
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: TrkDifPieceTraj.cxx,v 1.4 2010/03/25 09:56:26 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 //  Description:
00006 //  Differential form of the Piecewise compound trajectory base class.
00007 //
00008 // Copyright Information:
00009 //      Copyright (C) 1996      Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
00010 //
00011 //  Authors: Dave Brown, 3/17/97
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 #include "TrkBase/TrkDifPieceTraj.h"
00014 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h"
00015 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
00016 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
00017 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifPoint.h"
00018 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifVector.h"
00019 #include "TrkBase/TrkPoca.h"
00020 #include "TrkBase/TrkErrCode.h"
00021 #include <iostream>
00022 #include "MdcRecoUtil/BesCollectionUtils.h"
00023 using namespace std;
00025 static const double STEPEPSILON = 1.0e-6; // .1 micron step
00026 static const double _TOL = 1.0e-5; // poca tolerance
00027 //
00028 //  Size the vectors to a reasonable number of terms
00029 //
00030 TrkDifPieceTraj::TrkDifPieceTraj(const TrkSimpTraj& seed,const double lowlim,const double hilim) :
00031   TrkDifTraj(lowlim,hilim), _lastIndex(-1)
00032 {
00033   // _localtraj.reserve(16); _globalrange.reserve(16);
00034   _localtraj.push_back((TrkSimpTraj*)seed.clone());
00035   assert(lowlim < hilim);
00036   _globalrange.push_back(lowlim);
00037   _globalrange.push_back(hilim);
00038 // don't assume the local trajectory has the same range, but do respect it's starting point
00039   double locrange[2];
00040   locrange[0] = seed.lowRange();
00041   locrange[1] = hilim-lowlim+locrange[0];
00042   _localtraj.front()->setFlightRange(locrange);
00043 }
00045 TrkDifPieceTraj::TrkDifPieceTraj(TrkSimpTraj* seed,const double lowlim,const double hilim) :
00046   TrkDifTraj(lowlim,hilim), _lastIndex(-1)
00047 {
00048   // _localtraj.reserve(16); _globalrange.reserve(16);
00049   assert(lowlim < hilim);
00050   _globalrange.push_back(lowlim);
00051   _globalrange.push_back(hilim);
00052 // don't assume the local trajectory has the same range, but do respect it's starting point
00053   double locrange[2];
00054   locrange[0] = seed->lowRange();
00055   locrange[1] = hilim-lowlim+locrange[0];
00056   seed->setFlightRange(locrange);
00057   _localtraj.push_back(seed);
00058 }
00060 //
00061 TrkDifPieceTraj::TrkDifPieceTraj(const TrkDifPieceTraj& other) :
00062   TrkDifTraj(other.lowRange(),other.hiRange()),
00063   _globalrange(other._globalrange),
00064   _lastIndex(other._lastIndex)
00065 {
00066 //
00067 // deep-copy all the trajectory pieces
00068 //
00069   // _localtraj.reserve(other._localtraj.size());
00070   typedef std::deque<TrkSimpTraj *>::const_iterator iter_t;
00071   iter_t end = other._localtraj.end();
00072   for(iter_t i=other._localtraj.begin();i!=end; ++i)
00073     _localtraj.push_back( (TrkSimpTraj*) (*i)->clone());
00074 }
00076 TrkDifPieceTraj::TrkDifPieceTraj(const std::vector<TrkSimpTraj*>& trajs)
00077 {
00078   // _localtraj.reserve(trajs.size());_globalrange.reserve(trajs.size()+1);
00079 // intialize
00080   TrkSimpTraj* prevtraj(0);
00081   for(std::vector<TrkSimpTraj*>::const_iterator itraj=trajs.begin();itraj!=trajs.end();++itraj){
00082     TrkSimpTraj* newtraj = (*itraj)->clone();
00083     assert(newtraj != 0);
00084     if(prevtraj != 0){
00085 // Hopefully the trajs are in order
00086       TrkErrCode add;
00087       double gap;
00088       if(newtraj->lowRange() > prevtraj->lowRange())
00089         add = append(newtraj,gap);
00090       else
00091         add = prepend(newtraj,gap);
00092       if(add.failure()){
00094         std::cout<<"ErrMsg(warning) "
00095                 << "construction from vector of trajs failed"
00096                 << add << std::endl;
00097 #endif
00098         delete newtraj;
00099         break;
00100       }
00101     } else {
00102 // Initial global flightlength is defined by the first trajectory
