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MucCalibConst.h File Reference

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const int B_LAY_NUM = 9
const int B_PHISTR_NUM = 96
const int B_SEG_NUM = 8
const int B_STR_PER_SEG [2] = { 624, 688 }
const int B_TOP = 2
const int B_TOPSTR_NUM = 112
const int B_ZSTR_NUM = 48
const int BOX_MAX = 136
const int BOX_PER_PART [PART_MAX] = {32, 72, 32}
const int BOX_PER_SEG [PART_MAX] = {8, 9, 8}
const int BOX_SUM [PART_MAX] = {32, 104, 136}
const int BRID = 1
const int CLST_CUT = 1
const int CLST_MAX = 10
const double DEFAULT_ClST = 5
const double DEFAULT_CLST_PRO [CLST_MAX] = {0.80701, 0.97357, 0.99515, 0.99822, 0.99876, 0.99894, 0.99905, 0.99913, 0.99920, 0.99926}
const double DEFAULT_EFF = 0.95
const double DEFAULT_NOS = 0.01
const int E_LAY_NUM = 8
const int E_SEG_NUM = 4
const int E_STR_NUM = 64
const int EEID = 0
const int EWID = 2
const int LAYER_MAX = 9
const double LIMIT_CUT = 0.000001
const int PART_MAX = 3
const int PHISTR = 3
const int SEGMENT_MAX = 8
const int STR_PER_PART [3] = { 2048, 5056, 2048 }
const int STR_SUM [3] = { 2048, 7104, 9152 }
const int STRIP_INBOX_MAX = 112
const int STRIP_MAX = 9152
const int XSTR = 0
const int YSTR = 1
const int ZSTR = 2

Variable Documentation

const int B_LAY_NUM = 9 [static]

const int B_PHISTR_NUM = 96 [static]

const int B_SEG_NUM = 8 [static]

const int B_STR_PER_SEG[2] = { 624, 688 } [static]

const int B_TOP = 2 [static]

const int B_TOPSTR_NUM = 112 [static]

const int B_ZSTR_NUM = 48 [static]

const int BOX_MAX = 136 [static]

const int BOX_PER_PART[PART_MAX] = {32, 72, 32} [static]

const int BOX_PER_SEG[PART_MAX] = {8, 9, 8} [static]

const int BOX_SUM[PART_MAX] = {32, 104, 136} [static]

const int BRID = 1 [static]

const int CLST_CUT = 1 [static]

const int CLST_MAX = 10 [static]

const double DEFAULT_ClST = 5 [static]

const double DEFAULT_CLST_PRO[CLST_MAX] = {0.80701, 0.97357, 0.99515, 0.99822, 0.99876, 0.99894, 0.99905, 0.99913, 0.99920, 0.99926} [static]

const double DEFAULT_EFF = 0.95 [static]

const double DEFAULT_NOS = 0.01 [static]

const int E_LAY_NUM = 8 [static]

const int E_SEG_NUM = 4 [static]

const int E_STR_NUM = 64 [static]

const int EEID = 0 [static]

const int EWID = 2 [static]

const int LAYER_MAX = 9 [static]

const double LIMIT_CUT = 0.000001 [static]

const int PART_MAX = 3 [static]

const int PHISTR = 3 [static]

const int SEGMENT_MAX = 8 [static]

const int STR_PER_PART[3] = { 2048, 5056, 2048 } [static]

const int STR_SUM[3] = { 2048, 7104, 9152 } [static]

const int STRIP_INBOX_MAX = 112 [static]

const int STRIP_MAX = 9152 [static]

const int XSTR = 0 [static]

const int YSTR = 1 [static]

const int ZSTR = 2 [static]

Generated on Wed Feb 2 15:42:21 2011 for BOSS6.5.5 by  doxygen