
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
00014 #include "eformat/eformat.h"
00015 #include "clocks/Clock.h"
00016 #include "clocks/Time.h"
00017 #include <iostream>
00018 #include <fstream>
00023 const size_t PAGE_SIZE = 8192; //8 kilobytes pages
00024 const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 4194304; //4 Megabytes
00029 int main (int argc, char** argv)
00030 {
00031   using namespace eformat;
00033   if ( argc != 2 ) {
00034     std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <test-file>"
00035               << std::endl;
00036     std::exit(1);
00037   }
00039   //time accounting
00040   double cpu_time_used = 0;
00041   double validation_cpu_time = 0;
00042   uint32_t info_read = 0;
00043   uint32_t dummy = 0;
00044   uint32_t robs_read = 0;
00045   uint32_t ros_counter = 0;
00046   uint32_t event_counter = 0;
00047   RealTimeClock my_clock;
00049   //open normally a file
00050   std::fstream in(argv[1], std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
00051   if (!in) {
00052     std::cerr << "File `" << argv[1] << "' does not exist?!" << std::endl;
00053     std::exit(1);
00054   }
00055   size_t offset = 0;
00057 #ifdef PAGED_MEMORY
00058     std::cout << "Working with paged storage with page size = " 
00059               << PAGE_SIZE << std::endl;
00060 #else
00061     std::cout << "Working with contiguous storage." << std::endl;
00062 #endif
00064   while (in && in.good() && ! in.eof()) {
00065     //soft check, so we don't mistake too often
00066     uint32_t data[2];
00067     in.read((char*)data, 8);
00068     if (!in.good() || in.eof()) break; // end-of-file 
00069     if (data[0] != eformat::FULL_EVENT) {
00070       //stop!
00071       std::cout << "Word at offset " << HEX(offset) << " is not "
00072                 << HEX(eformat::FULL_EVENT) << std::endl;
00073       std::exit(1);
00074     }
00076 #ifdef PAGED_MEMORY
00077     //data[1] is the fragment size, in words. Take it and read the fragment
00078     in.seekg(offset);
00079     //read the event into my pages
00080     size_t to_read = data[1]<<2;
00081     size_t page_counter = 0;
00082     //std::cout << "Loading page";
00083     uint32_t paged_event[BUFFER_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE][PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)];
00084     while (to_read > 0) {
00085       size_t readnow = (PAGE_SIZE>to_read)?to_read:PAGE_SIZE;
00086       in.read((char*)paged_event[page_counter], readnow);
00087       to_read -= readnow;
00088       ++page_counter;
00089       //std::cout << " " << page_counter;
00090     }
00091     //std::cout << ": ";
00092     struct iovec myvec[BUFFER_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE];
00093     for (size_t i=0; i<page_counter; ++i) {
00094       myvec[i].iov_base = paged_event[i];
00095       myvec[i].iov_len = PAGE_SIZE;
00096     }
00097     //correct last page
00098     myvec[page_counter-1].iov_len = data[1]<<2 - (page_counter-1)*PAGE_SIZE;
00099     eformat::PagedMemory<BUFFER_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE> mem(myvec, page_counter);
00100 #else
00101     in.seekg(offset);
00102     uint32_t event[BUFFER_SIZE/4];
00103     in.read((char*)event, data[1]<<2);
00104 #endif
00106     offset += data[1]<<2;
00108     try {
00109 #ifdef PAGED_MEMORY
00110       FullEventFragment<eformat::PagedMemory<BUFFER_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE>::
00111         const_iterator> fe(mem.begin());
00112       typedef eformat::PagedMemory<BUFFER_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE>::const_iterator
00113         pointer_t;
00114 #else
00115       FullEventFragment<const uint32_t*> fe(event);
00116       typedef const uint32_t* pointer_t;
00117 #endif
00119       fe.check_tree();
00120       ++event_counter;
00122       Time start = my_clock.time();
00124       //max SD's is well bellow 64
00125       pointer_t sdp[64];
00126       uint32_t nsd = fe.children(sdp, 64);
00127       for (size_t i=0; i<nsd; ++i) {
00128         SubDetectorFragment<pointer_t> sd(sdp[i]);
00129         //max ROS's in system is well bellow 256
00130         pointer_t rosp[256];
00131         uint32_t nros = sd.children(rosp, 256);
00132         for (size_t j=0; j<nros; ++j) {
00133           ROSFragment<pointer_t> ros(rosp[j]);
00134           ++ros_counter;
00135           //max number of ROB's is well bellow 2048
00136           pointer_t robp[2048];
00137           uint32_t nrob = ros.children(robp, 2048);
00138           for (size_t k=0; k<nrob; ++k) {
00139             ROBFragment<pointer_t> rob(robp[k]);
00140             dummy += rob.rod_lvl1_id(); //access
00141             ++info_read;
00142             ++robs_read;
00143           }
00144         }
00145       }
00147       Time end = my_clock.time();
00148       Time diff = end - start;
00149       cpu_time_used += diff.as_nanoseconds();
00150       start = my_clock.time();
00151       end = my_clock.time();
00152       diff = end - start;
00153       validation_cpu_time += diff.as_microseconds();
00155       //if check is ok, print the lvl1 identifier
00156       //std::cout << fe.lvl1_id() << "..";
00157     }
00159     catch (eformat::Issue& ex) {
00160       std::cerr << std::endl
00161                 << "Uncaught eformat exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
00162     }
00164     catch (ers::Issue& ex) {
00165       std::cerr << std::endl
00166                 << "Uncaught ERS exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
00167     }
00169     catch (std::exception& ex) {
00170       std::cerr << std::endl
00171                 << "Uncaught std exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
00172     }
00174     catch (...) {
00175       std::cerr << std::endl << "Uncaught unknown exception" << std::endl;
00176     }
00178   } 
00180   std::cout << " Statistics for ROB Header access:" << std::endl;
00181   std::cout << " ---------------------------------" << std::endl;
00182   std::cout << "  - Total reading time: " << cpu_time_used/1e6 << " milisecs"
00183             << std::endl;
00184   std::cout << "  - Reading time per Event ("
00185             << event_counter << "): " << cpu_time_used/(event_counter*1e3)
00186             << " usecs" << std::endl;
00187   std::cout << "  - Reading time per ROS ("
00188             << ros_counter << "): " << cpu_time_used/(ros_counter*1e3)
00189             << " usecs" << std::endl;
00190   std::cout << "  - Reading time per ROB ("
00191             << robs_read << "): " << cpu_time_used/(robs_read)
00192             << " nanosecs" << std::endl;
00193   std::cout << "  - Reading time per info ("
00194             << info_read << "): " << cpu_time_used/(info_read)
00195             << " nanosecs" << std::endl;
00196   std::cout << "  - Validation per event (after header access): " 
00197             << validation_cpu_time/(event_counter)
00198             << " microseconds" << std::endl;
00200   std::exit(0);
00201 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 22:58:24 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7