MdcLayer Member List

This is the complete list of members for MdcLayer, including all inherited members.

_cellHeightMdcLayer [private]
_delphiMdcLayer [private]
_existMdcLayer [private]
_layerMdcLayer [private]
_mdcDetMdcLayer [private]
_nwiresMdcLayer [private]
_phiOffsetMdcLayer [private]
_rendMdcLayer [private]
_rmidMdcLayer [private]
_stdipMdcLayer [private]
_stereoMdcLayer [private]
_viewMdcLayer [private]
_wiresMdcLayer [private]
_zendMdcLayer [private]
cellHeight(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
cellWidth(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
cellWidth(double z) const MdcLayer [inline]
dPhi(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
dPhiz(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
dPhizDC(double z) const MdcLayer [inline]
exist(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
getWire(int wire) const MdcLayer [inline]
layNum(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
makeHitTrajInGlobalCoords(int wire, double z=0) const MdcLayer
MdcLayer(int lay, int nwir, MdcSWire **wires, const MdcDetector &theDet)MdcLayer
nWires(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
phiEPOffset(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
phiOffset(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
phiWire(int cell) const MdcLayer
phiWireDC(int cell, double z) const MdcLayer
print(std::ostream &o) const MdcLayer
radiusDC(double z) const MdcLayer [inline]
rEnd(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
rIn(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
rMid(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
rOut(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
sag(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
setCellHeight(double height)MdcLayer [inline]
stDip(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
stereo(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
subLayer(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
superLayer(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
view(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
View(int v)MdcLayer [inline]
xWire(int cell) const MdcLayer
yWire(int cell) const MdcLayer
zEnd(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
zLength(void) const MdcLayer [inline]
~MdcLayer()MdcLayer [inline]

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