
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "VertexFit/TrackPool.h"
00002 #include "VertexFit/WTrackParameter.h"
00003 #include "VertexFit/GammaShape.h"
00004 #include <string>
00006 TrackPool::TrackPool() {
00007     clearWTrackOrigin();
00008     clearWTrackInfit();
00009     clearWTrackList();
00010     clearGammaShape();
00011     clearGammaShapeList();
00012     clearMapkinematic();
00013     clearMappositionA();
00014     clearMappositionB();
00015     setBeamPosition(HepPoint3D(0.0,0.0,0.0));
00016     setVBeamPosition(HepSymMatrix(3,0));
00017     m_numberone = 0;
00018     m_numbertwo = 0;
00019 }
00022 void TrackPool::AddTrack(const int number, const double mass,
00023         const RecMdcTrack *trk) {
00024     HepVector helix(5,0);
00025     double error[15];
00026     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
00027         helix[i] = trk->helix(i);
00028     for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
00029         error[i] = trk->err(i);
00030     WTrackParameter wtrk(mass, helix, error);
00031     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00032     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00033     setWTrackList(number);
00034     if(number != numberWTrack()-1) {
00035         std::cout << "TrackPool: wrong track index" <<" " 
00036             <<number<<" , " <<numberWTrack()<< std::endl;
00037     }
00038     setMapkinematic(0);
00039     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00040     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00041     m_numberone = m_numberone + 4;
00042 }
00044 void TrackPool::AddTrack(const int number, const double mass,
00045         const RecEmcShower *trk) {
00046     //
00047     //parameters: phi lambda mass energy
00048     //  
00049     double ptrk = trk->energy();
00050     double e = sqrt(ptrk*ptrk + mass * mass);
00051     double the = trk->theta();
00052     double phi = trk->phi();
00053     HepLorentzVector p4(ptrk * sin(the) * cos(phi), 
00054             ptrk * sin(the) * sin(phi),
00055             ptrk * cos(the),
00056             e);
00057     double dphi = trk->dphi();
00058     double dthe = trk->dtheta();
00059     double de   = trk->dE();
00060     double x = trk->x();
00061     double y = trk->y();
00062     double z = trk->z();
00063     HepPoint3D x3 (x, y ,z);
00064     WTrackParameter wtrk(x3, p4 ,dphi ,dthe, de);
00065     HepSymMatrix Vpl = HepSymMatrix(2,0);
00066     //=== get Vclus===
00067     HepSymMatrix Vclus = HepSymMatrix (3,0);
00068     Vclus = (wtrk.Ew()).sub(5,7);
00069     double xpr = x - m_BeamPosition[0];
00070     double ypr = y - m_BeamPosition[1];
00071     double zpr = z - m_BeamPosition[2];
00072     double Rpr = sqrt(xpr*xpr + ypr*ypr);
00073     // === get jacobi ===   
00074     HepMatrix J(2,3,0);
00075     J[0][0] = -ypr/(Rpr*Rpr);
00076     J[0][1] = xpr/(Rpr*Rpr);
00077     J[1][0] = -xpr * zpr/(Rpr*Rpr*Rpr);
00078     J[1][1] = -ypr * zpr/(Rpr*Rpr*Rpr);
00079     J[1][2] = 1/Rpr;
00080     Vpl = Vclus.similarity(J) + m_VBeamPosition.similarity(J);
00081     Vpl[0][1]=0;
00082     // === get phipre, lambda===
00084     double phipre = atan(ypr/xpr);
00086     if(xpr<0){
00087         phipre = atan(ypr/xpr) + 3.1415926;
00088     }
00089     double lambdapre = zpr/Rpr;
00092     // === set p4 ===
00093     double p0x = ptrk*cos(phipre)/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00094     double p0y = ptrk*sin(phipre)/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00095     double p0z = ptrk*lambdapre/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00096     double p0e = e;
00099     double p0ver = sqrt(p0x*p0x + p0y*p0y);
00102     HepMatrix B(4,3,0);
00103     B[0][0] = -p0y;
00104     B[0][1] = -p0z * p0x * p0ver/(p0e * p0e);
00105     B[0][2] = p0x/p0e;
00106     B[1][0] = p0x;
00107     B[1][1] = -p0z * p0y * p0ver/(p0e * p0e);
00108     B[1][2] = p0y/p0e;
00109     B[2][1] = p0ver * p0ver * p0ver/(p0e * p0e);
00110     B[2][2] = p0z/p0e;
00111     B[3][2] = 1;
00113     HepSymMatrix Vple(3,0);