00103       _localtraj.push_back(newtraj);
00104       _globalrange.push_back(newtraj->lowRange());
00105       _globalrange.push_back(newtraj->hiRange());
00106 // set the global range
00107       flightrange[0] = _globalrange.front();
00108       flightrange[1] = _globalrange.back();
00109     }
00110     prevtraj = _localtraj[itraj-trajs.begin()];
00111   }
00112 }
00114 TrkDifPieceTraj::~TrkDifPieceTraj()
00115 {
00116   std::for_each(_localtraj.begin(),
00117                 _localtraj.end(),
00118                 bes::Collection::DeleteObject());
00119 }
00121 void
00122 TrkDifPieceTraj::getDFInfo(double flightdist, DifPoint& pos, DifVector& direction,
00123                            DifVector& delDirect) const
00124 {
00125 //
00126 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then give the local position
00127 //
00128   double localflight(0.0);
00129   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00130   loctraj->getDFInfo(localflight,pos,direction,delDirect);
00131 }
00133 void
00134 TrkDifPieceTraj::getDFInfo2(double flightdist, DifPoint& pos,
00135                             DifVector& direction) const
00136 {
00137 //
00138 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then give the local position
00139 //
00140   double localflight(0.0);
00141   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00142   loctraj->getDFInfo2(localflight,pos,direction);
00143 }
00144 //- assignment operator
00145 TrkDifPieceTraj&
00146 TrkDifPieceTraj::operator =(const TrkDifPieceTraj& other)
00147 {
00148   if (&other == this) return *this;
00149   flightrange[0] = other.flightrange[0];
00150   flightrange[1] = other.flightrange[1];
00151   _globalrange = other._globalrange;
00152 //
00153 // deep-copy all the trajectory pieces
00154 //
00155   std::for_each(_localtraj.begin(),_localtraj.end(),bes::Collection::DeleteObject());
00156   _localtraj.clear(); // _localtraj.reserve(other._localtraj.size());
00157   typedef std::deque<TrkSimpTraj*>::const_iterator iter_t;
00158   for(iter_t i=other._localtraj.begin();i!=other._localtraj.end();++i)
00159     _localtraj.push_back((*i)->clone());
00160   return *this;
00161 }
00162 //  Append a new trajectory at a given global flight length.  This makes a linear
00163 //  interpolation to set the range of the new trajectory to match the position
00164 //  of the existing last piece.
00165 //
00166 const TrkErrCode&
00167 TrkDifPieceTraj::append(double glen,TrkSimpTraj* nexttraj,double& gap)
00168 {
00169   static TrkErrCode retval;
00170   retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed);
00171 // simple range checks
00172   if(glen >= lowRange()){
00173 // resize the end if necessary
00174     int nremoved = resize(glen,trkOut);
00175     if(nremoved > 0) {
00177       std::cout<<"ErrMsg(warning)" << "append removed "
00178               << nremoved << " old trajectories" << std::endl;
00179 #endif
00180     }
00181 //  Compute POCA for this trajectory to the point at the end of the existing trajectory
00182     HepPoint3D endpoint = position(glen);
00183     HepPoint3D newend = nexttraj->position(nexttraj->lowRange());
00184     gap = newend.distance(endpoint);
00185     double range[2];
00186     range[0] = nexttraj->lowRange();
00187     range[1] = nexttraj->hiRange();
00188     double delta = max(hiRange() - glen,range[1]-range[0]);
00189     if(gap > _TOL){ // Don't invoke POCA if the point is too close
00190       TrkPoca endpoca(*nexttraj,nexttraj->lowRange(),endpoint,_TOL);
00191       if(endpoca.status().failure()){
00192         retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00193         return retval;
00194       }
00195       range[0] = endpoca.flt1();
00196       gap = endpoca.doca();
00197     }
00198 // make sure the global range stays at least as long as before
00199     range[1] = range[0] + delta;
00200 // resize it
00201     nexttraj->setFlightRange(range);
00202 // append the trajectory
00203     _localtraj.push_back(nexttraj);
00204 // append the new global range
00205     _globalrange.push_back(glen+delta);
00206     flightrange[1] = glen+delta;
