incllambda Class Reference

#include <incllambda.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 incllambda (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()

Private Attributes

int m_pass [10]
double m_vr0cut
double m_vz0cut
int m_checkDedx
int m_checkTof
NTuple::Tuple * m_tuple1
NTuple::Item< double > m_np
NTuple::Item< double > m_npi
NTuple::Item< double > m_ctau
NTuple::Item< double > m_lxyz
NTuple::Item< double > m_elxyz
NTuple::Item< double > m_chis
NTuple::Item< double > m_lamRawMass
NTuple::Item< double > m_plam
ITHistSvc * m_thsvc

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file incllambda.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

incllambda::incllambda ( const std::string name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator 

Definition at line 61 of file incllambda.cxx.

References genRecEmupikp::i, m_checkDedx, m_checkTof, m_pass, m_tuple1, m_vr0cut, and m_vz0cut.

00061                                                                       :
00062   Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator) {
00064   m_tuple1 = 0;
00065   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) m_pass[i] = 0;
00067 //Declare the properties  
00068   declareProperty("Vr0cut", m_vr0cut=20.0);
00069   declareProperty("Vz0cut", m_vz0cut=50.0);
00070   declareProperty("CheckDedx", m_checkDedx = 1);
00071   declareProperty("CheckTof",  m_checkTof = 1);
00073 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode incllambda::execute (  ) 

Definition at line 126 of file incllambda.cxx.

References TrackPool::AddTrack(), VertexFit::AddVertex(), VertexFit::BuildVirtualParticle(), DstMdcKalTrack::charge(), DstMdcTrack::charge(), SecondVertexFit::chisq(), SecondVertexFit::ctau(), SecondVertexFit::decayLength(), SecondVertexFit::decayLengthError(), DstMdcKalTrack::err(), calibUtil::ERROR, EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecEvent, EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecTrackCol, SecondVertexFit::Fit(), VertexFit::Fit(), DstMdcKalTrack::helix(), genRecEmupikp::i, Bes_Common::INFO, SecondVertexFit::init(), VertexFit::init(), SecondVertexFit::instance(), VertexFit::instance(), ParticleID::instance(), m_chis, m_ctau, m_elxyz, m_lamRawMass, m_lxyz, m_np, m_npi, m_pass, m_plam, m_thsvc, m_tuple1, m_vr0cut, m_vz0cut, mlam, mp, mpi, msgSvc(), SecondVertexFit::p4par(), pid, DstMdcKalTrack::pion, DstMdcKalTrack::proton, DstMdcKalTrack::px(), DstMdcKalTrack::py(), DstMdcKalTrack::pz(), DstMdcTrack::r(), VertexParameter::setEvx(), DstMdcKalTrack::setPidType(), SecondVertexFit::setVpar(), VertexParameter::setVx(), VertexFit::vpar(), VertexFit::wVirtualTrack(), and DstMdcTrack::z().