00114     Vple[0][0] = Vpl[0][0];
00115     Vple[1][1] = Vpl[1][1];
00116     Vple[2][2] = de * de;
00118     HepSymMatrix Vpxyze(4,0);
00119     Vpxyze = Vple.similarity(B);
00121     wtrk.setW(0,p0x);
00122     wtrk.setW(1,p0y);
00123     wtrk.setW(2,p0z);
00124     wtrk.setW(3,p0e);
00126     wtrk.setEw(Vpxyze);
00128     HepSymMatrix Vplme(4,0);
00129     Vplme[0][0] = Vpl[0][0];
00130     Vplme[1][1] = Vpl[1][1];
00131     Vplme[3][3] = de * de;
00132     wtrk.setVplm(Vplme); 
00134     HepVector plmp(4 , 0);
00135     plmp[0] = phipre;
00136     plmp[1] = lambdapre;
00137     plmp[2] = mass;
00138     plmp[3] = e;
00139     wtrk.setPlmp(plmp);
00142     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00143     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00144     setWTrackList(number);
00145     if(number != numberWTrack()-1) {
00146         std::cout << "TrackPool: wrong track index" <<" " 
00147             <<number<<" , " <<numberWTrack()<< std::endl;
00148     }
00149     GammaShape gtrk(p4,dphi,dthe,de);
00150     setGammaShape(gtrk);
00151     setGammaShapeList(number);
00152     setMapkinematic(1);
00153     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00154     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00155     m_numberone = m_numberone + 4;
00156 }
00159 void TrackPool::AddMissTrack(const int number, const double mass,
00160         const RecEmcShower *trk) {
00161     //
00162     //parameters: phi lambda mass ptrk
00163     //
00164     double ptrk = trk->energy();
00165     double e = sqrt(ptrk*ptrk + mass * mass);
00166     double the = trk->theta();
00167     double phi = trk->phi();
00168     HepLorentzVector p4( e* sin(the) * cos(phi), 
00169             e * sin(the) * sin(phi),
00170             e * cos(the),
00171             e);
00172     double dphi = trk->dphi();
00173     double dthe = trk->dtheta();
00174     double de   = 1E+6;
00175     double x = trk->x();
00176     double y = trk->y();
00177     double z = trk->z();
00179     HepPoint3D x3 (x, y ,z);
00180     WTrackParameter wtrk(x3, p4 ,dphi ,dthe, de);
00181     HepSymMatrix Vpe = HepSymMatrix(2,0);
00182     //=== get Vclus===
00183     HepSymMatrix Vclus = HepSymMatrix (3,0);
00184     Vclus = (wtrk.Ew()).sub(5,7);
00185     double xpr = x - m_BeamPosition[0];
00186     double ypr = y - m_BeamPosition[1];
00187     double zpr = z - m_BeamPosition[2];
00188     double Rpr = sqrt(xpr*xpr + ypr*ypr);
00189     // === get jacobi ===   
00190     HepMatrix J(2,3,0);
00191     J[0][0] = -ypr/(Rpr*Rpr);
00192     J[0][1] = xpr/(Rpr*Rpr);
00193     J[1][0] = -xpr * zpr/(Rpr*Rpr*Rpr);
00194     J[1][1] = -ypr * zpr/(Rpr*Rpr*Rpr);
00195     J[1][2] = 1/Rpr;
00196     Vpe = Vclus.similarity(J) + m_VBeamPosition.similarity(J);
00197     Vpe[0][1]=0;
00199     double phipre = atan(ypr/xpr);
00201     if(xpr<0){
00202         phipre = atan(ypr/xpr) + 3.1415926;
00203     } 
00204     double lambdapre = zpr/Rpr;  
00207     HepVector plmp(4 , 0);
00208     plmp[0] = phipre;
00209     plmp[1] = lambdapre;
00210     plmp[2] = mass;
00211     plmp[3] = ptrk;
00212     wtrk.setPlmp(plmp);
00214     HepSymMatrix Vplm(3,0);
00215     Vplm[0][0] = Vpe[0][0];
00216     Vplm[1][1] = Vpe[1][1];
00217     wtrk.setVplm(Vplm);
00221     // === set p4 ===
00222     double p0x = ptrk*cos(phipre)/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00223     double p0y = ptrk*sin(phipre)/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);  
00224     double p0z = ptrk*lambdapre/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00225     double p0e = e;
00227     wtrk.setW(0,p0x);
00228     wtrk.setW(1,p0y);
00229     wtrk.setW(2,p0z);
00230     wtrk.setW(3,p0e);
00232     wtrk.setType(1);
00233     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00234     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00235     setWTrackList(number);
00236     GammaShape gtrk(p4,dphi,dthe,de);
00237     setGammaShape(gtrk);
00238     setGammaShapeList(number);
00239     setMapkinematic(5);
00240     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00241     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00243     m_numberone = m_numberone + 3;
00244     m_numbertwo = m_numbertwo + 1;
00245 }
00250 void TrackPool::AddMissTrack(const int number, const RecEmcShower *trk) {
00251     //
00252     //parameters: phi lambda mass E
00253     //
00255     double mass = 0;
00256     double ptrk = trk->energy();
00257     double e = sqrt(ptrk*ptrk + mass * mass);
00258     double the = trk->theta();
00259     double phi = trk->phi();
00260     HepLorentzVector p4( e* sin(the) * cos(phi),
00261             e * sin(the) * sin(phi),
00262             e * cos(the),
00263             e);
00264     double dphi = trk->dphi();
00265     double dthe = trk->dtheta();
00266     double de   = 1E+6;
00267     double x = trk->x();
00268     double y = trk->y();
00269     double z = trk->z();
00271     HepPoint3D x3 (x, y ,z);
00272     WTrackParameter wtrk(x3, p4 ,dphi ,dthe, de);
00273     HepSymMatrix Vpe = HepSymMatrix(2,0);
00274     //=== get Vclus===
00275     HepSymMatrix Vclus = HepSymMatrix (3,0);
00276     Vclus = (wtrk.Ew()).sub(5,7);
00277     double xpr = x - m_BeamPosition[0];
00278     double ypr = y - m_BeamPosition[1];
00279     double zpr = z - m_BeamPosition[2];
00280     double Rpr = sqrt(xpr*xpr + ypr*ypr);
00281     // === get jacobi ===   
00282     HepMatrix J(2,3,0);
00283     J[0][0] = -ypr/(Rpr*Rpr);
00284     J[0][1] = xpr/(Rpr*Rpr);
00285     J[1][0] = -xpr * zpr/(Rpr*Rpr*Rpr);
00286     J[1][1] = -ypr * zpr/(Rpr*Rpr*Rpr);
00287     J[1][2] = 1/Rpr;
00288     Vpe = Vclus.similarity(J) + m_VBeamPosition.similarity(J);
00289     Vpe[0][1]=0;
00290     double phipre = atan(ypr/xpr);
00292     if(xpr<0){
00293         phipre = atan(ypr/xpr) + 3.1415926;
00294     }
00295     double lambdapre = zpr/Rpr;
00298     HepVector plmp(4 , 0);
00299     plmp[0] = phipre;
00300     plmp[1] = lambdapre;
00301     plmp[2] = mass;
00302     plmp[3] = e;
00303     wtrk.setPlmp(plmp);
00305     HepSymMatrix Vplm(2,0);
00306     Vplm[0][0] = Vpe[0][0];
00307     Vplm[1][1] = Vpe[1][1];
00308     wtrk.setVplm(Vplm);
00312     // === set p4 ===
00313     double p0x = ptrk*cos(phipre)/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00314     double p0y = ptrk*sin(phipre)/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00315     double p0z = ptrk*lambdapre/sqrt(1 + lambdapre*lambdapre);
00316     double p0e = e;
00318     wtrk.setW(0,p0x);
00319     wtrk.setW(1,p0y);
00320     wtrk.setW(2,p0z);
00321     wtrk.setW(3,p0e);
00323     wtrk.setType(1);
00324     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00325     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00326     setWTrackList(number);
00327     GammaShape gtrk(p4,dphi,dthe,de);
00328     setGammaShape(gtrk);
00329     setGammaShapeList(number);
00330     setMapkinematic(4);
00331     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00332     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00334     m_numberone = m_numberone + 2;
00335     m_numbertwo = m_numbertwo + 2;
00336 }
00341 void TrackPool::AddMissTrack(const int number, const double mass, const HepLorentzVector p4) {
00342     //
00343     //parameters: mass px py pz
00344     //  
00346     double dphi = 1E+6;
00347     double dthe = 1E+6;
00348     double dE = 1E+6;
00349     WTrackParameter wtrk(p4, dphi, dthe, dE);
00350     HepVector plmp(4, 0);
00351     double phipre = atan(p4[1]/p4[0]);
00353     if(p4[0]<0){
00354         phipre = atan(p4[1]/p4[0]) + 3.1415926;
00355     }
00356     plmp[0] = phipre;
00357     plmp[1] = wtrk.Lambda();
00358     plmp[2] = mass;
00359     plmp[3] = p4[3];
00360     HepSymMatrix Vplm(3, 0);
00361     wtrk.setPlmp(plmp);
00362     wtrk.setVplm(Vplm);
00363     wtrk.setType(1);
00364     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00365     setWTrackInfit(wtrk); 
00366     setWTrackList(number);
00367     setMapkinematic(3);
00368     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00369     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00370     m_numberone = m_numberone + 1;
