
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00002 #include "GaudiKernel/Property.h"
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartRef.h"
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00005 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00006 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00007 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataLocator.h"
00008 #include "EventModel/Event.h"
00009 #include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
00010 #include "TofRecEvent/RecBTofCalHit.h"
00011 #include "TofRecEvent/RecETofCalHit.h"
00012 #include "tofcalgsec/TofCalibManager.h"
00013 #include "tofcalgsec/TofCalib.h"
00014 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left.h"
00015 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right.h"
00016 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch0_3.h"
00017 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch1_3.h"
00018 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch2_3.h"
00019 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch3_3.h"
00020 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch0_3.h"
00021 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch1_3.h"
00022 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch2_3.h"
00023 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch3_3.h"
00024 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch0_3.h"
00025 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch1_3.h"
00026 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch2_3.h"
00027 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch3_3.h"
00028 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch0_3.h"
00029 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch1_3.h"
00030 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch2_3.h"
00031 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch3_3.h"
00032 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch0_4.h"
00033 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch1_4.h"
00034 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch2_4.h"
00035 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch3_4.h"
00036 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch0_4.h"
00037 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch1_4.h"
00038 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch2_4.h"
00039 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch3_4.h"
00040 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch0_4.h"
00041 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch1_4.h"
00042 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch2_4.h"
00043 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch3_4.h"
00044 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch0_4.h"
00045 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch1_4.h"
00046 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch2_4.h"
00047 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch3_4.h"
00048 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_atten.h"
00049 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_veff.h"
00050 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_endcap_left.h"
00051 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_endcap_veff.h"
00052 #include "tofcalgsec/TofCalibFit.h"
00053 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_q0.h"
00054 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_common.h"
00055 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_barrel_sigma.h"
00056 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_endcap_sigma.h"
00057 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_endcap_atten.h"
00058 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_etf_left.h"
00059 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_etf_right.h"
00060 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_etf_combine.h"
00061 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_mc_etf_left.h"
00062 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_mc_etf_right.h"
00063 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_mc_etf_combine.h"
00064 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_etf_veff.h"
00065 #include "tofcalgsec/calib_etf_bunch.h"
00066 #include "tofcalgsec/tofcalgsec.h"
00067 #include "TSystem.h"
00068 #include <stdlib.h>
00071 tofcalgsec::tofcalgsec(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
00072   //set default values
00073   m_calibItem="111111111";
00074   //declares
00075   declareProperty("Online",                m_online                );
00076   declareProperty("Calibration",           m_calibration           );
00077   declareProperty("WorkDir",               m_workdir               );
00078   declareProperty("InputDataDir",          m_datafile_dir          );
00079   declareProperty("InputDataFiles_Barrel", m_datafile_barrel       );
00080   declareProperty("InputDataFiles_Endcap", m_datafile_endcap       );
00081   declareProperty("InputDataFiles_Etf",    m_datafile_etf          );
00082   declareProperty("CalibItem",             m_calibItem             );
00083   declareProperty("TimeCorrelationZBin",   m_tcorrzbin = 23        );
