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Babayaga Class Reference

#include <Babayaga.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Babayaga (const string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 Babayaga (const string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode finalize ()
StatusCode getMaxEvent ()
StatusCode getMaxEvent ()
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode initialize ()

Private Attributes

int HN
int m_CUTG
double m_Ebeam
double m_Egmin
double m_Emin
int m_evtMax
int m_Iarun
int m_Ich
int m_Int
int m_Ires
int m_on
int m_PHCUT
double m_Thgmax
double m_Thgmin
double m_Thmax
double m_Thmin
double m_Zmax

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Babayaga::Babayaga const string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

00135                                                               :Algorithm( name, pSvcLocator )
00136 {
00137   //  declareProperty("Seed", m_Int = 62341342); // seed for random number generator
00138   declareProperty("Channel", m_Ich = 1); // 1: e+e-->e+e-;2:e+e_->mu+mu-;3:e+e-->gamma gamma;4:e+e--->pi+pi-
00139   declareProperty("Ebeam", m_Ebeam = 1.548); // Ecm = 2*Ebeam [GeV]
00140   declareProperty("MinThetaAngle", m_Thmin = 70); // [degree]
00141   declareProperty("MaxThetaAngle", m_Thmax = 178); // [degree]
00142   declareProperty("MinimumEnergy", m_Emin   = 0.4); // Minimum Energy(GeV)
00143   declareProperty("MaximumAcollinearity", m_Zmax   = 10); //Maximum acollinearity (degree)
00144   declareProperty("RunningAlpha", m_Iarun   = 1); //running alpha, 0=off, 1=on
00145   declareProperty("HadronicResonance", m_Ires   = 1); //hadronic resoances for ICH=1 or 2
00146   declareProperty("FSR_swich", m_on   = 0); // FSR switch for ICH=2  ( 0=off, 1=on) 
00147   declareProperty("MinEnerCutG", m_Egmin   = 0.01); // minimum energy for CUTG=Y (GeV)
00148   declareProperty("MinAngCutG", m_Thgmin   = 5); // minimum angle for cuts =Y (deg.)
00149   declareProperty("MaxAngCutG", m_Thgmax   = 21); //maximum angle for CUTG=Y (deg.)
00150   declareProperty("HBOOK",    HN= 1); //INTUPLE:  if events have to be stored (1/0)
00151   declareProperty("PHCUT",   m_PHCUT   = 0); //PHCUT:    to avoid double counting when ICH = 3  (1/0)
00152   declareProperty("CUTG",    m_CUTG   = 0); //CUTG:      explicit cuts on the generated photons (1/0)
00153 }

Babayaga::Babayaga const string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode Babayaga::execute  ) 

StatusCode Babayaga::execute  ) 