00207   } else
00208     retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,6," cannot append before minimum flight range");
00209   return retval;
00210 }
00211 // similair code for prepending
00212 const TrkErrCode&
00213 TrkDifPieceTraj::prepend(double glen,TrkSimpTraj* nexttraj,double& gap)
00214 {
00215   static TrkErrCode retval;
00216   retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed);
00217 // simple range checks
00218   if(glen <= hiRange()){
00219 // resize
00220     int nremoved = resize(glen,trkIn);
00221     if(nremoved > 0) {
00223       std::cout<<"ErrMsg(warning) "<<  " prepend removed "
00224               << nremoved << " old trajectories" << std::endl;
00225 #endif
00226     }
00227 //  Compute POCA for this trajectory to the point at the end of the existing trajectory
00228     HepPoint3D endpoint = position(glen);
00229     HepPoint3D newend = nexttraj->position(nexttraj->hiRange());
00230     gap = newend.distance(endpoint);
00231     double range[2];
00232     range[0] = nexttraj->lowRange();
00233     range[1] = nexttraj->hiRange();
00234     double delta = max(glen -lowRange(),range[1]-range[0]);
00235     if(gap > _TOL){ // Don't invoke POCA if the point is too close
00236       TrkPoca endpoca(*nexttraj,nexttraj->hiRange(),endpoint,_TOL);
00237       if(endpoca.status().failure()){
00238         retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00239         return retval;
00240       }
00241       range[1] = endpoca.flt1();
00242       gap = endpoca.doca();
00243     }
00244 // make sure the global range stays at least as long as before
00245     range[0] = range[1] - delta;
00246 // resize it
00247     nexttraj->setFlightRange(range);
00248 // prepend the trajectory
00249     _localtraj.push_front(nexttraj);
00250 // prepend the new global range
00251     _globalrange.push_front(glen-delta);
00252     flightrange[0] = glen-delta;
00253   } else
00254     retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,6," cannot prepend after maximum flight range");
00255   return retval;
00256 }
00258 const TrkErrCode&
00259 TrkDifPieceTraj::append(double glen,const TrkSimpTraj& nexttraj,double& gap)
00260 {
00261   return append(glen,nexttraj.clone(),gap);
00262 }
00264 const TrkErrCode&
00265 TrkDifPieceTraj::prepend(double glen,const TrkSimpTraj& nexttraj,double& gap)
00266 {
00267   return prepend(glen,nexttraj.clone(),gap);
00268 }
00270 // append an entire TrkDifTraj
00271 const TrkErrCode&
00272 TrkDifPieceTraj::append(double glen,const TrkDifPieceTraj& other,double& gap)
00273 {
00274   static TrkErrCode retval;
00275   retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed);
00276 // find POCA between the trajectories.
00277   double mylen = glen;
00278   HepPoint3D myend = position(mylen);
00279   double otherlen = other.lowRange();
00280   HepPoint3D otherstart = other.position(otherlen);
00281   gap = otherstart.distance(myend);
00282   if(gap > _TOL){ // Don't invoke POCA if the point is too close
00283     TrkPoca endpoca(other,other.lowRange(),myend,_TOL);
00284     if(endpoca.status().failure()){
00285       retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00286       return retval;
00287     }
00288     gap = endpoca.doca();
00289     otherlen = endpoca.flt1();
00290   }
00291 // get the local trajectory piece at this fltlen
00292   double loclen(0);
00293   double piecegap;
00294 // loop over segments in the other trajectory
00295   for(int itraj = other.trajIndex(otherlen,loclen);
00296       itraj < other._localtraj.size();itraj++){
00297 // append the piece from the other trajectory
00298     retval = append(mylen,*(other._localtraj[itraj]),piecegap);
00299     if(retval.failure())
00300       break;
00301 // move forward
00302     mylen = hiRange();
00303   }
00304   return retval;
00305 }
00306 // prepend an entire TrkDifTraj
00307 const TrkErrCode&
00308 TrkDifPieceTraj::prepend(double glen,const TrkDifPieceTraj& other,double& gap)
00309 {
00310   static TrkErrCode retval;
00311   retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed);
00312 // find POCA between the trajectories.
