
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // $Id: TMDCUtil.cxx,v 1.7 2010/03/31 09:58:59 liucy Exp $
00003 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00004 // Filename : TMDCUtil.cc
00005 // Section  : Tracking MDC
00006 // Owner    : Yoshi Iwasaki
00007 // Email    : yoshihito.iwasaki@kek.jp
00008 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 // Description : Utilities for MDC analyses and tracking.
00010 //               See http://bsunsrv1.kek.jp/~yiwasaki/tracking/
00011 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 /* for erfc */
00014 #if defined(__sparc)
00015 #  if defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
00016 #    include <cmath>
00017 #  else
00018 #    define __EXTENSIONS__
00019 #    include <cmath>
00020 #    undef __EXTENSIONS__
00021 #  endif
00022 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
00023 #  if defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
00024 #    include <cmath>
00025 #  else
00026 #    define _XOPEN_SOURCE
00027 #    include <cmath>
00028 #    undef _XOPEN_SOURCE
00029 #  endif
00030 #endif
00032 #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
00033 // for erfc and other functions (lgamma and cbrt
00034 #  include <math.h>
00035 #endif
00037 //#include "panther/panther.h"
00038 //#include MDC_H
00039 //#include "MdcRecGeo/MdcRecGeo.h"
00040 //#include "MdcGeomSvc/MdcGeomSvc.h"  
00041 #include "TrkReco/TMDCUtil.h"
00042 #include "TrkReco/TMDCWire.h"
00043 #include "TrkReco/TMDCWireHit.h"
00044 #include "TrkReco/TMDCWireHitMC.h"
00045 #include "TrkReco/TMLink.h"
00047 const HepPoint3D ORIGIN = HepPoint3D(0., 0., 0.);
00049 //added by matsu
00051 // CathodeSectorId
00052 //---------------------------------------
00053 // input    : wire id ( 0 - 189 )
00054 // output   : cathode sector id ( 0 - 23 )
00055 //          ( layer 0 : 0,1,...,7 )
00056 //          ( layer 1 : 8,8.5,9,...,15,15.5)
00057 //          ( layer 2 : 16,17,...,23)
00059 float
00060 CathodeSectorId(unsigned id) {
00062   unsigned layer = id/64;
00064   if ( layer == 0 ){
00065                   return int(id/8);
00066   }
00068   if( layer == 1 ){
00069     if( id >= 127 ) id -= 64;
00070     if( (id-6)%8 == 0 ) return (id-6)/8 + 0.5;
00071     else        return int((id+1)/8);
00072   }
00074   if ( layer == 2 ) {
00075     if( id <= 129 ) id += 64;
00076                    return int((id-2)/8);
00077   }
00079   return 9999;
00081 }
00082 // end
00084 void
00085 bitDisplay(unsigned val) {
00086     bitDisplay(val, 31, 0);
00087 }
00089 void
00090 bitDisplay(unsigned val, unsigned f, unsigned l) {
00091     unsigned i;
00092     for (i = 0; i < f - l; i++) {
00093         if ((i % 8) == 0) std::cout << " ";
00094         std::cout << (val >> (f - i)) % 2;
00095     }
00096 }
00098 int
00099 intersection(const HepPoint3D & c1,
00100              double r1, 
00101              const HepPoint3D & c2,
00102              double r2,
00103              double eps, 
00104              HepPoint3D & x1,
00105              HepPoint3D & x2) {
00107   double c0x = c2.x() - c1.x() ;
00108   double c0y = c2.y() - c1.y() ; 
00109   double c0  = sqrt ( c0x*c0x + c0y*c0y ) ;
00110   double rr1 = abs(r1) ;
00111   double rr2 = abs(r2) ;
00112   double Radd = rr1 + rr2 ;
00113   double Rsub = abs( rr1 - rr2 ) ;
00115   // no intersections
00117   if ( c0 > Radd + eps || c0 < 0.001 || c0 < Rsub - eps ) {
00118     //-- debug
00119     //std::cout << "Int2Cir return 0 " << std::endl;
00120     //-- debug end
00121     return 0 ;
00122   }
00124   // single intersection
00126   else {
00127     if ( c0 > Radd - eps ) {
00128       x1.setX(c1.x() + rr1*c0x/c0);
00129       x1.setY(c1.y() + rr1*c0y/c0);
00130       x2.setX(0.0);
00131       x2.setY(0.0);
00132       //--debug
00133       //std::cout << "Int2Cir return 1" << std::endl;
00134       //--debug end
00135       return 1 ;
00136     }
00137   }
00139   // two intersections
00141   double chg = abs(r1) / r1 ;
00142   double cosPsi = ( c0*c0 + rr1*rr1 - rr2*rr2 ) / (2.*c0*rr1 ) ;
00143   double sinPsi = - ( chg/abs(chg) ) * sqrt(1.0 - cosPsi*cosPsi) ;
00144   x1.setX(c1.x() + ( rr1/c0 )*( cosPsi*c0x - sinPsi*c0y ));
00145   x1.setY(c1.y() + ( rr1/c0 )*( cosPsi*c0y + sinPsi*c0x ));
00146   x2.setX(c1.x() + ( rr1/c0 )*( cosPsi*c0x + sinPsi*c0y ));
00147   x2.setY(c1.y() + ( rr1/c0 )*( cosPsi*c0y - sinPsi*c0x ));
00148   //-- debug
00149   //std::cout << "Int2Cir return 2" << std::endl;
00150   //-- debug end
00151   return 2 ;
00153 }
00155 // from by jtanaka
00156 double chisq2confLevel(int n,double chi2){
00157 #define SRTOPI 0.7978846
00158 #define UPL 340.0
00159 #define ROOT2I 0.70710678
00161   double prob = 0.0;
00162   double sum,term;
00163   int m;
00164   int i,k;
00165   double temp_i,temp_n;
00166   double srty;
00168   if((n <= 0)||(chi2 < 0.0)){
00169     return prob;
00170   }
00171   if(n > 60){
00172     temp_n = (double)n;
00173     srty = sqrt(chi2) - sqrt(temp_n-0.5);
00174     if (srty < 12.0){
00175       prob = 0.5*erfc(srty);
00176       return prob;
00177     }
00178     return prob;
00179   }
00180   if(chi2 > UPL){
00181     return prob;
00182   }
00183   sum = exp( -0.5 * chi2 );
00184   term = sum;
00185   m = (int)floor(n/2.);
00187   if( 2*m == n ){
00188     if( m == 1 ){
00189       prob = sum;
00190       return prob;
00191     }else{
00192       for(i=2;i<m+1;i++){
00193         temp_i = (double)i;
00194         term = 0.5*chi2*term/(temp_i-1.0);
00195         sum = sum + term;
00197       }
00198       prob = sum;
00199       return prob;
00200     }
00201   }else{
00202     srty = sqrt(chi2);
00203     prob = erfc(ROOT2I*srty);
00204     if(n == 1){
00205       return prob;
00206     }
00207     if(n == 3){
00208       prob = SRTOPI*srty*sum + prob;
00209       return prob;
00210     }else{
00211       k = m - 1;
00212       for(i=1;i<k+1;i++){
00213         temp_i = (double)i;
00214         term = term*chi2/(2.0*temp_i + 1.0);
00215         sum = sum + term;
00216       }
00217       prob = SRTOPI*srty*sum + prob;
00218       return prob;
00219     }
00220   }
00221 }

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