
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // $Id: TMLink.cxx,v 1.15 2011/10/08 01:56:15 maoh Exp $
00003 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00004 // Filename : TMLink.cc
00005 // Section  : Tracking
00006 // Owner    : Yoshi Iwasaki
00007 // Email    : yoshihito.iwasaki@kek.jp
00008 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 // Description : A class to relate TMDCWireHit and TTrack objects.
00010 //               See http://bsunsrv1.kek.jp/~yiwasaki/tracking/
00011 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 #include "TrkReco/TMLink.h"
00014 #include "TrkReco/TMDCWireHit.h"
00015 #include "TrkReco/TMDCWireHitMC.h"
00016 #include "TrkReco/TMDCUtil.h"
00017 #include "TrkReco/TTrackHEP.h"
00018 #include "CLHEP/Alist/ConstAList.h"
00020 //zangsl 040518 : move inlined function here
00021 const TMDCWire * const
00022 TMLink::wire(void) const {
00023     if (_hit) return _hit->wire();
00024     return NULL;
00025 }
00027 const HepPoint3D &
00028 TMLink::xyPosition(void) const {
00029     return _hit->wire()->xyPosition();
00030 }
00031 //zangsl 040518 end
00033 /*TMLink::TMLink(TTrack * t, const TMDCWireHit * h, const HepPoint3D & p)
00034 : _track(t),
00035   _hit(h),
00036   _dPhi(0),
00037   _leftRight(0),
00038   _pull(0),
00039   _position(p),
00040   _link(0),
00041   _fit2D(0) {
00042 //  _usecathode(0) {
00043     if (h) {
00044         _drift[0] = h->drift(0);
00045         _drift[1] = h->drift(1);
00046         _dDrift[0] = h->dDrift(0);
00047         _dDrift[1] = h->dDrift(1);
00048     }
00049     else {
00050         _drift[0] = 0.;
00051         _drift[1] = 0.;
00052         _dDrift[0] = 0.;
00053         _dDrift[1] = 0.;
00054     }
00056     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
00057         _neighbor[i] = NULL;
00058     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
00059       _arcZ[i];
00061     if (h) {
00062         _onTrack = _onWire = h->xyPosition();
00063     }
00064 }
00065 */
00066 //for Tsf
00067 TMLink::TMLink(TTrack * t, const TMDCWireHit * h, const HepPoint3D & p, const HepPoint3D & d, double dr)
00068 : _track(t),
00069   _hit(h),
00070   _dPhi(0),
00071   _leftRight(0),
00072   _pull(0),
00073   _position(p),
00074   _positionD(d),
00075   _link(0),
00076   _fit2D(0),
00077   _tsfTag(0) {
00078     if (h) {
00079         _cDrift[0] = dr;   //after conformal transformation.
00080         _cDrift[1] = dr;
00081         _drift[0] = h->drift(0);
00082         _drift[1] = h->drift(1);
00083         _dDrift[0] = h->dDrift(0);
00084         _dDrift[1] = h->dDrift(1);
00085     }
00086     else {
00087         _cDrift[0] = 0.;
00088         _cDrift[1] = 0.;
00089         _drift[0] = 0.;
00090         _drift[1] = 0.;
00091         _dDrift[0] = 0.;
00092         _dDrift[1] = 0.;
00093     }
00095     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
00096         _neighbor[i] = NULL;
00097     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
00098       _arcZ[i];
00101     if (h) {
00102         _onTrack = _onWire = h->xyPosition();
00103     }
00104 }
00106 TMLink::TMLink(const TMLink & l)
00107 : _track(l._track),
00108   _hit(l._hit),
00109   _onTrack(l._onTrack),
00110   _onWire(l._onWire),
00111   _position(l._position),
00112   _positionD(l._positionD),
00113   _dPhi(l._dPhi),
00114   _leftRight(l._leftRight),
00115   _pull(l._pull),
00116   _link(l._link),
00117   _distance(l._distance),   
00118   // addition by matsu ( 1999/07/05 )
00119 //  _mclust(l._mclust ),
00120 //  _usecathode(l._usecathode ),
00121   // end of addition
00122   _fit2D(l._fit2D),
00123   _tsfTag(l._tsfTag) {
00124     _drift[0] = l._drift[0];
00125     _drift[1] = l._drift[1];
00126     _dDrift[0] = l._dDrift[0];
00127     _dDrift[1] = l._dDrift[1];
00128     _cDrift[0] = l._cDrift[0];
00129     _cDrift[1] = l._cDrift[1];
00130     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
00131         _neighbor[i] = l._neighbor[i];
00132     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
00133       _arcZ[i] = l._arcZ[i];
00135 }
00137 TMLink::~TMLink() {
00138 }
00140 void
00141 TMLink::dump(const std::string & msg, const std::string & pre) const {
00142     std::cout << pre;
00143     if (_track) std::cout << "track#=,";
00144     if (_hit) {
00145         _hit->dump(msg);
00146     }
00147 }
00149 unsigned
00150 NLayers(const AList<TMLink> & list) {
00151     unsigned l0 = 0;
00152     unsigned l1 = 0;
00153     unsigned n = list.length();
00154     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00155         unsigned id = list[i]->wire()->layerId();