00313   double mylen = glen;
00314   HepPoint3D mystart = position(mylen);
00315   double otherlen = other.hiRange();
00316   HepPoint3D otherend = other.position(otherlen);
00317   gap = otherend.distance(mystart);
00318   if(gap > _TOL){ // Don't invoke POCA if the point is too close
00319     TrkPoca endpoca(other,other.hiRange(),mystart,_TOL);
00320     if(endpoca.status().failure()){
00321       retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00322       return retval;
00323     }
00324     gap = endpoca.doca();
00325     otherlen = endpoca.flt1();
00326   }
00327 // get the local trajectory piece at this fltlen
00328   double loclen(0);
00329   double piecegap;
00330 // loop over segments in the other trajectory
00331   for(int itraj = other.trajIndex(otherlen,loclen);
00332       itraj >= 0;itraj--) {
00333 // prepend the piece from the other trajectory
00334     retval = prepend(mylen,*(other._localtraj[itraj]),piecegap);
00335     if(retval.failure())
00336       break;
00337 // move backwards
00338     mylen = lowRange();
00339   }
00340   return retval;
00341 }
00342 // in-place flight-range inverter.  A traj with range A -> B will end up with
00343 // range -B -> -A, with all the pieces correctly re-ranged as well.
00344 TrkDifPieceTraj&
00345 TrkDifPieceTraj::invert()
00346 {
00347 // make local copies & clear data members
00348   std::deque<TrkSimpTraj*> trajcopy; trajcopy.swap(_localtraj);
00349   std::deque<double> rangecopy;      rangecopy.swap(_globalrange);
00350   assert(_localtraj.size()==0);
00351   assert(_globalrange.size()==0);
00352 // global range starts at the end of the old range
00353   _globalrange.push_back(-rangecopy.back());
00354 // loop over the trajectory pieces in backwards order
00355   for(int itraj=trajcopy.size()-1;itraj>=0;itraj--){
00356 // invert the simptraj and re-append it
00357     _localtraj.push_back(&(trajcopy[itraj]->invert()));
00358 // set the global range
00359     _globalrange.push_back(-rangecopy[itraj]);
00360   }
00361 // reset this traj's range
00362   double range[2];
00363   range[0] = -hiRange();
00364   range[1] = -lowRange();
00365   Trajectory::setFlightRange(range);
00366   return *this;
00367 }
00369 // trajectory index from flight range
00370 int
00371 TrkDifPieceTraj::trajIndex(const double& flightdist,double& localflight) const
00372 {
00373   int index(0); // true when there's only 1 entry
00374   if (_localtraj.size() > 1) {
00375     if(validFlightDistance(flightdist)){
00376 //   explicitly check cached value from last call
00377       if ( _lastIndex >= 0 && _lastIndex <  _localtraj.size()-1 &&
00378            flightdist > _globalrange[_lastIndex] && flightdist <
00379            _globalrange[_lastIndex+1] ) {
00380         index = _lastIndex;
00381       } else {
00382 //
00383 //  simple binary search algorithm
00384 //
00385         int hirange = _localtraj.size() - 1;
00386         int lorange = 0;
00387         index = hirange/2;
00388         int oldindex = -1;
00389         while(index != oldindex){
00390           oldindex = index;
00391           if(flightdist < _globalrange[index]){
00392             hirange = index;
00393             index -= max(1,(index-lorange)/2);
00394           } else if(flightdist > _globalrange[index+1]){
00395             lorange = index;
00396             index += max(1,(hirange-index)/2);
00397           }
00398         }
00399       }
00400     } else {
00401 //
00402 //  Return the appropriate end if the requested flightdistance is outside the
00403 //  global range
00404 //
00405       index = (flightdist < lowRange()?0:(_localtraj.size()-1));
00406     }
00407   }
00408   localflight =  localDist(index,flightdist);
00409 // cache value for next time
00410   _lastIndex = index;
00411   return index;
00412 }
00414 HepPoint3D
00415 TrkDifPieceTraj::position(double flightdist) const
00416 {
00417 //
00418 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then give the local position
00419 //
00420   double localflight(0.0);
00421   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00422   return loctraj->position(localflight);
00423 }
00425 Hep3Vector
00426 TrkDifPieceTraj::direction(double flightdist) const
00427 {
00428 //
00429 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then give the local direction
00430 //
00431   double localflight(0.0);
00432   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00433   return loctraj->direction(localflight);
00434 }
00436 double
00437 TrkDifPieceTraj::curvature(double flightdist) const
00438 {
00439 //
00440 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then give the local curvature
00441 //
00442   double localflight(0.0);
00443   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00444   return loctraj->curvature(localflight);
00445 }
00447 Hep3Vector
00448 TrkDifPieceTraj::delDirect(double flightdist) const
00449 {
00450 //
00451 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then give the local value
00452 //
00453   double localflight(0.0);
00454   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00455   return loctraj->delDirect(localflight);
00456 }
00458 void
00459 TrkDifPieceTraj::getInfo(double flightdist,
00460                          HepPoint3D& point,
00461                          Hep3Vector& dir) const
00462 {
00463 //
00464 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then call the local function
00465 //
00466   double localflight(0.0);
00467   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00468   loctraj->getInfo(localflight,point,dir);
00469 }
00471 void
00472 TrkDifPieceTraj::getInfo(double flightdist,
00473                          HepPoint3D& point,
00474                          Hep3Vector& dir,
00475                          Hep3Vector& deldirect) const
00476 {
00477 //
00478 //  First, find the right trajectory piece, then call the local function
00479 //
00480   double localflight(0.0);
00481   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00482   loctraj->getInfo(localflight,point,dir,deldirect);
00483 }
00485 double
00486 TrkDifPieceTraj::distTo1stError(double flightdist,double tol,int dir) const
00487 {
00488 //
00489 //  First, find the right trajectory piece
00490 //
00491   double localflight(0.0);
00492   int index = trajIndex(flightdist,localflight);
00493   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = _localtraj[index];
00494 //
00495 //  Ask the local piece for it's dist, and take the minimum of this or the
00496 //  distance to the next trajectory piece
00497 //
00498   double localdist = loctraj->distTo1stError(localflight,tol,dir);
00499 //
00500 //  Take the minimum of this distance and the distance to the next trajectory
00501   double dist = localdist;
00502   if (dir > 0){
00503     if(index < _localtraj.size()-1)
00504       dist = min(localdist,_globalrange[index+1]-flightdist) + STEPEPSILON;
00505   } else {
00506     if(index > 0)
00507       dist = min(localdist,flightdist - _globalrange[index]) + STEPEPSILON;
00508   }
00509   return dist;
00510 }
00512 double
00513 TrkDifPieceTraj::distTo2ndError(double flightdist,double tol,int dir) const
00514 {
00515 //
00516 //  First, find the right trajectory piece
00517 //
00518   double localflight(0.0);
00519   int index = trajIndex(flightdist,localflight);
00520   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = _localtraj[index];
00521 //
00522 //  Ask the local piece for it's dist, and take the minimum of this or the
00523 //  distance to the next trajectory piece
00524 //
00525   double localdist = loctraj->distTo2ndError(localflight,tol,dir);
00526 //
00527 //  Take the minimum of this distance and the distance to the next trajectory
00528   double dist = localdist;
00529   if (dir > 0){
00530     if(index < _localtraj.size()-1)
00531       dist = min(localdist,_globalrange[index+1]-flightdist) + STEPEPSILON;
00532   } else {
00533     if(index > 0)
00534       dist = min(localdist,flightdist - _globalrange[index]) + STEPEPSILON;
00535   }
00536   return dist;
00537 }
00540 const TrkSimpTraj*
00541 TrkDifPieceTraj::localTrajectory(double flightdist,double& localflight) const
00542 {
00543 //
00544 //  Find and return the right trajectory piece
00545 //
00546   int index = trajIndex(flightdist,localflight);
00547   return _localtraj[index];
00548 }
00549 //
00550 //  Re-size the trajectory in the given direction
00551 //
00552 int
00553 TrkDifPieceTraj::resize(double len,trkDirection tdir)
00554 {
00555   int nremoved(0);
00556   TrkSimpTraj* trajpiece;
00557   double oldend,locdist;
00558   double lrange[2];
00559   int ipiece = trajIndex(len,locdist);
00560   switch(tdir) {
00561   case trkIn:
00562 //
00563 //  Reset the range.  Delete trajectory pieces till we're in range.