00200 { 
00201   MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00202 // log << MSG::INFO << "BABAYAGA executing" << endreq;
00203 //  std::cout<<"BABAYAGA begin executing"<<std::endl;  
00205   int npart = 0;
00206   int pid1,pid2,pst1,pst2;
00207   if(m_Ich==1) {pid1=11;   pid2=-11;  pst1=1;pst2=1;}
00208   if(m_Ich==2) {pid1=13;   pid2=-13;  pst1=1;pst2=1;}
00209   if(m_Ich==3) {pid1=22;   pid2= 22;  pst1=1;pst2=1;}
00210   if(m_Ich==4) {pid1=-211; pid2= 211; pst1=1;pst2=1;}
00212   // Fill event information
00213   GenEvent* evt = new GenEvent(1,1);
00215   GenVertex* prod_vtx = new GenVertex();
00216 //  prod_vtx->add_particle_out( p );
00217   evt->add_vertex( prod_vtx );
00219   // incoming beam e+ HepLorentzVector(px,py,pz,energy) required!
00220   GenParticle* p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( MOMSET.p1[1][evtgen],  MOMSET.p1[2][evtgen], 
00221                                                       MOMSET.p1[3][evtgen],  MOMSET.p1[0][evtgen]),
00222                                                       -11, 3); 
00223   p->suggest_barcode( ++npart );
00224   prod_vtx->add_particle_in(p);
00226 //  std::cout<<"incoming beam e-"<<endl;
00227   // incoming beam e-
00228   p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( MOMSET.q1[1][evtgen],  MOMSET.q1[2][evtgen],
00229                                          MOMSET.q1[3][evtgen],  MOMSET.q1[4][evtgen]),
00230                        11, 3); 
00232   p->suggest_barcode( ++npart );
00233   prod_vtx->add_particle_in(p);
00235   // scattered lepton +
00236   p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( MOMSET.p2[1][evtgen],  MOMSET.p2[2][evtgen], 
00237                                          MOMSET.p2[3][evtgen],  MOMSET.p2[0][evtgen]),
00238                                          pid1,pst1); 
00239   p->suggest_barcode( ++npart );
00240   prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00242   // debuging pingrg
00243   //  std::cout<<"evtgen= "<<evtgen<<std::endl;
00244   //std::cout<<MOMSET.p2[0][evtgen]<<"; "<< MOMSET.p2[1][evtgen]<<"; "<<MOMSET.p2[2][evtgen]<<"; "<< MOMSET.p2[3][evtgen]<<std::endl;
00245   //std::cout<<MOMSET.q2[0][evtgen]<<"; "<< MOMSET.q2[1][evtgen]<<"; "<<MOMSET.q2[2][evtgen]<<"; "<< MOMSET.q2[3][evtgen]<<std::endl;
00247   // scattered lepton -
00248   p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( MOMSET.q2[1][evtgen],  MOMSET.q2[2][evtgen],
00249                                          MOMSET.q2[3][evtgen],  MOMSET.q2[0][evtgen]),
00250                        pid2, pst2); 
00251   p->suggest_barcode( ++npart );
00252   prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00255   int iphot=0;
00256   // std::cout<<"evtgen, ncqph[events#] "<<evtgen<<"; "<<ISRPHOTONS.ncqph[evtgen-1]<<std::endl;
00257   for (iphot=0; iphot<ISRPHOTONS.ncqph[evtgen-1]; iphot++)
00258   {
00259     // debuging, pingrg
00260     //    std::cout<<"evtgen, iphot= "<<evtgen<<"; "<<iphot<<std::endl;
00261     //std::cout<<MOMSET.phot[0][iphot][evtgen]<<", "<<MOMSET.phot[1][iphot][evtgen]<<", "<<MOMSET.phot[2][iphot][evtgen]<<", "<<MOMSET.phot[3][iphot][evtgen]<<std::endl;
00263     p = new GenParticle( HepLorentzVector( MOMSET.phot[1][iphot][evtgen],  MOMSET.phot[2][iphot][evtgen], 
00264                                            MOMSET.phot[3][iphot][evtgen],  MOMSET.phot[0][iphot][evtgen]),
00265                                            22, 1); 
00266     p->suggest_barcode( ++npart );
00267     prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
00269   }
00272   evtgen++;
00274   if( log.level() < MSG::INFO )
00275   {
00276     evt->print();  
00277   }
00279   // Check if the McCollection already exists
00280   SmartDataPtr<McGenEventCol> anMcCol(eventSvc(), "/Event/Gen");
00281   if (anMcCol!=0) 
00282   {
00283     // Add event to existing collection
00284     MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00285     log << MSG::INFO << "Add McGenEvent to existing collection" << endreq;
00286     McGenEvent* mcEvent = new McGenEvent(evt);
00287     anMcCol->push_back(mcEvent);
00288   }
00289   else 
00290   {
00291     // Create Collection and add  to the transient store
00292     McGenEventCol *mcColl = new McGenEventCol;
00293     McGenEvent* mcEvent = new McGenEvent(evt);
00294     mcColl->push_back(mcEvent);
00295     StatusCode sc = eventSvc()->registerObject("/Event/Gen",mcColl);
00296     if (sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) 
00297     {
00298       log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not register McGenEvent" << endreq;
00299       delete mcColl;
00300       delete evt;
00301       delete mcEvent;
00302       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00303     }
00304     else 
00305     {
00306       //   log << MSG::INFO << "McGenEventCol created and " << npart <<" particles stored in McGenEvent" << endreq;
00307     }
00308   }
00310   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00311 }