00371     m_numbertwo = m_numbertwo + 3;
00372 }
00375 void TrackPool::AddMissTrack(const int number, const double mass) {
00376     //
00377     //parameters: mass px py pz, but px,py,pz 's error matrix is set as 10e^6
00378     //
00379     WTrackParameter wtrk;
00380     wtrk.setMass(mass);
00381     HepVector w(7,0);
00382     HepSymMatrix Ew(7,0);
00383     w[0] = 0.2;
00384     w[1] = 0.2;
00385     w[2] = 0.2;
00386     w[3] = sqrt(0.2*0.2*3 + mass*mass);
00387     Ew[0][0] = 1E+6;
00388     Ew[1][1] = 1E+6;
00389     Ew[2][2] = 1E+6;
00390     wtrk.setW(w);
00391     wtrk.setEw(Ew);
00392     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00393     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00394     setWTrackList(number);
00395     setMapkinematic(7);
00396     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00397     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00398     m_numberone = m_numberone + 4;
00400 }
00403 void TrackPool::AddMissTrack(const int number, HepLorentzVector p4) {
00404     double dphi = 1E+3;
00405     double dthe = 1E+3;
00406     double dE = 1E+3;
00407     WTrackParameter wtrk(p4, dphi, dthe, dE);
00408     HepSymMatrix Ew = HepSymMatrix(7,0);
00409     for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
00410         for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
00411             if(i==j)    Ew[i][j] = 1E+6;
00412         }
00413     }
00414     wtrk.setType(1);
00415     wtrk.setEw(Ew);
00416     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00417     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00418     setWTrackList(number);
00419     setMapkinematic(2);
00420     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00421     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00422     m_numbertwo = m_numbertwo + 4;     
00423 }
00429 void TrackPool::AddTrack(const int number, WTrackParameter wtrk) {
00430     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00431     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00432     setWTrackList(number);
00433     if(number != numberWTrack()-1) {
00434         std::cout << "TrackPool: wrong track index" <<" " 
00435             <<number<<" , " <<numberWTrack()<< std::endl;
00436     }
00437     setMapkinematic(0);
00438     setMappositionA(m_numberone); 
00439     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00440     m_numberone = m_numberone + 4;
00441 }
00444 void TrackPool::AddTrackVertex(const int number, const double mass, const RecEmcShower *trk) {
00445     double ptrk = trk->energy();
00446     double e = sqrt(ptrk*ptrk + mass * mass);
00447     double the = trk->theta();
00448     double phi = trk->phi();
00449     HepLorentzVector p4(ptrk * sin(the) * cos(phi), 
00450             ptrk * sin(the) * sin(phi),
00451             ptrk * cos(the),
00452             e);
00453     double dphi = trk->dphi();
00454     double dthe = trk->dtheta();
00455     double de   = trk->dE();
00456     double x = trk->x();
00457     double y = trk->y();
00458     double z = trk->z();
00459     HepPoint3D x3 (x, y ,z);
00460     WTrackParameter wtrk(x3, p4 ,dphi ,dthe, de);
00461     setWTrackOrigin(wtrk);
00462     setWTrackInfit(wtrk);
00463     setWTrackList(number);
00464     if(number != numberWTrack()-1) {
00465         std::cout << "TrackPool: wrong track index" <<" " 
00466             <<number<<" , " <<numberWTrack()<< std::endl;
00467     }
00468     GammaShape gtrk(p4,dphi,dthe,de);
00469     setGammaShape(gtrk);
00470     setGammaShapeList(number);
00471     setMapkinematic(6);
00472     m_numbertwo = 0;
00473     setMappositionA(m_numberone);
00474     setMappositionB(m_numbertwo);
00476     m_numberone = m_numberone + 4;
00477     m_numbertwo = m_numbertwo + 3;
00478 }
00483 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1) {
00484     std::vector<int> lis;
00485     lis.clear();
00486     lis.push_back(n1);
00487     return lis;
00488 }
00490 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2) {
