
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: TrkCircleTraj.cxx,v 1.4 2006/03/31 07:29:23 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //
00007 // Environment:
00008 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00009 //
00010 // Author(s): Steve Schaffner
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00012 #include <assert.h>
00013 #include <math.h>
00014 #include "MdcGeom/Constants.h"
00015 #include "MdcGeom/BesAngle.h"
00016 #include "TrkFitter/TrkCircleTraj.h"
00017 #include "TrkBase/TrkVisitor.h"
00018 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifNumber.h"
00019 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifPoint.h"
00020 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifVector.h"
00021 #include "TrkBase/TrkExchangePar.h"
00022 //
00023 //  Fix for some machines
00024 //
00025 #ifndef M_2PI
00026 #define M_2PI 2*M_PI
00027 #endif
00028 using CLHEP::Hep3Vector;
00029 using CLHEP::HepSymMatrix;
00031 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00032 TrkCircleTraj::TrkCircleTraj(const HepVector& pvec, const HepSymMatrix& pcov, 
00033                      double lowlim, double hilim, const HepPoint3D& refpoint) :
00034   TrkSimpTraj(pvec, pcov, lowlim,hilim,refpoint)
00035 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00036 { 
00037   //  Make sure the dimensions of the input matrix and vector are correct
00038   if( pvec.num_row() != nCirPrm() ||
00039       pcov.num_row() != nCirPrm()  ){
00040     std::cout<<"ErrMsg(fatal)" << 
00041       "CircleTraj: incorrect constructor vector/matrix dimension" << std::endl;
00042   }
00044   if (omega() == 0.0) parameters()->parameter()[omegaIndex()] = 1.e-9; 
00045 }
00048 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00049 TrkCircleTraj::TrkCircleTraj(const TrkExchangePar& inpar,
00050                      double lowlim, double hilim, const HepPoint3D& refpoint) :
00051   TrkSimpTraj(inpar.params(), inpar.covariance(), lowlim,hilim,refpoint) {
00052 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00054   if (omega() == 0.0) parameters()->parameter()[omegaIndex()] = 1.e-9;   
00055 }
00057 TrkCircleTraj::TrkCircleTraj(const TrkCircleTraj& h )
00058   : TrkSimpTraj(h.parameters()->parameter(), h.parameters()->covariance(),
00059                 h.lowRange(),h.hiRange(),h.referencePoint())
00060 { 
00062 }
00064 TrkCircleTraj*
00065 TrkCircleTraj::clone() const
00066 {
00067   return new TrkCircleTraj(*this);
00068 }
00070 TrkCircleTraj&
00071 TrkCircleTraj::operator=(const TrkCircleTraj& h)
00072 {
00073   if( &h != this ){
00074     Trajectory::operator=(h);
00075     _dtparams = *(h.parameters());
00076     _refpoint = h._refpoint;
00077   }
00078   return *this;
00079 }
00081 TrkCircleTraj::~TrkCircleTraj()
00082 {
00083 }
00085 double
00086 TrkCircleTraj::x( const double& f ) const
00087 {
00088   double sphi0 = sin(phi0());
00089   return ( sin(angle(f))-sphi0)/omega() - d0()*sphi0 + referencePoint().x();
00090 }
00092 double
00093 TrkCircleTraj::y( const double& f ) const
00094 {
00095   double cphi0 = cos(phi0());
00096   return -(cos(angle(f))-cphi0)/omega() + d0()*cphi0 + referencePoint().y();
00097 }
00099 HepPoint3D
00100 TrkCircleTraj::position( double f) const
00101 {
00102   double sphi0 = sin(phi0());
00103   double cphi0 = cos(phi0());
00104   double ang = angle(f);
00105   double xt =  ( sin(ang)-sphi0)/omega() - d0()*sphi0 + referencePoint().x();
00106   double yt =  -(cos(ang)-cphi0)/omega() + d0()*cphi0 + referencePoint().y();
00107   return HepPoint3D(xt, yt, referencePoint().z());
00108 }
00110 Hep3Vector
00111 TrkCircleTraj::direction( double f) const
00112 {
00113   // Angle formed by tangent vector after
00114   // being rotated 'arclength' around orbit.
