
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // $Id: TPerfectFinder.cxx,v 1.9 2010/03/31 09:58:59 liucy Exp $
00003 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00004 // Filename : TPerfectFinder.cc
00005 // Section  : Tracking
00006 // Owner    : Yoshi Iwasaki
00007 // Email    : yoshihito.iwasaki@kek.jp
00008 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 // Description : A class to find tracks using MC info.
00010 //               See http://bsunsrv1.kek.jp/~yiwasaki/tracking/
00011 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 #include "TrkReco/TPerfectFinder.h"
00014 #include "TrkReco/TMDCWireHitMC.h"
00015 #include "TrkReco/TTrackHEP.h"
00016 #include "TrkReco/TTrack.h"
00017 //#include "helix/Helix.h"
00018 //#include "TrkReco/Helix.h"
00019 #include "TrackUtil/Helix.h"
00021 TPerfectFinder::TPerfectFinder(int perfectFitting,
00022                                float maxSigma,
00023                                float maxSigmaStereo,
00024                                unsigned fittingFlag) 
00025 : _perfectFitting(perfectFitting),
00026   _builder("conformal builder",
00027            maxSigma,
00028            maxSigmaStereo,
00029            0,
00030            0,
00031            0,
00032            fittingFlag),
00033   _fitter("helix fitter") {
00034 }
00036 TPerfectFinder::~TPerfectFinder() {
00037 }
00039 std::string
00040 TPerfectFinder::version(void) const {
00041     return "2.04";
00042 }
00044 void
00045 TPerfectFinder::dump(const std::string & msg, const std::string & pre) const {
00046     std::cout << pre;
00047     TFinderBase::dump(msg);
00048 }
00050 int
00051 TPerfectFinder::doit(const AList<TMDCWireHit> & axialHits,
00052                      const AList<TMDCWireHit> & stereoHits,
00053                      AList<TTrack> & tracks,
00054                      AList<TTrack> & tracks2D) {
00056     //...Preparations...
00057     static const HepPoint3D dummy(0, 0, 0);
00058     CAList<TMDCWireHit> hits;
00059     hits.append(axialHits);
00060     hits.append(stereoHits);
00062     //...Make a list of HEP track...
00063     CAList<TTrackHEP> heps;
00064     const unsigned nHits = hits.length();
00065     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nHits; i++) {
00066         const TMDCWireHitMC * const mc = hits[i]->mc();
00067         if (! mc) continue;
00068         const TTrackHEP * const hep = mc->hep();
00070         if (! hep) continue;
00071         heps.append(hep);
00072     }
00073     heps.purge();
00075     //...Create tracks...
00076     const AList<TMDCWireHitMC> & mcHits = TMDC::getTMDC()->hitsMC();
00077     const unsigned nHitsMC = mcHits.length();
00078     const unsigned nHeps = heps.length();
00079     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nHeps; i++) {
00080         const TTrackHEP & hep = * heps[i];
00081         const float chg = charge(hep.pType());
00082         AList<TMLink> hepLinks;
00083         HepPoint3D posIn, posOut;
00084         HepVector3D momIn, momOut;
00085         float rMin = 99999;
00086         float rMax = 0.;
00087         TMLink * linkIn;
00088         unsigned lastLayer = 0;
00089         for (unsigned j = 0; j < mcHits.length(); j++) {
00090             const TMDCWireHitMC * const mc = mcHits[j];
00091             if (! mc) continue;
00092             if (! mc->hit()) continue;
00093             if (& hep != mc->hep()) continue;
00094             if (! hits.hasMember(mc->hit())) continue;
00096             //...Remove hits by curl back...(assuming order of mc hits)
00097             if (mc->wire()->layerId() < lastLayer) break;
00098             lastLayer = mc->wire()->layerId();
00099             HepPoint3D ent = mc->entrance();
00100             HepVector3D dir = mc->direction();
00101             ent.setZ(0.);
00102             dir.setZ(0.);
00103             if ((ent.unit()).dot(dir.unit()) < 0.5) continue;
00105             //...Hit...
00106             TMLink * l = new TMLink(0, mc->hit(), dummy);
00107             l->leftRight(mc->leftRight());
00108             hepLinks.append(l);
00109             _links.append(l);
00111             //...Check r to get MC mom...
