
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00012 #include "BesTofDigitizerBrV2.hh"
00013 #include "BesTofHit.hh"
00014 #include "G4DigiManager.hh"
00015 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
00016 #include "Randomize.hh"
00017 #include "G4Poisson.hh"
00018 #include "BesTofDigi.hh"
00019 #include "BesTofGeoParameter.hh"
00020 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00021 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
00022 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00023 #include "G4Svc/IG4Svc.h"
00024 #include "G4Svc/G4Svc.h"
00025 #include "TMath.h"
00027 BesTofDigitizerBrV2::BesTofDigitizerBrV2()
00028 {
00029   ReadData();
00030   m_timeBinSize=0.005;
00032   //retrieve G4Svc
00033   ISvcLocator* svcLocator = Gaudi::svcLocator();
00034   IG4Svc* tmpSvc;
00035   StatusCode sc = svcLocator->service("G4Svc", tmpSvc);
00036   if(!sc.isSuccess())
00037   {
00038     std::cout << " Could not initialize Realization Service in BesTofDigitizerBrV2" << std::endl;
00039   }
00040   else
00041   {
00042     m_G4Svc = dynamic_cast<G4Svc *>(tmpSvc);
00043   }
00045   //retrieve RealizationSvc
00046   IRealizationSvc *tmpReal;
00047   StatusCode scReal = svcLocator->service("RealizationSvc",tmpReal);
00048   if (!scReal.isSuccess())
00049   {
00050     std::cout << " Could not initialize Realization Service in BesTofDigitizerBrV2" << std::endl;
00051   } 
00052   else 
00053   {
00054     m_RealizationSvc = dynamic_cast<RealizationSvc*>(tmpReal);
00055   }
00058 }
00060 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::ReadData()
00061 {
00062   BesTofGeoParameter* tofPara = BesTofGeoParameter::GetInstance();
00064   m_scinLength = tofPara->GetBr1L();
00065   m_tau1       = tofPara->GetTau1();
00066   m_tau2       = tofPara->GetTau2();
00067   m_tau3       = tofPara->GetTau3();
00068   m_tauRatio   = tofPara->GetTauRatio();
00069   m_refIndex   = tofPara->GetRefIndex();
00070   m_phNConst   = tofPara->GetPhNConst();
00071   m_Cpe2pmt    = tofPara->GetCpe2pmt();
00072   m_rAngle     = tofPara->GetRAngle();
00073   m_QE         = tofPara->GetQE();
00074   m_CE         = tofPara->GetCE();
00075   m_peCorFac   = tofPara->GetPeCorFac();
00077   m_ttsMean    = tofPara->GetTTSmean();
00078   m_ttsSigma   = tofPara->GetTTSsigma();
00079   m_Ce         = tofPara->GetCe();
00080   m_LLthresh   = tofPara->GetLLthresh();
00081   m_HLthresh   = tofPara->GetHLthresh();
00082   m_preGain    = tofPara->GetPreGain();
00083   m_noiseSigma = tofPara->GetNoiseSigma();
00086 }
00088 BesTofDigitizerBrV2::~BesTofDigitizerBrV2()
00089 {
00090   ;
00091 }
00093 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::Digitize(ScintSingle* scint, BesTofDigitsCollection* DC)
00094 {
00095   m_beamTime = m_G4Svc->GetBeamTime() * ns;
00096   m_besTofDigitsCollection = DC;
00098   G4DigiManager* digiManager = G4DigiManager::GetDMpointer();
00099   G4int THCID = digiManager->GetHitsCollectionID("BesTofHitsCollection");
00100   m_THC = (BesTofHitsCollection*) (digiManager->GetHitsCollection(THCID));
00102   if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00103   {
00104     m_eTotal = 0;
00105     m_nDigi = 0;
00106     m_partIdMPV = -9;
00107     m_scinNbMPV = -9;
00108     m_edepMPV = 0;
00109     m_nDigiOut = 0;
00110   }
00112   if (m_THC)
00113   {
00114     //for each digi, compute TDC and ADC
00115     G4int partId, scinNb, nHits;
00116     G4double edep;
00117     BesTofHit* hit;
00118     partId=scint->GetPartId();
00119     scinNb=scint->GetScinNb();
00120     edep = scint->GetEdep();
00121     nHits=scint->GetHitIndexes()->size();
00124     //std::cout << "BesTofDigitizerBrV2      Partid   scinNb   " << partId  << "   "  << scinNb << std::endl; 
00125     //cout << "*** scinNb:" << scinNb << " *** " << m_tofCaliSvc->BAtten(scinNb) << "***" << endl;
00126     //cout << "*****scinNb:"<< scinNb << " ***** A2:" << m_tofCaliSvc->BGainBackward(scinNb) 
00127     //  << " ***** A1:" << m_tofCaliSvc->BGainForward(scinNb) << endl;
00129     TofPmtInit();
00131     //fill tof Ntuple
00132     if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00133     {
00134       if (edep>m_edepMPV)
00135       {
00136         m_partIdMPV = partId;
00137         m_scinNbMPV = scinNb;
00138         m_edepMPV = edep;
00139       }
00140       m_eTotal += edep;
00141       m_nDigi ++;
00143       m_partId = partId;
00144       m_scinNb = scinNb;
00145       m_edep = edep;
00146       m_nHits = nHits;
00147     }
00149     if (edep>0.01)
00150     {
