
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "TMuKFun.h"
00002 #include "TLi2.h"
00003 #include "TRadGlobal.h"
00004 //#include <iostream>
00005 #include <fstream>
00006 #include <string>
00007 #include <sstream>
00008 #include <cstdlib>
00010 double TMuKFun::Eval_even(const double &s, const double &c){
00011   double r      = gGlobal->Get_MF2()*0.25*gGlobal->Get_s()/s;
00012   double rho    =-log(r);
00013   double beta   = sqrt(1-4*r);
00014   double beta1p = 1+beta;
00015   double beta1m = 1-beta;
00016   double rbeta  = beta1m/beta1p;
00017   double ibeta  = 1/beta;
00018   double beta2  = beta*beta;
00019   double lbeta  = -log(rbeta);
00020   double k_even = -1 + rho*(1.5 + beta2 - beta)*0.5*ibeta +
00021     log(0.5*beta1p)*(1.5+beta2)*ibeta - 0.5*ibeta*(1-beta2)*lbeta/(2-beta2*(1-c*c))+
00022     0.5*ibeta*(1+beta2)*(gConst->Pi2()/6 + 2*TLi2::Eval(rbeta) + lbeta*log(0.5*ibeta*ibeta*beta1p));
00024   // relative velocity between final particles (inversed)
00025   double iv = 0.5*ibeta*(1+beta2);
00027   return k_even - 0.5*gConst->Pi2()*iv;
00028 }
00030 double TMuKFun::Eval_Coloumb_Factor(const double &s){
00031   // Coloumb final state interaction, the first term of
00032   // expansion of Sakharov-Sommerfeld factor is taken into
00033   // account in formulae above, so it should be subtracted from K_Even
00035   double beta  = sqrt(1 - gGlobal->Get_MF2()*gGlobal->Get_s()/s);
00036   // relative velocity between final particles (inversed)
00037   double iv = (1+beta*beta)/(2*beta);
00038   double z = 2*gConst->Pi()*gConst->Alpha()*iv;
00039   // Sakharov-Sommerfeld factor
00040   return z/(1. - exp(-z));
00041 }
00043 double TMuKFun::Eval_even_ultra(const double &s){
00044   return 3./4.*log(s/(gGlobal->Get_MF2()*0.25*gGlobal->Get_s())) + gConst->Pi2()/6. - 1.;
00045 }
00047 double TMuKFun::Eval_odd(const double &s, const double& c){
00048   double r      = gGlobal->Get_MF2()*0.25*gGlobal->Get_s()/s;
00049   double rho    =-log(r);
00050   double beta2  = 1 - 4*r;
00051   double beta   = sqrt(beta2);
00052   double ibeta  = 1/beta;
00053   double ibeta2 = 0.5*ibeta*ibeta;
00055   double d      = -rho*ibeta2 + (gConst->Pi2()/12 + 0.25*rho*rho)*
00056     (1 - ibeta - 0.5*beta + ibeta2*ibeta) + ibeta*(-1 - 0.5*beta2 + ibeta2)*
00057     (rho*log(0.5*(1 + beta)) - 2*TLi2::Eval(0.5*(1-beta)) - TLi2::Eval(-(1-beta)/(1+beta)));
00059   double betac  = beta*c;
00060   double betas2 = beta2*(1-c*c);
00061   double i2mbetas2 = 1/(2-betas2);
00062   double tY     = 1 - beta2 - betas2;
00064   double l_m    = log(0.5*(1-betac));
00065   double b      = rho + l_m;
00066   double t1     = (1-beta2)/(2*(1-betac));
00067   double a      = 0.5*l_m*l_m - log(1 - t1)*b + TLi2::Eval(t1);
00068   double inv1   = 1/(1 + beta2 - 2*betac);
00069   double li2t2  = TLi2::Eval(betas2*inv1);
00071   double res_plus = a + li2t2 + i2mbetas2*(-tY*b*inv1 - 2*r*a + betac*(d - a));
00073   //changing sign of theta cosine
