/home/bes3soft/bes3soft/Boss/7.0.2/dist/7.0.2/Mdc/DedxCalibAlg/DedxCalibAlg-00-01-15/share/shell/genRecEmupikp.py File Reference

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namespace  genRecEmupikp


tuple genRecEmupikp::rawpath = str(sys.argv[1])
tuple genRecEmupikp::nclu = int(sys.argv[2])
int genRecEmupikp::nclu = 50
tuple genRecEmupikp::dirname = str(sys.argv[3])
tuple genRecEmupikp::dirname = rawpath.split("/")
tuple genRecEmupikp::ptype = str(sys.argv[4])
int genRecEmupikp::ptype = 0
int genRecEmupikp::ptype = 1
int genRecEmupikp::ptype = 2
int genRecEmupikp::ptype = 4
int genRecEmupikp::range = 1
int genRecEmupikp::min = 20683
int genRecEmupikp::max = 23462
tuple genRecEmupikp::fileList = os.walk(rawpath)
int genRecEmupikp::count = 0
int genRecEmupikp::flag = 1
int genRecEmupikp::allcount = 0
int genRecEmupikp::allfilenum = 0
tuple genRecEmupikp::fileList = os.walk(rawpath)
list genRecEmupikp::rawlist = []
list genRecEmupikp::rawfile = filename[0]
tuple genRecEmupikp::num = (int)
int genRecEmupikp::count = 0
string genRecEmupikp::jobfilename = "jobOptions_rec_"
string genRecEmupikp::recfilename = "_"
string genRecEmupikp::dstfilename = "_"
string genRecEmupikp::rootfilename = "_"
tuple genRecEmupikp::jobfile = open(jobfilename,"w")
tuple genRecEmupikp::tempfile = open("tempfile.txt","r")
string genRecEmupikp::line = "#include \"$ROOTIOROOT/share/jobOptions_Rec2Root_data.txt\"\n"
string genRecEmupikp::line = "RawDataInputSvc.InputFiles={\n"
int genRecEmupikp::i = 0
tuple genRecEmupikp::listlen = len(rawlist)
string genRecEmupikp::line = "};\n"
string genRecEmupikp::line = "ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = -1;"
string genRecEmupikp::line = "NTupleSvc.Output = {\"FILE103 DATAFILE =\'"

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