00151       for (G4int j=0;j<nHits;j++)
00152       {
00153         hit= (*m_THC)[( *(scint->GetHitIndexes()) )[j]];
00154         TofPmtAccum(hit, scinNb);
00155       }
00156       if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00157       {
00158         m_time1st0=m_t1st[0];
00159         m_time1st1=m_t1st[1];
00160         m_timelast0=m_tLast[0];
00161         m_timelast1=m_tLast[1];
00162         m_totalPhot0=m_totalPhot[0];
00163         m_totalPhot1=m_totalPhot[1];
00164       }
00165       //get final tdc and adc
00166       TofPmtRspns(scinNb);
00167       //G4cout<<"pre-cut " << partId << "\nadc0:"<<m_ADC[0]<<"; adc1:"
00168       //  <<m_ADC[1]<<"; tdc0:"<<m_TDC[0]<<"; tdc1:"
00169       //  <<m_TDC[1]<<G4endl;
00171       G4double temp0 = m_ADC[0]+m_TDC[0];
00172       G4double temp1 = m_ADC[1]+m_TDC[1];
00173       //cout << "partid: " <<  partId << " temp0: " <<  temp0 << " temp1: " <<  temp1 << endl;
00174       //if ( partId==1 && m_ADC[0]>255 && m_ADC[1]>255 && m_TDC[0]>0. && m_TDC[1]>0.)
00175       if ( partId==1 && (temp0 > -1998. || temp1 > -1998.))
00176       {
00177         //const double MAX_ADC = 8191 * 0.3;  // channel set up to 8192 will lead to overflow.
00178         BesTofDigi* digi = new BesTofDigi;
00179         digi->SetTrackIndex(m_trackIndex);
00180         digi->SetPartId(partId);
00181         digi->SetScinNb(scinNb);
00182         digi->SetForwADC( m_ADC[0]) ;
00183         digi->SetBackADC( m_ADC[1]) ;
00184         if (m_TDC[0]>0)
00185           m_TDC[0] = m_TDC[0]+m_beamTime;
00186         if (m_TDC[1]>0)
00187           m_TDC[1] = m_TDC[1]+m_beamTime;
00188         digi->SetForwTDC( m_TDC[0]) ;
00189         digi->SetBackTDC( m_TDC[1]) ;
00190         //G4cout<<"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++barrel\nadc0:"<<m_ADC[0]<<"; adc1:"
00191         //  <<m_ADC[1]<<"; tdc0:"<<m_TDC[0]<<"; tdc1:"
00192         //  <<m_TDC[1]<<G4endl;
00194         m_besTofDigitsCollection->insert(digi);
00196         if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00197           m_nDigiOut++;
00199       }
00200       if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00201         m_tupleTof1->write();
00203     }
00205     if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00206       m_tupleTof2->write();
00207   }
00208 }
00210 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::TofPmtInit()
00211 {
00212   Initialize();
00214   m_t1st[0]=100;
00215   m_t1st[1]=100;
00216   m_tLast[0]=0.;
00217   m_tLast[1]=0;
00218   m_totalPhot[0]=0;
00219   m_totalPhot[1]=0;
00220   for (G4int i=0;i<2;i++)
00221     for (G4int j=0;j<m_profBinN;j++)
00222       m_nPhot[j][i]=0;
00224   if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00225   {
00226     m_partId = -9;
00227     m_scinNb = -9;
00228     m_edep = 0;
00229     m_nHits = 0;
00230     m_time1st0 = 100;
00231     m_time1st1 = 100;
00232     m_timelast0 = 0;
00233     m_timelast1 = 0;
00234     m_totalPhot0 = 0;
00235     m_totalPhot1 = 0;
00236     m_NphAllSteps = 0;
00237     m_max0 = 0;
00238     m_max1 = 0;
00239     m_tdc0 = -999;
00240     m_adc0 = -999;
00241     m_tdc1 = -999;
00242     m_adc1 = -999;
00243   }
00244 }
00246 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::TofPmtAccum(BesTofHit* hit, G4int scinNb)
00247 {
00248   BesTofGeoParameter* tofPara = BesTofGeoParameter::GetInstance();
00249   //std::cout << "BesTofDigitizerBrV2::TofPmtAccum()" << std::endl;
00250   G4double cvelScint=c_light/m_refIndex/1.07;
00251   //Get information of this step
00252   G4ThreeVector pos=hit->GetPos();
00253   G4int trackIndex = hit->GetTrackIndex();
00254   G4int partId =hit->GetPartId();
00255   G4double edep=hit->GetEdep();
00256   G4double stepL=hit->GetStepL();
00257   G4double deltaT=hit->GetDeltaT();
00258   G4double timeFlight=hit->GetTime()-m_beamTime;
00259   //std::cout << "timeFlight: " << timeFlight << std::endl;
00260   if (timeFlight < m_globalTime)
00261   {
00262     m_globalTime = timeFlight;
00263     m_trackIndex = trackIndex;
00264   }
00266   G4ThreeVector pDirection=hit->GetPDirection();
00267   G4double nx=pDirection.x();
00268   G4double ny=pDirection.y();
00269   G4double nz=pDirection.z();
00271   //phNConst=(Nph/MeV)*(QE)*(CE)*(1-cos(crit));
00272   //        =10000 * 0.2 * 0.6 * (1-cos(39.265))=270.931
00273   //asin(1/1.58) = 39.265248
00274   //only the light has theta=0---39.265 can go out to PMT, the probability is computed with solid angle
00275   //solid angle = phi*(1-cos(theta)), phi=2pi