00126                                {
00127   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;  
00129   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00130   log << MSG::INFO << "in execute()" << endreq;
00132   // DQA
00133   // Add the line below at the beginning of execute()
00134   //
00135   setFilterPassed(false);
00137   m_pass[0] += 1;
00139   SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");
00140   SmartDataPtr<EvtRecEvent> evtRecEvent(eventSvc(), EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecEvent);
00141   SmartDataPtr<EvtRecTrackCol> evtRecTrkCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::EvtRec::EvtRecTrackCol);
00143   Vint ilam, ip, ipi, iGood;
00144   iGood.clear();
00145   ilam.clear();
00146   ip.clear();
00147   ipi.clear();
00149   Vp4 ppi, pp;
00150   ppi.clear();
00151   pp.clear();
00153   int TotCharge = 0;
00154   for(int i = 0; i < evtRecEvent->totalCharged(); i++){
00155     EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk=evtRecTrkCol->begin() + i;
00156     if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcTrackValid()) continue;
00157     RecMdcTrack *mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcTrack();
00158     if(fabs(mdcTrk->z()) >= m_vz0cut) continue;
00159     if(mdcTrk->r() >= m_vr0cut) continue;
00160     iGood.push_back(i);
00161     TotCharge += mdcTrk->charge();
00162   }
00163   //
00164   // Finish Good Charged Track Selection
00165   //
00166     int nGood = iGood.size();
00168   //
00169   // Charge track number cut
00170   //
00172   if((nGood < 2) || (TotCharge!=0)) return sc;
00174  m_pass[1] += 1;
00175   //
00176   // Assign 4-momentum to each charged track
00177   //
00178   ParticleID *pid = ParticleID::instance();
00179   for(int i = 0; i < nGood; i++) {
00180     EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk = evtRecTrkCol->begin() + iGood[i];
00181     //    if(pid) delete pid;
00182     pid->init();
00183     pid->setMethod(pid->methodProbability());
00184     pid->setChiMinCut(4);
00185     pid->setRecTrack(*itTrk);
00186     pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx() | pid->useTof1() | pid->useTof2()); // use PID sub-system
00187     pid->identify(pid->onlyPion() | pid->onlyProton());  // seperater Pion/Kaon
00188     pid->calculate();
00189     if(!(pid->IsPidInfoValid())) continue;
00190 //    RecMdcTrack* mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcTrack();
00191     if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcKalTrackValid()) continue ;
00192     RecMdcKalTrack* mdcKalTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcKalTrack();
00194      if(mdcKalTrk->charge() == 0) continue; 
00196     if(pid->probPion() > 0.001 && (pid->probPion() > pid->probProton())){
00197       mdcKalTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::pion);
00198       ipi.push_back(iGood[i]);
00199       HepLorentzVector ptrk;
00200       ptrk.setPx(mdcKalTrk->px());
00201       ptrk.setPy(mdcKalTrk->py());
00202       ptrk.setPz(mdcKalTrk->pz());
00203       double p3 = ptrk.mag();
00204       ptrk.setE(sqrt(p3*p3+mpi*mpi));
00205       ppi.push_back(ptrk);
00206     }
00207     if(pid->probProton() > 0.001 && (pid->probProton() > pid->probPion())){
00208       mdcKalTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::proton);
00209       ip.push_back(iGood[i]);
00210       HepLorentzVector ptrk;
00211       ptrk.setPx(mdcKalTrk->px());
00212       ptrk.setPy(mdcKalTrk->py());
00213       ptrk.setPz(mdcKalTrk->pz());
00214       double p3 = ptrk.mag();
00215       ptrk.setE(sqrt(p3*p3+mp*mp));
00216       pp.push_back(ptrk);
00217     }
00218   }
00220   m_pass[2] += 1;
00222       int npi = ipi.size();
00223       int np = ip.size();
00224        m_npi = npi;
00225        m_np = np;
00226   if(npi < 1 || np <1) return sc;
00228   m_pass[3] += 1;
00229 //
00230 //****** Second Vertex Check************
00231 //
00232   double chi=999.;
00233   double delm;
00235   HepPoint3D vx(0., 0., 0.);
00236   HepSymMatrix Evx(3, 0);
00237   double bx = 1E+6;
00238   double by = 1E+6;
00239   double bz = 1E+6;
00240   Evx[0][0] = bx*bx;
00241   Evx[1][1] = by*by;
00242   Evx[2][2] = bz*bz;
00243   VertexParameter vxpar;
00244   vxpar.setVx(vx);
00245   vxpar.setEvx(Evx);
00247    int ipion=-1, iproton=-1;
00249   VertexFit *vtxfit0 = VertexFit::instance();
00250   SecondVertexFit *vtxfit = SecondVertexFit::instance();
00252   for(unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < ipi.size(); i1++) {