00084   declareProperty("BarrelSigmaZBin",       m_barrelzbin = 5        );
00085   declareProperty("EndcapSigmaRBin",       m_endcaprbin = 5        );
00086   declareProperty("EndcapQRBin",           m_endcapQrbin = 5       );
00087 }
00090 StatusCode tofcalgsec::initialize(){
00092   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00093   log<<MSG::INFO<< "tofcalgsec::initialize()!" <<endreq;
00095   if( m_online ) {
00096     NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(),"TofCalib/btrk");
00097     NTuplePtr nt2(ntupleSvc(),"TofCalib/etrk");
00098     NTuplePtr nt3(ntupleSvc(),"TofCalib/etf");
00099     if ( nt1 || nt2 || nt3 ) {
00100       mtuple_barrel = nt1;
00101       mtuple_endcap = nt2;
00102       mtuple_etf    = nt3;
00103     }
00104     else {
00105       mtuple_barrel = ntupleSvc()->book("TofCalib/btrk",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"TofCalib");
00106       mtuple_endcap = ntupleSvc()->book("TofCalib/etrk",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"TofCalib");
00107       mtuple_etf    = ntupleSvc()->book("TofCalib/etf", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"TofCalib");
00109       if( mtuple_barrel ) {
00110         m_checkbarrel = new TofCalibCheck( mtuple_barrel );
00111       }
00112       else{
00113         log << MSG::ERROR <<"Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(mtuple_barrel) <<endmsg;
00114         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00115       }
00116       if( mtuple_endcap ) {
00117         m_checkendcap = new TofCalibCheck( mtuple_endcap );
00118       }
00119       else{
00120         log << MSG::ERROR <<"Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(mtuple_endcap) <<endmsg;
00121         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00122       }
00123       if( mtuple_etf ) {
00124         m_checketf = new TofCalibCheck( mtuple_etf );
00125       }
00126       else{
00127         log << MSG::ERROR <<"Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(mtuple_etf) <<endmsg;
00128         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00129       }
00130     }
00131   }
00132   else {
00133     m_calibration = true; // offline
00134   }
00136   if( !m_online || m_calibration ) {
00137     // check workdir
00138     std::cout<<" tofcalgsec checks your configurations ..."<<std::endl;
00139     void *pdir=0;
00140     if((pdir=gSystem->OpenDirectory(m_workdir.c_str()))==0){//dir exists?
00141       std::cerr<<"WorkDir "<<m_workdir<<" doesn't exist "<<std::endl;
00142       if(gSystem->MakeDirectory(m_workdir.c_str())==-1){//mkdir,fail to create?
00143         std::cerr<<" Fail to create directory : "<<m_workdir
00144                  <<" Specify  ./ as current work directory"<<std::endl;
00145         m_workdir="./";
00146       }
00147     }
00148     else{
00149       gSystem->FreeDirectory(pdir);
00150       pdir=0;
00151     }
00152   }
00154   if( !m_online ) {
00155     void *pdir=0;
00156     if( (pdir=gSystem->OpenDirectory(m_datafile_dir.c_str())) ) {
00157       FileStat_t fs;
00158       std::vector<string>::iterator it = m_datafile_barrel.begin();
00159       for( ; it!=m_datafile_barrel.end(); it++ ) {
00160         if( (*it).size()>0 ) {
00161           std::string thefile = (m_datafile_dir+"/"+(*it));
00162           if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(thefile.c_str(),fs)==0 ) {
00163             m_barrelfile.push_back(thefile);
00164           }
00165           else{
00166             std::cerr<<" File "<<thefile<<" doesn't exist! "<<std::endl;
00167           }
00168         }
00169       }
00170       it = m_datafile_endcap.begin();
00171       for( ; it!=m_datafile_endcap.end(); it++ ) {
00172         if( (*it).size()>0 ) {
00173           std::string thefile=(m_datafile_dir+"/"+(*it));
00174           if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(thefile.c_str(),fs)==0 ) {
00175             m_endcapfile.push_back(thefile);
00176           }
00177           else{
00178             std::cerr<<" File "<<thefile<<" doesn't exist! "<<std::endl;
00179           }
00180         }
00181       }
00182       it = m_datafile_etf.begin();
00183       for( ; it!=m_datafile_etf.end(); it++ ) {
00184         if( (*it).size()>0 ) {
00185           std::string thefile=(m_datafile_dir+"/"+(*it));
00186           if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(thefile.c_str(),fs)==0 ) {
00187             m_etffile.push_back(thefile);
00188           }
00189           else{
00190             std::cerr<<" File "<<thefile<<" doesn't exist! "<<std::endl;
00191           }
00192         }
00193       }
00194       gSystem->FreeDirectory(pdir);
00195       pdir=0;
00196     }
00197     else {
00198       std::cerr<<" Error : Please specify the InputDataDir which contains input data files for calibration "<<std::endl;
00199       exit(0);
00200     }
00201   }
00203   if( !m_online || m_calibration ) {
00204     std::cout<<"******************* Report of before Calibration ********************"<<std::endl
00205              <<"* WorkDir   = "<<m_workdir<<" [ results are save in this directory ]   "<<std::endl