00277   //Cpe2pmt=cathode area/scint area
00278   //peCorFac=correction factor for eff. of available Npe
00280   //G4double thetaProb = 1-sqrt(m_refIndex*m_refIndex-1)/m_refIndex;
00281   G4double thetaProb=1-cos( asin(1.43/m_refIndex));
00282   //G4double thetaProbEc = 1-1/m_refIndex;
00284   //number of photons generated in this step 
00285   G4double nMean, nPhoton;
00286   //std::cout << "0 BirksLaw(): " << std::endl;
00287   nMean = m_phNConst*BirksLaw(hit);
00288   G4int runId = m_RealizationSvc->getRunId();
00289   if( ( runId>=-11396 && runId<=-8093 ) || ( runId>-80000 && runId<=-23463 ) ) {
00290     nMean = 9000.0*BirksLaw(hit);
00291   }
00292   //std::cout << "1 BirksLaw(): " << std::endl;
00294   if(nMean>10)
00295   {
00296     G4double resolutionScale=1.;
00297     G4double sigma=resolutionScale*sqrt(nMean);
00298     nPhoton=G4int(G4RandGauss::shoot(nMean,sigma)+0.5);
00299   }
00300   else
00301     nPhoton=G4int(G4Poisson(nMean));
00302   //G4cout<<"nPhoton:"<<nPhoton<<G4endl;
00304   G4int NphStep;
00305   if (partId==1)
00306     NphStep=G4int(nPhoton*thetaProb*m_rAngle*m_QE*m_CE*m_peCorFac);
00307   //else
00308   //NphStep=G4int(edep*m_phNConstEc*m_Cpe2pmtEc*0.66*m_QEEc*m_CE*m_peCorFac);
00309   //introduce poission distribution of Npe
00310   //G4double Navr = NphStep;
00311   //G4double NpePoiss = G4double(G4Poisson(Navr));
00312   //G4double adcW_corr =5.0;
00313   //NphStep=G4int( (NpePoiss - Navr)*adcW_corr + Navr );
00315   if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00316     m_NphAllSteps +=  NphStep;
00317   //std::cout << "m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag(): " << m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag() << std::endl;
00319   G4double ddS, ddT;
00320   if (NphStep>0)
00321   {
00322     for (G4int i=0;i<NphStep;i++)
00323     {
00324       //uniform scintilation in each step
00325       ddS=stepL*G4UniformRand();
00326       ddT=deltaT*G4UniformRand();
00327       G4ThreeVector emtPos;
00328       emtPos.setX(pos.x() + nx*ddS);
00329       emtPos.setY(pos.y() + ny*ddS);
00330       emtPos.setZ(pos.z() + nz*ddS);
00332       //check scinillation light whether to hit the pmt or not
00333       //forb=0/1 for forward(z>0, east) and backward(z<0, west)
00334       G4double pathL=0;
00335       G4int forb;
00336       DirectPh(partId, emtPos, pathL, forb);
00339       //check if photon can reach PMT or not, after attenuation
00341       G4double ran = G4UniformRand();
00342       //G4double attenL = tofPara->GetAtten(scinNb);
00343       //G4double attenL = 10.*(m_tofCaliSvc->BAtten(scinNb))/0.75; // cm into mm
00344       G4double attenL = m_tofSimSvc->BarAttenLength(scinNb); 
00345       attenL = 10.*attenL/0.75; // cm into mm
00347       if (pathL>0 && exp(-pathL/attenL) > ran)
00348       {
00349         //propagation time in scintillator
00350         G4double scinSwim=pathL/cvelScint;
00351         //scintillation timing
00352         //G4double scinTime=GenPhoton(partId);
00353         G4double scinTime=Scintillation(partId);
00355         //PMT transit time
00356         G4double transitTime=TransitTime();
00357         //sum up all time components
00358         G4double endTime= timeFlight + ddT + scinSwim + scinTime + transitTime;
00359         //std::cout << "endtime: " << endTime << std::endl;
00361         if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00362         {
00363           //m_forb = forb;
00364           //m_timeFlight = timeFlight;
00365           //m_ddT = ddT;
00366           m_scinSwim = scinSwim;
00367           //m_scinTime = scinTime;
00368           //m_transitTime = transitTime;
00369           m_endTime = endTime;
00370           m_tupleTof3->write();
00371         }
00372         //store timing into binned buffer
00373         AccuSignal(endTime, forb);
00375         //update 1st and last timings here
00376         if (m_t1st[forb]>endTime)   m_t1st[forb] = endTime;
00377         if (m_tLast[forb]<endTime)  m_tLast[forb]= endTime;
00378       }
00379     }
00380   }
00381 }
00383 G4double BesTofDigitizerBrV2::BirksLaw(BesTofHit* hit)
00384 {
00385   const G4double kappa = 0.015*cm/MeV;
00386   const G4String brMaterial = "BC408";
00387   G4double dE = hit->GetEdep();
00388   //G4cout << "The edep is "<< dE << G4endl;
00389   G4double dX = hit->GetStepL();
00390   //G4Material* materiral = hit->GetMaterial();
00391   G4double charge = hit->GetCharge();
00392   G4double cor_dE = dE;
00393   //if((materiral->GetName()==brMaterial) && charge!=0.&& dX!=0.)
00394   if(charge!=0.&& dX!=0.)
00395   {
00396     cor_dE = dE/(1+kappa*dE/dX);
00397     //if(dE>20)
00398     //{
00399     //  G4cout << "\n dE > 20. Details are below:" << G4endl;
00400     //  G4cout << "dE/dx:" << dE/dX << G4endl;
00401     //  G4cout << "dE:" << dE << "; dX:" << dX << G4endl;
00402     //  G4cout << "It is BC408. cor_dE is " << cor_dE << G4endl;
00403     //  G4double ratio = cor_dE/dE;
00404     //  G4cout << "The ratio cor_dE/edep is "<< ratio << G4endl;
00405     //}
00406     //G4cout << "It is BC408. cor_dE is " << cor_dE << G4endl;
00407     //G4double ratio = cor_dE/dE;
00408     //G4cout << "The ratio cor_dE/edep is "<< ratio << G4endl;
00409   }
00410   return cor_dE;
00412 }
00414 G4double BesTofDigitizerBrV2::Reflectivity(G4double n1,G4double n2,G4double n3,G4double theta)
00415 {
00416   G4double I1,I2,I3,rp1,rs1,rp2,rs2,Rp1,Rs1,Rp2,Rs2,Rp,Rs;
00417   G4double R=1.0;
00418   //n1=m_refIndex;
00419   //n2=1.0;
00420   I1=theta;
00421   if(I1<asin(n2/n1))
00422   {
00423     I2=asin(sin(I1)*(n1/n2));
00424     rp1=(n1/cos(I1)-n2/cos(I2))/(n1/cos(I1)+n2/cos(I2));
00425     rs1=(n1*cos(I1)-n2*cos(I2))/(n1*cos(I1)+n2*cos(I2));
00426     Rp1=rp1*rp1;
00427     Rs1=rs1*rs1;
00429     I3=asin(sin(I1)*(n1/n3));
00430     rp2=(n2/cos(I2)-n3/cos(I3))/(n2/cos(I2)+n3/cos(I3));
00431     rs2=(n2*cos(I2)-n3*cos(I3))/(n2*cos(I2)+n3*cos(I3));
00432     Rp2=rp2*rp2;
00433     Rs2=rs2*rs2;
00434     Rp=(Rp1+Rp2-2*Rp1*Rp2)/(1-Rp1*Rp2);
00435     Rs=(Rs1+Rs2-2*Rs1*Rs2)/(1-Rs1*Rs2);
00436     R=(Rp+Rs)/2.;
00437   }
00438   return R;
00439 }
00442 G4double BesTofDigitizerBrV2::Reflectivity(G4double n1,G4double n2,G4double theta)
00443 {
00444   G4double I1,I2,rp,rs,Rp,Rs;
00445   G4double R=1.0;
00446   //n1=m_refIndex;
00447   //n2=1.0;
00448   I1=theta;
00449   if (I1<asin(n2/n1))
00450   {
00451     I2=asin(sin(I1)*(n1/n2));
00452     rp=(n1/cos(I1)-n2/cos(I2))/(n1/cos(I1)+n2/cos(I2));
00453     rs=(n1*cos(I1)-n2*cos(I2))/(n1*cos(I1)+n2*cos(I2));
00454     Rp=rp*rp;
00455     Rs=rs*rs;
00456     R=(Rp+Rs)/2.;
00457   }
00458   return R;
00459 }
00461 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::DirectPh(G4int partId, G4ThreeVector emtPos, G4double& pathL, G4int& forb)
00462 {
00463   //std::cout << "BesTofDigitizerBrV2::DirectPh()" << std::endl;
00464   const static G4double silicon_oil_index = 1.43; 
00465   const static G4double glass_index = 1.532;
00466   //generation photon have random direction
00467   //optical parameters of scintillation simulation
00468   G4double cos_span=1-cos( asin(silicon_oil_index/m_refIndex) );
00469   //G4double cos_spanEc = 1;
00470   G4double dcos, ran;
00471   ran=G4UniformRand();
00472   //assuming uniform phi distribution, simulate cos distr only
00473   dcos=cos_span*(ran*2.0-1.0);
00474   //G4double dcosEc = cos_spanEc*(ran*2.0-1.0);