00253     RecMdcKalTrack *piTrk = (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+ipi[i1]))->mdcKalTrack();
00254      piTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::pion);
00255     WTrackParameter wpitrk(mpi, piTrk->helix(), piTrk->err());
00257     for(unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < ip.size(); i2++) {
00258       RecMdcKalTrack *protonTrk = (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+ip[i2]))->mdcKalTrack();
00259        protonTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::proton);
00260       WTrackParameter wptrk(mp, protonTrk->helix(), protonTrk->err());
00262        int NCharge = 0;
00263        NCharge =piTrk->charge() + protonTrk->charge();
00265 //      cout << "TotNcharge = " << NCharge << endl;
00267        if(NCharge != 0) continue;
00269       vtxfit0->init();
00270       vtxfit0->AddTrack(0, wpitrk);
00271       vtxfit0->AddTrack(1, wptrk);
00272       vtxfit0->AddVertex(0, vxpar, 0, 1);
00273       if(!(vtxfit0->Fit(0))) continue;
00274       vtxfit0->BuildVirtualParticle(0);
00276       vtxfit->init();
00277 //      vtxfit->setPrimaryVertex(bs);
00278       vtxfit->AddTrack(0, vtxfit0->wVirtualTrack(0));
00279       vtxfit->setVpar(vtxfit0->vpar(0));
00280       if(!vtxfit->Fit()) continue;
00282       //double mass = vtxfit->p4par().m();
00283       //if(mass < m_massRangeLower) continue;
00284       //if(mass > m_massRangeHigher) continue;
00285       if(vtxfit->chisq() > chi) continue;
00286 //       if(fabs((vtxfit->p4par()).m()-mlam) > delm) continue;
00287       delm = fabs((vtxfit->p4par()).m()-mlam);
00288       chi = vtxfit->chisq();
00289       ipion=ipi[i1];
00290       iproton=ip[i2];
00291     }
00292   }
00293 //
00294 //   Lammda check
00295 //
00296       if(ipion==-1 || iproton==-1) return sc;
00297   m_pass[4] += 1;
00299     RecMdcKalTrack *pionTrk = (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+ipion))->mdcKalTrack();
00300      pionTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::pion);
00301     WTrackParameter wpiontrk(mpi, pionTrk->helix(), pionTrk->err());
00303     RecMdcKalTrack *protonTrk = (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+iproton))->mdcKalTrack();
00304      protonTrk->setPidType(RecMdcKalTrack::proton);
00305     WTrackParameter wprotontrk(mp, protonTrk->helix(), protonTrk->err());
00306       vtxfit0->init();
00307       vtxfit0->AddTrack(0, wpiontrk);
00308       vtxfit0->AddTrack(1, wprotontrk);
00309       vtxfit0->AddVertex(0, vxpar, 0, 1);
00310       if(!(vtxfit0->Fit(0))) return sc;
00311       vtxfit0->BuildVirtualParticle(0);
00313       vtxfit->init();
00314 //      vtxfit->setPrimaryVertex(bs);
00315       vtxfit->AddTrack(0, vtxfit0->wVirtualTrack(0));
00316       vtxfit->setVpar(vtxfit0->vpar(0));
00317       if(!vtxfit->Fit()) return sc;
00319       m_lamRawMass = vtxfit->p4par().m();
00320       m_ctau = vtxfit->ctau();
00321       m_lxyz = vtxfit->decayLength();
00322       m_elxyz = vtxfit->decayLengthError();
00323       m_chis = vtxfit->chisq();
00324       m_plam = vtxfit->p4par().rho();
00326       if(m_lxyz>3.5){
00328     TH1 *h(0);
00329     if (m_thsvc->getHist("/DQAHist/InclLam/InclLam_mass", h).isSuccess()) {
00330         h->Fill(m_lamRawMass);
00331     } else {
00332         log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve incllam_mass" << endreq;
00333     }
00335         }
00336     m_tuple1->write();
00338 //DQA
00339 // set tag and quality
00340   // Pid: 1 - electron, 2 - muon, 3 - pion, 4 - kaon, 5 - proton
00341 //  (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+ipion))->setPartId(3);
00342 //  (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+iproton))->setPartId(5);
00343   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+ipion))->tagPion();
00344   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+iproton))->tagProton();
00345    // Quality: defined by whether dE/dx or TOF is used to identify particle
00346   // 0 - no dE/dx, no TOF (can be used for dE/dx and TOF calibration)
00347   // 1 - only dE/dx (can be used for TOF calibration)
00348   // 2 - only TOF (can be used for dE/dx calibration)
00349   // 3 - Both dE/dx and TOF
00350   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+ipion))->setQuality(1);
00351   (*(evtRecTrkCol->begin()+iproton))->setQuality(1);
00353 //--------------------------------------------------
00354   // Add the line below at the end of execute(), (before return)
00355   //
00356   setFilterPassed(true);
00358   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00359 }

