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00001 #ifndef ParticleID_ParticleID_H
00002 #define ParticleID_ParticleID_H
00004 //
00005 // ParticleID package: particle identification with combined info from
00006 //   dE/dx, TOF, TOFQ ,Muc and Emc system. 
00007 // 
00008 // How to Use: 
00009 //  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00010 //  ParticleID *pid = 0;
00011 //  for (int i = 0; i < ncharg; i++) {
00012 //      if(pid) delete pid;
00013 //      pid = new ParticleID(dstTrk);
00014 //      pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx() | pid->useTof1() | pid->useTof2() | ...);
00015 //      pid->identify(pid->onlyPionKaon()); // pid->onlyPionKaonProton(), etc
00016 //      pid->calculate();
00017 //      if(!(pid->IsPidInfoValid())) continue;
00018 //      // user's selections
00019 //  }
00020 //  if(pid) delete pid;
00021 //  -----------------------------------------
00022 //
00023 // Author: K.L.He & L.L. Wang & Gang.Qin    01/07/2007, created
00024 //
00026 #include "ParticleID/ParticleIDBase.h"
00027 #include "ParticleID/DedxPID.h"
00028 #include "ParticleID/TofPID.h"
00029 #include "ParticleID/TofEPID.h"
00030 #include "ParticleID/TofQPID.h"
00031 #include "ParticleID/TofCPID.h"
00032 #include "ParticleID/EmcPID.h"
00033 #include "ParticleID/MucPID.h"
00034 //#include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecTrack.h"
00036 class ParticleID : public ParticleIDBase{
00038  public:
00040   static ParticleID *instance();
00041   ~ParticleID();
00043   void init();
00044   //
00045   //  PID info from each sub system
00046   //
00047   //                 Is Pid subsys info Valid
00048   inline bool IsDedxInfoValid() const;
00049   inline bool IsTofInfoValid() const;
00050   inline bool IsTofEInfoValid() const;
00051   inline bool IsTofQInfoValid() const;
00052   inline bool IsTofCInfoValid() const;
00053   inline bool IsEmcInfoValid()  const;
00054   inline bool IsMucInfoValid()  const;
00055   //                 get subsys Chi 
00056   inline double chiDedx(int n) const;
00057   inline double chiTof(int n) const;
00058   inline double chiTof1(int n) const;
00059   inline double chiTof2(int n) const;
00060   inline double chiTofE(int n) const;
00061   inline double chiTofQ(int n) const;
00062   inline double chiTofC(int n) const;
00063   inline double chiEmc(int n) const;
00064   inline double chiMuc(int n) const;
00065   //                 get subsys Prob
00066   inline double probDedx(int n) const;
00067   inline double probTof(int n) const;
00068   inline double probTofE(int n) const;
00069   inline double probTofQ(int n) const;
00070   inline double probTofC(int n) const;
00071   inline double probEmc(int n)  const;
00072   inline double probMuc(int n)  const;
00073   //huangb add 
00074 //  get the subsys Pdf
00075   inline double pdfDedx(int n);
00076   inline double pdfTof(int n);
00077   inline double pdfTofE(int n);
00078   inline double pdfTofQ(int n);
00079   inline double pdfTofC(int n);
00080   inline double pdfEmc(int n);
00081   inline double pdfMuc(int n);  
00084   int getNhitCut() const {return m_nhitcut;}
00085   void setNhitCut(const int nhitcuth = 5) {m_nhitcut = nhitcuth;}
00087   // setMethod(methodProbability()); 
00088   // setMethod(methodLikelihood());
00089   // setMethod(methodNeuronNetwork());
00090   void setMethod(const int method) {m_method = (m_method | method);}
00091   // specify sub pid sys
00092   // accessed by  useDedx() | useTof1() | useTof2() | useTofE() | useTofQ() | useEmc()
00093   void usePidSys(const int pidsys) {m_pidsys = (m_pidsys | pidsys);}
00094   // identify pi/K   accessed by onlyPionKaon() or onlyPion() | onlyKaon()
00095   // identify pi/K/p accessed by onlyPionKaonProton()  or onlyPion() | onlyKaon() | onlyProton()
00096   // identify pi/K/e accessed by onlyPionKaonElectron()  or onlyPion() | onlyKaon() | onlyElectron()
