t(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]))),
00300                                 Double_t(pn[0] - pvNDC[0])) + pvNDC[0];
00301             pn[1] = TMath::Sign(Double_t(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]))),
00302                                 Double_t(pn[1] - pvNDC[1])) + pvNDC[1];
00303         } else {
00304             r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(pn[0],2)
00305                             +TMath::Power(pn[1],2));
00306             s = TMath::Sqrt(r)/r;
00307             pn[0] *= s;
00308             pn[1] *= s;
00309         }
00310     }
00311 }

void Bes2DView::Zoom  ) 

void Bes2DView::Zoom  ) 

00206                      {
00207     //
00208     // Magnify
00209     fMarkerSize = fMarkerSize * fZoomFactor;
00210     ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
00211 }

virtual void Bes2DView::ZoomMove  )  [inline, virtual]

00113 { TView::ZoomMove(); }

virtual void Bes2DView::ZoomMove  )  [inline, virtual]

00113 { TView::ZoomMove(); }

Member Data Documentation

Int_t Bes2DView::f2DViewType [private]

Bool_t Bes2DView::fFishEye [private]

TPaveLabel* Bes2DView::fLabel [private]

TPaveLabel* Bes2DView::fLabel [private]

Float_t Bes2DView::fMarkerSize [private]

Float_t Bes2DView::fPhiRangeMax [private]

Float_t Bes2DView::fPhiRangeMin [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatus3D [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatus3D [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatusCurrent [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatusCurrent [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatusXY [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatusXY [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatusZR [private]

BesStatus* Bes2DView::fStatusZR [private]

Double_t Bes2DView::fZoomFactor [private]

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Generated on Wed Feb 2 15:51:58 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen