
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // File and Version Information:
00002 //      $Id: TrkRecoTrk.cxx,v 1.9 2008/09/23 00:58:03 zhangy Exp $
00003 //
00004 // Description:
00005 //      implementation for TrkRecoTrk
00006 //
00007 //
00008 // Author List: Stephen Schaffner
00009 //
00010 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00011 #include <vector>
00012 #include <assert.h>
00013 #include <functional>
00014 #include <algorithm>
00015 #include "MdcGeom/Constants.h"
00016 #include "TrkBase/TrkRecoTrk.h"
00017 #include "TrkBase/TrkHitOnTrk.h"
00018 #include "TrkBase/TrkFundHit.h"
00019 #include "TrkBase/TrkDifTraj.h"
00020 #include "TrkBase/TrkExchangePar.h"
00021 #include "TrkBase/TrkErrCode.h"
00022 #include "TrkBase/TrkExtInterface.h"
00023 #include "TrkBase/TrkFitStatus.h"
00024 #include "TrkBase/TrkRepIter.h"
00025 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
00026 #include "MdcRecoUtil/Pdt.h"
00027 #include "MdcRecoUtil/BesPointErr.h"
00028 #include "MdcRecoUtil/BesVectorErr.h"
00029 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifPoint.h"
00030 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifVector.h"
00031 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifIndepPar.h"
00032 #include "TrkBase/TrkRep.h"
00033 #include "TrkBase/TrkContext.h"
00034 #include "MdcRecoUtil/PdtPid.h"
00035 #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
00036 #include "BField/BField.h"
00037 using std::ostream;
00040 class TrkRecoTrkImpl {
00041 public:
00042   friend class TrkRecoTrk;
00043 private:
00044   TrkRecoTrkImpl()
00045      : _reps(PdtPid::nPidType,boost::shared_ptr<TrkRep>((TrkRep *)0)),
00046        _hitInterfaces(PdtPid::nPidType,boost::shared_ptr<TrkHitList>((TrkHitList *)0))
00047   { }
00049   // the reps live here; owned by trk;
00050   // Pointers to the Reps, indexed by particle type; always has nPart entries,
00051   // which may point to as few as one single distinct Rep...
00052   typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TrkRep> > repList_t;
00053   typedef repList_t::const_iterator repConstIter;
00054   typedef repList_t::iterator repIter;
00055   repList_t  _reps;
00056   typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TrkHitList> > hitList_t;
00057   typedef hitList_t::iterator hitListIter;
00058   hitList_t _hitInterfaces;
00060 };
00062 TrkRecoTrk::TrkRecoTrk(PdtPid::PidType defaultPart, const TrkContext& ctext,
00063                        double t0) :
00064   _impl(new TrkRecoTrkImpl), 
00065   _id(ctext.getId()),
00066   _fitNumber(PdtPid::nPidType,(int)0),
00067   _defaultType(defaultPart),
00068   _trackT0(t0),
00069   _bField( ctext.bField() )
00070 {
00071   // No TrkRep is defined here; must be created in appropriate FitMaker.
00072   unsigned i=0;
00073   for (TrkRecoTrkImpl::hitListIter iface = _impl->_hitInterfaces.begin();
00074        iface!= _impl->_hitInterfaces.end(); ++iface) {
00075     iface->reset( new TrkHitList(this, (PdtPid::PidType)i++) );  //cast
00076   }
00077 }
00079 // persistence reconstitution.  This sets a nul value for BField and IdManager
00080 TrkRecoTrk::TrkRecoTrk(PdtPid::PidType defaultPart,long idnum,double t0) :
00081   _impl(new TrkRecoTrkImpl),
00082   _id(idnum,0),
00083   _fitNumber(PdtPid::nPidType,(int)0),
00084   _defaultType(defaultPart),
00085   _trackT0(t0),
00086   _bField(0)
00087 {
00088   // No TrkRep is defined here; must be created in appropriate FitMaker.
00089   unsigned i=0;
00090   for (TrkRecoTrkImpl::hitListIter iface = _impl->_hitInterfaces.begin();
00091        iface!= _impl->_hitInterfaces.end(); ++iface) {
00092     iface->reset( new TrkHitList(this, (PdtPid::PidType)i++) );  //cast
00093   }
00094 }
00096 //-- Copy constructor
00097 TrkRecoTrk::TrkRecoTrk(const TrkRecoTrk& rhs) :
00098   _impl(new TrkRecoTrkImpl),
00099   _id(rhs._id.idManager()),
00100   _fitNumber(PdtPid::nPidType,(int)0),
00101   _storage(rhs._storage),
00102   _trackT0( rhs._trackT0),
00103   _bField(rhs._bField)
00104 {
00105   _defaultType = rhs.defaultType();
00106   unsigned i=0;
00107   for (TrkRecoTrkImpl::hitListIter iface = _impl->_hitInterfaces.begin();
00108        iface!= _impl->_hitInterfaces.end(); ++iface) {
00109     iface->reset( new TrkHitList(this, (PdtPid::PidType)i++) );  //cast
00110   }
00111   copyReps(rhs);
00112 }
00114 TrkRecoTrk::~TrkRecoTrk()
00115 {
00116   delete _impl;
00117 }
00119 const TrkRecoTrk&
00120 TrkRecoTrk::operator=(const TrkRecoTrk &right)
00121 {
00122   if (&right == this) return *this;
00123   _trackT0 = right._trackT0;
00124   _defaultType = right.defaultType();
00125   copyReps(right);
00126   _bField = right._bField;
00127 //  AbsEvtObj::operator=(right);
00128   _id.setNewValue(right._id);
00129   _storage = right._storage;
00130   return *this;
00131 }
00133 const TrkId&
00134 TrkRecoTrk::id() const
00135 {
00136   return _id;
00137 }
00139 double
00140 TrkRecoTrk::trackT0() const
00141 {
00142   return _trackT0;
00143 }
00145 PdtPid::PidType
00146 TrkRecoTrk::whichFit(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00147 {
00148   if (_impl->_reps[hypo].get() == 0) {
00149     return hypo;
00150   }
00151 //  return _repPtr[hypo]->fitValid() ? _repPtr[hypo]->particleType()
00152 //                                   : PdtPid::null;
00153   return _impl->_reps[hypo]->particleType();
00154 }
00156 int
00157 TrkRecoTrk::fitNumber(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00158 {
00159   PdtPid::PidType used = whichFit(hypo);
00160   if (used == PdtPid::null) return -1;
00161   int index = used;
00162   return _fitNumber[index];
00163 }
00165 void
00166 TrkRecoTrk::print(ostream& ostr) const
00167 {
00168   ostr << "Trk: " << id() << " def: "
00169        << Pdt::lookup(defaultType())->name()
00170        << " fitNumber:" << fitNumber(defaultType());
00171   const TrkFit* daFit = fitResult();
00172   const TrkHitList* daList = hits();
00173   const TrkFitStatus* daStatus = status();
00174   if (daList != 0) {
00175     ostr << " nhit: " << daList->nHit();
00176   }
00177   if (daFit != 0) {
00178     ostr << " nactive: " << daFit->nActive() << " chisq: " << daFit->chisq();
00179   }
00180   if (daStatus != 0) {
00181     ostr << " 3-d: " << (daStatus->is2d() == 0);
00182   }
00183   ostr << " t0: " << _trackT0 << "\n";
00184   if (daFit != 0) {
00185     TrkExchangePar par = daFit->helix(0.);
00186     ostr << "phi0: " << par.phi0()
00187        << " om: "<< par.omega()
00188        << " d0: " << par.d0() << " z0: " << par.z0()
00189        << " ct: " << par.tanDip();
00190   }
00191   ostr << std::endl;
00192 }
00194 void
00195 TrkRecoTrk::printAll(ostream& ostr) const
00196 {
00197   //  This should be expanded to print other hypotheses as well
00198   ostr << "Trk: " << id() << " def: "
00199        << Pdt::lookup(defaultType())->name()
00200        << " fitNumber:" << fitNumber(defaultType());
00201   const TrkFit* daFit = fitResult();
00202   const TrkHitList* daList = hits();
00203   const TrkFitStatus* daStatus = status();
00204   if (daList != 0) {
00205     ostr << " nhit: " << daList->nHit();
00206   }
00207   if (daFit != 0) {
00208     ostr << " nactive: " << daFit->nActive() << " chisq: " << daFit->chisq();
00209   }
00210   if (daStatus != 0) {
00211     ostr << " 3-d: " << (daStatus->is2d() == 0);
00212   }
00213   ostr << " t0: " << _trackT0 << "\n";
00214   getRep(defaultType())->printAll(ostr);
00215   //  allReps();//yzhang debug
00216   ostr << std::endl;
00217 }
00219 TrkErrCode
00220 TrkRecoTrk::addFit(PdtPid::PidType hypo,bool fit)
00221 {
00222   // If there is no fit, create one.  If hypo points to a fit for a different
00223   //   particle type, create a fit of type hypo, and point at that.  Carry
00224   //   out the fit if needed.
