
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <cmath>
00002 #include "TMath.h"
00004 #include "ParticleID/Tof1PID.h"
00006 #ifndef BEAN
00007 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcTrack.h"
00008 #include "TofRecEvent/RecTofTrack.h"
00009 #include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecTrack.h"
00010 #include "DstEvent/TofHitStatus.h"
00011 #else
00012 #include "TofHitStatus.h"
00013 #endif
00015 Tof1PID * Tof1PID::m_pointer = 0;
00016 Tof1PID * Tof1PID::instance() {
00017    if(!m_pointer) m_pointer = new Tof1PID();
00018    return m_pointer;
00019 }
00021 Tof1PID::Tof1PID():ParticleIDBase() {
00022    m_pars[0]= -0.208289;
00023    m_pars[1]=  1.63092;
00024    m_pars[2]= -0.0733139;
00025    m_pars[3]= 1.02385;
00026    m_pars[4]= 0.00145052;
00027    m_pars[5]= -1.72471e-06;
00028    m_pars[6]= 5.92726e-10;
00029    m_pars[7]= -0.0645428;
00030    m_pars[8]= -0.00143637;
00031    m_pars[9]= -0.133817;
00032    m_pars[10]= 0.0101188;
00033    m_pars[11]= -5.07622;
00034    m_pars[12]= 5.31472;
00035    m_pars[13]= -0.443142;
00036    m_pars[14]= -12.1083;
00038 }
00040 void Tof1PID::init() {
00041    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00042       m_chi[i] = 99.0;
00043       m_prob[i] = -1.0;
00044       m_sigma[i] = 1;
00045       m_offset[i] = 99.0;
00046    }
00047    m_chimin = 99.;
00048    m_pdfmin = 99.;
00049    m_ndof = 0;
00050    m_mass2 = -999;
00051    m_ph1 = -99;
00052    m_zhit1 = -99;
00053 }
00055 void Tof1PID::calculate() {
00056    if(particleIDCalculation() == 0) m_ndof=1;
00057 }
00059 int Tof1PID::particleIDCalculation() {
00060    int irc = -1;
00062    EvtRecTrack* recTrk = PidTrk();
00063    if(!(recTrk->isMdcTrackValid())) return irc;
00064    RecMdcTrack* mdcTrk = recTrk->mdcTrack();
00065    double ptrk = mdcTrk->p();
00066    double charge = mdcTrk->charge();
00067    //   double cost = cos(mdcTrk->theta());
00068    if(!(recTrk->isTofTrackValid())) return irc;
00070 #ifndef BEAN
00071    SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack> tofTrk = recTrk->tofTrack();
00072    SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack>::iterator it;//=tofTrk.begin();
00073 #else
00074    const std::vector<TTofTrack* >& tofTrk = recTrk->tofTrack();
00075    std::vector<TTofTrack* >::const_iterator it;//=tofTrk.begin();
00076 #endif
00078    TofHitStatus *hitst = new TofHitStatus;
00079    std::vector<int> tof1count;
00080    int goodtof1trk=0;
00081    for(it = tofTrk.begin(); it!=tofTrk.end(); it++,goodtof1trk++) {
00082       unsigned int st = (*it)->status();
00083       hitst->setStatus(st);
00084       if( !(hitst->is_barrel()) ) continue;
00085       if( !(hitst->is_counter()) ) continue;
00086       if( hitst->layer()==1 )  tof1count.push_back(goodtof1trk);
00087    }
00088    delete hitst;
00089    if(tof1count.size()!=1) return irc;//not tof2 track or more than 1 tracks
00090    it = tofTrk.begin()+tof1count[0];
00091    double tof  = (*it)->tof();
00092    m_tof1 = tof;
00093    //   int qual = (*it)->quality();
00094    // if(qual != 1) return irc;
00095    int cntr = (*it)->tofID();
00096    double path  = ((*it)->path())*10.0;//the unit from mm to cm
00097    m_path1 = path;
00098    m_ph1  = (*it)->ph(); //no change
00099    m_zhit1 = ((*it)->zrhit())*10;//the unit from mm to cm
00100    double beta2 = path*path/velc()/velc()/tof/tof;
00101    m_mass2 = ptrk * ptrk * (1/beta2 -1);
00102    if ((m_mass2>20)||(m_mass2<-1)) return irc;
00103    if(tof <=0 ) return irc;
00104    double chitemp = 99.;
00105    double pdftemp = 0;
00106    double sigma_tmp= (*it)->sigma(0);
00107    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00109       m_offset[i] = tof - (*it)->texp(i)-(*it)->toffset(i);//- offsetTof1(i, cntr, ptrk, m_zhit1, m_ph1,charge);
