
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //=====================================================
00002 // this script is used to convert result in text file//
00003 // to root files. it is based on files named that start
00004 // by "calib_barrel" .it means thest result from barrel.             //
00005 //=====================================================
00006 #include "TTree.h"
00007 #include "TFile.h"
00008 #include <assert.h>
00009 #include <iostream>
00010 #include <fstream>
00011 using namespace std;
00012 bool barrel_conv2root(){
00013   TTree* t1=new TTree("QElecBarParEast","barrel parameters of east end");
00014   TTree* t2=new TTree("QElecBarParWest","barrel parameters of west end");
00015   TTree* t3=new TTree("BarBoardNum","barrel electronics number");
00016   double p1[11]={0.};
00017   double p2[11]={0.};
00018   char brname[50]; //branch name
00019   char ptname[50]; //pattern name
00020   for(int i=0;i<11;i++){
00021     sprintf(brname,"P%d",i);
00022     sprintf(ptname,"p%d/D",i);
00023     t1->Branch(brname,&p1[i],ptname);
00024     t2->Branch(brname,&p2[i],ptname);
00025   }
00027   double num[4]={0.};
00028   sprintf(brname,"Board");
00029   sprintf(ptname,"board/D");
00030   t3->Branch(brname,&num[0],ptname);
00031   sprintf(brname,"Crate");
00032   sprintf(ptname,"crate/D");
00033   t3->Branch(brname,&num[1],ptname);
00034   sprintf(brname,"Fee");
00035   sprintf(ptname,"fee/D");
00036   t3->Branch(brname,&num[2],ptname);
00037   sprintf(brname,"Channel");
00038   sprintf(ptname,"channel/D");
00039   t3->Branch(brname,&num[3],ptname);
00041   const unsigned int N = 2;
00042   bool is_open[N]={false};
00043   ifstream infile[N];
00044   char inTxtFile[N][500]={"ElecBarEast.txt","ElecBarWest.txt"};
00045   for(int m=0;m<N;m++){
00046     infile[m].open(inTxtFile[m],ios::in);
00047     if(infile[m].good())
00048       is_open[m]=true;
00049     else
00050       std::cerr<<"file: "<<inTxtFile[N]<<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00051   }
00052   try{
00053     for(int k=0;k<176;k++){
00054       //------------set p-------------------------
00055       if(is_open[0]){
00056         for( unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++ ) {
00057           infile[0] >> num[j];
00058         }
00059         for( unsigned int j=0; j<9; j++ ) {
00060           infile[0] >> p1[j];
00061         }
00062       }
00063       t1->Fill();
00064       t3->Fill();
00065       if(is_open[1]){
00066         for( unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++ ) {
00067           infile[1] >> num[j];
00068         }
00069         for( unsigned int j=0; j<9; j++ ) {
00070           infile[1] >> p2[j];
00071         }
00072       }
00073       t2->Fill();
00074       t3->Fill();
00075     }
00076   }
00077   catch(...) {
00078     return false;
00079   }
00081   TFile f("BarTofQElecPar.root","RECREATE");
00082   t1->Write();
00083   t2->Write();
00084   t3->Write();
00085   f.Close();
00086   delete t1;
00087   delete t2;
00088   delete t3;
00089   t1=NULL;
00090   t2=NULL;
00091   t3=NULL;
00092   return true;
00093 }
00095 bool endcap_conv2root(){
00096   TTree* t1=new TTree("QElecEndPar","endcap parameters of east end");
00097   TTree* t2=new TTree("EndBoardNum","endcap electronics number");
00098   double p[11]={0.};
00099   char brname[50]; //branch name
00100   char ptname[50]; //pattern name
00101   for(int i=0;i<11;i++){
00102     sprintf(brname,"P%d",i);
00103     sprintf(ptname,"p%d/D",i);
00104     t1->Branch(brname,&p[i],ptname);
00105   }
00107   double num[4]={0.};
00108   sprintf(brname,"Board");
00109   sprintf(ptname,"board/D");
00110   t2->Branch(brname,&num[0],ptname);
00111   sprintf(brname,"Crate");
00112   sprintf(ptname,"crate/D");
00113   t2->Branch(brname,&num[1],ptname);
00114   sprintf(brname,"Fee");
00115   sprintf(ptname,"fee/D");
00116   t2->Branch(brname,&num[2],ptname);
00117   sprintf(brname,"Channel");
00118   sprintf(ptname,"channel/D");
00119   t2->Branch(brname,&num[3],ptname);
00121   bool is_open=false;
00122   ifstream infile;
00123   char inTxtFile[500]="ElecEndcap.txt";
00124   infile.open(inTxtFile,ios::in);
00125   if(infile.good())
00126     is_open=true;
00127   else
00128     std::cerr<<"file: "<<inTxtFile<<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00129   try{
00130     for(int k=0;k<96;k++){
00131       //------------set p-------------------------
00132       if(is_open){
00133         for( unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++ ) {
00134           infile >> num[j];
00135         }
00136         for( unsigned int j=0; j<9; j++ ) {
00137           infile >> p[j];
00138         }
00139       }
00140       t1->Fill();
00141       t2->Fill();
00142     }
00143   }
00144   catch(...) {
00145     return false;
00146   }
00148   TFile f("EndTofQElecPar.root","RECREATE");
00149   t1->Write();
00150   t2->Write();
00151   f.Close();
00152   delete t1;
00153   delete t2;
00154   t1=NULL;
00155   t2=NULL;
00156   return true;
00157 }
00160 bool sim_barrel_conv2root(){
00161   TTree* t1=new TTree("SimQElecBarParEast","barrel parameters of east end");
00162   TTree* t2=new TTree("SimQElecBarParWest","barrel parameters of west end");