00225   if (hits() == 0) {
00226     // Unfittable rep
00227     return TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail, 11,
00228                       "TrkRecoTrk::addFit(): cannot add a fit to this track.");
00229   }
00230   if (whichFit(hypo) == hypo) {
00231     return TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed, 11,
00232                       "TrkRecoTrk::addFit(): requested fit already exists.");
00233   }
00234   _impl->_reps[hypo].reset( _impl->_reps[defaultType()]->cloneNewHypo(hypo) );
00235   TrkErrCode fitErr(TrkErrCode::succeed, 1);
00236   if (fit && !_impl->_reps[hypo]->fitCurrent()) {
00237     fitErr = _impl->_reps[hypo]->fit();
00238   }
00239   ++_fitNumber[hypo];
00240   return fitErr;
00241 }
00243 void
00244 TrkRecoTrk::resetT0(double t)
00245 {
00246   _trackT0 = t;
00247   updateReps();
00248 }
00250 void
00251 TrkRecoTrk::updateReps()
00252 {
00253   std::pair<TrkRepIter,TrkRepIter> x = uniqueReps();
00254   std::for_each(x.first,x.second,std::mem_fun_ref(&TrkRep::updateHots));
00255   std::transform(_fitNumber.begin(),_fitNumber.end(),
00256                  _fitNumber.begin(),
00257                  std::bind2nd(std::plus<int>(),1));
00258 }
00260 bool
00261 TrkRecoTrk::operator==(const TrkRecoTrk &other) const
00262 {
00263   return _id == other._id;
00264 }
00266 bool
00267 TrkRecoTrk::operator<(const TrkRecoTrk &other) const
00268 {
00269   return _id < other._id;
00270 }
00272 //***********************
00273 // Protected functions
00274 //***********************
00276 TrkRep*
00277 TrkRecoTrk::getRep(PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00278 {
00279   assert(hypo>=PdtPid::electron && hypo<= PdtPid::proton);
00280   TrkRep* theRep = _impl->_reps[hypo].get();
00281 // insist the default rep exist
00282   if(hypo == defaultType())assert(0 != theRep);
00283   return theRep;
00284 }
00286 const TrkRep*
00287 TrkRecoTrk::getRep(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00288 {
00289   assert(hypo>=PdtPid::electron && hypo<= PdtPid::proton);
00290   const TrkRep* theRep = _impl->_reps[hypo].get();
00291   if(hypo == defaultType())assert(0 != theRep);
00292   return theRep;
00293 }
00295 void
00296 TrkRecoTrk::changeDefault(PdtPid::PidType newHypo)
00297 {
00298   if (newHypo == defaultType()) return;
00299   assert(whichFit(newHypo) != PdtPid::null);
00301   TrkHotList *oldList = getRep(defaultType())->hotList();
00302   std::for_each(oldList->begin(),
00303                 oldList->end(),
00304                 std::mem_fun_ref(&TrkHitOnTrk::setUnusedHit));
00305   assert(getRep(newHypo) != 0);
00306   TrkHotList *newList= getRep(newHypo)->hotList();
00307   std::for_each(newList->begin(),
00308                 newList->end(),
00309                 std::mem_fun_ref(&TrkHitOnTrk::setUsedHit));
00310   _defaultType = newHypo;
00311 }
00313 void
00314 TrkRecoTrk::copyReps(const TrkRecoTrk& rhs)
00315 {
00316   TrkRecoTrkImpl::repIter lhs = _impl->_reps.begin();
00317   for (TrkRecoTrkImpl::repIter i=rhs._impl->_reps.begin();i!=rhs._impl->_reps.end();++i,++lhs) {
00318       TrkRecoTrkImpl::repIter j=std::find(rhs._impl->_reps.begin(),i,*i);
00319       if (j==i) { // first time this one is seen
00320           lhs->reset( (*i)->clone(this) );
00321           (*lhs)->setValid((*i)->fitValid());
00322           (*lhs)->setCurrent((*i)->fitCurrent());
00323       } else {