00110       if(sigma_tmp!=0) {
00111          m_sigma[i] = 1.2*sigma_tmp;
00112          if(i<2) m_sigma[i]=sigma_tmp;
00113       }
00114       else m_sigma[i]=sigmaTof1(i, cntr,ptrk,m_zhit1, m_ph1,charge);
00115       m_chi[i] = m_offset[i]/m_sigma[i];
00117       if(fabs(m_chi[i]) < chitemp) chitemp = fabs(m_chi[i]);
00118       double ppp = pdfCalculate(m_chi[i],1);
00119       if(fabs(ppp) > pdftemp) pdftemp = fabs(ppp);
00120    }
00121    m_chimin = chitemp;
00122    m_pdfmin = pdftemp;
00123    if(pdftemp < pdfCalculate(pdfMinSigmaCut(),1)) return irc;
00124    if(fabs(m_chimin) > chiMinCut()) return irc;
00125    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
00126       m_prob[i] = probCalculate(m_chi[i]*m_chi[i], 1);
00127    }
00128    irc = 0;
00129    return irc;
00130 }
00133 //
00134 //  TOF endcap: Correction routines
00135 //
00137 double Tof1PID::offsetTof1(int n, int cntr, double ptrk, double z, double ph1,double charge) {
00138    double offset;
00139    //   double gb = ptrk/xmass(n);
00140    double betagamma;
00141    switch(n) {
00143    case 0: {  // Electron
00144       offset = 0.0;
00145       return offset;
00146    }
00148    case 1: { // Muon
00149       offset = 0.0;
00150       return offset;
00151    }
00153    case 2: { // Pion
00154       betagamma=ptrk/139.57;
00155       break;
00156    }
00157    case 3: { // Kaon
00158       betagamma=ptrk/493.68;
00159       break;
00160    }
00162    case 4: { // Proton
00163       betagamma=ptrk/938.27;
00164       break;
00165    }
00167    default: {
00168       offset = 0.0;
00169       return offset;
00170    }
00171    break;
00172    }
00173    double Q = ph1;
00174    z=z/1000.0;
00175    double beta = betagamma / TMath::Sqrt(1 + betagamma*betagamma);
00176    double Q0 = sampleQ0(betagamma,beta);
00177    double func[15]= {0.};
00178    func[0]=1.;
00179    func[1]=1./sqrt(Q);
00180    func[2]=z/sqrt(Q);
00181    func[3]=z*z/sqrt(Q);
00182    func[4]=Q;
00183    func[5]=Q*Q;
00184    func[6]=Q*Q*Q;
00185    func[7]=1./(0.84*0.84+z*z);
00186    func[8]=z;
00187    func[9]=z*z;
00188    func[10]=z*z*z;
00189    func[11]=1./sqrt(Q0);
00190    func[12]=z/sqrt(Q0);
00191    func[13]=z*z/sqrt(Q0);
00192    func[14]=z*z*z/sqrt(Q0);
00193    offset=0.;
00194    for(int i=0; i<15; i++) {
00195       offset+= m_pars[i]*func[i];
00196    }
00198    return offset;
00199 }
00201 double Tof1PID::sigmaTof1(int n,  int cntr, double ptrk, double ztof, double ph,double charge) {
00202    double sigma;
00203    //   double gb = ptrk/xmass(n);
00204    double cosz = cos(ztof/1000.0);
00206    switch(n) {
00208    case 0: { // Electron
00209       sigma = 0.132405-0.135638*cosz+0.105528*cosz*cosz;
00210       break;
00211    }
00213    case 1: { // Muon
00214       sigma = 0.164057 -0.199648*cosz+ 0.139481*cosz*cosz;
00215       break;
00216    }
00218    case 2: { // Pion
00219       sigma = 0.132943-0.0996678*cosz+0.0785578*cosz*cosz;
00220       break;
00221    }
00222    case 3: { // Kaon
00223       sigma = 0.146572 -0.124672*cosz+0.0920656*cosz*cosz;
00224       break;
00225    }
00227    case 4: { // Proton
00228       sigma = 0.1513 -0.0806081*cosz+0.0607409*cosz*cosz;
00229       break;
00230    }
00232    default:
00233       sigma = 0.100;
00234       break;
00235    }
00236    sigma = 0.110;
00237    //sigma = 1.0;
00238    return sigma;
00239 }
00242 double Tof1PID::sampleQ0(double betagamma,double beta) {
00243    double val = 0.261/ TMath::Power(beta, 1.96) *( 5.43- TMath::Power(beta, 1.96) -TMath::Log(1.12 + TMath::Power(1/betagamma, 0.386)));
00244    return val*100.;
00245 }

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