00564 //  This will leave the trajectory with a starting range different from
00565 //  0, but it'll still be self-consistent
00566 //
00567     while(ipiece > 0){
00568       nremoved++;
00569       trajpiece = _localtraj.front(); _localtraj.pop_front();
00570       delete trajpiece;
00571       oldend = _globalrange.front(); _globalrange.pop_front();
00572       ipiece = trajIndex(len,locdist);
00573     }
00574 //  reset the global range
00575     flightrange[0] = len;
00576     _globalrange[ipiece] = len;
00577 //  reset the local traj piece range
00578     lrange[0] = locdist;
00579     lrange[1] = _localtraj[ipiece]->hiRange();
00580     _localtraj[ipiece]->setFlightRange(lrange);
00581     break;
00582   case trkOut:
00583     while(ipiece < _localtraj.size() - 1){
00584       nremoved++;
00585       trajpiece = _localtraj.back(); _localtraj.pop_back();
00586       delete trajpiece;
00587       oldend = _globalrange.back(); _globalrange.pop_back();
00588       ipiece = trajIndex(len,locdist);
00589     }
00590     flightrange[1] = len;
00591     _globalrange[ipiece+1] = len;
00592     lrange[0] = _localtraj[ipiece]->lowRange();
00593     lrange[1] = locdist;
00594     _localtraj[ipiece]->setFlightRange(lrange);
00595     break;
00596   }
00597   return nremoved;
00598 }
00599 //
00600 //  Print functions
00601 //
00602 void
00603 TrkDifPieceTraj::print(ostream& os) const
00604 {
00605   os << "TrkDifPieceTraj has " << _localtraj.size() << " pieces "
00606     << ", total flight range of " << hiRange();
00607 }
00609 void
00610 TrkDifPieceTraj::printAll(ostream& os) const
00611 {
00612   os << "TrkDifPieceTraj has " << _localtraj.size() << " pieces "
00613     << ", total flight range from "
00614      << lowRange() << " to " << hiRange() << endl;
00615   for(int ipiece=0;ipiece<_localtraj.size();ipiece++){
00616     TrkSimpTraj* tpiece = _localtraj[ipiece];
00617     double plow = tpiece->lowRange();
00618     double phi = tpiece->hiRange();
00619     os << "Piece " << ipiece << " has global range from "
00620        << _globalrange[ipiece] << " to " << _globalrange[ipiece+1]
00621        << " and local range from " <<  plow << " to " << phi << endl;
00622     HepPoint3D start = tpiece->position(plow);
00623     HepPoint3D end = tpiece->position(phi);
00624     const HepPoint3D& refp = tpiece->referencePoint();
00625     os << "Piece " << ipiece << " starts at point "
00626        << start.x() <<","<< start.y()<<","<< start.z()
00627        << " and ends at point "
00628        << end.x()<<"," << end.y()<<"," << end.z()
00629        << " and references point "
00630        << refp.x()<<"," << refp.y()<<"," << refp.z()
00631        << endl;
00632   }
00633 }
00634 //
00635 //  Range functions
00636 //
00637 void
00638 TrkDifPieceTraj::setFlightRange(double newrange[2])
00639 {
00640   double oldend;
00641   double lrange[2];
00642   TrkSimpTraj* trajpiece;
00643 //
00644 //  Check for pathological cases
00645 //
00646   if( newrange[1] > newrange[0] &&
00647       newrange[0] < flightrange[1] &&
00648       newrange[1] > flightrange[0] ) {
00649     resize(newrange[0],trkIn);
00650     resize(newrange[1],trkOut);
00651   } else if(newrange[1] < newrange[0] ){
00652 #ifdef MDCPATREC_ERROR 
00653     std::cout<<"ErrMsg(error) "<< "cannot resize -- invalid range" << std::endl;
00654 #endif
00655   } else {
00656 //
00657 //  Here the new range is completely discontinuous from the
00658 //  old.  We'll just take the first (or last) traj piece,
00659 //  clear out everything else, and reset the ranges.
