TMDC Member List

This is the complete list of members for TMDC, including all inherited members.

_axialHitsTMDC [private]
_badHitsTMDC [private]
_cdcTMDC [private, static]
_cdcVersionTMDC [private]
_debugLevelTMDC [private]
_fudgeFactorTMDC [private]
_hitsTMDC [private]
_hitsMCTMDC [private]
_hitWiresTMDC [private]
_layersTMDC [private]
_newCdcTMDC [private]
_nLayersTMDC [private]
_nSuperLayersTMDC [private]
_nWiresTMDC [private]
_stereoHitsTMDC [private]
_superLayersTMDC [private]
_wiresTMDC [private]
axialHits(unsigned mask=0) const TMDC
axialStereoLayerId(const MdcGeoLayer *const)TMDC [static]
cdcVersion(void) const TMDC [inline]
clear(void)TMDC [virtual]
debugLevel(void) const TMDC [inline]
debugLevel(int)TMDC [inline]
driftDistance(TMLink &link, const TTrack &track, unsigned correctionFlag=0, float T0Offset=0.)TMDC [static]
dump(const std::string &message) const TMDC
TUpdater::dump(const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const TUpdater [private]
fudgeFactor(void) const TMDC [inline]
fudgeFactor(float)TMDC [inline]
getTMDC(const std::string &cdcVersion)TMDC [static]
getTMDC(void)TMDC [static]
hits(unsigned mask=0) const TMDC
hitsMC(void) const TMDC [inline]
initialize(void)TUpdater [inline, private, virtual]
initialized(void) const TUpdater [inline, private, virtual]
layer(unsigned id) const TMDC [inline]
layerId(unsigned wireId)TMDC [static]
layerId(const MdcGeoWire *const)TMDC [static]
layerId(unsigned axialStereo, unsigned axialStereoLayerId)TMDC [static]
localId(unsigned wireId)TMDC [static]
localId(const MdcGeoWire *const)TMDC [static]
localLayerId(unsigned wireId)TMDC [static]
localLayerId(const MdcGeoWire *const)TMDC [static]
localLayerId(const MdcGeoLayer *const)TMDC [static]
name(void) const TMDC
nLayers(void) const TMDC [inline]
nLocalLayer(unsigned superLayerId) const TMDC [inline]
nSuperLayers(void) const TMDC [inline]
nWires(void) const TMDC [inline]
phi(float phi)TMDC [inline, static]
stereoHits(unsigned mask=0) const TMDC
superLayer(unsigned id) const TMDC [inline]
superLayerId(unsigned wireId)TMDC [static]
superLayerId(const MdcGeoWire *const)TMDC [static]
superLayerId(const MdcGeoLayer *const)TMDC [static]
TMDC(const std::string &cdcVersion)TMDC [private]
TUpdater()TUpdater [private]
update(bool mcAnalysis=true)TMDC
TUpdater::update(void)TUpdater [private, virtual]
updated(void) const TUpdater [private, virtual]
version(void) const TMDC
wire(unsigned wireId) const TMDC [inline]
wire(unsigned layerId, int localId) const TMDC
wire(const HepPoint3D &point) const TMDC
wire(float r, float phi) const TMDC
wireName(unsigned wireId)TMDC [static]
wireName(const MdcGeoWire *const)TMDC [static]
wireName(const MdcRec_wirhit &)TMDC [static]
~TUpdater()TUpdater [private, virtual]

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