00112             const float r = ent.mag();
00113             if (r < rMin) {
00114                 posIn = mc->entrance();
00115                 momIn = mc->momentum();
00116                 rMin = r;
00117                 linkIn = l;
00118             }
00119             if (r > rMax) {
00120                 posOut = mc->entrance();
00121                 momOut = mc->momentum();
00122                 rMax = r;
00123             }
00124         }
00125         if (_links.length() == 0) continue;
00127         //...Do perfect fitting...
00128         TTrack * t = 0;
00129 //          Helix h(posIn, momIn, chg);
00130         Helix h(posOut, momOut, chg);
00131 //          h.pivot(posIn);
00132         h.pivot(linkIn->wire()->xyPosition());
00133         t = new TTrack(h);
00134         t->append(hepLinks);
00135         t->assign(0);
00137 //          Helix hX(posOut, momOut, chg);
00139 //          std::cout << "    gen@cdc i = " << h.a() << std::endl;
00140 //          std::cout << "       pivot  = " << h.pivot() << std::endl;
00141 //          std::cout << "       mom    = " << h.momentum() << std::endl;
00142 //          std::cout << "    gen@cdc o = " << hX.a() << std::endl;
00143 //          std::cout << "       pivot  = " << hX.pivot() << std::endl;
00144 //          std::cout << "       mom    = " << hX.momentum() << std::endl;
00145 //          std::cout << "    momOut    = " << momOut << std::endl;
00146 //          std::cout << "    posOut    = " << posOut << std::endl;
00147 //          std::cout << "    ptOut     = " << momOut.perp() << std::endl;
00148 //          std::cout << "    costhOut  = " << momOut.z() / momOut.mag();
00149 //          std::cout << std::endl;
00151         if (_perfectFitting == 0) {
00152             std::cout << "special test in perfect finder" << std::endl;
00153             AList<TMLink> tmp;
00154             for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->nLinks(); i++) {
00155                 bool rem = false;
00156                 if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "0-56")
00157                     rem = true;
00158                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "2-56")
00159                     rem = true;
00160                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "5-57")
00161                     rem = true;
00162                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "6=68")
00163                     rem = true;
00164                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "7=69")
00165                     rem = true;
00166                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "8=68")
00167                     rem = true;
00168                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "10-85")
00169                     rem = true;
00170                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "20-126")
00171                     rem = true;
00172                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "39-210")
00173                     rem = true;
00174                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "41=221")
00175                     rem = true;
00176                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "43=221")
00177                     rem = true;
00178                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "46-251")
00179                     rem = true;
00180                 else if (t->links()[i]->wire()->name() == "48-251")
00181                     rem = true;
00182                 if (rem) {
00183                     std::cout << t->links()[i]->wire()->name() << " removed" << std::endl;
00184                     tmp.append(* t->links()[i]);
00185                 }
00186             }
00187             t->remove(tmp);
00188             t->dump("detail","@lastHit");
00189             Helix & h = (Helix &) t->helix();
00190             h.pivot(HepVector3D(0., 0., 0.));
00191             t->dump("detail","@origin ");
00192             _fitter.fit(* t);
00193             t->dump("detail","fitted  ");
00194             static const HepVector3D p0(1.226, -1.025, 0.120);
00195             std::cout << "Pdif mag=" << (t->p() - p0).mag() << std::endl;
00196         }
00198         tracks.append(t);
00199     }
00200     return 0;
00201 }
00203 void
00204 TPerfectFinder::clear(void) {
00205     HepAListDeleteAll(_links);
00206 }
00208 float
00209 TPerfectFinder::charge(int pType) const {
00210     float chg;
00212     if (pType == 11) chg = -1;
00213     else if (pType == -11) chg = 1;
00214     else if (pType == 13) chg = -1;
00215     else if (pType == -13) chg = 1;
00216     else if (pType == 211) chg = 1;
00217     else if (pType == -211) chg = -1;
00218     else if (pType == 321) chg = 1;
00219     else if (pType == -321) chg = -1;
00220     else if (pType == 2212) chg = 1;
00221     else if (pType == -2212) chg = -1;
00222     else {
00223         std::cout << "TPerfectFinder !!! charge of particle type=";
00224         std::cout << pType << " is unknown" << std::endl;
00225     }
00227     return chg;
00228 }

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