StatusCode incllambda::finalize (  ) 

Definition at line 362 of file incllambda.cxx.

References Bes_Common::INFO, m_pass, and msgSvc().

00362                                 {
00364   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00365   log << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
00366   log << MSG::INFO << "Total Entries : " << m_pass[0] << endreq;
00367   log << MSG::INFO << "Qtot Cut : " << m_pass[1] << endreq;
00368   log << MSG::INFO << "Nks : " << m_pass[2] << endreq;
00369   log << MSG::INFO << "Good Ks cut : " << m_pass[3] << endreq;
00370   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00371 }

StatusCode incllambda::initialize (  ) 

Definition at line 76 of file incllambda.cxx.

References calibUtil::ERROR, Bes_Common::INFO, m_chis, m_ctau, m_elxyz, m_lamRawMass, m_lxyz, m_np, m_npi, m_plam, m_thsvc, m_tuple1, msgSvc(), and ntupleSvc().

00076                                  {
00077   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00079   log << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endmsg;
00081   StatusCode status;
00083  if(service("THistSvc", m_thsvc).isFailure()) {
00084     log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't get THistSvc" << endreq;
00085     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00086   }
00087   // "DQAHist" is fixed
00088   TH1F* incllambda_mass = new TH1F("InclLam_mass","INCLUSIVE_LAMBDA_MASS",150,1.11,1.125);
00089    incllambda_mass->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("M_{p#pi} (GeV)");
00090    incllambda_mass->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Nentries/0.1MeV/c^{2}");
00091   if(m_thsvc->regHist("/DQAHist/InclLam/InclLam_mass", incllambda_mass).isFailure()) {
00092       log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't register incllambda_mass" << endreq;
00093   }
00095 //*****************************************
00097     NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(), "DQAFILE/InclLam");
00098     if ( nt1 ) m_tuple1 = nt1;
00099     else {
00100      m_tuple1 = ntupleSvc()->book ("DQAFILE/InclLam", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "incllam Ntuple");
00101       if ( m_tuple1 )    {
00102         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("npi", m_npi);
00103         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("np", m_np);
00104         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("lxyz", m_lxyz);
00105         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("ctau", m_ctau);
00106         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("elxyz", m_elxyz);
00107         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("lamchi", m_chis);
00108         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("mlamraw", m_lamRawMass);
00109         status = m_tuple1->addItem ("plam", m_plam);
00110       }
00111       else    { 
00112         log << MSG::ERROR << "    Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple1) << endmsg;
00113         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00114       }
00115     }
00116   //
00117   //--------end of book--------
00118   //
00120   log << MSG::INFO << "successfully return from initialize()" <<endmsg;
00121   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00123 }

Member Data Documentation

int incllambda::m_checkDedx [private]

Definition at line 32 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by incllambda().

int incllambda::m_checkTof [private]

Definition at line 33 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by incllambda().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_chis [private]

Definition at line 42 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_ctau [private]

Definition at line 39 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_elxyz [private]

Definition at line 41 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_lamRawMass [private]

Definition at line 43 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_lxyz [private]

Definition at line 40 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_np [private]

Definition at line 37 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_npi [private]

Definition at line 38 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

int incllambda::m_pass[10] [private]

Definition at line 25 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), finalize(), and incllambda().

NTuple::Item<double> incllambda::m_plam [private]

Definition at line 44 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

ITHistSvc* incllambda::m_thsvc [private]

Definition at line 46 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

NTuple::Tuple* incllambda::m_tuple1 [private]

Definition at line 36 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), incllambda(), and initialize().

double incllambda::m_vr0cut [private]

Definition at line 28 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and incllambda().

double incllambda::m_vz0cut [private]

Definition at line 29 of file incllambda.h.

Referenced by execute(), and incllambda().

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:19:45 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7