00206              <<"* WorkMode  = "<<(m_online?"OnLine":"OffLine")<<" [ run alone or with other algorithms ] "<<std::endl
00207              <<"* CalibItem = "<<m_calibItem<<" [ which calibraions you perform ]"<<std::endl;
00208   }
00210   if( !m_online ) {
00211     std::cout <<"* ==> InputDataDir : "<<m_datafile_dir<<std::endl
00212               <<"*   ===>Files of Barrel : ";
00213     for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=m_barrelfile.begin(); it!=m_barrelfile.end(); it++ ) {
00214       std::cout << "'" << (*it) << "' ";
00215     }
00216     std::cout << std::endl
00217               <<"*   ===>Files of Endcap : ";
00218     for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=m_endcapfile.begin(); it!=m_endcapfile.end(); it++ ) {
00219       std::cout << "'" << (*it) << "' ";
00220     }
00221     std::cout << std::endl
00222               <<"*   ===>Files of Etf : ";
00223     for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=m_etffile.begin(); it!=m_etffile.end(); it++ ) {
00224       std::cout << "'" << (*it) << "' ";
00225     }
00226     std::cout << std::endl;
00227   }  
00228   std::cout<<"*********************************************************************"<<std::endl;
00230   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00231 }
00234 StatusCode tofcalgsec::beginRun(){
00235   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00236   log << MSG::INFO << "tofcalgsec::beginRun()" << endreq;
00237   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00238 }
00241 StatusCode tofcalgsec::execute(){
00242   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00243   log << MSG::INFO << "start "<<"tofcalgsec::execute()" << endreq;
00245   if( m_online ) {
00246     SmartDataPtr<RecBTofCalHitCol> bhitcol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecBTofCalHitCol");
00247     if( bhitcol ) {
00248       m_checkbarrel->FillBarrelCol( bhitcol );
00249       if( m_calibration ) {
00250         TofCalibManager* manager = TofCalibManager::getManager();
00251         manager->dataSet()->setBarrelData( bhitcol );
00252       }
00253     }
00254     else{
00255       //      log << MSG::ERROR << " Can't get /Event/Recon/RecBTofCalHitCol in TDS!" << endreq;
00256       //      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00257     }
00259     SmartDataPtr<RecETofCalHitCol> ehitcol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecETofCalHitCol");
00260     if( ehitcol ) {
00261       m_checkendcap->FillEndcapCol( ehitcol );
00262       if( m_calibration ) {
00263         TofCalibManager::getManager()->dataSet()->setEndcapData( ehitcol );
00264       }
00265     }
00266     else{
00267       //      log << MSG::ERROR << " Can't get /Event/Recon/RecETofCalHitCol in TDS!" <<endreq;
00268       //      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00269     }
00271     if( bhitcol ) {
00272       m_checketf->FillEtfCol( bhitcol );
00273       if( m_calibration ) {
00274         TofCalibManager::getManager()->dataSet()->setEtfData( bhitcol );
00275       }
00276     }
00277     else{
00278       //      log << MSG::ERROR << " Can't get /Event/Recon/RecBTofCalHitCol in TDS!" << endreq;
00279       //      return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00280     }
00282   }
00284   log << MSG::INFO << "end "<<"tofcalgsec::execute()" << endreq;
00285   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00286 }
00289 StatusCode tofcalgsec::endRun(){
00290   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00291   log << MSG::INFO << "tofcalgsec::endRun()" << endreq;
00292   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00293 }
00296 StatusCode tofcalgsec::finalize(){
00298   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00299   log << MSG::INFO << "tofcalgsec::finalize()" << endreq;
00301   if( m_online && !m_calibration ) {
00302     if( m_checkbarrel ) { delete m_checkbarrel; }
00303     if( m_checkendcap ) { delete m_checkendcap; }
00304     if( m_checketf )    { delete m_checketf;    }
00305     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00306   }
00308   TofCalibManager* manager = TofCalibManager::getManager();
00309   if( !m_online ) {
00310     if( m_barrelfile.empty() ) {
00311       std::cout << " No barrle data files are valid, exit " << std::endl;
00312       exit(0);
00313     }
00314     else {
00315       manager->dataSet()->setBarrelDataFiles( m_barrelfile );
00316     }
00317     if( m_endcapfile.empty() ) {
00318       std::cout << " No endcap data files are valid, exit " << std::endl;
00319       exit(0);
00320     }
00321     else {
00322       manager->dataSet()->setEndcapDataFiles( m_endcapfile );
00323     }
00324     if( m_etffile.empty() ) {
00325       std::cout << " No etf data files are valid, exit " << std::endl;
00326       exit(0);
00327     }
00328     else {
00329       manager->dataSet()->setEtfDataFiles( m_etffile );
00330     }
00331   }
00333   // barrel attenuation length calibration
00334   if( testbit(5) ) {
00335     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_atten(), 1  );
00336     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_q0(),    1  );
00337   }
00338   // barrel effective velocity calibration
