
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: TrkRep.cxx,v 1.3 2005/12/01 06:18:42 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //
00007 // Environment:
00008 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00009 //
00010 // Authors: Steve Schaffner
00011 //
00012 // Revision History (started 2002/05/22)
00013 //      20020522  M. Kelsey -- Remove assert() from resid(HOT*...).  Replace
00014 //                with sanity checks on HOT/Rep association and whether HOT
00015 //                has already-computed residual.  Return value used to
00016 //                flag sanity checks and "trustworthiness" of results.
00017 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 #include "MdcGeom/Constants.h"
00019 #include <assert.h>
00020 #include <algorithm>
00021 #include <iostream>
00022 #include "TrkBase/TrkRep.h"
00023 #include "MdcRecoUtil/Pdt.h"
00024 #include "MdcRecoUtil/PdtEntry.h"
00025 #include "TrkBase/TrkDifTraj.h"
00026 #include "TrkBase/TrkHotListFull.h"
00027 #include "TrkBase/TrkHotListEmpty.h"
00028 #include "TrkBase/TrkHitOnTrk.h"
00029 #include "TrkBase/TrkRecoTrk.h"
00030 #include "TrkBase/TrkFunctors.h"
00031 #include "TrkBase/TrkErrCode.h"
00032 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifPoint.h"
00033 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifVector.h"
00034 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifIndepPar.h"
00035 #include "ProbTools/ChisqConsistency.h"
00036 #include "ProxyDict/IfdIntKey.h"
00037 #include "TrkBase/TrkExchangePar.h"
00038 using std::cout;
00039 using std::endl;
00041 TrkRep::TrkRep(TrkRecoTrk* trk, PdtPid::PidType hypo,bool createHotList)
00042   : _hotList( createHotList?new TrkHotListFull:0 )
00043 {
00044   init(trk, hypo);
00045 }
00047 TrkRep::TrkRep(const TrkHotList& hotlist, TrkRecoTrk* trk,
00048                PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00049   :_hotList( hotlist.clone(TrkBase::Functors::cloneHot(this)) )
00050 {
00051   init(trk, hypo);
00052 }
00054 TrkRep::TrkRep(TrkHotList& hotlist, TrkRecoTrk* trk,
00055                PdtPid::PidType hypo, bool stealHots)
00056 {
00057   init(trk, hypo);
00058   if (!stealHots) {
00059     _hotList.reset( hotlist.clone(TrkBase::Functors::cloneHot(this)) );
00060   } else {
00061     _hotList.reset( new TrkHotListFull(hotlist,setParent(this)) );
00062   }
00063 }
00065 TrkRep::TrkRep(const TrkHotList* hotlist, TrkRecoTrk* trk,
00066                PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00067 {
00068         //yzhang SegGrouperAx::storePar newTrack come here
00069         //yzhang SegGrouperSt::storePar addZValue come here too and hotlist!=0 do clone()
00070   init(trk, hypo);
00071   _hotList.reset( hotlist!=0?
00072                   hotlist->clone(TrkBase::Functors::cloneHot(this)):
00073                   new TrkHotListFull );
00074 }
00076 TrkRep::TrkRep(TrkHotList* hotlist, TrkRecoTrk* trk,
00077                PdtPid::PidType hypo,bool takeownership)
00078 {
00079   init(trk, hypo);
00080   if (!takeownership) {
00081     _hotList.reset( hotlist!=0?