00156         if (id < 32) l0 |= (1 << id);
00157         else         l1 |= (1 << (id - 32));
00158     }
00160     unsigned l = 0;
00161     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
00162         if (l0 & (1 << i)) ++l;
00163         if (l1 & (1 << i)) ++l;
00164     }
00165     return l;
00166 }
00168 void
00169 NHits(const AList<TMLink> & links, unsigned nHits[43]) {
00170     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 43; i++) nHits[i] = 0;
00171     unsigned nLinks = links.length();
00172     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLinks; i++)
00173         ++nHits[links[i]->wire()->layerId()];
00174 }
00176 void
00177 NHitsSuperLayer(const AList<TMLink> & links, unsigned nHits[11]) {
00178     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 11; i++) nHits[i] = 0;
00179     unsigned nLinks = links.length();
00180     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLinks; i++)
00181         ++nHits[links[i]->wire()->superLayerId()];
00182 }
00184 void
00185 Dump(const CAList<TMLink> & links, const std::string & msg, const std::string & pre) {
00186     bool mc = (msg.find("mc") != std::string::npos);
00187     bool pull = (msg.find("pull") != std::string::npos);
00188     bool flag = (msg.find("flag") != std::string::npos);
00189     bool sort = (msg.find("sort") != std::string::npos);
00190     bool stereo = (msg.find("stereo") != std::string::npos);
00191     bool detail = (msg.find("detail") != std::string::npos);
00192     bool pos = (msg.find("position") != std::string::npos);
00193     if (detail)
00194         mc = pull = flag = sort = true;
00196     CAList<TMLink> tmp = links;
00197     if (sort)
00198         tmp.sort(SortByWireId);
00199     unsigned n = tmp.length();
00200     unsigned nForFit = 0;
00201 #define MCC_MAX 1000
00202     unsigned MCC0[MCC_MAX];
00203     unsigned MCC1[MCC_MAX];
00204     for (unsigned i = 0; i < MCC_MAX; i++) {
00205         MCC0[i] = 0;
00206         MCC1[i] = 0;
00207     }
00208     bool MCCOverFlow = false;
00210     std::cout << pre;
00211     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00212         const TMLink & l = * tmp[i];
00213         std::cout << l.wire()->name();
00215         double a = l.pull();
00216         unsigned mcId = 0;
00217         if (mc)
00218             if (l.hit()->mc())
00219                 if (l.hit()->mc()->hep())
00220                     mcId = l.hit()->mc()->hep()->id();
00221         if (pull) {
00222             std::cout << "[" << a << "]";
00223         }
00224         if (mc) {
00225             std::cout << "(" << mcId << ")";
00226             if (mcId < MCC_MAX) {
00227                 ++MCC0[mcId];
00228                 if (l.hit()->state() & WireHitFittingValid) {
00229                     if (! (l.hit()->state() & WireHitInvalidForFit))
00230                         ++MCC1[mcId];
00231                 }
00232             }
00233             else {
00234                 MCCOverFlow = true;
00235             }
00236         }
00237         if (flag) {
00238             if (l.hit()->state() & WireHitFindingValid)
00239                 std::cout << "o";
00240             if (l.hit()->state() & WireHitFittingValid) {
00241                 std::cout << "+";
00242                 if (! (l.hit()->state() & WireHitInvalidForFit))
00243                     ++nForFit;
00244             }
00245             if (l.hit()->state() & WireHitInvalidForFit)
00246                 std::cout << "x";
00247         }
00248         if (stereo) {
00249             std::cout << "{" << l.leftRight() << "," << l.zStatus() << "}";
00250         }
00251         if (pos) {
00252             std::cout << ",pos=" << l.position();
00253         }
00254         std::cout << ",";
00255     }
00256     std::cout << " " << n << " l(s)";
00257     if (flag) std::cout << ", fv " << nForFit << " l(s)";
00258     if (mc) {
00259         unsigned nMC = 0;
00260         std::cout << ", mc";
00261         for (unsigned i = 0; i < MCC_MAX; i++) {
00262             if (MCC0[i] > 0) {
00263                 ++nMC;
00264                 std::cout << i << ":" << MCC0[i] << ",";
00265             }
00266         }
00267         std::cout << " total " << nMC << " contributions";
00268         if (flag) {
00269             nMC = 0;
00270             std::cout << ", fv mc";
00271             for (unsigned i = 0; i < MCC_MAX; i++) {
00272                 if (MCC1[i] > 0) {
00273                     ++nMC;
00274                     std::cout << i << ":" << MCC1[i] << ",";
00275                 }
00276             }