00074   betac = -betac;
00075   l_m    = log(0.5*(1-betac));
00076   b      = rho + l_m;
00077   t1     = (1-beta2)/(2*(1-betac));
00078   a      = 0.5*l_m*l_m - log(1 - t1)*b + TLi2::Eval(t1);
00079   inv1   = 1/(1 + beta2 - 2*betac);
00080   li2t2  = TLi2::Eval(betas2*inv1);
00082   double res_minus= a + li2t2 + i2mbetas2*(-tY*b*inv1 - 2*r*a + betac*(d - a));
00084   return res_plus - res_minus + Eval_int_odd(beta,c);
00085 }
00087 double TMuKFun::Eval_odd_ultra(const double& c){
00088   // Ultra-relativistic limit of odd part of K-function 
00089   double st_h2 = 0.5*(1-c);
00090   double st_h  = sqrt(st_h2);
00091   double ct_h2 = 0.5*(1+c);
00092   double ct_h  = sqrt(ct_h2);
00093   double lst_h = log(st_h);
00094   double lct_h = log(ct_h);
00095   /*
00096   std::cout<<c<<" "
00097            <<st_h2<<" "
00098            <<ct_h2<<" "
00099            <<st_h<<" "
00100            <<ct_h<<" "
00101            <<lst_h<<" "
00102            <<lct_h<<" "
00103            <<std::endl;
00104   */
00105   return 2*lst_h*lst_h - 2*lct_h*lct_h - TLi2::Eval(st_h2) + TLi2::Eval(ct_h2)
00106     + 2/(1+c*c)*(ct_h2*lst_h - st_h2*lct_h - c*(lst_h*lst_h +lct_h*lct_h ));
00107 }
00109 double TMuKFun::Eval_even_odd(const double &s, const double &c){
00110   //  std::cout<<0.25*gGlobal->Get_MF2()*gGlobal->Get_s()<<" "<<gConst->Mmu2()<<std::endl;
00111   // even part of K-function
00112   double r      = gGlobal->Get_MF2()*0.25*gGlobal->Get_s()/s;
00113   double rho    =-log(r);
00114   double beta2  = 1 - 4*r;
00115   double beta   = sqrt(beta2);
00116   double beta1p = 1+beta;
00117   double beta1m = 1-beta;
00118   double rbeta  = beta1m/beta1p;
00119   double ibeta  = 1/beta;
00120   double lbeta  = -log(rbeta);
00121   double betas2 = beta2*(1-c*c);
00122   double i2mbetas2 = 1/(2-betas2);
00123   double k_even = -1 + rho*(1.5 + beta2 - beta)*0.5*ibeta +
00124     log(0.5*beta1p)*(1.5+beta2)*ibeta - 0.5*ibeta*(1-beta2)*lbeta*i2mbetas2+
00125     0.5*ibeta*(1+beta2)*(gConst->Pi2()/6 + 2*TLi2::Eval(rbeta) + lbeta*log(0.5*ibeta*ibeta*beta1p));
00126   // relative velocity between final particles (inversed). Coloumb
00127   // final state interaction is taken into account in another place
00128   double iv = 0.5*ibeta*(1+beta2);
00129   k_even -= 0.5*gConst->Pi2()*iv;
00131   double ibeta2 = 0.5*ibeta*ibeta;
00132   double d      = -rho*ibeta2 + (gConst->Pi2()/12 + 0.25*rho*rho)*
00133     (1 - ibeta - 0.5*beta + ibeta2*ibeta) + ibeta*(-1 - 0.5*beta2 + ibeta2)*
00134     (rho*log(0.5*beta1p) - 2*TLi2::Eval(0.5*beta1m) - TLi2::Eval(-rbeta));
00136   double betac  = beta*c;
00137   double tY     = 1 - beta2 - betas2;
00139   double l_m    = log(0.5*(1-betac));
00140   double b      = rho + l_m;
00141   double t1     = (1-beta2)/(2*(1-betac));
00142   double a      = 0.5*l_m*l_m - log(1 - t1)*b + TLi2::Eval(t1);
00143   double inv1   = 1/(1 + beta2 - 2*betac);
00144   double li2t2  = TLi2::Eval(betas2*inv1);