00339   if( testbit(4) ) {
00340     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_veff(),  1  );
00341   }
00342   // barrel time calibration
00343   if( testbit(7) ) {
00344     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left(),  1  );
00345     if (testbit(8)){
00346        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch0_4(), true );
00347        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch1_4(), true );
00348        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch2_4(), true );
00349        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch3_4(), true );
00350        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch0_4(), true );
00351        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch1_4(), true );
00352        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch2_4(), true );
00353        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch3_4(), true );
00354     }
00355     if( !testbit(8) ) {
00356        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch0_3(), true );
00357        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch1_3(), true );
00358        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch2_3(), true );
00359        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset1_bunch3_3(), true );
00360        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch0_3(), true );
00361        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch1_3(), true );
00362        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch2_3(), true );
00363        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_left_offset2_bunch3_3(), true );
00364     }
00365     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right(), 1 );
00366     if( testbit(8) ) {
00367        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch0_4(), true );
00368        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch1_4(), true ); 
00369        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch2_4(), true );
00370        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch3_4(), true );
00371        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch0_4(), true );
00372        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch1_4(), true );
00373        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch2_4(), true );
00374        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch3_4(), true );
00375     }
00376     if( !testbit(8) ) {
00377        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch0_3(), true );
00378        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch1_3(), true );
00379        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch2_3(), true );
00380        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset1_bunch3_3(), true );
00381        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch0_3(), true );
00382        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch1_3(), true );
00383        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch2_3(), true );
00384        manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_right_offset2_bunch3_3(), true );
00385     } 
00386   }
00387   // barrel sigma calibration
00388   if( testbit(6) ) {
00389     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_common(m_tcorrzbin), true  );
00390     manager->addCalib( new calib_barrel_sigma(m_barrelzbin), true  );
00391   }
00393   // endcap attenuation length calibration
00394   if( testbit(1) ) {
00395     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_atten(m_endcapQrbin), false );
00396   }
00397   // endcap effective velocity calibration
00398   if( testbit(0) ) {
00399     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_veff(), false );
00400   }
00401   // endcap time calibration
00402   if( testbit(3) ) {
00403     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_left(), 0 );
00404   }
00405   // endcap sigma calibration
00406   if( testbit(2) ) {
00407     manager->addCalib( new calib_endcap_sigma(m_endcaprbin), false );
00408   }
00409   // etf effective velocity calibration
00410   if( testbit(9) ) {
00411     manager->addCalib( new calib_etf_veff(), 2 );
00412   }
00413   // monte carlo etf time calibration
00414   if( testbit(11) ) {
00415     manager->addCalib( new calib_mc_etf_combine(), 2 );
00416     manager->addCalib( new calib_mc_etf_left(), 2 );
00417     manager->addCalib( new calib_mc_etf_right(), 2 );
00418   }
00419   // etf time calibration
00420   if( testbit(10) ) {
00421     manager->addCalib( new calib_etf_combine(), 2 );
00422     manager->addCalib( new calib_etf_left(), 2 );
00423     manager->addCalib( new calib_etf_right(), 2 );
00424   }
00425   // etf bunch offset
00426   if( testbit(12) ) {
00427     manager->addCalib( new calib_etf_bunch(4), false );
00428   }
00430   manager->doCalibration();
00432   manager->fillTxt( m_workdir );
00433   manager->fillRoot( m_workdir );
00435   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00436 }
00439 tofcalgsec::~tofcalgsec() {}

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:36 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7