00660 //
00661     if( newrange[0] > flightrange[1]){
00662       while(_localtraj.size()>1){
00663         trajpiece = _localtraj.front(); _localtraj.pop_front();
00664         delete trajpiece;
00665         oldend = _globalrange.front(); _globalrange.pop_front();
00666       }
00667     } else {
00668       while(_localtraj.size()>1){
00669         trajpiece = _localtraj.back(); _localtraj.pop_back();
00670         delete trajpiece;
00671         oldend = _globalrange.back(); _globalrange.pop_back();
00672       }
00673     }
00674     lrange[0] = localDist(0,newrange[0]);
00675     lrange[1] = localDist(0,newrange[1]);
00676     flightrange[0] = newrange[0];
00677     flightrange[1] = newrange[1];
00678     _globalrange[0] = newrange[0];
00679     _globalrange[1] = newrange[1];
00680     _localtraj[0]->setFlightRange(lrange);
00681   }
00682 }
00683 //
00684 //  KalDeriv functions
00685 //
00686 HepMatrix
00687 TrkDifPieceTraj::derivDeflect(double flightdist,deflectDirection idir) const
00688 {
00689   double localflight(0.0);
00690   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00691   return loctraj->derivDeflect(localflight,idir);
00692 }
00694 HepMatrix
00695 TrkDifPieceTraj::derivDisplace(double flightdist,deflectDirection idir) const
00696 {
00697   double localflight(0.0);
00698   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00699   return loctraj->derivDisplace(localflight,idir);
00700 }
00702 HepMatrix
00703 TrkDifPieceTraj::derivPFract(double flightdist) const
00704 {
00705   double localflight(0.0);
00706   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(flightdist,localflight);
00707   return loctraj->derivPFract(localflight);
00708 }
00710 const TrkErrCode&
00711 TrkDifPieceTraj::append(TrkSimpTraj* newtraj,double& gap)
00712 {
00713   static TrkErrCode retval;
00714   retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed);
00715 // find out where this piece is relative to the existing pieces.
00716   HepPoint3D end = newtraj->position(newtraj->lowRange());
00717   TrkPoca poca(*this,newtraj->lowRange(),end,_TOL);
00718   if(poca.status().success()){
00719 // find the local trajectory pieces at either end
00720     double local;
00721     int index = trajIndex(poca.flt1(),local);
00722     TrkSimpTraj* oldtraj = _localtraj[index];
00723 // Make sure we're beyond the end of the existing trajectory
00724     if( index == _localtraj.size()-1 &&
00725         poca.flt1() > hiRange()){
00726 // we want to split the gap between the traj pieces evenly,
00727       double gapstart = globalDist(index,oldtraj->hiRange());
00728       double gapend = poca.flt1();
00729       double gapmid = (gapend+gapstart)/2.0;
00730       HepPoint3D mid = position(gapmid);
00731 // approximate initial (local) fltlen for poca
00732       double locmid = newtraj->lowRange() - gapend + gapmid;
00733       TrkPoca midpoca(*newtraj,locmid,mid,_TOL);
00734       if(midpoca.status().success()){
00735 // create a 0-length copy of the new traj to associate with the midpoint.