00163   double p1[11]={0.};
00164   double p2[11]={0.};
00165   char brname[50]; //branch name
00166   char ptname[50]; //pattern name
00167   for(int i=0;i<11;i++){
00168     sprintf(brname,"P%d",i);
00169     sprintf(ptname,"p%d/D",i);
00170     t1->Branch(brname,&p1[i],ptname);
00171     t2->Branch(brname,&p2[i],ptname);
00172   }
00174   const unsigned int N = 2;
00175   bool is_open[N]={false};
00176   ifstream infile[N];
00177   char inTxtFile[N][500]={"ElecBarEast-Curve.txt","ElecBarWest-Curve.txt"};
00178   for(int m=0;m<N;m++){
00179     infile[m].open(inTxtFile[m],ios::in);
00180     if(infile[m].good())
00181       is_open[m]=true;
00182     else
00183       std::cerr<<"file: "<<inTxtFile[N]<<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00184   }
00185   try{
00186     for(int k=0;k<176;k++){
00187       //------------set p-------------------------
00188       if(is_open[0]){
00189         for( unsigned int j=0; j<11; j++ ) {
00190           infile[0] >> p1[j];
00191         }
00192       }
00193       if(is_open[1]){
00194         for( unsigned int j=0; j<11; j++ ) {
00195           infile[1] >> p2[j];
00196         }
00197       }
00198       t1->Fill();
00199       t2->Fill();
00200     }
00201   }
00202   catch(...) {
00203     return false;
00204   }
00206   TFile f("SimBarTofQElecPar.root","RECREATE");
00207   t1->Write();
00208   t2->Write();
00209   f.Close();
00210   delete t1;
00211   delete t2;
00212   t1=NULL;
00213   t2=NULL;
00214   return true;
00215 }
00217 bool sim_endcap_conv2root(){
00218   TTree* t=new TTree("SimQElecEndPar","endcap parameters of east end");
00219   double p[11]={0.};
00220   char brname[50]; //branch name
00221   char ptname[50]; //pattern name
00222   for(int i=0;i<11;i++){
00223     sprintf(brname,"P%d",i);
00224     sprintf(ptname,"p%d/D",i);
00225     t->Branch(brname,&p[i],ptname);
00226   }
00228   bool is_open=false;
00229   ifstream infile;
00230   char inTxtFile[500]="ElecEndcap-Curve.txt";
00231   infile.open(inTxtFile,ios::in);
00232   if(infile.good())
00233     is_open=true;
00234   else
00235     std::cerr<<"file: "<<inTxtFile<<" can't be found!"<<std::endl;
00236   try{
00237     for(int k=0;k<96;k++){
00238       //------------set p-------------------------
00239       if(is_open){
00240         for( unsigned int j=0; j<11; j++ ) {
00241           infile >> p[j];
00242         }
00243       }
00244       t->Fill();
00245     }
00246   }
00247   catch(...) {
00248     return false;
00249   }
00251   TFile f("SimEndTofQElecPar.root","RECREATE");
00252   t->Write();
00253   f.Close();
00254   delete t;
00255   t=NULL;
00256   return true;
00257 }
00260 bool join() {
00261   TFile f1("EndTofQElecPar.root");
00262   TTree* t11=(TTree*)f1.Get("QElecEndPar");
00263   if(0==t11) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :QElecEndPar in file EndTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00264   TTree* t12=(TTree*)f1.Get("EndBoardNum");
00265   if(0==t12) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :EndBoardNum in file EndTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00267   TFile f2("BarTofQElecPar.root");
00268   TTree* t21=(TTree*)f2.Get("QElecBarParEast");
00269   if(0==t21) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :QElecBarParEast in file BarTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00270   TTree* t22=(TTree*)f2.Get("QElecBarParWest");
00271   if(0==t22) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :QElecBarParWest in file BarTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00272   TTree* t23=(TTree*)f2.Get("BarBoardNum");
00273   if(0==t23) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :BarBoardNum in file BarTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00275   TFile f3("SimEndTofQElecPar.root");
00276   TTree* t31=(TTree*)f3.Get("SimQElecEndPar");
00277   if(0==t31) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :SimQElecEndPar in file SimEndTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00279   TFile f4("SimBarTofQElecPar.root");
00280   TTree* t41=(TTree*)f4.Get("SimQElecBarParEast");
00281   if(0==t41) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :SimQElecBarParEast in file SimBarTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00282   TTree* t42=(TTree*)f4.Get("SimQElecBarParWest");
00283   if(0==t42) { std::cerr<<" can't get tree :SimQElecBarParWest in file SimBarTofQElecPar.root"<<std::endl; return false;}
00285   TFile fnew("TofQElecConst.root","RECREATE");
00286   t11->Write();
00287   t12->Write();
00288   t21->Write();
00289   t22->Write();
00290   t23->Write();
00291   t31->Write();
00292   t41->Write();
00293   t42->Write();
00294   f1.Close();
00295   f2.Close();
00296   f3.Close();
00297   f4.Close();
00298   fnew.Close();
00299   t11=NULL;
00300   t12=NULL;
00301   t21=NULL;
00302   t22=NULL;
00303   t23=NULL;
00304   t31=NULL;
00305   t41=NULL;
00306   t42=NULL;
00307   return true;
00308 }
00310 bool main() {
00311   barrel_conv2root();
00312   endcap_conv2root();
00313   sim_barrel_conv2root();
00314   sim_endcap_conv2root();
00315   join();
00316 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:39 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7