00324           *lhs = *(_impl->_reps.begin()+(j-rhs._impl->_reps.begin()));
00325       }
00326   }
00327   assert(_fitNumber.size()==rhs._fitNumber.size());
00328   std::copy(rhs._fitNumber.begin(),rhs._fitNumber.end(),_fitNumber.begin());
00329 }
00331 void
00332 TrkRecoTrk::setRep(TrkRep* r)
00333 {
00334   // Sets the default rep to be r, clears out other reps., and sets
00335   //  non-default rep ptrs to point at default.  Increments all fit numbers.
00336   std::fill(_impl->_reps.begin(),_impl->_reps.end(),boost::shared_ptr<TrkRep>(r));
00337   std::transform(_fitNumber.begin(),_fitNumber.end(),
00338                  _fitNumber.begin(),
00339                  std::bind2nd(std::plus<int>(),1));
00340 }
00342 void
00343 TrkRecoTrk::repointHypo(PdtPid::PidType hypo, PdtPid::PidType fit)
00344 {
00345   // Do we have to do anything?
00346   if (fit == hypo || getRep(fit) == getRep(hypo)) return;
00348   if (hypo == defaultType()) {
00349     std::cout << "ErrMsg(error) "<<
00350       "TrkRecoTrk: can't make default hypothesis point at different fit"
00351                   << std::endl;
00352     return;
00353   }
00354   _impl->_reps[hypo] = _impl->_reps[fit];
00355 }
00357 bool
00358 TrkRecoTrk::attach(TrkExtInterface& interface, PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00359 {
00360   const TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00361   return rp!=0?interface.attach(rp):0;
00362 }
00365 bool
00366 TrkRecoTrk::attach(TrkExtInterface& interface, PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00367 {
00368   TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00369   return rp!=0?interface.attach(rp):0;
00370 }
00372 TrkHitList*
00373 TrkRecoTrk::hits(PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00374 {
00375   const TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00376   return rp==0?0:_impl->_hitInterfaces[hypo].get();
00377 }
00379 const TrkHitList*
00380 TrkRecoTrk::hits(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00381 {
00382   const TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00383   return rp==0?0:_impl->_hitInterfaces[hypo].get();
00384 }
00386 const TrkFit*
00387 TrkRecoTrk::fitResult() const
00388 {
00389   return fitResult(defaultType());
00390 }
00392 const TrkFit*
00393 TrkRecoTrk::fitResult(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00394 {
00395   const TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00396   return rp==0?0:(rp->fitValid()?rp:0);
00397 }
00399 const TrkFitStatus*
00400 TrkRecoTrk::status() const
00401 {
00402   return status(defaultType());
00403 }
00405 const TrkFitStatus*
00406 TrkRecoTrk::status(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00407 {
00408   return getRep(hypo);
00409 }
00411 TrkFitStatus*
00412 TrkRecoTrk::status()
00413 {
00414   return status(defaultType());
00415 }
00417 TrkFitStatus*
00418 TrkRecoTrk::status(PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00419 {
00420   return getRep(hypo);
00421 }
00423 void
00424 TrkRecoTrk::setFitNumber(PdtPid::PidType hypo, int newNumber)
00425 {
00426   _fitNumber[hypo] = newNumber;
00427 }
00429 void
00430 TrkRecoTrk::addHypoTo(TrkRep* newRep, PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00431 {
00432   _impl->_reps[hypo].reset( newRep );
00433 }
00435 void
00436 TrkRecoTrk::setIdManager(TrkIdManager* idMan)
00437 {
00438   _id.setIdManager(idMan);
00439 }
00441 ostream&