00277             std::cout << " total " << nMC << " contributions";
00278         }
00280         if (MCCOverFlow)
00281             std::cout << "(counter overflow)";
00282     }
00283     std::cout << std::endl;
00284 }
00286 void
00287 Dump(const TMLink & link, const std::string & msg, const std::string & pre) {
00288     CAList<TMLink> tmp;
00289     tmp.append(link);
00290     Dump(tmp, msg, pre);
00291 }
00293 unsigned
00294 NStereoHits(const AList<TMLink> & links) {
00295     unsigned nLinks = links.length();
00296     unsigned n = 0;
00297     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLinks; i++)
00298         if (links[i]->wire()->stereo())
00299             ++n;
00300     return n;
00301 }
00303 unsigned
00304 NAxialHits(const AList<TMLink> & links) {
00305     unsigned nLinks = links.length();
00306     unsigned n = 0;
00307     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nLinks; i++)
00308         if (links[i]->wire()->axial())
00309             ++n;
00310     return n;
00311 }
00313 AList<TMLink>
00314 AxialHits(const AList<TMLink> & links) {
00315     AList<TMLink> a;
00316     unsigned n = links.length();
00317     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00318         if (links[i]->wire()->axial())
00319             a.append(links[i]);
00320     }
00321     return a;
00322 }
00324 AList<TMLink>
00325 StereoHits(const AList<TMLink> & links) {
00326     AList<TMLink> a;
00327     unsigned n = links.length();
00328     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00329         if (! links[i]->wire()->axial())
00330             a.append(links[i]);
00331     }
00332     return a;
00333 }
00335 TMLink *
00336 InnerMost(const AList<TMLink> & a) {
00337     unsigned n = a.length();
00338     unsigned minId = 9999;
00339     TMLink * t = 0;
00340     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00341         unsigned id = a[i]->wire()->id();
00342         if (id < minId) {
00343             minId = id;
00344             t = a[i];
00345         }
00346     }
00347     return t;
00348 }
00350 TMLink *
00351 OuterMost(const AList<TMLink> & a) {
00352     unsigned n = a.length();
00353     unsigned maxId = 0;
00354     TMLink * t = 0;
00355     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00356         unsigned id = a[i]->wire()->id();
00357         if (id > maxId) {
00358             maxId = id;
00359             t = a[i];
00360         }
00361     }
00362     return t;
00363 }
00365 void
00366 SeparateCores(const AList<TMLink> & input,
00367               AList<TMLink> & cores,
00368               AList<TMLink> & nonCores) {
00369     unsigned n = input.length();
00370     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00371         TMLink & t = * input[i];
00372         const TMDCWireHit & h = * t.hit();
00373         if (h.state() & WireHitFittingValid)
00374             cores.append(t);
00375         else
00376             nonCores.append(t);
00377     }
00378 }
00380 AList<TMLink>
00381 Cores(const AList<TMLink> & input) {
00382     AList<TMLink> a;
00383     unsigned n = input.length();
00384     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00385         TMLink & t = * input[i];
00386         const TMDCWireHit & h = * t.hit();
00387         if (h.state() & WireHitFittingValid)
00388             a.append(t);
00389     }
00390     return a;
00391 }
00393 #if defined(__GNUG__)
00394 int
00395 SortByWireId(const TMLink ** a, const TMLink ** b) {
00396     if ((* a)->wire()->id() > (* b)->wire()->id()) return 1;
00397     else if
00398         ((* a)->wire()->id() == (* b)->wire()->id()) return 0;
00399     else return -1;
00400 }
00402 int
00403 SortByX(const TMLink ** a, const TMLink ** b) {
00404     if ((* a)->position().x() > (* b)->position().x()) return 1;
00405     else if ((* a)->position().x() == (* b)->position().x()) return 0;
00406     else return -1;
00407 }
00409 #else
00410 extern "C" int
00411 SortByWireId(const void * av, const void * bv) {
00412   const TMLink ** a((const TMLink**)av);
00413   const TMLink ** b((const TMLink**)bv);
00414     if ((* a)->wire()->id() > (* b)->wire()->id()) return 1;
00415     else if
00416         ((* a)->wire()->id() == (* b)->wire()->id()) return 0;
00417     else return -1;
00418 }
00420 extern "C" int
00421 SortByX(const void* av, const void* bv) {
00422   const TMLink ** a((const TMLink**)av);
00423   const TMLink ** b((const TMLink**)bv);
00424     if ((* a)->position().x() > (* b)->position().x()) return 1;
00425     else if ((* a)->position().x() == (* b)->position().x()) return 0;
00426     else return -1;
00427 }