00115   double alpha = angle( f );
00116   // Construct 3-D tangent vector of unit magnitude.
00117   return Hep3Vector ( cos(alpha),
00118                       sin(alpha),
00119                              0.0);
00120 }
00122 Hep3Vector
00123 TrkCircleTraj::delDirect( double fltLen ) const
00124 {
00125   double delX = -omega() * sin(angle(fltLen));
00126   double delY =  omega() * cos(angle(fltLen));
00127   return Hep3Vector(delX, delY, 0.0);
00128 }
00130 double
00131 TrkCircleTraj::distTo1stError(double , double tol, int) const
00132 {
00133   double arg = 2. * tol / fabs(omega());
00134   assert (arg >= 0.);
00135   return sqrt(arg);
00136 }
00138 double
00139 TrkCircleTraj::distTo2ndError(double , double tol, int) const
00140 {
00141   //return pow(6.*tol / sqr(omega()), 0.33333333);//yzhang changed sqr
00142   return pow(6.*tol / (omega()*omega()), 0.33333333);
00143 }
00145 void
00146 TrkCircleTraj::getInfo(double flt, HepPoint3D& pos, Hep3Vector& dir,
00147                    Hep3Vector& delDir) const
00148 {
00149   double sphi0 = sin(phi0());
00150   double cphi0 = cos(phi0());
00151   double ang = angle(flt);
00152   double cang = cos(ang);
00153   double sang = sin(ang);
00154   double xt =   (sang-sphi0)/omega() - d0()*sphi0 + referencePoint().x();
00155   double yt =  -(cang-cphi0)/omega() + d0()*cphi0 + referencePoint().y();
00157   pos.setX(xt);
00158   pos.setY(yt);
00159   pos.setZ(referencePoint().z());
00161   dir.setX(cang);
00162   dir.setY(sang);
00163   dir.setZ(0.0);
00165   delDir.setX(-omega()*sang);
00166   delDir.setY( omega()*cang);
00167   delDir.setZ(0.);
00168 }
00170 void
00171 TrkCircleTraj::getInfo( double fltLen, HepPoint3D& pos, Hep3Vector& dir ) const
00172 {
00173   double sphi0 = sin(phi0());
00174   double cphi0 = cos(phi0());
00175   double ang = angle(fltLen);
00176   double cang = cos(ang);
00177   double sang = sin(ang);
00178   double xt =   (sang-sphi0)/omega() - d0()*sphi0 + referencePoint().x();
00179   double yt =  -(cang-cphi0)/omega() + d0()*cphi0 + referencePoint().y();
00181   pos.setX(xt);
00182   pos.setY(yt);
00183   pos.setZ(referencePoint().z());
00185   dir.setX(cang);
00186   dir.setY(sang);
00187   dir.setZ(0.0);
00188 }
00190 void
00191 TrkCircleTraj::getDFInfo2(double fltLen, DifPoint& pos, DifVector&
00192                          dir) const
00193 {
00194   //Provides difNum version of information for calculation of derivatives.