00442 operator<<(ostream& os, const TrkRecoTrk& tk)
00443 {
00444   tk.print(os);
00445   return os;
00446 }
00448 void
00449 TrkRecoTrk::setBField(const BField* field)
00450 {
00451   _bField = field;
00452 }
00454 void
00455 TrkRecoTrk::markForStore(PdtPid::PidType hypo,double fltlen,
00456                          const char* listname) {
00457 // first, translate to the real hypo
00458   PdtPid::PidType realhypo = whichFit(hypo);
00459 // Then, make sure this hypo has a valid fit
00460   if(getRep(realhypo)!= 0 && getRep(realhypo)->fitValid())
00461 // add an entry in the toStore list (if it's unique)
00462     _storage[std::string(listname)].insert(TrkStoreHypo(realhypo,fltlen));
00463   else
00464 // It's an error to try to store invalid fits
00465     std::cout<<"ErrMsg(error) "<< "Invalid fits cannot be marked for storage" << std::endl;
00466 }
00468 const std::set<TrkStoreHypo>&
00469 TrkRecoTrk::storageRequests(const char* listname) const {
00470   static std::set<TrkStoreHypo> empty; // empty set to return if list doesn't exist
00471   std::map<std::string,std::set<TrkStoreHypo> >::const_iterator foundit =
00472     _storage.find(std::string(listname));
00473   if(foundit != _storage.end())
00474     return foundit->second;
00475   else
00476     return empty;
00477 }
00479 void
00480 TrkRecoTrk::clearStorageRequests(const char* listname) {
00481   _storage[std::string(listname)].clear();
00482 }
00484 void
00485 TrkRecoTrk::storageLists(std::set<std::string>& storage) const {
00486   // clear the output set
00487   storage.clear();
00488   // iterate over all the storage requests
00489   std::map<std::string,std::set<TrkStoreHypo> >::const_iterator miter = _storage.begin();
00490   while(miter != _storage.end()){
00491     storage.insert(miter->first);
00492     miter++;
00493   }
00494 }
00496 TrkHotList*
00497 TrkRecoTrk::hots(PdtPid::PidType hypo)
00498 {
00499   TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00500   return rp==0?0:rp->hotList();
00501 }
00503 const TrkHotList*
00504 TrkRecoTrk::hots(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const
00505 {
00506   const TrkRep* rp = getRep(hypo);
00507   return rp==0?0:rp->hotList();
00508 }
00510 std::pair<TrkRepIter,TrkRepIter>
00511 TrkRecoTrk::allReps() const
00512 {
00513   typedef std::vector<TrkRep*> RPL;
00514   boost::shared_ptr<RPL> x( new RPL );
00515   //std::cout << " TrkRecoTrk::allReps" << std::endl;//yzhang debug
00517   for (TrkRecoTrkImpl::repConstIter i=_impl->_reps.begin();i!=_impl->_reps.end();++i) {
00518           x->push_back(i->get());
00519           /*
00520           i->get()->printType(std::cout);//yzhang debug
00521           i->get()->printAll(std::cout);//yzhang debug
00522           */
00523   }
00524   //std::cout << "------ " << std::endl;//yzhang debug
00525   return std::make_pair(TrkRepIter(x,0),TrkRepIter(x,x->size()));
00526 }
00528 std::pair<TrkRepIter,TrkRepIter>
00529 TrkRecoTrk::uniqueReps() const
00530 {
00531   typedef std::vector<TrkRep*> RPL;
00532   boost::shared_ptr<RPL> x( new RPL );
00533   for (TrkRecoTrkImpl::repConstIter i=_impl->_reps.begin();i!=_impl->_reps.end();++i) {
00534      if (std::find(x->begin(),x->end(),i->get())==x->end()) x->push_back(i->get());
00536   }
00537   return std::make_pair(TrkRepIter(x,0),TrkRepIter(x,x->size()));
00538 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:13:41 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7