00146   double res_plus = a + li2t2 + i2mbetas2*(-tY*b*inv1 - 2*r*a + betac*(d - a));
00148   //changing sign of theta cosine
00149   betac = -betac;
00150   l_m    = log(0.5*(1-betac));
00151   b      = rho + l_m;
00152   t1     = (1-beta2)/(2*(1-betac));
00153   a      = 0.5*l_m*l_m - log(1 - t1)*b + TLi2::Eval(t1);
00154   inv1   = 1/(1 + beta2 - 2*betac);
00155   li2t2  = TLi2::Eval(betas2*inv1);
00157   double res_minus= a + li2t2 + i2mbetas2*(-tY*b*inv1 - 2*r*a + betac*(d - a));
00159   return k_even + res_plus - res_minus + Eval_int_odd(beta,c);
00160 }
00162 #define NX 50
00163 #define NY 101
00164 #define T(i,j) fm[NY*(i)+j]
00166 void TMuKFun::Init(std::string intd, std::string intf){
00167   if(!fm){
00168     fm = new float[NX*NY];
00169 /*
00170     char *intd = getenv("INTEG_DIR");
00171     char *intf = getenv("INTEG_FNAME");
00172     std::string fname;
00173     if(intf == NULL){
00174       if(intd == NULL){
00175         fname = "integ.dat";
00176       }else{
00177         std::ostringstream temp;
00178         temp<<intd<<"/"<<"integ.dat";
00179         fname = temp.str();
00180       }
00181     } else {
00182       fname = intf;
00183     }
00184 */
00185     std::string fname;
00186     if(! intf.empty()) fname = intf;
00187     else fname = "integ.dat";
00189     if(! intd.empty()) fname = intd + "/" + fname;
00191     std::ifstream IN(fname.c_str());
00192     if(IN.is_open() == false ){
00193       std::cout<<"Can't read \""<<fname<<"\". "
00194                <<"Angular distribution will be partially incorrect!"
00195                <<std::endl;
00196       std::cout<<"Probably you should tune INTEG_DIR or INTEG_FNAME variables."<<std::endl;
00197       for(int i=0;i<NX;i++){
00198         for(int j=0;j<NY;j++)
00199           T(i,j) = 0;
00200       }
00201       return;
00202     }
00203     float t1,t2;
00204     for(int i=0;i<NX;i++){
00205       for(int j=0;j<NY-1;j++)
00206         IN>>t1>>t2>>T(i,j);
00207       T(i,0) = 0;
00208       T(i,NY-1) = 0;
00209     }
00210     IN.close();
00211   }
00212 }
00214 double TMuKFun::Eval_int_odd(const double &beta, const double &c){
00215   int i = int(floor((beta - 0.01)*50));
00216   int j = int(floor((c + 1)*50));
00217   double wy = 50*c - (j - 50);
00218   double res = 0;
00219   if(i >= 0 && i < NX-1){
00220     double wx = 50*beta - i - 0.5;
00221     res = 
00222       (T(i,j  )*(1-wx) + T(i+1,j  )*wx)*(1-wy) + 
00223       (T(i,j+1)*(1-wx) + T(i+1,j+1)*wx)*wy;
00224   } else if (i == -1){
00225     double wx = 100*beta;
00226      res = 
00227       (T(0,j  )*(1-wy) + T(0,  j+1)*wy)*wx;
00228   } else if (i == NX - 1){
00229     double wx = 1 - 100*(beta-0.99);
00230     res = 
00231       (T(NX-1,j)*(1-wy)+ T(NX-1,j+1)*wy)*wx;
00232   }
00233   return -res;
00234 }
00236 TMuKFun::TMuKFun(){
00237   fm = NULL;
00238 //  Init();
00239 }
00241 TMuKFun::~TMuKFun(){
00242   delete fm;
00243 }

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