00429 #endif
00431 unsigned
00432 Width(const AList<TMLink> & list) {
00433     unsigned n = list.length();
00434     if (n < 2) return n;
00436     const TMDCWire * w = list[0]->wire();
00437     unsigned nWires = w->layer()->nWires();
00438     unsigned center = w->localId();
00441     unsigned sId = w->superLayerId();
00442 #endif
00444     unsigned left = 0;
00445     unsigned right = 0;
00446     for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; i++) {
00447         w = list[i]->wire();
00448         unsigned id = w->localId();
00450         unsigned distance0, distance1;
00451         if (id > center) {
00452             distance0 = id - center;
00453             distance1 = nWires - distance0;
00454         }
00455         else {
00456             distance1 = center - id;
00457             distance0 = nWires - distance1;
00458         }
00460         if (distance0 < distance1) {
00461             if (distance0 > right) right = distance0;
00462         }
00463         else {
00464             if (distance1 > left) left = distance1;
00465         }
00468         if (w->superLayerId() != sId)
00469             std::cout << "::width !!! super layer assumption violation" << std::endl;
00470 #endif
00471     }
00473     return right + left + 1;
00474 }
00476 AList<TMLink>
00477 Edges(const AList<TMLink> & list) {
00478     AList<TMLink> a;
00480     unsigned n = list.length();
00481     if (n < 2) return a;
00482     else if (n == 2) return list;
00484     const TMDCWire * w = list[0]->wire();
00485     unsigned nWires = w->layer()->nWires();
00486     unsigned center = w->localId();
00488     unsigned left = 0;
00489     unsigned right = 0;
00490     TMLink * leftL = list[0];
00491     TMLink * rightL = list[0];
00492     for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; i++) {
00493         w = list[i]->wire();
00494         unsigned id = w->localId();
00496         unsigned distance0, distance1;
00497         if (id > center) {
00498             distance0 = id - center;
00499             distance1 = nWires - distance0;
00500         }
00501         else {
00502             distance1 = center - id;
00503             distance0 = nWires - distance1;
00504         }
00506         if (distance0 < distance1) {
00507             if (distance0 > right) {
00508                 right = distance0;
00509                 rightL = list[i];
00510             }
00511         }
00512         else {
00513             if (distance1 > left) {
00514                 left = distance1;
00515                 leftL = list[i];
00516             }
00517         }
00518     }
00520     a.append(leftL);
00521     a.append(rightL);
00522     return a;
00523 }
00525 AList<TMLink>
00526 SameLayer(const AList<TMLink> & list, const TMLink & a) {
00527     AList<TMLink> same;
00528     unsigned id = a.wire()->layerId();
00529     unsigned n = list.length();
00530     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00531         if (list[i]->wire()->layerId() == id) same.append(list[i]);
00532     }
00533     return same;
00534 }
00536 AList<TMLink>
00537 SameSuperLayer(const AList<TMLink> & list, const TMLink & a) {
00538     AList<TMLink> same;
00539     unsigned id = a.wire()->superLayerId();
00540     unsigned n = list.length();
00541     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00542         if (list[i]->wire()->superLayerId() == id) same.append(list[i]);
00543     }
00544     return same;
00545 }
00547 AList<TMLink>
00548 SameLayer(const AList<TMLink> & list, unsigned id) {
00549     AList<TMLink> same;
00550     unsigned n = list.length();
00551     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00552         if (list[i]->wire()->layerId() == id) same.append(list[i]);
00553     }
00554     return same;
00555 }
00557 AList<TMLink>
00558 SameSuperLayer(const AList<TMLink> & list, unsigned id) {
00559     AList<TMLink> same;
00560     unsigned n = list.length();
00561     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00562         if (list[i]->wire()->superLayerId() == id) same.append(list[i]);
00563     }
00564     return same;
00565 }
00567 AList<TMLink>
00568 InOut(const AList<TMLink> & list) {
00569     AList<TMLink> inners;
00570     AList<TMLink> outers;
00571     unsigned n = list.length();
00572     unsigned innerMostLayer = 999;
00573     unsigned outerMostLayer = 0;
00574     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00575         unsigned id = list[i]->wire()->layerId();
00576         if (id < innerMostLayer) innerMostLayer = id;
00577         else if (id > outerMostLayer) outerMostLayer = id;