00475   G4double r2=sqrt(emtPos.x()*emtPos.x()+emtPos.y()*emtPos.y());
00476   G4int nRef=0;
00477   G4double costheta,sintheta;
00478   G4double theta,thetaR; // thetaR is scin to air full ref angle. about 39.265 degree.
00479   costheta=dcos>0?(1-dcos):(1+dcos);
00480   theta=acos(costheta);
00481   sintheta=sin(theta);
00482   thetaR=asin(1/m_refIndex);
00483   G4double R1;
00484   R1=Reflectivity(m_refIndex,1.0,theta);
00485   G4double ratio1Mean=(CLHEP::pi)*25.5*25.5/(57.1+60.7)/25.0; //0.693657
00486   G4double ratio2Mean=(19.5/25.5)*(19.5/25.5); //0.584775
00487   G4double ratio1=G4RandGauss::shoot(ratio1Mean,0.015);
00488   G4double ratio2=G4RandGauss::shoot(ratio2Mean,0.015);
00489   G4double ratio3Mean=0.945*ratio1Mean*ratio2Mean;
00490   G4double ratio3=G4RandGauss::shoot(ratio3Mean,0.015);
00492   G4double R2=1-Reflectivity(m_refIndex,silicon_oil_index, glass_index, theta);
00493   if (dcos > 0 && dcos != 1)
00494   {
00495     if (theta < thetaR) // theta < 39.265 degree
00496     {
00497       if (G4UniformRand()<ratio1) //coup1
00498       {
00499         if (G4UniformRand()<R2)
00500         {
00501           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio2) //PMT 39mm
00502           {
00503             forb=0;
00504             pathL=(m_scinLength/2-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00505           }
00506         }
00507         else
00508         {
00509           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00510           {
00511             forb=1;
00512             pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00513           }
00514         }
00515       }
00516       else //Air
00517       {
00518         if (G4UniformRand()<R1)
00519         {
00520           G4double tempran=G4UniformRand();
00521           if (tempran<ratio3)
00522           {
00523             forb=1;
00524             pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00525           }
00526           else if (tempran>ratio1&&G4UniformRand()<R1&&G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00527           {
00528             forb=0;
00529             pathL=(2.5*m_scinLength-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00530           }
00531         }
00532       }
00533     }
00534     else  // 39.265 <= theta < 64.832
00535     {
00536       if (G4UniformRand()<ratio1) //coup1
00537       {
00538         if (G4UniformRand()<R2)
00539         {
00540           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio2) //PMT 39mm
00541           {
00542             forb=0;
00543             pathL=(m_scinLength/2-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00544           }
00545         }
00546         else
00547         {
00548           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00549           {
00550             forb=1;
00551             pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00552           }
00553         }
00554       }
00555       else //Air
00556       {
00557         G4double tempran=G4UniformRand();
00558         if (tempran<ratio3)
00559         {
00560           forb=1;
00561           pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00562         }
00563         else if (tempran>ratio1 && G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00564         {
00565           forb=0;
00566           pathL=(2.5*m_scinLength-emtPos.z())/costheta;
00567         }
00568       }
00569     }
00570   }
00571   else if (dcos < 0 && dcos != -1)
00572   {
00573     if (theta < thetaR) // theta < 39.265 degree
00574     {
00575       if (G4UniformRand()<ratio1) //coup1
00576       {
00577         if (G4UniformRand()<R2)
00578         {
00579           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio2) //PMT 39mm
00580           {
00581             forb=1;
00582             pathL=(m_scinLength/2+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00583           }
00584         }
00585         else
00586         {
00587           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00588           {
00589             forb=0;
00590             pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00591           }
00592         }
00593       }
00594       else //Air
00595       {
00596         if (G4UniformRand()<R1)
00597         {
00598           G4double tempran=G4UniformRand();
00599           if (tempran<ratio3)
00600           {
00601             forb=0;
00602             pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00603           }
00604           else if (tempran>ratio1&&G4UniformRand()<R1&&G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00605           {
00606             forb=1;
00607             pathL=(2.5*m_scinLength+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00608           }
00609         }
00610       }
00611     }
00612     else  // 39.265 <= theta < 64.832
00613     {
00614       if (G4UniformRand()<ratio1) //coup1