00082                     hotlist->clone(TrkBase::Functors::cloneHot(this)):
00083                     new TrkHotListFull );
00084   } else {
00085     assert(hotlist!=0);
00086     _hotList.reset( hotlist->resetParent(setParent(this)) );
00087   }
00088 }
00090 // Ctor for reps without hits
00091 TrkRep::TrkRep(TrkRecoTrk* trk, PdtPid::PidType hypo, int nact, int nsv,
00092                int ndc, double stFndRng, double endFndRng)
00093   :_hotList(new TrkHotListEmpty(nact, nsv, ndc, stFndRng, endFndRng))
00094 {
00095 //        cout << " in TrkRep copy ctor 1"   << endl;//yzhang debug
00097   init(trk, hypo);
00098 }
00100 // copy ctor
00101 TrkRep::TrkRep(const TrkRep& oldRep, TrkRecoTrk* trk, PdtPid::PidType hypo) :
00102   TrkFitStatus(oldRep)
00103 {
00104 //      cout << " in TrkRep copy ctor 2"   << endl;//yzhang debug
00106   init(trk, hypo);
00107   // Hots and hotlist have to be cloned in the derived classes
00108 }
00110 TrkRep&
00111 TrkRep::operator= (const TrkRep& right)
00112 {
00113   if(&right != this){
00114     init(right._parentTrack, right._partHypo);
00115     _hotList.reset( right._hotList->clone(this) );
00116     TrkFitStatus::operator=(right);
00117   }
00118   return *this;
00119 }
00121 void
00122 TrkRep::init(TrkRecoTrk* trk, PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00123 {
00124   _parentTrack = trk;
00125   _partHypo = hypo;
00126   _betainv = -999999.;
00127 }
00129 TrkRep::~TrkRep()
00130 {
00131 }
00133 bool
00134 TrkRep::operator== (const TrkRep& rhs)
00135 {
00136   return (&rhs == this);
00137 }
00139 void
00140 TrkRep::addHot(TrkHitOnTrk *newHot)
00141 {
00142   if (newHot->isActive()) setCurrent(false);
00143   hotList()->append(newHot);
00144 }
00146 void
00147 TrkRep::removeHot(TrkHitOnTrk *theHot)
00148 {
00149   if(theHot->isActive()) setCurrent(false);     // fit no longer current
00150   hotList()->remove(theHot);
00151 }
00153 void
00154 TrkRep::activateHot(TrkHitOnTrk* hot)
00155 {
00156   if(!hot->isActive()){
00157 // make sure this is my hot we're talking about
00158     if(this == hot->getParentRep()){
00159       setCurrent(false);
00160 // actually activate the hot; this is now the rep's job
00161       hot->setActive(true);
00162     }
00163   }
00164 }
00166 void
00167 TrkRep::deactivateHot(TrkHitOnTrk* hot)
00168 {
00169   if(hot->isActive()){
00170 // make sure this is my hot we're talking about
00171     if(this == hot->getParentRep()){
00172       setCurrent(false);
00173 // actually deactivate the hot; this is now the rep's job
00174       hot->setActive(false);
00175     }
00176   }
00177 }
00179 HepPoint3D
00180 TrkRep::position(double fltL) const
00181 {
00182   return traj().position(fltL);
00183 }
00185 Hep3Vector
00186 TrkRep::direction(double fltL) const
00187 {
00188   return traj().direction(fltL);
00189 }
00191 double
00192 TrkRep::arrivalTime(double fltL) const
00193 {
00194   static double cinv = 1./Constants::c;
00195   // Initialize cache
00196   if (_betainv < 0.0) {
00197     double mass2 = Pdt::lookup(particleType())->mass();
00198     mass2 = mass2 * mass2;
00199     double ptot2 = momentum(0.).mag2();
00200     assert(ptot2 != 0.0);
00201     _betainv = sqrt( (ptot2 +  mass2)/ ptot2);
00202   }
00203   double tof = fltL * _betainv * cinv;
00204   return trackT0() + tof;
00205 }
00207 double
00208 TrkRep::trackT0() const
00209 {
00210   return parentTrack()->trackT0();
00211 }
00213 BesPointErr
00214 TrkRep::positionErr(double fltL) const
00215 {
00216   static DifPoint posD;
00217   static DifVector dirD;
00218   traj().getDFInfo2(fltL, posD, dirD);
00219   HepMatrix err = posD.errorMatrix( posD.x.indepPar()->covariance() );
00220   HepPoint3D point(posD.x.number(), posD.y.number(), posD.z.number());
00221   BesError symErr(3);
00222   symErr.assign(err);
00224   if (false) {
00226     cout<< "ErrMsg(routine) " << "Pos " 
00227             << err.num_row() << " " << err.num_col() << endl
00228             << "output:" << endl