00578     }
00579     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00580         unsigned id = list[i]->wire()->layerId();
00581         if (id == innerMostLayer) inners.append(list[i]);
00582         else if (id == outerMostLayer) outers.append(list[i]);
00583     }
00584     inners.append(outers);
00585     return inners;
00586 }
00588 unsigned
00589 SuperLayer(const AList<TMLink> & list) {
00590     unsigned sl = 0;
00591     unsigned n = list.length();
00592     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
00593         sl |= (1 << (list[i]->wire()->superLayerId()));
00594     return sl;
00595 }
00597 unsigned
00598 SuperLayer(const AList<TMLink> & links, unsigned minN) {
00599     unsigned n = links.length();
00600     unsigned nHits[11] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
00601     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
00602         ++nHits[links[i]->wire()->superLayerId()];
00603     unsigned sl = 0;
00604     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 11; i++)
00605         if (nHits[i] >= minN)
00606             sl |= (1 << i);
00607     return sl;
00608 }
00610 unsigned
00611 NSuperLayers(const AList<TMLink> & list) {
00612     unsigned l0 = 0;
00613     unsigned n = list.length();
00614     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00615         unsigned id = list[i]->wire()->superLayerId();
00616         l0 |= (1 << id);
00617     }
00619     unsigned l = 0;
00620     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
00621         if (l0 & (1 << i)) ++l;
00622     }
00623     return l;
00624 }
00626 unsigned
00627 NSuperLayers(const AList<TMLink> & links, unsigned minN) {
00628     unsigned n = links.length();
00629     unsigned nHits[11] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
00630     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
00631         ++nHits[links[i]->wire()->superLayerId()];
00632     unsigned sl = 0;
00633     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 11; i++)
00634         if (nHits[i] >= minN)
00635             ++sl;
00636     return sl;
00637 }
00639 unsigned
00640 NMissingAxialSuperLayers(const AList<TMLink> & links) {
00641     unsigned n = links.length();
00642 //Liuqg, change the following to BES.    unsigned nHits[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
00643     unsigned nHits[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
00644     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
00645         if (links[i]->wire()->axial())
00646             ++nHits[links[i]->wire()->axialStereoLayerId() / 4];
00647     unsigned j = 0;
00648     while (nHits[j] == 0) ++j;
00649     unsigned nMissing = 0;
00650     unsigned nMax = 0;
00651     for (unsigned i = j; i < 5; i++) {
00652         if (nHits[i] == 0) ++nMissing;
00653         else {
00654             if (nMax < nMissing) nMax = nMissing;
00655             nMissing = 0;
00656         }
00657     }
00658     return nMax;
00659 }
00661 const TTrackHEP &
00662 Links2HEP(const AList<TMLink> & links) {
00663     const TTrackHEP * best = NULL;
00664     const AList<TTrackHEP> & list = TTrackHEP::list();
00665     unsigned nHep = list.length();
00667     if (! nHep) return * best;
00669     unsigned * N = (unsigned *) malloc(nHep * sizeof(unsigned));
00670     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nHep; i++) N[i] = 0;
00672     for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.length(); i++) {
00673         const TMLink & l = * links[i];
00674         const TTrackHEP & hep = * l.hit()->mc()->hep();
00675         for (unsigned j = 0; j < nHep; j++)
00676             if (list[j] == & hep)
00677                 ++N[j];
00678     }
00680     unsigned nMax = 0;
00681     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nHep; i++) {
00682         if (N[i] > nMax) {
00683             best = list[i];
00684             nMax = N[i];
00685         }
00686     }
00688     return * best;
00689 }
00692 /*
00693 double
00694 TMLink::DriftTime(double _tof,double z) const {
00695     double tprop = 0.;
00696     double _vprop = (_layer<8) ? Constants::vpropInner : Constants::vpropOuter;
00697     if (0 == _layer%2){
00698       tprop = (0.5*_zlen + z)/_vprop; //odd
00699     }else{
00700       tprop = (0.5*_zlen - z)/_vprop; //even
00701     }
00702     double driftT;
00703     driftT = fabs(_rawTime - _T0Walk -1.e9*tof - tprop);
00705     //std::cout<< "lay "<<_layer<<" cell "<<_wire<<" zhit "<<z<<" tprop "<<tprop << std::endl;
00706     return driftT;
00707 }
00708 */

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