00491     std::vector<int> lis;
00492     lis.clear();
00493     lis.push_back(n1);
00494     lis.push_back(n2);
00495     return lis;
00496 }
00498 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3) {
00499     std::vector<int> lis;
00500     lis.clear();
00501     lis.push_back(n1);
00502     lis.push_back(n2);
00503     lis.push_back(n3);
00504     return lis;
00505 }
00507 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4) {
00508     std::vector<int> lis;
00509     lis.clear();
00510     lis.push_back(n1);
00511     lis.push_back(n2);
00512     lis.push_back(n3);
00513     lis.push_back(n4);
00514     return lis;
00515 }
00517 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5) {
00518     std::vector<int> lis;
00519     lis.clear();
00520     lis.push_back(n1);
00521     lis.push_back(n2);
00522     lis.push_back(n3);
00523     lis.push_back(n4);
00524     lis.push_back(n5);
00525     return lis;
00526 }
00528 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6) {
00529     std::vector<int> lis;
00530     lis.clear();
00531     lis.push_back(n1);
00532     lis.push_back(n2);
00533     lis.push_back(n3);
00534     lis.push_back(n4);
00535     lis.push_back(n5);
00536     lis.push_back(n6);
00537     return lis;
00538 }
00540 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7) {
00541     std::vector<int> lis;
00542     lis.clear();
00543     lis.push_back(n1);
00544     lis.push_back(n2);
00545     lis.push_back(n3);
00546     lis.push_back(n4);
00547     lis.push_back(n5);
00548     lis.push_back(n6);
00549     lis.push_back(n7);
00550     return lis;
00551 }
00553 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int n8) {
00554     std::vector<int> lis;
00555     lis.clear();
00556     lis.push_back(n1);
00557     lis.push_back(n2);
00558     lis.push_back(n3);
00559     lis.push_back(n4);
00560     lis.push_back(n5);
00561     lis.push_back(n6);
00562     lis.push_back(n7);
00563     lis.push_back(n8);
00564     return lis;
00565 }
00567 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int n8,
00568         int n9) {
00569     std::vector<int> lis;
00570     lis.clear();
00571     lis.push_back(n1);
00572     lis.push_back(n2);
00573     lis.push_back(n3);
00574     lis.push_back(n4);
00575     lis.push_back(n5);
00576     lis.push_back(n6);
00577     lis.push_back(n7);
00578     lis.push_back(n8);
00579     lis.push_back(n9);
00580     return lis;
00581 }
00583 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int n8,
00584         int n9, int n10) {
00585     std::vector<int> lis;
00586     lis.clear();
00587     lis.push_back(n1);
00588     lis.push_back(n2);
00589     lis.push_back(n3);
00590     lis.push_back(n4);
00591     lis.push_back(n5);
00592     lis.push_back(n6);
00593     lis.push_back(n7);
00594     lis.push_back(n8);
00595     lis.push_back(n9);
00596     lis.push_back(n10);
00597     return lis;
00598 }
00600 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int n8,
00601         int n9, int n10, int n11) {
00602     std::vector<int> lis;
00603     lis.clear();
00604     lis.push_back(n1);
00605     lis.push_back(n2);
00606     lis.push_back(n3);
00607     lis.push_back(n4);
00608     lis.push_back(n5);
00609     lis.push_back(n6);
00610     lis.push_back(n7);
00611     lis.push_back(n8);
00612     lis.push_back(n9);
00613     lis.push_back(n10);
00614     lis.push_back(n11);
00615     return lis;
00616 }
00618 std::vector<int> TrackPool::AddList(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int n8,
00619         int n9, int n10, int n11, int n12) {
00620     std::vector<int> lis;
00621     lis.clear();
00622     lis.push_back(n1);
00623     lis.push_back(n2);
00624     lis.push_back(n3);
00625     lis.push_back(n4);
00626     lis.push_back(n5);
00627     lis.push_back(n6);
00628     lis.push_back(n7);
00629     lis.push_back(n8);
00630     lis.push_back(n9);
00631     lis.push_back(n10);
00632     lis.push_back(n11);
00633     lis.push_back(n12);
00634     return lis;
00635 }

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