00615       {
00616         if (G4UniformRand()<R2)
00617         {
00618           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio2) //PMT 39mm
00619           {
00620             forb=1;
00621             pathL=(m_scinLength/2+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00622           }
00623         }
00624         else
00625         {
00626           if (G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00627           {
00628             forb=0;
00629             pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00630           }
00631         }
00632       }
00633       else //Air
00634       {
00635         G4double tempran=G4UniformRand();
00636         if (tempran<ratio3)
00637         {
00638           forb=0;
00639           pathL=(1.5*m_scinLength+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00640         }
00641         else if (tempran>ratio1 && G4UniformRand()<ratio3)
00642         {
00643           forb=1;
00644           pathL=(2.5*m_scinLength+emtPos.z())/costheta;
00645         }
00646       }
00647     }
00648   }
00650   G4double convFactor=180./3.1415926;
00651   if (theta>asin(1)-thetaR)
00652   {
00653     G4double alpha = G4UniformRand()*asin(1.);
00654     G4int nRef1 = pathL*sintheta*cos(alpha)/50.0+0.5;
00655     G4int nRef2 = pathL*sintheta*sin(alpha)/58.9+0.5;
00656     G4double beta1=acos(sintheta*cos(alpha));
00657     G4double beta2=acos(sintheta*sin(alpha));
00658     beta2 -= 3.75/convFactor;
00659     G4double R21,R22;
00660     R21=Reflectivity(m_refIndex,1.0,beta1);
00661     R22=Reflectivity(m_refIndex,1.0,beta2);
00662     for (G4int i=0;i<nRef1;i++)
00663     {
00664       if (G4UniformRand()<(1-R21) && G4UniformRand()<0.15)
00665         pathL=-9;
00666     }
00667     for (G4int i=0;i<nRef2;i++)
00668     {
00669       if (G4UniformRand()<(1-R22) && G4UniformRand()<0.15)
00670         pathL=-9;
00671     }
00672   }
00673 }
00676 //void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::DirectPh(G4int partId, G4ThreeVector emtPos, G4double& pathL, G4int& forb)
00677 //{
00678 //  //generation photon have random direction
00679 //  //optical parameters of scintillation simulation
00680 //  G4double cos_span=1-cos( asin(1./m_refIndex) );
00681 //  G4double dcos, ran;
00682 //  ran=G4UniformRand();
00683 //  //assuming uniform phi distribution, simulate cos distr only
00684 //  dcos=cos_span*(ran*2.0-1.0);
00685 //  if (dcos > 0.0&& dcos != 1)
00686 //  {
00687 //    forb=0;  //forward
00688 //    pathL=(m_scinLength/2-emtPos.z())/(1.0-dcos);
00689 //  }
00690 //  else if (dcos < 0 && dcos != -1)
00691 //  {
00692 //    forb=1;
00693 //    pathL=(m_scinLength/2+emtPos.z())/(1.0+dcos);
00694 //  }
00695 //}
00697 G4double BesTofDigitizerBrV2::Scintillation(G4int partId)
00698 {
00699   G4double tmp_tauRatio,tmp_tau1,tmp_tau2,tmp_tau3;
00700   tmp_tauRatio = m_tauRatio;
00701   tmp_tau1 = m_tau1;
00702   tmp_tau2 = m_tau2;
00703   tmp_tau3 = m_tau3;
00704   G4double UniformR = tmp_tauRatio/(1+tmp_tauRatio);
00705   G4double EmissionTime;
00706   if (G4UniformRand()>UniformR) {
00707     while (1) {
00708       EmissionTime = -tmp_tau2*log( G4UniformRand() );
00709       if (G4UniformRand()-exp(EmissionTime/tmp_tau2-EmissionTime/tmp_tau1)>1.E-8)
00710         break;
00711     }
00712   }
00713   else EmissionTime = -tmp_tau3*log( G4UniformRand() );
00714   return EmissionTime;
00715 }
00717 /*G4double BesTofDigitizerBrV2::GenPhoton(G4int partId)
00718   {
00719 //get scintilation time
00720 G4double scinTime;
00721 static G4double scinA[26000];
00722 G4double random[2];
00723 G4double inverseRegion, ran1, ran2, problive;
00724 static G4int istore=-1;
00725 if(istore<0)
00726 {
00727 istore=1;
00728 for(G4int i=0;i<26000;i++)
00729 scinA[i]=Scintillation( (i+1) *0.001 , partId);
00730 }
00731 while(1)
00732 {
00733 HepRandom::getTheEngine()->flatArray(2, random);
00734 inverseRegion=random[0]*2.00975218688231;
00735 ran1=-4.5*log(1-inverseRegion/(0.45*4.5));
00736 ran2=0.45*exp(-1.*ran1/4.5)*random[1];
00737 problive=scinA[G4int(ran1*1000)+1];
00738 if(problive>=ran2)
00739 { scinTime=ran1;  break; }
00740 }
00741 return scinTime;
00742 }*/
00744 G4double BesTofDigitizerBrV2::TransitTime()
00745 {
00746   //get time transit spread
00747   return G4RandGauss::shoot(m_ttsMean,m_ttsSigma);
00748 }
00750 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::AccuSignal(G4double endTime, G4int forb)
00751 {
00752   G4int ihst;
00753   ihst=G4int(endTime/m_timeBinSize);
00754   if (ihst>0 &&ihst<m_profBinN)
00755   {
00756     m_nPhot[ihst][forb]=m_nPhot[ihst][forb]+1;
00757     m_totalPhot[forb]=m_totalPhot[forb]+1;
00758   }
00759 }
00761 void BesTofDigitizerBrV2::TofPmtRspns(G4int scinNb)
00762 {
00763   //std::cout << "BesTofDigitizerBrV2::TofPmtRspns()" << std::endl;
00764   BesTofGeoParameter* tofPara = BesTofGeoParameter::GetInstance();
00765   //to generate PMT signal shape for single photoelectron.