00196   // Create difNumber versions of parameters
00197   DifNumber phi0Df(phi0(), phi0Index()+1, nCirPrm());
00198   DifNumber d0Df(d0(), d0Index()+1, nCirPrm());
00199   DifNumber omegaDf(omega(), omegaIndex()+1, nCirPrm());
00200   phi0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00201   d0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00202   omegaDf.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00204   DifNumber sinPhi0, cosPhi0;
00205   phi0Df.cosAndSin(cosPhi0, sinPhi0);
00207   DifNumber alphaDf = omegaDf;
00208   alphaDf *= fltLen;
00209   alphaDf += phi0Df;
00211   // This is not the prettiest line imaginable for this operation:
00212   alphaDf.mod(-Constants::pi, Constants::pi);
00213   DifNumber sinAlpha, cosAlpha;
00214   alphaDf.cosAndSin(cosAlpha, sinAlpha);
00216   //  DifNumber x =  (sinAlpha - sinPhi0) / omegaDf - d0Df * sinPhi0 + px;
00217   //  DifNumber y = -(cosAlpha - cosPhi0) / omegaDf + d0Df * cosPhi0 + py;
00219   DifNumber x = sinAlpha;
00220   x -= sinPhi0;
00221   x /= omegaDf;
00222   x -= (d0Df * sinPhi0);
00224   DifNumber y = -cosAlpha;
00225   y += cosPhi0;
00226   y /= omegaDf;
00227   y += (d0Df * cosPhi0);
00230   static DifNumber zNull(0.);
00232   pos.x = x;
00233   pos.y = y;
00234   pos.z = zNull;
00236   bool lref = (referencePoint().x() != 0. || referencePoint().y() != 0. ||
00237                referencePoint().z() != 0.);
00238   if (lref) {
00239     DifNumber px(referencePoint().x());
00240     DifNumber py(referencePoint().y());
00241     DifNumber pz(referencePoint().z());
00242     pos.x += px;
00243     pos.y += py;
00244     pos.z += pz;
00245   }
00247   dir.x = cosAlpha;
00248   dir.y = sinAlpha;
00249   dir.z = 0.;
00250 }
00252 void
00253 TrkCircleTraj::getDFInfo(double flt, DifPoint& pos, DifVector& dir,
00254                    DifVector& delDir) const
00255 {
00256   //Provides difNum version of information for calculation of derivatives.
00258   // Create difNumber versions of parameters
00259   DifNumber phi0Df(phi0(), phi0Index()+1, nCirPrm());
00260   DifNumber d0Df(d0(), d0Index()+1, nCirPrm());
00261   DifNumber omegaDf(omega(), omegaIndex()+1, nCirPrm());
00262   phi0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00263   d0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00264   omegaDf.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00266   DifNumber sinPhi0, cosPhi0;
00267   phi0Df.cosAndSin(cosPhi0, sinPhi0);
00269   DifNumber alphaDf = omegaDf;
00270   alphaDf *= flt;
00271   alphaDf += phi0Df;
00273   // This is not the prettiest line imaginable for this operation:
00274   alphaDf.mod(-Constants::pi, Constants::pi);
00275   DifNumber sinAlpha, cosAlpha;
00276   alphaDf.cosAndSin(cosAlpha, sinAlpha);
00278   //  DifNumber x =  (sinAlpha - sinPhi0) / omegaDf - d0Df * sinPhi0 + px;
00279   //  DifNumber y = -(cosAlpha - cosPhi0) / omegaDf + d0Df * cosPhi0 + py;
00281   DifNumber x = sinAlpha;
00282   x -= sinPhi0;
00283   x /= omegaDf;
00284   x -= (d0Df * sinPhi0);
00286   DifNumber y = -cosAlpha;
00287   y += cosPhi0;
00288   y /= omegaDf;
00289   y += (d0Df * cosPhi0);
00292   static DifNumber zNull(0.);
00294   pos.x = x;
00295   pos.y = y;
00296   pos.z = zNull;
00298   bool lref = (referencePoint().x() != 0. || referencePoint().y() != 0. ||
00299                referencePoint().z() != 0.);
00300   if (lref) {
00301     DifNumber px(referencePoint().x());
00302     DifNumber py(referencePoint().y());
00303     DifNumber pz(referencePoint().z());
00304     pos.x += px;
00305     pos.y += py;
00306     pos.z += pz;
00307   }
00309   dir.x = cosAlpha;
00310   dir.y = sinAlpha;
00311   dir.z = 0.;
00313   delDir.x = -omegaDf;
00314   delDir.x *= sinAlpha;
00316   delDir.y = omegaDf;
00317   delDir.y *= cosAlpha;
00319   delDir.z = 0.;
00320 }
00321 HepMatrix
00322 TrkCircleTraj::derivDeflect(double fltlen,deflectDirection idirect) const
00323 {
00324 //  This function computes the column matrix of derivatives for the change
00325 //  in parameters for a change in the direction of a track at a point along
00326 //  its flight, holding the momentum and position constant.  The effects for
00327 //  changes in 2 perpendicular directions (theta1 = dip and
00328 //  theta2 = phi*cos(dip)) can sometimes be added, as scattering in these
00329 //  are uncorrelated.