StatusCode Babayaga::finalize  ) 

StatusCode Babayaga::finalize  ) 

00314 {
00315   MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00316    char delcmd[300];
00317    strcpy(delcmd,"cat ");
00318    strcat(delcmd,"CrossSection.txt");
00319    system(delcmd);
00321   std::cout<< "BABAYAGA finalized" << endl;
00322   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00323 }

StatusCode Babayaga::getMaxEvent  ) 

StatusCode Babayaga::getMaxEvent  ) 

00325                                  {
00326   IProperty* appPropMgr=0;
00327   StatusCode status = 
00328     serviceLocator()->getService("ApplicationMgr", IID_IProperty,
00329                                  reinterpret_cast<IInterface*&>( appPropMgr ));
00330   if( status.isFailure() ) return status;
00332   IntegerProperty evtMax("EvtMax",0);
00333   status = appPropMgr->getProperty( &evtMax );
00334   if (status.isFailure()) return status;
00336   m_evtMax = evtMax.value();
00337   return status;
00338 }

StatusCode Babayaga::initialize  ) 

StatusCode Babayaga::initialize  ) 

00155                                {
00157   MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00159   log << MSG::INFO << "Babayaga initialize" << endreq;
00161   //set Bes unified random engine
00162   static const bool CREATEIFNOTTHERE(true);
00163   StatusCode RndmStatus = service("BesRndmGenSvc", p_BesRndmGenSvc, CREATEIFNOTTHERE);
00164   if (!RndmStatus.isSuccess() || 0 == p_BesRndmGenSvc)
00165   {
00166     log << MSG::ERROR << " Could not initialize Random Number Service" << endreq;
00167     return RndmStatus;
00168   }
00169   HepRandomEngine* engine  = p_BesRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("Babayaga");
00170   std::cout<<"==============================="<<engine<<endl;
00171   BabayagaRandom::setRandomEngine(engine);
00172   //  *****************
00174   if(HN==1) {DECLARESTR.tuple='Y';} else DECLARESTR.tuple='N';
00175   if(m_PHCUT==1){ DECLARESTR.phcut='Y';} else  DECLARESTR.cutg='N';
00176   if(m_CUTG ==1){ DECLARESTR.cutg='Y';} else  DECLARESTR.cutg='N';
00177   CHANNEL.ich = m_Ich;
00178   BEAMENERGY.ebeam=m_Ebeam;
00179   EXPCUTS.thmin=m_Thmin;
00180   EXPCUTS.thmax=m_Thmax;
00181   EXPCUTS.emin =m_Emin;
00182   EXPCUTS.zmax=m_Zmax;
00183   SWITCHARUN.iarun=m_Iarun;
00184   RESONANCES.ires =m_Ires;
00185   SWITCH.on   =m_on;
00186   EXPCUTS.egmin=m_Egmin;
00187   EXPCUTS.thgmin=m_Thgmin;
00188   EXPCUTS.thgmax=m_Thgmax;
00190   getMaxEvent();
00191   std::cout<<"m_evtMax = "<<m_evtMax<<std::endl;
00192   DECLAREINT.seed=m_Int;
00193   BABAYAGA(m_evtMax);
00195   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00196 }

Member Data Documentation

int Babayaga::HN [private]

int Babayaga::m_CUTG [private]

double Babayaga::m_Ebeam [private]

double Babayaga::m_Egmin [private]

double Babayaga::m_Emin [private]

int Babayaga::m_evtMax [private]

int Babayaga::m_Iarun [private]

int Babayaga::m_Ich [private]

int Babayaga::m_Int [private]

int Babayaga::m_INTUPLE [private]

int Babayaga::m_Ires [private]

int Babayaga::m_on [private]

int Babayaga::m_PHCUT [private]

double Babayaga::m_Thgmax [private]

double Babayaga::m_Thgmin [private]

double Babayaga::m_Thmax [private]

double Babayaga::m_Thmin [private]

double Babayaga::m_Zmax [private]

IBesRndmGenSvc* Babayaga::p_BesRndmGenSvc [private]

IBesRndmGenSvc* Babayaga::p_BesRndmGenSvc [private]

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