00766   //only one time for a job.
00767   G4double snpe[m_snpeBinN][2];
00769   //Model: f(t)=Gain*mv_1pe* t**2 * exp-(t/tau)**2/normal-const
00770   //normalization const =sqrt(pi)*tau*tau*tau/4.0
00771   //G4double tau = m_riseTime;
00772   G4double norma_const;
00773   G4double echarge=1.6e-7;   //in unit of PC
00775   //time profile of pmt signals for Back and Forward PMT.
00776   G4double profPmt[m_profBinN][2];
00778   G4double t;
00779   G4double tau;
00780   G4int n1, n2, ii;
00781   G4int phtn;
00782   // forb = 0, east
00783   for (G4int i=0;i<m_snpeBinN;i++)
00784   {
00785     tau = tofPara->GetBrERiseTime(scinNb);
00786     norma_const = sqrt(CLHEP::pi)*tau*tau*tau/4.0;    //in unit of ns**3
00787     t = (i+1)*m_timeBinSize;
00788     snpe[i][0] = m_Ce*t*t*exp(- (t/tau) * (t/tau) )/norma_const;// Pulse of one single photoelectron
00789   }
00790   // forb = 1, west
00791   for (G4int i=0;i<m_snpeBinN;i++)
00792   {
00793     tau = tofPara->GetBrWRiseTime(scinNb);
00794     norma_const = sqrt(CLHEP::pi)*tau*tau*tau/4.0;    //in unit of ns**3
00795     t = (i+1)*m_timeBinSize;
00796     snpe[i][1] = m_Ce*t*t*exp(- (t/tau) * (t/tau) )/norma_const;
00797   }
00798   //for barrel and endcap tof: fb=2 or 1
00799   G4int fb=2;
00800   G4double Npoisson;
00801   G4double pmtGain0,pmtGain,relativeGain,smearPMTgain;
00802   G4double smearADC[2] = {0.,0.};
00803   G4int runId = m_RealizationSvc->getRunId();
00804   pmtGain0 = m_tofSimSvc->BarPMTGain();
00806 //  if(runId>=-80000 && runId<=-9484)
00807 //  {
00808 //    // After TOF HV adjustment, PMT Gain of barrel TOF in MC is set to 5.E5
00809 //    // High/Low Threshold for barrel: 500/125 mV
00810 //    pmtGain0 = 6.E5;
00811 //  }
00812 //  else
00813 //  {
00814 //    // Before TOF HV adjustment, PMT Gain of barrel TOF in MC is set to 2.5E5
00815 //    // High/Low Threshold for barrel: 600/150 mV
00816 //    pmtGain0 = 5.E5;
00817 //  }
00819   G4double timeSmear = G4RandGauss::shoot(0,0.020);
00820   if (runId>=-22913 && runId<=-20448) {//for 2011-psipp(20448-22913), smear barrel TOF resolution to ~78ps
00821      timeSmear = G4RandGauss::shoot(0,0.040);
00822   }
00823   else if( ( runId>=-11396 && runId<=-8093 ) || ( runId>-80000 && runId<=-23463 ) ) {
00824      timeSmear = G4RandGauss::shoot(0,0.025);
00825   }
00827   for (G4int j=0; j<fb; j++)
00828   {
00829     if (m_totalPhot[j] > 0)
00830     {
00831       n1=G4int(m_t1st[j]/m_timeBinSize);
00832       n2=G4int(m_tLast[j]/m_timeBinSize);
00833       //std::cout << "n1: " << n1 << std::endl;
00835       for (G4int i=0;i<m_profBinN;i++)
00836         profPmt[i][j]=0.0;
00838       //generate PMT pulse
00839       n2 = n2<m_profBinN ? n2:m_profBinN;
00840       for (G4int i=n1;i<n2;i++)
00841       {
00842         phtn=m_nPhot[i][j];
00843         if (phtn>0)
00844         {
00845           while(1) {
00846             Npoisson = G4Poisson(10.0);
00847             if(Npoisson>0.) break;
00848           }
00849           while(1) {
00850             //pmtGain = j ? tofPara->GetBrWPMTgain(scinNb) : tofPara->GetBrEPMTgain(scinNb);
00851             //relativeGain = j ? m_tofCaliSvc->BGainBackward(scinNb) : m_tofCaliSvc->BGainForward(scinNb);
00852             relativeGain = j ? m_tofSimSvc->BarGain2(scinNb) : m_tofSimSvc->BarGain1(scinNb);
00853             pmtGain = pmtGain0*relativeGain;
00854             smearPMTgain = G4RandGauss::shoot(pmtGain,pmtGain/sqrt(Npoisson));
00855             //smearPMTgain = pmtGain;
00856             if(smearPMTgain>0) break;
00857           }
00858           smearADC[j] += phtn*smearPMTgain;
00860           for (G4int ihst=0; ihst<m_snpeBinN; ihst++)
00861           {
00862             ii=i+ihst;
00863             if (ii<m_profBinN)
00864               profPmt[ii][j] += smearPMTgain*phtn*snpe[ihst][j];