00331   HepMatrix ddflct(nCirPrm(),1,0); // initialize with zeros
00333 //  Compute some common things
00335   double omeg = omega();
00336   double arcl = arc(fltlen);
00337   double dx = cos(arcl);
00338   double dy = sin(arcl);
00339   double darc = omeg*d0();
00341 //  Go through the parameters
00343   switch (idirect) {
00344   case theta1:
00345     break;
00346   case theta2:
00347     ddflct[d0Index()][0] = -dy/(omeg);
00348     ddflct[phi0Index()][0] = dx/(1+darc);
00349   }
00351   return ddflct;
00352 }
00354 HepMatrix
00355 TrkCircleTraj::derivDisplace(double fltlen,deflectDirection idirect) const
00356 {
00357 //  This function computes the column matrix of derivatives for the change
00358 //  in parameters for a change in the position of a track at a point along
00359 //  its flight, holding the momentum and direction constant.  The effects for
00360 //  changes in 2 perpendicular directions (theta1 = dip and
00361 //  theta2 = phi*cos(dip)) can sometimes be added, as scattering in these
00362 //  are uncorrelated.
00364   HepMatrix ddflct(nCirPrm(),1,0); // initialize with zeros
00366 //  Compute some common things
00368   double omeg = omega();
00369   double arcl = arc(fltlen);
00370   double dx = cos(arcl);
00371   double dy = sin(arcl);
00372   double darc = omeg*d0();
00374 //  Go through the parameters
00376   switch (idirect) {
00377   case theta1:
00378     break;
00379   case theta2:
00380     ddflct[d0Index()][0] = dx;
00381     ddflct[phi0Index()][0] = dy*omeg/(1+darc);
00382   }
00384   return ddflct;
00385 }
00387 HepMatrix
00388 TrkCircleTraj::derivPFract(double fltlen) const
00389 {
00390 //
00391 //  This function computes the column matrix of derrivatives for the change
00392 //  in parameters from a (fractional) change in the track momentum,
00393 //  holding the direction and position constant.  The momentum change can
00394 //  come from energy loss or bfield inhomogeneities.
00395 //
00396 //  For a helix, dp/P = -domega/omega,
00397 //  dParam/d(domega/omega) = omega*dParam/ddomega
00399   HepMatrix dmomfrac(nCirPrm(),1);
00401 //  Compute some common things
00403   double omeg = omega();
00404   double arcl = arc(fltlen);
00405   double dx = cos(arcl);
00406   double dy = sin(arcl);
00407   double darc = omeg*d0();
00409 //  Go through the parameters
00410 // omega
00411   dmomfrac[omegaIndex()][0] = -omeg;
00412 // d0
00413   dmomfrac[d0Index()][0] = -(1-dx)/omeg;
00414 // phi0
00415   dmomfrac[phi0Index()][0] = dy/(1+darc);
00417   return dmomfrac;
00418 }
00420 double
00421 TrkCircleTraj::curvature(double ) const
00422 {
00423 //  Compute the curvature as the magnitude of the 2nd derrivative
00424 //  of the position function with respect to the 3-d flight distance
00426   return fabs(omega());
00427 }
00429 double
00430 TrkCircleTraj::phi0() const
00431 {
00432  return BesAngle(parameters()->parameter()[phi0Index()]).rad();
00433 }
00435 void
00436 TrkCircleTraj::paramFunc(const HepPoint3D& oldpoint,const HepPoint3D& newpoint,
00437                          const HepVector& oldvec,const HepSymMatrix& oldcov,
00438                          HepVector& newvec,HepSymMatrix& newcov,
00439                          double fltlen)
00440 {
00441 // copy the input parameter vector, in case the input and output are the same
00442   HepVector parvec(oldvec);