00736 // This insures correct coverage of the global flight range
00737         TrkSimpTraj* gaptraj = (TrkSimpTraj*)(newtraj->clone());
00738         assert(gaptraj != 0);
00739         double range[2];
00740         range[0] = midpoca.flt1();
00741         range[1] = range[0];
00742         gaptraj->setFlightRange(range);
00743 // insert the trajectories
00744         _localtraj.push_back(gaptraj);
00745         _localtraj.push_back(newtraj);
00746 // append the new global range
00747         _globalrange.back() = gapmid;
00748         _globalrange.push_back(gapend);
00749         _globalrange.push_back(gapend+newtraj->range());
00750 // extend the piece-trajs own range
00751         flightrange[1] = _globalrange.back();
00752 // measure the gap at the midpoint
00753         gap = mid.distance(newtraj->position(midpoca.flt1()));
00754       } else
00755         retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00756     } else
00757       retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,8,"invalid range");
00758   } else
00759     retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00760   return retval;
00761 }
00764 const TrkErrCode&
00765 TrkDifPieceTraj::prepend(TrkSimpTraj* newtraj,double& gap)
00766 {
00767   static TrkErrCode retval;
00768   retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::succeed);
00769 // find out where this piece is relative to the existing pieces.
00770   HepPoint3D end = newtraj->position(newtraj->hiRange());
00771   TrkPoca poca(*this,newtraj->hiRange(),end,_TOL);
00772   if(poca.status().success()){
00773 // find the local trajectory pieces at either end
00774     double local;
00775     int index = trajIndex(poca.flt1(),local);
00776     TrkSimpTraj* oldtraj = _localtraj[index];
00777 // Make sure we're beyond the end of the existing trajectory
00778     if( index == 0 && poca.flt1() < lowRange()){
00779 // we want to split the gap between the traj pieces evenly,
00780       double gapstart = poca.flt1();
00781       double gapend = globalDist(index,oldtraj->hiRange());
00782       double gapmid = (gapend+gapstart)/2.0;
00783       HepPoint3D mid = position(gapmid);
00784 // approximate initial (local) fltlen for poca
00785       double locmid = newtraj->hiRange() - gapstart + gapmid;
00786       TrkPoca midpoca(*newtraj,locmid,mid,_TOL);
00787       if(midpoca.status().success()){
00788 // create a 0-length copy of the new traj to associate with the midpoint.
00789 // This insures correct coverage of the global flight range
00790         TrkSimpTraj* gaptraj = (TrkSimpTraj*)(newtraj->clone());
00791         assert(gaptraj != 0);
00792         double range[2];
00793         range[0] = midpoca.flt1();
00794         range[1] = range[0];
00795         gaptraj->setFlightRange(range);
00796 // insert the trajectories
00797         _localtraj.push_front(gaptraj);
00798         _localtraj.push_front(newtraj);
00799 // append the new global range
00800         _globalrange.push_front(gapmid);
00801         _globalrange.push_front(gapstart-newtraj->range());
00802 // extend the piece-trajs own range
00803         flightrange[0] = _globalrange.front();
00804 // measure the gap at the midpoint
00805         gap = mid.distance(newtraj->position(midpoca.flt1()));
00806       } else
00807         retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00808     } else
00809       retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,8,"invalid range");
00810   } else
00811     retval = TrkErrCode(TrkErrCode::fail,7,"poca failure");
00812   return retval;
00813 }
00815 bool
00816 TrkDifPieceTraj::locallyValid(double glen,double tol) const
00817 {
00818   double localflight(0.0);
00819   const TrkSimpTraj* loctraj = localTrajectory(glen,localflight);
00820   return loctraj != 0 &&
00821     localflight-tol <= loctraj->hiRange()  &
00822     localflight+tol >= loctraj->lowRange();
00823 }
00825 bool
00826 TrkDifPieceTraj::operator == (const TrkDifPieceTraj& other) const {
00827   bool retval(true);
00828   if(retval) retval = _globalrange == other._globalrange;
00829   if(retval) retval = _localtraj.size() == other._localtraj.size();
00830 // loop over component trajs
00831   std::deque<TrkSimpTraj*>::const_iterator miter = _localtraj.begin();
00832   std::deque<TrkSimpTraj*>::const_iterator oiter = other._localtraj.begin();
00833   while(retval && miter != _localtraj.end() && oiter != other._localtraj.end()){
00834     retval = (*oiter)->parameters()->parameter() == (*miter)->parameters()->parameter() &&
00835       (*oiter)->parameters()->covariance() == (*miter)->parameters()->covariance();
00836     miter++;oiter++;
00837   }
00838   return retval;
00839 }

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