00865             else
00866               break;
00867           }
00868         }
00869       }
00871       //add preamplifier and noise
00872       for (int i=0;i<m_profBinN;i++)
00873       {
00874         if (profPmt[i][j]>0)
00875           profPmt[i][j] = m_preGain*profPmt[i][j]+G4RandGauss::shoot(0,m_noiseSigma);
00876       }
00878       //get pulse height
00879       G4double max=0;
00880       for (int i=n1;i<m_profBinN;i++)
00881       {
00882         if (profPmt[i][j]>max)
00883           max=profPmt[i][j];
00884       }
00885       if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00886       {
00887         if (j==0)  m_max0=max;
00888         else      m_max1=max;
00889       }
00891       G4double tmp_HLthresh, tmp_LLthresh, adcFactor;
00892       G4double ratio;
00894       if(runId>=-80000 && runId<=-9484)
00895       {
00896         // After TOF HV adjustment, PMT Gain of barrel TOF in MC is set to 5.E5
00897         // High/Low Threshold for barrel: 500/125 mV
00898         tmp_HLthresh = m_HLthresh;
00899         tmp_LLthresh = m_LLthresh;
00900         adcFactor = 5.89;
00901       }
00902       else
00903       {
00904         // Before TOF HV adjustment, PMT Gain of barrel TOF in MC is set to 2.5E5
00905         // High/Low Threshold for barrel: 600/150 mV
00906         tmp_HLthresh = 600;
00907         tmp_LLthresh = 150;
00908         adcFactor = 4.8;
00909       }
00910 //      if(runId>=-80000 && runId<=-9484)
00911 //      {
00912 //        ratio=2.16*1923.8/2197.8;
00913 //      }
00914 //      else
00915 //      {
00916 //        ratio = 2.11*2437.0/3102.9;
00917 //      }
00918       tmp_HLthresh = m_tofSimSvc->BarHighThres();
00919       tmp_LLthresh = m_tofSimSvc->BarLowThres();
00920       ratio = m_tofSimSvc->BarConstant();
00922       //get final tdc and adc
00923       if (max>=tmp_HLthresh)
00924       {
00925         for (int i=0;i<m_profBinN;i++)
00926         {
00927           if ( profPmt[i][j] >= tmp_LLthresh )
00928           {
00929             m_TDC[j] = i*m_timeBinSize + timeSmear +G4RandGauss::shoot(0,0.025); // Adding Electronical Uncertainty of 25ps
00930 // hhliu 20140724, setting tdc-smear for inner and outer separately
00931             if( ( runId>=-11396 && runId<=-8093 ) || ( runId>-80000 && runId<=-23463 ) ) {
00932               if( scinNb<88 ) {
00933                 m_TDC[j] = i*m_timeBinSize + timeSmear +G4RandGauss::shoot(0,0.055);
00934               }
00935               else {
00936                 m_TDC[j] = i*m_timeBinSize + timeSmear +G4RandGauss::shoot(0,0.062);
00937               }
00938             }
00940             if( m_G4Svc->TofSaturationFlag())
00941             {
00942               //get ADC[j] using tofQElecSvc
00943               double x = m_preGain*smearADC[j]*echarge*ratio;
00944               if (j==0) 
00945               { 
00946                 m_ADC[j] = m_tofQElecSvc->BQChannel1(scinNb,x);
00947               }
00948               else 
00949               {
00950                 m_ADC[j] = m_tofQElecSvc->BQChannel2(scinNb,x);
00951               }
00952             }
00953             else
00954               m_ADC[j] = m_preGain*smearADC[j]*echarge*adcFactor;
00957             if (m_G4Svc->TofRootFlag())
00958             {
00959               if (j==0) {
00960                 m_tdc0 = m_TDC[0];
00961                 m_adc0 = m_ADC[0];
00962               }
00963               else     {
00964                 m_tdc1 = m_TDC[1];
00965                 m_adc1 = m_ADC[1];
00966               }
00967             }
00968             break;
00969           }
00970         }
00971       }
00972     }
00973   }
00974 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:31 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7