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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef DSTMDCTRACK_H
00002 #define DSTMDCTRACK_H
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/ObjectVector.h"
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/ContainedObject.h"
00005 #include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
00006 #include <vector>
00007 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h"
00008 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
00009 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
00010 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
00011 #include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
00014 //  backwards compatibility will be enabled ONLY in CLHEP 1.9
00015 typedef HepGeom::Point3D<double> HepPoint3D;
00016 #endif
00017 using namespace CLHEP;
00019 using namespace std;
00020 using namespace EventModel;
00021 extern const  CLID &CLID_DstMdcTrack;
00024 class DstMdcTrack  : virtual public ContainedObject 
00025 {
00026  public: 
00027   DstMdcTrack();
00028   DstMdcTrack(const DstMdcTrack&);
00029   DstMdcTrack& operator=(const DstMdcTrack&);
00030   virtual ~DstMdcTrack() {}
00031   virtual const CLID& clID()  const { return  DstMdcTrack::classID();}
00032   static  const CLID& classID()     { return CLID_DstMdcTrack; }
00036   const HepVector helix()  const;
00037   const HepSymMatrix err() const;
00038   const HepLorentzVector p4(const double mass) const;
00040   const HepPoint3D poca() const{     
00041     return m_poca3D;
00042   }
00043   const Hep3Vector p3()  const{
00044     return Hep3Vector(m_px,m_py,m_pz);
00045   }
00046   const HepPoint3D x3()  const{
00047     return HepPoint3D(m_x,m_y,m_z);
00048   } 
00050   const double  helix(const int i) const { return  m_helix[i]; } 
00051   const double  err(const int i)   const { return  m_err[i];   }
00052   const int     trackId()    const { return  m_trackId;  }
00053   const int     charge()     const { return  m_charge;   }
00054   const double  pxy()        const { return  m_pxy;  }
00055   const double  px()         const { return  m_px;   }
00056   const double  py()         const { return  m_py;   }
00057   const double  pz()         const { return  m_pz;   }
00058   const double  p()          const { return  m_p;    }
00059   const double  theta()      const { return  m_theta;}
00060   const double  phi()        const { return  m_phi;  }
00061   const double  x()          const { return  m_x;    }
00062   const double  y()          const { return  m_y;    }
00063   const double  z()          const { return  m_z;    }
00064   const double  r()          const { return  m_r;    }
00065   const int     stat()       const { return  m_stat; }
00066   const double  chi2()       const { return  m_chi2; }
00067   const int     ndof()       const { return  m_ndof; }
00068   const int     nster()      const { return  m_nster;}
00069   const int     firstLayer() const { return  m_firstLayer;}
00070   const int     lastLayer()  const { return  m_lastLayer; }
00073   // set functions
00074   void  setHelix(double helix[5]);
00075   void  setPoca(double poca[3]);
00076   void  setError( double err[15]);
00077   void  setHelix(const HepVector& a);
00078   void  setPoca(const HepPoint3D& poca);
00079   void  setError(const HepSymMatrix& Ea);
00081   void     setTrackId(const int trackId )      { m_trackId = trackId; }
00082   void     setCharge(const int  charge )       { m_charge = charge;} 
00083   void     setPxy(const double pxy)            { m_pxy  = pxy;    }     
00084   void     setPx (const double px)             { m_px   = px;     }
00085   void     setPy(const double py)              { m_py   = py;     }
00086   void     setPz(const double pz)              { m_pz   = pz;     }
00087   void     setP(const double p )               { m_p    = p;      }
00088   void     setTheta(const double theta)        { m_theta = theta; }
00089   void     setPhi(const double phi )           { m_phi  = phi;    }
00090   void     setX(const double x)                { m_x    = x;      }
00091   void     setY(const double y)                { m_y    = y;      }
00092   void     setZ(const double z)                { m_z = z; }
00093   void     setR(const double r)                { m_r = r; }
00094   void     setStat(const int stat)     { m_stat = stat;}
00095   void     setChi2(const double chi)   { m_chi2 = chi;}
00096   void     setNdof(const int ndof)     { m_ndof = ndof;}
00097   void     setNster(const int ns)      { m_nster = ns;}      
00098   void     setFirstLayer(const int id) { m_firstLayer = id;}
00099   void     setLastLayer(const int id)  { m_lastLayer = id;}
00102  protected: 
00103   int    m_trackId;    // Track ID wensp Add 2005-10-19        
00104   int    m_charge;     // charge of the track
00105   double m_helix[5];   // 5 track parameters 
00106   double m_err[15];    // Error  Matrix
00107   double m_poca[3];    // position of closest approach to origin 
00108   HepPoint3D m_poca3D;
00109   HepVector  m_a;
00110   HepSymMatrix m_Ea;
00111   int    m_stat;       // Track Fit Quality status flag
00112   double m_chi2;       // chisq of track fit
00113   int    m_ndof;       // degree of freedom    
00114   int    m_nster;      // number of  stereo hits contained
00115   int    m_firstLayer; // layer id of first hit in PR hits collection   
00116   int    m_lastLayer;  // layer id of last hit in PR hits collection
00117   double m_pxy;        // Track Momentum(GeV)
00118   double m_px;
00119   double m_py;
00120   double m_pz;
00121   double m_p;
00122   double m_theta;      // The Angles
00123   double m_phi;        // Need to config
00124   double m_x;          // The Coordinate of Track origin(m)
00125   double m_y;      
00126   double m_z;          
00127   double m_r;
00128 };
00130 typedef ObjectVector<DstMdcTrack> DstMdcTrackCol;
00132 #endif //DST_MDCTRACK_H

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