00443 // start with the input: omega doesn't change
00444   newvec = parvec;
00445 //
00446   double delx = newpoint.x()-oldpoint.x();
00447   double dely = newpoint.y()-oldpoint.y();
00448 //
00449   double rad = 1./parvec[omegaIndex()];
00450   double rad2 = rad*rad;
00451   double delta = rad + parvec[d0Index()];
00452   double cos0 = cos(parvec[phi0Index()]);
00453   double sin0 = sin(parvec[phi0Index()]);
00454   double perp = delx*sin0-dely*cos0;
00455   double para = delx*cos0+dely*sin0;
00456   double oldphi  = parvec[phi0Index()] + fltlen*parvec[omegaIndex()] ;
00457 // delta
00458   double newdelta2 = delta*delta + delx*delx + dely*dely +
00459     2.0*delta*perp;
00460 // assume delta, newdelta have the same sign
00461   double newdelta = delta>0 ? sqrt(newdelta2) : -sqrt(newdelta2);
00462   double invdelta = 1.0/newdelta;
00463   double invdelta2 = 1.0/newdelta2;
00464 // d0
00465   newvec[d0Index()] = newdelta - rad;
00466 // phi0; check that we don't get the wrong wrapping
00467   double newphi = atan2(sin0+delx/delta,cos0-dely/delta);
00468   while(fabs(newphi - oldphi)>M_PI)
00469     if(newphi > oldphi)
00470       newphi -= M_2PI;
00471     else
00472       newphi += M_2PI;
00473   newvec[phi0Index()] = newphi;
00474   //double delphi = newphi-parvec[phi0Index()];
00475 // now covariance: first, compute the rotation matrix
00476   HepMatrix covrot(nCirPrm(),nCirPrm(),0); // start with 0: lots of terms are 0
00477 //
00478 // omega is diagonal
00479   covrot[omegaIndex()][omegaIndex()] = 1.0;
00480 // d0
00481   covrot[d0Index()][omegaIndex()] = rad2*(1.0 - invdelta*(delta + perp));
00482   covrot[d0Index()][d0Index()] = invdelta*(delta + perp);
00483   covrot[d0Index()][phi0Index()] = delta*para*invdelta;
00484 // phi0
00485   covrot[phi0Index()][omegaIndex()] = rad2*para*invdelta2;
00486   covrot[phi0Index()][d0Index()] = -para*invdelta2;
00487   covrot[phi0Index()][phi0Index()] = delta*(delta + perp)*invdelta2;
00488 //
00489 //  Apply the rotation
00490   newcov = oldcov.similarity(covrot);
00491 // done
00492 }
00494 void
00495 TrkCircleTraj::invertParams(TrkParams* params, std::vector<bool>& flags) const
00496 {
00497   // Inverts parameters and returns true if the parameter inversion
00498   // requires a change in sign of elements in the covariance matrix
00500   for (unsigned iparam = 0; iparam < NCIRPAR; iparam++) {
00501     switch ( iparam ) {
00502     case d0Ind:  // changes sign
00503     case omegaInd:  // changes sign
00504       params->parameter()[iparam] *= -1.0;
00505       flags[iparam] = true;
00506       break;
00507     case phi0Ind:  // changes by pi, but covariance matrix shouldn't change
00508       params->parameter()[iparam] =
00509         BesAngle(params->parameter()[iparam] + Constants::pi);
00510       flags[iparam] = false;
00511     }
00512   }
00513 }
00514 //yzhang
00515 /*int
00516 TrkCircleTraj::nPar() const
00517 {
00518  return NCIRPAR;
00519 }*/     
00520 //zhangy
00521 void
00522 TrkCircleTraj::visitAccept(TrkVisitor* vis) const
00523 {
00524 // Visitor access--just use the TrkVisitor class member function
00525   vis->trkVisitCircleTraj(this);
00526 }
00528 double
00529 TrkCircleTraj::angle(const double& f) const
00530 {
00531   return BesAngle(phi0() + arc(f));
00532 }

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