00229       //    << err(1,1) << endl
00230       //    << err(2,1) << "  " << err(2,2) << endl
00231       //    << err(3,1) << "  " << err(3,2) << "  " << err(3,3) << endl
00232                     << "x deriv: " << endl
00233                     << posD.x.derivatives() << endl
00234                     << "y deriv: " << endl
00235                     << posD.y.derivatives() << endl
00236                     << endl;
00237 #endif
00238     //  }
00240     Hep3Vector pointDir(point.x(), point.y());
00241     double dirMag = pointDir.mag();
00242     double dist = 5.e-3;
00243     double delx = dist * point.x() / dirMag;
00244     double dely = dist * point.y() / dirMag;
00245     int ierr = 0;
00246     HepMatrix weight = err.inverse(ierr);
00247     double chisq =     weight(1,1) * delx * delx +
00248       2 * weight(2,1) * delx * dely +
00249       weight(2,2) * dely * dely;
00250 #ifdef MDCPATREC_DEBUG
00251     cout << point << endl;
00252     cout << symErr << endl;
00253     cout << "delta: " << delx << "  " << dely << endl;
00254     cout << "chisq: " << chisq << endl;
00255 #endif
00256     double phi0 = helix(fltL).phi0();
00257     delx = dist * cos(phi0);
00258     dely = dist * sin(phi0);
00259     chisq =            weight(1,1) * delx * delx +
00260                    2 * weight(2,1) * delx * dely +
00261                        weight(2,2) * dely * dely;
00262 #ifdef MDCPATREC_DEBUG
00263     cout << "delta: " << delx << "  " << dely << endl;
00264     cout << "chisq: " << chisq << endl;
00265     cout << endl << endl;
00266 #endif
00267   }
00268   return BesPointErr(point, symErr);
00269 }
00271 BesVectorErr
00272 TrkRep::directionErr(double fltL) const
00273 {
00274   static DifPoint posD;
00275   static DifVector dirD;
00276   traj().getDFInfo2(fltL, posD, dirD);
00277   BesError symErr(3);
00278   symErr.assign( dirD.errorMatrix( dirD.x.indepPar()->covariance() ));
00279   Hep3Vector dir(dirD.x.number(), dirD.y.number(), dirD.z.number());
00280   return BesVectorErr(dir, symErr);
00281 }
00283 double
00284 TrkRep::startValidRange() const
00285 {
00286   return traj().lowRange();
00287 }
00289 double
00290 TrkRep::endValidRange() const
00291 {
00292   return traj().hiRange();
00293 }
00295 double
00296 TrkRep::startFoundRange() const
00297 {
00298   return hotList()->startFoundRange();
00299 }
00301 double
00302 TrkRep::endFoundRange() const
00303 {
00304   return hotList()->endFoundRange();
00305 }
00307 PdtPid::PidType
00308 TrkRep::particleType() const
00309 {
00310   return _partHypo;
00311 }
00313 const IfdKey&
00314 TrkRep::myKey() const
00315 {
00316   // This provides a default key (used to provide Rep-specific interfaces
00317   //   to TrkRecoTrk consumers).
00318   static IfdIntKey _theKey(0);
00319   return _theKey;
00320 }
00322 void
00323 TrkRep::updateHots()
00324 {
00325   setCurrent(false);
00326   hotList()->updateHots();
00327 }
00329 int
00330 TrkRep::nActive() const
00331 {
00332   return hotList()->nActive();
00333 }
00335 int
00336 TrkRep::nSvt() const
00337 {
00338   return hotList()->nSvt();
00339 }
00341 int
00342 TrkRep::nMdc() const
00343 {
00344   return hotList()->nMdc();
00345 }
00347 bool
00348 TrkRep::resid(const TrkHitOnTrk *h,
00349               double& residual, double& residErr,
00350               bool exclude) const
00351 {
00352   assert (h != 0);
00353   if (h->parentRep() != this) return false;     // HOT must belong to Rep
00354   if (!h->hasResidual()) return false;          // Residual must be available
00355   if (exclude) return false;                    // FIXME: Can't do unbiased residuals (yet!)
00357   residual=h->residual();
00358   residErr=h->hitRms();
00359   return true;
00360 }
00362 ChisqConsistency
00363 TrkRep::chisqConsistency() const {
00364   if(fitValid())
00365     return ChisqConsistency(chisq(),nDof());
00366   else
00367     return ChisqConsistency();
00368 }

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