00097   // identify pi/K/e/p  accessed by all() 
00098   // identify muon   accessed by onlyMuon() 
00099   void identify(const int pidcase) {m_pidcase = (m_pidcase | pidcase);}
00100   // Calculation
00101   void calculate();
00103   // output of ParticleID 
00105   inline bool IsPidInfoValid() const;
00106   double chi(int n) const {return m_chisq[n];}
00107   double prob(int n) const { return m_prob[n];}
00108   int ndof() const {return m_ndof;}
00109  // huangb add
00110   //---------------------------------------
00111   double pdf(int n) const { return m_pdf[n];}
00112   double lhf(int n) const {return m_likelihoodfraction[n];}
00114   double probElectron() const {return m_prob[0];}
00115   double probMuon() const {return m_prob[1];}
00116   double probPion() const {return m_prob[2];}
00117   double probKaon() const {return m_prob[3];}
00118   double probProton() const {return m_prob[4];}
00119   int discard() const {return m_discard;}
00120   //huangb add
00121   //-------------------------------------------------------
00122   double pdfElectron() const {return m_pdf[0];}
00123   double pdfMuon() const {return m_pdf[1];}
00124   double pdfPion() const {return m_pdf[2];}
00125   double pdfKaon() const {return m_pdf[3];}
00126   double pdfProton() const {return m_pdf[4];}
00127   // Neuron Network PID
00128 /*  int neuronPID() const {return m_neuronPid;}
00129   int neuronStat() const {return m_neuronStat;}
00130   double neuronVal() const {return m_neuronVal;}
00131   void setCutEm_mu(double cut1, double cut2) {m_cut_em_mu[0]=cut1; m_cut_em_mu[1]=cut2;} 
00133   void setNeuronPidCuts();
00134 */
00135   //tricks for nn
00136   //int neuronPID() const {return m_neuronPid;}
00137   int neuronStat() const {return IsPidInfoValid();}
00138   double neuronVal() const {
00139     if(lhf(0)>0.02) return 1.0;
00140     if(lhf(1)>0.02) return 8.5;
00141     if(lhf(2)>0.02) return 2.0;
00142     if(lhf(3)>0.02) return 4.0;
00143     if(lhf(4)>0.02) return 5.0;
00144     }
00145 //  void setCutEm_mu(double cut1, double cut2) {m_cut_em_mu[0]=cut1; m_cut_em_mu[1]=cut2;}
00147  protected:
00149   int particleIDCalculation();
00150   int LikelihoodCalculation();
00151   // Neuron Network PID
00152   int neuronPIDCalculation();
00153  private:
00155   bool IsDedxInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useDedx()) == useDedx());}
00156   bool IsTofInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useTof()) == useTof());}
00157   bool IsTof1InfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useTof1()) == useTof1());}
00158   bool IsTof2InfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useTof2()) == useTof2());}
00159   bool IsTofEInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useTofE()) == useTofE());}
00160   bool IsTofQInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useTofQ()) == useTofQ());}
00161   bool IsTofCInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useTofC()) == useTofC());}
00162   bool IsEmcInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useEmc()) == useEmc());}
00163   bool IsMucInfoUsed() const {return ((m_pidsys & useMuc()) == useMuc());}
00165  private:
00167   DedxPID* m_dedxpid;
00168   TofEPID* m_tofepid;
00169   TofPID* m_tofpid;
00170   TofQPID* m_tofqpid;
00171   TofCPID* m_tofcpid;
00172   EmcPID* m_emcpid;
00173   MucPID* m_mucpid;
00174   double m_chisq[5];
00175   double m_prob[5];
00176   //huangb add
00177  double m_pdf[5];
00178   double m_likelihoodfraction[5];
00179   double m_TotalLikelihood;
00181   int m_nhitcut;
00182   double m_chicut;
00183   int m_ndof;
00184   int m_pidsys;   
00185   int m_pidcase;   
00186   int m_method;
00187   int m_discard;  
00191  private:
00192   //constructor & desconstructor
00193   ParticleID();
00194   static ParticleID *m_pointer;
00196 };
00198 #include "ParticleID/ParticleID.icc"
00200 #endif

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